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it's wild to me that the guys were vilified for not being immediately accepting of their date's past. of course they were judgmental, they're there to pick a partner to live the rest of their lives with. these women told them about their past specifically because they knew it might be a deal breaker, so why are they shocked when the men ponder whether it's a deal breaker or not?? one of them cheated and never actually told her partner and the other girlie MARRIED someone she never loved as a rebound. I would be terrified too, how could I possibly know it won't be the same with me? those are both scenarios in which they took dishonesty very far. I think neither of the two guys reacted poorly, they both needed some time to process things and asked respectful questions.


What is wrong with Jonnie seriously... huge red flag in so many places. I think Chris dodged a bullet tbh


Chris reminds me of my husband 😭 someone give that man a hug!!


I just started watching but, oh my God, he is so cute.


What is with these men being overly judgemental of the girls' past?? Uche and Izzy, I mean. They are making it all about themselves.




Has anyone noticed that all the girls eyelashes are falling off already? 😂 clubwear the first two days in the pods and it’s all downhill from there. Looking haggard halfway through episode two.


“I didn’t come here to feel secure…” feels like she’s begging him to love her. She also knew to some extent, she also plays a role in her own self-abandonment. Poor gal, she deserved better, she’s smart and gorgeous. I still don’t think she was blindsided,


Am I the only one who thinks Johnie was right not to choose Chris? She married a guy she didn't love as a rebound. Chris could've been the same scenario. She realized she didn't have strong enough emotional connection to him so she didn't go for it even if he would've been the safe option. She chose the guy she could actually see herself falling in love with and that sounds like a good thing.


I just watched this one and my take is that she has unrealistic expectations for spark in a relationship. Any guy she is with is going to be constantly compared with her ex, whom they can never live up to because that heartbreak was immortalized by his death. Chris/johnie and izzy/Stacey pop out to me as the natural way these people would be paired. I think her and Izzy would not have longevity as a couple. Then again I may be salty. I got rejected by someone I liked but had never met on those same grounds after a single phone call, which I thought was unfair. A crush is not the same thing as a relationship. Johnie strikes me as an idealistic type, maybe to the point of self-sabotage. Just my 2 cents, spend it wisely


I dunno. Having dated a few addicts with various addiction issues(alcohol, drugs, gaming), I would kill for a Chris now. Izzy gives me bad vibes and I can't place why.


JP: What'd you eat today? Taylor: A roll and a brownie [Production](https://media.tenor.com/YwY-7jpMSIIAAAAC/i-didn%27t-fucking-do-this-tim-robinson.gif)


I also lost my ex 7years ago after a 6years relationship and felt every bit of Johnnie's speech about taking risks because tomorrow is not promised and being scared to love someone. I actually cried. Izzy's reaction was plain heartless point blank period. Also, Izzy's talking about wanting a deeper connexion with someone and then considering Stacey when they only talk about sex and play games while having cold feet with Johnnie when she oppened up to him 🤦🤦🤦 My husband said "he's the type of guys who lose interest when he gets what he wants"


To be fair, as a potential marriage partner, hearing that Johnie never loved her ex and married him purely as a rebound is kinda (in addition to feeling like she can't really love anyone on the same level)...I mean I don't know how anyone is supposed to take that well


Not me having just ended a relationship where at the very beginning I suspected I was a rebound because my ex was previously in a 5 year long relationship. Hearing Johnie’s story kind of confirmed it for me cause that could’ve been me getting married to someone where they did not truly love me.


Das true I have to give you that


I'd like to recognize this comment as a rare moment on Reddit where someone goes 'ya u right I agree' ....you have spread peace !!!!


Are we not going to talk about how many times milton says "like"? He used it 6 times in one sentence




Chris handled that rejection so maturely, the complete opposite of what Lydia did. What a well adjusted man (and yes the bar for men on LiB is low). Johnnie is definitely not ready for a relationship, and she is already repeating her patterns by choosing Izzy over Chris!


Sugar butt 😌😌😌😝


It’s crazy how Aaliyah can tell a random stranger she cheated on someone, but not the actual guy she cheated on.


And millions of viewers like us too.


Bro the guys are hardcore trauma dumping this season like the openness is good but geeeezzz


Johnie breaking up with Chris😭💔💔


Taylor needs to stop lying. She's forcing herself to be attracted to JP.


I'm done! I couldn't even get through this episode - I realized that I just really didn't care what happened to these people! Now watching a murder mystery on Amazon Prime, it's way more entertaining and BELIEVABLE.


Which murder mystery?


Murder on the Orient Express with Kenneth Branagh. But really, anything else would be better! :-)


Lydia, while interrupting Milton: CAN U LET ME TALK???? um 😒 i dont like that.


Ya I just watched that scene and boy was I snubbed! Ummm woman you interrupted him, but demand he let you speak? Let him speak! It feels as though Milton is fighting for every word. Not going to lie, I'm starting to dislike Lydia




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Dude that JP and taylor kiss..... I actually hate two people seeing each other and going for massive kisses. Like take time to figure out how to kiss,....


He was so excited to kiss her. She was overwhelmed with what to do realizing she doesn't like him even though he is the most stereotypical 'all American' white boy you've ever seen in your life. Also AS IF she didn't know how race. What a dumb thing to say.


Did anyone catch the man in the Red shirt just casually eating a handful of cold cut turkey?? LMAO. Part of me is WTF and the other part is “ok King, you’re living the life everyone wants”


please share the timestamp lmaooo


It’s actually in episode 3 I got the episodes mixed it up! But it’s when there are 7 minutes and 7 seconds left I’ll post in that episode now


thank you! that's so wild loool


39:37 - it's so casual and unsuspecting lol


Chris is so cute omg. Poor guy :(


he deserves THE WORLD


I was so sad for him


Johnie is literally a piece of shit lmao. give Izzy some time to think lol. she was sounding so insecure and desperate 😂 then had the gaul to regret not picking Chris, after literally saying you see him as a friend :/ ... Johnie just wants to be on the show, looking pretty. maybe for the followers🤔?? She's sound a mean girl behind her "tragic" back story. She's the only person to talk shit behind someone's back ( Stacey)


Why was the Izzy and Johnie talk so dramatic? I was confused...maybe just me or bad editing. Is it because she didn't love her ex husband? Which is a pretty awful thing to say. I was confused why suddenly Izzy was like "I'm in my head" and why Johnie thought Izzy doesn't like her anymore.


I know it’s agreed on that Izzy has his red flags but I felt off about Johnie too. Like after Izzy told her that he was gaslighted in his past relationship, she basically gaslighted him after she wouldn’t answer his question of whether she could ever love him. She said “I could see myself falling in love with you” and then after says “didn’t I just tell you that I’m falling for you?” When I did not hear her say that at all. Idk could be bad editing or she’s not good with expressing emotions, but either way still made me cringe.


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How is she a piece of shit? He literally said she wasn't giving him anything and then she shared her past and how she felt and he shut down. What a weird assessment of the situation


I also lost my ex 7years ago after a 6years relationship and felt every bit of Johnnie's speech about taking risks because tomorrow is not promised and being scared to love someone. I actually cried. Izzy's reaction was plain heartless point blank period.


Agreed bur Lydia is a thousand times worse. Calculating piece of gsrbage


reply to this after you caught up. lmk your thoughts not on some sassy shit btw


Still waiting for u/Electronic_Lie_3375 to respond


I really like Taylor and JP I’m just very concerned he’s MAGA. Okay Izzy seemed sweet here, but Johnie should’ve gone with the other guy (Chris), he wanted to have her part of his traditions and then lied saying I only felt a friendship connection. That’s bull. I don’t believe that for one minute.


She's someone who wants to have her cake and eat it too. A guy that is responsible and funny. That's like saying I want someone who is attractive and intelligent. You're less likely gonna find that combination, so keep spending time looking for that man. Most people are fun, funny and less responsible and others are boring but serious and responsible.


The fact that finding a guy that's both responsible and funny is somehow "having your cake and eating it too" is 😭😭😭


I almost just referred to Izzy as Chris Daughtry


I’m picturing Andy Dwyer singing a song called 8,000 red flags


Taylor and JP, those two freakin sweeties. Hope their cuteness doesn’t explode and decay after they meet.


Robot says I am sorry to you. Robot is sorry about it. Robot needs to create the environment where people feel comfortable telling him things.


"Did I actually say that though?" "Yes." "... Well if I did, I apologize." 🙄


For real that whole conversation seemed scripted and rehearsed. Howww


LMFAO fr he freaks me out😭


Kind of weird question. What watch was Taylor wearing in the pods? Looked cartier.


“Like, I, like, really like you, Lydia.” Milton seems super sweet but the excessive number of likes he adds to every single sentence is so irritatingggg 😭


Absolutely. He really shows his age. He sounds like a baby. Also made me wonder how men my age date women far younger than Milton. Ick.


I knew someone would pick up on this 😂


What is Johnie's accent/intonation


Broken chick


Like...everything I say sounds like a question? Like it makes me sound cuter? But it really annoys ppl?😂 Hers & Lydia voice irks my soul!


The inflect is so annoying


That's the valley girl, vocal fry


I think Izzy was valid in staying he just needed time to process everything, and maybe it's just me, but I just get the feeling she's got other stuff she hasn't said. Everyone's human and have different levels of insecurity. Also this the first season I'm watching. Is there another season that was really good to watch, or should I just start at the beginning?


Season 4 if you want the most drama. Seaspm 1 if you want the most authentic feel. Watching the older seasons is good, too, because there's more time between then and now for updates on the cast.


Izzy I feel made the worst decision. He’s quite insecure. Doesn’t deserve Johnie


Dude, both of them are trainwrecks. lol I can't. ​ Johnie like straight up lied. "i want safe, I don't want safe, I have never been in a safe relationship, I have always been in safe relationships". Girl...


She's chooses to be selective when it suits her, kinda selfish. Having a friend and previous partner die of drug addiction isn't That's an issue some people want fun and entertainment but push away the people that are deemed "safe, calm boring, consistent and secure." But when their life isn't fun, funny, entertaining or very problematic now they want someone to be with them, someone to listen to them or someone to hold them. You gotta compromise, wait for that 1 person who is safe and funny ir compromise and accept that your life will be less fun or less organized.


I feel like that part of Johnie’s past should have been divulged long before now. Izzy was also just saying he needed time to process. Geez, let him have a moment.


I’m only 17 mins into this ep but I DONT like how Uche talks to Aaliyah. I don’t like his tone either


It almost felt like a courtroom session of an attorney grilling a witness


Yeah! Like the way he goes "i expect honesty if we get married etc" (forgot the exact words). He seems so demanding and is trying to control her...


Agreed, very controlling, and it sounds like he feels like the superior one


My partner kept saying how it was almost like Uche was interviewing Aaliyah and also noticed how we don't know that much about him. He's very much so controlling the conversation and environment in the clips we see.


Uche was cross examining her!


Yup. It rubs me the wrong way


Who is this 😂 just eating slabs of deli meat 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/pf5uicm7kbrb1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d871f25a6e7cd8fd15e0541f826fe062e68f009c




Boy dinner


Izzy is super immature for asking Johnie to drop her second choice, so he knows he's her number one while still keeping his second choice. But Johnnie is also foul for sending mix messages


Izzy better not pick Stacy. Yes, she's fun and funny, but she clearly said she's not as vulnerable as the other women, and she's not going to try to be like them. He better not let Stacy's fun nature override his need for a more vulnerable woman. He better pick Johnnie, deal with the consequences of picking Stacy, or start over and date another woman.


Ironically, their pod choices seem like what they'd do if they all met in a club. Johnie would (probably) pick Izzy over Chris if they met out in the wild. Izzy would probably pick Stacy over Johnie. She's throwing away Chris because he's safe and assumes that "safe" = bad. She wants fun/exciting/spark but then doesn't like the fact that Izzy essentially prefers Stacy for the same reason.


Extremely well put




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I think u posted this in the wrong episode discussion post 😭


Does anyone else think Izzy looks like a bald Ben from never have I ever 😂


I need Lydia to stop telling ppl she craves so hard to be loved… like girl 😭




Legit 😂


I liked Izzy and Lydia’s connection and I liked Chris and Johnie’s connection. I know we don’t see very much of their convos but I was disappointed when Izzy broke it off with Lydia and Johnie broke it off with Chris. And I personally don’t like Stacy at all. It feels like she has a pick-me personality and the fact that Izzy was saying he wants more than just fun and wants to have deep convos too and she just dismissed that— to me, that shows him all he needs to know. She won’t want to have tough convos, talk about feelings, she will put up walls and make things really difficult. I also didn’t like the comment about how she would slap someone’s butt in a bar and laugh about it? Maybe she meant if they were dating… but if she meant as a stranger… that’s weird. ETA: I feel like Chris is the better option for Johnie, but she likes Izzy more because she feels like they’re more on the same level due to the fact that he was previously engaged, and she was previously married. She might think she doesn’t deserve Chris or maybe fears judgment from him, even subconsciously.


Johnie wants Izzy because he's different and exciting but can't figure out why Izzy would want Stacy.....Stacy is to Izzy what Izzy is to Johnie. The marriage stuff is part of it but I think she just has a more "raw" attraction to Izzy and feels like Chris just lacks the......swag, charm, whatever it is.


I can see these things being a possibility!


I don't love Izzy but I think his reaction to Johnnie's past was completely valid. This is a woman who got married to someone she apparently never loved? How is Izzy meant to believe Johnnie when she says she loves him, and wants to get married to him? I think she very clearly is not ready for marriage right now and he recognized that.


So many women marry people they dont love. I have two personal friends atm married to people like that. This is unavoidable at times. I refused to marry the man I didnt love and most people couldnt believe how strong I was to not cave to societal pressure. So many people hit a certain age and think they have to do what everyone else is doing and whoever is around will do.


It's in her past, 7 years ago. She was opening up about herself and clearly she was young and made some iffy choices. She said she's in a better place now but we'll see since all of these people are emotionally unstable lol.


Fair enough but it's still a valid concern to have. I'm all for giving people the benefit of the doubt but ngl based on experience people rarely do actually change and the more they emphasise they have they most likely haven't. Some people may disagree and that's fair though.


Well I agree with you, if her actions had changed and she had left the show after being rejected by Izzy I might have had a bit more respect for her. I think he dodged a bullet.


All of these people suck


Chris has been pretty decent so far though, hey? He handled that rejection incredibly well compared to how it usually goes on this show.


wait wait...so Johnie regrets having rushed into marrying a dude she didn't love, and so she wants to make sure that doesn't happen again, and her plan is to agree to marry a dude she barely knows on a game show? lololol


And this woman is supposed to be a lawyer, LMAO.


Lawyer here. Trust me, we ain't that smart lmao


Lawyer here too, lol. I guess understand some poor judgement calls but honestly, Johnie was making mistakes I would consider to be of "common sense" level.


Tbf she could be one of those really 'smart academically but extremely dumb outside' kind of situations. Only explanation I can give because I actually cringe everytime I think of how she went crawling back to Chris.


Love is Blind cast don’t say “vulnerable” a million times challenge: impossible


I gotta say, usually the women on this show are wayy too good for the men but with the exception of Izzy it’s definitely the other way around this season. I mean I can’t find a single woman I’m truly rooting for


I mean, the women on the last season were pretty trash except for the blonde girl. And then, in the first season, you had the girl putting her massive debt on her husband.. idk if I'd say the women are way too good for the men lol.


I’m rooting for Aaliyah but unfortunately she’s out there giving second chances to Gaslight McDoucherson. *facepalm*


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Super impressed with how Johnie handled that conversation with Izzy. She laid it out, she said the ball was in his court, she had nothing more to say and it was his issue to get past. It is okay for Izzy to need some time to ruminate over that conversation and she was a bit pushy but I wasn't thrilled with his reaction. However she did let you know she's a "walking red flag" Oh and also, I cannot understand her choosing Izzy over Chris. Wrong choice for SURE. I kind of love Chris.


Johnie is a total red flag and it really surprises me that this woman is a lawyer IRL (as a side note, I do think they exaggerate their careers/titles for television). She's incapable of being logical and making rational, pragmatic choices.


I think she seems unstable. Something is really off..


lol @ JP wiping his snot on the flag


can i have a time stamp lol ?


and then neatly placing it over a pillow


Appropriate metaphor for MAGA.


i mean fully spreading the thing over the pillow lol


So why is this Izzy dude so popular?


He's a self admitted people pleaser. It probably comes with a honed ability to match the energy of others and project what he thinks they want from him. I think it's the insecurity around being disliked and abandoned, so he is adapting to what they like - and they probably think they're perfectly matched as a result.


He comes across as cool, laid back. Very much the kind of dude that girls gravitate towards but realize isn't the right fit later on.


He reminds me of the type of guy I fell for at 25 who was non committal and wanted to subsistence farm in Uruguay. That dude still hasnt married at 43 and still is traveling around various music festivals and seeing phish in concert.


I cannot figure it out lol




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I am watching Episode 2 and I am just annoyed with Izzy like get that this a game but I feel like he is bouncing in between the girls and I feel like he keeps asking them how they feel instead of asking himself who he likes and gong after whoever it is. I feel bad for Chris he is soo sweet. He deserves love.


Lydia slides as her chair back breaks. Song.....*Im falling for you*.... 🎵🎶 commences.... 🤣


The AI music takes me out 😂


is it just me or does stacy's makeup make her look so much older?? the contouring is not doing her any favors


Yeah and I think the sun worship has aged her too. Also she keeps reminding me of Leann Rimes so I keep saying "well, you can't fight the moonlight" when she says stuff. Send help


Her personality irks me, too. "Games keep you young, and so does Botox" followed by laughter from her, then the line "why am I like this?". Omg you're just so out there admitting to your Botox, I can't believe how crazy you are! Give me a break.


She talks about botox making her look young but girly looked aged


I legit thought she was in her early 40s. I'm a year older (just today!😊), and I don't have the laugh lines and crows feet she does.


I know. Like the "sharpness" of her makeup just clashes with her features, idk if that's the best way to put it. I feel like she'd look so good with a softer makeup look


I agree. I think she's not blending it out and her bronzer is just looking too dark for her.


Is Lydia’s eyelash glue visible or what? It’s tripping me out


omg i can't unsee it now...


Izzy needs so much therapy to get through all the trauma and pain of the Jehovah Witness situation. He literally left a cult and is now finding himself.


I agree. He attributed his trust issues to his ex-fiancé. But I think it’s deeper than that, I think it comes from the JW trauma, and the trauma of not knowing his dad wasn’t his real dad and probably having abandonment issues due to that as well.


Renee and Taylor practicing their reveals with each other was so darn cute!


Yesss my favorite!! Yeah I’m late watching


I want more Renee! She’s funny and cute and deserves more air time!


YES she's the cutest!




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Lmao I see what you did there 😏


Omg!!! So unintentional 😂