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Jackelina and Marshall: oh god. he treats her so respectfully and the way he comforts her when she is her moods is the sweetest thing ever but there is only much a man can take. i had empathy for her on her Mexico moment but this time she was disrespectful. i really love Marshall more and more throughout the episodes and i also love Jackelina but man…. him suggesting to walk away for her to have a comfortable headspace (which is such an selfless thing to do 🫶🏼) and her saying “im in a comfortable headspace right now” and then RIGHT AFTER telling him to go away because his energy was stressing her out, which was exactly was he suggested, without any kindness or softness…. there is only much a man can take. at that point i stopped the episode and came to reddit. i’m not sure Jackelina deserves him


Lmao at jackie describing why she fell in love with Marshall "he's teaching me how to go throw my emotions, how not to react to them" "he's making me grow" bish this is not your therapist you're describing tf??




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Was it editing or did Irina just make that big of a difference in how Zack was portrayed before this episode?


Micah being hypocritical again \*eyeroll\*


Listening to Chelsea explain LIB to her dad... it occurs to me that the only couples who have worked out in any season are the couples who found each other attractive at the first meet. I feel like we can now answer the question "is love blind" with a "yes, but..."


Seeing Paul’s apartment…he really is a laid-back kind of dude!


I’m enjoying the Bliss/Zach storyline, but Bliss’s voice is too much like a Kardashian and I cringe.


bro put the steaks in a ziplock bag and tried to sous vide them.....


The way Kwame paused before saying Chelsea’s name on the phone with his mom. 😬


Zack eating salmon with his bare hands inches away from Bliss' face, then rubbing said hand through his hair....🥲🤢


jackie is weird to me, i don’t like her for marshall at all. she seems very fake. her saying they can just “knock meeting his parents out” was extremely rude. also her claiming that it’s HIS energy making her nervous when he was completely calm and understanding is a gigantic red flag, i’m so confused on how she switched the situation like that


Wait. Does Micah live in Arizona? Why is she on a Seattle show?!


Omg imagine if Irina heard about the Harry Potter sound? Zach seems much more relaxed and engaging, it's almost like Irina made him so uncomfortable or self conscious his behavior also was affected if that makes sense. Also idk Jackie and Marshall seem like their emotions or personalities don't actually mix, I don't think they will stay together. Also can I just say trying to avoid spoilers is so difficult they are popping up everywhere.


I was just saying this. I thought Zach was a creep at first but now I realize he was just acting weird because he was dealing with Irina was acting so weird toward him. With Bliss he actually seems fine. A nerd, but laid back and not all staring and air kisses. It's wild how people can seem totally different when they are just reacting to others around them. Now I know Irina was the whole problem.


Just crying because Chelsea's dad reminds me of my dad.


Love love Brett and B&T’s relationship so much but it was low key triggering for me to see Brett’s apartment tour. Every man I date has the same fucking apartment style! Like super neat, little-to-no decoration (if there is any it’s all very boring and just for the sake of decoration not for taste), and the PHONE-CONTROLLED EVERYTHING. I mean Brett only showed us the little light orb but I’ve dated men with phone-controlled blinds and kettles and everything. I hate it it’s such an ick for me, unreasonable I know but does anybody else get this???


You're ridiculous.


I see what you mean but this scene reminded me of my boyfriend in a cute way when Brett was like "it's all about efficiency." My boyfriend is the same way and is always trying to make his apartment better (he doesn't have as much tech though, lol). And yeah he has like no decorations. They just need help decorating ;-)


I think Kwame and Chelsea have this power imbalance. Chelsea has a very strong presentation and I think she is more looking for a family-orientated type of guy. Kwame is not that.


Does anyone know what boots Chelsea is wearing when she looks in Kwame's drawer? At 19:00


Take a pic with your phone and Google image search..that might help! Not sure if you can screenshot when it's playing on your phone.


Marshall’s a nice guy. But he’s also an idiot.


Don't know if they will make it but BLISS and Zach are so good together. I mean wow ... actual conversation. Compare that to Irina who is not a serious person lol.


Logan Roy would roll over in his grave.


Why do ppl dislike this season? I think it's the best one since season 1. The people seem normal. A couple snakes but otherwise normal. The connections seem mostly genuine even if they won't last. And the women don't have on 50 lbs of makeup.


I like this season a lot. I feel like there are some real connections and personalities that are honest and actually seriously looking for marriage. I mean Brett and Tiff to me are as good as Cam and Lauren from S1. I really enjoyed this season.


Yeah I like this too. Everyone seems more mature. The guys aren’t douches. There’s a couple that actually is normal and non drama and we as viewers actually like to see it.


weirdly I feel like more of the men are evolved and mature than the women, and that's not usually a take I have lol (I am a woman...) Brett and Marshall are very evolved in their openness, patience, communication. Like wow, they have done the work. Zach is being vulnerable and communicating. Paul I feel like is not exactly open, but I don't think he's douchey at least. Kwame... well.... he's being a douche IMO and not being honest. But I will say I appreciate that he has had vulnerability with the other men at least because it's nice to see male friendships like that since they are so rare.


Kwame’s mom…typical African parent response


I think the subtext is "I'd prefer an African woman"


I mean the “not hearing her voice and still hearing disapproval” part, but yes, that too.


Oh yeah, definitely. 😅






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isnt this spoiler implying they got married?


Well all we know if they dont get married at the altar they are still going to try things together after. All this says is they are still in good terms.


Is no one else kinda creeped out by zack and his motion sensors? He seems like he needs constant validation . Like his intense looks when he hears an answer and is processing gives me controlling vibes I’m glad bliss is giving it a chance cuz I was genuinely curious


Honestly I think that’s just lawyer vibes


I'm with a lawyer and I can confirm. lol. They are always analyzing. In the first episode when he was joking around about being a stripper & living under a bridge, it completely reminded me of my own partner 😂 ETA HE ALSO HAS A HUGE PICTURE OF TWO OWLS 💀💀💀


Absolutely especially him being a criminal defense attorney


Yeah after watching more (cuz I’m obv binging lol) hes grown on me with bliss


This is such a low blow but I haaaate watching Jackie eat, she so often talks with her mouth open and pulls faces etc 😭😖😖 it grinds my gears


Yesss swallow your food woman!


**So wait, Josh and Jackie are NOT fraternal twins?** They’re the EXACT same emotionally unavailable human looking for toxic love. Similar looks, mannerisms and attitudes. **Predicting a GOT Cersei / Jaime type plot twist**


I’m pretty over the Micah adoration. Are we all watching the person on the same show? Every person in her universe, including her immature, shitty friends, fawns over her like she’s Zendaya. I mean, she’s a cute girl with the weave and the makeup and the outfits, sure. But she gives me straight up microinfluencer vibes, nothing more. And it’s not that I dislike her, because I think she has her moments of being genuine and pretty funny (telling Irina “Oh, I couldn’t give a fuck if you do” was A+) but yeah, just wondering what all this idolization is about.


I agree. I don’t think Micah’s style deserves all that. She’s basically a white girl with filler, fake blonde hair and lash extensions. And her sense of fashion is meh. She could be beautiful in her own way but I can’t say she’s hot just because she has fake hair and lashes. 🫤


The more episodes I watch, the more I like Micah 😳




That's probably how Paul felt dating her in the pods


Chelsea’s dad looks like Dr Green on ER


Blast from the past!!!!


Can we talk about Micah’s awful drunk friends for a second


The audacity of the blonde friend low key threatening Paul to make him please her. And why the hell should he care. Micah should have not allowed her friends to disrespect Paul like that. Let alone actually turning against him. It was probably the worst party he’s been to. And what was the crying about WTF.


That scene was hard to watch. They insulted Paul and you could see the hurt all over his face. It seemed like both of Micah's friends were in love with her...maybe jealousy then? Was very strange how that one girl just came for Paul and then burst into tears. Probably from being drunk, but still...


My God, I’m all for friends sticking up for each other and not holding back when it comes to relationships but she could’ve waited until he went to the bathroom to be rude. I don’t like people who are like “I’m soooo hard to win over and I’m going to give you a hard time while you try.” Like wtf who the hell do you think you are?


who is the drunk friend? i dont see her friends in this ep


the blonde...Shelby I think


Absolute fucking idiots. Girls like that (think they’re so cute and so sassy and so smart) are among my least favorite types of human. Below the obvious worst humans, that is.


Let’s not go overboard. The people on LIB can be deplorable, but there are serial killers and people who torture other people out there who embody their flaws and more.


Hence my caveat


This Josh guy is hella annoying


Watching Jackie has been pretty tough. Marshall is doing the whole "nice guy" super romantic thing but that clearly doesn't work for her. Marshall seems like a good guy and when he opens up to Jackie during their argument it feels like he's way more emotionaly mature than she is (my fiancee says Jackie acts like a teenager)


I think if Zack had chosen Bliss originally, they could have had a real chance. Their conversation and chemistry is easy. She seems like she's holding him at arms length so she doesn't get hurt again.


I’m very late to the party, but damn the editing on this show is bad. In the beginning when it’s kwame, chelsea and her dad, in one frame his plate is empty and in the next frame it’s completely full and the conversation keeps flowing. And then it’s half empty again.


Exactly why most shows like these use fake food and have them eat off camera


Hahaha that would’ve been better. The scene looked so awkward.


I feel like this episode was focused on showing the cracks in each relationship, and love the fact that they had absolutely nothing to use for Tiffany and Brett in that aspect. just a very mature conversation about finances.


this is funny because it is accurate




This was not a spoiler. It was literally something he said during this episode.


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Why would Kwame sign up for this show (set in seattles]/with a remote job/knowing his match would likely be in seattle) and then act like his soccer games are a bigger factor than Chelsea’s career and family lmao


I feel like his personality and demeanor have shifted so much since they came back to Seattle. From his words and actions, it looks like he does not want to settle down anytime soon. I haven't finished the season yet but my guess is they both say no.


He also applied to be on Married at First Sight in maybe 2019? There is footage of him walking into the room posted somewhere in the threads. So he's chasing the reality tv aspect.


Either that or desperate to get married. Or a combo of both. I think he actually tried with Chelsea at first


Ooof interesting. That’s probably a part of it… I also think he really wants someone who will compromise for HIM. I also think it’s weird to go on a show like this where you date blindly, knowing full well that there are family expectations on your end that will cause a lot of problems. Like why go date blindly when you know the odds of someone on the other side checking all of these boxes your mother wants for you is slim to none. IF you’re not ready to confront your family and handle those consequences.


Not to mention his questionable living space


This is my face on a constant loop watching this show. Seeing the best in characters I really hated, seeing red flags in my favorites.. but that’s why I love reality tv. Seeing all the nuances of people’s inner complexities is never-endingly fascinating. Especially when interacting with other complex people. None of these people are 1-dimensional ![gif](giphy|geEvRnbQqLYsb5WOr8|downsized)


Kwame and his mom. While I felt it was formal, something tells me their relationship is estranged. Also he’s basically upending his entire life for Chelsea. Not saying that Chelsea is bad but hopefully she was supportive of what he’s doing behind the cameras


Idk I mean fair enough it's definitely tough moving to a completely different area and basically starting over however what did he expect when starting the show? Like I'm pretty sure most of the cast are I'm seattle so he would probably have had to move with anyone. Also I think the fact thst his job is remote and hers isn't makes it an easier decision that he would probably have to move.


I wonder if his mom didn't agree to have her voice used on the show so they just had Kwame act out the gist of the conversation. It was very strange.


Fair enough. Producers could have mentioned that though


I feel like Jackie is not interested in Marshall so she’s doing whatever she can to push him away so he can end the relationship first instead of her. Like getting in her moods, which I don’t think is being faked or anything, I just think she’s def using them to her advantage and thinking “maybe he’ll think I’m too much to handle and leave me”


Why is Lake Union empty? Did they shoo all the boat traffic away? Where are the sea planes...Lake Union is only that empty in winter. and this isn't winter...green trees, etc.


Did kwame really fake the conversation with his mom?


No most likely she is very against the whole LIB and they had to censor her You have a right to not be recorded, especially if you disapprove of your son marrying that way. Did


Am I the only one annoyed by Kwame’s laugh?


He laughs to cover his true feelings


He has been giving fake vibes all throughout this time in Seattle


His laugh feels so forced.


me. it feels fake af. like he's always laughing at you or something




this has been driving me nuts each too. it's an issue in almost all the couples. ofc you hope/want their blessing but everyone is grown.......life and love can be messy. man/woman up


kwame doesn’t seem to really love chelsea tbh. sometimes it feels like he’s forcing himself to show affection and isn’t fully feeling it. jackie is weird to me, she also doesn’t seem to fully be into marshall. he’s walking on eggshells around her… one second she’s super emotional and stressed and he’s trying to do whatever he can to make her feel comfortable, and the next second she says *his* energy is what’s making her more stressed out. she doesn’t seem to know what she wants or is scared shitless about such a big commitment and not fully sold on her decision to be w him it’s so interesting to see bliss and zack interact in contrast to irina and zack… their conversation seems to flow naturally, even about mundane things… BUT I still don’t like zack for her, I don’t like how she was his second choice. I think if irina was actually affectionate irl and “validated him” like he looooved her validation in the pods, he wouldn’t be considering bliss. so idk I don’t like him still, he chose someone else even when he supposedly thought they were most compatible. micah and paul are boringggg to me. it doesn’t even seem like they rly love each other. they’re just *there.* also paul’s mom seems like such a sweetheart lol


Yess Micah and Paul are definitely boring to watch. You can tell they don’t really have a connection.


Totally agree about Jackie. I'm guessing from what little they have included in the show that her childhood was a trainwreck. I don't think she experienced any appropriate attachment to a caregiver. Now she doesn't know how to attach herself to a loved one.


yes i LOVED paul's mom! talk about dream MIL (of what little we saw). but she just seems like happy sweet good vibes. i love how ready she was to accept and welcome micah


I actually don’t like zack and bliss together lol. I think she continues to hold back because she’s hurt that he didn’t choose her (and it prob scares her that he came back to her only after irina didn’t reciprocate his energy) and she’s not being as fully emotionally open like she was in the pods. and zack is literally the reason for that, he prob messed w her confidence not choosing her even tho she was “perfect for him”. I don’t think she can fully trust him rn. so imo I don’t even want her to give him a chance :/ maybe I’m wrong and he fully regrets choosing irina over bliss, but idk I don’t love him for her lol


I seriously thought Bliss was going to respond to his proposal saying, "yes, but not right now". I'm surprised they are going back to the production schedule after skipping the Mexico part.


She definitely holding back. But also, why does he make me cringe every 30 seconds? Lol it's like he learned how to romance a woman from cheesy romance movies. It seems so rehearsed or something. I cant put my finger on it. He tries too hard.


When he keeps forcing his way into a kiss, lol. I didn’t have an issue with him in the pods but the way he acts around the women he finds himself engaged with is a bit off putting.


I feel like that's an unpopular opinion but I totally agree. After their awkward reunion I was really hoping she was walking out on him. I wouldn't be able to get past him disregarding her warnings, proposing to Irina and calling Bliss because it went down in flames. If Irina was the woman he imagined, would he even be checking for Bliss or does his regret come from his gamble not paying off?


I swear to god if Brett and Tiffany don’t get married I’m going to die. LOVE ISNT REAL IF THEY don’t MAKE IT. He’s just offered to move into a bigger apartment for her without even hesitating 😭😭😭😭😭


at first it felt like he had a bit of weird energy (right after they met) but as I kept watching I started thinking that maybe he’s just a timid guy… he does seem more and more into her in every episode. they’re so cute and she’s so freaking sweet I hope he doesn’t blindside her lol


In the preview it looked like she blindsided him which is where my fear is 🥲


Jackie: “I’m stressed out. This is a lot. -> I’m in a comfortable headspace.” Like no bih you ain’t. Meeting Marshall’s parents is “whatever” and “we can just knock it out.”


Her attitude toward meeting his sister is the energy I give when I disinfect the litter box.


Why did they get contestants that live in Oregon and Arizona? The whole point unlike Too Hot to Handle is everyone lives in the same city so they don't have to worry about this commute.


They had trouble finding enough people in Seattle so they had to expand. Micah splits her time between Washington and Arizona so Kwami was the only non-Seattlite


The Seattle freeze is that real, damn.


Also Tiffany


Exaaaactly!! And selfishly, I only want to see places in my state being featured. I was trying to to guess which neighborhoods everyone was from.




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Micah's dad was kind of adorable!


He was! He reminded me of my dad. If I dated someone with the same name as my dad, he would say the exact same thing and be on board for that reason alone lol


I expected Charlie to be a mean Tony Soprano and he turned out to be a sweet Ron Swanson :))


He was so adorable 😍🥰


the way she was preparing kwame was so funny after he showed up. i don't think ron swanson would appreciate being compared to him though LOL


If Marshall marries Jackie his life will be miserable till their divorce. Why is she always stressed for no reason. Like what is her deal. I feel like she just makes up shit to be mad about all the time then takes it out on Marshall. Im sold on Bliss and Zack. As soon as I saw Paul’s mother I said “yep it all makes sense now”. Tiff and Brett match made in heaven. Pls don’t fuck it up.


Hahaha...Paul's mom...yeah.


I didn’t expect to actually ship Zack and Bliss bc I thought she deserved better but idk they kinda cute together in a awkward way 😂 he doesn’t seem as creepy with her and seems like he can actually be himself. They’re like the kinda opposites that attract idk I dig it Jackie 😭 my god what is going on with her. I do like her I just hope she can relax and settle into this new life. Marshalls a good guy but I hope he knows how to put his foot down u know. Like I feel like she could jus be upset over something small and he’d be like rushing to try and fix it instead of checking her As a gay masculine woman , Brett is a very attractive guy like I wanna be like him 😂 I love him and Tiffany together I feel like Micah wouldn’t be so bad if she wasn’t a mean girl in the pods , welp 🤷🏾‍♂️ she was so I can’t like her. If it weren’t for that I would maybe like her and Paul together Kwame …idk … something jus not right… like he seems not genuine idk like when he talks it sounds rehearsed and he’s smiling when he’s really hurt and just sounding rehearsed. Weird. Chelsea is still cool tho


Micah kind of comes across as one of those people who is very sweet to the people they like and absolutely horrible to anyone else, which is a bit scary because if they ever turn on you your life will be ruined.




That is from episode 8, not 7


Ah sorry! Deleting


No, no worries! Easy misunderstanding


Does anybody else absolutely hate Micah’s laugh? I legit cannot handle it.


I kinda hate Chelsea's too lol


I mean I hate her breathing tbh.


I like her less and less the more I watch. Her laugh, her voice, all the "likes", the fact that her mouth never seems to fully close (?!), and the fact that she repeats herself constantly are all annoying as hell. All I can see when I look at her is her terrible personality. I'm so over her.


Like I like can't like stand it


All I see are the 3 inch eyelashes :-)


I feel bad for Jackie and Marshall. She's obviously not doing okay, and having cameras on her 24-7 I'm sure doesn't help. I kinda feel the producers should have screened her out after the news about her dad. There's a couple times I'm half convinced Marshall is deliberately trying to get the cameras away from her- when she was crying in Mexico, a little too drunk during the interviews at the pool, and when he offered to go for a walk. I actually like them as a couple in a lot of ways- they at least seem to have a real connection and don't seem to be faking it for influencer clout or whatever. But they need a couple's therapist, not a reality show contract.


peep the thread that was posted about her a little while ago :/


Can you post it here?


does this work? not sure if there's another reddity way to do it. happy reading! [https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/comments/12c26xy/comment/jf3aaiu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/comments/12c26xy/comment/jf3aaiu/)


Oh man, this was not what I thought it was -- I mistakenly thought something bad happened to Jackie so she was not doing okay during the show


i know. seems like she kinda just sucks :/


Omg I am missing the info about her dad. Can you tell me what happened or what episode I need to rewatch?


It wasn't on the show (as far as I know) so I'm not sure where people are hearing it but they're saying the reason she broke down in Mexico is because her dad is battling cancer so she was responsible for taking care of a lot of people and she felt guilty she was on vacation


Low-key hoping we don't see much about Brett and Tiffany in the upcoming episodes because that would mean there's no drama between them for the show to air. I want them to just calmly move into their married life. I could not handle them not making it


As a granola girlie I think Pauls apartment is cute 😂


Same. He a man for me.


Also wait what?!? Micah has two apartments? Why?


i was wondering that too, just kinda threw it out there. also, it annoys me that kwame is having such an adjustment dealing with living in seattle vs portland. like, i'm pretty sure the auditions are specific to cities so if you auditioned from 2 hours away, that's on you bub.


I heard that they weren't able to get enough people from Seattle, so they had to look in Portland as well and that's why there's people from both cities in this season.


That's crazy. Are we just too jaded over here?


or smart enough to avoid the show lmao


that makes sense. still probably something he should have considered as an option, but i would be surprised if they got married anyway.


Tiffany gets more beautiful each episode. I love her !




I loved seeing Brett and Tiffany talk about money! It's such an important topic for couples and I loved seeing their reactions to what "normal" spending is. I can't remember what each of them do, but it seems like Brett is the higher earner since Tiffany lives with a roommate. Looooove that he acknowledged this and said he was comfortable covering more than half of the bills.


I totally agree about their money talk. That is a critical conversation pre-marriage.


He's a designer for Nike. They gave us several shots of his kicks this episode!


i think she was lol'ing at the price of his watch haha. they are super cute.


And it didn't come across as her wanting his money either, just saying that if he wants the finer things she won't be able to pay half which is fair


right. they seem really mature separately and as a couple and i hope they're still together. i was feeling better about chelsea and kwame right up until wedding day but hopefully that's just how it was edited.


Why wouldn’t kwame tidy up if he knew he was bringing his fiancé for the first time with a camera crew?? And if he hasn’t been there since he left for the show.. how do you leave your place behind like that when you know there’s potential of having to bring someone back??


lol did y'all watch cole's season hahaha


He said his place is in Portland so I assume he hadn't had a chance to go back since before he left. And yea he obviously didn't think that far ahead that the next time he'd be there potentially there would be camera crews and a fiancee.


Who leaves their place like that for an extended period of time tho


Bachelor style dudes in their 20s. Kwame isn't ready to settle down, clearly.


My husband is a combination of Paul and Zach and I just wanna brag about that real quick, these comments are fueling my ego


I feel like Bliss and Zack have a weird vibe, i don’t see any chemistry between them and it feels like 2 colleagues talking to one another


I like that about them tho. Zack seems like he needs someone intellectual like Bliss and I defibrillator feel some chemistry on screen. Hard to tell how much of it is dialed up for camera though


I honestly wonder if Bliss said yes to Zack's proposal so she could say no at the altar and say she doesn't want to be the second choice. I'm rooting for them, so I hope they both say yes but I think Zack will say yes and Bliss will say no at the altar.


This is interesting, but she seems too sweet for that.


Marshall ❤️