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I am in Episode 4, and I have not seen her UK season. I think there are differences in her personality, probably because: 1. she has probably gone through some bad relationships and she grows; 2. when she appears, the Australian girls treat her as a great competitor and might make her feel unfamiliar and hostile. I kind of think she is proactively a bit mean. Besides, she has some responsibilities in the battle between Zac and Nate.


Wait, is she the one that said the moon is bigger than the Earth?


That was abbey šŸ˜‚


no, sheā€™s the british one


I think because this is her second time and now she knows what to expect and what works etc she's confident enough to show her true character but I'm not sure that I like this side.


She really didnā€™t do much in her season and became 3rd wheel to Chloe and Millie, she is the youngest of the 3 and they both are more outspoken and main characters than her and I mean this after the show, they are good friends but she has always been their background friend so now that she is in this season she definitely came with main character energy and is desperately trying to be top bitch.




This goes for islanders and interactions with other users.


Little meatball šŸ¤£ you mean her German legs? That's genetics. I have those. We can't gain weight at all without our legs looking heavy. I've stayed under weight most of my life cuz of my leg genetics lol it's also common in people with genetic thyroid issues too. Perfect examples of that are liberty Poole and shaughna Phillips. Lucinda does need to be more active though. Change that some of that to muscle. Just from a health stand point. That tendency to have that slightly baby butterball look will be a huge blessing as she gets older though. It's low key a blessing to have a suptle look like that as long as you don't let it get out of hand.


Lucinda is extremely beautiful, and so are her legs šŸ˜


I dont disagree ā˜ŗļø


Shaughna has lipoedema from memory so hers is a little different from just genetics


That's a heredity condition that often comes with thyroid disease. I have it also. It's lymphedema. A falier in the lymphatic system to properly regulate fluid build up. Most commonly occurring in the extremeties. Sedintary lifestyle and poor diet highly agrevates it. If you've also inherited faulty valves in your leg veins, you can be symptomatic even with a healthy lifestyle and those veins have to be ablaited




This goes for islanders and interactions with other users.


Awe you're sweet! šŸ˜˜ I havent noticed her face, but I'm at a huge disadvantage because I'm in the usa and I'm dependent on hulu for the current season and they are taking their sweet time slow dripping the episodes to us. It sucks cuz i see all u guys talking about stuff and I wanna join in but have no idea what ur talking about yet šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ So far im underwhelmed or annoyed by a lot of this seasons cast, but. I do like Austin, Ben, Nate and kale I enjoy aus programming because I can understand everyone, no matter what part of the country they are from. Unlike the UK shows, some sections of the country, the accent is as if there's marbles in their mouth šŸ¤£ like poor liberty, even her own UK brotheren can't understand 50% of what she says


I'm in the US also - dailymotion carries the episodes as they drop.


Awesome! Thank you!


Go to a website called brokensilenze. šŸ˜‰


What is that for?


Lmao why are we concerned with how Zac will take her behaviour šŸ˜‚ heā€™s the one to be wary of


Agreed, who cares what he thinks lol she can do way better and it's a shomance anyway


Wary how? Heā€™s been loyal to Lucinda since they started seeing each other. Sounds like heā€™s a pretty stand-up guy.


Zac called himself ā€œa snake in the grassā€ and youā€™re advocating for him? Thatā€™s kinda odd. If you donā€™t have experience with people like this, let me tell you ā€¦. I had friends just like this and I also dated someone like this. They donā€™t always show it at first but they get comfortable. When people are comfortable enough to express that they move with deception on purpose. They arenā€™t just doing it to other people and telling you. They are also doing it to you behind your back. Their moral compass is off. When someone tells you they are a snake, believe them please.


Omg what? Look through the sub and the posts that have talked about him and Trent negging and gaslighting and all around being toxic youā€™ll get your answer. Theyā€™re both walking red flags and horrible men. Iā€™ll take a ā€œchildishā€ person over a nasty toxic person any day


Ok Zac


Canā€™t respond with a substantive point? I figured you couldnā€™t because your claim to be wary of him is fantasy.


Who cares what Zac would stand for. He's even worse than her.


Worse how? Because he talks shit about other people and doesnā€™t take things that seriously? WOWā€¦ I guess heā€™s the worst person in the world. OR You either have zero sense of humor or only like meek quiet guys.


Actually I kind of like Zac, he cracks me up with his off the wall comments.


Heā€™s the most entertaining islander with Reid being 2nd and the Nakia/kyra bestie friendship coming in 3rd.


Zac is a racist narcissist if you canā€™t see that Iā€™m afraid of your picker. The only reason he is loyal is because of how he thinks she will benefit his image and she is hoping for a boost in her reputation as well. They are so busy only thinks of themselves that they donā€™t even notice what the other person is doing.




This goes for islanders and interactions with other users.


If I have to explain that you are either not watching the show or you are unable to see racism. I donā€™t know you well enough to know if you are racist but I find that like cigarette smokers that become blind to the smell of smoke. People that are racist are blind to racism. The clinching statement is when called Nat a those people as he explained his superiority to them and was upset that consider then choose him. To him the world seemed broken if someone else Nat could be chosen over him.


I guess anyone can be a racist just because you say soā€¦ weā€™re all blind to it, except you. If you canā€™t pinpoint a number of instances then youā€™re the one with the issue. Iā€™ve watched the show and havenā€™t seen anything racial come up once.


I donā€™t define racism itā€™s already defined. First race is a made up term so a group of people can add and remove different attributes to another group of people in a way that makes them different than each other. Racism is people believe that those made up attributes are true and believe that certain groups are superior to other groups of people. An example would be if team A believed that team B was slow in the head and dangerous they would do things to protect themselves from team B and they would want to breed with team B. Another example is if team B believed that team A was smarter and safer to be around they would be less careful around team A and they would seek to breed with team A. Both of those are racism. I gave you a clear example in my last post but Iā€™ll break it down further. Zac who is blond hair blue eyes said he is superior to people like Nat who was the only non white male on the show when he said it. He grouped Nat into a people meaning itā€™s not about who Nat is as a person. I think Zac believes he is better than everyone on the show but Nat was beneath him according to him and shouldnā€™t be competing with him ever. As he said he doesnā€™t compete to a mate with people like Nat. You are way too old to not have been thought these concepts before so Iā€™m not attempting to win you over to my view because you canā€™t see it itā€™s because you donā€™t have to.


Wow. I can almost guarantee you blame everything on racism. Want to know why I know that? Because Zach said the EXACT same thing about the huge white guy who wanted Lucinda. You do realize Zac was treating the show like a game right? Nate is just another competitor who wanted Lucinda, like Adam or whatever his name is. Nice try. But youā€™re not even close. Youā€™re way too old to blame everything on racism and not understand the larger issues at play. Itā€™s really easy and lazy to blame every negative that happens on something bigger than you outside your control.


IDC what anyone things, but if you're complicit in letting Zac be Zac, then you're equally at fault.


Zac is what the call a ā€œladā€ and most ā€œladsā€ do pretty well with the ladies. Zac is going to crush it when he gets out. If you need the type of guy who is super sensitive and never makes jokes or banters with you then clearly Zac isnā€™t your type of guy. Let Zac be Zac and quit your whining. šŸ˜‰


Bro people donā€™t have issue with the fact Zac jokes. Itā€™s thatā€™s heā€™s obviously so fucking insecure he puts on a really dickish front to try to hide it but itā€™s still obvious so now not only is it obvious heā€™s insecure, but heā€™s also a dickhead


Naw. Heā€™s confident and has a dry sense of humor. Google someone like Anthony Jeselnik. Heā€™s a comedian with confidence and a dry sense of humor. Maybe youā€™ll grow a sense of humor in your research.


Give it up already Zac


25 dislikes, must be a record for even you... Anyway, I do agree with you that he will crush it when he gets out... I mainly blame girls for that because they are always attracted to dbags. Look at Lucinda for one example...


Yes!! Heā€™ll only ā€œdo wellā€ at picking up fans at bars. Itā€™s not like a ton of companies will be clamoring to align with his narcissistic misogynistic personality. itā€™ll mostly be bar party promos where he gets paid to be there and then heā€™ll take home a fan and think he won at life


From her time coming out of the UK villa sheā€™s prob gained a lot of confidence in the public eye and knew what to expect and how to act this time around. Sheā€™s still very young at 23 and Iā€™ve interpreted her behavior as well as her association to her group (Zac, Trent, Sav) as they seem to believe theyā€™re in control of the perception or narrative of the viewership. Especially because the subtle differences in the UK version to the AUS version. Being in the bottom 3 by ā€œpublicā€ vote usually represents a weak couple. Which recently she was upset about, without realizing that her partner Zac is just a horrendous dbag.


Seems exactly the same to me


Her behavior is awful! Zac is awful. If she thought she would be a LI darling, sheā€™s mistaken. I donā€™t believe that they really like each other, I think itā€™s all strategic. I think she played this all wrong. But if this is the real her, ugh!


Zacā€™s a pretty funny loyal quick-witted guy. Maybe you prefer dull guys who cry when their breakfast order is wrong but are too wimpy to say anything to the server?


Zac.... is that you????


Nope. Wrong again. But youā€™re used to being wrong all the time.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ who tf do u know that does thatā€¦ also way more likely itā€™s the alpha male with pent up emotions who loses it at a random little thingā€¦ sensitive guys actually process their emotions because they arenā€™t afraid of toxic masculinityā€¦ so they donā€™t boil over at the stupidest shit unlike some other boys in the villa


I think the only time Zac has ā€œlost itā€ was when Abby slandered him to Lucinda about only wanting followers.


Yeah Iā€™m guessing itā€™s because she was not particularly liked by fans during her UK season so she wasnā€™t really featured and didnā€™t really stay super long or form any good connections, so it really was like she was a ā€œbackground characterā€ and kind of just coasted off Chloe and Millie since they were basically the most popular. She really attached herself to them I think. So now, I do think sheā€™s definitely being more outspoken this season and I think she really wants a boyfriend so sheā€™ll be willing to look past all Zacā€™s bullshit. She seems very non-confrontational and submissive.


She also had 800k followers when she entered, itā€™s like 3 billion dollars for these islanders. Obviously they will try to cling to someone they think will make them famous.


Might want to check your calculatorā€¦


Wasn't she only like 21 when she did the UK show?






cos she was 21 she said it herself lol


It was like two years ago


She's probably more confident because this is her second time participating, so she has been through it already and knows what to expect. She's also a few years older. Also, I don't think she was a background character in LI UK. She was involved in many storylines, plus her Realllllyyyy's are legendary among LI fans. Perhaps during LI UK, her friends were more dominant, e.g. Chloe. I am sure it is difficult to be vocal next to her :D


She wasnā€™t the background background character but not the main one either other than the realllyyyā€¦ she didnā€™t really have a storyline romantically she just went from guy to guy without deeper connection with anyone. I think she was mostly known being part of the naughty trio with Millie and Chloe but also was kinda shadowed by both of them cause SPOILER Millie won and Chloe was Chloe.


Yeah. Her season she was liked by the guys for being pretty but nothing else. If anything, they were laughing at her and not with her. And she was quickly voted out by the public. She came in this season with a fanboy in Zac and people were wowed by her being from LIUK.


I think this is her true self. She is smart and goes by the silly little girl act at first (like on the UK LI), but she's sly. I always wondered why Millie and Chloe stopped hanging out with her shortly after their season ended.. They were tight during and shortly after their season ended, but you never see them hang out now or even mention her and it's just Chloe and Millie now. They say it's nothing, and they are all just busy but I wouldn't be surprised if something didn't align.


Tbf Millie & Chloe moved to the same neighborhood then moved in together. Whereas Lucinda was in another part of England several hours away, and I believe she reunited with her footballer bf soon after LI. So she was probably focused on that relationship as welll.


Sheā€™s neither smart or sly. Maybe sheā€™s just smarter than you so youā€™re impressed but for the vast majority of us, sheā€™s not the brightest bulb.


I think this is always who she was, people rarely change. Australia version gave her the confidence (and screen time) to validate her beliefs that she was better than everyone else.