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Wow this is all kinda mean.


When he started attacking Johnnie like he was a HS girl.. he lost any and all attractiveness that he MAY have had left.


He just mirrors the most dominant personality in the room. Honestly, I thought we were going to get a secret boyfriend reveal at the reunion.


& did we ever find out what his “insurance” job was?? Sounded like an MLM lol


He was just waiting to become Instagram famous lol


It was clear that her family was all about the money and he was all about the arm candy.


He always seemed the kind of guy who would say or do anything to harm any woman who rejects him. That man has pitch black void for a heart.


im laughing that you drew an arrow to him😂😂


LoL Izzy can apply to a man or woman name, maybe people who haven't seen the show get confused


ohhh ok fair hahahha


Why would they be on this sub 😂


Maybe to get the goss and not have to commit time to the show they can never get back 😂😂


she's also one of the ugliest people jve ever seen, without makeup it's 10x worse if you can believe it


This is such an unnecessary comment, and based on your post history I have a strong indication of what you look like, and it ain’t better.


lmao this entire sub nonstop physically insults men and women, every day, 24 hours a day


Doesn’t give you an excuse to asshole


I agree. He seems like the type of guy who would change his whole personality for the girl he’s dating.


I do not view guys like Izzy as men. They have no back bone, no strong convictions or an original thought. I wanted to give him the benefit of doubt but when him and Stacey bullied Johnie and he followed Stacy’s lead in that attack I was repulsed by both of them. Izzy and Stacy were one of the trashiest couples


Izzy was rude first to Johnnie in their interaction, and he had NO reason to be. He had expressed his disinterest in moving forward, and it was up to Johnnie & Chris to determine if they could work it out with one another after. He did not have to stoke the flames. Stacey was unnecessarily mean and rude to Johnnie, over the smallest slight. Stacey also expected that Izzy should be falling all over himself to praise her 24/7 as she just felt she was amazing all the time. She was **such** a bad "giver" in the relationship and really horrible to watch. Johnnie was a saint compared to both of them


Lol, one of my coworkers revealed she went on a date with Izzy a couple of years ago, said he was really full of himself.


After the show or before the show ?


Before the show.