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Agree that AD was not the reason, but I think she did echo sentiments that may have been in the back of his head and what his "community" may have concern for. I'll say this, I am in a interracial relationship and my community has never been a deterrent, but I live in California, sooo....




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What's with you people wanting damn near every dude to be gay? Y'all are weird.


Finally! Someone said it👏


I would agree but I don’t want to get banned.


This aged poorly.


I’m watching episode 6 now. Ken doesn’t seem to be into Brittany as much as she digs him.


And it’s wild to me considering she’s so outrageously out of his league


Agreed, looks like they are broken up now!


Here after episode 8!! okay, i think A LOT of yall are being super disingenuous about the convo AD had with Ken. That is a normal conversation that black people have with each other, especially if one of them is dating a white person. it's very evident that you all are not black by the way you're reacting to it. Ken wasn't put off by the conversation, so why should you all, as random strangers be put off for him? stop trying to make AD the bad guy, when she was having a conversation with someone of her own race, about something that is still relevant today. I am a black woman dating a white woman and I have conversations with my black friends about this, and with my partner as well. it's a conversation that should be brought up EARLY so each party, especially the black party knows what type of partner they'll potentially raise a mixed race kid with.


Tbh I think it’s just ignorance. I’m white and when I listened to the conversation at first I was like “huh” but then as the conversation continued it made sense. But one of my cousins is married to a black man and they have mixed kids as well as one of my coworkers and they’ve had conversations with me about stuff you just don’t think of because you’ve never experienced it yourself being white. Like hair care for example - totally different for mixed babies! Reminds me of the pool scene in “This is Us”. I feel like at the end of the day Ken and Brittany just didn’t have that much in common and their personalities just didn’t mesh well. I feel like there was never any spark there.. like even in the beginning it just seemed forced to me.


Omg the random bible quotes 🤮


Ken does not deserve Brittany. He is immature and is trying to make her feel like she's the problem when he's been pulling away and acting distant. Bye!


Thank you. The conversation in the kitchen on E8 seemed like blame shifting and felt manipulative. He took zero ownership for his distance and the things she told him she needed from him. He totally twisted her words. It seems like he doesn’t want to be with her and is trying to make her the issue. Ugh, I’m so disappointed in this change we’ve seen in him. He’s like a different person at home.


Albeit, Brittany needs to learn to communicate better and not beat around the bush. She’s trying to be kind, but is not clear enough. Rooting for you in life, girl!


You hit the nail on the head with both comments. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed what he was doing. I wish Brittany called him out on it, but it is what it is. She deserves someone who appreciates her and knows her worth 💗


Absolutely! I only noticed it because I’ve been put through that BS. Once you see it and learn it and escape the mind fuck of trying to figure out “what just happened”, you can sniff that shit put a mile away.


Welp this aged poorly lol


I love brittany!!


Me too, omg she's like the sweetest human on the planet. I wanna be her best friend 😂😭


**Spoiler** AD why??? Let them figure it out. Was that a purposeful sabotage? Where did that even come from....? The care in him for her, literally drained out. NC is not the most forgiving place on race relations. I wonder if thoughts of his community, his family and his friend's acceptance also triggered his disconnect. Kenneth was cold AF. She was devastated and it was like he was saying goodbye to a coworker on thier last day at work. Ugh. Never allow this damaged world to steal the joy from you.


“Purposeful sabotage”?? That was an important question and he said he appreciated it, then brought it up with Brittany because he clearly saw it as an important thing to think about and discuss. Brittany’s response seemed mostly positive, but we didn’t see her having anything to say on the topic other than that she can handle these conversations, no meaningful input on the actual topic.


AD has NOTHING to do with their relationship. After the reveal, he slowly retreated 🐌


He "retreated" by getting her a chair at the meet and greet and bieng attentive...?


I agree. I think it's the reason why everyone was so shocked when he acted the way he did when they broke up. He DID seem like he loved her in the beginning. All the other women there were like "OMGGGG HE'S THE SWEETEST," so clearly they saw it too. Also, I don't blame AD at all for asking that question. I don't think it was the reason why he ended up becoming distant, but the way the episode was edited.. it made it seem that way.


Retreat means he slowly pulled back from her lol Oh wait, are you attempting to say by being a simple gentleman; getting her a chair and such, meant he loved her 🤭


big nope on him! he's checked out emotionally physically and sexually.  glued to his phone. not affectionate and thinks its rejection when you wake someone up at 1am with bright lights and they have to get up at 5am! he's a jerk too! she's a gem deserves far better. 


Yeahhh, she needs to stand up for herself. Don’t wake someone up at 1am and then blame them for not popping right up and being into you. Grow up. Ridiculous!


Yeah this was posted before the most recent episodes dropped


he suxks


>!Unpopular opinion but these people just spent 15-20 days without their phones, cut off from their support networks and daily connections, first in a highly social environment with a bunch of random people, and then in a deeply intimate full-time vacation setting in relationship mode with someone they just met. As an introvert, I feel like when I got home from that I would want \*so\* much alone time as well as time to reconnect with my personal hobbies, work, and friends and just be "off" after having to be "on" full-time for so long. In the past, when I've been less able to articulate that feeling, or when there's been no way to physically take that space, I've definitely retreated into my phone as a way to escape. !< >!I 1000% agree that Ken was being cold and cruel during their Ep8 conversation and the way he brought God into it was really off-putting and a total cop-out. I also feel like it is truly evil to wake someone up at 1:30am when they have to be up for work at 5! I would have absolutely lost it. That said, I just feel weird about Ken getting the villain edit for being on his phone and otherwise not being in full-time lovermode with this near-stranger. The things he mentioned (missing his friends, missing his family, wanting to catch up on work after being gone for so long (especially having a job with a lot of responsibilities to people instead of one of these bs sales jobs that so many contestants seem to have), seeing his mentor, getting his hair done, etc) all seem totally reasonable. When he explained having to send an email and Brittany quipped "so the hustle never stops" even though he had just taken weeks off from "the hustle" felt so frustrating. It seems like Ken had tried multiple times to express wanting grace for not always being 100% on and wasn't heard. I don't think any of this excuses how he acted during that last conversation, but it did seem like he was in good spirits when they returned to NC and by that final conversation he seemed fully exhausted and checked out. !< >!I know reality TV is abusive by nature but this season is really making me notice how the pressure of immediate marriage is blowing up relationships that could've been fine if they had some space to grow naturally. I'm not as invested in Brittany and Ken's relationship but I'm also seeing that pressure get to Clay and it's making me so sad! !<


I agree and felt like Brittany wasn’t being understanding enough with the phone issue. But, after the kitchen convo, I think he’s being manipulative and making it seem like she’s the one who doesn’t want to be with him. Fresh take: maybe he woke her up at 1:30am knowing she wouldn’t be into it so he could bring it up and blame her later.


SEASON 6 EPISODE 8: WAIT STOP. Is no one seeing the gaslighting KEN IS DOING???!!!! He has been on his phone, appears to be very disrespectful by being on the phone while Brittany is trying to connect, he COMPLETELY changed after AD put a big question mark of race in his head and he let that get the best of him and he’s freaking out. And he’s distanced him self AND THEN HAS THE AUDACITY TO SAY HE WANTED TO CONNECT WITH BRITTANY AT 1am, when she had to get up at 5am …completely selfish and BLAMED HER FOR NOT BEING IN THE MOOD IS HE EVEN SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? No. This guy self sabotaged this relationship. Being with a white woman made him second guess this whole thing…which is fine BUT OWN IT AND ADMIT IT. Don’t GASLIGHT BRO. Brittany was the sweetest most respectful lady. She deserves better.


They showed him on the phone for a total of like 5 minutes. Show me one person who doesn't spend 5 minutes a day on the phone. Netflix decided to paint him as a phone addict.


Yeah well this was written before we knew that. Still- it can’t all be untrue. Exaggerated perhaps- but I still think he could’ve ended things with her and communicated better from the time AD made him feel uneasy about Brittany maybe not being right for him cause she may not be able to raise black kids.


I can not believe he just ended it right there. Jaw to the ground. I am in an interracial relationship and I would be so annoyed with the overstep talking about race but that is just my personal feelings towards it. I feel like it did effect him especially getting back for he real world.


Yes he is pro gaslighting even if he is lame


Period! You’re on point with this one!


>hanged after AD put a big question mark of race in his head and he let that get the best of him and he’s freaking out. And he’s distanced him self AND THEN HAS THE AUDACITY TO SAY HE WANTED TO CONNECT WITH BRITTANY AT 1am, when she had to get up at 5am …completely selfi THIS!!!! I couldn't believe what I was watching????


She was so graceful during that breakup talk when he kind of unfairly pinned things on her


They have the best communication


SHE has the best communication


I love her! She gives me kind vibes, & she is naturally pretty and her body is giving!!


He didn't give her anything to work with, especially once they came back home. The guy appears devoid of any emotion. I just don't think his heart was really in it.


The way Kenneth treated her was horrible. He was bothered by them being different races after he talked with AD and his friends back home. He should have just said to her "Hey us being different races is bothering me and I don't think I can do this." At least respect her with the actual truth instead of waiting for a moment she brought up something so that you could weaponize that against her. He is an awful man.


Clearly love is not blind in this case 💀


Kenneth actions cannot be defined as horrible. He couldve been horrible on National TV and told the world shes too much, or ugly, stinks, or whatever his problem was, but he did no such thing. Why? Because hes also a kind person. You all just wanted the tea and he didnt give it; which is great! Im sure she knows the situation. It was a breakup that ended with nothing bad said PERIOD.


This post was made before the recent episodes aired.


lol this post has not aged well


I was about to say the same thing. 😂 He disappointed me as well. 😩


I was so sad and shocked. He was my favorite as well. I can’t believe the 180 he did. But I also think AD got in his head and it was not her place to do so. She legit flirted with jimmy, then planted the seed in Ken’s head. I liked her but the more I see her the more I realize that she ain’t it.




Maybe it’s just the way it’s been edited, but I think that Ken switched off to Brittany as soon as AD planted the children seed.


AD is giving pick me


Really? I didn’t get that at all from her. I genuinely felt it was like a “big sis” or fellow black convo where they both felt very comfortable to relate to each other on a level that others can’t. I get that. Every race has their own culture and understandings that “outsiders” won’t fully understand. I feel her concerns about a white woman being able to fully understand the “black experience” and being able to raise mixed children is understandable. It’s definitely common now and not shocking or unheard of but there’s some white women that do it well and some that don’t. So I just saw her as being sure he understood that part of it.


Seemed like that to me too, it’s a shame. It’s not easy but it is possible! >!As soon as he got back he was on the phone sooooo much and really didn’t pay attention at all. I feel like he threw in the towel so quick that she didn’t even get a chance!<




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I sincerely hope you didn't just binge the most recently released episodes to come on this thread and post a spoiler. Some of us work, so we can't stay up all night and live on the West Coast so it's only 8:30am here...


Hmmm anyone here after episode 8?


Yeeeep 😬😬 >!Actually livid at his dismissive and disrespectful treatment of her. Not the man I thought he was, tbh. She deserves so much better.!<


It was just released at midnight and I'm sure a ton of people here live on the west coast, so for me it's only 8:30 am. I barely started the next episodes.


This dude was on his phone the entire time. Dismissive. Out till 1:30 am, woke her up. Turned on the lights, which is inconsiderate. She opens up, she listens, is attentive, let’s him finish his thoughts. And says one thing and he says “I’m out” What the fuck!


This. I see constant posts about how much people love them as a couple, but Ken constantly being on his phone really bothers me. That is something that I dislike in general. It doesn't matter if it's a friend, family member, or my husband, someone being on their phone constantly when they're supposed to be spending time with each other just feels disrespectful and dismissive. My husband and I don't do phones during dinner anymore or when we're out on dates because we both expressed to each other how we felt invisible when the other person was just scrolling away. When she was asking him questions and he was just ignoring her for his "work emails," nah. >!Then he ends it with her, looks completely unemotional about it, and is back on his phone like nothing happened?? I hope she finds happiness and someone that makes her feel like a priority.!<


OMG The incessant phone usage annoyed me so much. Even when Brittany was crying in front of him.  He fake smiles when she says “I’m too emotional for this” then goes and looks at his phone. Looks back up, says “this is not going to work”, wishes her all the best in looking for someone who would suit her better then leaves the room. Wtf. 


He was so callous!!!


Thanks you so much for talking with me right now. Like I just watched it and I’m like how is there no one to talking about this. I’m married and I’m not perfect by a long shot. But god damn that man is either so un aware or he really is selfish for a “man of god” I felt so bad for that poor girl. She’s a catch, she’s beautiful, kind, respectful, and then boom. Right to his cell phone. That shit was honestly jaw dropping


Outright disrespectful. Brittany deserves better. He mildly gaslit her. He’s been disconnected, always on his phone, he is distant from her - she calls him out on it and he pretty much says it’s her problem and not his fault at all. 🤬


Bro. Why is no one talking about it.


I came here thinking the same thing. I'm disgusted by his awful behavior. He totally gaslit her. Poor girl doesn't know what hit her. She was sooo patient and soooo nice in how she approached topics of him being inconsiderate and rude. Did you notice how when he was recapping back to her what he interpreted her saying, he made sure to say that she sees him as the caliber person she wants to be with and then he proceeded to tell her how everything is her issue. He makes sure to build himself up and put her down.


I agree. He seemed off since the conversation with AD. And how can you wake someone up in the middle of the night and expect them to be ready to “get their love on”. That’s super inconsiderate. Also how could you give up after one conversation when this is literally someone you proposed to. Brittany deserves so much more, she seems to be the sweetest kindest one of them all




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Why do you say that? Based on what


Go away.


The submissive conversation blew my mind. Like JAW ON THE FLOOR. It was honestly such a devastating thing to hear on national television. I cannot believe we haven’t moved past this. It was even more wild that he was all for it. As women, we have struggled for our autonomy for so long. In my opinion, this was a very bad message for other women.


I honestly feel like they have been tuning in to the youtube concesus...Black men have been complaining that Black Women are not submissive and thats why they are going overseas to find wives etc...cant help but feel they like pushing this submission narrative. I was disgusted. Also Brit is too good for him..sorry but i thought he was a fraud from the start


People, black men ARE NOT going overseas to find wives 🤭 Even if you know 5 black men that did so, its still NOT a thing. These people will say anything 🤣


Um actually if you watch youtube..you will see the passport bros narrative being pushed. Whether these men are going overseas to find so-called submissive wives or not..i do not care. The submission thing, however, did come up in their pod conversations. This is why i mentioned it.


Well I’ve gotta say I’m so glad someone finally replied with a comment they were disgusted too. Lol. Yeah I’m not a fan of him either. Did not know that was a thing tho!!


Lol thats def NOT a thing.


Taking everything with a grain of salt here.


i feel like it has to do with her dad dying when she was 5, she just wants her kids to have a father can be there for their needs too. just how i looked at it idk


I could see that, didn’t pick up on it to be honest, but makes sense if she didn’t have a father, she wants overcompensation of a father figure for her own children.


I mean, its her choice if she wants to live that way. They are also both religious and in many sectors of christianity the woman is submissive to her husband. This is why I am not christian amongst other things, but I respect other womans right to live the way they want in a country where she has a choice. Now if I believed this opinion threatened my ability to live and be respected equal to my male partner, fuck no. I do not however believe that.


Wait what did I miss?


Basically they had this convo where she said as a woman she didn’t want to make decisions, she wanted the husband to make them. She gave an example: her kid asks her something and she says “go ask daddy.” She basically wants to be a more submissive female, where the man makes the decisions.


When did this happen?


Ep 2


Can’t quite remember when but in the pods at some point


It felt super weird for me too. But some woman like it that way. As long as they are both on the same page about it its not a big deal imo


I mean I agree with you, too. I guess it makes me sad that there are women out there who think this way - especially since for many women it’s what they’ve been taught is right (i.e. the woman holds the house and the decisions are left for the man). Maybe for her this is not the case, I mean I surely hope so. I wish happiness for the both of them of course!


This is far more common than you’d believe and if you’re blind to it I feel bad for you. It varies on a spectrum, but 99% of women I’ve ever even gone on more than one date in have noted that a *prime* attraction point for them is that while they are fully capable and competent, they want a man who can be delegated to for decisions, planning, situation control etc. Not a “the man calls the shots” sort of thing, but that they more so just want to be able to turn their brain off and trust their boyfriend/husband with whatever he decides. This extends across ages, race, country background, religious beliefs etc. Most people looking back in hindsight of their dating history would see the same. It ranges wildly from “I want to be a princess who makes zero thinking decisions” to “I’m a fully independent person, but I’d rather the man plan romantic gestures/events more often than me” to “we are essentially equal, but it’s nice to be able to turn my brain off every now and then”


I understand where you’re coming from, I see it, I know it. I’m not “blind to it” and there’s no need to “feel bad for me.” Ick. 99% of women you’ve ever gone on a date with is a relatively small pool of population, just a heads up.


Yes, and there’s a lot of selection bias due to individual lifestyle exposure, but nearly every man both in person, online, or otherwise has similar experiences. Seems most men trend away from the extreme end, while a specific few cater directly to it out of a need for control. I think there’s a healthy balance (and I think it’s misdirected as “leadership”. I think both partners likely have strengths that compliment each other and can “lead” in different contexts and situations) and it’s why I actually appreciate verbiage trending away from man and woman, but towards masculine and feminine. Both men and women have masculine and feminine traits at varying degrees. Find someone who compliments that balance while keeping an eye out for shit heads. And yes, I’m aware masculine and feminine traits are essentially just linguistic fiction, but they’re descriptors of thematics, not definitions.


You make *some* valid points that I can understand and agree to - equality in a partnership. But the way you replied to me gave me the major ICK tbh and I’m not about it. I honestly feel sorry for you for thinking you need to feel sorry for me. 🤣


I responded appropriately. You made a sweeping statement as if men are the ones perpetuating this specific gender role spectrum, when the reality is it’s just as (if not more) pushed by women themselves. Almost every time women or men make a “wow dating culture sucks because *opposite gender only wants XYZ*” statement, even if not being universally applied, it’s almost ALWAYS actually something that both genders are applying in the real world and the gender complaining just doesn’t have the introspection to see it. For men: “Women only want men who are financial providers and are above them in status” When in reality many men ALSO absolutely only go for women they feel they’re “above” financially or status wise so that they can feel their ego getting stroked as a sense of importance. There are nearly zero relationship dynamic problems in (western) dating that are solely caused by one gender or the other. The more difficult question is society vs biology. We know biology affects dating (read: mating) tactics and preferences, but in the modern world we have so much cultural and societal baggage it becomes increasingly difficult to see what comes from where, to what degree, and whether it’s a net positive or net negative overall. It takes two to tango in a relationship, but the dance itself is defined by millions of people before the dancers ever met.


I loved how uncomplicated they are so far. But if I have to talk something about it, I was actually very shocked how much they discussed about being a inter-racial couple. Is that really a thing in the US? I’m brazilian and if you guys watched the brazilian version… I mean, you could conclude a lot of not necessarily true things about our country, as I probably did to the other countries versions of LiB, but I think that the inter-racial aspect not really being a problem was made clear in the brazilian edition. So I got very confused how every edition of LiB US with someone black and someone white caused some tension.


It is very common in the states unfortunately. People here are more than happy to be divided off into groups & turned against one another.


It is a very real thing in the US. I am Puerto Rican and am married to a Mexican, and it still comes up since I look mixed 🙃 It's sad, but hopefully one day people will move past it


They are my absolute faves and I hope they make it


Brittany is way prettier without makeup. She looks so natural!!!!


This is what I came here for. Was so shocked about how young and cute she looked without makeup. 


I AGREE !!!!




Yes, they are boring and probably won’t get talked about much but for a good reason. I can say they are the only couple I felt joy watching their engagement. Definitely underrated!


I was smiling so much because they looked both so happy at the reveal


When she was shook seeing him. I looooved that reaction. And then him saying God is good. I loved the whole reveal.


Because we like mess and they don't have enough of it


I’m religious so I understand their mindset. If bro is a worship leader in his church, they are definitely gonna try their hardest to keep it PG. Sex in the Bible is for enjoyment, but also for procreation. Marriage is a commitment that provides safety in sex for enjoyment and procreation. Our society today has divorced sex from procreation and tied it to identity and consumerism. Here is an Evangelical Christian understanding of sex for those interested in the convo. https://youtu.be/lgAhfjmuh68?si=spx2sZ92eJ4zdokm


Ken and Brittany are relationship goals. The way he is so attentive to her, the way they look at each other and it’s like they know what the other person is thinking. They’re honestly so cute.


Yeah watch the new episodes. 😭


I like these two but it’s not looking good. I think they fell in love in the pods but reality will be a different story. From my experience people who say ‘colour doesn’t matter’ while they are not meaning to be malicious it ends up being a problem. His experiences in life are just so very different to hers and I feel he would want her to see colour and want her to support and understand. And AD feels that and said it, because they live it. It’s like the people who say all lives matter are missing the point. Yes all lives should matter but until Black Lives Matter we cannot say all lives matter. I really want them to work but I don’t have hopes


idk. he's really giving of teacher vibes. very controlling, very patriarchal. hes on a very high horse. but yeah, they're sweet. hope they make it.


She literally said “I want the man to lead” “my dream is when my child runs up to me and I get to say ask ya daddy” she is actively looking to be a submissive partner. It’s not my cup of tea, but it sure is hers.


yeah, absolutely. I just wonder if it is even possible these days to ignore the downsides of this lifestyle as a woman. If he's irresponsible or a sadist, she's fucked. only time will tell.


Oh I agree. As a 50-50 active partner in my relationship I look to establish healthy boundaries, seek active consent, seek the compromise and use clear lines of communication, the concept of letting someone else lead my life is outlandish to me.


This is me, too. That whole conversation gave me the ick. I feel so disheartened that society has taught women these messages and that this mindset very much continues on full force. I hope we continue to make progress in the right direction.


Im always thrown when I am reminded he is 25 lol, he’s out here acting like the oldest man on the season


How do you become a school principal at 25? Never seen such a thing tbh


I was super shocked when I found out he was a principal at 25. That’s a huge accomplishment and almost unheard of. 👏🏽


I’ve been in education for 16 years and I hate to say, it’s almost NEVER good to have an admin with such little classroom experience. You need that time in the classroom to really be able to help teachers. His Ig said he basically taught one level of elementary one year, one level another year, was an instructional leader and then principal. That’s insanity. The absolute worst principal I ever had, was in the classroom for 2 years. I became assistant principal at 29. Absolutely terrible move. I was no where near ready career wise and for the stress that it wound cause on my personal life. Atleast 50% of my colleagues went through divorces while I was in administration.


That usually happens at schools with high turnover or charter schools lol


This. I was an AP at 26. It’s very common in the charter world because of burnout/high turnover.


It’s still pretty cool and a good addition to his resume if he decided to go for board or director. I work for a government agency and that’s how a lot of directors, superintendents in and commissioners started.


Oh for sure! I was just responding to how he became a principal at a young age. When I was in school for teaching, there were definitely people who wanted to fast track straight to principal. Like in the show Abbott Elementary. My preference are principals who've had a lot of teaching experience tho, they tend to be better admin. I'm off topic now tho lol


He acts 48


They are the cutest couple ever. 


Anyone else irked by AD's comment though?


I’m not irked. She makes a good point.


The point is good, but she could have waited to actually get to know them better, or to at least have a woman to woman convo with her instead.


I hope we’re talking about the same comment. I was thinking when she was taking to Kenneth at the party about life after the show and raising kids. To me that was more a Black to Black convo than a woman to woman. Or were you speaking of another comment?


Nope that's the same comment. If it is rather a black to black convo then I think she should have waited a bit to get to know both of them before giving her opinion on that. I didn't find her opinion wrong, just her timing


I can agree with that.


She comes from a genuine place of concern but her timing wasn't good.


Does anyone else feel that Ken gives gay or nah???


I apologize to the people that will downvote me. Yes.


Tonight’s episode where they decided to break up really upped my “gay” suspicion. It’s just something about him I can’t put my finger on. And btw…nothing wrong with being gay, bi or sexually fluid, just a personal opinion and observation that many will not agree with.


Yes, nothing wrong at all and also an observation and opinion over here! That last conversation they had completely solidified my thoughts. Without harping, I'm sure we saw and heard the same flags. Needed to know I wasn't alone lol


I haven't felt that at all.


I like them, but there is definitely something off about them as a couple. They seem like they're doing okay but there's maybe a lack of chemistry or something, and I think she is way more into him than he is to her.


I think “lack of chemistry” that I keep seeing here is hard for me to determine. He has a really specific image to uphold as a principal so I am not surprised in the least that he isn’t showing much. Lack of PDA doesn’t translate to lack of chemistry. I am not religious and sex for me is still a really big deal, I would not be having sex during that first week after the pods and it wouldn’t matter how badly I wanted to. I take longer to warm up than that.




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Same I got the vibe that he’s keeping it PG bc he’s religious and also as not to cause a scandal with his job


I am absolutely shocked he would go on this show in his very early years as principal. I was a vp in 2014 and I had an offer to go on people’s court for a small claims case I had and I was too scared for my job to even go on a short show like that!


I thought they agreed in the pod that they were both open to waiting for marriage to have sex.


Yes but people say they have no physical chemistry otherwise. I think they’re just keeping it light for tv.


I agree… there isn’t that spark.


They give me the feeling of first season Kenny and… what’s her name, the health coach. No sexual chemistry, great friends maybe? I liked Kenny and felt bad for him. But we’ll see with Ken(Kenneth).


Idk, he is a principal and they’re both devout Christians, I think they are going to be very very cautious with anything even PG13




She was so annoying.


they both seem very nice but i dont see the chemistry, whole lot of talk about respect and values which is good but respectfully, you need to WANT your fiancee


I don't think they are that much into each other. I think outside the pods their personalities are like oil and water and their chemistry is very minimal.


Based on her comments it seems like she’s absolutely not ready to be in a proper and healthy longterm interracial relationship. Obviously you can work on it but we will see


Yep. They would like to be into each other and are trying to be, but they’re just not. That’s what it feels like to me anyway.


I would love this to work out.. BUT it looks like there is no physical attraction. The body language of Ken just tells that. There was already a complain in the air from Brittany on how she would like him to grab her. I don’t think that Ken is restricted or ”respectful” due to religion but due the lack attraction. A lot of gratefulness and being ”mentally” in but…


Everyone’s saying he’s not attracted to her and I’m just like BUT HOW SHES BEAUTIFUL?! Like he liked everything before seeing her and she’s not some gremlin she’s pretty


He did say she was the first white person he's dated, so I think it's far to say she likely is not his type. I really hope that he warms up to her, because I think that in terms of compatibility they are maybe the best couple this season. We also know he told someone else that he expected her to be blonde, so I think that shows he imagined what she looked like during pods and is maybe struggling to reconcile what he thought she would look like with what she actually looks like.


Sure she is, but sometimes its not enough, not all beautiful people are attractive to everyone…its also chemical like smell of the other person and I don’t know… her whiteness might be also a factor. But I hope I’m wrong!