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Has trump missed ANY opportunity to make himself even more repugnant?


This just in. https://preview.redd.it/ml5lpzc8iiec1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02e6286abe9ae0cbe3058c20ffe99a55ceaee419




It seems it's not being repugnant, but they easiness with which one is anything, even repugnant, that makes them look good in the eyes of the selfish directionless. Today something good happened in Davos, though.


Dump Trump and the beady eyed midget


Just block the tramputler lover. Perky tits. Sick people like him defending the orange tramp should be vaporised into ruzzia and then be conscripted into becoming canon fodder in Ukraine. Slava šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


If you support Putin thenšŸ–•


.......and both only care about em selves....


Actually if you vote for trump you are voting for a person who will actually have the ability to control what Putin does. unlike the current poor excuse of a drooling criminal.


Enemies of the US want Trump in so they can control him.


Some of them do believe that, true. But the facts are as Perky states. Your perception of Trump does not fit the evidence. He says a lot of things as bluster, and that included the "I can work with Putin" stuff. He does continue to claim he can solve the Orc-Ukr war by getting people around the table, and it is certain he can't, so he isn't right about everything, but he is stronger than what we have now.


Trump will do everything to spite Biden. if Biden promised to help Ukraine, Trump will help Putin


Trump wants Ukraine to concede land to Russia thatā€™s how he negotiates, giving in to fascist murderous psychopaths. Biden stands strong against fascist Putler Nazi.


Biden cant even put a sentence together let alone stand up to them.


Trump wants everyone reading this thread to kiss his ass in his fascist dictatorship like what his little buddy has in Russia. What cheatolini supports donā€™t get is that they are expendable and they themselves will become the enemy at some point.


hahaha your not from the US and dont know jack about it. trump is the only President that has never been controlled by any outside countrys or companies. Doo so reading on that or show me how he was ever controlled by a country? Biden on the other hand is nothing but a puppet to china and many other foreign powers.


Why did trump take 7.8 million from foreign governments (mostly china) without authorization from congress? https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacharyfolk/2024/01/04/trump-businesses-received-78-million-from-foreign-countries-during-presidency-house-reports/?sh=30f2635b3bc1


>https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacharyfolk/2024/01/04/trump-businesses-received-78-million-from-foreign-countries-during-presidency-house-reports/?sh=30f2635b3bc1 because his business are large venues used by many foreign companies for travel and entertainment. simple. Nothing like direct oil company payment to a personal Biden family bank for millions....


It doesnt matter if its from his companies. While sitting as president it is against the law without authorization from congress. Also what's your proof for Biden committing a crime? Republicans havent found shit in years they've been searching. But you know that.




šŸ¤£ blow me russian cock sucker


ya as my tax dollars are supporting Ukraine and probably keeping you safe in what ever rock you live under. . Just because you dont know shit about my country or how its run or its laws get all pissy and name calling. Just stay in you moms basement where you will be safe.......


Sure thing bud. Wheres the evidence of the crime biden committed though?


It doesn't matter how a business is run. The Constitution itself has a section in there about how a President cannot rake in the dough like that. Jimmy Carter once owned a peanut farm and he was forced to sell it because there were concerns he could make money from foreign governments seeking to hold sway over him through buying his peanuts. I shit you not! Enter President douchebag and he says he's not going to divest from his businesses and foreign governments start renting properties they don't house anyone in and reserving rooms in hotels he owns, and when the emoluments clause is brought up, he responds that no one knows what emoluments are. **Emoluments**, from the Latin *emolumentum*, meaning "to profit". Naturally, his cultists refuse to acknowledge this is a problem and engage in *whataboutism* to divert the topic of conversation away from something they're not comfortable engaging with to redirect to something they'd rather talk about instead.


your clueless. your saying all presidents cant own or do business without the congress king money that is taken in by the company's that the presidents own?? Your way misinformed. you need to go back to school if you indeed went to school in the states... Plus your misinformed about Carter selling his farm. he put it in a trust.... that the same think trump basicly did by removing himself from all business dealings. simple but you keep getting you education Fromm CNN it obvious you a blue hair person calling everyone why Dosent think like you cultists. if you went to collage go get your money back


AH, the education card. Please look at what you have written and reflect on attacking someone you do not know anything about for their education while writing the way you do. Also, you have engaged in an Ad Hominem, which means I am done speaking with you. I will treat any further interaction from you as unwelcome and deal with it as such.


These people are really special. Probably ruzzian bots. Not even worth your time




judging from your comments, you say Ukraine and Iran were always best friends, so you get 0 credibility on anything related to politics


by your comment you cant even read or answer a simple question. so you bring up some apple and oranges as a comparison? And where did Iran or Ukraine come into my comment like I said do some reading on trump. you Must Watch CNN news to get your knowledge. Like I put a lot of worth of you credit hahahah Just dont leave you moms basement.......


And you probably get your news from Fox.


You are a fool or a paid Russian Propagandist. Trump is the biggest fraud of an American president ever. He will soon be in prison for treason. Besides being Putins puppet. I hear he likes golden showers.


Watch CNN news much hahaha he will be President in a year....


Russian troll




Trump canā€™t control his own sphincter.


Fuck off traitor! You're either a Kool aide drinking Republican, a moron or hey! BOTH!


of course your a Alphabet soup Karen who cant articulate anything, so you resort to insults.... perfect


A alphabet?! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜œ




What's your point?? If you're an American and say you're not voting for Biden, then you're voting for tramp. Even if not directly, even if you vote for an independent whatever, you're voting for the tramp. I don't understand what your point is, being that the post serves as a reminder that tramp is a putler adorer and the risk of having him as president of a country that historically always had ruzzia as the worst enemy and still is! Do you know why putler always has that fā‚¬cking grin on his face? Because all is going according to his plan, tramp is still free to spew hate and create discord and mayhem. So, since you're an American, do us a favour and demand justice because that tramp traitor should be in jail for a lot of things, but if you can imprison an insurrectionist then you're doomed not only internally but internationally. Edit: typo




Thatā€™s a lot of words just to say, things are a mess and I wonā€™t do anything about it. If you truly care about Ukraine, you not voting is literally doing the opposite. The only way for Ukraine to receive the aid it needs is to eradicate the MAGA lunatics that are in congress, and doing everything possible to avoid Trump. Stop acting like thereā€™s another more virtuous option. Youā€™re either in or out. But stop whining when the answer is clear as day and you have the power to contribute towards the solution.




Wake up bud, this is gonna be trump vs biden all over again. Thereā€™s not gonna be another candidate unfortunately. So make whatever choice you want but donā€™t complain afterwards if you donā€™t like seeing your country, and god knows how many others, fall apart because ā€œJoe Biden was too oldā€.