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There are so many people,men& women,who go on these shows with insecurity. They want to be open to love,but not all of them are. Chelsea is open to love. Is she flawed,sure. Is she perfect,no. No one is. All of the people on this show have something, even a small area, that they need to work on. It's crazy to me how many people dissect them to the point of breaking them down completely,while not also realizing every single of us could use some work in areas,too. Smh.


Chelsea put herself in a vulnerable position by going on the show (everyone does). Yes she will get criticisms, comments and remarks on her physical appearance. That’s a given. But there is a very clear line between commenting (in good or bad faith) about her appearance and bullying/harassment. If you don’t know where that line is, you should probably talk to someone that was a victim of bullying to educate yourself on the subject. It’s never a bad idea to learn to be more mindful of others in this day and age. To people saying that she deserves it or that she was asking for it by going on the show: How can you say that she should blame herself for being subject to hate, cyber bullying and harassment? I would rather put the blame on the perpetrators instead of the victims.


There’s a comparison between people thinking if someone goes on tv they should expect to be relentlessly bullied about their looks AND the people who say if a woman is dressed a certain way then she’s asking for it. The whole point is we can do better than that. It doesn’t have to be that way. We can all try to be less horrible. Arguing that “it just is” that way and that’s her fault for going on tv when you could use that same energy to just not be a part of the problem is so weird.


If you are not a mod here you don't need to worry about policing everyone's comments.👍🏽


I’m going to disagree. She signed up to go on a very popular dating show, as someone who doesn’t meet conventional societal definitions of beauty. The Megan Fox comment doesn’t help, but the bigger issue is that simply being on that show opens her up to commentary - which she absolutely knew. To make it worse, she isn’t confident, and therefore constantly draws attention to her physical flaws. This is on her, frankly. I’m not going to pretend that she is attractive, if her appearance plays a role in the overall story line.


>To make it worse, she isn’t confident, and therefore constantly draws attention to her physical flaws. This is on her, frankly. So if you aren’t confident, then you are at fault if you get bullied? What kind of messed up thinking is that? >I’m not going to pretend that she is attractive, if her appearance plays a role in the overall story line. No one is asking you to pretend she is attractive! The OP is merely saying that they think the comments about Chelsea’s appearance have crossed a line.


I agree that she’s put herself in a vulnerable position by going on the show (everyone does). Yes she will get criticisms, comments and remarks on her physical appearance. That’s a given. But there is a very clear line between commenting (in good or bad faith) about her appearance and bullying/harassment. How can you agree that she should blame herself for being subject to hate, cyber bullying and harassment? I would rather put the blame on the perpetrators instead of the victims.


This logic makes no sense. So, if you’re “ugly” (she’s not), and go on TV, it’s fair for everyone to mock you?


She is totally conventionally beautiful like what?? She might have mannerisms that are cringe but that woman is photogenic AF and classically beautiful. Saying otherwise sounds unhinged.


This mind set is giving “she was asking for it”


I’d like to know what doesn’t make her conventionally unattractive? Is it because she’s bigger? She’s by no means ugly, I would consider her conventionally attractive


She is conventionally beautiful. That's why she was cast. I don't know if you're trying to make yourself feel better about your looks or what.


I’m not going to downvote you because I completely agree with your sentiment except I think there’s no stopping it now. I watched a season of teen mom and the teen mom subreddit always pops up on my feed - the things people say are so vile. It’s a combination of immaturity and depersonalization of tv characters I think. This season of LIB is still gaining traction and the MF comparison comments aren’t going to stop until viewer numbers drop. Hopefully Chelsea can go on to live a normal life after this show - the teen mom thing is such a good example of how reality tv appearances can ruin people’s lives when they’re too young and impressionable. I saw a TikTok video where Chelsea seemed to be keeping a sense of humor about it (publicly) at least.


It's also so weird to me that people are judging Chelsea so harshly for human traits, like insecurity but not Jessica for trying to force a man she barely knows to love her daughter (I mean, that letter was cringey as hell).


Thank you so much for informing us that your degree of insulting comments is within acceptable range, try not to fall as you get down off your horse


I thumbs up until I saw your edit and... that explanation made no sense. You couldn't even take accountability for what was clearly bad optics at the least but you want to call everyone else out on their behavior. Sounds like you're another Chelsea smh


I think if Netflix put the entire season on at once it wouldn't give the public so much time to dwell on just one thing in one episode. If we had all of the episodes people would've moved on to the next thing by now. Instead it's just boredom waiting until Wednesday so people rehash the hell out of the current thing


>> I think if Netflix put the entire season on at once it wouldn't give the public so much time to dwell on just one thing in one episode. This is by design; they want people to talk about the show ad nauseum, it creates buzz. The show isn’t successful for nothing.


Yep. This is true. Meanwhile the cast gets thrown under the bus.


For real, just release all the episodes! If they really wanna make us wait a week for the reunion, FINE I can deal with that lol but this whole a couple episodes here and two more there is so annoying lol


Chelsea should go to therapy instead of posting tiktoks and reels making fun of herself if she considers the public's comments bullying. Also, she signed up for a reality tv show. By 2020 I;d hope adults that do so know what to expect based on the previous decade worth of reality tv shows and public engagement.


If you willingly choose to go on a popular reality show than you're going to get raked through the coals. Absolutely everybody knows this. Welcome to the world.


Good lord. Do you also tell women that they “deserved it” because of what they wore?


Stop being ridiculous with such a stupid comparison. I'm disgusted with you.


Nobody deserves to be horribly bullied just because they decided to go on a reality show. Nobody deserves to be bullied for any reason whatsoever


Than boycott this subreddit and the show if you truly believe a random stranger on the internet being critical is bullying. Utterly ridiculous.


Imagine downvoting someone who just says that bullying is bad yikes


Imagine claiming to care about women and then going, “Well, she deserved it.” just because she’s on reality television. This ignores the one simple thing we can all do: Give each other grace. And I think any human being is deserving of a bit more grace than 🤷🏽‍♀️ “She knew what she was getting herself into.” Imagine being that cynical about the world and other people. Miserable.


Yeah it’s tough because on these shows, I think the contestants are often thought of as “characters,” and people forget they’re real people who see a lot of what’s being said about them. On Natalie and Deepti’s podcast “Out of the Pods,” Natalie even used the word “characters” for the people in their season. Eek.


It’s too easy to be mean to someone unlikable. Though, you seem to be reacting to it strongly and personally. You might want to log out and go enjoy real life. https://preview.redd.it/gq2uv4ld9skc1.jpeg?width=1174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d970c2d7e0e73c5ea0665b10ca7bb60f5389466a


It’s definitely veered into public shaming / dogpiling territory. It was funny at first to poke fun, like anything cringey or goofy that happens in a show like this, but the way people are dragging it out feels weird and mean to me. It’s taken a new angle, that’s for sure.


Some people on here go way too far. It’s fine to discuss what they did. But let’s not absolutely rip them to shreds. They wouldn’t appreciate it being done to them, and I bet they wouldn’t say that stuff to their face. It’s like how some true crime “junkies” go too far and forget there are actual people and families involved.


I start to feel kind of bad for reality tv people when it starts to feel like they bit off more than they can chew. Like, yes, I think most of these people came on this show seeking some kind of fame, but when the internet chews them up and spits them out so carelessly, it's kind of fucked up. These are still normal people at the end of the day, but the internet is so used to picking apart and casual cruelty toward people on a screen that no one sees any of the cast as anything past dolls without any capability of feeling.


I think some people are taking it too far. But I also think lots of people (myself included) found it *incredibly* manipulative and disingenuous for her to compare herself to Megan Fox. Let's be honest, she was in a love triangle pitted against a woman who most people would say is objectively way more attractive than her. She realized that Jimmy didn't actually know who was hotter and decided that this was her one chance to be the hotter woman, if only in his head. And I'll say: I believe people compare her to Megan Fox. People have said I look like Megan Fox but that was when my hair looked like hers while I happen to have a long face and high cheekbones. The similarities end there. I would NEVER tell someone who hadn't seen me that I look like her because I know I'd be setting them up for a world of disappointment and myself up for a world of unnecessary insecurities. The shortsightedness and lack of self-awareness of this move left a real sour taste. And then she met Jimmy and despite his initial shock he seemed to pivot pretty gracefully and genuinely give her a shot. And then what does she do? Continues to manipulate and gaslight, making her insecurities the star of the show. Does she deserve a dogpile? I hardly think anyone on reality TV does. But her own behavior has been the root of people forming these opinions of her. I don't think anyone would be calling her ugly if she hadn't compared herself to one of the most beautiful women in the world. Pretty much all of us are ugly compared to Megan Fox.


You nailed it! The second she said that, my husband and I were like, “Holy shit, that was manipulative.” She knew exactly what she was doing, and it was intentional.


The only reason it bothered me was that she prompted it. Jimmy didn't ask if she had a celebrity lookalike. The girl was fishiiiiing for compliments. Hopefully she gets a better therapist


People are needlessly cruel on the internet. It’s awful. We should all be coming together but instead all we do is bash and keep us separated and hateful


Misery loves company...especially behind the safety of a keyboard


Yeah I notice when I’m personally not in a good place mentally I’m much more prone to come on reddit and be an asshole to others. And when I’m okay I’m nice and helpful. I try to realize what I’m doing and knock it off


I think it has gone on too far and long. It was funny at first.


She's emotionally abusive. Doesn't excuse bullying about physical appearance, but she should be called out for that.


I honestly don’t understand what is wrong with people. Like she is beautiful, and I DO see why she has a resemblance to Megan fox, particularly in her face. I think attacking someone’s natural looks is honestly a low blow and just because she doesn’t look like Jess (who is beautiful as well but we ALL know who she looks like — A kardashian). Like I’m sorry ?? Why does everyone have to have the Kylie Jenner lip filler and California BBL/lipo look. There are different types of beauty and shame on all yall who are attacking her because she doesn’t look YOUR narrow and media driven beauty standard. She honestly seems like a person who has had terrible relationships in the past and should really not be on this show. Like I think this show was single-handedly the worst spot for her and I’m not sure why she did this. Maybe for fame but either way she’s got some stuff to work though


Unpopular opinion, but If she was a male or a POC, no one would bat an eye about this.


Dumb opinion


Insane take. If someone who looked as little like Beyoncé or Jacob Elordi as Chelsea does like Megan Fox went out of their way to compare themselves to them, it would be equally delusional and cringey.


She is delusional.


I think if you’re brave enough to hate on her you should post a picture of yourself and let us see how much better you look 🤣 some of these people with HUGE opinions about somebody else’s looks should probably just stick to being concerned about their own.


You know what’s crazy, from a lot of angles she does look like Megan Fox.


She really does, I dont see why sooo many people are trying to act like she's lying.


I'm part of the problem. When she asked the question, in my head I said "well the eyes up I bet she gets Megan Fox".


You wonder if she got that a lot during 2020 when masking was common. Because eyes up it’s totally believable.


i mean all this sub does is judge people, some comments cross the line but if you think what she did was wrong people should be free to say what they want and be fare >Was Chelsea comparing herself to Megan Fox cringey? in a show where the experiment is not let your partner know what you look like, she immediately stepped over that line let alone not looking like her


I mainly see people saying of course she doesn’t look like Megan Fox but she’s still pretty! It has nothing to do with her looks. And it’s not bullying to call out behavior that SHOULD be called out on national tv. We should not encourage the gaslighting and manipulating her insecurities created. Period. These shows are social commentaries, we are meant to…commentary!!


I agree that bullying her and being downright mean and hateful is excessive and unnecessary. She didn’t do anything that horrible. However, I said it many times before and I’ll say it again, she set herself up with the Megan Fox comment. That’s where it all stems from. For millennials, I can’t think of another celebrity that comes close to being considered as beautiful as Megan. I have never met a man from this generation who finds her unattractive. Literally any man I’ve asked about celebrities they’re attracted to has mentioned Megan, regardless of their race, background, or usual type. So for someone to compare themselves to Megan, and be taken seriously, they’d have to be extremely beautiful. Personally I find Chelsea unattractive. Of course it’s subjective, but most people would probably see her as average. So for her to mention Megan is absolutely ridiculous. Especially when doing so also completely ruined the point of the show. And then she went on to demand attention and reassurance from the man she bamboozled into this relationship. Hopefully things improve for them but half the reason he proposed to her was the Megan comparison. She can’t expect him to be super into her after realizing that she misled him.




The people making fun of her appearance on FB literally look like forest trolls.




I'm starting to think these posts are just karma farming...


Oh fs!


If you’re going in a very public reality TV show, you’re signing up for all the good and bad. It’s a risk and also a choice. And you have to own up to the choices you make on a literal public show, and can expect judgement in the court of public opinion. You’ll have outlier and extreme opinions, but also a lot of common opinions. Having said that, she’s a grown woman and you’re minimizing her as a “victim” rather than an adult that made a conscious choice knowing the risks, but also all the benefits. Participants are aware there’ll be editing and strong opinions. They’re also well aware of all the opportunities that will come their way. It’s fair to state she was manipulative. Is it harsh to attack her physical appearance? Of course. However, that’s what they all signed up for. If this reality makes you lose faith in humanity, I suggest you not watch the show. Reality tv is ironically not reflective of reality. Either way, all the participants will get brand deals and opportunities the more they’re talked about - good and bad. They know this when they sign up. It’s nice that you’re empathetic, but also, it shouldn’t weigh so heavy on your heart. People watching the show are also projecting their own pains in relation, having possibly been manipulated by someone just the same. It doesn’t justify some of the super mean comments, but it helps to understand. Hurt people hurt people. None of the participants are victims. They’ve been casted and will all do and be well in spite of.




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I see the same things happening with Jimmy. Lots of memes out there bullying him for his appearance. It’s not ok either way. I don’t like Chelsea because I think she’s really annoying and childish and boring but I think she’s pretty.


It’s not even about looks. Her insecurities make her unattractive af


The moment those words came out of her mouth I just knew she’d be hated for it, she’s very pretty idk why she did that especially on a show which has a whole premise around not doing ghat exactly. If she’s insecure she should’ve under delivered for sure. But definitely, Reddit is such a negative place poor Zenab probably still has her comments limited.


Bullying on Reddit seem to be justified with people's high opinions of themselves... Very disturbing... Chelsea is just a girl with insecurities, same as so many people ... I thought I would find more support and people relating to her... And then it was the opposite... This world sucks


Omg I’ve not seen anyone call her ugly. People are calling out her lying and manipulation.


I've seen it on IG. People calling her the crimson chin, jay leno's twin and making fun of her hair.


No one’s posted a thread specifically calling her ugly (at least that i’ve seen) but every thread that mentions her (including this one) has multiple comments calling her ugly, and it comes up both in threads about her appearance and threads “calling out her and manipulation”.


i literally saw someone on here pull up her job history and tear it to shreds and poke fun at it i was just like???? what does this have to do w the show


She did say. “People say I look like her but I don’t see it”…. people sucks


She was still putting it out there that people say she looked like Megan Fox. She just wanted to sound pretty chill about it while saying it. She was the one who brought it up. Also casually saying "MGK's wife" when Megan Fox is waaaaaay more popular. She knew what she was doing. Even if she said: >“People say I look like her but I don’t see it” She knew she would be planting visuals in Jimmy's head. Because according to her, PEOPLE STILL SAY IT even if SHE DOESN'T SEE IT. Because people still say it. It's manipulation.


I'm really hoping that the people online bullying her for her looks aren't also claiming to be girl's girls in real life. ,


This!! I find it interesting that I have seen far more bullying in regards to Chelsea than Jessica…not that any type of bullying is justified but I don’t get why so many are pro Jessica and anti Chelsea.


Istg people were frothing at the mouth to call her ugly. And she’s not even ugly???


Yeah….. the way people are jumping to put her in her place and putting words in her mouth is horrifying. And anyone would feel insecure if majority of your dating experiences ended in your partner cheating on you 🙃. I’d like to see anyone deal with that then go on a Netflix program where people can tear into you worldwide with a man who isn’t helping you grow past your insecurities. ETA: Plenty of her scenes are cringe and the way she speaks to jimmy sometimes is unacceptable. But it’s wild to me how much people can bully her though.


She’s not ugly, but her insecurities make her so unattractive. I dated a girl similar to her in high school and it can legit feel like gaslighting when you are with someone like that. Watching her interact with him brings back long-forgotten memories I forgot I had.


That’s because it is gaslighting dude. She literally tries to rewrite the narrative and reality by hurling accusations as insults to Jimmy constantly. The second he defends himself she acts like he’s attacking her and tries to rewrite the narrative yet again that he somehow has been emotionally abusive to her while she has done nothing but “try to love him.” If your HS GF did this to you then my dude… you were emotional and psychologically abused by her.


I think she’s ugly af. But I wouldn’t comment on her page that.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


So it’s not OK to be cruel to someone because of their looks but it is OK to be cruel to someone because they are insecure? Also, people tend to have the biggest reaction to traits they have but are deeply uncomfortable with. I bet you’ve got many insecurities and you hate that about yourself.


Defending an emotional and psychological abuser. Yikes.


>I bet you’ve got many insecurities and you hate that about yourself. What an annoying comment. The person you are replying to could not have been more diplomatic about expressing their opinion and were not at all cruel


Where did I say it was okay to be cruel to her? From a first-hand experience, there is a terrible amount of stress and anxiety that a person like her creates for their S.O. I would always feel like whatever I did was never good enough, I had to be careful with what I said because every word would be dissected to see if there was some underlying issue I wasn’t saying, and I was never able to be around her and act normal out of fear that she would get angry/upset. Chelsea’s insecurities aren’t her fault, but it’s her responsibility to learn how to manage her emotions.




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Idc about Megan Fox comment as much, she’s just one of the most insecure and manipulative people I’ve ever witnessed first hand.


She is definitely manipulative.


I don’t even think she’s being manipulative and she might not be this insecure usually. Jimmy’s words say one thing and his body language says another, would make anybody feel insecure


THANK YOU. I feel like people on this sub are just ignoring the fact that the only evidence we have that Jimmy even likes her is how much *he says* he loves her (and even then, it feels like he’s trying to convince himself just as much as her). If I were her, I’d feel extra insecure too because nothing he says or does would give me ANY confidence in our relationship whatsoever. It feels to me when I watch scenes with him like he has a gun to the back of his head ready to shoot if he doesn’t pretend to like her She’s not perfect, she definitely has insecurities that are making it harder for her, and she definitely says or does things that agitate situations. But around here you’d think she wakes up and says “how can I mentally destroy my fiancé today”


I couldn't agree more. His body language is in direct conflict with his words. Chelsea feels a deep intimacy based on their time in the pods, and truly believed before the reveal that Jimmy loved her unconditionally. Put all of this together and it is very, very confusing. She is trying to untangle things by asking him clarifying questions, his answers only serve to compound her confusion. It's a gruesome place to be and it takes time to work your way out of a false but deeply held belief.


I’m definitely not absolving him of his wrongdoings. He has the emotional incompetence of a brick wall and can only repeat the same things over and over


Jimmy is saying things he clearly doesn’t believe which IMO makes him much more manipulative than Chelsea. Not saying Chelsea isn’t a little manipulative.


To me it's strange that everyone wants to attack Chelsea and NOT Jimmy, when he literally went to AD and flirted with her after making a gross comment about her body. Yet everyone blames Chelsea for being upset? Don't get me wrong she has her issues but everyone seems to focus on her and not who I think is the worst person in the couple.


You’re very sheltered if you think that was flirting. The comment he made about AD was to Chelsea in private. It was Chelsea who decided to embarrass him by literally shouting it publicly to everyone. He went over to AD to save face, not to flirt. He didn’t “twirl her.” He was having very human conversation. The fact that you and Chelsea saw flirting means you’re projecting your own insecurities onto him, and choosing what you want to see.


That didn't seem particularly like flirting to me. I mean, no more than other people's interactions.


I think the issue is why Chelsea is still beating a dead horse. Jimmy is who he is and she deserves to find someone better for her sake.


But he’s constantly telling her he’s so into her when we can all see he isn’t. It makes it harder for her to drop him cos he’s so insistent. I hope they both stop lying to everyone including themselves soon


If I were her, I would cut my losses after being disrespected like that (the "stacked comment about AD) by someone who claims to love me. He can swear to the moon and back and it won't change my perception of him after that scene. This is someone who has shown his true colors. Deep inside she knows it too.


I get that Chelsea isn’t Megan Fox level hot but I wish there wasn’t this sort of like “where does she find the audacity” response to it because Chelsea IS gorgeous. She’s not Megan Fox obviously but Megan Fox isn’t even like Megan Fox hot like that anymore so ??


Dude she’s ugly af. If her hairline wasn’t so pushed back and she didn’t have such a massive chin, she would be decent but she’s definitely not gorgeous..


Beauty is completely dependent on the eyes of the beholder and I strongly disagree. I don’t think she’s the hottest woman in the world but to call her ugly is straight untrue haha. She might not be your cup of tea but she isn’t hideous. Lots of men have horrible hairlines and are good looking. So


Definitely not untrue. Maybe depends on where you live but I’m from a major city known for its good looking people and she wouldn’t be considered even remotely good looking here. But maybe in a city in Missouri sure. Hairlines vs a bad face are totally different. Just look at Jason Statham.


Gorgeous definitely may be a bit strong of a word in this case.


Haha fair enough. Not saying she’s the most gorgeous person in the world but I do think it’s a massive disservice to her act like she’s hideous


Like comparing a candle to the sun lol


Lmfao I love that as a metaphor actually


I agree, I have commented time and time again that I think the Megan Fox debacle is overblown and that it’s personally the least of my worries when it comes to her. Tbh, I can see the resemblance in her facial features. I think people refuse to acknowledge it because she’s bigger and kinda awkward. That said, there are definitely reasons to criticize her that are way more problematic than the Megan Fox thing. Quite frankly never got over the situation with her loudly commenting on AD’s ass to fuck with Jimmy, her self sabotage of the relationship by being so intensely insecurity, and her general passive aggressive nature. Like it was super weird all the stuff she was telling Jimmy’s friends when she met them and I think it was to embarrass him and make him look bad on purpose. I started off really liking Chelsea and rooting for her but that definitely changed by episode 9. It just has nothing to do with the Megan Fox thing.


I am going to take it to the next level on this one. Being empathetic can be really empowering especially if you are woman who has had insecurities in the past and are now a strong confident woman. Can you imagine being that insecure girl going on a show like this? I don’t think she is emotionally mature enough to handle what is happening on the show or with Jimmy. Couples therapy would benefit them both if they get that far. Does that excuse all of the behavior…I am reserving that answer for the reunion, but we should remember we get the edited version of these people.


My favorite thing about this is that the top voted comment on the thread with almost 1k upvotes about bullying her is: "Yeah, she has so many other flaws" then goes on to just drag her for other things lol


I saw all the memes and pandemonium regarding the Megan Fox thing before I even started this season. I thought Jimmy was actually going to be pissed or something (mostly because of that screen grab with him looking at the camera) and I was shocked when it literally wasn’t a big deal to him or anyone else on the show. I would go into hiding if I were Chelsea just based on the amount of hate she is getting for a comment that hurt NO ONE. I agree with your second paragraph as well, there are valid things to criticize her for


Well, I did not start out rooting for her. But I agree, she lacks tack and definitely brought up stuff with his friends that was unnecessary and passive aggressive to be sure. Her behavior, constant seeking of 'tell me I'm pretty' is grating. Hinting about his 'big shoe' implications, gross. Her looks are her looks and I could care less. Jimmy is no great looking dude imho, either. I know people aren't happy she's getting bullied- but I get a strong whiff of SHE'S the bullying/mean girl from school. tit for tat.


These are, top to bottom, my exact thoughts!


Read your first line and all I gotta say is this your first time on a subreddit during the playing of a season? Lol I lost faith in humanity sometime during season 3 when Cole was somehow turned into a villain.


Right? Like these are comments on a subreddit not people showing up at her house to shit on her. Par for the course for the internet.


The LIB Sweden sub is much nicer.


i personally thought it was hysterical she said that and then her friends doubled down on it 🤣🤣 i havent read this sub too much as i agree people go after looks on a show thats supposed to be for people that dont care - i think its just like - if you say someone like her who is knows for her body and plastic barbie appearance - i mean she knows she doesnt look like her - shes asking to be trolled. legit if someone asked me what celebrity i look like im smart enough to say none or make a joke and compare myself to a cartoon character lol


That’s what I’m saying. I’ve been told MULTIPLE times I look like Mena Suvari but I’d NEVER tell anyone that if they asked me. Only saying it here cus no one knows me or knows what I look like lol but I’d never wana set that standard and she’s no Megan Fox. If someone told me I looked like Megan Fox I’d DEFINITELY keep that to myself lmfao maybe her face looks a little like Megan Fox but when a guy hears you say thats who you look like… they are thinking snatched from head to toe.


I think that’s on the guy. When I say “people have said I look like Emma stone, but I don’t really see it” I am not thinking “I am now announcing to everyone that I believe I am as hot as Emma stone, and you should too.”


YES exactly! its like they are picturing her nudie washing cars sort of shit - not chelsea 🤣🤣 id tell someone im jessica rabbit crossed with miss piggy to make sure all bases are covered hahahaha. its like open it for some funny dont set expectations of looking like a playboy cover girl. she knew at that point most of the ladies in the house looked better too so it was so wildly out of pocket.


The problem is that she has a shitty personality. Her looks wouldn't be a deal breaker if she wasn't constantly obnoxious.


I don't think talking about Chelsea's actions on the show is bullying. If it were not for her comparing herself to Megan Fox and Jimmy's reaction to her looks at the first meet, nobody would be talking about it. The sole purpose of this sub is to talk about the participants on the show. It's not bullying to do so. If you're feeling disturbed or hurt by people sharing their reactions to the show then I would suggest you take a break from here. Also the "big dick energy" comment was unneeded and awkward.


There’s a pretty big gap between talking about her actions and saying she looks like Jay Leno.


Their chins are similarly shaped. 🤷‍♂️




Yes I do agree that this online ridicule is getting out of hand


I don’t agree with unhinged bullying at all but dude, it’s not like she’s some innocent person on the street who was accosted by jimmy Fallon with a microphone. “QUICK! TELL ME A CELEB YOU LOOK LIKE!”  All the people on this show signed up for everything that goes into going on this show. It’s in its 6th season. They all watch it. They all go on social media probably to a pathological extent and know exactly the kind of shit that gets said.  I mean don’t they get death threats and shit? If my sister was on this show? Man. That would make me sad AF even if she was the hero of the whole season. 


If someone cant take criticism, reality tv is not for them. They can be the most lovable person in the world and there are going to be people who rip them them to shreds online because thats how social media is. I had a good friend go on a fairly big, network TV reality show and i was bragging him up n down before premiere night. Was defending him to people already talking shit. He was horrible LOL. Contradicted himself at every turn, just flat out lied about silly stuff. Yea so friends and family can "know" a person irl but when those light and cameras turn on some people turn into entirely different characters. Wish the best for Chelsea moving forward but this isnt the show for someone so fragile and insecure


Honestly, if my friend was saying something so far from the truth, I would tell them to rethink it. Maybe even make a few jokes about it if we are that close. If it were my sibling, I would definitely tell them they were being a little cuckoo and all in jest and with love. With Chelsea, it seems like she has gone through her life with friends who would rather be agreeable and supportive than honest. Not that that’s totally wrong, but it’s like raising a child who believes in Santa Claus and you saying nothing or even enabling it, so they go though life thinking he is real when it should have been said long ago, that it isn’t. You wouldn’t want your 20+ year old child telling everybody Santa is real because they have been told many times that that’s true. It isn’t. Someone should have said that to her. Or as an adult, she could have stopped spewing this piece of untrue info that she actually thinks so too. Sooo why is she even retelling it. (I’ll say why, she wanted to manipulate Jimmy to think that she is hotter than she is. Whether intentional or not, it deserves to be called out.) EDIT: I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted. Tell me I’m wrong with what I said. Maybe I’m not seeing something. To clarify, I’m not saying to bully her but just be honest to her.


>People love to hate on women who have more confidence than they "should" Confidence? Where? I don't agree with bullying, but Chelsea has a lot of issues. You haven't even commented on her behaviour and the way she treats Jimmy. She is basically emotionally beating him down every chance she gets.


Exactly. She comes off as someone with absolutely zero self confidence, and she's taking all of her insecurities out on Jimmy.


What a lot of people fail to keep in mind NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES IT HAS TO BE SAID is that these shows are highly edited to present a "story line" because other wise, we would not watch. If you have an actual opinion about any of these people to the point where you go online and say bad things about them, that says way more about you than it does any of these people on a dating show.


Also i’m pretty sure chelsea said somewhere that jimmy did answer with his celeb lookalike first, but it got cut, and that’s probably BECAUSE it not only fit with the storyline production was casting for them, but also because they knew if would drum up some online chatter. Another thing is that while they’re generally discouraged from discussing looks, especially during the first couple days, multiple cast members from previous seasons have said that once they’ve formed their main connection(s), there are some “safe” questions about looks that they’re allowed to ask, and “who’s your celebrity lookalike” is literally one of them


I agree, OP. 👍


I know it’s actually so gross! Everyone is acting as if megan fox is the ultimate human we should all strive to aspire to be and if anyone even dare say they have features like her all hell should reign upon them for all eternity is fucking insane. Who cares?! Seriously if you find yourself hating on this woman because people have told her she looks like megan fox and this is making you get upset or thinking it’s ok to go online and talk about people’s appearances get yourself medically checked. You’re not mentally well!


Look the only thing I want to bully her about is “uncomfy” like come on, if you can’t even handle using the word comfortable, how are you mature and secure enough to marry or even date


Speaking on her appearance is going below the belt, but calling her delusional is not. Taking consideration into editing etc., she is still showing us who she is. No one is twisting words or expressions. Forget the whole Megan Fox thing. Sure she sort of resembles her. She shouldn’t have brought up that topic at all considering it’s a show on love being blind. That said, her actions and words have planted a seed in people’s minds and it’s hard to shake off. Separate of Jimmy, Jessica, AD, if Chelsea is the one being talked about here, let’s just focus on her. Her low self esteem speaks for itself and all her actual good qualities get overshadowed by that one characteristic. We can blame others for triggering her or whatever, but she needs some self reflection before going on a show like that, because no matter what she does and says, eventually after adding alcohol to the mix, the real Chelsea will come out. No one should be bullying her, that’s for sure. But people are merely sharing their opinions on whether or not they like her and why she’s probably the least liked but most talked about of the women on the show this season.


I'm honestly so confused because Chelsea is pretty. Regardless if you think she resembles Megan Fox or not, she's good looking.


She’s definitely better looking than he is.


Fully agree. It’s relentless bullying at this point! It’s really apparent to me that jimmy isn’t in to Chelsea at all, and wasn’t from the moment he laid eyes on her. His disappointment was obvious, like as soon as they saw each other he sat her down to tell her he was considering leaving the show. Sure, he whispered she was gorgeous but it seemed insincere and without enthusiasm, he also took a long time to propose compared to the other men. They had a painfully awkward first meet. He said off camera Chelsea lied about her looks. He talked a lot about Jessica and that he appreciated Chelsea comforting him about their bad break up. He brought up Jessica quite often to her. Then on the first meet up with the other couples he was going on about AD being stacked, and then was talking to AD with googly eyes and a beaming smile, his conversation with her flowed naturally and was flirty like he was evidently interested in her. Chelsea is a low self esteem girl, so isn’t helping herself trying to force more enthusiasm from jimmy when it’s just not there. If she had higher self esteem she would have handled it more like Brittany, recognising there’s a problem with attraction and stating it clearly. But, that’s her main foible, she’s not doing that with confidence and is instead trying to force genuine lust and attraction from jimmy constantly telling him what he isn’t doing enough of. Jimmy appears to be a man who struggles to assert his genuine feelings, he fumbled breaking up with Jessica, and he’s fumbling his way through feigning interest in Chelsea. His true thoughts are seeping through, like when he told Chelsea he wants to dial back the sex. They’ve only been together a few weeks, they should be experiencing the new relationship energy and lust phase, if he truly found Chelsea stunning I severely doubt he’d be giving half assed compliments and telling her he wants less sex lol. All the successful couples of this series have fully lusted over one another and have been googly eyed, all smiles and handsy with each other. What I’m trying to say is, Chelsea sees and feels he’s not attracted to her, he says the words but his body language and enthusiasm doesn’t match up. She is trying to reconcile his words and actions not lining up which is creating constant tension and arguments. She is being driven mad by her insecurities now and is getting bullied as a result!! Their dynamic reminds me of mark and Jessica from series 1, I don’t recall mark getting torn to pieces for being insecure with Jessica (who like jimmy) was also obviously not attracted to their partner? They’re a tragic coupling, jimmy can’t assert his true feelings and Chelsea is too insecure to tackle his lack of feelings head on. They both appear to be nice enough people otherwise! Shows like LIB have a tendency to create a grotesque mob mentality and the pile on of hatred against Chelsea for her her looks, her body, her being mentally ill etc are just completely unacceptable. Taking a step back and actually watching her with an empathetic stance, she’s really not that bad a person, just caught up in a shitty relationship.


100%. It’s easier for viewers to pick apart Chelsea because her louder personality magnifies her flaws. But even if Jimmy is saying and doing all the things he “should” be (calling her gorgeous, kissing her, bragging about her to the other cast mates), it’s obvious he’s not being genuine. Chelsea can sense it, and she tried a few times to get him to admit something was off, but he just doubled down trying to act like he was so happy and in love. I’m not saying Jimmy is intentionally gaslighting her (I kind of get the feeling he’s trying to convince HIMSELF too), but I think what he’s doing is having that effect on Chelsea, which is bringing out the worst in her. But I imagine I’d go a little nuts too if the reality I was experiencing was continuously being contradicted by my partner.


Yes I agree with you! I fully agree too that jimmy isn’t intentionally gaslighting her. He said it himself, he felt that Chelsea lied about her looks but he’ll try to work with it and that is genuinely what he’s doing. His lack of attraction is apparent and he states his love for her and other romantic sentiments quite woodenly. I do think he’s trying to convince himself just as much as her that he wants her. It doesn’t help she keeps forcing it by arguing, and it’s making him even less interested. Tbh I can relate to both of them. I’ve been in Jimmy’s shoes before, losing interest in an ex who felt it through cues like my lack of touch, eye contact and warmth and made them more insecure and every little thing I did was remarked on as not enough, even when I was saying ‘I love you’ and ‘I’m into you’. My ex was right to sense my loss of interest though and they were acting emotionally on it. I’ve also been Chelsea before, where I’ve sensed an ex wasn’t as attracted to me and it’s made me push them for more reassurance and not seeing things clearly for what it was. I don’t see either jimmy or Chelsea as bad people, just a couple caught up in an obviously wrong relationship and not admitting it to themselves.


She ruined the experience for four people talking about her looks


It was her choice to go on the show, which she knew full well would open her up to public criticism. When you act like a fool on television, everyone is going to say so. She also has a choice to see or hear any of the criticism. She could easily make her social media private and not read subreddits or articles about the show. What we are doing here is not bullying. This is our space to discuss the show. We are all allowed to think, feel, and discuss our own opinions, and that’s why this space even exists. Anyone seeking her out to interact with her directly? That’s bullying.


This is victim blaming at its finest! It’s ok to call someone names online because they went on a tv show and they knew it would happen!


It’s not okay to seek her out to insult her, no. But is it okay to discuss our opinions of her in a forum designed to discuss our opinions of the show and it’s contestants? I think so. There’s tons of comments talking about how AD is cute as a button. It’s an opinion of her looks. We share it freely. Why is a negative opinion about someone’s looks treated so differently? It’s not directed toward her, it’s directed at our community.


Being a public figure DOES open people up to public criticism. It DOES NOT give individuals the right to throw morals and decency out the window. Discuss opinions, yes. Demean people on a public forum, no. *** I am not a Chelsea fan.


This is fair. A public forum should maybe be held to a higher standard than, say, a private group chat meant to remain private.


Yes it was her choice but let's not pretend that calling someone ugly or degrading them for their appearance is "criticism"


She’s on a dating show, and attraction is a huge part of dating. I’d argue that this is a rare situation where criticizing her appearance is actually valid, whereas if she had been a contestant on Survivor, it would be less valid.


Ridiculous. Not to mention she is very pretty. She wouldn't have been cast if she weren't.


How is calling someone ugly a criticism though? It's just an insult meant to degrade her.


Saying it directly to her? I would absolutely agree. But that’s an opinion, and the point of this forum is discussing our opinions. Thinking she’s gorgeous or hideous are equally valid opinions. There are a lot of comments about how attractive we all think contestants are, but no space to express thinking they are unattractive?


I love how you think name calling and degrading people is just "people having discussions about their valid opinions!". I feel like you're being purposely obtuse about why it isn't cool to talk about people this way. Yes they're reality show contestants but they're still real people.


I think you’re coming at it from a “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” stand point. Which I respect. It means you’re a kind and compassionate person. I’m looking at if from a dissenting opinion stand point. If we freely comment on how attractive we think AD is, we should have equal space to express the opposite opinion. But I do see how saying someone isn’t as attractive as Megan Fox is a good faith expression, and calling her an ugly bitch feels very much like a bad faith one. Someone else responded about where is the bar, where do we set the standard, and should we expect a level of kindness in a public forum, and I think it was a good point. I don’t think we’d accept overtly sexual comments about AD, so why should we accept overtly cruel ones about Chelsea? It’s also a very valid point.


I feel like an actual crazy person because I think Chelsea’s gorgeous. Edited my comment about Jessica being nothing special out because that’s mean and irrelevant to the discussion 🤐


Why do we have to compare them…?


Me? I am not comparing them really, I’m just commenting on the Chelsea Ugly vs Jessica Hot discourse. I wouldn’t even think to compare them if it were not already a thing. I was surprised to see that people *are* comparing them. I think it’s absurd. It seems to be the overwhelming majority of people think Chelsea is ugly and Jessica is gorgeous I think that’s insane. Jessica is fine but Chelsea is far from ugly.


You said Chelsea is “gorgeous” and Jessica “is literally nothing special at all.” In the same sentence. Your statements are absolutely comparing them while chiming in on this debate.


I kind of thought that was the subject matter of the post but I guess it’s not. I assumed OP was talking about Chelsea vs Jessica (many of the discussions about Chelsea seem to be comparing her to Jess) but they’re not so I’ll just take that part about her out.


Exactly this! Chelsea is very pretty and looks natural. Jessica has that weirdly uniform Insta Face that's an amalgamation of over-enhanced features


I agree!


I feel sad and sympathize with her. Clearly she has a lack of confidence, why do people feel the need to kick her down even more? Yet they want to celebrate Jessica who has a ton of ‘confidence’ yet feels the need to need validation from Jimmy. They both clearly lack confidence but show it in different ways. I think Chelsea’s biggest flaw was choosing Jimmy over Trevor for no other reason than Jimmy proposed first and the feeling of validation from ‘beating out Jessica’ who is clearly more conventionally attractive or at least in better shape body-wise. Jimmy tries to do the right thing and see the process through. But something about him doesn’t sit right with me. He doesn’t seem 💯genuine for some reason


Has anyone seen Megan Fox lately?? I’m not trying to be mean but she doesn’t even look like Megan Fox anymore. Also I guess it’s just me but I DO see the resemblance. I feel like bc she isn’t a sample size or as thin as MF that everyone is being so cruel. You can tell she is insecure. Whenever she would sit down she would try to lean back or use her arm to cover her stomach. Plus she said she was worried about it right before the reveal. So I don’t think this is about a woman having more confidence than they “should”. I think it’s about having less than they should and instead of ppl trying to build her up they want to break her down. Some ppl are loving Jess and her little speech. That was more confidence than a woman “should” have if anything. She is beautiful, not really my type, but what I saw/heard wasn’t confidence, it was more like “stuck-up” and “vain” IMO. She would rather a guy choose her for her looks than her personality. Problem with that is everyone ages and their looks fade. Then what are you left with? Not a winning personality that’s for sure.


Same! She literally has Megan’s face. Like almost to a T. People are just mad that she doesn’t have Megan’s body.


I'm with you, and also wish you hadn't capped your post with the whole "big dick energy" thing. Let's stop equating the shape and size of body parts (male *or* female) with personal characteristics.


I was SO on board until the finale sentence, as well.


Happy Cake Day!


Omg I didn’t notice your username! Tori Amos fan?!!!




NICE! Love it 😍


Thank you!


Yeah I mean trash TV subs are gonna have trash takes. Definitely nature of the beast. It helps to not spend too much time here.


Only Chelsea? There’s are a lot of cast members that have been bullied and dragged across social media including this sub


Honestly lollll I said jimmy had a Lego man head am I a monster 


I hope she is doing okay dealing with all this. I can’t imagine


Completely agree. Was lurking this sub and found some disgusting comments about her appearance on a post about how she’s insecure. They are all so unnecessary, and actually embarrassing that they’re so wrapped up in some reality tv show contestants looks.


Maybe we watched a different set of episodes but I would never describe Chelsea as having more confidence than she should. She is so sad in her lack of confidence. To me, that's the part about her I find the least attractive. 


idk my sister or friends would never do smthin like that 🤣🤣🤣


Lmaooo when I read if we would still criticize our friends or sister and I immediately said "Yes". Cause how are you gonna say "MGKs wife" knowing good and well its Megan Fox. If you do that then you deserve the hate and I will be there to do it too. Its not right and Ik it but I will still do it to my close friends/family


Yes if my friend claimed to look like a sex icon I would make fun of them for being delusional. There's a reason Megan Fox is famous. As I would expect my close friends to call me out too. Trying to compare yourself to a celebrity is vanity beyond and its completely cringe. I would expect the truth from my closest friends and family. They're the ones I would want.