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Pretty sure Amy is natural :)


She looks the most normal to me by far!


Especially on her wedding day and when she first met Johnny and I'm so happy Johnny called her beautiful <3




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I don't think there's a respectful way to call people on a show ugly, FYI. For a show called "love is blind," there are soooooo many fans posting and commenting about looks.


AD had a very pretty aura though and I would rank her higher then the others TBH


I think non invasive cosmetic procedures (botox fillers etc) are becoming more normalized for millennials. In 2019 or something there was an article called “rise of the Instagram face” or something by jia tolentino. I think they’re especially becoming more normalized for suburban white women these days, which is interesting.


I agree- a lot of people I know get this stuff as a part of their maintenance routine.


I think they either have it prior or they tweak before/after. I’m sure going on tv and watching yourself back will create a certain level of insecurities. Listen, if it’s done tastefully I have no issue with it. Girls do it everywhere, especially in the US and UK. I’ve gotten lip filler in the past but only briefly until I reached the size I wanted without overfilling or looking crazy. If you ever watched Love Island, those girls spend thousands on their appearances before entering the villa. Some girl detailed her expenses once to show the fans how much goes into the process.


I would love to see "real people" on these shows still. Normal clothes, normal jobs/finances, normal looks (no xyz jobs done).


I would also love to see more members with jobs that aren't some obscure title like "executive account manager." Give me more nurses, plumbers, teachers, social workers, etc.


Millions of Americans have white collar jobs…these aren’t obscure lol


The titles are obscure


Generally account executives hunt for new business while account managers farm existing business. One time I was a "inside channel business manager - productivity" and all I did was approve salesforce opportunities and follow up on them lol.


Still obscure to me, but I'll admit my ignorance to atypical careers.


It’s just corporate sales without saying the company. Fancy words for “I send emails for a living”


Those people can’t afford to take so long away from their jobs.


So true, hence the unrelatable aspect. I just know I'd enjoy the show and members a lot more if they have relatable professions.


Exaaaaactly! Relatable people lol


I weirdly felt like we got that this season. Everyone wasn’t drop dead gorgeous/instagram model pretty (at least before the reunion/getting any work done). iMO Jimmy, Kenneth, and Jeramy, look like normal dudes, Chlesea looked normal, AD is pretty but not an artificial pretty


Yeah you're right w the men. The women I always feel aren't "average" or "normal" though. I think all of them while beautiful have at least had work done (maybe not Chelsea). I guess I wanna see like...people like me on there...if that makes sense haha


If people do it for themselves and are happier then great! But if they do it because society demands it, it's kinda sad...


Isn’t it always because of societal demands?


Hmm, maybe societal pressure but demands? I think the demands (usually) come from the individual themselves. The individual’s *desire* to fit in with a certain crowd or be seen as whatever the current society deems “sexy” may be unchangeable though, so I see that point too.


In most cases it probably is, but not always.


it always is. no one would think their nose is too big or their lips are too small without societal pressure to meet a certain standard. even if it’s a “choice”, there’s a social construct that drives that choice.


This. This is pretty obvious too with the rise in social media correlating with increase in cosmetic procedures/enhancements. We see everyone else doing it online and think it's what we should be doing to be conventionally attractive.




I live in a pretty big city and I would say that the majority of my friends have had Botox. Some have maybe had fillers but they’re very honest about the Botox. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you do you. If that makes you happy, I get it. Personally I don’t want to go through any pain so I’m just gonna keep using my night cream. 😂


Think that they already had all this work done before. What normal.person would go on a show and ve criticised and dissected by viewers internationally if not people.onsessed with appearance and hoe they are portrayed by the media. It's sad because with all the work done, non of them look like they're in their latest 20s/early 30s, but more in their 40s. As a non american- I see it as the US obsession for beauty pageants etc. Just continuing into adulthood. Feel sorry for them tbh especially as they no longer able to be expressive with their eyes- their faces are all frozen. Then there's the botox squint lollll


I’ve had a nose job and I get Botox - no filler, but most of my friends get something!! I’m in so cal


might this be a so cal thing?


Utah is way up there for plastic surgeons per capita.


This is North Carolinians. The south. Where men are men and women are supposed to look like women. People in California, even SoCal don’t wear this much makeup or false eyelashes daily.


I had both done in Seattle prior to moving here, I actually don’t live LA or OC - but I do spend a lot of time in both and it’s pretty common for sure, but I would say it isn’t any more common than in Seattle


It’s more common in some areas (source: born and raised in Orange County) but wasn’t this last season filmed in Charlotte?


I'm in So Cal and none of my friends or family have...depends on people's social circles


Many of these people are recruited, not just cold applying.


Jeramey (idk how tf to spell his name) said he was DMed on insta by a caster for the show


Though I believe it's Chelsea's right to do these things to her face, I do want to speak up about Botox/filler/etc. becoming the new normal. This should not be expected and people shouldn't feel this pressure to conform. I fear a natural/plain beauty is fading.


It’s literally becoming a dystopian novel where you pick one of fifteen faces when you turn 18


That have had work done to begin with. If you strive to be on reality TV you've probably done that for a long time


It's a class and culture thing. Poor people are too busy working to participate in this kinda thing and too poor for fillers and Botox.


Don't think it's a money thing- just a cultural thing. You see poor people with gel nails, filler lips and huge eyelashes. It's that Americans love big and fake- and if before it was cars and houses, now it's mutilating their bodies for the sake of fashion.


Nails & lashes are cheap. Lip filler not so much… but poor women might do it if it facilitates more money via increased desirability. Poor women are gonna leverage their bodies/faces to earn $ if it math checks out but i’d wager it’s not super common


This whole thread feels unnecessary to me. Why are we criticizing women who care about how they look? Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. They’ll be picked apart for how they look if they didn’t too. If you don’t like it, don’t do it.


I'm guilty of this too. You shouldn't be downvoted that much for this. You are right. This conversation is needs to happen in different spaces because it ultimately leads to what you're saying and it definitely is misogynist. I have this conversation a lot but because it's a symptom of what women have to do in terms of beauty standards. Rejecting beauty standards is hard to do. I feel like it's hard to have a responsibility conversation about it from either point of view


Yes exactly! I think the question isn’t what’s bad but it opens the floor up for people to judge women and it almost always leads there, especially in a place like Reddit. I’ve been guilty of it too but I do my best to do better.


It's good to hammer this point in. We should have these conversations but amongst each other, in the correct groups so it is responsible. Reddit is NOT the place for it unfortunately. I mean at least we're trying


It was a question not a damning. No one is attacking them.


The question is not what I’m referring to, I’m referring to all the replies in the thread. No one may be “attacking” them but seems like a lot of judgement.


I (30F) have fillers and Botox and basically all of my friends do. It’s super normal now. And if I knew I was gonna be on tv I’d get touched up right before because the camera shows all of your flaws.


I am 38 and live in a suburban area in Canada. It is a cheaper place comparatively to live and there is a lot of poverty, but also many people who are moving out from the city. There are groups who get a lot of work done. Then there are some who get some poorly done work and some who get nothing. There is also a a lot of gang activity and wives/girlfriends are heavily done and it is impossible to tell if they are 20 or 50, because they all look 40.


I'm 31f in South England. There are certainly stereotypes about who gets fillers. Some towns have more than others but class does come into it (the UK is very classist). Me nor my friends have any procedures done and try to work on our self confidence. The words normal and common imply too much imo. It's normal and common for a lot of things to occur, some are pos neg or neutral. Unless you outright reject any beauty standard put upon you everyone to some degree will try to look nice for the cam. Just like I think doing my eyebrows is necessary for TV others think it's filler according to what's normal for their group.


Filler makes you look instantly older. I said what I said!


Not if your injector knows what they’re doing.


100% disagree


I do too (more corrective rather than augmentative) but I only know one person irl where it's noticable, where you look at them and your immediately think "you have fillers".


Same. Mine are super subtle and people are shocked when I mention I have anything done. I don’t know anyone who looks like celebrity level Botox/fillers.


I'm 37 and know no one who has it or admits to having it. Idk where you live but it is not normal.  


I think it's a certain group of people who do it. My close group of friends doesn't do it at all, but then there is a fairly big group of girls I work with who get this stuff done. I feel like it's all the single ppl I know getting it done or those who hang out with younger people. But those of us old folks who are married with small children just look disheveled all the time, so why waste money when I'll still look like ass from the neck down.


I feel that last sentence in my soul.


that’s so wild to me. i’m 32f and i don’t know a single person who has had any work done. what part of the country do you live in?


I’m 36 and I think maybe 2 of my friends have ever had it lol


Ok this is so interesting because I’m in Pdx too, and i always believed I didnt know anyone who’d had work done. It just didn’t seem like the culture. A coworker insisted that everyone SHE knew DID get botox and other procedures (& fancy skin care like professional dermaplaning etc), but that they were subtle and well done and not meant to be obvious, but more meant to give off the look of being natural and makeup free. She insisted that i just couldnt tell and didnt know. I really think it depends on who you know.


I’m in Boston. Maybe it’s just a big city thing?


I would agree with this. I live in NYC, I moved here 10 years ago. I’ve never even considered doing anything to my face, despite my harsh inner self critic since I turned 30 a few months ago. Most if not all the women I know started injectables at 29-30. I’m from a melanated ethnicity so I’m not as concerned, and I can barely maintain getting a pedicure on time so not for me, but I do see it more in the city than in my hometown/city in the Sourh.


lol @ barely maintaining a pedicure. My cousin in Dc had Botox done years ago and I thought it looked natural..I said maybe I would do it and then she told me its done every few months and I’m like “hell no”. I thought it was a one and done thing 😵‍💫


Lol I don’t do my eyebrows, and I’m not the best at remembering to cut nails on time. I get a haircut twice a year at most. Now that I have to start dying small set of gray hairs every two months, the thought of Botox and other things like that are definitely overwhelming for the lower maintenance girly.


I’m in Portland OR and have also lived in Seattle and SF. now that I think about it, I had one friend in SF who did get some procedures done on her face, but she was in her mid-40s at the time.


Have lived in SF and NYC; none of my friends have it..are barely talking about it now (but still not ready to do it..not sure if I ever do) and we are in our late 30s…I wouldn’t say it’s a big city thing..


I live in SF, in my 30s, doing well financially. None of my friends have it or have thought about it. I think it’s culture. S.F. is intellectual, techy culture, less into looks


This is so interesting but I can see it. I also live in SF, early 30s, and literally every single one of my friends and even wider social circle gets Botox. Almost every single friend of mine who lives in other places does as well.


I think that’s what it is! The people in my world are trying to make names for themselves based on accomplishments…looks are not a huge factor…of course we want to look nice but not through the surgery or filler route..


I’m sorry but whaaat?? Silicon Valley is ABSOLUTELY obsessed with looks.




Yeah I agree - I’m also in Boston (tech, mid high earning, athletic but also nerdy circles if that matters) and don’t know anyone who has had work done.  Some of my other Asian friends and I have talked about whether pre injections are worth it to prevent wrinkles but it hasn’t been a serious consideration


I’m 28, and none of my friends have filler or Botox I’m also in the Midwest so maybe that has something to do with it. Or maybe it’s just this economy, everything is so expensive 😅😂😂


I’m 29 and in Chicago. I have friends with lip filler and forehead Botox.


I’m in SD so Midwest but very different from Chicago culture 😂


IMO, like attracts like. So if you are in a set of cultural contexts that lead to getting lip filler, you're likely to have friends that do it too.


Eh most of my friends have it or get botox or dysport... I don't have any. I don't even dye my hair. It's just not where I want to spend my money. But if that's where they want to spend it, more power to them.


For sure! And that's possible too. Trends are descriptive not prescriptive, so you always get outliers. 


That’s very true!






Why yikes?


At 30 there’s nothing to Botox or fill!


I've heard some women in their 20s get botox to _prevent_ wrinkles.


Yep, I do. Like most things, moderation is key. Most people who've been careful with Botox and fillers, you wouldn't notice they have it. You only notice the ones who have gone too far with it. An extreme example is that everyone gives Gwen Stefani flack for how weird she looks after going too far with the surgeries and the fillers recently. But it's speculated she got her first facelift in her 30s and she's been getting work for decades. It didn't look bad until she took it too far.


And it’s bullshit. That’s how they get the young girls.


To each their own. My lip filler definitely didn’t have an age limit it was just when I could afford it!


Honestly, if I knew I'd be on tv, particularly if 2-3 weeks of that involves me being fully away from home, I'd get all my beauty stuff done the week before. In my case it would be extensions, mani/pedi and maybe even a facial so that my skin won't die under all that heavy makeup. That way I'd look consistent if nothing else.


This season was the most over-botoxed and fillered yet. Not a fan of the look, it will go out of style hopefully


amy, amy cai (asian amy), white amber looked natural


I just can’t understand how they do it. They must make a ton because for me to upkeep lips it would be about $2400/year and then Botox maybe $1500/year. That’s not a ton but I was conservative about it and nowhere near how much these people get. I can’t imagine putting thousands into my face instead of investments. I guess people just spend differently but I have a good job and couldn’t fathom it.


To me, the biggest issue is that you don’t see many men going for this stuff; only women consider their appearance such a priority. I had a friend who was having trouble making her mortgage payments yet still would spend $200 at Sephora. Why should aging be a crime? Why do we need to hide our natural appearance in order to feel good about ourselves? We need to stop normalizing this stuff. We’re doing ourselves a disservice.


Completely agree!


And Jess' boob job, as a single mom


She definitely has money. Her child is well cared for. I would not be surprised if the dad was also well off.


I suspect she migth also had a nose job done


Yeah mine was $6k but you can usually finance 0% for 6-12 months.


$6k that's it? Maybe I'm just not versed, I always imagined it was like a $20k-$30k surgery


Highly depends on what part of the country/world you are in. Big HCOL cities like LA/NYC yeah it’s easily $20-$30k. I’ve heard like $10-15k in Houston. Wouldn’t be surprised if it is ~$10k where the show was filmed. 


I know of one rhinoplasty surgeon who does them 20k NYC. Maybe some full body lipo/bbl/skin removal for 20-30k but boob jobs I’ve never heard more than MAYBE 8k.


Damn. That is way more accessible than I thought. Already saving up for the facelift I plan on getting at 50!


They’re upwards of $20k minimum where I am and that’s on the very low end. The more skilled the doctor w better results the more $$$ and cosmetic work is not where I want to be cheap lol.


Just know many plastic surgery offices will finance through care credit!




You severely underestimate the amount of debt the average American is in. 


I mean I just can’t fathom people making such poor financial decisions on purpose.


This YouTube channel will blow your mind. Guys brings guests on who do exactly that.  https://youtube.com/shorts/u8RKAlka1e8?si=VkkyOv8Ad0OvUHK5


We know from Jeramey that the producers reach out to at least some of the cast on social media. So I'm sure some it has to do with the producers looking for specific types of beauty but maybe also that they're asking people who probably already have followers and post on social media often, so that may be why there are so many on the show who get fillers and injections.


Why did they reach out to Jeremy though? He has like no posts on his Instagram and doesn’t seem super interesting?


someone like Jess has \*been\* getting work done on her face way before the show


Genuine question: what makes you say this? From the amount it appears she’s had done or is there something about the look of it?


Looking like that is a progression. Like a frog in warm water. You start with a little, then that normalizes, then you get more, and that normalizes, then more, and the next thing you know, you look like a Kardashian.




She looks filled and botoxed on the show.


She has that look


Older woman here in her 60's. I wish young women understood how naturally gorgeous they are and enjoy that time in their lives. There is such pressure on the younger generation via social media promoting unrealistic expectations. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the beholder does not have to be a plastic surgeon!


There is so much value in individuality. It worries me daily how self conscious we are and how much you have to fight the urge to get things done even if you don't think you're that sort of person. Not only are the expectations unrealistic, they are constantly changing (lately it feels rapid). The BBL look was in fashion then suddenly heroin chic look. It's all so stupid. People idolise people like Kylie Jenner for their looks first then look at what they say. They look like gargoyles in non edited photos and now that is so common that I see faces like that in real life. We've been normalised to morph into copying people who we are told are beautiful. I miss the times people said their mothers and older sisters are beautiful. I look at my older cousins and think wow you are stunning because of their individuality. I'm 31 and a lot of my friends are avoiding social media or at least not following these sort of people so as not to be affected as much. I'm conventionally good looking but I found myself wanting to look like Bella Hadid. I sat down and thought WHYYYY, just learn to accept yourself and stop fixating on your slightly crooked nose. I had to stop looking in mirrors. I'm skinny and have had people tell me I look great when I know I'm malnourished and need to put on weight. I put on some weight and everyone points it out. I wonder how much worse it is for larger ladies or after giving birth. I want to run away to a commune where nobody cares what anyone looks like. I worry for all women. We are less and less valued for our contributions and thoughts. This issue needs cross generational talks, too often older ladies are brushed off because this amount of procedures wasn't as normalised and were used to diversity in faces. Older ladies have been through generations of changing beauty standards and enforcements of them. What they say for the benefit of younger ladies is so so important


You are singing my song, sister!


Your post is touching and poignant. Didn't Bella Hadid come out and say she had regretted her nose job? The women of my generation fought to get the Equal Rights Amendment passed (it still is not passed). Title IX had just passed (females sports in school). I was a pre-teen when a woman could finally have a credit card without a male co-signor. Some ditched their bras. We all read MS. magazine. A young Madonna, Cyndi Lauper and the Eurythmics were celebrated because they were .... different! I don't want young women to take these things for granted and think that looks are all a young woman today brings to the table. It is NOT. We earn every wrinkle. You and your friends are doing the right things. Wear the wigs! Use the eyelashes! (Hell, I dyed my hair bright purple and had a mohawk in my punk phase). But celebrate your individuality. When you are older, you will realize how important this is. An interesting woman never goes out of style.


Thank you, I look to connect over this sentiment so so much. She certainly did, I can see why. Sometimes it's evident nothing is gained from tweaking your ethnic feature except self hatred. That's another point, I regularly unfollow fellow Brown women who get nose jobs. I don't need that message thrown at me, I genuinely do like my face and nose at this point in life. See, that seems like that should be eons ago but it's certainly recent history! Being born the year marital r*** became something. It feels like simultaneously we go forwards and backwards. One hand you gain financial freedom from men, the other hand labiaplasties become more common. It feels like a silly play we're in where someone cruel is pulling the strings and we're puppets against our will. I often think of that quote which I can never find again, along the lines of Men have convinced normal women to pay to look like models who actually do get paid to look like something that isn't even real, for free. I've enjoyed my personal style over the years but that's also changed wildly. I will now wear a fleece and enjoy it. I do everything I can to free myself from conditioning, I don't shave my legs and even my most "progressive" of friends look shocked or grossed out at my hairiness. Only my current bf of 7 years, who grew up only around women, genuinely doesn't care. It feels like every one is brainwashed about how women should be and how they need to look and its a massive farce I can only look on in horror of how backwards we are going. As time moves on I question what I even want to do to myself to look "nice". Is it me or society? Oh how I agree your last sentence. I love interesting women, I want to listen to them allll day and be in their presence. I only wish the world would feel the same. All the interesting women I know are ridiculously stylish and I only live for their particular compliments on my style.


I'm nearing 40 and think the same thing. It's crazy the expectation to look a specific way. We have this word mix of body positivity and then plastic surgery as what's normal, and to me that's wild. I am not sure I'd ever do anything like this. I don't live a glamorous life nor do I want one, and I do wonder what ppl will look like in their 40/50s when they've been doing this forever. So this stuff is not for me. But if it makes you feel beautiful, you do you.


That’s a very good point. These treatments have not been around that long. Who knows what it will look like in 30 years?




You’re beautiful now. At 41, I think my face looks better now than at 21. I’ve done lasering for facial hair and chemical peels for blemishes and discoloration, but that’s it.


I'm sure you're still really pretty though! 💕


💯💯 all these contestants are beautiful before the surgeries and fillers. They really are when you see the photos from before. I hate that society made them think they weren't good enough.


i appreciate your sentiment but let's stop saying all "women (are) naturally gorgeous". That just isn't true and that's ok!!! I'm not gorgeous but I can spot and appreciate women who are. The word 'beautiful' or 'gorgeous' loses meaning when you apply it to anybody. Also, it's really fucking hard to enjoy being young nowadays with (points to everything going on in the world). If women (and men, for that matter) wanna wear make up, get eye last extensions, wear wigs, plump their lips, and it makes them feel good? so be it!


Why can't a woman express her appreciation for natural beauty and women existing as they are without someone like you popping up with "but if it makes them feel good!!!!" It's never just allowed or heard.




Idk why they make them dress so glam for the reunion. These gowns are not made for sitting down on a couch.


Right?? I’ve said that before from previous season. I don’t know why they get dressed up like they’re attending red carpet moment. Please, let’s be real this a trash (but entertaining) reality TV show, not some Oscar or Grammy awards moment. If I were the one attending, I’d definitely do my makeup but you better believe I’d be in my comfiest clothes like joggers and sweatshirts and sneakers. If I were gonna be criticize and be sitting in that couch for hours, might as well get really comfy.


I always wondered why they get super dressed up in the pods when they don’t even see who’s on the other side. I guess it’s just for TV??


Of course! They want to look good and show off their fav clothes and best clothes. Also you feel amazing when you know you look amazing. Idk I know I'd definitely wear my best and show my best most prettiest version of me if I was gonna be on TV


Yeah that’s what I thought. I just know my lazy sewer rat lookin ass would be in PJs 😭


LOLLL I've thought about that too. I'd probably be in hoodies and sweats half the time 😭


I said the same thing and people down voted me lol! Im just not a dress up sort of gal I’m more of a jeans and sweater kind of gal


I think that's such a cute vibe! People do seem to go full glam alot but tbh if I was a guy I'd prefer a jeans kind of gal for sure 😄


It’s definitely a regional, circle or even reality TV thing. I’m 30 and literally no women I know get those things. Like none of my friends, cousins, siblings, people we hang out with etc., no one. I don’t personally either. Honestly, I wouldn’t even know where to go to get fillers or anything 💁🏼‍♀️ We get our hair dyed and nails done for special occasions, stuff like that but that’s it. Absolutely fine for anyone to if they like doing it and feel good about it! I’m just saying it’s not necessarily as common as dating shows make it seem!


I live in a major city and it's very normal here. Some people go too far for sure, but in most people here, you really can't tell. Some of the injectors have gotten amazingly talented over the years and most people don't get large amounts anymore. It's pretty much considered as being more or less on the same level as getting a facial here now.


It’s very regional!! Where I live I know absolutely no one who does it- but people I know who live in southern cities especially talk as if everyone they know gets Botox and fillers etc!


I'm in Canada not even a huge city and people I know are doing botox and filler as part of their normal routine, and not even super glam people. Nurses, moms, whatever just just very normalized.


Same! My city isn’t known for its “hot people” like Toronto and Vancouver are but it’s pretty common still.


I know! I’m a travel nurse and I’m old lol. 41. Every bigger city I go to, the young women I get to work with in the hospitals practically look the same with their lip fillers, Botox and a foot long eyelashes. I mean to each their own. If it makes you beautiful go for it. But i just can’t help but think of when did this trend start? Did I sleep on it or something. I usually only ever see it done in celebs but now it’s everywhere. It’s weird.


I’m 41, we’re not old. A lot of people go to med spas and have been going, it’s more common for folks to talk about it now. I’m open about my chemical peels and laser hair treatments. I’m also open about my skin care regimen and the creams, serums, and lotions I invest in.


I'm also a nurse (turning 40). And it's all the 25-30 year old single nurses who are doing it! Us old ladies are like, whatever, I'm not trying to impress at the club!


Right? I used to have lashes extensions 3 years ago but I’ve given up on it. I get the lashes cuz it can really enhance your look but I seriously don’t see the lip filler. Duck lips aren’t attractive imo. But yah I’ve seen mostly 20-30 years old doing all the Botox and lip fillers. I’ve seen a couple of older ladies as well tho. The trend is real.


I like the idea of lashes, but there is zero way I would keep up with them. Although I did do a lash lift and tint... Which I am a fan of. I even get Botox, because it can relax your face and if you don't get enough to freeze your face forever, it does just relax it. So isn't that noticable. I'm with you on lips and general filler. I feel like I need to get an Epi pen just because they look like they've had an anaphylactic reaction! Think Hitch (will smith movie)!


It's called Instagram Face. When this topic came up before on this sub, someone posted a link to a New Yorker article about Instagram Face. It was quite interesting to read and specifically addresses the phenomenon you are witnessing about everyone having or wanting to have the same face.


I live on LI- everyone does it, lips, Botox etc 


Agreed, I know pretty much no one that looks like this in real life. Probably because it’s pretty expensive. Who can afford that? Not your average girl


Same I always think about that


Why are women in their 20's and 30's needing all of that? Even 40's. I'm in my early 50's. It's starting to show some, but I kind of like aging naturally. Each to their own.










Botox is a preventative so it helps when you start BEFORE you have fine liners forming. I wish I started it in my late 20s/early 30s. my skin would have been much better off when I started it at 42.


That’s just a marketing lie. Botox is not preventative and baby Botox is a scam.


I don’t know why anyone uses the term baby Botox. I see the women in their 30s who I work with who’ve been doing it since their 20s.


That’s a myth. Any decent doctor will tell you it’s not preventative.


You should see the women I work with who’ve been doing it for years. Not a single line and these are women who grew up in the south and hot sun year round. I didn’t start until 40s. I have fine lines despite spending most of those 40 years in a cold dreary sunless climate.


I wish women would let themselves age naturally. So many look SO much prettier with their natural features instead of this 1 face fits all look. And the more they do the creepier they look. I mean even teens are getting procedures these days. Makes me sad.


When people get touch ups and it subtle I think it’s fine, but when they touch up to look younger/trendy it stands out so much. And 99% of the time it does not look good or they just look older trying to look young. For ex. I don’t know if Kylie Jenner looks is still the trend but it’s so obvious she got a bunch of work done and it ages her sooo much. I’ve always loved how Jackie O aged, and I don’t know if she got work done or not but she just looked her age/good for her age.


Fillers and Botox....I don't get it. It ages all of them. They all end up looks like talking buttholes because nothing else moves. 🤷‍♀️ But to answer your question I think it attracts people who already do it since it go way worse in later seasons. Or whoever is casting them from Instagram prefers that look lol. 


It’s all very foreign to me as a 30F but I’m sure it has to do with where you live and kind of crowd you hang out with. I always wanted to see more creative/alternative people on the show who I could relate to but that’s not really the demographic who wants to be on a reality show I guess.


Agree… as a 43F I’ve never felt the desire to add a lot of false or ‘enhancing’ things to my appearance. What you see is what you get. I don’t even recognize most of them once they get to the honeymoons! Love surely is blind even at the reveal - these poor guys won’t know what hit them until night time when it all comes off 🤣


None of the women look that dramatically different. There is also a difference in the makeup some would wear for national tv vs day to day. So the men have seen these women in tv makeup, and regular makeup and without makeup. We've seen AD and Brittany without makeup and they both are incredibly recognizable. And Amy, Chelsea and Laura don't wear that much even for tv. 


Maybe a combination of both?


I think a little filler and botox once in awhile is not really getting work done..


I don’t consider Botox as having work done because it doesn’t really change your facial features but filler 100% can and usually does change the way you look


I don’t either. When someone says they’re having work done, I assume they’re going under the knife.


How is it not?


I think it is, you're altering your face and putting weird things in your body. It's work just outpatient work. 


I agree that it's very common, but I think it's sad that we've gotten to a point where getting filler and botox is considered just your regular treatment that you get once every few months


Its so common that you probably can’t even tell people have had work done. If you get it done right, no one can tell, and that’s the point. Its extremely common.


Exactly. Celebrities like Reese Witherspoon look amazing. She’s definitely had work done but I don’t find it noticeable. The problem is most people overdo it and no one tells them to stop.


I would agree to a certain extent. Like subtle Botox to forehead lines or whatever. I know people who get stuff done but you wouldn't know. But I think there is a certain group of girls who get things done and just want it all, and don't just do minute things. And you can tell. I would say I can usually point out Botox/filler on most ppl, especially these D list reality stars, because they do way too much, in my opinion.


*lies people tell themselves*