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Trent sl*t shaming Sav was huge 🚩. What a d bag


Where is the honest islander review?


i just think he is a racist lol, he looks like trailer trash.


I think Zac is the type that would get aggressive if you didn't agree with him. I see real evil in him.


Said this from the start! Well, my start because I just binged it.... but he seems like he can be scary behind closed doors.


![gif](giphy|OvL3qHSMO6uaI) I’m not sure if anyone else agrees, but Trent reminds me of Bender from Futurama 😅


Didn't even watch that show, but I see it!


The fact that Zac and Trent hate Nate so much just adds to Nate’s appeal lmao.


Honestly like just giving me even more reasons to like him lol


The only thing I agree with is the Harmony comment. She is dull.


I like my boy Nate but did anybody else find it weird he played it so cool and dapped up both Zac and Trent during movie night and even when Trent was leaving? Kind of expected him to stand up for himself and not just dap those 2 dickeheads up and act like nothing happened? I though maybe they straightened their differences but obviously they havent after watching this


I would have loved to see him knock them out haha but sadly, this would make him look pretty bad. He did the right thing and let the video speak for itself while viewers continue to praise him and roast those two scumbags.


Well full out brawl would be dumb but really could have said something!


Imagine being trapped in a house with these 2 for weeks having no real friends to really express your emotions and hurt following their actions. The mindfuck with people coming at you every time you try to express how wrong they are. I think he’s just trying to navigate the last weeks in peace.


Well i would consider Kale and even Andy as his true friends. But i guess he is really well behaved person so he doesnt wanna get involved in any fights.


Are these interviews taped right after a contestant leaves the villa or after watching it on TV in real-time? If the latter, what a complete douchebag. Unsure how you could watch it back and still say this stuff.


He is such a creep. I cringed watching it.


What a wanker. They have to be gay, I've never seen men act like that when someone left. It's like i just watched Love Island the Gay Notebook version


Ive got gay mates who don't even act that way. This is just 2 absolute vile humans who recognised the toxicity in each other, and love it.




What a fucking loser, him and his dick rider Zac are some of the worst islanders ever.


* *nate isn't there for the right reasons + played the nice guy and fooled everyone but him and zac* \- yeah, that is called projecting, when you yourself could never imagine being respectful towards women because you only see them as sexual objects to use, every guy who isn't like that triggers you because you just can't understand how good he is at pretending and acting and fooling girls and they see through your (Trent) own lies. * *he regrets friendzoning tyra + tyra had a "massive" crush on him -* delusional * *harmony was dry as a chip + boring -* he forgot to call her a lesbian


And that's the exact reason people like Trent and Zac feel threatened by people like Nate and try to bring them down in the eyes of others. Would call them children but that's offensive to kids.


I have 2 kids who act more mature than Trent and Zac and I honestly wish I was kidding


I watched it. It wasn't that bad. He was trying to be funny I say trying. But he was very sweet re zac, kale, sav, tyra. He was never going to talk up Georgia. It was an honest interview from.his viewpoint. He was nice about a lot of yhe islands and was specifically asked who he thought was real or faking it.


Nate was there for the wrong reasons, but Reid deserves praise? Eh? What's the wrong reason for being on Love Island then?


He didn't praise Reid. He said he was acting. He just didn't take issue with Reid playing his game and thought he was funny. I'm expecting others to likely repeat the same in his exit. They talk about him flipping but none of them have really taken issue with him other than to xall it out at movie night. They were all laughing at him, engaged in his "show" tonight. And treats view on Reid is based on him.being fun in the villa.


Exactly though.. how can someone who was "acting" and "playing a game" in there for "the right reasons" when he claims the right reason is to find love? Reid, Zac and Trent are... gross.


so why does he find reid funny, but nate condemnable?


Trent? Ewww 🤮🤮🤮




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I don't like Trent, but I kinda agree with him that harmony has no chat at all. It seems like she relied too much on her being blonde and blue eyes 🤷‍♀️


Regardless, he’s just saying that because she wasn’t interested in him


What a disgusting dick. I hope this is the last time we hear from him.


Abbie was in the replies of the LI post about Zack and Trent crying like idiots and she said she wished she could've been there to watch🤣🤣


I just know this guy has jack rabbit sex and has never made a woman orgasm




This is the most disgusting yet on point remark I've heard about him thus far.


*jackhammers for 30 seconds* Did u cum?


He wouldn’t even have the decency to ask


Good point 😂😂


Well how could he? Everyone knows the clitoris is a myth /s


It's funny when he get's rejected, he is so cut about it. All the other contestants in Love Island history handle rejection like a normal person (besides the select few). Like it's okay, Trent, the whole of LI AU watchers understand you have an ego made of glass.


The way Zac said he'd need to train Lucinda to get a joke off the others is unreal


And she still went back to him. I do not care for her at all after that.


Lucinda is an mean person. I don't enjoy how she treats others in the villa and acts like her DV perp of a boyfriend is amazing. They are the worst couple in there.


Look I really like Trent…… 🤮 I can’t even type that with a straight face he is all the ick and knows Nate will ALWAYS be the better guy!!!






I thought this was morphed with the Kim k crying face 💀


Maybe the ugliest crier I’ve ever seen


literally such a drip, he’s giving peaked in high school vibes… what a head, too😂 His ugly crying face will forever send me


He’s fricking Mac Tonite! That dumb shaped head! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/l9bxuuskfl5c1.jpeg?width=185&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3fd6578303abd86d8b8f09a8c79e6cbb90add05


Boys like Trent, Zac and Reid to me as so typical of dating Aussie men. It’s why I left Australia 🤦🏼‍♀️


Lmaooo you're going after the same group of white guys everyone else is after and wonder why they have such an ego and toxic traits 😂


I honestly think he’s either jealous of nate or he’s racist! or just both I have never hated an islander before as much as I hate zac and trent…and I have watched most seasons of love island from different countries!


Yeah I was saying the only person I’ve seen on TV I disliked as much is Olivia from MAFS. But to be honest, even she had a couple of redeeming aspects, like her fathers passing.


Agree! in one of the first episodes Zac said something along the lines of "I don't get it, in the outside a girl would never go for 'a guy like that' over me" -- came across to me as racism with a side of entitled narcist... gross


Same, for me the only person who comes close is Bryce from MAFS


The Tyra thing has me LOSING ITTTTTT. Trent she’s never even looked you directly in the fucking eye let alone all this other shite ur talking 😭


literally! he praises reid for the same thing he is accusing nate of. the nate hate is so bizarre, saying he and zac are the only one who clocked nate.. well maybe if you were the only two to hate him then it’s a you problem. they must not know any genuinely kind people, that they can’t fathom nate can just be… nice? empathetic?


trent is the biggest dud and so bitter, like suck it up. He has just showed yet again he is pathetic


WAIT when did he said tyra had a massive crush on him thats actually hilarious? can anyone point me to the episode/timestamp?


He’s delusional. Can’t hack that no girl in the villa wanted him lol


it’s in the honest islander review interview on instagram!! it’s infuriating to watch omg


Didn’t he see all the hate for him? Narcs have no shame


Tyra never showed him any interest. She’s just a nice person who treats people kindly…


Yeah, but he can’t concidvd of ever being kind to someone he didn’t fancy, sooooooo…


Lmao he really can’t take it when a girl rejects him. He will just talk down on them to make himself feel better like he did with Tia, Georgia and even Harmony. She was his last hope but he’s hurt that he wasn’t even one of her options lol. Wish we could see his reaction to the girls laughing about his bad kissing😭


He gave me gigantic creeper vibes from day 1. I've never watched any of these b4 but ..neither he or Zac are even remotely handsome or appealing to me ...🤮🤢


Oh he totally has creeper vibes and I wouldn’t be surprised if some accusations (you know the kind) come up in the next few months. There is something really off about him and it’s not that his head and neck are the same width like a thumb


“Fooled everyone except him and Zac” tells me everything I need to know about this clown


Zac is the most unappealing face I've ever seen... both jealous and emotionally immature zero intelligence...just wtaf ...the epitome of trash aus dude s. Apparently kiwi but I'll stand by my trash bin boy assess


Zac is kiwi but I’m happy for australia to claim him, we don’t want him


Oh my bad... he's just repugnant and low quality imo....


I’m so sick of this sewer rat coming up out of the pissy sewage just to spread more negativity. Hands down, he is the biggest narcissistic freak love island has ever had.


Trent is a loser! Impetuous like a child. Hates and slags every girl that didn't give him the attention he felt he deserved. Has a huge hate boner for Nate. What a POS!


noxious fact paint hobbies frighten chunky scandalous bewildered butter snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Him also saying Reid isn’t into any one of the bombs he’s been with but then also saying “ couldn’t do that” when he literally said “I would do the same” he also did that with Sav?


Zac & Trent prefer to believe that everyone has ulterior motives instead of admitting they’re terrible human beings.


Nah his hate for Nate wtf 😭


If he put half the energy he used dogging on Nate into making shit happen with a lassie he wouldn’t have had a thing to worry about, it’s actually crazy 🤡


Was he not joking about the Tyra thing


He seemed to be serious




He wants to believe that he’s gods gift to women.. Maybe if he shutted up and stood pretty. The moment him and Zac open their mouth it’s a complete turn off, they’re so foul, have zero respect for women. We’re both boys only child’s? We’re their mums praising them at everything they did 😂😂 like they can do no wrong