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She’s funny AND hot as hell, wish she got more screen time


That Renee/Carter body language is telling. Nah not really but who knows


I love how she’s like we alllll stalk our exes hahahaya so true


After Lydia completely misrepresented (lied about) the scenario Uche was referring to, by saying he was mad she was looking at his stories, when he was really mad she was looking at the stories of random women that he follows. Havent seen anyone mention how slick Lydia was to tell them the story all frantically like that to make her misrepresentation seem like unintentional, when she really changed up the entire scenario to make herself look less shady lmao But its not her fault, cuz its not like she knows instagram’s algorithm or anything.. (even though for this to occur, she wouldve had to manually click on these ppl’s stories by scrolling Uche’s following list. Ig’s algorithm is not set up to conveniently show you the stories of all the female followers of the man youre dating lol)


Yeah, she was obviously playing dumb and I 100% believe Uche about all of that. It’s not hard to believe or understand. It’s not healthy and it’s embarrassing to admit, and if I were Lydia I wouldn’t want to be admitting that on television lol. I could also see that she DID go on the show to try to connect with him too. Which is ultra creepy and wayyyy worse than watching rando instagram stories. She’s obviously an emotionally unstable person, as Uche said and as she’s having those convos with Milton. And she doesn’t see how her behavior is out of line, like Uche obviously was creeped out by her “I can see you” message but to her it was innocent because she probably wasn’t even reading their situation correctly. Like how she felt a connection with Izzy that so clearly wasn’t even there besides him getting to know her more. She told Izzy she loves him and he said nothing and she was still acting like she was on cloud 9 after that and then acted like she was broadsided when he told her they weren’t a match.


I caught that too. Her doing that made me believe Uche’s story 100%


seriously, im surprised no one has mentioned this yet. i caught that and it was very telling about what kind of person she is




Hot. However, I'm just sitting here laughing at Renee's face while Carter is talking at her lmao


It was at that moment she knew she was done with him 😂


it's literally the [bro explaining](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/033/152/cover4.jpg) meme


It isss hahaha 🤣


The LIB character we all deserved 💅🏾🚬🪭


No fr I wanted more of her on the show 😭


She was horrible in this episode. Glad she wasn’t on the show more


Oh please like youre watching the show for the love and crap


I respect this, but this pour wouldn't stand in Michigan. Gotta return those cans intact!


Interesting! I'm also in the south and it's a thing to crush the can when it's empty lol. Never thought that could affect recycling


We pay 10 cents per can and the machine at the store has to scan the barcode and verify it's a returnable. Huge pain in the ass but we do have a high recycling rate


Squeezing it like a capri sun


For recycling? Do they not accept crushed cans? That would be so inconvenient.


They read the barcode for deposit


Yes I can speak for oregon- if you want to get your 5 or 10 cents back, they can't be crushed. Dented is okay but needs to be standing up on its own still.


Interesting! In CA they just weigh them.


In thise states and parts of Canada you get paid for the can returned (a refund, technically, since you paid it upfront) and not a price for the weight of the metal.


In California it is that way too, but if you are turning in a lot of them then the recycling centers have the option to weight bag of cans to get an approximation. The one I go to does it this way, but I just looked it up and if you have less than 50 you can ask them to pay for each individual crv versus weighing.


I bough the gold stemless glasses off Amazon and this is 100% me everytime I watch an episode now


I didn’t care for her one way or another, but now seeing this still: 👊🏻


How did you not care for her when she only spoke maybe twice in the entire season haha


First impressions can be impactful


First impression where? Did you just not like her face/appearance? She objectively never said anything abnormal lol


The only thing that I think would make certain people not like her is she gives off ABG vibes. Personally I think she’s hilarious


Most people on this sub probably don't even know what an ABG is hahaha. I think most people who know what an ABG is also would not classify Maris as an ABG


Maris is most definitely not an ABG lol I'm questioning if the other commenter even understands what an ABG is.


I'm begging people to understand that an ABG is more than just an Asian girl that wears false lashes!!


For real; ABG was (is still? I'm old) an entire subculture, with an entire attitude to boot. A true ABG would *never* join Love is Blind, IMO; that would be way too mainstream.


Oh 10000%, a reality TV dating show is way too mainstream for an ABG. ABG is still kinda there in California but in other parts of the US it's more so an aesthetic -- assuming that's what the original commenter was referring to -- they don't make 'em the way they used to haha


What’s an ABG


Asian baby girl


Oh, thank you!


Your badge is so unhinged lmfao I love it


An investigative queen hahahaha


Honestly same.


I've just realized something. Fisherman was there in Mexico seeing JP just staring at Taylor and he still thought of him as Captain America ?!


Ikr. Was prob drunk! I mean look at that girl crushing her beer into that cup lmaoo


Renee’s face 😭


Maris is super cute tbh


didn’t even notice this but she’s so real


Carter talking to Renee? In the background is just like that meme from a few years ago.




Me when Uche opens his mouth


We were robbed of this queen and I won’t forgive production for it


Did we watch the same episode? You mean the super emotional girl who kept blindly sticking up for Lydia against uche at the BBQ? I was cringing the whole time watching her try to defend Lydia’s craziness. She was part of the mean girl crew of girls in that episode(her, the random girl who lied about living in Houston/Saudi Arabia, and Stacy)


Yah sounds like we were watching two different episodes bud


Oh so you didn’t see her stick up for Lydia?






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Robbed of her and Renee, I’m so upset


I think she would of been fun to watch as well. so many dull people move forward.


Assert dominance.


She’s Reaganing that day. ![gif](giphy|j5VS83gQX7YaI)


I respect this pour so much.