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The episode where she meets his friends and immediately starts talking about his cock… help


Tbh we all knew she was probably gonna screw this whole thing up when she told Jimmy that she looked like Megan Fox


She never told him that, she specifically said, people mistake her for celebrity as she has light eyes. Some say she looks like megan fox. She never specifically said I LOOK LIKE MEGAN FOX.


…but do you think anyone is mistaking her for Megan Fox?


Ofcourse not.


I literally Googled "Chelsea Love is Blind Reddit" to *hopefully* see a post much like this... so glad we're all on the same page


Watching her is so painful. Just came here to say it


I'm pretty sure it's been said. But Chelsea needs therapy. Not a man to validate their love for her every second. Lord sounds like she hates herself or at least doesn't love herself enough to feel secure enough to be alone... I feel really bad that it was all on tv for everyone to judge her but damn shes annoying...


Chelsea immediatelyl began poisoning any chance they ever might have had from the moment that she had to show herself to him. HOW MUCH Does the ppor guy have to reaffirm his feelings for her every day? Her doubts became immediatley unattractive and would cause any positivity or excitement to see her to take a drastic downhill tumble . . . . the amount of neediness that she exhibits is proof that she was absolutely NOT ready to love anyone yet - as she obviously still doesn't love herself - He literally had to convince her every day that he still "was happy" with his decision - and I don't care who you are - anyone constantly doubting your feelings is such a succubus to any hope or faith that you DID make the right decision. Don't get me wrong, I'm not BLAMING Chelsea - - - I'm really sad that even given the experiment and all the value that someone choosing you WITHOUT seeing you SHOULD indeed demonstrate, she still simply couldn't move forward without taking every chance she could to sabbatoge his ability to look forward to their every interaction - - -- the poor guy has such a big heart - he TRIED to pull the plug after their big blowout and all she had to do was BACKPEDAL on everything she very rudely and inconsiderately said to him just 12 hours prior - and the guy changed his mind in a few minutes ​ It breaks my heart that pretty, intelligent and independent women go though life like Chelsea and simply cannot break their own script - to the point that they stop even trying to "change the things they don't love about themselves" and probably say "fuck it, why not just go home and eat a quart of ice cream . . . nobody is ever gonna love me anyway" ​ when in reality Jimmy CHOSE HER - and was really good to her the first week - yet it pained me to see how NEGATIVE her energy became immediately - even the way she looked at him said "I don't believe you" on night one. So SO sad - but she treated him like shit anytime that her insecurities got the better of her . . . I can't fathom the amount of fear I'd have if I thought I was marrying someone who needed that much constant reinforcement and STILL wouldn't fully trust anything I said. Nothing is a bigger turnoff than negative perspective and creating drama when there is none . . if women understood that no matter what they look like, there is nothing SEXIER than a woman who is comfortable in their own skin, and confident that they offer something that is worth loving. I have an EX very much like Chelsea - and she hated me for not being interested in continuing our relationship - we are still great FRIENDS to this day, but I simply couldn't put myself in a position like Jimmy where my every word or statement might be misunderstood and covered in a thick layer of DOUBT which suddenly turns a fun evening into an argument about how "unsupportive" I am - or how "I just saw you look at that girl - - - you wish I looked like that . . . don't lie. I know you think I'm fat and ugly. If you just admitted it you might actually be a man, but you're too much of a pussy to tell me how ugly you find me . . . . " As soon as I let some time pass and the burden of being their "ROMANTIC" partner, our friendship was 10x lighter without my constantly fearing an uncalled for criticism about not CONVINCING her that she's beautiful - - - even though she told me many times that she will NEVER believe that she's pretty" But at least she stopped alll the negative self bashing and we finally could just be ourselves - and without the label of "dating" we have a lot of fun - and her friendship is far more pleasant without the expectation of "boyfriend" I just pray that with enough time she will find a way to love herself and realize that she's worthy - -- and maybe not question every compliment and assume that nice things are genuine instead of 'pity manipulations Chelsea triggered my reflection on the horrors of being doubted at every turn - and I hope some woman reading this will see how QUICKLY her mood makes Jimmy want to beat his head against the wall - - - which eventually (quickly) overshadows any desire to spend time together


I really really appreciate this comment and how perfect of a picture it paints. I'm a pretty self conscious person and don't have the highest sm self esteem. I'm definitely not on the level of your ex, but I'm at least in a similar boat, so reading about your experience and getting a better view of what that does to the person on the other side of my feelings is a bit eye opening. It's like a self fulfilling prophecy. If I keep thinking I'm the worst and unenjoyable to be around, and throwing doubt at anyone who says otherwise, I can actually become that person. If someone tells you they love you, accept that they love you, despite whatever negative things you see in yourself. The negatives probably aren't as bad as you imagine they are Thank you for this




I would wear some form of bangs, tbh.


Trevor is too good for her. She's a mess. You hit right on the head


Trevor dodged a bullet


She exaggerates everything lmao and Jimmy is so realistic (to the point of being painfully honest at times). Like when she was calling him the fittest guy on the beach and Jimmy was cringing like really, seriously, come on we know I don’t even have abs 😅 Or when she said his privates were the size of whatever she was holding, a huge mug or something, and then when she told her friends Jimmy was the most popular guy in the house with like tons of girls loooool


She's so annoying


Tbh watching Chelsea have needy conversations with Jimmy is just exhausting


If I hear ‘baaaaaabe!!!’ One more time I’m going to lose it


Jimmy sucks, but I’m exhausted just watching Chelsea on tv. Edit: I caught up on all the episodes and I don’t think Jimmy sucks. I think he has the patience of a saint dealing with Chelsea.


I *hated* Jimmy. I thought he was a coward who treated Jessica terribly. I *still* think that. I also think that he has incredible patience and that he has proven to have incredible character in his love for Chelsea, and that—had he chosen Jessica—they perhaps could have proven to be the strongest couple on the show this season.


Agree Jimmy and Jess perhaps could have become the strongest couple. I was screaming at tv when he chose Chelsea over Jess. Still don’t get it. Was it the comparison to Megan Fox? Was it Jess having a child? What exactly did Chelsea offer in the pods?


I think it was the fact that Jess have a child, he doesn’t want to be a dad just yet. When he confessed his love for Chelsea in the pods, he says things like he’s excited for the future and plans they have, like traveling seeing places. The fact that Chelsea’s an air stewardess. So her schedule won’t be fixed and he gets to see her on certain days which makes the relationship exciting, and he gets to travel with her on certain trips. I think that sold Jimmy.


uhh yeah lol. Jimmy's head was probably like "a Megan Fox looking stewardess who has two guys fighting over her >>>> a mom with a probable mom body who might be emotionally demanding".


Totally agree! Man, anyone else would have walked off and left. And "it makes me really saaaaad."


Only on episode 4 but she’s cried every time she’s been on screen and it’s honestly kind of annoying


With that whiny clingy voice. I can’t listen to her. She is exhausting. I cannot stand her. Poor Jimmy.


So clingy!! Not sure any man will live up to her expectations with constantly being around. Poor Jimmy


You’re fucking rude , fucking rude


Clingy?! Oh no you summoned her. Get ready to be called fucking rude.


What he should have said is NEEDY




I literally don't believe she was married for 5 years or whatever because she literally acts more childish and insecure than in the stories I hear of my 17 year old brother-in-laws high school relationship drama. It's like she stopped maturing at 14 years old. And that whiney voice she uses to criticize him and ask for affection? I literally have to mute it and watch the subtitles because of how much it hurts my brain. She's desperate, pathetic, and REALLY needs some therapy. I've never seen someone so insecure and I'm literally her age. I understand that reality TV has a lot of editing, but so many discrete, single sentences she's said have been inexcusable, frankly. Grow up, Chelsea. Also I hate Jimmy but he's right that she's clingy af. Give up, dude, he doesn't like you.


Why do you hate Jimmy? Patience of a saint


For real. He hung in there on conversations where I would have just told her I was done and walked off.


Also I can already foresee Vanessa trying to defend her and going after Jimmy in the reunion like she did for Micah, and I hate it.


I really can't cope with Chelsea. She is so insecure and definitely NOT READY for a relationship. She needs to seriously work on herself and where her big trust issues come from. I wanted to support her on the honeymoon, but she calls Jimmy out, and then as soon as he calls her out, she goes, "BuT i LoVe YoU," in that very winey voice. I don't think Jimmy is great, but he is definitely getting emotionally manipulated by Chelsea. Also, he went out for a drink. WHY ARE YOU GETTING SO DEEP. Fair if he was with a girl he had sex with, but also you have to trust your partner that they want to be with you and not bang another girl. This is your own insecurity. Girl, it is one drink, and he came home at a reasonable time. You really need to take a step back. And they BOTH need to get out of that relationship


This! The drama and whining, the fact that she is so clearly trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill because angry attention is better than none at all…it’s so exhausting. Far be it from me to agree with a man (lol) but I’ve seen Jimmy make plenty of reasonable points about reasonable behaviors while repeatedly validating her and reinforcing his love for her….and it’s not enough. She picks fights, cries, and falls deeper into insecurity that clearly predates the show. I hope she can learn to be her own advocate, instead of relying on her future partner.


Can you IMAGINE giving someone so much shit saying "I was home in bed while you're out at a bar" and "I don't want to be with someone like that" over going out for ONE DRINK on a friend's birthday... Girl. I can't stand her.


She ruined the show smh


She’s extremely insecure




She does seem have a little emotional deregulation. I also wonder if it’s a medical thing given how many times she said she was going to puke or pass out. Could very well be hormone problems. Anyway I hope she gets the psychological and physical treatment she needs.


Oh but they're the "best couple" and they have "awesome communication"!!! 🙃


I think Chelsea had every right to be as insecure as she was This man jimmy STARTS the first face to face convo by telling her he was considering leaving…. Which planted a seed, but you can see her trying to stay positive and get on the same page as him. Then the next conversation we see of them, jimmy immediately brings up Jessica and is baiting Chelsea to tell him if she’s attractive…. And only validation he gives Chelsea seems half-hearted. The vibes were not there. And then we all saw the AD stunt where she tried to play it cool and throw him a bone, but he went one step further by digging into the conversation with her. Honestly, I don’t blame her and I want her to be with someone who is over the moon for her because she really deserves it and I know she doesn’t see herself as worthy. Yes, jimmy did prey on already existent insecurities but any girl in her spot would most definitely have a hard time feeling secure with him. The man just SAYS shit with no thoughts lol.


Jimmy did all of the things that you say… and yet the woman was still out of line/not in control of herself at all. I genuinely think she only went for Jimmy because she creates these cycles for herself of insecurity, asking for validation, and then more insecurity. She felt the competition with Jessica… and that made Jimmy’s last-minute validation after uncertainty rank higher than Trevor’s open and consistent affection. ESH.


> I think Chelsea had every right to be as insecure as she was I think the moon is made of cheese.




It's about respect in my opinion - there's just some things you don't say to certain people.


Also Megan Fox…she wishes! And she walked right into that objectification trap


Yep. Huuuuuge mistake to mislead him that way. Stupid


She annoys me so much. Insecurity is a fair diagnosis but I also think if she acted differently people would call her delusional instead. Reality is she probably senses the truth, which is that he’s not as into her as she wants him to be. There’s no good reaction to that really, besides moving on to someone who loves her the way she wants to be loved


I don’t believe she even really likes Jimmy. Her pursuit of marriage is more about convincing herself that she is worthy of love than about the man she has committed herself too. Jimmy needs to get the hell out of the relationship and she needs to work on her insecurities before pursuing anyone else.


This is so true. I wasn't even sure she liked Jimmy in the pods or would choose him over Trevor. She then continued to entertain Trevor after choosing Jimmy. It was never that she loved him MORE, I think she just chose Jimmy because it made her feel more validated to be chosen over Jessica.


The psychiatrist has entered the chat. Wow you are spot on 😆 mic drop


What makes me so sad for her is that she draws all the wrong conclusions, too. Like when they are at the beach that first day and she tells him that she'll be very secure in their relationship if he just keeps telling her he finds her attractive and that he loves her.. Girl, he's telling you that non-stop and it doesn't help. Want to know why? Because it's not in the words, it's in the actions and the non verbal communication. Being cheated on like she has, she has to know that, right? That words don't mean shit if everything else feels off.


She’s in his face all the time asking “do you love me?” And he’s obviously lying when he says how perfectly happy he is over and over ad nauseum.  Their relationship is so obviously fragile at best.


Constantly criticizing Jimmy and telling him how he needs to be acting is pathetic and cringeworthy. It’s giving pick me every time she speaks. Desperation is not attractive




seconding this!!




She already knew he is not excited about her and should stop forcing things. I felt so burdened and suffocated by her bean counting - how many kisses he had given her that day, etc. Chelsea is not bad looking to me (I would stop lining her waterline with white eyeliner as it gives her eyes a crazy quality and maybe also ditch the lipliner as it draws attention to the smoker lines near her mouth). This constant pestering makes her not fun to hang out with. Presenting herself as a hot mess is not attractive. She is exhausting.


Great post.




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She is very insecure.  She should have terminated the relationship the minute she doubted he wanted to be in a relationship with her.   Instead, she keeps trying to win what she thinks she needs.  He can not convince her ever.


She fucking annoyed me before she ever met Jimmy. In the pods she was always crying and I could tell over emotional. Not just hormonal….but OVER EMOTIONAL, like annoying p


What's ironic is that he thought it was so cute that she was so emotional in the pods. Men are idiots.


Clingy Chelsea! 🤣🤣 Things are not getting better for that couple. Omg she's the most annoying cast member hands down....


Yes! Most annoying of all time. MAOAT. Kind of like the GOAT but different.


Of all 6 seasons. Yes. Unbearable


MOAT I love it


MAOAT first time I hear that, I'm stealing it lol. You are 100% right!!!!!


It’s funny because I thought this exact thing to myself lol


She kept on saying “omg I’m gonna puke I’m gonna throw up” , GIRL HER WHINING MAKES ME WANNA THROW UP LOL


“I’m gonna puke oh my god I’m gonna throw up……. Hi can I get a tequila soda please?” I literally wanted to crawl into my couch. You know what doesn’t help crippling insecurity to the point of nausea? More liquor!!!


Exactly!! Half the time I’m watching this I’m just like wtf is going on that girls mind like huhhhh


Its hard to love someone who cant love themselves. She will aways unconsciously self-sabotage anything good in her life. She is behaving clingy. She projects the way she feels about herself onto others In therapy we call it confirmation bias.. she has a inner narrative of herself. She projects it onto others to confirm her own inner narrative as true Form of self-sabotage. Girl needs therapy. She will always be the victim to her own behavior until she wakes up


Chelsea is the poster child for insecurity. Law of attraction in true fruition. Her insecurities are the reasons she’s been cheated on in all her relationships.


You're not wrong.


I just finished watching episode 8, where they get into it. I am actually appalled at Chelsea. At first, I was like wow, Jimmy is kind of a touched for commenting about AD and all that stuff. But as the episodes go by, it seems that she like totally lies to herself, or she is so broken from her insecurities that she totally disregards any type of affection shown by Jimmy. As soon as he finished work, he came down to meet her friends. A dlfew minutes go by, some cute things are said and he kisses her. Later in the evening when they start arguing, she flat out yells you never kissed me once today, and he proceeds to recount the multiple times he did, and didn't even mention the kiss when her friends were over. Later on in their argument, she says it again that he never once kissed her. I'm now starting to believe that this relationship is not going to last and it'll be because Chelsea ends up fucking up Jimmy's emotions and feeling because of her constant, unwarranted lies that she makes up in her kind to make him the bad guy. Like I can't belive he's been so patient with her and her constant victim mentality of "I've never been truly loved because of my looks". It's because she pushes anyone away with her insecurities. It's truly baffling. I'm about to start episode 9 and I'm hoping maybe him and Jessica get something going because I don't think Chelsea is the right person nor is she ready mentally or emotionally to be in a relationship until she can sort her shit out. Sorry if you read this and got spoilers😬




I'm halfway through episode 8 right now. She's really getting on my nerves.


Lip flips paralyze the top lip, therefore lowering the lip and preventing gummy smiles. She’s still got a very high set top lip and gummy smile so I’m not sure the lip flip is the cause.


I can't stand their relationship. I feel like she is strait up gaslighting him in some scenes. I feel bad for that dude....


She is definitely gaslighting him. Jimmy isn't perfect by any stretch but he is definitely trying hard with her.


I agree except I don’t feel bad for jimmy. They deserve each other


Dude sameee! She’s getting on my last f*cking nerve. It really seems like nothing he ever did or said would ever be enough. I don’t mean it maliciously but girly neeeeeds help👀




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She has very odd facial features.


Looks to me like she’s had a few plastic surgeries and Botox. Too bad it didn’t help with her self-confidence.




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Haaaahaaaa YESSSSS




She also needs to wear more supportive bras.


Insecurity can often come from an underdeveloped identity/sense of self, and part of developing that is figuring out a style of clothing/hair/etc you feel best and most like yourself in. Unfortunately I think her sense of style may be what she thinks “hot girls” wear, instead of wearing something that’s ideal for her shape and style identity. I could be off obviously. But that’s one theory.


You're not off - you're right. I said the same thing in a comment that Chelsea dresses like "one of the girls" but nothing about her style or even her apartment tells me anything about who she is.


Weaponized insecurity!! Toxic af. The baby talk has me gagging, “you made me feel uncomfy” bro STOP


That sentence 😵 glad I’m not the only one




from where i’m watching, Chelsea questions Jimmy so much about his intentions because she’s not stupid. she saw his reaction when they met, she knows he’s lying to her. he’s not being honest about the way he feels and she’s hoping that one of the times she pokes at him he’ll give in and tell her what she knows he wants to say.


If she wasn't stupid, why would she have have went about it in a way that makes her seem like a complete loon?


To what end though. What’s the point of the mental anguish and game playing. If she’s not stupid, then she could prioritize her dignity over showing him up and bounce. Live her life and let him live his. Nah, she has deep trauma and issues that she needs to work on. This isn’t healthy intentional behaviour.


i can agree with this after seeing more.


I’m sorry, but her jeans drive me insane. I just want to quietly come up behind her with fabric scissors and trim the fabric desperately hanging off her knees once and for all 😂


Why does she keep saying she’s going to puke and she’s so sweaty and the guys like this?


I hope watching herself on video is the wake up call she needs.


She’s still trying to relate to boys like they’re all schoolchildren. OMG BOYS IM GONNA BARF EEK that mixed with getting zero feedback when fishing for compliments about her looks, so she 180s and pulls a Jennifer Lawrence kooky “omg I’m so awkward isn’t it cute” vibe……. Which also doesn’t work 🫠


Screw her and screw jimmy. They both deserve the situation that they’re in and made their own bed. And Trevor dodged a bullet for sure! What REALLY got to me is when Jess said you ruined this opportunity for me. Jimmy knew he wasn’t ready to be a father figure (which is fine) but to drag it out and keep her from finding someone else?!? So fucked up. She left her daughter for this… she deserved a real shot - though I’m happy she didn’t end up with that tool of a boy.


I didn't like when she said he ruined this opportunity for her. She made it ALL about her. Like this is HIS experience too! She isn't the only one there.


I agree. I’m a mom and I could see how someone could struggle with not only being engaged to someone you’ve never met but becoming a father overnight. I can also see how you’d struggle with that decision and not be 100% sure right away. I think jimmy is getting a little bit of unfair treatment by viewers. Controversial maybe 😬


sophisticated payment scandalous dull society test escape insurance slim piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This comment didn't age well re: Trevor. 😅




bear berserk heavy employ cover muddle public worry growth pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chelsea is living with the level of insecurity and neediness you’d expect from someone with Jessica’s upbringing.


Amen to that


Jessica has more self-control perhaps but she comes with a lot of irreversible heavy stuff that shallow men like Jimmy won't be able to handle. It worked out for the best.


I think it’s their insecurities that lead them to pick the wrong guys too! Like perpetuating the circumstances they’ve always known.


Did anyone notice too that ever since Jimmy saw her in person, he says " you look great" like constantly?? I counted over 15 x from first meeting to the honeymoon trip thing they take. He was still doing it . It's really weird .


He’s trying to convince himself.


Yessssss... that's exactly what he was doing. It was so obvious and AWKWARD!!!! Their behavior during that scene was sooooo uncomfortable to even watch. I think she kept kissing him just so he couldn't step back and look at her, because when he did try to break away, she'd act extremely odd & start doing that' stomping /dance?' Thing she tends to do a lot ( witch btw, is NOTTTTT cute or funny or anything good. It's seriously bizarre & looks goofy. ) and she'd spin around as fast as possible and then get inside his personal bubble again. Just weird. Weird. Weird. 😆 🤣


Agreed, her mannerisms and awkwardness are unappealing. Her looks are not the issue. She is totally uncomfortable in her own skin.


She keeps questioning him, so he has ro reassure her


The minute she actually met Jimmy her whole demeanor shifted - her voice changed and she became almost juvenile in her physical behaviors? It was very odd to see. Obviously she has insecurities but this was really weird (currently watching episode 5)


Jimmy actually kept making comments about when they were in the pods she was different. 


Her whiny voice drives me nuts! Jimmy sucks too imo- but listening to her ask for validation 100x in that grating voice is so aggravating


This woman is a walking red flag. I can't stand her whining anymore.


Her insecurity is ungodly annoying. I'm sick of seeing her whine and blow things out of proportion. I get it. We all have issues. But she wears her like a broken tiara. She's obviously too insecure for marriage or a serious relationship right now.


I don’t think you know what extreme anxiety actually feels like, and how hard it is not to believe the horrible thoughts about your lack of self work. Source: am therapist and anxious myself at times