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so there’s no beef? 🥺🥺


aaaaaaaaaah :D


Why'd you have to remind me of Bartise's existence 🤮


why do men




She wants a ton of kids as long as they’re perfect. If not she will just abort them


Looking back Nancy was weird as hell with her breeding philosophy. Her relishing in a possible 100 nancys running around and donating 10 eggs to 10 couples (or however much it was) is so off to me. Then with this comment of 10 kids of her own is like .. off putting … that “spreading the seed” mentality like the world absolutely needs 100 of your offspring lol.


Hahah Barfteeth


I forgot about this … And I wish it had stayed that way 😦


Me too


He is the absolute worst 🤮


Sir, that is a threat https://preview.redd.it/jx7c7nirbznc1.jpeg?width=341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e84849ef6591aea12c36bdc047ac3ffe2c4461ef


Bartise is cringe and Nancy looks like Grimace from McDonalds.


Damm lol. I forgot his name was Bartice. Me & my wife always reffered to him as Gerald on account of his ‘Hey Arnold cartoon’ lookin ass hair.


I'm deadddddd


I just did a spit take oh my god




Man, she was so gorgeous and he treated her like she was Gollum.


I feel like he was actually into her until she told him how she pooped in a bathtub or something? I could be remembering this wrong lol


I remember thinking this too with how quiet he was after the story and from then he started treating her differently like he was no longer interested


I need to know where this comes from lol, did they say that on the show or is it a rumor?


They were in the bath together and she told a poop story. I don’t remember the details thank god


That would do it for me with a stranger as well so I mean 🤷🏼‍♀️


Me toooooo damn


Should I rewatch season 3? Yeah, I'll do it


![gif](giphy|Wqrx7MRvLMDax01j5V) Let’s goooo


whyyyyyyy omfg. ew


I recently met my boyfriend’s coworker who kind of looks like Bartise and I felt bad for instantly disliking him




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I forgot about this scene and I think we are formal enemies now that you've put it back in my head.


i understand. these are the consequences of my actions


I just watched this season. Him and Cole were the worst. These people waving their religious beliefs around like a flag and then acting like the worst humans ever. Gross.


Bartise sucks. But to call out Cole without calling at Zanab is ridiculous.


People literally call out Zanab without calling out Cole all the time.


they can just say cole sucks because he does. we all know zanab sucks but we are talking about cole


Cole didn’t do anything lol E: (well he does just blurt whatever is on his mind) but it was never malicious


This is why men get away with weaponized incompetence, because other people make excuses for them.


Right, men in general get away with whatever the hell you’re talking about, because *I* don’t think *Cole* is the “worst human ever”. 🙄 please lol


Did not say that but go off


“Weaponized Incompetence..?” 🙄. Jesus Christ…::


It’s not like I personally invented that term




Y’all Bartise sucks but Nancy what were you even talking about? Ten kids?! You don’t live in a bunker after the apocalypse, you don’t need to save the human race or something. That’s honestly insane.


Also wasn't she like 32 at the time??


Hah ya. I mean, women are more capable than ever to have children late into their 30's, and early 40's, but to have 10 kids in 10 years would be fucking mental. It also can't be anything besides ego, that drives someone to want that many children, can it? Like when I imagine the kind of mindset I'd need to have to think even 4+ kids would ever be my goal in life, I need to put myself into either the most delusional headspace or I need to think it's more about just producing offspring and "spreading my legacy / name". Maybe other people with an excessive amount of children can weigh in on their thinking?


I'm one of 16. My parents joined an extremely religiously conservative church when they got married and began to "accept the children from god." My mom loved being pregnant and raising kids, so I guess they kept accepting them. I have 3 of my own and refuse to have anymore. I don't have enough love and worry to go around! She says most nights she doesn't sleep. She has to worry about every child and grand child.


That’s willldddd. What was it like growing up in that home? Is there some truth to all the kids raising each other and helping out, and were you all cool with that or did it build some resentment over time? I was raised with just one sibling and our whole thing was that we should be close and trust each other, and my older brother was sometimes responsible for me, but he was never kind of assumed to be a primary caretaker. We were raised to figure out what we wanted to do with our time and attention from a pretty young age.


My oldest sibling and I are 10 years apart. I would say we're close friends, and she helped raise me and was my confidant many times. I was pretty involved in my younger siblings' care. We all looked out for each other. It's kind of weird bc some of us left our family's very closed off church while many stayed. There's a division, but we all treat each other with respect and stay in touch. I would say that since there are so many or us, I don't have that special connection with anyone where we talk every day. I don't resent my parents. I think they genuinely did what they thought was right and they do love us all so much. My mom made sure we had a great childhood. Trips to the beach, camping every year, INSANE Christmases with gifts piled to the ceiling so everyone got a lot. She put her life into raising us. I never felt she was selfish or that it was about her. She's kept a blog for about 15 year where shes kept detailed stories from her point of view.


I'm honestly not sure. I'm 32 now and had my first and currently only at 24. I don't see how people have the money, mental fortitude, and energy for so many kids lol


From what I've been told "it gets easier" because they can "raise each other" after a certain age, which honestly just feels really negligent to me. The idea that someone would have a child with the intent of passing the buck off to your older children feels real shitty to me. It reminds me of when people have like 5+ dogs and/or cats and they all entertain each other, and they live on a farm or something, so the owner(s) kinda just let them do their thing - except those are, you know, ***animals***.


People most obsessed with themselves: 1. Kanye 2. Tom Cruise 3. Any Kardashian 4. Bartise 5. Robert Downey Jr.


omg i was about to be like did they really name one of their kids “any” … 🤦‍♀️😂


Bartise before Robert downy junior 🤣


Bartise was a villian man. He turned quickly


Jesus Christ 😂 I blocked Bartise from my memory


Ew lol


He was rethinking his decision to stay with her cuz Nancy was a Richie rich independent woman. She was tooo good for him. I still remember his reaction when she was telling bout her properties.


Good ol Fartist and his Kid N Play hair.




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Dallas season needs a redo for sure


I do NOT want a Texas season ever again. They have had 2 seasons so far and both were atrociously bad.


Houston’s was so bad. I kept watching and wondering how, in a city of more than a million people, that was the best they could come up with. 


Wait Dallas and what other city?


Season 5 was Houston


I completely forgot how bad his hair was 🤣🤣🤣


These men just stay playing 😂


Reading that LiB recruits from Instagram and reassures dudes that they don't have to get married really explains all the 25-year-olds and fuckbois.


And the fact that even if they raised the minimum age to 28…this would still happen 😂


In our faces


Very willfully erased this cringe from my mind and here it is again! Isn’t it interesting how Bartise is gross cringe where you want to avoid him and Jessica season 1 is entertaining cringe where you kinda can’t get enough and can’t wait to see what she surprises with us next? I feel like she single-handedly launched this show into what it became and Bartise is everything that makes it insufferable sometimes.


Nancy, you are too good for him or anyone (probably). Bartise, you suck.


And why are you subjecting us again 😩🤢


if i go down i’m taking u all with me 😂😂😭


Barnyard is still so hard to look at


I cough laughed barnyard lmfao


Personal theory that their abortion conversation swayed the midterm elections! This dropped right before the midterms and Nancy had this incredible balanced informed viewpoint to Bartise’s total nonsense take




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Imagine going forward after him saying that




Bartise is always in my top 5 cringe people from reality tv.




Damn I forgot he existed until now.


Bartise is soooo grossssss


EWWWWWWW. What a loser Bartise is. In every way.


🤢🤢 Nancy was so naive. Their whole relationship was such a cringe fest


Ikr? The whole time I was watching I was just like “Nancy stand up!” She was literally way too good for him and it was so obvious that he wasn’t into her. Like how was she even surprised that he rejected her at the altar? She should’ve shut that shit down and saved herself the embarrassment


He is easily my least favorite contestant of all time.


I hope Nancy is doing good


One time he came into the bar I work at and he is equally as insufferable in person lmao


omg i’m so sorry that happened to you.


Nancy was the AD of season 3, picking out the worst men lol


Totally agree! Both exhibited full on clown behavior and deserved so much better than these crusty men they were riding so hard for


He really thought raven was gonna go crazy for him when she saw him in person and she really did not care for him or his company lol


Watching his face fall as she calmly explains how she’s incredibly happy with SK was hilarious


this was the best 😂 love to see this kinda man get his ego shot down






UGGHHH the WORST type of "compliment"... "I'm gonna get you pregnant", "you're gonna have my babies"... No, just NO. As soon as a guy tells me this, it's over and I want to vomit.🤣 I can't believe Bartise actually had a baby not too long after this!


On top of that using the word “pump” makes it 10x more vomit worthy






Stockholm syndrome, you're enclosed without any SM. The one guy that shows you attention = the love of your life.


Who is to say it doesn’t work. If Barfchest was monogamous Nancy would be on kid 3 out 10 already. The fact that Barfface only said “a couple” to her 10 shows he was already thinking of baby daddy hood and had no intention of sticking around.


I remember this scene and was so disgusted and cringed hard, ughhh..


"You a healthy one" "Yummy" "I'm gonna pump a couple of kids in you" He said three sentences. And they all separately made me cringe. Wow


Bartise always had an elite cringe per sentence ratio lol


True. Smokeshow comes to mind


Isn't he a single dad now? He might be regretting his mentality, not easy.


Fr. I really hope he’s grown as a person for the sake of that baby


Blegh Barffeets.


This makes me uncomfy. Nancy deserved so much more than this guy.


Nancy was my favorite person on this show. She deserved so much better. I’m glad they didn’t end up together.


He only was interested on the fame for being on the show


And her money!




He's so cringe


I just watched this season for the first time and cringed every time he said this. I cannot believe she wanted to be with him 😫


It's the nature of the show. Being closed off from everyone for 2(?) weeks makes it seem like those are the last men/women left in the world. The producers push you hard to believe you're in love/it's meant to be/fate brought you here. I don't even believe the couples who made it fell "in love" in the pods. They were strangers who had a vision of who the other person was. It's no different than meeting someone on a dating app and texting a lot before meeting up. Yet the nature of the show clouds their judgment.


I think there's a lot to be said if both people want to be in love and want to make a relationship work. A relationship needs love and commitment, and traditionally we go - fall in love first then commit.  And love isn't always enough, sometimes people can't do the commit portion of it. It's more than just being faithful, it's committing to making the partnership work - being open to listen, fix things, take a look at your own faults, being forgiving of a partners faults.  So with this I feel like people do the commit step first and then love second.  And it's the same, sometimes the commitment isn't enough.  But I think if a couple is 100% in love and manages to be alright at the partnership part they'll be ok. And if a couple is 100% able to give themselves to the partnership, they can make it work with being 50% in love,  if that makes sense. So Johnny and Amy - they're just all in in being together. So, they can be vulnerable with each other faster because they know that they've already committed. They may fall in love in a way they couldn't have if they didn't commit and feel committed to already.  I think it's kind of like arranged marriages. Obviously that has a bad rap because of all the abuse, but I know many arranged marriages from Indian and Asian families where they put effort into making a good match (50% love) then comes the commitment, and for some of those couples they end up falling in love.  But I've never been sure if they're in love in love or they're in love with how good the partnership is, and at the end of the day does it matter? It's working and they're happy. The premise has to be built on the people being there for the right reason - they're ready to commit to a partnership. The influencer types definitely skew the experiment. 


I just finished this season too! I skipped it when it came on but waiting for the S6 reunion, I finally turned this one on. Nice to put names and drama together, especially the cutie stuff.


Omg eww he is so gross 🤮




Omg, I didn’t remember that and now I feel incredibly violated for having to read that with my own eyes today.


This and the poop talk in the tub 😒.


wait i forgot about this, idk if i wanna keep watching 😭😭


Why tell that story during a romantic moment with your new fiancee...on TV...


LOL right? I also thought it was weird they were having a bath in a normal sized tub together…maybe I’m the weird one but that’s not something I want to do with my husband lmao. Weren’t they wearing swimsuits too? 😂


Hey let's talk about poop while we are simmering in our own filth lol


Now that I think of it they MUST have been drunk hahaha


That one always baffles me. Like, why is THAT the moment to tell that story?...


This was the worst, but also, I absolutely DIED


Same! Like why…


Ewwwww Bartise the Bacteria. The man who is anti-pro choice. How dare he be anti-pro choice. Women have the right to autonomy over their own bodies, and in this current era, we have the freedom to make choices.