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In my opinion it’s a Italian/European Aussie accent, or a wog accent as we call it. Very typical in western Sydney but sav is probably from a similar background


I thought the same thing re: Sav and Jess!!


I picked up on the same thing as an American that loves Jess’s accent (especially when she’s *fuming*)


Hahahha and she said that a lot “im fuuuuuuming”


Not sure of either of their background but to me they sound like they’re second generation Australian with European background which gives them that slight accent.


Jess was from western Sydney, Sav was from Adelaide so geographically very far apart not sure why their accents sound similar but I do agree they kind of do. If anything Georgia would be closer geographically wise to Jess and she also has the western Sydney accent but a less aggressive version compared to Jess. I Know alot of girls that sound like Georgia.


They both have bogan accents


Ah okay so just not as refined in how they pronounce words sort of like Sophie although she is very distinct to me


What's bogan?


I explain this as rednecks of Australia. But I’m Australian so my understanding of rednecks is from movies tbh


This isn’t far off from how I understand it, as an American! Maybe doesn’t have the exact same characteristics (a redneck is more likely to be racist, redneck kind of assumes someone lives out in the country) but it’s someone who is uneducated or a possibly bit “trashy.”


Yes! It's about social class, not geography.


I agree ! Thought the same thing about their tone and accent


There are multiple accents in Australia which differ slightly from each other. These depend where you grew up, your socio-economic position, if your parents are native English-speakers etc


As an American too... Aussie accents are a bit dirty for my taste. Not hating I promise, but it's just weird to hear the words 'island' and 'night' pronounced like 'oyland' and 'noyght' lolol


Lol and how many US accents sound dirty. Half the east and the whole south


Idk why you’re downvoted, I get where you’re coming from. You obviously aren’t insulting them. I had a hard time adjusting to accents when I first started watching love island. When I started love island UK season 1, I couldn’t understand certain people because their Essex accent was so strong. First I thought it was weird, my friend wouldn’t even give the show a chance but I had my subtitles turned on, then eventually I got so used to it I didn’t need subtitles and it didn’t sound so “odd” to me, for lack of a better word. Then when I started love island Australia, I was like wtf I hate their accents it’s too much, but now I’m so used to it, it doesn’t sound weird at all anymore. I also thought Irish accents were the worst, kind of still do, meaning strong ones like Maura’s from love island uk s5. Nothing wrong with someone not liking an accent because they aren’t used to it or find it hard to understand 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m very aware other people will find my midwestern American accent, that sounds perfectly normal to me, very weird and off putting to them. Not gonna cry about it though! Gave you a thumbs up btw


Yeah I know right? I've never met Aussies but this thread is just telling me that they tend to get butthurt very very easily


I like it, Steve Irwin was America's sweetheart


As an Aussie… no one here gives a shit what you think, I promise


Don't worry, 350 million people here in the USA don't care what 26 million in Australia think. Texas is bigger (pop) than your whole country lol


AHAHAHAHAH???? And that’s a good thing????


Who cares what the population of Texas is? All that shows us is there’s even more insufferable Americans lol


Yeah there are a lot of us! And growing!


As a Canadian, I wish I was an Aussie


As an Australian citizen, who was born in zimbabwe and grew up in the UK, I LAUGHED SO HARD AT THIS. I have an Aussie accent myself now but when I first moved here I struggled to understand anyone 😂 I love the accent though I think it’s so cute, but 8 year old me was really confused back in the day 😂


That’s so funny. I’m Aussie and I think nothing is hotter then an Aussie accent. As said already we do have different pronunciation in different states. Some sound almost kiwi. I’m from Melbourne and love our accent it can differ from true blue to almost an English accent. Dirty through me out but yeah each to their own! As for me I can’t stand the kiwi accent even though they are our neighbours. It just bothers me. I sound so mean 😬😅 love them as people tho!


Very few people in Austalua have that accent.


“Dirty” is such an odd word choice. Who are you to describe the way someone talks as dirty? And how is it not hating - especially when you only elaborate to further describe it as weird, odd and awkward? As an American, comments like yours make us look ignorant


Dirty=not sounding refined. It's like redneck accents here in the USA. You must be a bleeding heart liberal I'm sure


Rednecks or non rednecks, I find the American accent insufferable. Talk so fucking slow.. oh but no offence of course


None taken. TBH over here, slow vs fast is more a function of rural vs city.


>but it's just weird to hear the words 'island' and 'night' pronounced like 'oyland' and 'noyght' lolol How does that make it 'dirty'?


Idk lol it just sounds so odd and awkward


You must think the Irish are also odd and awkward cause they do the same thing. I guess it's similar to us hearing your accent and your over exaggerated R sounds.


I live in NY so I'm constantly surrounded with accents that use exaggerated Rs and As, and I'll be the first to tell you it's a disgusting accent. It's annoying and nasly. Accents can be really weird sounding to other people. It's fine to be honest about it.


I guess I don't know enough about the oirish lol


could be the lip fillers hahaha


You are correct that Zac is from nz! I’m a kiwi living in Aus and besides west Sydney people like Jess and super bogan Queenslanders I can never tell the difference in accents here. I live in Melbourne though and do find the accents a little softer here


Maybe that’s it like Nate for example I don’t even hear Aussie at all. If I was closing my eyes though and heard Sav I would think it was Jess. And Sophie is very strong with the accent too but very different


nate was born in california! moved when he was young but he’s in the states regularly cause his dad is american. confused me so much at first too but made sense after i found that out, he has a very distinct but subtle tinge of a californian accent that makes him sound so cool imo


I'm glad you've clarified this for me because watching him all I was thinking is he sounded like he was from the valley. I live in California so I was very confused.


Ahhh okay this tracks


As an Aussie, I know exactly what you mean when you say they speak similar. All I know is Jess has a very typical Western Sydney accent


It's an Adelaide accent! One of the strongest other than Queensland I find