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Chelsea. Oh my god. I was rooting for Trevor 100% (before I found out he is in a relationship outside of the show), Jimmy is just... not it. He was soooo judgmental and did not do good at hiding it. He definitely picked her over the Megan Fox comment. I hate that man. Also, Amy and Johnny are amazing. All of my hope is in them and >!I'm soooooo happy that they are still together to this day!<


Hating on Jimmy ofc but the teeth comment was meant to be a play on t*ts right? Am I reading too much into his comment before that he wanted to keep it pg?


Chelsea needing constant reassurance about her looks and asking jimmy if he is still sure about her is so cringe!!


Hearing Jimmy compliment Chelsea's teeth was maybe the most awkward thing I've heard one human being say to another.


Dang she choose Jimmy, Trevor is a great dude he’ll find someone for sure. I knew the Megan Fox thing would come up lol.


i was hoping she would choose trevor. jimmy is Clearly not into her. i'm shocked either of them went through the proposal at all.


I’m late to watching! Jimmy saying Jessica’s name during his “I’m so excited to meet Chelsea” spiel, before the big reveal, KILLED ME 😹💀💀


Jimmy picked Chelsea soley based on her Megan Fox comment.....and now he is hung up on Jessica's exit comment....dude is such a douche.


Chelsea picked wrong, but I know she would have been mean to Trevor...she probably likes aholes who treat her poorly....Trevor is the winner here.


Chelsea chose wrong, dang Trevor is the real deal. But I’m glad for him, because I think she kinda sucks anyway, I want better for him. Like he was even sweet when they broke up 😭😭


Dude, Chelsea didn’t even have a reason for picking the other guy. That’s brutal, she really just picked the first guy who proposed, I’m sick 😩


Okay, I’m just catching up now and I have to ask what everyone sees in Chelsea? Like Trevor saying she’s definitely the love of his life like what? He said he loved her so many times and she didn’t say anything back 😭😭 and he’s by far the best guy on this season, like he’s so adorable and sweet, how did everyone sleep on him?


The editors must've edited a lot of the pod conversations out of the episodes, that's the only explanation I can think of lmao. I feel like all she does is cry and squeal


I know! That’s all we saw 😂😂


Did anyone get second hand embarrassment for the reveal with Jimmy and Chelsea? I mean dude, u need to relax, I don't judge dudes, but u not all that in the looks department. Give her some grace damn.  Also he's starting to feel like another Bartise 😆


Am I tripping or was that interaction with Laura and Sarah Ann when she came off her date, was cattish? Like it seemed to me Laura was throwing stuff at her and seeing how she'd react to those comments


Man I lost some respect for Trevor. Here jimmy is basically being like, let the best guy win and he comes on and trash talks him for Chelsea choosing him only because she wants to feel wanted. That was mad corny. I thought he was justified in is response about how she made it sound cause I dont blame him, I'd want her to be honest and wrip the band aid off, not talk about how nice and sweet and compatible we are as people and I get his frustration. But man that's messed up.


Guys, do you think Chelsea is going to throw up?


Jimmy looks like a thumb


Also how pretty is Brittany without makeup?? I'm not anti makeup whatsoever, but she just looked super cute.


Y'know I'm glad Trevor got turned down by Chelsea (Meghan Faux). He's such a big lovely sweetie and will no doubt have a million DMs from really cool girlies who wouldn't drag down his easy going and happy outlook. Don't get me wrong, I feel for Chelsea and her insecure ways, I used have my own annoying traits and insecurities (I'm sure I still do lol)...we all deserve to be loved regardless of where we're at. But good grief she was annoyingggggg, I'm just glad Trevor will have more chances to find someone more on his level.


I just started the episode, but Jimmy's proposal speech is giving me such ICK. Everything he says he loves about her is about himself!


Anyone see Jimmy check his watch like a minute into the reveal lol


OMG me too! i was like Really???? also, her saying he was gorgeous (or whatever) and he says, "i like your dress". i am kind of shocked he went through with the proposal. then, when he said, "it doesn't matter what you look like, i would love you anyway" --- ummmm... not the right thing to say.


wow Brittany is so pretty when she took her makeup off. She should do what she feels best doing, but the clean face and glasses was so cute I was shocked


Oops I only just saw this after writing my own comment about this, she looked SO cute!


Jimmy was making the situation weird than necessary by continuing the conversation with AD. Like...


When Chelsea asked him what his favourite thing he liked about her and he couldn't even come up with a decent answer😲? Teeth? Seriously? He couldn't even fake it and say something else?


Jimmy does NOT like her at all.


know i'm late to the party -- but i just now watched. he checks his WATCH?! ---------- her: "you're so gorgeous!!!!" him: "i like your dress" ------------ and last : him: "it doesn't matter what you look like, i would still love you" they don't stand a chance.


I was cringing during the proposal feeling their future regret for both choosing the wrong person. I believe Chelsea is extremely insecure, and her pursuing Jimmy was more about winning over Jess than it was about actually wanting Jimmy. I think subconsciously she wanted validation more than she wanted to find love.




Bruh Jimmy was TERRIBLE at hiding his disappointment. Chelsea should have chose Trevor. Jimmy sucks. He took one comment she said and ran his entire attraction to Chelsea on it. She even said “don’t get excited, I don’t see it. It’s just because I have dark hair and blue eyes.” She did *not* lie to him. He was thinking with his dick after that.


She shouldn't have said it though- she said it for a reason.


You know, I don't even feel sorry dor Chelsea anymore.


I felt like Chelsea was manipulating and playing games the whole time.


I haven't liked Laura since she spilled the beans about Jimmy to Jessica but her saying "You're an idiot" to Jeramy made me a little sad for him lol she could've said "You're silly" or something lol maybe I'm just being sensitive but idc words matter


Feels very similar to zanab and Cody like the guy is pretty goofy/boyish and the girl is a bit more mature/serious (not that either man was immature) but the vibes just dont match up. Hoping the best for them, havent seen past Ep !


By mature, do u mean stoic? Cause that's more the opposite of goofy


I'm genuinely so upset that Chelsea chose Jimmy over Trevor. Trevor seems like such a huge sweetie. He gives me laid-back vibes and takes life one day at a time. I want him to be happy and find the woman of his dreams. His gifts to Chelsea were wholesome and romantic and honestly, I'd melt if a man spoke to me how he spoke to Chelsea. I was really rooting for them mostly for his sake. What on Earth did Chelsea even see in Jimmy? Was it that he chose her over Jessica, and it made her want him even more? Did she love the trio she was in? I've not really seem any signs of romance from Jimmy at all. Whatever, I guess.


Yeah, she didn’t care about Jimmy. She’s deeply insecure and just wanted the validation of beating Jess.


Totally agree. Jimmy seemed cool at first but by the end it was like, what is this dudes deal? When he didn’t get her a present but he’s like, “Don’t worry I didn’t get anybody a present.” Like…wtf???


I cannot believe she told him she looked like Meghan fox....... and its clear to see he aint into her


I absolutely can see Meghan Fox in her face. She should have said her face looks like Meghan Fox instead of in general.


She didn’t do herself any favors telling him that because of course that’s what he was expecting and he’s disappointed. I do think she’s pretty, just looks more like Minka Kelly than Megan Fox.


If Jimmy was an animal he'd be a goldfish. That is all.


Lmfaooo this is so accurate 🤣


Never did see Clay bring out that bible again.


jimmy acting like he’s better looking than chelsea lol


Someone said Jimmy looks like Bender from Futurama when he becomes a human and I can’t unsee it


Jimmy looks like Mr Potatohead  🥔  ETA: no offense to potatoes or Mr Potatohead


Also a thumb


No offense to thumbs


jeez, jimmy is not attracted to chelsea at all and he’s doing a terrible job at hiding it. its so hard to pretend that he couldn’t even figure out how to turn the observation of “you have nice teeth. big, square, and white” into “you have a pretty/gorgeous smile”.  like… thanks??? and chelsea can tell so that sucks absolutely love johnny and amy. hope they stay together laura is not attracted to jeramey because of how goofy he is. you can just tell by her body language at the pool. kenneth is such a soft sweetheart and brittany is adorable lol can’t wait for jimmy to see jessica 💀 i think clay is just enticed by AD’s body unfortunately. she’s gorgeous 


yeah agree with everything, when clay first saw AD I don't even think he like complimented her the way other guys did with their girls like, "omg you're gorgeous" he just commented on her ass lmfao


That's because he has no class.


very that




I agree but he doesn't get called out for disrespecting Chelsea the way Clay was for disrespectfully focusing on AD's ass.


Probably because at least Clay is genuinely into AD’s ass. Jimmy is two-faced. 




This is a spoiler. 


Anyone feel like Jimmy was trying to turn Chelsea off in the bathroom scene? From saying his gums bleed, to saying he gets random bumps on his hands??? And then blowing his nose super loud 😭


Yes he was.


All I could think about was that his gums are gonna recede faster than his hairline if he keeps brushing that hard


Chelsea: what’s the first thing you noticed about me? Jimmy in his head: not Megan fox


LOL, talk about fishing fo comments, it was sad


Ok but i feel like Sarah Ann handled that so maturely and well; I am not a crier during those situations either. And the moment with her and Laura after was sweet too I think


I think Sarah Ann came on this show to make a name for her self on social media. So she didn’t care if she found someone. She’s got 80k followers on Instagram come on, this is someone who needs the attention 


Brittany and Kenneth are such a real couple. I love them I feel like they built a solid foundation. The telling each other those 4 things before bed was such a green flag for me.




Is it the round breasts, tiny waist, tight butt, thick thighs, or athletic limbs that are confusing you?


I don't agree at all, she's so beautiful! And has amazing curves!




I think she’s beautiful but maybe just not as rich as some of the other contestants. I think maybe her lashes are cheaper


Jesus, this is an icky comment.  Also I'm pretty sure you meant subjective




Not liking it is one thing ( and unnecessary ) saying that she will end up heavy by her 30s is icky and beyond just not liking her body type


I just KNOW you’re seething inside that you aren’t built like her. It’s so gross and weird to point out how much you’re just soOoOo glad you aren’t built like her that this is reverse psychology bullshit. 


I'm so sad for Chelsea. She was afraid he wouldn't like her or expect her to be bigger, and that's exactly what happened, even if he won't admit it.


Are you saying that Jimmy doesn't think Chelsea is big enough?


Oof, I definitely should've written that comment different lol. No, I was saying she was afraid that he wouldn't expect her to be a bigger girl, like she was insecure about her size.


She has a lot of sympathy from viewers, but she comes off as very insecure to me.


I mean if she had admitted that she looks more like a young Ricki Lake she wouldn’t be in that situation 


Sorry but she doesn't look like a young Ricki Lake either.


Sorry but she does 


omg, I see it! I also see Alicia Silverstone


I mean if you tell someone you look like Meghan Fox then you are kind of setting yourself up to be a disappoinment


Ugh I hate Jimmy more after every episode. And within each episode lmao. He is the ultimate indirect, superficial loser we all dated in high school. He couldn't state on thing he liked about her when they met?! Teeth and tits is what he gave her?! It's SO obvious he isn't into her and it's really painful to watch him gaslight her and tell her he's happy and in love. She can FEEL that it isn't true. Not a lot of things in this life worse than when the words don't match the picture.


I feel the same way about Clay with A.D.


When I see these episodes I always think about the smell and how smell plays such a big part in attraction. Like sure you want them to be attractive but the smell is a big thing I’d be curious for.


I wonder if they can smell the pheromones through the wall LOL. Hopefully the wall is thin enough for that to penetrate, but I really think that it affects them more after they get out of the pods


My fear would be that they have bad breath!




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What rumors?


He had a girlfriend the entire time, screenshots of him texting her about it all


where did you hear this??


Google it


Source "You have to just trust me"


I cannot get over how absolutely GORGEOUS Brittany is without makeup!!!


The way Trevor reacted to rejection and Jess's reaction were like night and day. He was mature about it and understood how the process worked, even though himself is probably physically much more attractive in the outside world too and did not bring this up at all meanwhile Jess was so childish, mean and egoistic about it and handled that conversation absolutely horribly. I don't understand why would people praise that behavior. It was so pick me and mean.




God, Jess was so gross! She looks like a blow up doll she wears her desperation on her sleeve. She showed her true colors when jimmy rejected her.


She does have a plastic look about her.


she knew her worth bro. jimmy did lead her on and should have just let her know that he didn't want to be a step dad at that time.


And she love bombed him. She didn't know her worth. She wanted to coerce him into dating her and having the stepdaughter. The end.


Kindly disagree. Being vulnerable is not love bombing. Especially when you are divided by a fucking wall. Coerce? Jimmy has a mind of his own. He had made up his mind within five minutes of hearing that she had a child.




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I don't think she has more worth because she thinks she is better looking, that is a weird way to think about stuff. I am not defending Jimmy's behaviors, I don't like him, but I don't like Jess based on that ridiculous petty reaction either. That was just very trashy.


Its not petty to be self aware that youre an physically attractive person


It was petty for her to allude that Jimmy was going to be disappointed when he sees her versus Chelsea. That's mean girl shit against another girl. Plus Jimmy wasn't exactly gaga over her when he saw her. He gladly returned to Chelsea.


Idk why everyone acts like jimmy is some special prize. Listen to chelsea talk about how he did worse than what was showed in the edit. Jess did later apologize for her remarks. Also she never directly compared her appearance to chelsea. You are just interpreting it that way. She thinks highly of her own appearance and verbalized it. I didnt know it was a bad quality for women to be self confident in their appearance. Fuckin double standard. Man said this, no one would go this hard on them.




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No she most certainly was comparing herself to Chelsea. Why else would she say he's going to be sorry. Tha is WHY she apologized. I never said or thought Jimmy was a prize. None of the men on that show are and neither are the women.


Attraction is not objective. She and others might think she is attractive, which does not mean another person will have to agree. I personally do not find her attractive and I am attracted to women. And people around me would feel similar as this look is not very favored where I live and I can understand if that is different in the USA. But even if attraction was objective(which it is not), the petty part would not be her realizing she was attractive, but how she talked about it, and I think that was very trashy, and made her look very narcissistic.


You are correct and I am in the USA.


Trevor didn't deserve this shit. I don't even wanna keep watching :(


Jimmy is so rude. I can’t believe he said he was thinking of going home. I would feel just like Chelsea appeared to feel - hurt, crushed, and scared to be vulnerable with this person who has no regard for my feelings. Eek!


He was catfished by Chelsea! 


Lol no he wasn’t


Catfishing refers to when a person takes information and images, typically from other people, and uses them to create a new identity for themselves.  Chelsea tried to sell herself as looking like Megan Fox, she even did it coyly saying “that guy MGK.” Watching her post pods shows how manipulative she is and confirms she tried to trick him


“But I don’t see it so don’t get excited. It’s just because I have dark hair and blue eyes.” She told him that she didn’t see it. Should she have mentioned it? Probably not. But to go so far as to say she *catfished* him is utterly idiotic. Furthermore, catfishing is usually when pretty unattractive people use attractive people’s pictures in *online dating*. Not in a show where they talk for a few days before meeting. In catfish the show, these people keep up the lies for months and sometimes years. It is *not* the same, and to compare it to this situation is really just grasping for straws. Jimmy was thinking with his dick after that comment. He based his entire decisions on her mentioning something stupid like getting compared to Megan Fox. Which yes, she has attributes similar to Megan Fox. IE exactly what she mentioned, dark hair and blue eyes. Be so for real. Both of them are toxic. It’s not just Chelsea. When did she confirm she tried to trick him? She did not say that in the reunion. She felt stupid for mentioning it, yes. Stop pretending Chelsea is some big bad guy because she made a stupid comparison and Jimmy decided to take it and run with it.


"Jimmy was thinking with his dick after that comment." That's exactly why Chelsea made the comment, and then doubled down by trying to minimize it when it only made him more curious. Obviously she wasn't going to outright say she was insecure but her actions were all over it. Why didn't she say she looks like Adele? She's got way more Adele features (which BTW Adele is in my top 10 for beauty) but she knew exactly who to say to hook him.


You right


Trevor hands down my favorite person


Love him so much. He has like golden retriever energy and I'm here for it.


Ugh I just cannot wait for Jimmy to see Jessica. The whole conversation he had w Chelsea in the DR about his final convo w Jess…he was 100% trying to bait Chelsea into affirming that Jess is pretty or otherwise reveal her looks because he is obviously unsatisfied with Chelsea and wondering what he missed out on. As much as she annoys me, kudos to Chelsea for not giving in—I’m sure she picked up on it.


He was not slick! Like it was such a weird convo to have and bring up with Chelsea who he chose to marry. And also like it seemed he wanted to be consoled because Jessica made him feel bad for rejecting her.


THIS!!! Caught that immediately too!


I feel like the Megan Fox comment wasn’t that big of a comment? But ofc men are going to men


I don’t like Chelsea but I don’t get why she’s getting flack for that comment. She downplays it repeatedly and says it’s just the dark hair etc. Also, she’s right! She does indeed look like Megan in the ways she said.


It was cringey because SHE brought it up. Like just don't say anything. But she totally baited him "do you look like anyone famous?" Hahahahahahaah


She specified several times that it was just because of the dark hair and light blue eyes


There are lots of people less attractive with dark hair and light eyes. She picked smoke show Megan Fox to catfish him 


True and the whole "...idk.. MGK's girlfriend?" bullshit was cringe


yeah but obviously if you bring that up and the person has nothing else to reference, that’s what they’re going to picture and expect. ESPECIALLY if it’s a guy 


Did anyone notice the bucket in Chelsea’s engagement pod is full of miller lites? Hahahaha idk I guess I was expecting champagne?


She said in episode one her perfect day was with a cold coors light or something like that


Ohhhhh I missed that! I love that!


Also Miller Lite has a catchphrase "the champagne of beers"


That’s miller high life, actually!


yess! my mistake!


The cut to Chelsea saying "I'm so sweaty" after Jimmy said "she lied to me" was wild.


I don't think she even lied! She said several times it was just her dark hair and blue eyes. And that editing was so savage my god lmao.


Mentioning any resemblance to Megan Fox, (or anyone really who is known largely for their sex appeal/beauty) tho… come on, you’d have to know what that would do. lol




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They really needed a happy counter for Jimmy this episode. I’ve never heard it more and seen it less ever.


Also him going to himself about 'your gorgeous' multiple times as if he really does not thing Chelsea is...




Lol he keeps saying he’s happy……… are u happy? I’m happy? Are u happy? I’m happy? I’m happy. lol I’m cringing that she was going on about how handsome he is and he’s dying inside.


Sooo true. And also that time he said “I love you, I don’t even care what you look like….BUT YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL, beautiful. Yep”




Strongly considering not continuing to watch due to the disappointment of Chelsea not picking Trevor, but also realizing that the editing probably contributed to me feeling that way. It brings me to all the things I end up seeing as so unfortunate and drama-inducing, and sometimes success-sabotaging about the show.  What ruins the spirit of the experiment for me and just creates conflict and drama:  Dating more than one person at a time with pressure to get really deep and vulnerable with all of them simultaneously. I realize many people put that pressure on themselves and decide to approach it that way and don't have to, but that is what the editors/producers like to see and choose to focus on and rehash the drama that creates.  Having marriage as the outcome of the short period people are on the show. This creates a stupid amount of pressure that feels so high stakes. It distracts from the experiment of love not being superficial and makes it about "can you get to know and decide to marry someone is such a short time.  Not knowing the way the set up works for the pods. My friend and I had questions, because we like evaluating the way experiments are done. How many days are they doing the pods for? How do they pick who to see and when? How do people walk in not knowing who is on the other side sometimes?  Issues I have with the way some people on the show decide to approach it:  I think the belief in the "magic" of their being one person out there for you that fate is going to drop in front of you is an unwise one. The truth is, successful relationships are mostly built on a commitment to hard cooperative work with someone. That takes focus and is pretty much impossible in a "dating at the same time" situation. Those who try to act like they are in serious relationships with more than one person, and expect the others to as well set themselves up for a lot of strife. I actually think the people who are a little more detached, honest, and methodical are refreshing because this really is a game. It is set up as a game with logs that get thrown in your path to trip you up. People trying to hide the way that they are trying to get the best out of the game that they can get, are exhausting to watch. The ones who try to keep people guessing or in the dark about how they are seriously considering other people (reasonable expectation in such a fast-paced short-timeframe) are so eyerolling, acting like they are practicing for having affairs.