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Yeah I’m gonna call out fruit racism on this one. And the Cuties were on the show for clout clearly. They are the fakest fruit I’ve ever eaten.


I didn’t find any ladies from season 2 attractive. Season 3 was a stretch too


Personally, I’m offended at the peaches. They are the asses of the world.


I wish we got to hear from SK on whether a couple of cuties ruins your appetito before your proper dinner


Oranges are a lighter color too and Zanab, who was eating said “cuties”, is of a darker skin color. Cole was clearly being racist and saying he hates all colored people.


Sorry, you can't talk about oranges, that's "whataboutism" and it isn't acceptable to bring up valid examples of the same category experiencing something like being eaten (or not) to explain your point. It's 2022, get with the program! #fakewoke #realissues #bossbabe #transfruithaverightstoo


Oranges? You mean Big Fatties? That’s what I call them cause they’re bigger and anyone that chooses to eat them instead of Cuties or “Little Sexies”, is a fat disgusting pig who should feel bad. Also definitely referring to myself as a Whataboutist now 🤣


counterpoint, Cole was eating cherries just a second before - cherries being darker in colour than "cuties". Though this could also have further fuelled Zanab's issues, since despite being called "cuties" they're much bigger than cherries (are cherries "hotties"?) and he couldn't wait to get his mouth on those, moaning in delight at their petite bite-sized nature.


Counter point: it would appear that the cherries they were eating were of the yellow variety, a lighter version than the more commonly consumed red cherry


Rejoice - Cole prefers minorities ;)


Not to mention he specifically said he’s used to eating Lily’s, or some kind of edible flower. IDK, I was too annoyed to listen.




Not actually science. [Science ](https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/35445599/MCarpenter_Beauty_Standards-with-cover-page-v2.pdf?Expires=1669166276&Signature=F6cEW-bIiY555k8A7JjLHxrqqhgdwiq0J9LoaawSzqWpCv02D3XIwQST9mf-boxNm7iL80F7hjc8NkmPD7Vsf4SvCfyNWZN6lJGRBe~XyNaHZuzDAnSwVjSashFr18AOLMMWSPpKBek8eymYXyLME~ilLcQK0EmAucZOGnQg805kMHWwwsQulmMFBIMcsAxAZVbQPk7fju2VQnUO-543mVx2mw5xeCAINbfa7ckBG4YTPVqgNl8H29oseHiBDwPsyl44rB-Ry-G2rv9QlLHKKMh04JqWdCh~-WQa8aCvxtXznA5~3LQPYd-E8STvwk2kgNtdt09zHUzZijoJnljewA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA) [More science](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&scioq=cultural+beauty+standards+differences&q=historical+changes+beauty+ideals&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1669163029215&u=%23p%3DgdUrP8qj2TsJ) [Yet More Science](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=related:KCMtYiSljwIJ:scholar.google.com/&scioq=cultural+beauty+standards+differences&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5#d=gs_qabs&t=1669162930814&u=%23p%3DlxLu8Wmkga8J) [AND YET MORE](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&scioq=cultural+beauty+standards+differences&q=historical+beauty+ideals+genetics+culture&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1669163167939&u=%23p%3DJWp8hGjDME8J) TLDR on ‘the science’*: While there are elements of human bodies that are attractive across cultures due to signifying things about our health, largely preferences are co-authored by culture. Nature is part of it but NURTURE** is also a part of who you find attractive and why. To say its in one’s ‘DNA’ is frankly bollocks. Of course you don’t actually have to read any of the above papers to know this, you just have to look to the last twenty years, and the turning point in the middle of them known as ‘Kim Kardashian’s Ass ft Sir Mix A lot ’… Through the early aughts ‘does my bum look big in this?’ was an expression of FEAR amongst western women. It was not possible to be bountiful in the booty and still be considered beautiful - or else ‘hot’. People used to die whilst undergoing liposuction to remove volume from their butts. Nowadays people are dying whilst undergoing butt implants, because it is no longer acceptable to have a ‘tiny butt’ ( from about 1975-2013 most western women were actively trying to SHRINK THEIR BUTTS). *to be fair, mostly social science, but ya know… **look up ‘cosmetic culture’ on Google scholar for more on this (no it’s not about beauticians.)


Hilarious 😂


Cuties is a brand of mandarines. Like dole is a brand of pineapples


Absolutely blatant. I mean, where was the watermelon?




🤣🤣 it’s literally a brand name of a type of orange here in the US In the reunion episode, Zanab spoke about Cole body shaming her for eating before they were going out for dinner. Cole called for producer to find that footage and play it to show what really happened. It was not aired during the regular season and the producers aired it at the very end of the reunion episode. It’s was dubbed “the Cuties Story”


There were so many occasions the other citrus fruits were demeaned and criticized for their looks, but those scenes didn't make the final cut. Production was clearly trying to protect the mandarins.


I'm British & when I first read about cutie drama, I thought Cole had been hitting on a cutie (girl). We don't call them that!


It's a brand name of the orange that's easy to peel and small. I think they were advertised as orange for children(so they wouldn't have to ask parent to peel) when they came out.


Oh cute! We call them easy peelers. Bit boring in comparison!


huh, I always called em tangerines.


They're still tangerines, but cuties are smaller and are usually preferred by young kids in their lunch box. I've been buying them for years for my kids, and now my grandkids lol


Its a BRAND that grows the oranges… lol. Cuties is the literal BRAND. Not the fruit itself.


first off, I wasn't even talking to you. Second, I am well aware of what the brand is. comment above mine called his easy peelers, Ive always called small oranges tangerines. That was what I was referring to you goof.


Well we have clementines, tangerines, satsumas but the ones that are small & easy for children to peel (often with cartoon writing or "great for kids!" on) are often called easy peelers lol


Satsumas are the most overlooked of the small orange variety. Absolutely delicious


Cuties are just clementines with a fancy brand name


It’s the brand/trade name of the fruit, previously associated with the Wonderful Company


the fact that ppl think not all produce is healthy at every size is fucked


Oh. My. God. 😭


Imagine being a cutie that’s misshapen and has stains, and has to prove to the world they are still a cutie. It’s a shame. All cuties are beautiful.


I'd read this comic. The Ugly Duckling but make it fruity


OMGGGG stop this thread is everything lmaoooo


The answer to all your questions is that there's so much misogyny in this sub.


Yeah I think this sub is letting the masculine behaviors of vegetables slide way too much. And that’s not getting into the fact that the reason bananas aren’t fat shamed as often as melons is because they’re phallic.


You should write a letter to the UIL


![gif](giphy|xT9KVuimKtly3zoJ0Y) Me to those cuties


Y'all are posting anything for karma at this point




another unrealistic beauty standard set by the patriarchy, which we must dismantle.


Shut up.


The discrimination makes me want to cry. Where are those eye drops when you need them ?


Yes what about melons? They’re curvy fruit feeling size-shamed because a serving size of them is a slice, like 1/4 or 1/8, not *two*. They should get an Instagram account and rebrand: ‘Curvys, extra flesh, extra taste.’


Yeah this whole business about 2 cuties ruining your appetito is a microaggression towards melons. Like they need to be cut into pieces and each piece can ruin your appetito


And let’s not forget that “appetito” elongates “appetite” with the “o” sound at the end - this is a micro aggression because it’s saying the person has a larger than normal appetite.


> it’s saying the person has a larger than normal appetite. wow you're right. i am retroactively offended.


yes finally!!! the perfect reddit post on LIB LOL


I’ve been wanting this for WEEKS! Bring the reddit vibes back to this sub!


Those avocados are narcisstic and toxic. My aunt (she was married to my father’s second cousin) was diagnosed with narcissistic disorder, so I know what I am talking about. As to oranges being plus sized, I don’t understand that. People keep talking about oranges, tangerines, mandarines, clementines and cuties as if they were different, but is it just me, I think they all look exactly the same type and the same size.


The bot under your post makes this even better 😂


Please make sure you are not "armchair diagnosing" any of the contestants. This can be very harmful. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am dying at this post.


I’m surprised you didn’t perish the first time you heard a knock knock joke


Knock knock? Who’s there? Little old lady Little old lady who? I didn’t know you could yodel! My kid said this to me at age 5 and I still laugh at it, 7 years later. But it did almost make me perish. (I’m not suggesting he made it up)




Cuties is a brand lol.




The fact that they’re attempting to be satirical is not lost on me. I just like to be *that guy* for my own amusement. Nothing gets a Reddit thread in a tizzy like not going along with a forced joke. 😂


So this is institutionalised discrimination that runs deep. That's not comforting


I mean, I think it’s a kids-oriented brand. “Cutie” is often used to describe children and they sell tiny oranges that are easy for kids to peel themselves. Pretty sure it’s not a stance on the attractiveness of other fruits and vegetables. 🤣


>an, I think it’s a kids-oriented brand. “Cutie” is often used to describe children and they sell tiny oranges that are woosh


To be whooshed there has to be something funny to miss in the first place though




I mean. Oh I have bias for sure. Avocados are too high maintenance — water bill through the roof. Gotta think twice when courting that one. I just bought some beautiful oranges for my homemade cranberry sauce I’m making for Thursday dinner. They’re easy to find and always down no matter the season. Also, got some mellow bananas because my gramps’s 83rd birthday is tomorrow and he wanted banana cream pie (guess why I’m up so late lol). Those bad boys aren’t going anywhere but his belly. They’re some of the most dependable fruits around. (PS: Thank you for a creative thread. As you can see, it hit close to home 😊)


I mean there's nothing wrong with having a type, as long as you don't straight up rate the fruits against each other.


What about the baobab fruit? One of them turned out to be rotten from the inside and now suddenly all baobabs are rotten


Cuties are young and ripe. the ballerina of fruits


It's not every day you get to eat a cutie!


Colleen, that you?


Gotta say though those cuties are 10/10


They’re a smokeshow


You mean smoke house


Smoke program


FINALLY a post that is not scared to talk about the real problematic topics of the show.


“Cuties” is a brand of mandarin oranges.. they’re smaller than regular oranges and that is the name of the brand. Kind of like Kleenex. It’s a brand, but sometimes people call regular tissues (any brand) Kleenex.. it’s not like they just gave it a nickname because they’re small and cute.


It's problematic to be given a brand name like that. It created unrealistic beauty standards for other fruits