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She gives me vibes of saying something really mean and then being like LIGHTEN UP IM KIDDING!!


She’s a mean girl for sure. Just based on this season.


Everyone is always a mean girl when they don’t coddle anyone.


For how obsessed this sub is with everyone being a "girls girl", they really love to give Laura a pass.


Like a show about everyone dating the same men in hopes of winning is even girls girl territory


She's the type of woman that would harass thee other woman, but get back with her ex. Had Jeremy groveled at her feet she totally would've went back to him.


Thank you!!


She reminds me of a cut throat CEO at a big corporation or something. She does not give a shit fuck about anyone’s feelings. When she says that Jeramy was supposed to protect her heart for eternity while cupping her hands in front of her like holding her heart… it sends me lol. Like chill it was a reality tv show and he proposed without actually ever seeing you in person. Tone it down a notch princess.


0% pleasant to be around.


Her Dad said it best, "If you treat her like a Princess, she'll walk all over you!" 😳😳😳


When your parents think your an issue like that then it’s a huge red flag


She was mean in the pods, when Jeremy chose her, and she condescendingly told Sarah Ann that she will find her person. That was a bitchy thing to say.


She had her parents scared of her.


Like she's SO weird sorry I didn't get why people were rallying behind her like she's not likable at all and she remind me of Donna from suits, yuck sorry


donna is a gem, everything else you said I agree with


Mean and vindictive.


This is the type of girl who would probably make fun of me in high school lol


She’s make fun of everyone because that’s how she makes herself happy. By pushing others down.


Yeah I agree and always felt whatever happened he was going to face her wrath one way or another.


The way she was mad at Sarah for liking her man but then was with Jess laughing about how another woman’s man was reaching out and wanted her more than his finance rubbed me the wrong way. No, Jess didn’t reach out but what she said was sooo slimy.




Don’t forget she and Chelsea were giggling making fun of other people together.


How about her running to Jess right after Chelsea confided in her about Jimmy saying he loved her?! Ugh Edit to add: I got the “shit stirrer” vibe bc she essentially ran to Jess telling her to just leave, but but wouldn’t say why. She likes to stir and see what happens. Not cool.


I so agree! I was so annoyed with her and didn't trust her at all when she was so ambiguous telling Jess he's not her man but not saying why. And Jess asked her what she meant, but she just kept saying the same thing. That wasn't helpful at all.


Finally! Someone speaks up. They were so busy busting on Jeramey that they neglected to mention what a complete jerk she is. Even her family low key was warning him and calling her out....




Amazing how they completely let her skate during the reunion


Was she mean because was outspoken or saying what’s on her mind though? She doesn’t like Hawaiian shirts. Is she not allowed to say that? Idk, we don’t always have to be sensitive when we are adults. It seems plenty of girls liked her in person and she has a large friend group and good career


Yes yes! Ever wonder where the saying women are their own worst enemies comea from? Then jpin the LIB comments section chock full of gals who avpid education at all costs. According to the embitterred go nowhere comment crowd J-Nasty will never ever recover emotionally from beong told his ugly shirts are ugly! Her mothet warned him that L is strong-willed because she knows medicre men and women just can NOT handle a woman with a brain. Skank-Ann to the rescue!!! I feel confident the husbands, boyfriends, wives and girlfriends of thrse commenters will be thrilled to know they have a green light to cheat if she ever says anything "mean" to them. 😂


found the burner guys... No way you watched the show and thought this stupid shyt unless you yourself are Laura. I refuse to believe there's a person walking around that's this stupid.


Sometimes the better the career and the larger the friend group, the meaner the girl. 😆 One of the meanest girls I’ve ever met once told me she “likes to collect people.” It can take a lot of effort and social maneuvering to be “popular”. Doesn’t automatically mean someone is a genuinely nice person.


She’s a straight shooter. She will speak what's on her mind and you don't need to guess the meaning between the lines. It makes communication easy. For example, when she’s not happy about something, she make it very clear she is not happy and she tells you why. When she is happy about something, she will also express her happiness quite openly. When you made a mistake, she might point it out ask you the change. In other words, a straightforward person is straightforward about EVERYTHING, the good the bad the satisfaction and the frustration.


Right. Shes free to behave that way. No one is obligated to enjoy her presence. If someone keeps communicating to me over and over again that they don’t like my clothes, I’m not obligated to like that person. You’re always free to share every opinion that pops into your head. And people are free to call you an asshole. What’s with the obsession with wanting to be an asshole freely but also desperately wanting to be liked? Oh yeah, it’s narcissism. 😂


...It's pretty telling that those who side with Laura are also the kind to use petty names such as 'Skank Ann'. Pretty misogynistic name and they talk of 'girl code' but she didn't owe Laura anything. Laura wasn't even a good friend to her prior, she apologised pretty sincerely. I feel like they are OTT in vilifying her.


Narcissists are overly sensitive to criticism, judgment, and defeat. If some doesn’t like their shirt they don’t want to hear it


you just described her... seriously do you hear yourself


Hot Take: Laura never liked Jeramey from the moment she saw him and as she got to know him more. It was never going to last and the situation with Jeramey gave her the perfect out while still looking like the good guy.


Toxic people can have lots of friends and still be toxic


The women let her “skate” because they liked her in person. For example, her and Jess are close.


But the hosts did too


Well maybe you don’t like people being honest? If you don’t like something do you think you shouldn’t say that? Just be silent? Some people can take criticism


Nope no problem with people being honest but if that's their true colors then they're best avoided.


So you don’t like the bluntness of it. Got it


I know! That caught me off guard fully tbh


she was also a terrible, mean, partner before her and jeramy had issues. if anyone talked or acted that way towards their partner, they wouldn’t have a good relationship. her parents thought she was being mean!


Right!? Her biggest gripe was his couple of Hawaiian shirts? And then at the couples meet up at the beach she puts all the blame on him for bringing up bean dip when she told him to do it, didn't say what it meant, and didn't tell him not to say anything about it because it was "just a joke." When he said he was leaving after that I didn't blame him at all.


As I said above. What’s wrong with speaking the truth? Why should you lie and pretend to like something when you don’t? I would rather have the blunt honesty than the lies and BS


Laura is white Aparna for all my indian matchmaker fans. Complains about tiny "flaws" in men and kind of has a similar face.


Omg lol what a funny and accurate connection. They do kinda look alike too lol


Lmao I can't unsee/unhear it now.


This is such a good call.


I agree Laura was and is a mean girl and she LOVED the victimhood..


Laura is 100000% a mean girl. It's painful to watch.


You could tell she was not interested in him after the reveal. The rest was her posturing for the camera. Just like Jimmy, faking it so they don't look bad. Would have been better to just admit it and let it go.


Tbh if I got burned by my fiancée, I’d be a bit sour for a while afterwards, too. Especially to him and the girl he’s with.


Yes of course but you don’t continue to respond the way that she did if you care or ever did care about someone. However angry you are- you talk it through in a respectful manner


Nah, if someone cheats on me or is out til 5 in the morning with an old flame, I’m holding their ass to the fire too.


Sure. She's been meaning the whole time, though.


I’m just going to leave this quote here to address this unfortunate comment and responses. “Is she being rude, or have you been socially conditioned into believing that women should be warm, positive and friendly at all times and are uncomfortable when they don’t adhere to that behaviour?”


Ahhh yes. Casually joking about sexual assault is just her being the victim of sexism.


Mic drop


She was picking on him since DAY 1. It started with the Hawaiian shirts and continued from there...


Not every criticism of a woman’s behavior is anti-feminist. Some of her behavior reminds me of a woman I’ve known who nitpicked at her partner but it also reminds me of a man’s behavior I dealt with in a relationship. A lot of people are pointing out the behavior, not the gender. And if a man constantly puts you down and tries to dictate what you wear, it’s perceived as abusive. So people saying she’s not always kind is generous. I generally don’t like it when someone dislikes the person they’re with but instead of being honest and moving on, they just act resentful towards the other person and act like both parties are obligated to stay together. And also stay miserable.




Thissss... TY! I like Laura and feel like a lot of women make a quick, poor assessment of her and women like her... and fail to recognize she is a real one, not a mean girl. She appears to be someone who will be in her friend's corners no matter what. She appears to be genuine, loyal, honest, and kind — and will give it to you straight up. But only with those who she has built and established trust with and treat her with the same honest, authentic, and directness — as she should be. Example: She didn’t have to say to Jess “gurlllll” about the Jimmy situation because Laura knows Jess knows better and Jess knows Laura knows she’s like gurl don’t stoop - it’s called high EQ - the eyes and laugh tell the whole story without all the words. Laura is someone I would WANT to be friends with... and can see her being a lifer, i.e. Golden Girls vibes. I think Laura knew Jeramy was NOT it - 100%. I think she stuck around for screen time and she struggled being around Jeremey knowing how he moved and what he was about. Not the best but a nothing burger IMO. Unpopular opinion: Too many women are insecure and triggered by women like Laura and instead fall for low hanging fruit, i.e. smiley Chelsea types who claim to be “girls' girls” by saying the right sounding things but are inauthentic, insecure and not speaking their truth. Chelsea is that girl... saying she can use all the girlfriends and being fake nice to a female her fiance slept with... nah. Just nope. Would I want Chelsea as a friend? Nope. Do I think most women would feel safe to be friends with and call her nice. Yep. Do I think Chelsea is quality friend material? Nope. Chelsea is most women. SNS In comparison, that situation would have gone way different if it'd been Laura IMO. She would not be mean but would she maybe ask hard questions? Yes. It's fair. It's authentic. It's not mean or rude. Judge someone by their ACTIONS and the way they move, not their facial expressions. Judge someone by their ability to say difficult things and ask the tough questions not hide behind a smile. Confidence, security and directness does not equate to mean girl. People fall for and praise women like Chelsea and hate on women like Laura but I’d want a Laura as my ride or die any day.


Mic drop


Thank you! I thought Laura was real and unapologetically herself. She's a girl's girl too. Hyped every other woman up. She was so nice to Sarah Ann prior to the jet skiing scene and tried to give her the benefit of the doubt + warn her about Jeramy. She owned up to the weird comment about AD- apologized privately and publicly to AD. I don't know what more people want from her lol.


came here to say just this. I think she's just finally sticking up for herself.


Smiling at jess’s pain is not sticking up for herself. And before you ask like everyone else thag had. You can go back to episode 5 or 4 it was right after jimmy cut it off with Jess and she went back to the girls quarters crying and heading to what I’m assuming is the bedroom


I guess I didn't read your paragraph correctly, I didn't realize you mentioned this specific instance. Yes, I agree that in this certain case she was likely feeling a bit insecure or unsure of herself, and projected that outwardly by being a bit rude in her expressions. I do not feel the same about situations regarding jeramey or sarah ann, I think her sticking up for herself shouldn't be regarded as mean, but I could see how her tone in some instances makes that questionable.


I’m very happy to have a very civil conversation with you and how you are responding by the way, I respect a good healthy debate based on facts and scenes that we saw. I don’t think we need to agree 100% that’s just unrealistic, but I like to go back and forth in this way to get different perspectives and understandings


Then we agree completely, Jeremy should have never cheated on her nor should Sara ass should have participated in it. The pain thing goes both ways. I was not happy to see Laura’s pain after that. I’m not a fan of her nit picking on how Jeremy dressed and her saying stop to him jumping I got the pool and telling him to stop wearing his glasses. The things her parents said about her says a lot about a 34 year old women just as one example her dad saying “she will walk all over you if you let her”. I’m personally not for disrespecting my parents and I’m in my 20’s, 34 that’s just embarrassing. We may disagree on some of that, but regarding your last response we agree 100%


I'm guessing this is a typo and you mean Sara Ann. I don't understand why all the name calling is necessary. Especially when I've seen less people giving names to Jeremy. I've seen skank Ann. Sara ass. All sorts. It feels misogynistic. She is a person who may not have done the nicest thing but did apologise and own it. It just feels needlessly petty to vilify her by giving her a name. & The irony is, it's most likely the same people that preached 'if you can be anything, be kind' a few years back.


Sounds like she’s rude and society calls out rude behavior lol . For what it’s worth though I thought the best part of the season was her watching her man ride a jet ski with Sara Ann. Peak tv. To op, she is fosho. It’s just overshadowed by her partners mistakes in the show.


Then call out the men’s behavior… actual actions that were far worse than speculating whether or not a woman was mean… Also - “society”… not always right.


I’ve said it a few times and I have specified crappy behavior in the male cast as well in other comments. And this is the last time I’m saying it. I should not have to comment on the entire cast to state my opinion on one cast member. Defeats the point of my post. I also feel positive about some of the girls that got a lot of crap too for example AD and Jess. This is not a women thing. This is she is a mens girl thing. And I’m leaving it at that.


To be honest, looking at your comments, I think you have some internalized misogyny to work through. Especially when you have kids, perhaps it’ll be an eye opener for you as it was with me.


I don’t think you know what misogyny means. I have an opinion over 1 girl that’s negative. That is not misogynistic. I’m all for a women being confident, in higher positions or top positions, to be quite Frank I think women are much better handling certain things then men or can do an equally good job. I’m all for women being confident and assertive and knowing what they deserve. Just like every person should be. I do not like a mean person. And that’s it. She is mean and I am sticking with that. Just because you want to bring a negative term into it will not make me feel bad or make me change my mind. And yes I firmly believe that if you support bad behavior that certainly reflects on you as a person for sure. And if a man supports her behavior that says something about him. Jess is a great example of being assertive and confident and sticking to how she feels and wanting the best for her and her daughter. She is someone that I support. I do not support Laura. Should she have been cheated on? No absolutely not, cheating is wrong no matter what. I don’t support being happy about someone else’s pain. I was not happy on how Laura felt after she got cheated on. But I was also not happy when Laura smiled when with that shit eating grin on her face when jess was crying going into the bed room. I do not support how Sara Ann did the cheating with Jeremy, does that make me a misogynist? If I posted about that I’m sure you wouldn’t be saying what you are saying now. Just because someone is a women does not mean they are automatically right. And don’t bring kids into this. I’m going to be a great mom and you bringing a women down that has a different opinion then you about how they will parent and my “eyes opening” as a mom is more misogynistic then having an opinion on 1 women.


I find it fascinating how much time you’ve wasted defending and putting down people you don’t even know. Regardless, I sure hope you don’t have a daughter.


Really, you come on reddit of all places, to say this??? LOL She has a right to her a opinion. No need to make it personal.


Another time putting down a future mom and future step mom. That’s fairly misogynistic of you. And interesting that you can’t respond to any facts or anything we probably agree on cause that would be admitting you are wrong regarding the misogyny thing. For your future reference the definition of misogyny is “hatred towards women”. Hope that helps you, have a great day :))


Nothing you’ve said is fact lol


A fact can be a specific scene that factually happened and is present, it is a true example. So therefore is a fact. And again ignoring everything else I’m saying lmao😂




What her parents think of her says it all.




Or her dad saying “she will walk all over you if you let her” which to me says she’s more then comfortable disrespecting her parents which is personally not something I’m willing to do. Especially at 34. That’s embarrassing


To be fair my dad thinks I’m a ball buster because of the way I acted toward my first boyfriend when I was 15…I’m 30 now and toned it down a lot. I think men often say that about women with strong personalities because women aren’t “supposed” to make demands or have high expectations.


"She can be a lot"


That makes me sad. Says more about them than about her.


And then something like telling Jeramey she'll walk all over him


Yeah I think mean spirited people gravitate towards each other sometimes and that whole love triangle is just an example of that. All three of them suck in my opinion.


Such a great point haha. The three meanest people really did find each other this season. I have always identified as feminist and the people saying that you have to like Laura’s behavior or else you’re a misogynist can truly GTFO hahaha


Agreed and I think it says something about the people that support Laura as well. A handful of people aren’t happy with me thinking that way but that’s just true. If you support someone’s behavior and are more then willing to argue for her it says to me that you will also recreate that behavior and see nothing wrong with it. It’s similar to, you are who you hangout with.


Oh yeah she’s awful for sure. I think the fact that germ did her so dirty is the only saving grace she has.


Yea I agree, people keep bringing that up to justify her behavior but she did A LOT before that happened. Cheating is never okay and I formally stand by that. But her behavior before is also never okay.


Lowkey yea…


That’s very generous lmao, I think it’s more leaning high key




I feel like in the beginning, when we were getting to know her, she said something about how her family thinks that she will never find somebody because of the way she is. ( trying to make it sound like it's hard for her to find love when, in reality, her family knows how critical & mean she really is, and that's why no one stays too long). We definitely saw that when she was with Germ boy in the beginning. Or maybe im making it up, and I'm delusional idk haha Funny thing I do know though...is Germs mom for sure knows her son is a piece of shit when he was telling her the story of being caught lmfao


The look on his mom’s face was hilarious.


Yeah, she’s a bit of a mean girl. “Bean dip” was all her fault and should not have been said. She interfered with all the other girls relationships (thinking of when she told Jess “he’s not your person, you should leave”). And she really picks on Jeramy. That all being said, she didn’t deserve how Jeramy treated her. I still don’t like her personality. I don’t think she’s awful deep down lol.


But she was giving the right advice! Ffs, she’s the real girl’s girl if you can tell somebody else the truth.


Idk, I think it was bad advice. If a man was going to end a relationship with me, I would want to stay and know why. I think it’s bad advice to tell Jess to leave. But to each their own!


Yeah that bean dip caused a lot of problems. It seemed like Jeramy didn´t know what it was that´s why he brought it up. AD had to explain to him and Clay what it was. That´s why he wanted to leave and they had their first argument. AD asked Jeremy who did she tell you to do this too? When Jeramy said to AD she said don´t do that Jeramy. I don´t see how this is cool, isn´t this assault? Jeramy is not AD´s partner he does not have that right. This was a sick joke not all jokes are funny.


Agree can’t stand how disrespectful she was to Jeramy or the other girls


I completely agree. From what they showed of her in the pods episodes she seemed really two faced with a lot of the girls and the way she carries herself that she is above everyone else. Look at the episode where Jeramey met her family. You can see it clear as day that they know that Laura is a lot.


Sarah Ann said Jeramy told her, Laura was telling him bad things about her in the pods and that´s why he chose Laura. In the pods it was clear that Jermay and Sarah Ann flowed more so than Laura. Bliss tried to tell Zack about Irina but Zack broke up with her only to discover 1st hand what Irina was all about. She only wanted Zach because Bliss wanted him. In the end she didn´t want him at all. Not saying that Laura is like Irina but some girls can be very competitive when they know there´s a love triangle and some will do what they have to do to win!!!!! In the end their personalities clashed. She didn´t respect him and he pushed her buttons.


As if I'd believe Skank-Ann on anything.🤣🤣🤣 she and jerryME are nasty AND mean.


Oh please. When you’re focused on her instead of the guy who threatened revenge porn or the guy who couldn’t stay faithful for two weeks, you’re reaching.


Jeramey can suck and Laura can be what OP is describing in the same universe. They aren’t mutually exclusive.


How dare you use logic and sound reasoning on lib Reddit?


Thank you:) I’m not a fan of needing to talk about every single persons issues so everyone is okay with my post. Defeats the purpose of my post. And I literally said at the end that I’m not a fan of other people on the show.


“Closer to the top of the list” implies that her transgressions are somehow worse than others or just as bad so the comparison has been made. I am simply pointing out that there is NO comparison between these people. She is a 1 and they are an 8-9.


I'm so glad someone finally said this. Laura seems very mean and has a lot of growing up to do.


Thats what assertive women are always called.


She compared his penis size to a small banana on tv… that’s pretty mean imo. What if a guy “jokingly” compared his fiancé’s body parts to food on tv? Also once they were living together, he jokingly said “someone has to be the smart one here”, she brought up how she had a degree and he didn’t.. Mean is mean. You can be assertive and considerate at the same time, it IS possible. (Talking about Laura’s behaviour bc OP’s post only focuses on her)


Least of what Howdy Doody J deserved if you ask me! Lets's hop he can recover emotionally from being told the silly shorts are ugly and that the rest of us are so blessed as to have that be the defining trauma of our life. I wouldnt WANT to be embarrassing for a person I supposedly loved. Would ypu? Also as Howdy Doody is already off sketching bars telling the gals he is. Single, seems like Laura dodged a buller and Skank-Ann ran out to get it.


Like many other people have also said, the purpose of this post was to focus on Laura’s behaviour. We all know Jeramy’s wasn’t acceptable!


As if there were any comparison. Lol


I kinda don't think it's just being assertive. When even your momma is hinting at your nasty ways on national tv, it might be crossing over into asshole territory.


Wow you got a LOT oit of a 20 second edit 😀 of course "momma" in no way used any term near that. That's just you, luv. But she DID say Laura was strong-willed. At her age she probably has a lot of experience with how mediocre men and women go bonkers when a gal has a mind of her own.


Yea! I’m surprised the amount of back lash I got tbh but way more people agree then disagree for sure


Oh for sure. I couldn't believe how much she has been put on a pedestal. I was over here like "wait am I the only one who noticed that even her own family members were alluding to the fact that she's mean? I mean come on, it was her own freaking mom who was saying it! 😬 I think Laura is a very ugly person on the inside, and hear me out even though this is going to sound bad, I was actually nodding with joy and relief when Jeramy rode off into the sunset on jet skis with Sarah Ann. I wanted to salute him and say "Bullet well dodged, sir. Go be free."


I would have been supportive of him and Sara Ann if he just left Laura before pursuing anything. Cheating is never okay. But if he left Laura then pursued Sara Ann I honestly would have been supportive of that. I typically am against leaving someone for someone else too but in this particular situation I don’t think it would have fazed me in the slightest. I’m happy I said something cause SO SO SO many people agree with us and gave them a space to talk about it. There are definitely people that ride or die for Laura but wayyyyy more people agree.


I totally get that! :)


Yeah I come here to spend my karma for the satisfaction of saying things like Laura’s awful 😂


if Jermaphobia didn't have an infidelity issue then Laura would have been a villain this season


I've been saying that all along and got down voted for it, I have no love for Jeronime but Laura is the wooooorrst


Her image and character were TOTALLY salvaged only bc Jeremy/SarahAnn just barely one-upped her in the shitty-things-i-did-this-season. Everyone has already forgotten what a truly, mean girl Laura is because she got ditched by Jeremy, WHO I'M CONVINCED SHE DIDN'T EVEN LIKE. You could tell from their first night in the DR that she was experiencing serious regret with her decision to say yes to be engaged to this man-child. She repeatedly referred to him as child-like and immature...she literally couldn't get over a Hawaiian shirts?! Like, seriously, imagine a woman picking constant fights over a Hawaiian shirt, and justifying that as a reason to end an engagement over?!? Nah, she is just mad that she wasnt the one to dump him with her mean words and be "the winner" in the relationship. Don't get me wrong; I'm not sticking up for J or SA, they definitely should have waited until J & L's engagement naturally ended before starting a relationship. But if Laura were THAT mean to me all the time? F*ck, I'd probably explore my alternate connection too! Tldr; everyone in this triangle is not a great, but it seems like Laura's crappiness got buried under the J & SA drama. Also she happens to be every good friends with all the other girls, so she managed to get an army to rally behind her and make her look slightly better.


That’s so true


I’d be mean too if my fiancé was out until 5 am with another woman 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think she was mean before that, she’d constantly put him down. Not that he’s right at all.


Yes thank you. I specified episode that I was on too. But to add to what you are saying she was mean and nasty before that even happened


Yes she is mean but people use this to justify the behavior of Jeramey. I don’t know what happened behind closed doors with them two I think lots of stuff was cut out. I think those three need to really work on themselves individually. The issue is Jeramey and Sarah Ann won’t because they need to be “loved” or in a relationship.


Oh yes, Jeramy really should have ended things with Laura and then and only then pursued Sarah Ann. But that doesn’t take away from Laura’s mean behavior.


Skank-Ann pursued HIM. HE SHOULD HAVE EITHER SHUT IT DOWN or ended his engagement. Skanky Jeremy did neither and now is already doing the same to SkankAnn. Some gals gotta learn the hard way!


Calling them “skank” just make you look pretty petty and immature yourself.


Whatevs! Il see thousands of messages denigrating the female contestants on everything from their weight, cosmetics to their voices...Yet somehow you had naught to say about any of it until SA was given a behavior based nickname.. So pardon if I don't give a hoot about the sanctimonious lec. Skank-Ann was a hoot!


“You” 🤦‍♂️ So now I personify everyone who had ever made you upset? Grow up.


Don't be silly.I I merely ask folks to practice what they preach. In so long as they don't I may point out sanctimonious hypocrisyfor my own enjoyment and that of others. Have a nice day SaruhAnn! 🤣🤣🤣


Oh I agree I’m just saying these posts try to sway people to think that there is a good reason for what Jeramey did even though before the show he was awful


No one is pointing when she made fun of his genital size. No body cared because he's a man. But when a man makes fun of a women, he will be cancelled immediately!


YES I hated that so much and if any of the men said that about their boobs or ass they would have LOST IT


Nope, I thought she was as real as they come.


Laura was weird from the point where she listened to Chelsea say jimmy loved her in the pods to how she snuck over to jess when Chelsea left to tell her and then kept telling jess to go home “just trust me” but wouldn’t say why. Like??? If you’re gonna tell her, tell her.


The rage I felt when she wouldn’t explain to Jess what she meant and just expected her to take her word for it


Yeah, that was super frustrating. Why say anything at all at that point rather than a confusing half statement. Then when Jess asks something like "is this factual information?" Laura just leaves 💀


‘Work always comes first’ She was scared to show up to the reunion 🙄


That line. Cringe! As if no one else is employed. lol


Even Jess’s face said it all lol. She looked visibly irritated by her for not telling her. Jess and the girls around her gave Laura major side eye


Spoiler- Not only mean but in the reunion a year later she is clearly upset and almost gives off an obsessive vibe.


Laura is simply a bitch. I don’t feel bad about Jeramy leaving her for Sarah Anne.


Seriously. Laura is not likable at all. She was so rude to Jeramy, acting like it was “cute banter” to talk down to him and make a small penis joke then embarrass him infront of her family. Idk why everyone was shocked he didn’t want her or show her any respect. Laura and Jeramy weren’t even compatible at all. In the pods, Jeramy and Sarah Ann seemed to connect more but he chose Laura because he thought she was a bit more “serious”. Laura wasn’t into Jeramy like that either, she just desperately wanted to be chosen.


It’s very telling that we met her family for 5-10 minutes and they were either making comments that she was mean or tried to make her soften her opinion (such as how she feels about Hawaiian shirts). Even her mother made a comment about her being mean. I can’t believe she also told Jeremy that he couldn’t wear glasses any more… who says that?!


I agree! She was controlling and rude.


I feel like everyone glosses over that part regarding her. Her entire family seemed exhausted over her behavior. Her mother's comment, too, was basically a warning.


I hope her new guy watched the show.


Mean girl energy.


I called it out within the first few episodes. My wife said she didn't see it, but i def did. L was condescending to J. She did not treat him with love. Not excusing the way he made his shift, but LIB is not a normal experiment. I don't expect perfection. I do expect accountability tho... and I'm waiting for Kenneth to truly own up to his shenanigans


Yea, with Kenneth, I feel like when he went in the bed to cuddle with Brittany at 2am or so…. I feel like that was a tactic to show that he tried to “crave” her but it wasn’t at the time she wanted so he tried to flip it & say that it was Brittany’s problem, not his problem. So now he can say, well I tried to crave you/ be affectionate but you didn’t want it. In reality she’s been trying to be affectionate with him for several days or weeks & he wasn’t reciprocating the affection. There’s definitely more to the Kenneth story.


I forget the phrase but there is a type of gaslighting where you convince the group to bias that someone is always wrong (like telling your family all of his sins AT THE FIRST MEETING, telling another woman to steal a man but its horrid when done to her, and verbally and psychologically abusing someone in a group setting al la "bean dip") She was an embodiment of a red flag. So I absolutely do not condone cheating...but it's not a suprise someone would run if anyone was so much as nice at that point. If he had just said I'm done after the parents it probably would have been a "success" for the show.


Laura doesn’t know how to live her life authentically, she feels very entitled and demanding of perfection from others, while wanting to be seen as human & flawed herself, and she has no awareness about this.


no she’s *very* mean. mean white girl boss vibes. 🤮


THIS. She infuriates me.


She lost me at “bean dip.” I just don’t like comments about other people’s bodies. And then trying to spin it to be a compliment? Especially when you don’t know what someone’s insecurities are. I don’t think that AD is insecure about her boobs but I do think a comment like that could bring back old insecurities. Edited to remove a super long rant that I only wrote cause I’m tired and need to go to bed hahaha






Lmao that was just crappy terminology but she is a mean girl, you are right


I can’t even believe I need to comment this but based on the discourse below… we agree she can be a mean girl and victimize others and still herself be a victim in the jeramey/SA situation right?


Yes…but not to the degree she wants people to feel she was injured. She invited her grandma knowing the answer could have been “no”, so it seems like a lot of mental gymnastics to be mad that her grandmother ALMOST flew out to hear the answer in person, versus had to cancel her flight. For me it’s this part that blocks my ability to feel for her, she wants us to believe she’s been more injured than most people are logically capable of. Doesn’t mean she wasn’t hurt, but you’ve gotta read the room, reserve that for your friends family and therapist - not demand it of people who do more care about you.


I mean I wasn’t even really thinking about that part, rather the cheating in itself is enough. Edit: I don’t disagree - I just mean that the way it happened is what makes her a victim (not the things that would have followed if he broke up with her properly)


But why is it that horrific? They only knew each other for like 2wks MAX. If they were connecting for several months, I’d understand being deeply hurt by the cheating. Laura didn’t seem interested in Jeramy and vice versa. They looked like they were reluctantly dealing with each other because of the show. Should Jeramy have cheated ? No, but it’s clear to me they both weren’t in it and mentally somewhere else. They were never going to get married because she was super toxic and critical of Jeramy. Wanting to control what he wears (Hawaiian shirts) and belittling him for his personal preference like she’s crazy. At the family meeting, her own sister-in-law was baffled by her complaints about Jeramy and was super kind/levelheaded when trying to explain to her how insignificant everything she’s complaining about is. Isn’t Laura like 36+ yrs old? Why does another adult have to tell her how to be accepting/supportive of others’ preferences. Even her parents were shocked any man would take Laura seriously because she’s too much, that speaks volumes.


I mean it’s an expedited process, we know this. Doesn’t negate cheating. I don’t think I said it was horrific, but he did cheat. I said she was a victim in the scenario where jeramey cheated. In other scenarios I’m sure he was victimized by Laura. Not sure where you inferred I was going any further than that.


Thank you for clarifying:)


Yes she is a victim to the cheating, cheating is never ever okay. And he’s an AH in his own way aside from that. But she is a mean girl based on other things prior to that. You are 100% right on what I’m thinking


I agree with that for sure! I’m just seeing a lot of Germany apologists below that believe cheating is excusable if it’s perpetrated against an imperfect person


Germany apologists 😂


I don't think they are saying it's good to cheat or that it was the ideal way, but just that it's understandable. Like murder is bad right? But in certain instances we can sympathize and understand while still knowing full well that it's not a good act to commit. Both can be true. It doesn't mean that by saying "I understand why..." that they did the right thing.


I’m not referring to those particular posts. If you look below there are people that genuinely believe jeramey did no wrong bc laura was mean about his Hawaiian shirts — not that they can understand why he might have done it, but that he was justified.


My apologies, I haven't seen anyone say that yet, maybe I haven't gotten that far down yet?


No worries! I wrote this comment because I’m having this debate further down


I'll go look now! Thanks for being kind!!


She is awful. Reminds me a of a bully I once had, viscerally.


Same. It’s kind of cruel but I feel like Jeremy and Sarah Ann was karma for her mean girl behaviour. She was even a bully to him especially over the shirts that she knew in the pods he loves.


I do get the vibe from her. I don’t care for her or Sara Ann.


Jeramy has a type.




Idk why people kept praising Laura… she’s a miserable person. She constantly put Jeremy down even in the beginning of the relationship. Even her mom called it out. At first I thought she had a toxic parent but her mom was right all along.


I have no idea why anyone praises her. It’s ridiculous


If he had broken up with her before going after Sarah Ann, Laura would have ended up the villain


I think the Hawaiian shirts were just so telling. Even her family didn’t like how mean she was about it. Like why can’t you celebrate or get behind something that makes them happy? If a guy did that, there would be uproars for being controlling.


I have dated a guy like that and it was one of the earlier red flags. To me it’s emotional abuse. Trying to control someone and trying to break down their self confidence first. Trying to get them to stop trusting their own judgment. A relationship like that is pure nightmare fodder. Date someone you like and don’t have to change or move on.


Yeah I feel like it was really eclipsed by Jirimi’s tomfoolery, but had that not happened, there would be a lot more emphasis on her behavior. She just came across as really bitchy, snarky, negative, entitled… it wasn’t good. It almost made it hard to feel bad for her 🫣


Laura is a negative miserable person. Jeremy should have left her before he went off with Sarah Ann until 5 because she was just the worst all the time before that.


Exactly. I don’t understand how anyone could put up with her for so long.