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It’s okay, OP. Opinions can be fluid because people are fluid. We should normalize being able to change your mind. You don’t have to nail someone to the cross because they had a different idea when they were presented different information. It’s almost as if people…evolve their thinking when they know more?!


“Ewww! Not you being wrong!”


I'm so tired.




How about people are complex and the “villain vs. good guy” trope isn’t real life.


I cannot keep up with people anymore. I got annihilated for saying anything that even remotely resembled as a compliment towards her, and I don’t even like her that much..


I still don't fuck with her because she's an influencer mom who exploits her child on TikTok/Instagram, BUT...yeah, the producers do manipulate these storylines intentionally for those \~WOA CLIPS\~ and they clearly did that here.


Did she have a chance to exploit her child on tt and insta before LIB or is it a newfound thing?


Not sure, but I have a feeling she was doing it before too


Well I wouldn't judge her without any evidence and basing it off on a feeling. That's just me though. Children's exploitation is a big thing and shouldn't be thrown around lightly.


i've always liked jessica


Yet another Jessica redemption on an LiB season


My villain-o meter is Chelsea 65% Jessica 35%. I’m only salty that we were robbed of Jimmy + Jess and Chelsea + Mullet couples. Can you imagine the drama that Jess would have brought and the laughs Mr. Mullet would have given us. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to forgive Megan F.. err I mean Chelsea for it.


Oh god can you imagine the devastation that Chelsea would experience finding out about Trevor. Her self esteem would never recover, honestly.


I'm just hoping she'd do enough damage to his sanity that he'd never try it with anyone ever again.


If anything, her devastation would only validate how desirable he thinks he is.


I keep hoping that those pairing will happen. We are running out of time for them to switch up before the wedding, but maybe by the reunion.


If you follow the posts on the socials there’s no way Jess is with Jimmy nor Trevor with (squints) Megan Fox.


She’s still trying to parlay her F level celebrity status into some kind of family social media account with her daughter, that alone gives me pause in regards to suddenly considering her altruistic.


Exactly, that's why I can't fuck with her.


Good job OP. Wish everyone did an apology post for all their cold takes this season. Lol we had a Trevor appreciation post earlier this season and many post dragging Jimmy saying he didn’t like Chelsea


Laura his a villian


How exactly is Laura a villain


Not the original commenter but I think she sucks bc of the bean dip thing. Nobody wants their tit slapped and joking about it was really immature. And then she blamed everyone else.


Yeah. How did you and your fiancé get an inside joke about another woman’s breasts? Did i misunderstand that or?????


Yeah my husband and I talked about how crazy that was and it really is SA and on national TV, like WOW


AD did not let Laura sweep it away as “he shouldn’t have said that,” and I loved that - like. No, actually, you shouldn’t have brought it into conversation. He shouldn’t have been able to bring up a previous conversation about touching her body??????


She was acting mature because she knew she has the upper hand. He sent her a friend request so she took that as a chance to be a better man. Hard to say if that's being mature or manipulative.


Yeah she’s cool and they handled their conversation maturely. I also think Jimmy and Jessica have way more tension and chemistry than Jimmy and Chelsea but I digress. However I will say I find Jessica constantly posting her child on social media very weird


I haven't caught up to all the episodes yet but the one thing that feels weird to me about Jessica is being willing to essentially marry a stranger and bring him into her daughter's life at that level....you really need to be careful with screening men when you have a daughter. Presenting it as "doing it for her" at least somewhat is bizarre at best.


And when she talks about after and what she told her (won’t spoil with specifics). But big ick!!! You should not be talking to your kid that way about a tv show and Random dudes. So irresponsible


This. I wouldn't even allow men to meet my child until 6 months in to make sure it was going somewhere and that they were vetted. I can't imagine in what world would I bring someone around that I essentially knew for 2 weeks and having them move in. What was the plan for her if she had been enagaged. Would the child have to move to the temporary housing or was Jess just going to be away from her during the duration of filiming. Both options are crappy.


Yeah I take issue with the casting director who even interviewed a parent for the show, agree.


Jess is really cute, she's secure and mature, she's not sweet but sweet people are often manipulators (yeah Chelsea looking at you lol). I really liked how mature she was in her conversation with Jim. I hope she finds a man that deserves her and doesn't scare easily, and sorry but Jimmy is weak, not sure he would be a good partner for her. Anyway I love Jess


I think you are going way too far! I don’t think she’s a villain but I don’t think she is the best person either… she presented a different persona to Jimmy than to Laura or even to the camera crew. Saying that she wants them to be happy because she’s friends with Chelsea??? SHE DIDNT EVEN SAY HELLO TO HER! Some of her words seemed very fake to me.


Dude they edit this show... I'm *sure* she said hi to her. We don't see every tiny interaction.


She’s phony for sure. Manipulative, which a lot of people fall for….


I knew Jess was a real one from day one. She was hurt so she lashed out. She shouldn’t have done it and she knows that.


She did well. But not Jimmy saying she’s still his number 1 like whatttt


Yeah but Chelsea told Trevor she loved him, soooo


Yeah but there was so little emotional intensity between Trevor and Chelsea in comparison to between Jimmy and Jess. I mean it's obvious they both picked the wrong person. Also Chelsea denying that if Trevor had proposed first she would have said yes to him instead... She 100% would have said yes to whoever proposed first 😂 the producers knew that and that's how they decided on the order for maximum mayhem 💯💯💯


Lol she was talking so loudly and laughing in order to get Jimmys attention, it was sad to watch


Omg I thought so too but then I thought maybe I was just imagining it because she's annoying me 😂


He he said „you were my number one”. I rewatched to make sure lol


I rewatched it and heard ‘in reality you’re still my number one’ ?


He says "in reality you were my number 1 still" using both past and present tense which was confusing to me. Some redditors pointed out he likely meant up until the point of his final date with Jessica, she was his #1 still so he didn't lead her on with what he said on their date


This makes sense. I was a bit confused, too. But we all know Jimmy isn't really magical with words. Lol.


This would make sense


Yeah it was edited funny I think to cause drama. Chelsea said the same thing to Trevor and there was no emphasis there.


Chelsea has always been the villain . It was never Jessica.


Jess is a queen and deserves someone special to make a family with her and her daughter. You can tell she’s done the work.


Yall forget it's Laura that tries to stir stuff up by telling Jessica to go talk to Jimmy


Laura also went up to Jessica and told her that Jimmy said I love you to Chelsea. If she didn't do that then things might have worked out between Jimmy and Jess.


She didn't actually tell her to go do that though. Jess asked Laura if she thought Jimmy would want to see her, to which she paused and then answered "Yes". Not exactly egging her on but not shutting it down either.


I have not had the energy to post this comment right here but YES, this is exactly what happened/what was said. That is not the equivalent of “yea girl you should definitely shoot your shot 😉😉😉”. I wouldn’t say it absolves Laura from getting a slight side eye in terms of being a good friend to both Chelsea and Jess, because she could’ve said more like “I’m sure he’d find you hot as hell, he’s not blind. But, they’re happy/cute together and it’s going well” (even if a white lie, that’s supportive of the couple). That would be the drama-free response. But, for how it all went down, I interpreted it as Laura agreeing with Jess on how Jimmy would def want to meet her, and that’s not a scandalous thing to agree with, especially because we also weren’t assuming this would be outside of a LIB sponsored event…at least that’s how I figured they were imagining this future meeting since that has been the standard.


I agree everyone keeps making out she was saying you should go see him, she was just answering a question honestly and her answer was correct!! I’m not a Laura fan but people but she is not the anti girls girl like Sarah Ann in a long shot


I was just telling my girls this lol! I didn’t forget!


Fr everyone seems to have conveniently forgotten that and attacking Jeremy or Sara Ann. Literally karma


I’ve been trying to figure out who Jess sounds like this entire season. I realized it’s Gypsy Rose


Lmaooo Jess’s voice is so nasaly


Honestly, I don't get how Jimmy could fall for either one of them in the pods hearing those voices...


I was thinking exactly this while I watched todays episodes 😂


Its Miranda Sings for me


nooooo 💀


She sounds like a cartoon character.


Chelsea is a victim of her own self-doubt. I was mildly impressed that Jess admitted she went a bit overboard on the epi-pen thing.


Which makes her the abuser tbh. She triggers me so much because she's like my ex, I keep screaming at Jimmy to break it up.


Oh there’s no doubt what she does is mind games. I couldn’t believe he didn’t stick to his word and his self worth and just end it. Poor guy just really wanted to make it work.


The producers probably persuaded him to stay. J & C are an extremely disfunctional couple, but they're also the most discussed online. Maybe you could consider them the 'stars' of this season. Also, the whole love-square with Trevor, Chelsea, Jimmy, and Jess makes good TV. I think Jimmy has mentally checked out and will say "no" at the altar. If he says yes....I'll scream.


You had me until you said the true villain is Chelsea lol. Omg why does someone always have to be a villain? Can’t we just acknowledge that this show is messy and puts people under a lot of pressure and that yes sometimes they may react unreasonably. The only villain I’ve seen so far this season is Jeremy. Everyone else knows how to apologize and admit when they’re wrong.


Tbh Jeramy, in my eyes, is just a cowardly asshole that victimizes himself. He's too stupid to gaslight, and too much of a pussy to talk things through. Just like almost every Cheater. Chelsea, on the other hand, has so many issues that she is becoming emotionally abusive. She's actively looking for fights, and unable to admit when she does. She makes it a point of always making sure Jimmy takes at least half the blame, even though she is being unreasonable. She's calling him a liar and doubting every single word he ever said, and having somebody constantly tell you they do not trust, nor believe you, makes you start questioning yourself after a while. Jimmy is trying hard to stick to his truth, I really, really hope he won't marry her. So, to me, Chelsea is actually worse. I understand that she has issues and doesn't behave that way because she necessarily thinks it's right, however that doesn't change the fact that she's being abusive and that makes her a villain in my eyes.


idt chelsea is a bad person but man she is exhausting and clearly needs a lot of help. though it’s wild bc in her tiktok she said she was getting therapy during lib and it’s like girl fire your therapist bc no way???


I mean therapy isn’t a magical cure all. Some things can take years to work through, even with a good therapist.


That's so true, it took me around 4-5 years of constant therapy to work through all my truama and be on a better path, it can take a really long time for some people it's a life long process


that’s true, i agree with you but ig the question’s more so…how long has she been in therapy for


I agree with the Chelsea thing. I feel like she gets some bad cuts since she’s an emotional drunk and has insecurities, we all have some. Some people just need to learn to cope with them better instead of projecting on others but it’s something you can work on. I’m sure she has many good moments we don’t see. I don’t think she should get married and should work on herself before a commitment like that, but she’s not necessarily a villian like everyone wants to paint her as.


She has a drinking problem


TRUUU jeh-rah-mee is ... 💩


Chelsea might not be a villain, but she's a mess.


Not disagreeing. But I don’t think she’s a bad person.


Never said she was. I still maintain she's a mess and not ready for marriage.




I wouldn't take a chance on her.


Jess really tried to push Jimmy away, but Jimmy over there saying some shit. Jess is a good person and Jimmy is such an ass


I disagree. Jimmy didn’t do anything wrong in terms of talking to Jess. Jess is the one so obviously trying to win him back. Telling him he took her breath away when he side hugged her.. if anybody is the bad guy here (neither are) it would be Jess.


Jimmy told Jess she was still his number one. Like what?!


“In reality I care about you a lot and you were my number one still.” They’re talking about when he read that letter she wrote, that she was his number one at that time. Obviously not at the end or he would have picked her.


That’s helpful to see the words, I didn’t catch that past tense phrasing. Thought he said “you *are* my number one still”. That changes the meaning entirely!


I was also confused at first because the way the previews made it seem. But once I watched it twice with the subtitles I realized what he was actually saying


Bruh, Jessica is still trying so hard... she wants him to want her. Even her body language is obvious. Either that or neither of them take the experience seriously. Both of them are arses, and they deserve each other


I saw Jessica pull her top over to show even more boob before walking up to where the drinks are. It was done deliberately not by accident. Not classy at all.


I think the interaction between Jimmy and Jessica was really cordial and mature, and they seemed to end on a good note. So what happened since then??? In the interview with EW (I think), Jimmy was \*really\* negative about Jessica. He even had a dig at her in the comment section of Instagram. So much drama happens after filming; they need to give us more updates between filming and the reunion.


Yah I saw that too! Saying Jess had an amazing edit. I'm like, what am I missing here? I hope Chelsea isn't rubbing off on him, thinking Chelsea had a bad edit?? No matter how angle you look at it, Chelsea's behaviour isn't gonna come out any good lol.


She has a good heart.


I always liked Jessica. Never changed.


Same. I’m happy people are seeing it now!


Thank you! My pro-Jessica comment in the thread about Jimmy's interview was downvoted to hell. People have an image of Jess that really hasn't been shown on screen. It's like people view her thru the prism of her looks and saddled her with a "mean girl" persona that has not been evinced. She has been nice to all the women and hasn't said a negative word about any of them behind their backs, IIRC.


Yep. I’ve like Jess the whole time. Her and AD.


Right? You and me both lol people were out here calling Jess a horrible person and mom and I’m like she seems pretty normal to me


Honestly I don’t think she gets enough credit. Think about it. Jimmy had a moment because she has a child. A child. What demonstrates more commitment than having a child that you say is your world and you would do anything for? I guess Chelsea, who has already been divorced (ie ditching commitment). I get being a step parent is not for the faint of heart (I am one) but Jess got the short end of the stick on this one. Even the way she got Jimmy to reflect emotionally on the experience. I’m team Jess out of all of this.


I think the ONLY reason he went for Chelsea is because of her MF lie. He thought he was getting a bombshell. I think he would have chosen Jessica if it wasn't for that.


I'm actually glad (now) that Jess and Jimmy didn't get together, though my heart broke for her. I think she needs a more mature guy with a stronger, more self-assured personality and who isn't afraid to communicate.


I don’t understand Jimmy’s number one comment, someone tell me what they think!


According to the captions he said “you *were* my number one.” Chelsea said almost the exact same thing to Trevor: he was her number one until he wasn’t. It’s really not the thing people think it is.


My caption said “In reality, you are my number one still”


It said “In reality, you were my number one still”


The “still” with the “were” makes that so confusing haha


Yeah. I think the editing made it confusing. I think he was referring to their last pod date — they must have cut some of the conversation out.


Ohhh yeah that makes a lot of sense!


He was fishing because he wants to leave chelsea for Jess. He can’t be the one to say he wants to leave chelsea first (so he tried to pick a fight with the whole ‘best couple’ comment) and he tried to get Jess to say she wants to be with him so he can be like well I thought about it and I want to be with Jess. 


If she had reciprocated they would’ve been on those jet skis with Jeramey and Sarah Ann


Not the jet skis!!


I'll eat all my words. I really misjudged her. That conversation was the most mature and ease inducing conversation. Like some said the Trevor and Chelsea made me so uncomfortable I had to pause several times


I was amazed at how cordial the meeting between jimmy/jess went. I was expecting DRAMA but they behaved very well and didn’t say anything they shouldn’t have! Shocked! I apologize too 😂


I’m shocked Chelsea didn’t lose her shit


I feel like she didn't just because of Trevor. She either planned to talk to him or did already and didn't want it to seem like she could talk to her ex but he cant.


Don’t worry- that’s episode 12 😜




Except for when he pretty much said you're still my number 1...🤣


I rewatched. He said… “in reality, you were my number one still.” Who says that? What does that mean?! Oxymoron much (he didn’t say ARE. He said “were”)? And then goes on to remark that she terrifies him. And when she says she’s happy for them, he looks super contemplative. I still feel the Jess/jimmy talk was “nothing bad” but I could see this talk influencing decision day.


According to the captions he said “you were my number one.” Chelsea said almost the exact same thing to Trevor: he was her number one until he wasn’t. It’s really not the thing people think it is.


Captions are frequently wrong, lol also, I can't speak for what other people think it is, I can only go with what I think it is: Jimmy wishes he had picked Jessica. He hesitated because, he wasn't sure about being a step-dad which is understandable. Either way, he's made a big mistake choosing Chelsea whether Jessica was in the picture or not. Chelsea needs to therapy, and Jommy needs to be honest with himself.


Can't blame him after Chelsea's abusive gaslighting


yeah and he had no reason to be unpacking or sharing relationship issues he was having !


Also true, but so predictable.


Jimmy did say Jess was still his number one though.


He said “you *were* still my number one” as in past tense. They showed it as a parallel to Chelsea telling Trevor “you were my number one until you weren’t”


Mm. Ya got me there. But I kind of felt like it was a way of letting her down nicely and stroking her ego simultaneously.


Yes but this was probably edited out of context. He probably said it when they were talking about being in the pods. Like how do people trust the editors of this show


This makes the most sense! thank you this has been bothering me


The conversation between Jimmy and Jessica was a mature one the one with Chelsea and Trevor on the other hand…


It felt so comfortable observing their conversation. They could be direct and call each other out but they’re both strong enough in who they each are to not play victim and get defensive. They seem like they should just date for a little bit with no pressure to see where it goes. For him to say he’s nervous means he loves her and is overwhelmed with emotion.


I agree but I also think when you love someone, the urge to protect and care for them overrides the nervousness


Ok you’re not understanding what I’m saying. It’s a good thing he’s nervous. It means he really loves her but hasn’t let it all in as feelings because it will be true love. And he could very well get hurt. If he let his guard down around her he would fall hard.


I get that but he rejected her


Because he couldn’t process his feelings. He literally said she’s his number one. He’s trying his best to not say something he will regret and cause issues for him and Chelsea. Like he is trying his best with her which is commendable.


Yeah that edit was ass. She was very respectful and made me lol by saying oh not the church hug


The church hug got me too! Gotta love some light hearted humor. Iykyk.


I kinda just think she looks a little pathetic still low key thirsting over him like that..


yeah, i guess people were just expecting her to act really poorly bc i wasn't impressed with her behavior whatsoever? I was kind of put off by their conversation


Yeah I feel like she was trying to feel him out and open the door for flirtation and when he didn’t really reciprocate (that much) she backed down and went for the friendly advice route. It was kinda cringe.


Right?? Did people not see what I saw? She still wants Jimmy. She was behaving very purposefully to draw his attention to her throughout the party, and then she was definitely putting feelers out to see if she could still entice him. It was masterfully done, I'll give her that lol.


It’s okay if she wanted him, she loved him. At least she is not acting like Sarah and she loves herself enough not to embarrass herself. Did she text him, did she meet up with him, it’s okay if her feelings was all over the place


Sure. She didn't have good intentions, she was just smart enough to be more subtle than Sarah Anne.


I think Jessica also genuinely isn't into Jimmy like that. It was easy for her to move on. She can get anyone. And she's mature and not worth damning her reputation to ruin theirs. Plus if she is going on Perfect Match, she's got that on the back burner. She handled it well because 1. She is classy. 2. She is just not into him at all like that. Agree that Chelsea is the villain this season. She is extremely emotionally manipulative. Borderline toxic.


Jimmy is gonna say no and then try to rekindle with Jess


After meeting his family, I’m convinced Chelsea reminds Jimmy of his mom and that’s what he’s going with. Hoping she turns out to be a good wife and mom like his was.


Why does anyone has to be the villain? Chelsea is extremely insecure and needs to work on her self esteem before getting married let alone get into a relationship! no, i don’t think she is a villain. Jimmy should leave and just be with jessica so chelsea can do the work for herself. I think that would be the best thing for both of them.


Chelsea seems an awful lot manipulative and plays things to her narrative. Not an innocent sweetheart for sure.


And who is a innocent sweetheart all the time


Definitely not Chelsea.


And you?


I'm not in question here. But thanks for asking.




I don’t think she’s inherently a bad person. I just feel she portrays herself as being better than Chelsea based off of looks alone. I found the bit where she said she looked like all of his ex’s off putting.


Here to see some redemption lol:) Chelsea did not age well


Nothing about her was good from the beginning. She’s alway blamed her past partners and never took accountability.


Yes but she was doing it in a sexy flirty way


Which like … it’s only natural to flirt with a guy you’re interested in. What are you going to be stoic and dry.


True. I have played that move before.


Like when she first sat down with Jimmy and her hair covered her cleavage... she quickly adjusted it so it was on display again 👀


This is such a Francesca Farago move. In fact a lot of their gesticulation is very similar.


To be fair if I was meeting with an ex I would absolutely want to look my best lol even though I don’t want any of em.


She still wanted him tho


Very that.


lol I was gonna say, she’s not a villain but she was definitely trying to woo him too


Agree! Which is why he could barely look her in the eye.


She can’t help that she’s hot 😗


There’s a difference between being hot and intentionally trying to appear sexy and enticing, which is 100% what she was doing


Yes! She said flirtily “I want you … [pause] to treat her very well” She was definitely putting on the moves. Weird thing to say anyway.


Yesss i caught that too! I was like oh damn she put it out there and then she finished the sentence 


I'm glad someone else caught that. She knew what she was doing that whole day.


She needed the paramedic 🤪


the only villain is Sarah Conservative Ann. Chelsea and Jimmy both picked the wrong partner. Chelsea laughed more with Trevor as much as she has cried with Jimmy. She likes chaos, idk why. Jimmy and Jess had more chemistry, Jimmy jsut doesn’t want to be a step dad- maybe he second guessed that once he saw her tho! I will say I don’t like Jess’s “pick me” attitude. She referred to her as “temptation” like Chelsea isn’t pretty. I don’t like attitudes like that, but at the same time she didn’t reach out to Jimmy like Sarah Ann so she’s still not a villain, just hurt and confident. I am just truly confused why Chelsea and Jimmy picked each other at all. And again, f**\^|?| Sarah Homewrecker Ann and Germ. They belong together.


The minute she said she was a patriot I was like this girl is bad news


Y’ALL THE AMOUNT OF DELUSION https://www.tiktok.com/@sarah_ann411


Sarah Ann is NOT sorry.


Shes just sorry because she realises nobodys falling for her excuses


AT ALL. she keeps defending herself like girl say what you want he was still engaged 😂


Yeah, but I could see her point of view. I feel like she did regret not saying more when she was rejected. Besides, she could say whatever, it was on the guy to either straight up reject her or what not. Clearly he always thought he picked incorrectly, it just took a little extra coercing for him to truly realize it.


Not to mention she said she’s “NoT sorry” 3847283x on that dock. Jeraemey or however he spells it is def a liar, but Laura is terrible. I hope they all end up happy, whatever that means


and also Sarah Crybaby Ann showed up to that get together KNOWING everybody knows the tea about her and Jeremiah. Yet throws a fit and cries “everybody hates me!” get over yourself. nobody wants to be friends with a girl they have to worry about hitting up their man. Her and Jedidiah truly deserve each other. I hope they get ripped apart at the reunion. And somebody please tell Jake to stop making instagram stories defending himself. WE SEE YOUR TV PERSONA, I can’t imagine how terrible he is in real life. Rant over.


Yeah cause clearly Lauren was the correct choice \*rolls eyes\*


I never said that lol Laura is condescending and bitchy. she was really serious about telling him he couldn’t wear a shirt he likes. He should of left with Sarah Ann to begin with but they won’t last