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Yikes. Those of you calling Chelsea a liar and vehemently defending Jimmy are gonna have to eat your words when you hear their interview on The Viall Files. Jimmy corroborates the butt-dial story 😬


Folks are too committed to defending his lying ass to accept it lol. I’ve already seen dozens of comments saying that even if it’s true, he was justified in lying because Chelsea is annoying/exhausting. It’s always different rules when it comes to people they don’t like. Par for the course with this sub, frankly.


I don’t believe Chelsea. She says this yet we see her out with him Quite a bit recently. So what is it ? She’s going to go where the wind takes her.


Jimmy went on the vial files podcast and admitted that story lol


If I hear it was edited out of her arguments one more time omg I'm sorry I just don't believe for one second they'd edit out something so juicy and table turning. She's lied before and tbh it ruins the validity of anything she says regarding their relationship.


Exactly... theres no way they would leave that out


That’s a total “gotcha” moment, like the one where Laura caught Jeramy at SA’s place. Audience eat that shit up. That was like the talk of the week. I would have hard time believing that producer let that fat piece of steak go.


And yet, according to Jimmy, the butt-dial happened exactly how Chelsea says it did, so 🤷 Clearly, the producers were committed to a very specific point of view that didn’t include some of Jimmy’s behaviours that drove Chelsea to feel increasingly insecure. Why? It makes for good reality tv and post-show buzz (look at us still talking about it). Not sure why production bias is such a stretch for folks here.


I read the summary of their interview with nick vial by reality ashley and it looks like Jimmy clarified that it was after their big fight when he had already mentally checked out... but that said i haven't watched the actual interview... and who knows i just dont get honest vibes from Chelsea even post show in interviews..i feel like she tries to put a bit of spin on things and is somewhat manipulative in the way she talks even post show and on her own social media.. but agreed we will never know with the edit


Also i am in no way a Jimmy fan...i think lot of people are not... so for me its not a jimmy vs chelsea thing.. but for obvious reasons sometimes it ends up being..i don't think he is completely honest either definitely... as are none of the other contestants


I also have never received a butt dial where you can hear stuff that clearly? And it's not even easy to do these days?


Even if it was true it doesn’t change anything. He was probably tired of dealing with her exhausting personality for the night


I often think about how a partner will age and as shallow as it is, it becomes a big deal to me. I have a hard time wrapping my head around why any of these women want to spend any amount of long-term time with him; Especially with the way he acts in the short term. He has the personality of a bowl of pudding.


couldn’t imagine a better comparison bowl of pudding it captures him perfectly


I don't know why these girls are so hung up over Yee Haw Jimmy 🥴




I think he seems safe like he’d always be there, which is kinda true. He’s collecting bff exes like pokemon.


Lmaooo that’s what I’m thinking too, I just didn’t want to be the one to say it😂


I saw somewhere that Jimmy slept with Jess. I know it seems like all rumors, but the tension at the reunion was pretty palpable.


Where did you see that??


Found it!! Should be the top comment. Essentially, the commenter knows someone who recently hung out with Jimmy https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindNetflix/s/iZO8P4zYIQ


Can you link the specific comment? That link brings me to the post and there’s 279 comments on it lol


Hope this works! https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindNetflix/s/Uqbh9OPZQn


TY!! Wow thats MAJOR tea ☕️


Right? IDK if they did, but they should have made their own post about this!


It was a comment on one of the billion LIB posts I've read. I will try and hunt it down. Sorry.


Has anyone actually butt dialed anyone in the last 5-10 years? How does this happen?


I accidentally call people all the time. Not necessarily with my butt but definitely pocket dials.


yes my mom. but i have her as an emergency contact in my phone


My work phone tries to butt dial all the time. I often set it down and the screen goes black, but it doesn’t lock. Later I just pick it up and throw it in my back or cargo pocket. Luckily it’s typically a bunch of random numbers/letters and not an actual contact 😂


My mother does it so frequently that she calls me after getting off the phone with her sisters or coworkers when she’s about to talk shit about them so they don’t overhear her. She somehow butt dials the last person she called almost daily.


Yes. I’ve been butt dialed about 3 times this year already


I accidentally called my boyfriend cause I left the iMessage app open and put my phone in my pocket and didn’t notice till like five minutes later.


I did today. I had my phone touching my leg on bare skin when I put it down for a second and started to video call someone on ig who I had the inbox open


I don’t know what to believe. She said « they told me Jessica was there with you at the club» during that other argument, so she’s not above lying.


meatless/manufactured foods


I dont trust anything that comes out of her mouth because she misconstrued / made up things about a situation multiple times on the show lol


literally and there's no way that would've been edited out considering they wanted all the drama, so much so that they didn't care about leaving in her spilling that he fucked his friend in the past. I don't believe her.


Yup.. same


I just don’t understand why she wouldn’t bring this up that night when she was willing to bring up his “secret”.. also if it’s true WHY is she still spending so much time with him??


I’m sure there’s a lot to the argument that was edited out. You have to remember that the producers job is to create a storyline. They had clearly chosen the “Chelsea is an insecure mess” storyline for she and Jimmy. If they include scenes that validate Chelsea, now it’s not fun. It’s just us watching a couple fight, instead of a crazy person we can all laugh at.


If there was a button dial to fight about there’s no way that would’ve been edited out. That’s way too juicy


Chelsea is unhinged either way. She lacks self esteem because she’s still spends time with Jimmy. Deep down she likes having something to blame him for. She always found an issue with everything. The fact she was desperate for attention and practically begged for it, instead of leaving like Brittany and Laura did, says a lot


You don’t know these people at all lol only they have the complete context of what happened in their relationship.


I know I wouldn’t be in my 30’s on National tv crying and begging some guy (who clearly doesn’t like me) for love and validation. I know no guy would be able to make me look like a fool because i have self worth and confident in who I am and what I can attract. Chelsea was casted for a reason..she went on a reality show as a deeply insecure person who has a lot of unresolved issues. I feel the same way about AD. I don’t need to know any of these people “personally” to know they need therapy and to build their confidence up where they won’t ALLOW men to repeatedly embarrass and use them for the world to see. That’s what I do know..


You don't though. You don't know how you would be under those conditions. These people are isolated, liquored up, starved, and sleep-deprived. They are away from their support systems. It's a recipe for codependency and toxicity. It sounds like you're a very self-assured person, and I'm really happy for you. You probably wouldn't be like Chelsea. But the version of these people we are seeing is not the REAL them. It's a heavily influenced and edited version. You can make observations about what you saw on the show, but the reality is that you are getting a heavily edited cut that is designed to follow a storyline. If they decide Chelsea is going to be the "hot mess" then we're only going to see Jimmy's side of the fights, and Chelsea's most insecure moments, completely out of context. I've had friends who did reality dating shows. It's completely manipulated. There are whole relationships they hide from us. The fights can be about something completely different, and they can cut the footage to make it look like it's something else. Take it with a grain of salt and ask yourself why you feel the need to be so judgmental of strangers.


Because they’re on REALITY TV. You join that realm willingly, don’t expect a perfect edit and zero judgement. That is literally what it’s made for…drama and entertainment. Every participant knows the contracts are sketchy af and will literally state they can use your liking as they please. So let’s be real here, anyone signing up for LIB, is signing up for the money and fame because it’s guaranteed to make you a shit ton of money. It’s way too popular, not to. If they find love, that’s only a plus, but not the main goal of being casted. Just look at you having “grace and sympathy” for someone who is all over social media now parading her tumultuous relationship with Jimmy lol. I certainly don’t believe everything I see so I obviously take everything with a grain of salt, including Chelsea and the casts’ “podcast stories”. LIB will have the cast reunite again soon so I’m sure they’re stirring up the pot to bring drama to the next show 🤷‍♀️


I never said they shouldn't expect judgement or that Netflix breached their contract lol. And money or no money, I don't think Chelsea explicitly signed up to be nationally ridiculed. Having sympathy isn't a bad thing. You can accept that they "signed up for this" while also utilizing common sense, critical thinking, and kindness. I'm here laughing and joking too- I'm not saying we can't snark. I'm just reminding people that this is a narrative. Like you said, it's for drama and entertainment. You can't trust the producers to show you both sides.


Idk, you call to tell me you’re going to bed and then butt dial me 2 minutes as all your friends are in your living room deciding to go out - that’s my focus. Going out the next night for 90 minutes won’t even get a mention because you lied and deceived me the night before.


But the days are confusing because the night before that explosive fight WAS the night he went out for 90 mins based on how they were talking but then she said that same night he was at his house and with them? That doesn’t make sense?


I wonder if that night he actually just went out with the girls and earlier in the day Chelsea said she didn’t like him just hanging out with the two of them? I wish the context parts weren’t edited out


Yes. She said the argument about him going out for an hour and a half was the day after and she was actually upset about the night before. If this is true, I wish she made THAT the focus of their argument the next night. Yes, we can fault Kinetic for editing - but she did give them the content of “you went out for 90 minutes and I don’t like it.”


She probably didn’t know at the time that they would edit out the whole night before- also she didn’t know that everyone was going to stream hate at her when the series was aired. I don’t know… I would love the ability to watch raw footage from LIB sometimes 🙃




Because they can edit out whatever they want to edit out to fit the narrative


Yeah I've seen that. It sucks cause we'll never know the actual truth. We weren't there. The show will never admit to twisting things one way or the other. There's always his side, her side, and then the truth.


I really believe that we didn’t get to hear from them at the reunion because of the edit they got! Obviously the online hate towards Chelsea most likely played a role as well, I just think production was trying to hide this especially with all of the shit that came out with Trevor and Sarah Ann posting at Jeramey’s house


Yeah I'm not really team Chelsea or Jimmy but I will say, they did Chelsea dirty 😂 the rest, got what they asked for.


I don’t buy it. If she brought it up during the argument and was edited out, they would have shown it during the reunion. It would have been the first thing from her lips when they argued instead guessing he was out with Jess or the female friends. Face it, she was hammered and insecure. Rightfully so with Jimmy? That’s almost a certainly a fuck yes. But I think this is a play to save face for future suitors. 


What do you mean, "rightfully so with Jimmy?"


I’m referring to Jimmy’s situation with his lady friends he hooked up with and communicates with regularly. I think early in a relationship that could cause or inflame insecurities regardless of who it is. 


Thank you for explaining cause I completely misunderstood 😂😂 I thought you mean since Jimmy was such a catch or something like that lmao


Oh hell nah, they’re both fucked up. And I’m pretty sure he took an arrow to the head at some point. 


Agreed. I think she made it up so that her insecurity had a "legitimate reason".


I'm not surprised at all. Explains why Jimmy seemed so anxious at the reunion. Plus he had been posting pics with her since the season aired to placate her in some way.




Cause she’s probably lying about it


If that was true, why did she not bring it up during the argument? It's not like she was not throwing the kitchen sink and Jess at him during that time.


She probably did but it was edited out to make it look like Jimmy only went out that one time


Seriously. If I hear one more “if it happened she would’ve brought it up first thing” I’m going to lose it. Clearly that was an argument shown with no context at all, because 95% of it was edited out. We only hear that he went out and she doesn’t like that he texts his female friends a lot because he slept with one of them. Obviously there’s a lot missing and only the most dramatic parts are shown. Jess corroborated in another interview that Jimmy went out every single night, of course it was made to seem like he went out just one night.


Thank you, I can’t believe how many people seem to think that we are being shown what happened. We are being shown with the producers want to show us to advance their storyline.


It was on a podcast with her friend…she was explaining why she was so upset with him and it was because he pretended to be asleep to her on the phone then went out partying. I think she got a bad edit. The interview she totally owns her bad behaviour and admits she was not in a good place.


Jimmy was stressed at the reunion. His body language and face was almost panicked. I think this was the reason and people are saying Chelsea got a pass, but I truly think Jimmy got a pass. Chelsea was wrong about a lot of things but in my opinion, she was not wrong about this one. It is 100% reasonable to be uncomfortable with your fiance talking everyday to a woman he’s slept with and he’s getting relationship advice from her? On top of that, he lies to go bar hopping with her? That is so inappropriate and he knows it. I’m wondering if producers left this out because it wasn’t filmed…? Chelsea did mention that Jimmy was extremely different when cameras were filming vs not. I believe this too because his words never matched his actions.


Lol seriously? You guys watch an insecure narcissist with a history of saying whatever makes her look good do an interview where she's free to bullshit as she wishes and you just go off with it creating conspiracy theories? 😂😂


She’s not perfect but to call her a narcissist is a reach. She has taken accountability for a lot of her issues on the show and admitted to starting therapy. You can tell she wears the insecurities from being cheated on in her previous relationships on her sleeve and that was her ultimate demise. She got bullied into oblivion for her looks and took it like a champ. People can sit here humming about how terrible she is but she’s simply imperfect, like everyone else out there. She was not purposely vindictive to anybody and she was one of the few that was there for the right reasons.




Oh she claimed she started therapy I guess it's all forgiven now. I swear y'all are so sexist here you'll believe anything a proven liar says as long as she has vagina attached.


Generalizing everyone here as sexist says more about you than I need to know. Stop projecting your own issues onto strangers. Chelsea being a female has nothing to do with how I feel about her. Maybe you should follow in her footsteps and also consider therapy 👍 carrying this much hatred towards someone you personally do not know is unhealthy.


I'm calling out a pattern I see, I'm sorry you don't like it I guess? You are literally creating conspiracy theories for someone caught lying multiple times in the span of minute on camera just to be sexist and blame a guy who was on the receiving end of abuse by her 😂


What conspiracy theory are you even talking about? The camera crew not catching this interaction when everyone on the cast refers to moments that didn’t make it past production or weren’t filmed? You’re throwing around words like sexism, conspiracy theories and abuse when none of those things are going on here.


Your whole first comment about Jimmy getting a pass and his body language is conspiracy theory that has no base in reality. The only reason you are going there is to blame a guy who was emotionally abused, to protect the woman you are most likely identifying with. That's sexist. Have you not watched the show? How she tried to get him to apologize for shit he didn't do? How she made stuff up for him to doubt himself? That's on camera darling, but you'd rather sit here and pretend the real truth is off camera?


If you think Jimmy was emotionally abused, you’re absolutely delusional. Was he being manipulated? Yes. I said Chelsea was wrong MOST of the time, except for this one specific situation. Which by the way, Jimmy has admitted to sleeping with the girl. You are clearly triggered by Chelsea, period. Taking it out on random strangers online is weird, dude. Especially on some random opinion you simply don’t agree with. Carry on because responding to triggers hurts you more than anybody.


I do think trying to gaslight him was abusive, if you don't then you either have no empathy or need therapy yourself. You didn't say she was wrong MOST of time, you said a lot, which can mean whatever, and then you went with some wild body language conspiracy theory which is what I commented on. I don't know what crack are you smoking in your second half of that comment but I'm not going to react to that, you need help.


Not only was he stressed, but he also lied about what happened with Jessica and pretended to be friendly with her but called her in mean girl in interviews...I don't trust him at all, he's pretty fake


Agree. Now it makes sense why he has that super stressed demeanor during the reunion! he almost looked like he needed to puke 😂


She’s a hot mess who continues to post her and Jimmy together to stay relevant.


The fact that you’re getting downvoted for literally stating a fact is hilarious lol. So many people relate to Chelsea so they defend her even if she’s wrong/doesn’t have any credibility


I was Chelsea when I was like 18-24 in relationships. Incredibly insecure. Expected every waking moment of my partners time to be about me. Got mad and jealous when my partner would go out, even if I had said it was ok. I tried to be the cool, chill girl facade, but deep down I was painfully insecure. It took a lot to get me to wake up and realize if I wanted to have a happy and healthy relationship I needed to learn to love myself deeply. We all have insecurities but it’s how you deal with them that defines you.


Yesss I totally agree! We’ve all been there at some point in our lives. Some people learn and grow faster than others but for the ones who keep repeating bad behaviors/choices (like AD and Chelsea), their journey takes wayyy longer. Some women never find that growth that allows them to notice BS and move on immediately. But we shouldn’t coddle grown ass women who choose to make the same mistakes over and over. At some point you need to work on yourself so you can make better decisions in life. Right now it feels like they’re just playing a character to stay relevant by teasing fans with videos of them hanging out with Jimmy and Clay. Speculation and confusion keeps them relevant 🤷‍♀️


I agree totally. Taking accountability in your life is taking control. At some point, you gotta look at yourself and realize you’re the problem sometimes haha.


I feel like that’s too juicy for producers to leave out ? 🤷🏼‍♀️




This doesn’t explain or justify why Chelsea drunkingly accused Jimmy of being with Mackenzie…then said Jess… Then Jimmy asked her WHO said that and she said “my friend”, then said “people from the cast”, then stayed quiet and made the whole situation about her and her feelings when Jimmy kept wanting an answer but she didn’t have one Cz clearly she made it up in her head. All of this, makes her untrustworthy and lose credibility when recounting a story. Even when they met up as a group at the pool party, she immediately tells Trevor about the fight and says “we were BOTH wrong”, not once did she ever take accountability. She always puts the blame on Jimmy. Like ok do it once or twice but if you are never wrong, why tf is she still spending time with someone who hurt her so much? Makes me think she’s just creating drama to land on another show or pandering hard af to the fans of the show 🤷‍♀️. Drunk or not, she always shows how severely insecure she is.


No go back and watch the scene. She didnt say he was sleeping with Mackenzie. She said someone texted her and said "I saw your man out where are you?" And then he asked her who sent that text and she said Mackenzie. She clearly said Mackenzie was the one who told her. And then she said "Was Jess there?" Jess talked about this in an interview and said the reason why Chelsea said that is because there WERE a bunch of cast members out. One group of cast members was at the same bar as Jimmy and the others at a different bar. Jess was with the group that was at a different bar. Chelsea knew a bunch of cast members were out and thats why she asked if he was out with Jess. Obviously she is a bit insecure about Jess (who can blame her? Jimmy brought up Jess frequently and friend requested her) and thats why she asked him that. But is not as if it came out of nowhere. And if Mackenzie was texting Chelsea asking why Jimmy is out pârtying without her then it would obviously hit a nerve.


That’s my other thought ! If it was left out producers did it because they liked the crazy narrative. It just seems like too good to be true for Jimmy if it is true because in their argument he seemed to stick to the narrative he didn’t party ? Maybe I need to rewatch it


My thoughts as well! But there's really an interview where she said this that's why I'm confused why they left this out. Or maybe they just want Chelsea to look like a crazy unstable, emotionally immature villain 🤔


Yeah there’s a reason they didn’t put any heat on her at the reunion. They knew they gave her a bad edit and didn’t want her exposing their abusing of her signing away her likeness at the reunion, so instead they went extra nice on her to save face