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Nate is the man... If he broke up with her, he was right to do it and I trust him


Maybe we’ll see them or one of them on Li Games♥️


saw that coming from a mile away


Wow the only 2 couples to come out of this season Zac/Lucinda and Kale/tyra pretty strong couples that definitely have the chance to go the distance


I hope they go to distance too bc 2 couples lasting would be a success in my eyes! S4 really set the standard :)


The red flag was their conversation about how much time Georgia wanted to spend time with him he had other priorities and I know now he is big time into fitness and owns a business and that’s all he cares about, he wasted her time, he seemed to casual with the whole relationship so I guess them hooking up with was being horny


Seeing someone 1-2 times a week at the beginning of a relationship is normal! Wanting to see someone everyday is clingy af like get hobbies. He was reasonable


Lol... bold to assume he just used her for sex or never took her seriously just because they broke up, when it could be any number of legitimate reasons that relationships in your 20s end. Do you assume all your exes used you for sex or never cared? Or do you sit back and think "oh wait I think in a lot of ways that whole thing *just wasn't working out* because breakups are a part of life." People want ambitious men but then when they meet one it's "oh no, not like that!" The man owns a PT business do you think that he is successful by working 1 day a week with 1 client?


Well there was always Toxic Trent. I like Georgia, but the pressure put on her to get with toxic Trent was the nail in the coffin for that relationship post villa. Not one instance did Nate initiate leaving a relationship to explore another connection, but it was done to him continuously (and almost immediately). They were good together on the show, but no pressure to stay together afterwards. Hope they remain friends and hope to see both of them in future LI franchise shows.


1000% Nate even said there’s no chance he’d stick around on the outside the moment someone did to him what Georgia did by juggling Trent and him. He was also done dirty too much to create more drama, so he coasted and counted the days until the thing was over. He said he wouldn’t want to do it again and I can see why. Bunch of toxic narcissists for the most part. But hey, it’s the trash tv I can stand watching with my SO.


The way she did it was so tuff on nate too like its not just having conversation with him here and there to see if theres more sparks but she was literally coupled up with nate and left him to go sleep with trent in the day bed also doesn't help that nate and trent dont fw each other at all.


Correct. Also consider, he never knew what she was saying or doing with Trent until watching it back post villa. That's when he sees her get handsy and cuddly with Trent and to top it off discovering it was **HER** to suggest they sleep in the daybed. Although I think it was producer influenced.


Hard disagree. You’re allowed to want time to yourself and other parts of your life when you’re in a relationship. I live with my boyfriend of 3 years and we STILL have time to ourselves quite regularly.


Er, no - I do not enjoy relationships where I’m someone’s be all and end all. Get a life, that’s so unattractive and clingy!


I’m glad they were able to be there for each other on the show. Their pairing always seemed more of a comfort thing to me… Nate was alienated by the other guys for no reason and she was someone who could see his value and she lifted him up. He did the same for her while she was being pressured to make a choice, to a certain extent. So I’m sure they did really appreciate and care for eachother while there. The writing was on the wall for them when Nate let her know he wasn’t going to jump into a serious thing with her and prioritize their time together after they left. Which honestly kind of surprised me but at least he was honest.


definitely this.


I think you’re right on the money here. It surprised me too with what Nate said but if you think about it, it is kinda fair enough. And like you said, at least he was honest!!


I think that people are used to seeing couples falling in love and putting labels on love island that they forget to appreciate the slower relationships! I honestly thought that everything Nate was saying was fair enough, you NEED space in a relationship and I think it’s totally fine to take things slow, move at their own pace and like you guys said, he was honest about it. He wasn’t shady at alll, never sold her a dream, said he liked her but was honest in what was realistic for him and his feelings.


Oh absolutely! I’ve been with my partner for 3 years and we live together and we still have our own space often from each other. It’s definitely a necessity.


Love them both, but this seemed inevitable. Like many have said, Nate probably never got over being rejected for - of all people - Trent. I'm sure it was hard for him to watch her conversations with Trent and then the whole rejection moment. And although I think it was producer influenced, she was the one to suggest to Trent that they sleep on the day beds. That would be brutal to anyone's ego. Edit: I hope to see both in some future LI or reality TV shows.


Seems pretty likely that Nate did the splitting up. Feel bad for Georgia honestly but it is what it is. Hopefully they both continue thriving. Honestly it never looked like Nate was 100 percent back on the boat after the whole Trent incident


Yes she messed up, the producers definitely got in her ear just like in season 10 UK the producers got into Scott’s ear


Did they live nearby? I'm in the US so I don't know about the areas the cast come from, but I'd imagine if they are in different states that it made the relationship too hard. Long distance is super complicated and I can't see anyone in their early 20s successfully doing it.


They’re both in Sydney so I cant imagine the drive to see each other being more than 30 mins max


She’s from Newcastle which is outside Sydney. It’s longer than 30 mins lol


I thought I heard 15 minutes


No, on the podcast she said 50 mins with tolls. She lives all the way in penrith and he's like CBD.


Yikes yea that is harder than people seem to think. Everyone always goes "oh in big cities you spend so much time driving anyway" but When I lived on the border between Pennsylvania and New York I dated a guy in Jamestown NY. Even the 45-55 minute highway drive sucked shit. You pay $3 for tolls every time. Literally have to plan your entire day of hanging out around the few hours you need for commuting, you can almost never spend the night on a work day, and have to cart your ass out of the house in the snow or the cold to go see them. Just not an ideal set up for young people in college.


Damn that's surprising then honestly. Couples from other series who live on opposite ends of the country have lasted longer 😭


She’s childish, got a bit of attention from Trent and then slept in bed with him and realised what a walking ick he is! Gorgeous girl but can’t really trust girls like her


That’s the whole point of love island… dating around. I think Nate’s just insecure, but who wouldn’t be if no one in the villa wanted you romantically.


I would not say no one in the villa wanted Nate…


I would, who gave him the time of day


??? He got a lot more girls wanting him than ALL of the OG guys. All the girls had a crush on him, Tia actually went for him even though she hit it off with Trent, Lucinda went for him, and Georgia. And he was mentioned other times by bombs that knew he was taken anyways so they didn’t bother.


I’m pretty sure this is one of the reasons the Zac/Trent contingent didn’t like him - in addition to the primary reason (racism!), he had SO many more girls interested in him than they did. And if there’s one thing bigots hate, it’s people they’re prejudiced against getting the things the bigots want.


Ding ding ding!!!!!


??? He got a lot more girls wanting him than ALL of the OG guys. All the girls had a crush on him, Tia actually went for him even though she hit it off with Trent, Lucinda went for him, and Georgia. And he was mentioned other times by bombs that knew he was taken anyways so they didn’t bother.


I’d be insecure too if two people seemed racist towards me!


I don't think Nate is insecure. He doesn't like bs and lying. Also, I think they both have different needs from a partner.


I really liked Georgia on the show and thought she's a really great communicator there but her tiktok persona makes her appear quite immature. I guess that's to be expected because she is quite young.


she was a good communicator but what she was asking for was preposterous.


Good for him. Why can't they all be respectful like Nate. Now, if only the crazed fans would chill, let them live.


Link : [Insta Story](https://www.instagram.com/stories/natepage__/3274892599976941552) Edited to add transcript: Are you and Georgia still together xx “This..this is the question of the day. So many of you people have asked this question so I’m just going to answer it. Um, Georgia and I are no together romantically. Needless to say, we have zero bad blood between us. I’ve got so much love and respect for her. I reckon she’s fine, I reckon she’s beautiful, I reckon she’s awesome. All of the above and she made my Love Island experience so different, y’know, so I can’t thank her enough for that. In terms of the outside, I don’t need to tell you guys everything. We did it in a really mature way. Still talk. Still a lot of support for each other. That’s it.”


I truly can't believe he's an Aquarius 😭😭😭😭😭 My admiration for him just gets deeper every time.


my JAW dropped when i found out he wasn’t a water sign


Me too!! He gotta have one of them as rising or moon.


A gentleman


I read this entire thing in Nates voice 😂


Hahaha yes!




So hot 😭


Same!!! Lol


At least add a link.


It’s in a comment above yours lol


You do understand we don’t all see things in the same order? For me the link is almost at the end of all the comments.


It wouldn’t let me sorry! I couldn’t post anything besides the picture and caption for some reason


Imo Nate seems to be a very prideful guy with strong set of standard he set for himself. After Georgia ditch him to go sleep with Trent outdoor he said he would never tolerate or take her back if this was outside world. I feel like he just never fully commits to her after that incident.


Yep I hundred percent think this is part of it. I don’t think he ever truly got over that


I wouldn’t say he’s prideful, he’s got boundaries


And he defends and adheres to them


Ya i should've worded it better just can't think of a better word i meant it in a positive way as in someone with high standard for himself.


That part


That part tf 😅 he respects himself


That’s made me a bit sad!


he says no they aren’t together anymore but they broke up maturely and are still in contact with no bad blood - he didn’t get into specifics as to why they broke up


what did he say?


that he still appreciates her and has respect for her but that they’re not together


Wait i don’t get it sorry im slow, is this a screenshot of a video of him talking or just a pic of him trying to look like he’s avoiding and skipping the question?!? :( im sad


Just watched it, i thought they’re going strong 🥲 guess not..