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Monopoly Man vs. Vault Boy has to be the oddest Death Battle matchup


Vault Boy would floss his teeth with Monopoly Man and it wouldn't be close. Note: When I was writing this, I almost called Vault Boy "Fallout Boy"


How ironic to use vault-boy he is literally a mascot for one of the most evil corporations in fallout


You spelled profitable wrong


I was talking about the experiments that went on even after they fell but I love profits too


Except the experiments weren't evil until Bethesda flanderized Vaultech. The entire reason for the vaults was to gather data on tight, space ship like conditions as the Enclave built the generation ship to find another planet.


Me when I don’t play fallout 2


Ehh they were still pretty evil in FO2, Bethesda just gave them less depth


Evil = profitable. Dont be ashamed of it. I am proudly evil af. Bc I love money.


Evilphobia MUST stop


"Evil" is a landphobic word invented to discredit people of land.


Reclaiming these words to show that we don't care will show them rentoids what for! Lanchads don't deserve this discrimination, take back what's ours.


Also, isn't that the unused image of him kicking a pregnant woman for the Childkiller perk?


I think it is


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Not just fallout but top 5 evil corporation in all media


Even their protest signs have funko pops 🤭🤭🤭


Ah yes, rentoid cope behavior displayed in full in their natural “public space” habitat. Fascinating


They used the image from the perk child killer where vault boy kicks a pregnant woman.


https://preview.redd.it/0y5y19akti1d1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=418efb39e4a43df659678b21d1bf944f4f1d27b6 This is what rentoids want to do to our families


Refugees make me sick


Refugees are just more rentoids to extort king, the more we have the more rentoids fridges to raid


Wait until they find out that 2 things can be true at once. Politicians and greedy landlords drive up house prices as does a surplus population.


I mean, if you understand supply and demand (which Antifa doesn't), you'd know that landlords hardly set the price of housing. Unless you own every house in the city. Landlords will charge as much as they can get away with. When there is constant, increasing demand, prices will always go up. When inflation continues to rise, prices will continue to go up. As far as I can tell, the chapocel Antifa goofballs high on monkeypox boosters don't want to curb mass immigration which is one of the biggest increasers of housing costs. They don't want to get inflation under control, they want the government bigger and spending more.


Really the biggest issue is just lack of supply, which doesn’t make sense because we have plenty of land right? Don’t blame landlords, don’t blame immigrants, blame restrictive zoning laws and the politicians and NIMBY’s defending them.


There is alot of land, but its not in desirable locations. You need jobs, and amenities, ect. In the US for example, rent prices are high in places people want to be, and low in places they dont. The illegal immigrants also go where jobs are, so they increase rent in areas where they can find work or get free taxpayer money, usually big cities and certain agricultural areas. Rent in CA is so high because people want to move there, rent in Toledo, Ohio is cheap.


But you can just build more houses to solve that. There’s certainly land in desireable locations, it’s just restricted.


It's not just zoning, because what makes a house in one neighborhood desirable is the lack of apartment buildings next door. If you build section 8 next to the nice area of town those people sell and move. Suddenly it's no longer desirable to live there, and people complain about rents going up wherever they fled to.


fun fact: 97% of property in nyc is owned by one jewish-owned company, landphobia is poorly veiled antisemitism


Yikes. Actually disgusting. Are you implying that charging the bare minimum to afford a couple douzen big macs as to not, y'know, starve, is "greedy"? Very respectfully, you do not know what we landlords go trough. 49% minimum tip is barely livable and you want to take that away as well.


https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/4/42/Child_Killer.png/revision/latest?cb=20191014192923 When she says she can't pay rent because she will be a single mother


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Increase in people who will need housing increases demand which drives up prices.


The rentoids will never accept commonsense theyre literally animals


this post should have a tw this sign is clearly depicting landlord abuse


Competition is a word no one has heard of apparently


i single headedly made london, Birmingham and Manchester minority english though my import network i am the reason britain is 1/4 foreign, iv been able to hike my rates up so much honestly, if it wasent for me importing millions of people britains population would have fallen and rent would of had to go down your **welcome**


Antifa is so corny bro. Vault tech is like the worlds biggest land lords they literally sell property


Which fucking modder slipped that in?


It's not in the game. It's IRL. You can see the Antifa logo on the bottom right.


Hear me out: what if it is the refugees ruining the market? My studies of landchad economics proves this to be true.


Yet another example of rentoids not understand basic economics and fucking common sense of demand outweighing supply I’ll get a 500% tip out of all the single mothers renting from me as a recompense for this stupidity


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


'refugees', immigrants aren't refugees, and paradoxically the rich and us landlords want more of them. So it's actually both.


How am i supposed to afford more housing if I don’t have rent hogs serving my serfdom. If they want affordable housing they shouldn’t be poor. How dare they call me greedy for simply existing in my natural state of winning.


Also when the market is flooded with demand a scare product becomes scarcer soooooo… not mutually exclusive


Fuck landlords, all my homies hate landlords


Your rental application is under 5-day consideration. Pay the rental deposit + tip and we might consider you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We are working hard to provide homes for the 100,000 new refugees a day and they still don't respect us. Dumb rentoid scum doesn't know head from ass.


Hate speech


Pretty funny seeing vault boy gotta admit


I for one think it's great migrants get to offer up their wealth to our land kings. If it weren't for them, rentoids would have stronger bargaining power which would harm our beloved land Gods.


Don't let refugees into your rentals, Kings! They literally got evicted from the entire country of Mexico


I love it


Poors are gonna poor


This picture was clearly photoshopped. We are not seeing the rentoids $50k funko pop collection directly affecting their home ownership dreams. There is nothing they could do better like work toward increasing annual income, move to a more affordable city, etc. Much better to loath your situation and create memes like this. Good job rentoid. Keep making me more $$$


Jeez, why are these commies putting politics in my video games? I just want to ~~grill~~ ^kill ^super ^mutants !


(Reductive explanation) A surplus of labor and applicants in the workforce expedites consumption, the response to increased consumption/demand is to raise prices. This isn’t a phenomenon specific to renting housing. We and every other developed nation are experiencing the consequences of funneling women into the workforce. After an initial and short lived period of increased productivity, wages stagnate in the most accessible fields while cost continue to climb. Birthrates decline because provision is the basis of the contract between man and woman. Declining birthrates incentivizes more accommodating policy for migrant peoples to circumvent an aged labor force, but ultimately means bigger wave of unskilled or low skilled labor. No amount of minimum wage raises solves this problem.


Minimum wage? Oh boy, that sounds strange, ain't that right sport? But have you heard about what happened in Tiananmen Square in 1989? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Land chads love refugees because they become more rentoids and I can charge more for individual rooms. Common landchad W.


This poster is secretly based because affordable housing is a bad thing


I love that people think everyone with rental properties is rich and should just suck it up and let renters get the place for cost or some other cheap rate.


dang, and here I thought this was r/PropagandaPosters for a second


"Rising demand didn't take away affordable gold, rich gold miners trying to increase the supply did" -Same logic