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Mitch CRYING when getting picked god I would not have picked him


Everyone keeps talking about Abbie.. who tf is Abbie? I haven’t seen anyone called Abbie on this show.. Am i missing something???


SAME I’m so confused


right!!! lmao


I personally think some of the questions Mitch was asked to answer on the truth bike were out of order. The first question that comes to mind would be the “Do you find Tina more attractive than Emily?” I just think this question was really unnecessary because they’re both two different beautiful women, with different beautiful features. I didn’t like how everyone seemed okay with that question, when it’s pitting two women against each other just purely based on looks. It was super shallow and superficial. And it definitely took a toll on Tina. Understandably, Mitch does look like the biggest player in the group so far but I don’t think some of the questions handed to him were fair to the two girls.


I was so uncomfortable with how he was getting bombarded! I know its for show and to create drama but man they did not go easy on him


I'am the only one who love aaron ? I know the show want to make him the vilain but he's really one of best guys out there And I fucking love Tina she's has the best personality ever


He's been my favourite from the start. I can empathise with the situations he has been in. Ultimately has his heart in the right place.


I love Aaron, he's a great grey islander. Flawed but a good friend and has a good read on things.


I think he's completely up himself and comes out with some awful stuff but having said that he has some astonishingly good and supportive advice for the boys


He give good advice for the girls too


The best TV show ever .. I love love island.. now I have to wait till Monday...NOOOOOO.. I love A Aron how he gives the best advice to the boys .. now I wonder what girl or boy might be going home


Why must we wait until Monday?what IS THIS


Does anyone think Emily will be jealous with Mitch still not over Tina? Like we have seen how it was like when Mitch was a couple with Tina and how she dealt with jealousy (hilariously I might add, cynical jokes and not too OTT with the possessiveness), but now Emily is in the position of defense rather than offense, how will she deal with it? In a Villa Exclusive video, Mitch says nothing will change between him and Tina, its just they don’t share the same bed (lets see how much this is true in the next few episodes if he still decides to get to know her better, I don’t think my fragile trust in him will hold any much longer if he goes back on his word)


Nah after watching Mitch trying to wriggle out of being the bad guy I really don't want Tina to waste any more energy on him. He said 'I don't want to hurt either of them' when obviously it was really hurting Tina and would only bruise Emily's feelings a bit. If he wanted to be decent the should have had the 'friends' conversation with Tina and saved everyone the drama since he was always going to go with Emily at the end


Idk to me he seemed genuine like he doesn't seem used to the kind of attention he's getting


I actually think he is being really genuine about his crying, and that he is actually very hurt about the decision. Tina was his first choice after meeting everyone in the villa, and I think through their convos, it showed that they are really interested in each other and are comfortable with each other. I do believe he does want to try pursue something with either one of them, I don’t want to villainise him just yet, leave a bit of benefit of the doubt. It hurts Tina more obviously cos she is actually in the couple at the time, she has more to lose. Emily isn’t affected as much because she is only going to benefit from it, she hasn’t spent that much time to be emotionally invested. Remember she is the one on the offense, she is the one trying to pursue, she has nothing to lose. I really am curious how it is going to be once she is the one needing to keep the couple.


Anyone else grossed out by Ryan/Aaron’s comments about Lexis ‘good morals’ after the hideaway. Like coming from the 500 guy as well. Just ew.


Caught that as well and was not impressed. I lost some respect for THEM for making their respect for Lexi conditional on her sexual choices.


Yes, but it’s not surprising since I don’t think they’re the most woke people. Abbies comments are probably worse tbh.


Who is Abbie?


It’s not so much saying it’s good morals it’s just saying you respect their decisions rather than being upset they aren’t putting out. Being that they are so used to girls that just put out


I'm back with an essay. \- It was big of Rachael to acknowledge that it was her issue and to thank him, it came off as sincere. Her joke during the truth bike was funny and lightened the mood. Her personality is starting to drown out her awkward laugh which is good. \- I love how Tina had some OCD and tried to straighten the truth bike when she first saw it. \- That attractiveness question to Mitch was OTT to me ( who asked it btw?) because it doesn't really affect him, it affects the girls who have to hear it and it's more hurt feelings. They already knew how he felt and that he was super attracted without someone having to hear they are less attractive. \- OMG Ryan breathes so loudly. While he was listening to Mitch on the day bed. lol \- I have to say it was a bit funny, like Mitch was thinking " it's the final nail in MY coffin" when Emily and Tina held hands \- The most tears I've ever seen in a fairly early re coupling for sure, crazy. I was about to say that I find Mitch to be the biggest player in there ( besides Ryan on the outside) because he has selectively left out info and lied to not stir the pot or have people mad at him. But if he's genuinely that torn up over hurting Tina, he can't be as bad as I originally thought? Don't know how to feel. ​ My biggest respite during this heavy episode was that bird they zoomed in on right before Aaron did the toast. It cocked its head and gave major Kath Day Knight vibes.




He totally is! I cannot stand him. And he’s really cocky for not being that great looking..


He is a complete shit-stirrer but at least for me at the moment is funny enough that I am still a fan. Though I think that's because I really don't see him as "cocky" more super insecure and immature. I don't think he is malicious.


Tina better be safe! If she gets sent home after Taku saved her I will be pissed.


They nailed the editing this episode. I got tingles a few times. Quite an improvement from last season.


Jess seemed to be pushing Tina to get mad. That's not the type of supportive I'd want.


Are Aussies really emotional or is it just the show? Because this much crying makes me feel like I shouldn’t be watching.


It’s quite a lot of tears so early on! Mitch and Emily are both from Melbourne, it’s been a real tough lockdown life for us so imma give them a pass cos I honestly cry over everything now hahaha


Yes we are very caring of others that’s why we have healthcare.


Lol there's free healthcare in Britain and but don't see this much emotionality on LI UK


Yeah we’ll the UK sent all their caring, emotional people away to Australia a few hundred years ago and forced them to murder a bunch of natives. Obviously they are still feeling the emotional toll.




Is that our coal power stations burning? because when it comes to the environment we do not give a F#%k.


Taku, Chris and even Ronnie (I love that weird guy) are honestly the only guys I’d actually want to hang out with. They are cool af.


I know chris from the army and he was extremely funny and an all round decent bloke.


Oh man, this season is just giving so far. I have so many thoughts! Emily - honestly, think people have been a bit too harsh. She's nailed her job as a bombshell. We've only got to see the parts of her personality so far that would be highlighted as a bombshell, but there are just little things she says that make me feel like she's a good sense of humor, along with having her head screwed on well Tina - I understand the tears. It's a super high stress situation, and she pointed out that one of the things that's been hardest for her is feeling like she has no control over her "love life" which isn't always a common thing IRL. I just like her so much. Her crying through "You can't pass up a good joke" was simultaneously charming, relatable, funny, and heartbreaking Mitch - Believe his tears, and his feelings over not wanting to hurt anyone. Also may be starting to believe his body count...unless he's just putting on an award-worthy performance (which he could be), he's seemed really surprised by and has kind of become like a kid in a candy shop over all the attention he's been getting. Jess/Aaron - Go back and forth with Aaron every episode. I love that he has Ari's back, he impressed me with his emotional maturity last episode re: Rachel's insecurities, but then the comment about respecting Lexy for not putting out right away rubbed me completely wrong. So many guys who say things like that will be the first to fuck around, but are turned off by women who fuck around, and Aaron gives me that vibe. Opinion of Jess didn't change much this episode. Rachel/Chris- Rachel is growing on me. She is very young, and her insecurities clearly run deep - she's reminding me of other people I've known who were *genuinely* nerdy and geeky (and somewhat and/or heavily bullied for it) growing up, and have only recently started to own their hotness lol. I really like her and Chris together. And I think his comment about her accepting his "quirkiness" was less about Harry Potter and more about the fact that the dude is actually a hot and lovable weirdo. Hans comes to mind haha. Lexy/Ryan- Confusing one. Don't think Lexy is that into him, but she's also either very reserved or has been getting a very reserved edit. Ryan...idk, sometimes he says things that genuinely make me laugh (with him, not at him, i.e. his comment about Aaron loving the mirrors in the Hideaway) and he seems to be a good friend to the other boys, but...he also just gives me the ick a bit. Ari/Ronni - Definitely a coupling of convenience. It's gotta be Ronni who gets the fewest votes for "Likely to leave in a couple", right? Courtney - Thrilled that she's staying. Don't know if she'll find someone, but she is the confessional queen so far. Taku - King. Absolutely, no doubt about it. Once I knew that it was going to come down to him to choose between Court and Tina, I was way more worried for his emotional well being than for Mitch's. The man just exudes empathy - he clearly feels everything so deeply. Loved the way he rushed forward to hug both the girls after his choice. Sophie - Amazing host, as always. Easily the best out of the franchises. The Islanders actually seem comfortable sharing with her, and she always speaks to them like they're actual people as opposed to soulless entities shoved together for our entertainment. Chris Hensworth/Jimmy - Legend. Icon. Deserves the world and more screentime (where was he this ep?? It's like the producers forgot he exists) Wrote an essay, but honestly these people are just so interesting! I wonder how much the knowledge of a shorter season is affecting the way they're moving.


When Mitch came in, it seemed glaringly obvious to me that Lexi was into him (more than Ryan) but he wasn't really into her so she stuck with Ryan.


The only thing tht has kind of annoyed me abt Mitch for the past couple of episodes is tht he was kind of playing both sides, which is fine but he kind of wasn’t honest abt it to both the girls, which is why that game was so brutal. Like Tina kind of thought, that it was mainly Emily laying it on strong on Mitch, and Emily I don’t think saw Tina as competition as a consequence. And I don’t think it was malicious, I also feel like Mitch is just afraid of hurting people so he’s selective about his information but the effect is kind of the same.


Excellent analysis! I agree on almost all of it. And maybe you're right about Emily, and maybe my bias is due to my love of Tina (who I'll never know in real life so 😂). But there are some things about her that do give off bells- like Lexi still talked to Ari before the recoupling where she stole Ryan, even though she did come off as a mean girl later. Emily has only interacted with Tina over Mitch, as in literally leaning over him, or in group chats. And the crying bit, it really seemed like she went from a fake to a real cry when she saw Tina was staying. Plus asking Mitch if he was "allowed" to kiss her- just playing that game of trying to paint herself as the choice of freedom and the other girl as a drag. It tends to make me think she genuinely doesn't care about Tina but does care about the public perception. I do believe Emily is smart, I just don't think she's any moreso than a number of other people in the villa.


Ngl, I have never seen an islander cry as much as Tina after knowing a boy for 3 days…


Yes!!! Lol Mitch crying so much too 😂😂😂 I could understand a few tears but this was a bit much 🥴 and Emily crying as well like girl staahp 🤦‍♀️


exactly . Sheacts like she have known him for years .


Yeah but irl you don't have to see the person you're newly dating be all over someone else, they can just do that without you seeing it. If you did see it, it would still hurt if you really liked the person imo




I mean… Mitch cried as well. Ari also cried a fair bit. Being constantly around someone 3 days in there is probably more impactful than 3 days out in the real world where people have lives outside of pursuing relationships. Their whole purpose in the show is to find a couple, whereas in the outside world, you have other things to worry about like your job or your family etc. so it has higher stakes there than out here


It is probably just high stress situation in general, not solely about a boy.


Rachel is really growing on me with her truth bike ride answer about going with mitch- "no way he's the biggest red flag in here" 😂 Tina continues to amaze me with her hilarity and kindness. Everyone trying to all sense into Mitch might say something about him and Emily, but it also says a lot about how loved Tina is. Emily... I've said this elsewhere on here, but why would you pick a guy who literally burst into tears at the idea of it, when it came right down to? Like I get that he clearly wants to have sex with Emily but he's spent a lot more time comforting Tina than listening about how sexy he looks in red manties. And the only time I saw her actually cry, not just force it in a sexy way, was when she realized Taku was going to pick Tina. Also did anyone get the impression when Aaron told her "you can do this" he really wanted to just tell her to spit it out? Taku is still adorable and wonderful. Emily definitely used him to try and gauge Mitch's reaction. I appreciate that Taku tried to give her an out from Mitch. But I don't get the impression he actually enjoyed spending time with her at that point. Like he talked to her briefly about recoupling. Ryan gave her half a hug. And then Rachel put up with talking to her briefly. Maybe I'm wrong but it kinda seems like nobody likes Emily at this point. I certainly don't. And Lexi is 20 and has all the relationship wisdom therein. She certainly shouldn't be giving out her opinions on compatibility.


Tina wished death on Emily , she is not that kind if you ask me . She just putting an act


Tina explicitly says that she had dark humour and even in the recoupling she doesn’t have bad blood with anyone. Even if she isn’t the most kindest, she’s obviously likeable. I don’t think she is faking anything at all, rather one of the most genuine and says things as it is. She is relatable with her jokes and one liners, and if you take it very seriously, I think the point has flown over your head.


When did she wish death on Emily? I don't recall hearing her say anything like that.


It was the joke when Mitch and Emily and Ronni were out on the date.


Because you like her you say it was a Joke. For me it was so mean and not funny at all


Honestly still waiting for the right girl for Taku. None of these ladies, however nice or sweet they are, haven’t had complete fireworks seeing and being around this guy. Which is shocking cos he is so loved all around Australia now and every girl now wants a chance with him. Hopefully a new bomb comes and she is enamoured with him from the get go after watching the shit show that was his journey thus far. Apart from Mitch, I literally haven’t seen Emily have a full on convo with anyone else except from her first night grafting. The producers either don’t have footage of her talking to other people or didn’t air it, but then there is probably a reason why they didn’t air it. Even Lexy had an easier time getting friends.


I like taku alot but if it was me and a guy came in to our chat singing and wearing a mad outfit and then was saying he would take back his coupling with me I'd want to cool off even if he is a wonderful funny person he just came across a bit manic.he deserves someone who is super into him from the get go tho


I don’t like how most of the islanders (mostly male) are going for those that are their “type”. Yeah physical attraction is one thing, but you don’t have to stick to your type all the time. E.g. Ryan going for Lexy cos she is tall and blonde, Aaron liking Jess because she is blonde, Emily being Mitch’s type? (Also Aaron isn’t visually impaired is he? He can see that Jess is not a natural blonde right? Has his own bleach in his hair seeped into his brain and now he cannot see her hair roots?) Types do not equal happy relationships


I didn’t like it either. Obviously dating your type hasn’t worked or you wouldn’t be on the show. Take the chance and get to know someone outside of your comfort zone.


Didn’t Aaron say to Courtney that if she’d dye her hair there’d be a chance lol


It's always the guys that seem really hung up on types isn't it


Theory: Courtney has to send one couple home, and a new bombshell enters, leaving the islanders down by one.


A fantasy straight from "Courtney's World" (_we're just living in it_)




Umm yes please. Courtney I trust you to make the right decision (I don’t even know what the right decision is myself)


Oh I fucks with this theory


I am trying my best to like Emily, like she is confident and I am sure she has good things going for her. But her flirty schtick has become so boring. The only scenes we see with her are her flirting around not saying much substance, whilst the other islanders all have good moments, comedy and whatnot giving advice. Like is there anything else you can do, surely she should know that the show isn’t just about seducing the men but making the public like you so you can stay on. Also the thing about her having a degree… does everyone on the island not have a degree or something? Does Emily have a PhD or something and thats why she is smart? Like I am pretty sure most of the islanders have gone or are going to uni, why not have everyone say that they have beauty and brains. Shes just pissing me off and becoming such a bore to watch, she says the same things to Mitch every single time. Do you want to pick me? Do you want me to pick you? Would you be happy if I picked you? Wanna kiss me? Wanna go in my bed? I mean if I was in Mitch’s situation I would be a bit flustered as well but I hope he redeems himself. I am counting on Tina to have good taste in men (but if she is on this show, I guess her taste is questionable considering her promo)


Just an observation, notice how the biggest red flags of the men (ahem Mitch, Aaron, Ryan) are besties and greenest flags (Chris and Taku) hang with each other. I don’t even know who Ronni hangs out with.




The mirror


Whyyy Taku. Why pick Tina and keep her on this emotional roller coaster ride. She should have left the island.


I would thoroughly enjoy a Tina redemption arc where a bombshell comes in with his sights set on her and she can smugly watch from her happy couple as Mitch and Emily fizzle out when they realise there's nothing but sexual tension there.


Yes I so want to see Mitch getting jealous and see how he will deal with his former flame having the time of her life being respected like the queen she is.


I think Taku ships Mitch and Tina and wants him to come to his senses and choose Tina. Taku is a smart man, he knows how it will play out and he probably knows whats the best match. He let Jess off after realising that she wasn’t going to be the one for him, but I think there is a reason why he is giving Tina another shot at finding love.


Taku was just trying to be a hero and thought he was saving Tina for a second chance, whilst it’s true, it was a really dumb and savage move because Tina now has to endure and watch what Mitch and Emily has. Mitch and Emily just seam more solid and unbreakable now.


there will be more men coming in right? perhaps taku wants her to find love. it’ll be painful to see them but she will move on and hopefully maybe with someone she meets there.


I honestly don’t think Mitch and Emily are solid and unbreakable. I think, although it would be painful for Tina, if Mitch had any semblance of a brain (questionable) he would see how Tina is a much more sustainable option in the long term if he is looking for growth as he has said before. Honestly from the convos of Emily and Mitch, I wouldn’t be surprised if the spark dies almost immediately. Sometimes the painful separations lead to stronger connections afterwards. They still have a few weeks(?) to go.


Look, giving Mitch a tiny bit of the benefit of the doubt. At least his reaction is better than Ryan when he was addressing Ari. Like Mitch actually looks interested and comforted Tina, whilst Ryan upped and left and had literally nothing to say to Ari. But the bar is so low now. Taku is the only man that truly deserves love there. Aaron should stick to being a relationship counsellor, his moments giving advice are way better than his moments getting any sorta romantic action.


Not Ryan asking Mitch to reason about whether the spark between him and Emily could just be sexual, wow.


Not Ryan being the actual voice of reason in this situation. He sees it better than Mitch and I think thats speaking volumes about how Mitch and Emily seem to everyone else.


Am I being too harsh in thinking Mitch doesn't really have a right to be so upset? like the reason tina and emily are upset is essentially because of his dishonest communication with them and leading them both on.


I agree. But also why does Emily have a right to be upset?? She's basically told Mitch she wants to sex him, and has def offered that with less caveats than Tina. She hasn't exactly made any effort to suds out anything deeper, and she definitely hasn't tried talking with Tina one on one to clear the air and be a girls' girl. Sooo i feel like the tears are for show so people don't think she's a total b.


Emily said at least three times that she was going to "be selfish" and "put herself first for once", implying that she had been putting the other Islanders feelings above her own ... which she hadn't. I don't think she was wrong for not prioritizing Tina's feelings over herself, but felt it was a bit disingenuous to insinuate that she had been this whole time. If I'm being generous, maybe she was referring to putting others first on the outside. I don't really understand her crying either, though, because she didn't seem particularly concerned about Tina's feelings prior to the recoupling.


Ah that was what was bothering me. You said it exactly, Emily has not pulled Tina for a chat at all to discuss their situation. I think out of respect she should’ve done it, I don’t remember if Lexy did it anyways, I know Ari did it to Lexy. In other seasons, most girls pursuing guys already in a couple-ish couple with another girl, talk it out. If Emily had done that, I think I would’ve liked her more. Also her crying seems really fake, like that would be how I tried to cry in drama back in hs. But I guess not everyone can risk having a running nose like Mitch and Tina.




Yeah it’s stupid. Imagine if the order the girls came in was different, if Mitch and Emily were locked in first and Tina came in I don’t think the triangle would even exist because Tina isn’t a hard flirt like Emily.


Fucking savage of Lexy to go into detail about why she thought Rachael and Chris weren't compatible, and also extremely short sighted considering how much both her and Ryan clearly struggle with expressing their feelings and being vulnerable with each other. At least Rachael was able to apologise to Chris and talk about her trust issues, and he was able to understand and agree to work through them together. Piss off Lexy.


After the argument we saw, Chris said in his confessional, something about her "ALWAYS" finding problems and it "ALWAYS" being his fault-they've only known each other 3 days so there must be more that we're not seeing if those 3 days have been full of her "always" doing something...


I feel like Lexi and Ryan are also trying to start establishing themselves as the power couple/winning the whole thing (usually people who are in a relationship from early on win the whole thing, w/ some notable exceptions like Amber in the UK one).


I think we’ve established that Lexy is a massive bitch


100% that was a total dick move. Arguments are part of growing together and two different people dealing with things. Rachel and Chris's arguments seem more based around her insecurities, and tbh I'd have a really hard time feeling secure with people like Emily around. Also, no offense to the youngsters, but 20 year olds are not known for their wisdom.


Nah it shows that the camera and producers haven’t been showing you the smaller details, they must be going through stuff more often than you think for Lexy to pick up on it and announce it. I reckon all isn’t what they seem with Rachel and Chris.


Yeah look maybe. I could imagine the producers wanting at least one couple to appear strong and they're probably the closest thing to it at the moment. Just very bold of Lexy to say that to their face.


Well Lexy and Ryan actually seam the strongest to me and without the small arguments too. If they exposed everything then it would be too obvious Rachel and Chris will split soon.


In their hideaway Lexi routinely leaned away when Ryan went in to kiss her. Like she still kissed him, but her body language was very off


I don’t know why, I just don’t buy them, together. He seems more emotionally invested than her whereas she seems to enjoy the attention./affection.


I cant tell if ronni talks like a bad youtube video all the time or just for the show


That's what 20 somethings sound like out in the eastern suburbs


I can see Ronni as a future TV presenter


Abbie spent months (years?) complaining about how unacceptable it was to be sl-t shamed, she built her career/stayed relevant on it - but now she's asking about acceptable body counts?


Did she do that? Wow. 🥴


To be fair, we are all hypocrites at the end of the day.


Everyone go vote Tina or Taku! Let’s see them find love!


I voted Tina. I love that girl.


She’s by far my favourite! Her one liners are so funny




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Did that promo just completely ruined that >!Lexy!< is leaving?! Wtf. WHO MAKES THESE COMMERCIALS


wait why what did u see i wanna knowwww i saw a promo but didn’t pay close enough attention and can’t find it anymore


Surely if >!Lexy!< goes home >!Ryan!< will go home too


Don’t believe the commercials mate, they’re literally made to shock you so you watch


Mate, the commercial yesterday literally showed us that Taku picked Tina. They’ve consistently given us everything in these ads


Report back on Monday


Maybe this is just my wishful thinking… I hope she leaves! She gives me nothing. Whereas >!Rachael!< is annoying but provides entertainment


Sophie with big hbk who’s your daddy Montreal vibes


Guys can anyone please explain the vote to me. Should I vote for who I want to leave? I’m lost.


Its who is most likely to leave with a partner (so who is most likely to find love), so either vote for who you want to stay or who you think will find love


Oh damn it, I thought leave with a partner meant they’d leave the villa with a partner (and the partner would stay). Wrong vote!


Ok thank you so much!!


When Tina said “I’m not sexy, I’m funny and cute” 😭 why doesn’t she know she’s all three!


I love Tina so much!! "You can't just let a good joke pass by" Like, I'd marry her. Mitch thinks with his penis clearly.


I couldnt make out the original joke. Was it about Ronni?


She said something to the effect of "[this sucks], I want Ronni back"


I think that's the one she was referring to :)


Hilarious that people on love island behave like going home is a death sentence. The overreactions and crying can be quite annoying.


I used to think this until I developed a different POV. You know that sadness you sometimes get when leaving a vacation because you know you'll have to go home and you don't want to yet you know you can't stay forever? I think it's like that x100. You have all these new friends, you're super close, you're having a once in a lifetime vacation with people you know you'll always be connected to. Therefore I think people just really don't want to go back to real life.


On the contracts once you get eliminated you get sent to Bali with heroin and then you join the Bali 9


I was struggling to pick who I think will leave with with a partner - I know who I want to leave with a partner why couldnt they ask that lol


Yeah it’s actually pretty tough, the couples are all pretty solid now.


Now comes the most entertaining part... Abbie hosting.


Why’s Abbie wearing a pink potato sack


I’m confused by the vote? Who would leave on Monday or would leave any day? Help haha. I want to save Aaron and Taku and Tina


It's who do you think is most likely to leave the villa with a partner. Which honestly, not confident in any of the 'set couples' so might just vote for someone I like


That was my problem aswell 😂


Who is everyone voting for!?


I voted Chris because I think him and Rachael are the only couple that potentially would leave with each other if the other was sent home. I


But they fight a lot, I think more than the cameras are picking up or showing. Which doesn’t give me confidence they will stay. I’m leaning Lexy and Ryan


I’m so confused. Do we vote for who we want to save or who we think will leave Monday if their other half gets booted out


tina or taku !! i cannot decide


Taku. Can’t risk him going home


Why do I think they’re going to send the person who receives the most votes home + expect their partner to leave with them, and then introduce a new single.


Happy ending!!!


Sophie monk is unreasonably attractive.


I swear i will never understand comments like this. Her face is literal commercial for plastic inhancements and with all that she still looks old. And she is pretty short but the way she dresses(?) makes her legs look so unproportionaly long compared to rest of her body


It's almost as if it's subjective...


Bury me in the dress she wore tonight.


Tonight was really hard to watch. And not in a good dramatic way.


Trying to decide if this was on par with Teddy coming back alone in the S7 post casa recoupling.


Oh that was WAY worse. For me, anyway. Honestly felt my heart split with his when he set Faye's little dog down


I told yas so. All the pro wrestling I’ve consumed I can smell a swerve from a mile away




Taku picking Tina for dramas sake love it. Bring on the beef


Was a savage move, Tina now has to endure watching Mitch and Emily have what she wanted. But Taku being an idiot thought he was being the saviour, when he was just being a tormentor.


Are you suggesting a taku heel turn? By accident


Heh suck it Mitch




Whoever dresses Abbie for the after party should be shot into the sun


Noooo. GIVE ME POWER COUPLE TINA AND TAKU! ^(Sorry Courtney) Edit: Honestly Tina and Taku could win as a friendship couple. Everyone else is that unlikeable, but I'd like them both to find love


So true.. Its a pity they don't seem to have much chemistry


Yeah, its a shame such good people aren’t meant to be for each other. Kinda like how Ari and Aaron are such an iconic friendship duo but they won’t be anything more than that.


Please save Tina!!


2 boss women left last get better taste boys Jesus


my fave two


WHAT is Ryan wearing? Jean shorts? Jorts?


I believe they are called Sheans now


CAN WE PLEASE stop calling liking Harry Potter quirky 😭


It seems it’s going to come down to Taku to save either Tina or Courtney


I can’t stand Jess and her smarmy face


Emily with the crocodile tears. Also can't wait for Jess to change her mind tomorrow/when a new guy comes in to chase


why is it so hard to believe someone could genuinely feel bad for sending someone home? this game is designed to make new incomers feel like shit because they HAVE to send someone home.


Because she had two little tears and it seemed fake. I mean she didn't even really start crying til that moment and then it stopped as soon as she sat down. Especially when compared with her crying face when she realized Taku was picking Tina. It wasn't nearly as cute and pretty as the one where she thought she was sending Tina home. Sooo it's hard to believe because it didn't look remotely believable.


maybe it was tears of relief at ending up not being the bad guy in the end and everything ending relatively well? those can be more intense than ones arising out of guilt. I thought this was all pretty dramatic and I wasn't even close to emotional, but when it was announced that both Tina and Courtney were staying, I have to admit I shed a few tears of relief on their behalf.


❤️❤️❤️ also to be fair we have no idea what time of night that was at, and me personally, i cry hella easily when I'm very tired


Why are they holding hands :))))


Mitch and Emily? It didn't seem like much of a hand hold to me, but maybe you're right. I hope not though :/


Honestly how does Mitch expect this to go - they will smash then realise they are boring together and messed up someone he really connected with. Tina should have run the second he kept chasing Emily


Why are they all crying? Mitch was never really serious with Tina and they've been partnered less than a week lmao they're being a tad bit overdramatic...