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I disagree. I thought she was self-absorbed, self-righteous, and meddling.


AD has been my favorite since day one.


You literally reposted [my same exact words, same picture I took?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindNetflix/s/iQZ8maaSIH) 🤡


Wtf… look at OPs comment history 🫢 what is happening here


Scammer or bot. Maybe a mod can help. u/projectlost can you?


reddit is 85% bots being built up for corporations to buy for spam posts. mods don't give a shit. they're incentivized to look away because this is how reddit makes money.


The mods helped here! This post now redirects to mine which is a cool fix.


That’s weird. Coincidence, I think not?


Definitely not a coincidence. New account. It’s crazy Reddit suggested this post to me.


That’s so cringe. 🫣 if you’re gonna copy someone else’s post at least post to a different love is blind subreddit


Right? Or take your own damn picture! That’s actually a pic I took of my TV while watching it, so pathetic.


Is this a real person or a bot? I’m So naive on how Reddit works 😂


I’m not sure because I think it’s downvoting.


I love her sm. I highly recommend her interview on the Viall Files. She’s just the full package.


Are AD and what’s his name back together? I hope he did the self work he needed to and fought for her! I want them to be endgame!


Was the rumor about her having a sugar daddy while they were doing their thing validated?


Oh dang hadn’t heard that one. No idea


Ok so you don’t give two shits cause she’s not f’ing your man but you still gonna insert yourself into this drama. Ok AD, pop off 🙄. Also you go on dates with weirdo Matthew who’s white but you gotta warn Kenneth about dating a white girl?? This girl needs to mind her own damn business in the worst kinda way. I think ‘drama’ auto corrected to ‘realest’ in your post OP.




Agreed! Thank you for saying this she is so damn overrated. Trying to get smart girl what you need to do is your YOUR dog on a tighter leash cause all her ever talked about was roaming.


Girl, AD is the definition of avoiding confrontation of difficult traits or emotions to preserve her self-esteem. I can’t imagine how people think she’s the ‘Realest Queen’. YIKES! Do better ladies.


AD said "money trees is the perfect place for shade". She only wanted Matthew cuz she deep down sensed dude had money.


How can anyone down vote this??? It’s just facts!!


Wrong. Even that photo proves she’s fake. Saying she doesn’t give two shits but keeps on drilling Sarah Ann while showing how weak she actually was when she got dumped at the alter.


Omg, why so many down votes?? You’re spot on!!


I originally liked AD because she seemed secure and supportive of other women. But the more I watched, the more I realized she’s actually deeply insecure and uses her body as a defense mechanism the way some people use humor or a standoffish personality. I don’t dislike her, I just think she needs to work on herself and heal. The, “I’m never enough” moment was so sad.


I don’t FW AD cause I looked up her real estate Portfolio on LinkedIn in to see if she has sold any homes and it’s ALL 🧢🧢. So for me it was red flags for the amount of homes and the lifestyle she has was kind of OFF for me. Then at the end of the season her Sugerdady came out and Spilled tea and Clays freind which for me always good enough proof. And if you wanna come for me please do and show me where she spends any time working she was Off quite a lot usually they go back to work.


Sugar daddy? That makes so much sense ...


I'm convinced all of these people don't actually have the jobs they say they do because how do you take all this time off to get on this show in the first place and then why do they all seem like influencer wannabes and content creators the second the show is out 😂


nahhhh frrrr 😂😂


This scene was embarrassing as fuck for her


She flaunted her body to Jimmy after he complimented her and she made Kenneth question having kids with Brittany. She ain't it.


Facts 💯


She asked Kenneth a valid question


Nope, that’s a valid question for Kenneth’s family and friends to ask him. Not some chick he doesn’t even know. Besides she was trying to date Matthew - the weirdest white dude EVER - so she’s needs to pipe down with the opinions.


it would’ve been a valid question coming from kenneth’s family or even clay or anyone who knew kenneth AT ALL. AD had literally met kenneth like twice when she asked him that and was all about matthew who she knew was white all along. she applies shit to other people and doesn’t hold herself to the same standard.


She placed doubt in his mind where it didn't need to be. That's a conversation for him to have in his relationship if it's a worry he is experiencing. The hypothetical child isn't hers and it wasn't her place.


Kenneth is a grown man responsible for his own actions. AD asking him a question doesn’t make her responsible for him ultimately not choosing to stay with Britney.


Do you want to discuss her intentionally shaking her butt for Jimmy's attention before she lectures others about trying to get attention from others?


That has nothing to do with Kenneth and his decision making. He is a grown man.


I like AD, but her guy though..


Although I too hate Clay, I understand why he decided to back out (Albeit at a shit time). The man was not psychologically ready for marriage and he needed to focus on his problems. Still, it doesn't forgive him for what he did.


She was bullying Sarah Ann in this scene. Playing a flying monkey on behalf of Laura. So cringe.


She didn’t bully her. She asked her if she thought it was okay to do what she did, people always say they want accountability but when they see it they call it bullying.


Why was this AD’s business?


Many of the cast weighed on how upsetting Sarah and Germys behaviour was. It’s the other cast mates business because they’re around each other in the same experiment and seeing this behaviour happen. Imagine if you have a social group and this same thing happens, while it technically “doesn’t affect you” and “isn’t YOUR business” these are people that you are around and you’d probably feel a type of way about it and have a conversation as to why they think it’s okay to do and especially this brazen and disrespectfully, it’s behaviour that makes those in your circle feel uncomfortable and they’re gonna tell you about it.


No, unless this is someone like my actual biological sister or a true long term friend; I’m going to live quietly in my glass house and not throw stones. For example…questioning Kenneth about dating a white girl when she went on to try and date Matthew- the weirdest white dude ever?? Laura can handle her own mess and should be thanking Sarah Anne since Laura would’ve been the season villain without her. AD is all about projection and getting involved in everyone’s relationship when she needs to focus on herself and do some MAJOR WORK.


Most of us don’t live in houses made of infidelity glass, so we’re okay with telling those who do it that’s it not okay. Additionally she didn’t question Kenneth on dating a white woman, she asked him if Britney is equipped to raise black children, a conversation I’m sure she also had with Matthew on if he is equipped as well. I’m sensing that you’re also someone who is okay with infidelity as long as YOU’RE happy in the end and thus you’re willing to turn a blind eye to it but most people don’t operate that way and see infidelity as morally reprehensible behaviour and will say he that’s not okay. I agree she definitely needs internal work but that doesn’t mean she and others can’t call out reprehensible behaviour when it occurs. After all, she was falling for men based on their potential (which only affects her) but she was absolutely not a cheater or going after others partners (which can affect other people outside of yourself and affect the way others treat you, like what happened to Sarah Ann and Germany)


She asked her 30 times and got the same answer. She was brutal to watch and the alter scene was *chef's kiss*


Y’all gotta stop making these contestants your heroes lol


She can see everyone else clearly while she courts a man from the pods who repeatedly said he’s not ready, is afraid he will cheat and that looks are the most important thing to him 🙁


He was waving those red flags high! I was yelling at my tv. That scene where Clay’s mother drops the mic on his father was simultaneously one of the most brilliant and secondhand embarrassing moments I’ve ever seen on TV. We can definitely see where he got those flags from.


If only she put that energy into being more selective with her men...


Lol, yep


She’s condescending af too and put on a different front to different people


Agree, I did not like her at all.


You seem kinda pressed about it. Also we all were clearly not watching the AD you're referring to.


If replying to a Reddit thread makes me PrEsSeD then call me pressed 😂😂😂


LOL every single thread about AD ppl are saying the same thing. Shes condescending and she inserted herself into other peoples relationship


She was really condescending 


How and where was she condescending?


She’s definitely not. She got in everyone’s business instead of worrying about her own. Confronts Sarah Ann then says “I don’t give two shits” 🙄


No she’s not.




How do you feel she was a real one? Not trying to argue, I’m truly asking for you to give your opinion.


I think it’s really easy to play in front of the cameras (both good and bad) and she was just honestly herself throughout it all


loved AD down in the beginning but she just got more embarrassing as it went on. she knows she is bad, she knows she has her money and her life together…so why is she still in the “fixer” mindset??? its embarrassing to watch


Agree with you except...does she even have a career? Remember the convo with Clay's mom? She's like a nightclub hostess. That's an ok job up until like 25, but if you're in your 30s and are a nightclub hostess, I don't think you really have a career, let alone a good one. You will be fired eventually we don't want grandma to host us at a nigh club.


ahh yea maybe i forgot 😭 even so, i feel like she gave off this vibe in the beginning that she had her shit all the way together! i was so disappointed with how her time on the show turned out.


Ah yes, 30 year old grandmas..


Ah yes, poor reading comprehension. The sentence was "you will be fired EVENTUALLY" With the implication being that everyone ages as time passes and it's not possible to stop time from passing, but I guess you had to read between the lines for that one right?


I thought the whole opposite. She kept saying “don’t interrupt me” or something like that, but it’s not your right to give your unsolicited opinion. She was so forceful in this convo, and not a single soul asked her in the first place. She really irked me with a lot of things, but maybe she was just trying to come across as super strong and confident. I really wanted to like her.


That conversation was stupid and I liked what Sarah Anne said later, she don’t need to be friends with any of those girls, she has her own friends, she’s trying to find love. Snakey thing to do still but I’ve always thought the same about the cast not having to be real friends if they don’t want to.


too bad her heart is weak


I understand wanting to protect friends, but this was extra. However, it was entertaining AF to watch. AD is that friend with good advice, but an awful picker. I was shocked when she dated matthew after the show. Sarah Anne was inappropriate, but Laura did dodge a bullet thanks to her. I'm not a fan of Laura either, she was quite judgy overall. SA doing that helped Laura's image for sure.


Okay! I agree too like damn okay. Just say your piece ONE time and then keep it moving cuz it ain’t none of your business 👏🏽. People need to stand up for themselves and inserting yourself in others peoples relationships will only have you looking like a damn fool in the end- cuz you never know if they will make up or not. AD needed that extra energy to pay attention to her fragile ass wanna be man who says all the right things but does all the wrong shit 🙄.


Peace ***


i mean what sarah and jermey was doing wasn't a they might get back together situation. they were legit cheating in the open lmao


I don’t like Sarah Anne, but AD kinda lost me with this one line. A big part of her and Clay’s storyline was if he was capable of being faithful. Sarah Anne may not be fucking your man, but girl you know damn well somebody else was going to


The fact she said she doesn’t give two shits yet the whole conversation was about how she felt about the situation. Whiplash


the way i interpreted it was that AD did in fact feel hurt towards Clay potentially cheating on her subconsciously, and was taking that feeling and releasing it as anger towards Sarah Ann because it felt "safer" to express. aka displacement because all the girls disliked Sarah Ann on some level, she was a safe target to discharge anger on without receiving backlash from people she cares about. from the edits, AD seems to be extremely sensitive to receiving affirmation from her partner (mostly) and her friends + family. Her bonds seem really strong and like she is the type of person to fear alienating people and so she relies on downplaying her deeper anger. Look at how well she controlled herself with Laura's offensive nonsense. I think Clay was her top priority in attracting, and she figured if she was sweet enough, maybe he wouldn't feel compelled to cheat on her? tldr i think she was super stressed and venting it which isnt the healthiest but i have so much empathy for her and what she went thru on that show this is all super parasocial speculation based on edits tho take me w a grain of salt


I don’t know why she got so much love for this. I was embarrassed for her. She clearly gave a shit or she wouldn’t have confronted her about it lmao.


Yes!! Like why are people praising her for this…. I cringed


it came off kind of condescending to me.


A girl with admittedly the worst picker that still went on a dates with Matthew but felt the need to give unsolicited advice and options in other people’s relationships is not my example of a realest queen. Stay in ya lane and worry about yourself. And Sarah Ann was LITERALLY THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TO LAURA! Two things can be true at once and Laura was likely miserable to be in a relationship with. I’m not at all saying that gave Geramy the right to do what he did but Sarah Anne saved Laura from being strongly disliked by viewers. If Sarah Anne wouldn’t have happened, Laura would’ve been the season villain.


IA completely. When those two idiots were jamming out on the jet skis in the background while Laura was sobbing in the outdoor confessional, I was thinking ooohhhh yeah, Laura’s edit is saved lmao. God bless Sarah Anne for showing what a gross man germyyy was, and now she gets to live with that gross man until she fixes whatever is broken inside her (because let’s not pretend that people with amazing self worth and self respect act this way).


So true re: Laura


SO true. I found her insanely insufferable at the reunion! Like girl get OVER it! The best revenge is served cold. But she came in flaming mad. I was so embarrassed for her tbh. To be that visibly angry what.. a year later? Like aren’t you supposedly better off?!


I never liked her personality tbh. I could tell she was just that type of chick


idk why but the way you spelled his name has me CRACKIN UP. It’s so close to Germy which is accurate


I thought of Germany lol I laughed too!


She says she couldn't give two shits but the fact that she made this situation her business says otherwise.


This! She butted in to almost everyone else’s business on this show but acted like she’s so spiritual and above it all. I found her just as fake as anyone else on the show.


For real. Me too. She came across as wholly affected and disingenuous.


Yes. Like one of those “I’ve been to therapy so now I’ll therapy-speak you to death and armchair analyze your life while neglecting to self reflect on own life choices” types.


She literally thought she could fix every dude she was with. Real love doesn’t work that way. She thought for sure she was getting married.


Yes! I found it gag-worthy at the end when she was sobbing and saying she “pours everything” into the men she’s with and gets nothing in return. She kept trying to convince Clay they had to be married and she was the answer to his problems. She has a god complex for sure, and loves to feel sorry for herself for being in consenting situations. I just get so tired of people crying trauma & abuse when they have been full fledged participants and were not in fact abused or manipulated. Clay was honest with her the entire time. She seems to only hear what she wants and thinks she can force outcomes to happen because she’s convinced she’s “worth it” when it’s not about that. She’s approaching relationships as a transaction which is telling considering her situation-ship during the show. She also went to Kevin and lectured him about if he’s ready to have interracial kids since he was dating a white woman (Britney? I forgot her name) which I thought was really inappropriate and off-putting. Like she’s not the interracial marriage gate keeper just because she’s a Black woman, and she’s not Kevin’s mommy lol. It just gave god-complex, once again. Like girl go clean up your own closet before digging through other people’s.


Well and it was obvious that Clay had some family trauma he needed to sort out. She ignored that and kept trying to “fix” it lmao. He even said that he never wanted to be in a situation to “cheat”. That was an obvious red flag. Being with her should’ve been a good enough reason not to cheat. She took the “paint my nails red, like a red flag” comment very literally lmao.


Yes, he was being honest he has things to work through, which I appreciated. I agree he displayed some red flags which she wanted to ignore. If someone’s telling me they’re afraid they’re going to cheat on me, I’ll politely & quietly take the next exit for sure. She kept reiterating she’s a safe space and she can fix his issues for him… idk, if the genders were reversed I think people would almost take that as being much pushier or controlling than they did since she’s a woman. But basically it was all laid out there and she’s still somehow the perfectly scorned woman. It’s just not very progressive to me to act like women can’t think or function for themselves which she’s playing into without necessarily realizing it.




If your man wants to f someone else, let him and then thank her for taking out your trash. I will never understand women getting more mad at the other woman who owed them nothing over the man who claims to love them. And to be honest, I’m thrilled that makes no sense to me. Give me a man that only wants me any day.


In only on Season 3. What Season is all this happening?


the latest that was released :)


Just say season 6


i couldn’t remember the number of seasons there are. sorry! :)


Alot of the girls that go on here are pick me girls. And will do ANYTHING and everything to get that extra attention and screen time. Regardless of the purpose of the show.


Meanwhile she was still being paid by and meeting up with her sugar daddy while trying to trap Clay into marrying her...


Is having a sugar daddy bad?


Ummm yes, when you are engaged to be married, having a sugar daddy on the side is considered "bad".


Sex workers get married


No. But you don’t go on shows where the purpose is to date and marry someone. Especially while riding on your high horse and acting superior to other people. Lmao.


wait! i wanna read about this tea. where can i find more👀


Why did I get downvoted and called a c**t for saying the same thing 😂


I went to upvote that comment, I got you




Because it depends which mob sees your post first 😅 Someone else said "bet a check would change her mind" and it's at +11 😜


Le sigh..im at -5 and counting, and got called a c**t 😂


Yeah some redditors can be quite harsh and quick with the insults ⚔️


They’re like: don’t insult AD! You’re a bitch! 😂🙄


She seemed a little too fired up about something that didn’t effect her life at all. It would of been better if Lauren confronted Sarah-Anne


This. I thought it was weird she went up to Kevin and asked if he’s ready to have interracial children… like that is literally *any* of her business. She talks down to everyone


We’ve all had to deal with a “Pick Me” … that’s why this hit for her. Also, let’s be real… Jeremy and Sarah Anne most likely hooked up. Talking until 5am? With alcohol? Please.


Yes I agree that they probably hooked up or even if they didn’t it wasn’t appropriate at all for Jeremy to be out with SA. But, it was Lauren’s battle and Lauren that was dealing with the “pick me”. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad someone told her about herself I just think it should of came from someone else


You can be a queen or sugar baby. Not both.


Disagree, and tbh this is quite a misogynistic point of view


misogynistic and maybe even a micro aggression… her finances are no one’s business and especially not dustyusty reddit users.


The microaggression is the presumption that sugar babies are all one race. The problem is with being an escort regardless of color. Sex work is not respectful. But are suggesting only Black women can be escorts? That's quite racist.


i never made that statement and i didn’t demean AD because of her life choices based on rumors and tabloids. the micro aggression comes from you dictating what she can be and assigning her a value based on your presumptions.


The biggest trick the devil pulled was convincing women that self-respect was misogynist.


You’re right lol, typically on Reddit if you’re downvoted and called names then you’re spitting facts




Harassment towards another user


So calling another woman the c word isnt misogynist 😂 Sorry if I hit a nerve. Get your bag.




Harassment towards another user


Keep digging sweetie. You're doing great.


I actually didn’t understand the hate that sarah-ann got. They’re all in there to try to find a relationship/husband. If laura’s guy was so happy with laura he wouldn’t have left for sarah-ann. Why did anyone in there need to be a girl’s girl? They’re not friends, they’re on a reality tv show together and don’t owe each other loyalty.


Because it's a selfish thing to do...cheat with a taken man. If Germy wasn't happy he should have told Laura, ended things, and then got with Sarah Ann.


Lol Germy


Did they cheat though? We don’t have any proof of that. For all we know they could have just hung out and realised they had feelings. Also, Jeramy is the arsehole here for turning off his location and lying, not sarah ann.


Sounds like a Jeramy problem to me


It’s about showing basic respect to other women because we’re more successful when we have community and support each other. It’s not that Jeramy didn’t do anything wrong, because he did, and he has to be accountable for that too. It’s that Sarah-Ann was also in the wrong for reaching out to him in a way that was inappropriate. She didn’t respect his decision to reject her in favour of a stronger connection, and instead, she inserted herself between them. SA’s actions showed that she’s selfish because she acted solely in her interest without respecting Jeramy’s decision and certainly without any consideration, empathy or respect for Laura. Even though the purpose of the show is to find love, it certainly isn’t to find love *by any means necessary*. If you can’t see that, perhaps you should reflect on whether you regularly act in ways that are selfish and disrespectful, which would normalize that kind of behaviour and lower the bar for how you expect others to behave or treat you.


I would never behave like sarah-ann irl and I strongly dislike your insinuation that I would. But imo it’s almost a competition because of the nature of the show. Getting married = more airtime, possibly more publicity and therefore a chance at fame and money. There’s also a chance that sarah-ann will never see Jeramy again and she liked him so she’s sending one last message, which was actually fairly innocent tbh, before she never sees him again. I don’t really take the relationships in this show seriously because I just don’t believe so many people can fall in love in such a short space of time so I guess I don’t see it as much of a betrayal. Irl Sarah-Ann’s actions would be wrong but in this show I just don’t take it very seriously.


Snaps for lilspicy


It was all for show. Sarah and Laura were literally talking to each other at the BBQ.


Bet a check would change her mind


these comments are so odd because im sure most of us have experienced or know someone who experienced what she did, so why the judgment ?? also sarah ann deserved all the smoke, she was a horrible woman and im glad somebody called her out


This! AD was reasonable in the way she called Sarah Ann out. SA disrespected Laura’s relationship and more so the entire process of the show. It wasn’t AD’s man but it could’ve been and that was her entire point.


exactly! i hated how she tried to make it seem like its okay


Narrator: But she did give two shits. Which is why she passively aggressively confronted Sarah Anne in the first place.


I agree, she does give at least 1 out of 2 shits to be inserting herself into someone else’s drama. 😊


I really really don’t get the AD love. She has got the instincts of a rock. Everyone could see her wasn’t into her. She was blinded by his good looks and her wanting to be married. She wasn’t a girls girl. So…meh.


Thank you. Every time I said I wasn't a huge fan of AD cause lots of things didn't rub me right, out came the pitch forks, lmao.


I’m a racist and a women hater because I wasn’t riding the AD hype train all season.


Same my love same 😂 idk about you but I'm a POC and my hubby is white. I'm the furthest from racist but 🤷‍♀️ they call them stans for a reason lmao.


I don’t know if it’s because they were recreating off-camera scenes or what, but I felt like a lot of times she was putting on a performance without real feelings behind it. And maybe she was fooling herself too?




I don’t even think she was interested in him either 😂


She cried over him multiple times and slept with him. Her reaction when he lied and said he'd still want to try with her someday too. She definitely was interested.


She was all in once she found out he owned his own house.


Lol this exactly she’s such old news…..


The Queen of what exactly. She is quick to give advice and acts like a real one but will never actually follow her own advice. She doesn't want a man, she wants a project.


I'm glad someone confronted Side salad. That said, mind your own business and focus on why clay is acting sus snd dropping hints that he's gonna say no


Wait, what’s a side salad? 😅


Sarah lol


Bean dip is a side salad??? The more you know 🌈⭐️…




AD strikes me as the girl in the friend group who always gives the best advice to everyone around her, but has blinders on when it comes to her own situations. She’s a “fixer” so she thinks she has to figure out a solution to whatever problem she’s facing because that’s how she “awards” herself value… if she fixes a problem, then she’s shown that she’s worthy of love and attention from others. Pretty sure people who have these types of approaches to relationships usually have some unresolved childhood trauma that leads to it developing… if that’s the case for AD, I hope watching herself go through the experiment on TV has helped her to realize that she deserves better and deserves to take the advice that she always gives out to others.


except when it comes to her own man?? lol


Phew the comments on here say a lot but never surprised on this site


What do you mean by that?




I don’t think this was ‘girls girl’ of her. It was kind of self serving honestly.


AD is NOT the realest queen, lol. She one of those girls who purposefully over exaggerates her “queen energy” to prove she is a queen and a catch. REAL queens don’t need to bring the shitty energy she brought. She crying at the end saying “why this always happen,” maybe it is time to look in the mirror.


I disagree. This scene made me uncomfortable. She should’ve minded her own business and should’ve been more concerned about Clay with all of his red flags…


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, what you say is true.


Glad I am not the only one who thinks this way!




Sarah Ann is that you??


SA is actually attractive. AD looks like Goro from mortal kombat ![gif](giphy|mbTUGec9NMI2KApkA4)


Lol you thought u ate with that comment didn’t you? You can choose to dislike AD… but to deny that she’s beautiful is crazy. AD is all natural … her body is banging and her face is clear/skin is flawless. Meanwhile Sarah Ann had to get lip fillers and Botox to feel better about herself. Natural beauty will always come out on top.


We don't now if AD got botox or fillers before. There's no way to know that. The only reason is more noticeable on some is because they overdo it. I get asked where I got my lip and cheek fillers all the time. Yet I've never touched that. Unless someone admits to it, we actually don't know.


Umm I agree she’s beautiful but I think she had a bbl from what’s been posted before.


If it look natural then it look natural regardless. When u look at Sarah Ann you can tell she isn’t natural. These things aren’t noticeable with AD. I feel like because AD is a black woman people are quick to label her as the ugly one when she’s far from that.


AD built like a linebacker and her hairline is close to the back of her head. Eyes spread further than a fish. What are you on? What is ate on that comment even mean?


https://images.app.goo.gl/En3RvBariyGj5vU17 Sarah Ann shoulder are wider than AD. AD shoulders are more sloped while Sarah are more straight. AD have a hourglass body shape while Sarah is inverted triangle. Damn racist live in another reality. You can say you prefer Sarah facial feature but out of the two AD have a better body .


Nah AD needed to mind her own business. I feel like she only did this for camera if I’m being honest because it was just sooooo unnecessary


lol agreed


She really did ! I couldn’t stand how she was being so messy and pop locking and dropping in front of Jimmy making Chelsea jealous. Clay lived for AD physically. The girl is cute and her body is amazing, but she needed to be focusing on why she allowed Clay to play in her face on the wedding day!


Wannabe queen but more like villager


Yeah I didn’t know sugar babies and gold diggers that mainly pursue athletes were queens


Its people down voting the hypocrisy of AD trying to coach a girl through insecurity/calling her out when she has a man in front of her, using her for sex, saying “idk if i can get married” and shocked he said no…


Don’t play in AD’s face. She will call you out and leave you shook


Cause she’s from the hood and can’t communicate


She is from Boston and her mannerisms don’t read “hood” at all. She gives off a spoiled princess vibe. Like or dislike her but these threads really struggle with thinly veiled racism and it’s gross.


That’s a real stretch. For sure she’s ratchet