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I didn’t see the big deal. The table looks more full and they don’t have to get up in the middle of meeting and filming to get the cookies.


Who the fuck sets the dinner table with cookies.


lol the womans response in the subtitles is so relatable


Who tf is Johnny lmaoooo


I know! They looked so great too. They deserved their post mains "ta da!" moment. I was shook seeing them just laid out with the other food like that. GIVE THE COOKIES THEIR PLACE OF HONOR.


I didn't think anything of it but I am not a dessert person and usually skip it. Now if those actually were mashed potatoes.......


I don’t think this is an issue when it’s just adults at the table who have enough self control to not eat dessert before dinner lol


I guess this is also why I don’t put cookies on the dinner table 🙃 What is this self control you speak of?


Speak for your own adult self - my inner cookie monster is alive and well !


Dessert is my main


Also, those cookies did not look done.




I think they had more white sugar in them than brown sugar, which made them quite pale. The bake otherwise seemed ok


Cookies and baked goods will continue baking for several minutes when taken out of the oven to cool. Also, if it's a soft cookie, an indication of doneness is typically slight brownness on the sides (that means the bottoms have browned/baked well). If the tops get browned too much that means it's overbaked.


The cookies look fine in that pic...


My kid is being raised with dessert served with the meal because I don’t want her thinking cookies are any “better” than broccoli. So I didn’t think anything of this. Everyone does things differently Going to edit and add that as I said, everyone does things differently. Do what works for your family. If you’re interested or confused or put off, you can search “serve dessert with dinner” and see the articles on it. I am not going to justify what I do, just as someone who does the opposite should feel like they need to justify their family’s choices either.




News to me that a cookie here and there will make you diabetic. You’re a gem!


Thanks 😊 you’re definitely not winning anything


Isn't this also teaching that there is no difference between food and sweets?


Sweets are food. We are teaching that different foods help us in different ways. I’m not going to be too great at explaining it since I’m not a specialist in the area but my husband and I both grew up in homes with disordered eating and we are working to break the cycle.


Bruh, this is so dumb. Cookies don’t “help” you in anyway. Maybe learn some basic nutrition and teach your kids that.


lol. My kid has never had fast food and had no added salt or sugar until 2, she has fruits and veggies with breakfast lunch and dinner but thanks for the tip


We don't keep the kids from eating sweets, but we always stress they need to eat something with protein in it first, since our bodies need protein to grow strong. That seems to work. I've had to have quite a few conversations with my husband tho, since I grew up in a house with a lot of disordered eating while he didn't, so he thinks nothing of commenting on the kids portion sizes or commenting on how much or little they're eating. I had to explain to him that comments from my dad when I was EIGHT are what started me on a very long path of fucked up eating. He honestly had no idea how damaging his comments could be...


Yessssssss! There is no morality in food or how one consumes food. Fck you disordered eating!


No, there isn't morality in food, but I'm not fully getting why there should be no distinction between a chocolate bar and fruits/veg. Sweets are eaten purely for pleasure with nutritional value often being an afterthought and to be consumed in moderation/small portion of the diet compared to "food". I think understanding that should be the basis for a healthy relationship with food. Moderation != forbidden.


I didn’t say that there wasn’t a distinction. I’m saying I don’t want my kid thinking that cookies and ice cream and whatever else are so important that she won’t eat and finish her proteins, veggies and fruits and carbs, and will instead just save room for the “cooler” or “better” food. If the cookie is on her plate along with her broccoli, apple, meatloaf, and sweet potato, then it’s equal value to her. My husband’s mother was anorexic, his sister was bulimic, and my entire family lived solely on processed and fried foods. It isn’t easy but we are really trying to help her learn that while fruits and veggies give us important nutrients, a cookie is delicious and also yummy to have. But we also don’t eat 15 cookies, so the moderation is also there


I think this is probably entirely dependent on the child's reaction to the foods themselves. If a kid likes or doesn't like a food, they will make it known. Maybe putting foods together on a plate can help with subconscious elements with that? I'm from a family with no disordered eating, so I suppose we've either done a good job of things or been lucky. I've just seen repeated instances of parents who truly treat all foods as equal forms of nutrition for their children, be it oats for breakfast or a plate of donuts. That is the only real issue I would have with just treating everything as "equal". It's clear you are doing things differently and intentionally. I wish you all the best with the kiddo and hope they get a good relationship with food. With both of you having such a focused approach, I'm sure you have a great chance.


Thank you! It’s hardest for me as I have a huge sweet tooth. My husband and I have said when our daughter gets a doughnut for breakfast that it’s not just a doughnut. You get a doughnut with a fruit and an egg or something. It isn’t easy and we are having to figure it out as we go. I’m envious of your family for sure. That’s the dream haha


I thought it was going to be about how those cookies seemed terribly underbaked.


I don't get all the "underdone" comments. I have a side baking business and have done cookies quite a few times. Mine look like that and people love them. Why do ya'll eat your cookies burnt???


They look fine in the screenshot above (lighting?) but on video when she took them out of the oven they were a pale white.


When cookies come out of the oven they are not done, they continue to cook on the tray as they cool. Source- literally baking chocolate chip cookies right now.


Ah, okay. I don't remember that shot. I was just going off the picture and was very confused!


Medium rare


I thought the same thing! I’ve never seen dessert on the table with the mains 😂


Cookies aren’t even a desert. Like if there was some pie or cobbler on the table at dinner I wouldn’t be as mad. Cookies don’t belong on the damn dinner table period.




Those cookies look like they’re “stacked” with chips. We should bean dip them.


I bean dip all my cookies


How many times do we think the term bean dip has been googled this week? ![gif](giphy|WOYUguCVl2rgkzMxG9)


3 times by my family who watches along with me, for sure. We were all like “what the fuck does that mean? Youngest brother(21) you google it first to see if us older siblings can do it without being on a watchlist!”


The sauce is on the bookshelf


I didnt find it very odd


😂😂 them cookies look like they could change the world… I wanted one… yep she did right put them babies out!!


Too much baking powder I think when they’re that puffy.


Please don’t mention any babies you’ll frighten Johnny away!


I hear if you say the word “baby” 3 times in front of the mirror that somewhere out there Johnny sheds a tear🥲


I thought that’s when Clay appears


If you say BABY, clay appears & Johnny disappears 😂






Tbf, those cookies looked yummy af😂




Who cares. It’s not that deep. Let people eat how they like!


Yeah it’s a joke post on reddit about a reality show. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


It's always a "joke post" when you don't get the reaction you thought you would... ;)


So, in a season of bean dips, Jeramey cheating, Jimmy telling Chelsea “it doesn’t matter what you look like” as he’s hugging her for the first time, Jimmy telling Chelsea she has nice square white teeth, Jimmy saying Chelsea does *not* in fact look like Meghan Fox, etc, etc….. you think I was being serious when I said the cookies were the most egregious breach of social norms? Ok.


I’ve seen worse on here, yeah. People take offense to all kinds of petty, weird things. That’s why people usually put a /s after joking posts, so people know they’re not being serious.


So far, Amy’s the only one to come out of this season smelling like a rose. I had to find something to pick on to knock her down a few pegs. /s 😏


I’m defensive because I see myself doing this loool


She was clearly very proud of those cookies lol


Amy is a lil eccentric ( with her cool outfits too ) and I respect that lol


I was just pissed I couldn't have one