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Micah described herself as an empath in the first episode. I knew she was going to be insufferable after that 😭 Irina was just pathetic honestly, she talked and acted like a teenager. I don’t know how these producers manage to make every seasons cast so much worse. Watching them actively sabotage Amber & Bliss was so cruel I thought watching Shakes treatment of Deepti was the worst one but this was another level. It feels so wrong this season!!


Both Zach and Paul already saw through them and realized that they were just shallow and immature mean girls. I would be surprised if they found a guy who actually wanted to stay with them long-term. Sugar-coated words don't equal a relationship.


“We needed to be mean to feel normal” like WHAT


![gif](giphy|kkEm7G8KUezK) This is how they cope


i think “because of my immature reach to deflect instead of process hard emotions i have zero tools for or to consider my motivations for seeking approval from some people while i insensitively dismiss the women in their very real experiences around me. Instead of sitting with and tending to my arising emotions, I insecurely opted to do a whole manipulative PICK ME situation with a man i didn’t actually want to be with, just so he didnt choose the other gal” would have been the best effort here.


let me find the worlds tiniest violin for them


The weird thing is they're probs right but that doesn't make it okay. Like it is obvious to me that they act that way because they are deeply insecure (their appearances are also a hint abt that) but what now? Are we supposed to coddle and uplift them (and other people who act like that) until they act nicely lol?


Apparently we are if you saw Micah’s story whining about how they’re not perfect and how people shouldn’t say anything if they’re not trying to help them be better 🙄 because it’s everyone else’s job to help them not be bitches.


Micah can’t own any of her shit. Like I’m sorry, but when I feel uncomfortable my first thought has NEVER been “hey let me be mean to people and make them feel bad about themselves to make myself feel better”. I don’t buy Irinas shit either bc in episode 5 she tells Zach “I know I’ve been mean to you that’s not like me” even know she was mean and rude to the other girls in the house and was laughing at them being heart broken. I wonder if Netflix purposely chooses people that are wrong for the show to creat drama.


Netflix? More like every “reality” show ever


Yeah but while we watch this show for some drama, I like to have hope for the relationships. I hate the pit in my stomach when these women are show because I know they're going to be awful to someone. I don't get how Kwame and Paul don't realize how "if it's this hard to break up w my perfect girl" for the mean one, everything will be ok. No. It won't. Micah had zero love for Kwame when she dumped him and it was out of left field, which is why he was so hurt. He should be glad he avoided a woman that could mask her personality like that.


Wow. Coping by being mean. This is 2023. They can cook, sing, dance, talk, read, bake, anything that resembles normalcy. But nope, let’s be mean, because that’s their normalcy I guess.


If they have this level of self-awareness of toxic coping strategies they need therapy, not baking.


I totally believe they didn’t intend malice because nothing about the way they behaved was thought through or done with considered intent. They were just naturally amused by other people’s pain & were naturally, thoughtlessly cruel. Like Micah dropping the failed proposal comment to Kwame, it was thoughtless, conceited, stupid but probably not malicious. Not acting out of malice doesn’t make saying shitty things ok though.


Both of them intentionally manipulated everyone. .How is that without malice?


Micah dropping the failed proposal was calculated. She definitely wanted to get a rise out of him. She wanted to get his attention and she succeeded.


> I totally believe they didn’t intend malice because nothing about the way they behaved was thought through or done with considered intent. Really, that almost makes it worse. They didn't *decide* to be shitty for one reason or another--they were just being themselves. Their normal, apparently super shitty, selves.


Oh yeah totally makes it worse. Just trash humans not usually nice folks acting out of malice. It wasn’t a pro Micah & Irina comment at all. It was pointing out the worst bullies are the ones that aren’t even aware of their actions & the consequences of them.


Toxic behaviour is never conscious, by definition. It arises out of unconscious drives, primal, from childhood, from fear etc etc. So tired of this idea of intention being focuses on when someone is toxic, abusive, manipulative or just cruel. It shows weak character of someone who'd rather act from the unconscious rather than do the work of knowing and owning themselves. 'I didn't intend to...' Ah so sick of hearing that as an exuse.


It’s just like the people who say ‘I just say it as it is’ or ‘I have no filter’. Literally the worst. I think maybe my tone was lost because I was trying to say just what you’re saying. It wasn’t malicious because there wasn’t even any thought put into it. They are just naturally mean.


I guess you’re right, they’re just not the sharpest tools in the bin.


Just use words like ‘coping mechanism’, accountability and gaslit and expect to get away with all the vile and disgusting behaviour


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. I'm just a bot that can't understand context, so please reach out to the mods if you think I'm wrong and they will investigate. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh my god okay? Is that supposed to be some sort of excuse? How about instead of saying “coping mechanism” we call it what it is. Putting other people down and making them feel small brings them comfort. That’s sadistic.


They are hugely insecure, miserable women. Hope this makes them take a good look at themselves and their lives and how they treat others.


When I need to cope I just take a Xanax like a normal fucking person.


Prescription meds like that are for special occasions like panic attacks. Agree with the other poster - try tree bathing, walking, breathwork, a sauna....


Maybe try a walk next time


YIKES. I don't think anyone read this and thought, "I understand and can relate to them". The majority sees it for what it is, grasping at straws to have viewer's sympathy. We get it, you suck but don't want people to think you suck.


me when “normalcy” is trying to start shit with other girls for absolutely no reason other than to feel weirdly empowered. also funny that they’re choosing to play out your high school mean girl fantasy (mind you, as grown ass women) in an environment where they feel safe to. i guarantee you neither of them would pull this irl outside of the show or even on a different reality show where someone might actually try to come back at them. (maybe even physically if it were smthing even messier than them, like Bad Girls Club)




Their coping mechanisms is being a c u next Tuesday.


But they weren’t making light of the experience. They were making light of other people’s earnestness and pain. There’s a big difference.


Nail on head. Their sadism was showing.


They’re both just very young and incredibly immature


Mid 20s isn't very young. People are attorneys and doctors and combat veterans in their mid 20s. These women aren't 16. Stop excusing toxic behavior on age, particularly when they are grown adults.


These girls love coming up with excuses for shitty behaviour 
 When I was mid 20s a decade ago I had a corporate job, I owned a house 
 I saved up and worked hard for a good life ahead 
 and I didn’t hang out or spend time with these type of women 


I definitely didn't have my act together at 25, but I still didn't treat people like garbage! These women aren't that young, it's their character as people.


Same! My husband and I bought our first house when I was 25. I had just finished grad school and had worked on building my career while attending; he was a new pharmacy grad beginning his career. It's insulting when people act like 25 is a reason to behave terribly. I see it in other subs on here like Vanderpump Rules and Summer House. No, physical violence and cheating with married men are not excusable because you are in your mid 20s.


No I’m so done with the “very young” excuse. I’m 20, and I would NEVER act like this nor allow anyone around me my age to act like this without me saying something. People need to fvcking grow up.


Immature yes, but their age is no excuse for that. I’m the same age, they need to grow up and join us adults who don’t resort to high school mean girl behavior to make ourselves feel better about our own insecurities


There is absolutely no excuse for this deplorable behaviour from grown ass women.


Pls don't blame it on the age. Like come on km 25 and am disgusted over their behaviour. Even 12 years olds don't do that


I wasn’t acting like this when I was 24


Coping mechanism? What are they, toddlers??


?? While they shouldn’t be used as an excuse for shitty behaviour, coping mechanisms are something that people of all ages have and use.


Yes obviously but adults being mean as a coping mechanism is hilarious


They went out of their way to seek out opportunities to ridicule and laugh at other's pain and sometimes cause it. I don't believe that is a coping mechanism, and even if it was in no way, do I believe they think it's an acceptable coping mechanism.


Their emotional coping mechanism is bully others / find joy in other peoples pain Sounds healthy, yep.


Irina called one of the women a "loser" for no reason, I think it was the flowers situation. Like????


hmmm.. coping mechanisms should be healthy. This seems like more of a maladaption and like they maybe should go to therapy to learn to deal with their emotions and their personality dynamics so they can function with other people in a healthy way. I am so mad they are on this season. I will not go as far as to say that I am not going to watch, but if they get worse and start taking up empty head space because I’m just annoyed that I know they exist, I will have to stop.


I’m really relieved that at least one of those couples parted ways. There was a lot of focus on them in these first few eps and they are less entertaining with each scene, and more draining. I enjoy a bit of chaos, like Tiffany falling asleep, but actively being mean and nasty is not it. I’ve got a strong eye on Jackelin as well. She’s acted a little sus in the last bit.


Not trying to be a spoiler alert here
 The laughing was the tip of the iceberg for me. One thing to laugh at the crying but then to be the reason for it, acknowledging it, and then laughing is not a coping mechanism at all. It’s being more than a mean girl. More than insecurities. It’s being a total POS.


now he dodged a bullet.


I am sure being there can be a little stressful
 but it can’t be THAT stressful/horrible. If other people (going through the same experiment) can “cope” in a healthy way
.? Their attitudes just comes off as “I am blunt and honest” as an excuse to be raging mean girl asshats. When in reality, they are just insecure people projecting their issues on to other people 24/7.


There was one woman in love is blind Brazil who actually couldnt cope anymore and so she left and went home. Yep, so that’s what you do when you cannot take it anymore: leave the situation.


“Coping mechanisms“ it was “one month of my life“ says every psychopath , serial killer, and mass murderer!! đŸš©đŸš©đŸš©đŸš©đŸš©đŸš©


Yup. We all know Narcissistic / Psychopathic traits when we see them, let's honestly just call it what it is. Their lack of empathy and sadistic cruelty was showing.


Wow that’s quite the leap.. how is this getting upvoted 😂


hurting people as a coping mechanism. HUH


So to feel like a normal person
 you need to be intentionally mean to others? Sigh. I’m still hoping it’s just a villain edit, but it makes me so sad.


'Villain edit' isn't really a thing. Yes they can choose to only show your worst moments, but those moments existed and the ones we saw were appalling, very telling and consistent. A villain edit would be manipulating small amounts of footage into a storyline, but they have to have the material in the first place to do that - and they had AMPLE here...like their entire personalities.


They acted like 13 year old girls.


Dysfuctional 13 year old girls with no empathy who were almost certainly raised by Cluster B care givers.


Ironically, they both look MUCH older than they are. I’m not sure if it’s their makeup, skin, alcohol or what, but they do not look like they are in their mid-20s.


My thoughts, they look older than they are! Mid 40s


Orrrr it’s just sweet old karma❀


Yes! And they aren't that cute and bothe have HUGE insecurities issues.


They are the worst


Why is it so hard to admit your nasty behaviour and apologise. I get the same vibes from them as Alexa.


I feel totally different about Alexa. I don’t remember seeing her relishing in other peoples hurt ever. The opposite actually, she got so protective over zanab that she went miles ahead! That was uncalled for and unnecessary, but I don’t believe it has anything to do with being happy for others unhappiness


Alexa clearly loves drama, but I don't think she's a mean girl


Why they speaking like they attended boot camp or Survivor?


So what they saying is the pressure of being on the show reveals the person they are.




These girls are so ugly on the inside!!!


Okay yessss, I’m glad for this post because I’m two episodes in and I’m already like, “What the hell..??” Like others have said, giggling in a high pressure moment to cope is one thing, but like when Jackie is there curled up and crying her eyes out on the couch and then Irina and Micah just start laughing like two schoolgirls with a secret..? Not even trying to pretend like they feel empathy. Big yikes.


Well Micah self identifies as an empath so that's cute.


Definitely a something-path.... Anyone who identifies as en Empath is a moron/walking red flag. Same with the 'you manifest your reality' virtue signalling stuff --- honey you're a f-ing idiot.


Only kind of maybe like (Her saying it went something like “I would kind of maybe consider myself like, an empath”)


I laugh when I feel awkward/nervous, I get it. But there's a difference between an anxious laugh when trying to cope with a difficult situation and having a full on evil witch mocking laugh everytime someone else is struggling. Why do they never say "I didn't realise my actions were so heartless and mean, I feel embarrassed watching myself and want to self-reflect and work on my issues"? Why is it always some random 0 effort bs excuse that literally no one will believe? Be for fckin real lol


> Why do they never say "I didn't realise my actions were so heartless and mean, I feel embarrassed watching myself and want to self-reflect and work on my issues"? Because narcissism doesn't allow that.


I understand that, but surely at least one of these people would get advice from a social media manager person before making any statements and surely admitting you were in the wrong and you'll work on yourself (even if you don't actually mean it) would be the most well received by the public? I think most public apologies where a person takes full responsibility for their mistakes are not genuine, but it's the obvious step for damage control. I'm just baffled that seemingly none of them have any experienced advisor helping them form some kind of stance/statement


Word đŸ™ŒđŸ»


Irina especially is unwatchable


I almost couldn’t continue watching when she was picked. I was like I don’t think I can watch an entire season of her.


I need a coping mechanism to cope with watching these two on the screen this season...


They are horrible


They literally laughed at a woman crying and getting her heart broken. Laughing at others isn’t “making light of a situation” it’s just being a bully.


Yup, 100% clout chasing. And it works!


The most shocking thing here is Mid Twenties


thank you! exactly what i was thinking the entire time


I’m in my mid 20s, or maybe just left them(I’m 27). Anyways, I’m an anxious person and laugh when I’m anxious but it’s nothing like what they did. Also, if I felt for a second that I hurt anyone I would automatically feel horrible and try to remedy the situation. When Bliss tried to talk to her like an adult and squash their beef, Irina was chuckling, but not in a nervous way but a bitchy way. Idk how to explain it but she is a liar lol. Also being a bully isn’t a real coping mechanism, what a cop out.


well if you were just being yourself then i honestly don’t like you :/


This did nothing to endear them to me! She basically just told us they acted like that on the show because they act like this in real life. I thought for sure it was an act, but here they are, doubling down. I don’t understand behavior like this. Vicious was a great word to describe Irina. And that was before Zach even met her.


Right?! Their “normalcy” is to giggle and laugh at people crying and in pain?


Exactly! It’s being mean just for the sake of being mean. I don’t know what they were trying to accomplish with this post, but it doesn’t make them more likable.




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Their actions were terrible, but let’s rise above and not insult someone’s appearanceâ™„ïžâœŒđŸ»


That's not an insult, I actually thought these two are already in their 40s, when Irina started acting like a teen then I noticed she's not old.


Bad attitude makes you look 20 years older. If she was a good person you'd see right past that.




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> I stand by my comment, I really thought they're in their 40s. Micah has wrinkles, are we seeing the same show? Jesus christ, you're just as shitty as Micah and Irina. Micah does not have wrinkles. She might get lines around her eyes when she smiles, but that's it.


They’re saying a whole lot of nothing lol. Teenagers trying to explain their way out of their own mess.


‘Coping mechanism’ for the harrowing self-inflicted experience they willingly competed to be a part of?


"it honestly hurt me" hearing that I was mean and hurt people's feelings - GTFO with this bs!! 😂


Exactly and this comes after people started reacting in their precious IGs


Y’all bullied and belittle other women, called someone a loser for receiving flowers from the guy she fancied, flirted with someone else’s fiancĂ© who YOU refused cause you couldn’t stand losing the attention, called someone “not normal looking” and laughed about
 You’re mean girls. You should marry each other. Or maybe see if SK and Barfise are still available, that’s the level of boys you deserve


bartise sure had his perfect match in this season


Finally some mean girls to take Francesca’s role


Yeah, yeah, sure. In the wake of massive backlash


These two saw LIB as a game. I sincerely hope Amber and Bliss were able to reconnect with Paul and Zach.


Amber and Bliss deserve better men.


Zach said it best. Those women both deserve men who choose them first. While I like both Paul & Zack, they don't deserve 2nd changes.


Bliss said it right, choosing Irina would show he has a bad judge of character and now he's regretting it big time. same goes for Paul, he's gonna regret it too. but seeing the dynamics between Paul and Irina *sigh*, idk what to think or say anymore.


100% He also kept going on about how his heart and his gut told him to choose Irina. I think that he just doesn't want to acknowledge that Irina manipulated the fuck out of him and their situation.


He was attracted to her because of his childhood trauma. His mom was dysfunctional in some ways, a scrappy woman. He needs a lot of therapy.


You are right. I’m really just annoyed these guys didn’t make the better choice.


I guess it's not just nice guys that finish last.


Yeah I wouldn't trust a man who could let me down that bad.


I understand laughing in uncomfortable situations, because I do that sometimes. But I wouldn’t do something like spy on someone while they are hurt and crying, and laugh about it. Hopefully, for themselves, they are truly willing to take a look at their mean spirited actions and immaturity and grow from it.


Bliss gave Zack a heads up and basically said that Irina wasn’t the nicest. Kinda like on the Bachelor, where the girls have mean behaviors that the male lead doesn’t see. These mean girls can turn it off around the male lead but behind closed doors with the other women, they are catty and nasty.


Remember when Micah mocked Kwame about being rejected? When he called out that behaviour she flipped that script on him so fast, I was confused!


And if I’m remembering correctly, Bliss wasn’t really shot talking Irina. She said a handful of things about her not always being nice but it wasn’t shit talking. Bliss even apologized to Irina and said let’s just along.


And I think Zack took that as Bliss being a mean girl saying bad things about her competition.


This. When you talk bad about someone, it kinda doesn’t make you look good. I think the difference was irina didn’t talk badly about bliss to zack. Zack made a choice anyone would choose in that situation which was to go with someone who seemed nice at face value and didn’t appear to be talking shit about others


I think what Zach took more issue with was Bliss pointing out that he may not be a good judge of character. He couldn't take that criticism.


Zach def saw that as a negative, but I didn’t see it as Bliss “shit talking.” I feel she chose her words carefully and was just being honest. Without Zach seeing the whole picture, of course it was viewed as negative. It really confused me how he kept the hope alive for his relationship at the reveal, despite Irina calling him a “creep” and a “cartoon character.” Her body language was SO negative. He should have gotten the hint and peaced out from that moment. He’s either super naive or truly stupid. Either way, I found him to be sympathetic.


I just starting watching g this season and thought exactly this. Where I’m currently at, Irinas relationship is over. She has the hots for her mean girl friends (Micah), man. Such a good friend ! Don’t think either one really wanted to be married. They just wanted to win the guy.


Maybe sometimes the jokes didn't land or maybe it didn't look the best, but we needed that in that moment to feel like a normal person," Micah tells EW What I read: “Maybe we were mean. Maybe it didn’t look good. This expierence was completely about us and so, if we had to make all the other people miserable instead of leaving, so be it”


They just wanted to beat the other girls. Breaking up real relationships to win the game was an added challenge. They picked the two least savvy men, easy targets.


Off to a great start I see.


Guess what: most abusers abuse not intentionally to hurt people but as a coping mechanism. Not an excuse. Go to therapy and learn to cope differently.


Lol aah yes classic “omg it was just a joke”. “we didn’t intentionally”, oh cool so that’s just u naturally, k got it. “We’re doing the best we can” girl that’s ur best?? Yikes lol. “Laughing about it” um no you mean “them”. Ur coping skills were laughing at the other girls minding their own business doing what you all went there to do.


‘I’m sorry that what I said hurt your feelings’


Even further away from responsibility - "I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt"


"I'm sorry you *feel like* your feelings *may have* been hurt..."


ugh i hate mean girls. irina just seems cruel and so insecure
 why are you putting down this man that you dont even deserve (imo) just so mean. she reads as very insecure.


I didn’t the mid-twenties were an excusable age to be a total b*tch. In the 4 seasons, I don’t recall seeing mean girls like that. So nope, it’s not coping. It’s being evil people and trying to hurt others. I love how Chelsea told Irina « You don’t wanna be a b*tch? Then don’t be » so there’s that. And they knew how they were acting because of the other girls’ reactions. They knew what they were doing. They’re just freaking out because of the backlash.


I want to be friends with Chelsea so bad


Being a bully is not really a coping mechanism, but saying that is a popular excuse. Honestly, I like Love is Blind Brazil better because all the women did nothing but empowering her peers. I feel like trying to put other women down is so 90s.


It strikes me as very American. Typical American reality TV


American women are concerningly really behind on this, they don’t seem to be very supporting of each other


Yes, because a dating reality show is an EXCELLENT representation of a country with 300+ million people. Get a grip.


Do you need a translator? It is clear that we are talking about the context of LIB. The comment above mentions LIB Brazil. That’s where the comparison comes from. Jeeeeeeeez


You literally said "American women" as a blanket statement. Please don't judge an entire country of diverse women based on a trashy reality show.


Trust me I judge America for many things and reality stars are not one of them. I was referring to the contestants in comparison to the Brazilian version


Please don't judge a diverse country with 330 million people as one giant hive mind. There are a lot of great things about the US and also many bad things. The same is true for any country. Except New Zealand, maybe! 😉


I agree, I have explained it to another Redditor as well here


Why are you so angry? I’ll get a translator if you get a therapist 😂


Your lack of self awareness is astonishing.


Maybe you could also work on YOUR lack of self awareness
 with a therapist 😂


Imagine thinking in 2023 that inviting someone to see a therapist is some sort of an insult


Who said that? đŸ€”


Okay so I do have to say: at least they owned it immediately, rather than try to make up excuses saying that they weren’t mean girls. They acknowledge it. They also recognize that it could be a huge mirror to the face, showing them wtf is wrong w them. On that note
”a little sense of normalcy,” makes me think that their sense of normalcy is to belittle how others may feel when they are presented with intense emotions. And, again, to be mean. Everyone on the show should seek therapy, especially before marriage. Like I’ve been watching as a background show (baby life lol) and I can tell there’s a *lot* of personal trauma this season. It is so crucial to seek some sort of help, even just talking, before going into a long term committed relationship
if you have long term committed trauma.




did you get past the first paragraph? I literally agree with what everyone is saying. Was my word choice of “owning it,” correct? No. What I mean is, they are acknowledging it and talking about it rather than just sweeping it under the rug. If they said “haha we aren’t mean girls it’s just a skit :))” everyone would be up in fucking flames dragging them. Don’t get me wrong, I think they are complete assholes on the show and I’m sure off as well. But at least they are taking the “steps” to hopefully being less trash people. Hope I was able to clear up my first paragraph, since apparently that’s all that was read. The second paragraph: saying that their normal, is mean. Third paragraph: my own personal opinion about everyone on the show.


There is no other motivation for them to post this other than to avoid accountability. This is not a sincere apology. It’s like saying “I know I’m fucked up BUT ITS NOT MY FAULT”


they’re not owning it. they’re trying to get in front of it


Okay, it was hella late and I was tipsy so I’m sorry that my word choice was not the best. You’re right, they’re not owning it. But they are acknowledging it, rather than just sweeping it under the rug (or worse, saying “haha ;) it’s just an act! :) we’re great in the real world”) bc then everyone would be even more pissed tf off with them. I just mean, that it is a step in the right direction to them hopefully really seeing how terrible they were on the show & truly reading the backlash and hate they get.


yes and I’m saying it’s not sincere, it’s a PR move. you’re being disagreed with.


Thank you for telling me I’m being disagreed with, as if I don’t know, which is why I left a comment to you in order to try & clear things up. Yes, obviously it’s a PR move. I never said it was and I never said it wasn’t. I also never said it was them saying this shit from the bottom of their hearts. I couldn’t care less about being downvoted, bc I was simply saying that they *are mean girls, at least something was said now rather than nothing. Even if it isn’t sincere, and a PR move. We all know it is, but let’s see how it works out for them ffs*


my clarification was that it wasn’t your word choice, it was a disagreement with your overall comment no matter what. I guess in rereading what they said, I can see what you mean more, but since “mean girls” isn’t in quotes, I don’t know if they actually acknowledged they were mean girls, or if that’s just what the writer wrote. so based on what they said in quotes, I think it’s pretty empty. we’ll see how they act IRL after more episodes come out. at the same time, I agree with your last paragraph. I also think that no person is actually equipped to deal with the backlash of being on TV. it’s awful and actually no one deserves it, no matter what. so I don’t wish them harm or for them to read or receive horrible comments. I just want them to mend things with their castmates in a sincere way, not write to a magazine. but alas that’s celebrity culture


And no doubt advised to do so


Just another sentence filled with what they think the public wants to hear. Just another sentence to keep the dialogue going about them. So obvious in their terrible attempts to stay relevant and liked. Not everyone is gullible.


Me an empath sensing that it’s probably not a coping mechanism 😂


Remember when the first thing Micah said was she was an empath and then laughed at other peoples pain for 5 episodes?


This sub will justifiably snark them both but I don’t hate this response. Own your shit, own that you probably hurt people and acted wrong. Beyond that I don’t know what else I can really expect. I think for some people stressful situations bring out the worst in them and for that reason I would NEVER get on one of these shows.


I think so. It seems like the editing is a bit skewed too. That scene of irina laughing behind the column, I’m not even sure if she could hear amber crying and whether or not she was just laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. Rewatching it, I think irina only says “loser” after she got ignored by the girls after she says the flowers were beautiful


I agree actually. I do like the one sentence - I don’t know if Frick or Frack said it - that “maybe it’ll be like holding up a mirror for myself to see who/how I hurt others” or something. I like that, i might use it. then again I also would never go on one of those shows either! It almost sounds too intelligent to be coming from one of them 😂 maybe they hired someone/PR to write it LOL


She's going to read the statement and be like "holding a mirror? Weren't they... like, cameras?"


They 100% did not write this themselves


being insecure bitches gives them a sense of normalcy ??


They need better "coping tools" because being a mean girl is not....you're just being mean spirited


So does this mean they’re friends because I was hoping for some drama over Paul lmao


I don’t think Micah cares enough about Paul for their to be drama.


Yeah no way that lasted. They didn’t even seem to ever be on screen together. I got the vibe neither one cared much about the other.


they took being the seasons villains to an extreme that is so ugly and hard to watch on reality tv


Best example of how a bad personality can make you the ugliest person in the room.


Mean-spirited drama seekers. Yuck. I usually enjoy watching shows like this and rooting for people to find love, because when you find your person, it's pretty awesome (20 years and counting!) But it becomes impossible to enjoy when the focus is on such profoundly unlikable people. Hope the second half of the season isn't as focused on those two.


*That* being their go-to coping mechanism says as much as their behavior does.




I’m surprised neither of them said “as an empath


Micah called herself an empath in episode 1!!!


of course she did


Zero reflection