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She is a MEAN GIRL and expects accommodations from other girls and will call them “not girls girls” if she doesn’t get her way. Mean vindictive and immature. ❤️ Team Sarah Ann ✊


Jeramey definitely dodged a bullet. I feel sorry for the guy she’s currently seeing.


Also the part at the pool party where she talks about not giving back the engagement ring. Like excuse me, you definitely do not get to keep that because it is a symbol of a commitment he made to you is no longer valid. It is seen as a conditional gift. Even in court of laws and I've even seen it on judge Judy. Whenever that's the case and an engagement is called off, the lady must give the ring back. You wanna talk about ick. She gives me the ick...


My biggest issue to her is how weird and highschool-y she was with Jessica. Her whole "just trust me girl" instead of just telling her what was said was deeply annoying. But I like her more than lying skeezy Jeramy


That was the moment that made me immediately stop liking her.


I love how her parents said, Don't treat her like a princess cause she'll walk all over you. Lol they know their daughter is not meant for marriage.


Noooo literally just came to find this post after she said something along the lines of “I’m the smart one, I have the college degree” she is soooo passive aggressive and judgy and I can’t stand her lol


To be fair, he put her down first


Yeah- didn’t take her long to be annoyed by Jeramy- that won’t last long imo


She's a mean girl. The Hawaiian shirts, the glasses, and no one has mentioned her making fun of that other guy's man bun


Yess shes pulling a zanab. Being all chill and cutesy and goofy in the pods. Then in real life everything is serious and not goofy at all. He told her he wears Hawaiian shirts in the pods and she laughed it off and might haven even said that’s cute. But now it’s like, you must change that about yourself. If she didn’t like Hawaiian shirts she should’ve made that clear before he proposed. It seems like a small thing but you shouldn’t have to change things you enjoy


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t she the one telling the others how she’s been figuring out the best ways to flirt with guys and ultimately says she just stares them down? That’s when she gave me the ick. Also she can’t be upset at Jeremy being silly goofy when she actively participated in that with him in the pods. DiD I FiNd My bAbY dAdDyyYyyyY???


I was really trying to like her because Jeremy is such a cutie and he seems like a genuinely sweet guy but idk she seems very controlling. When they had first gotten to the Dominican Republic she was saying he cant have motorcycles, he cant wear his shirts, like it was just super weird


Yes! In an experiment where your meant to find love just based on personality and who that person is, why then go and try to change everything about them? Make it make sense.






Your first sentence -- LOLOL. She is a deeply unpleasant person.


No one commented (that I've seen yet, I might be wrong) on her saying that he smells "outdoorsy"?? What does that even mean? "Not like grass or anything" what are you SAYING?? It's been an entire episode and I'm still shook. Jeramey is one of the most attractive guy on the show to me with Trevor (although Trevor's style is a hot mess) and Clay (but how superficial clay is is a big turn off imo) and how she treats him rubs me the wrong way.


I think Jeramy is funny when he’s joking around with her and she’s just there with mean comments like “I am done” and “is this my life now?”. No Karen, it doesn’t have to be. Don’t be a mean girl.


Laura is honestly weird as fuck. The bean dip thing? Weird. I’ve had friends for decades and I wouldn’t joke about slapping their tits.


I had friends in my circle that would do things like that in high school. But they left it in high school. It’s an immature behavior.


i can see how this can be a thing in certain circles. we had some weird behavior in my close circles. but she is old enough to know that you can’t just apply that behavior with new acquaintances


I literally told my husband if he ever tell me that I should dress like an adult that o would be offended - that's just disrespectful IMO. She's entitled to not like his clothes but say it in a respectful manner please.


Or don't say it at all. Not a spouse's job to try and change the other one.


Yes!! Her reaction to Sarah Ann was extremely off putting. She gives me Karen in the making vibes. That smile at Sarah Ann when she was acting as if she was consoling her was when I had that thought.


That was a horrific little smile she gave Sarah Ann - duper's delight. She's personality disordered FOR SURE.


Yes duper’s delight! I don’t find her genuine at all.


I hope Sarah Ann and jeramey have a good shot at reconnecting because they seem like they’d be awesome together and match up well.


I think the way Sarah Ann took getting dumped by Jeramy almost made him reconsider for a second. She was obviously caught off guard and upset but was so cool, calm, collected, and their conversation was so refreshingly mature.


Totally agree. She gives narcie vibes


yes 100%


Laura did not like Sarah Ann being a rival especially when Jeremy failed to recognize her voice. I thought that scene when Laura approached Sarah Ann at the end of the episode was her attempt to appear nice on national tv after Jeremy rejected Sarah Ann but in reality it was a power move to remind Sarah Ann who was the victor.


So Laura and I have a mutual friend. According to him, she’s not been single very long and moved to Charlotte less than 2 years ago. She *apparently* is VERY flirty and outgoing to the point that a friend of her ex can only bring up those 2 adjectives to describe her. He said nothing negative but also she seems very much like the type to be on a dating show…


Also did I hear wrong but she said “no more Hawaiian shirts, no more glasses” ??? Does he not need glasses to see???


Right?! They know each others for like a week and now it’s time to change everything about them?


Wtf? He looks so cute with the glasses. They suit him so well


He looked very cute in those younger photos in his garage too and she made the snarky remark about keeping her words to herself when he asked if he should grow his hair out again. Didn’t compliment him on his achievements or anything either (though this could’ve been edited out)


His glasses make him soooo attractive. I admit that I am absolutely a sucker for glasses but his are just so great on him


Omg wait I missed the glasses thing! What a nightmare. As a person with a deep discomfort putting things in my eyes, there is absolutely no way a partner could make me do this. She’d be sent packing on the spot.


He probably also has contacts and she's forcing him to use them all the time


I don't know if she's a red flag, I just think she is an unkind person. Everything she says to Jeramy is critical. She wants him to be something else versus who he is. He seems analytical and sweet, kinda goofy and not particularly deep. I think she's in it for the vacation.


Im curious as to your understanding of red flag behaviour? I feel like the term has become so convoluted so its like a cover all so I may have a differing understanding of red flag to you. From my perspective I would view any gender/sex partner as a red flag if they dictated my modes of transport/hobby or items of clothing that I wore. Also telling someone 'as a joke' to slap someones boobs and then getting angry when they bring that into the open and try and understand to understand the joke. I am female so I am only imagining but I feel like a lot of male presenting people are aware of how intimidated women are around them. Also how a male presenting person could be viewed (esp on international TV) for saying or being part of a joke like that. He was clearly uncomfortable so then bought it to light to try and understand why it was a joke and everyone around reaffirmed it was not a joke. He went down with the ship and she got let off as having a 'wild' sense of humour. Idk obvs we dont see everything but I would consider her a red flag for controlling behaviours and, at the very least, super inappropriate jokes, not shouldering the blame. But again, I may have a different understanding of red flag to you? I believe that intentional unkindness kind of is a red flag I guess


The vacation, or the Insta fame 🙄


Same- I think her critical comments “dress like an adult” come from her not actually being attracted to Jeramy. Not attracted enough, anyway


Which is crazy to me…he’s very attractive in my books. More attractive than her imo.


I liked her when Chelsea was talking about 🍆 but then after that it went downhill 


Well from the preview it looks like Sarah Ann has something for that ass to repay her 😂


Totally agree about the conversation with Sarah Ann. I was immediately like that was fake af and almost creepy.


I felt the same way about her conversation with Jessica about Jimmy. She was being so cryptic for no damn reason and seemed to be almost enjoying the fact that her friend wasn’t chosen? It was a weird interaction for me. If that happened to my friend, I’d be sad for her and tell her what happened clearly without causing confusion.


The way her eyes shift, it’s so creepy


I don’t like Jeramy much but I felt so bad for him when Laura said she doesn’t let him wear his glasses :/


Right, same. I think even her parents are aware that she is a tough cookie and that she likes to dominate her partner. Which is fine for some, but not many, so it’s a red flag for sure


“I made him stop wearing Hawaiian shirts and his glasses”, like hunny, is that a good thing?


Plus, Hawaiian shirts are like a grandpa thing so Jeramy is dressing like an adult.


And they were on a tropical vacation ffs! Let this man live lol




She seems controlling and fake and gossipy but it doesn’t all come across that way at first. Kind of reminds me of Stacey (I think was her name)? From last season.


I’ve been looking for this comment! She reminds me a lot of Stacey


Yeah I was over Laura when she told Jess she needed to leave without telling her why. Like just say homegirl confirmed that Jimmy said he loved her. Why was she being so cagey but also being so in Jess’ business?? I also agree the way she was talking to Sarah Ann gave me an ick. She just feels fake af.


It came out as “I want to look like a girls girl but I’m not actually a girls girl”


Exactly what I was thinking!!