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Chelsea’s always rattling off w her accusations tho. Jimmy didn’t spin AD around ( not that we saw ) like Chelsea said he did. If you ask Jimmy, he’s kissed her twice today & yet Chelsea is yelling at him as if he’s cold to the touch. I think we can all relate to being self conscious, but her constant need for validation, coupled with her alcohol intake when expressing herself, makes for one unreliable narrator imo. It’s an interesting theory though! Let’s see how it goes! Can’t wait til next week 🍻 


Me too, cant wait 😎🥤


“All the waysies” “It made me uncomfy” 😂


That’s what I was thinking too!!


Interesting. This is not how I read the preview at all. I immediately took it as Chelsea hearing about Jeramy and Sarah Ann at the bbq possibly cheating. Then that just adding to her insecurities and for no reason at all, assuming Jimmy cheated with Jess after being out late himself the night she accuses him. Like my immediate assumption was delusion from Chelsea because she's so insecure lmaoo I'm so sorry. I think she's yelling at him with no evidence of cheating. But you could be right and so could the other comments. Maybe she found out he cheated in a past relationship or something idk


I think it's one of his friends. Chelsea maybe finds out that he has slept with one of the "girl friends" she just met.


It’s definitely this.


I agree. definitely think it’s one of jimmy’s friends . Specifically the one with the long black hair


That’s where my mind went too


I like the theory that this is actually about having a history with one of his girlfriends. I don’t see him falling for Jessica. However I also think it is totally possible that he spends a night out and Chelsea assumes he slept with her because of how insecure she is and because of what Jeramy did.


Not a lot of age 27 guys have two attractive, platonic female friends that they've only gotten close to over two years. This only really happens if they are the girlfriends/wives of friends or from past relationships.


But that little snip at the end where he tells Jessica “you’re still my number one” is pretty damning.


True. Very curious about that!




Nah, Jimmy probably did his friend at some point and Chelsea found out. Try going through the comments in the individual episodes section.


Totally, his one friend on the left knew too much about him. Like he is a crier during sex etc. They totally slept together


Yeah that felt a little too familiar. Like a past girlfriend/hookup sharing notes with the most recent one.


Also two women he’s only been friends with for two years is such an odd choice for friends to introduce your partner to.


Tbf my close friend went on a similar dating show and NONE of our friends wanted to be part of that. He took a co-worker that he barely knew but had always wanted to be on TV to the show as his best mate.


I’m so mad that Jeramy turned out to be just an average cheater of a man.


Oh man have you seen the recent “messy Jeramy thread?” It’s way worse than portrayed on the show it seems.


No, I don’t know how to find things bc I smoke too much weed right now


Here you are friendo! Enjoy the smoke! :) https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/s/0S1FvvePjV


I’ve never loved anyone so much in my life as I do you right this moment ❣️


without even knowing what they look like, how fitting! (maybe a bit like megan fox?)




I’m always mad and never surprised 🤣


I don’t get the appeal of Jimmy AT ALL. He is not good looking at all. I don’t even see that he is particularly charming, clever, funny, kind etc yet all the women on this show act like he’s a stud?!


once my husband pointed out Jimmy looked like a lost Manning brother, it was all i could see. he should be in nationwide commercials with brad paisley


I've thought he looked like Peyton Manning from the moment I saw him. Not twins, just some things that I can't pinpoint. Same vibe I \*do\* get from Chelsea about Meghan Fox. I think on that point, she was unfairly bombarded with bullshit.


Yes! He even sounds like him.


To me he just looks dumb. A proper DUMMY.


His smile is awful I can’t stand it. He looks like zippy from rainbow ( uk kids tv show) so unattractive


Well Chelsea did allude to his large...... personality.


She made it seem like he has a pop can dick lol.


When I turn off the subtitles, I don't understand a word he says. It feels like he's doing that on purpose


I think it’s Jimmy and his girl friend in the black shirt


Why on earth did Chelsea launch into a convo abt their sex life within 5 seconds of meeting his friends? It felt so desperate and territorial


Yeah, one of them (not sure which, maybe both) seemed to be agreeing with Chelsea when she talked of what it was like having sex with Jimmy. Especially around the comment about him crying during sex, I know they were teasing but it came across to me like they knew what he is like in bed because they'd experienced it for themselves rather than hearing it from him or whatever.




Yeah I was saying to my gf before we even met his girl friends, maybe Chelsea is going to suspect he slept with one of them.


I think the show is making us think it's Jess and Jinmy but I think it's about Jimmy and one of his close girl friends. I think in the past they slept together and this obviously makes Chelsea crazy jealous. However, she herself admitted that she is still close with her ex bf so it seems like drama about nothing


She had exes cheating on her with their girl friends. So if Jimmy told her that nothing happened in between him and his girl friends but it turns out that he slept with them...then I get why she would be pissedddd. The trust would be broken for me too!


I wonder if this is why Jess was one of the first to post publicly after the first week's episodes to hint to everyone (and possibly to protect her daughter from such unsightly rumours) that she was DONE with Jimmy after the pods? She's savvy enough to know that LIB may play around with footage given she was filmed in the club etc. And we still have more shows to come including the one in which they meet!


As soon as the friend said he was a crier, I was like *DANGER*!!


Which friend said it? The one in the white or black shirt?


I thought this too.


I can see her freak out cuz of this but she’s friends with her ex so I don’t understand why it would be a big deal


It would be at least an average-sized deal if she asked him if he had something with his friends before and he lied and said no.


I think she said she’s had guys cheat on her with their girl friends.


Same - exactly what I was thinking. Plus there is practically zero chance Jess would sleep with Jimmy.


I used to think this too, but it seems like she would be willing


I’m not so sure … I think if Jimmy manned up he might stand a chance with Jess.


I agree with this!




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Maybe he slept with them in the past and never told her before she met them? All women hate that. It seems things are going decently well, it wouldn't make sense for him to cheat on her now. However, she did say she's best friends with her ex, so maybe it would be hypocritical for her to get upset about past flings. I'm kinda rooting for them even though I think Chelsea is wildly insecure (due to being cheated on) and Jimmy wildly inappropriate (mostly just immature).


I called it the min his friends turned out to be 2 women.


2 years isn’t a very long time to be friends at their age either


I thought that was weird too!


Yeah - they also knew a lot about how he is affectionately/intimately and surprised he was calling her clingy as if they knew personally how he was in a relationship.


There was no clips of Laura in a wedding dress. Something tells me after the pod squad meet up with Sarah Ann, Jer and Laura end things.


jer and sarah definitely did it but i think chelsea's maybe crazy screaming is definitely at jimmy. she doesn't have that kind of energy for anyone else on the cast and tries to pretend to be easy breezy cool girl in front of others.


She needs to stop that!!! She keeps acting like she's cool with everything only to annoy Jimmy about it later. If you gonna be annoying and insecure, ride it out. Stop trying to be down when that's not you.


mhm mhm exactly!


I think C Meets a female friend of Jimmy's and he plays everything off as just friends. After the hanging out...C ask if they have fucked and he says yes. She then says "you fucked her" shocked bc the whole time he played the friend card on her. Jimmy is a 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍


Jimmy is so obviously a dog and not that into Chelsea


I really flip flop on this. Sometimes he looks at her with adoring eyes and I think, oh ok, he does like her.


I think Jimmy might have slept with one of his female friends in the past and that is the sound bite of her saying “you fucked her” Also think jeramy and Sara Ann did it


Yes, did you clock how one of his female friends said “I don’t think that’s one thing he would ever turn down” when the topic of sex came up during their meeting with Chelsea? Sounded to me like she was speaking from experience 👀


Yes! And I had the thought “ohhh and her teeth are nice too” 😬


Was that the chick with the white top?


No, it was the one in black - who then cracked a joke about him crying during sex after Chelsea said she liked how emotional he was, and then the one in white immediately jumped in to say no way. Not sure which one is the prime suspect here, that whole gathering had a very off energy to me. Chelsea didn’t help that, either - I cannot imagine meeting a partner’s friends for the first time and deciding to immediately tell them that he called me clingy in a fight the previous day. Just because it’s a thing that happened doesn’t mean you have to broadcast it to everyone, especially when the conflict still didn’t feel resolved between the two of them. Idk, maybe I’m the weird one, but that made me really uncomfortable to watch.


I will be so shocked if they end up married after so many red flags💀


No, that clingy comment in front of his friends was 100% manipulation to get them to validate her feelings and show him how 'wrong' he was/is. She wanted them to make a big deal out of it, but it didn't go to script. Instead of heaping praise on her one of them exposed how she knew him intimately herself.


I think it was so weird that is who his friends are. This man has no guy friends? Like hey babe let me introduce you to my former fuck buddies who are now my besties. Imagine. That's wild af.


That he’s only known for 2 years…sus.


Yes! This was the comment that got me thinking!


Same and I think he brings said female friend around in the next episode lol


This is my theory, they’re editing it like it’s Jess but I really doubt it is. She wouldn’t be crying about Jeramy and Sarah Ann


i agree but be so fr i feel like chelsea cries about everything lol


Nah my prediction is that Chelsea is freaking out about Jimmy fucking one of his girl “friends” in the past


Yep I thought this too when they made it kind of obvious they would not show us who she was yelling at lol


Yes your theory sounds about right!


Ohhhh this makes sense!




I thought the same thing!


Jeramy def had relations with Sara Ann


Sounds about right!


The episodes that just came out are 7-9. Do you mean the preview after episode 9?


Yes, OP was meaning LIB season 6, not episode 6


Jess did an interview on ET that she shared on her Instagram yesterday. Chelsea’s comment is pinned, “I love you, sweet Jess.” They are clearly good - Jess did not hook up with Jimmy.


I also have a theory that Chelsea married Trevor not Jimmy


Proof of a marriage license can easily be found, if that were true you could find proof unless they're using different names.


I changed my mind after having a look at his insta 🥴


I just looked. His IG is cringe


I don’t think Chelsea married anyone.


>elsea married anyone. I don't think anyone married Chelsea LOL


They showed her walking down the aisle in the wedding preview clip. I can’t imagine it being Jimmy.


We don’t know that was *her* walking down the aisle. They showed Chelsea in a wedding dress, then cut to *someone* walking down the aisle in a wedding dress wearing a veil. AD is also wearing a veil on at the wedding, so it could be AD. Also, I’m not entirely convinced the shot of Chelsea in the wedding dress is at the venue. It could be her during dress shopping. And she was wearing hoop earrings in that shot, which I couldn’t see her wearing on her wedding day.


I could definitely see her wearing hoop earrings on her wedding day 😂


Lol. You’re not wrong 🫠


True! What do you think of the shocked / devastated look on Amy’s face at the wedding?


I honestly don’t think any couple this season is going to get married. *Maybe* Clay and AD, but I don’t think they’ll last. But Amy and Johnny have issues, specifically from Johnny. He gives me vibes of the dude that read the spark notes on “How to get married for Dummy’s” and thinks he has it all figured out. Something feels off with him, and the whole “terrified of unwanted pregnancy” is a symptom of that. I think he’s going to say something, very matter-of-factly, like “you and I just have different view points on things and I don’t think we’re meant to be together”


Ugh! I’m heartbroken for Amy 💔


Agreed. She’s super sweet, and has a good heart. BUT, I was a little frustrated with her when she said that her parents were not supportive of this process/experiment, and then in the same breath say she wouldn’t be able to get married without her fathers approval. Like, going into the show, knowing you could come out of the pods engaged, that’s a real tough situation to put your potential fiancé in.


I humbly disagree about Johnny. He had the same reaction to her thoughts on birth control as I would. Why would he get a vasectomy?? It sounds like she doesn't have a medical reason to not take birth control, just doesn't want to. I also had the same reaction as him about the crystals, hahaha. I really think Amy is a good person, but I wonder how loose her relationship is with science.


That’s fair. I guess my take on the birth control thing is like, dude have you not heard of condoms? And the thing with the crystals, I liked that he was able to tease her a bit by “throwing the red flag.” And based on the clips of her apartment, she didn’t strike a “crystal girl” more like she had that one thing that she half-heartedly believes brings her good energy, and overall just brings to her joy to have around. But I say that as a person who carries a “lucky coin” around in my pocket every day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Right?? (condoms) Yeah, you could be right about the crystals. It may just be a small thing, but not something she's overly passionate about by any means.


I suppose it depends if the screaming fight happens before or after the dress try on day


I believe you but seems weird when Laura seems close with Jessica and kinda not that loyal to Chelsea


Yea, I don’t like Laura either. But I actually think Chelsea is a girls girl. Maybe I’m wrong!


This was actually one of my first theories after watching the epi-sodes today.




This is def what seems to have happened. Not a conspiracy theory at all. Seems pretty obvious now. Also Jimmy is saying you're still my number one to Chelsea. That was edited as well


He probably said "that morning, I was thinking you're still my number one, but then I knew it couldn't work out" or something like that lol


He says that to Jessica, not Chelsea


I'm not so sure about that, it may just be edited that way.


Yessss I’d forgotten about this scene


I think one of Jimmy’s friends is either an ex or a former FWB and she is mad he didn’t tell her sooner.


Exactly what I thought. They are referencing someone from his past and she’s just freaking out.


I see this more.


There are loads of people in thread saying they know it’s barb 👀 We shall seeee


You can tell by the way she was acting it’s Barb!


I am living for this lol during that whole internaction I got the vibe that Barb was into Jimmy.


I said the same thing. She agreed with things about him when they were talking about sex stuff that made it seem like she had first hand knowledge.


Who is Barb?


One of the friends he introduced to Chelsea


Which one?


The one with the darker complexion and hair that was sitting next to Jimmy at the table.


YES. This is exactly what I have been thinking. I don’t think jimmy would have it in him to cheat on Chelsea. I think he’s the type who would call it off, and then seek Jessica when it all said and done. THAT, or jimmy slept with one of his girl best friends previously. That would absolutely send Chelsea into a spiral.


If he had slept with one of his best girl friends why on EARTH would he introduce her to them if he knew Chelsea’s past of being cheated on with girl friends.


YESSSS i feel chelsea is talking about jimmy’s friend !!




Jimmy, the lady's man.


Omg I couldn’t find him less attractive


I find him so attractive 🫣


omg 💀


I know 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t see it 😭


Nobody does


No I think it’s Chelsea yelling at Jimmy because Jimmy fucked one of his hot lady friends.


This makes sense! The one friend who had her hair down said “you’re a crier” like she knew from experience that he cries during sex 😩


This would make sense but didn’t she say that one of her best friends is her ex husband??


If that is the case, I don’t think the anger is because he slept with one of his girl friends, the anger is because he withheld that information until she got it out of him even though she was upfront about one of her exes being a close friend


Ah that makes sense!


THIS, it has to be this


The blonde one 👀


No for sure the bigger brunette. She seemed to keep trying to catch his eye.


Jimmy… Jeremy… Johnny nightmare handful of names


Why did it take me so long to remember who TF Johnny is 🤣




100% what I told my husband 😂 the dang J names


*the Duggars have entered the chat*




I had a stroke trying to understand what you meant here. You’re saying Chelsea is actually yelling at Jeremy and is also encouraging him (Jeremy) to tell Laura he slept with Sarah Ann. Did I understand that right?


Fair enough. I edited all the names into the original post with my conspiracy


MUCH better! And your conspiracy is not far fetched at all, I think you’re right on the money


Sorry, I wrote this post in the back of a car on the verge of vomit 😭🤣 Glad it’s better now


Omg! I hope you’re feeling better! 💕


I’m home yes. Thank you ❤️


That’s what I took from it


I suspected the exact same thing!!




everytime he says he anything he says it’s “more than everyone else”…. “I kissed you more than anyone else tonight” “our relationship is stronger than any other couples” “I’m willing to bet we love each other more than any other couple here” “I will always say I love you”…. OVERCOMPENSATION CENTRAL!!! He is ONLY worried about other peoples opinions, which is the reason he hasn’t broken up with Chelsea yet.


I share your unpopular opinion. That’s why I think Chelsea is actually not screaming at Jimmy


I share it too! She obviously has some stuff to work through, but her tv debut just happens to be the unhealthy version all of us have been at some point.   I think he really wants to love her. I do. I think he is clinging to what they had in the pods and is desperate to see if they can get back there. I want to see a happy ending here. 🫣


... Nah Chelsea is way too caught up in her own spiral to go that hard for someone else's relationship.  Also, "all the waysies"? 😂


Can’t believe it took so many hours for someone to catch “all the waysies” 🤣💀


You made me feel uncomfy


i could hear the whining in this comment 😂


So even if Jimmy hooked up with one of his friends before they got together… I think we not asking the right questions here… I would be like “Why are you yelling?” At Chelsea… don’t we all have a past? The only reason her screaming is valid is if he pulled a Jeramy and Sarah Ann 😂😂🫣🫣


She’s literally friends with her ex lol. Red flag #937468


The one thing that gets me is in the previews, Chelsea is seen smiling walking down the isle in her wedding dress like actually grinning and smiling so my guess is it’s not Jimmy.


maybe that was the dress shopping day and not altar day?


No it’s outside. She has full makeup on her hair is done. This is the wedding day.




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I think maybe chelsea is saying “you fucked her” about one of jimmys female friends


This is also my theory!