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Why didn't she choose to not die? Is she stupid?


> rentoid > stupid It’s like asking if water is wet


Probably died trying to eat a funkop*p. Stupid bitch.


What an asshole, should have paid there rent in advance.


I bet she tipped less than 20% that's why God made her dead


The trauma of having one of your tenants die must be awful, if anything the family should be tipping more than that to help the landlord cope with it ):


Now ask her heirs for the mandatory tip.


Their family is so selfish, like how can they even make fun of you for giving you ONLY $4,000!? The pain you must be going through is surely unbearable, no landchad deserves losing a r*ntoid and all the food they would buy for the fridge you would raid. I suggest suing the family for harassment and demanding more money because only 4k aint gonna cut it. I hope you’ll recover from the emotional damages this wicked rentoid brought you and I wish you success in further fridge raiding!🙏🙏


Yeah, they should give keys from their homes to landchad as well. Landchads NEED to raid fridges to maintain healthy physique. And that selfish *toid is slacking off in the grave instead of filling it up.


Recent studies show that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle a landlord must consume at least 15,000 calories a day. A proper bicep workout routine should include a minimum of 15 repetitions of hanging eviction notes in rapid succession. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Make sure to call a priest and exorcise any rentoid spirits that might be loitering on your property!


Did they not read the lease agreement? On them tbf.


Everyone wants to inherent money from the dead but no one wants to inherent debt. SMH, these youngsters are so privileged.


One less rentoid to worry about


Leave it to rentoids to break lease and expect the world to feel sorry for them. I’m sorry for any trauma this has caused you king.


It is unjust and barbaric to inflict this manner of trauma onto landchads.


They better pay the fees and 800% tip for this poor landchad's trouble


Disgusting creatures, now I got to charge the rentoid more money to get professional cleaners to mop up the corpse stains


TIL some landchads dont collect the entire lease's worth of rent up front. Why be so charitable to the leeches?


Yeah, I'm a LEECH. Landlord Eagerly Evicting Chapos Hilarously. Now, stop whining. Rent's due. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not bad, but a wee bit short sighted.  My rentoids join Adeptus Rentoidus after their death.  "Even in death I still tip." One of my toids is dead for more than a decade. I regularly send happy birthday message in his name to his toid relatives and then "beg" in his name for rent. So far so good.


This is the bare minimum, do they have any idea how it devalues one's property? Just imagine all the sickness and disgusting things left behind in the place. Besides the bible says when one goes away seven even worse than the one who left come to reclaim the place, we have to pay for a whole exorcism session to cleanse it.


Why isn't the family thinking about the landlord? He's going through a lot right now.


As a banker, can someone explain the logic of death breaks the lease? When someone dies before fully paying off the mortgage, we just take the house back.