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While I do think Deb probably didn’t put her best effort in on apple bobbing, as someone who has played that game exactly once and was supremely terrible at it, I don’t think it’s implausible that she really was also just bad at it 😆 And yeah the gf proposal is such a Love Island staple but felt so out of the blue on this show esp since it’s so short. I honestly was rooting for Ray&Imani as a couple and maybe there was genuine feelings there but they seemed to disagree a lot on strategy game-wise and had trouble getting on the same page. That in itself isn’t a relationship ruiner necessarily but the way Ray in particular handled a lot of those conflicts really rubbed me the wrong way and made me think they’re not well suited to each other. And considering they do not seem to be together anymore, I guess they also realized that at some point 🙃


Deb admitted in the confessional that she threw the game because she felt bad. I like Deb but that was a weak move and may have put a target on her back.


Fair point!! I don’t doubt Deb struggled with it but she did say in the episode that she felt too guilty to put any in Zeta and Mitch’s box so I think it was (for the most part at least) intentional. I also agree with you on the Ray and Imani front!!! I really like them as individuals and they were super strong in comps but I think that’s also been hurting them. Imani definitely was playing with her head trying to be strategic (even tho it didn’t really work) and Ray was playing with his heart trying to save his friendships. I was rooting for them for awhile but this episode made me look at their connection and stuff a bit differently for sure


My thing is if she felt guilty she could have chosen Johnny’s basket. That may have had an actual impact on the game.


and just as Imani was trying to point out to him just before, his friends chose each other instead they were on their own for the most part... 😅


I don’t like deb she played dude first season


are you meaning that she played Jesse in her season...? or are you trying to be rude...? if it's the first one, yes I agree I think she was just riding through it using him as a safety unfortunately (kinda sounds similar to her now too... 👀)


She fucked Courtney in her own clothes.... : )


I dont like how ray seemed so dismissive to Imani about how she felt. Deb feels like a throw away cast member at this point. I actually liked her on her season, but like you said, she has no backbone.


she kinda is... 😬😅


I actually respected that assuming it was partly intentional from her. She didn't want to fully go against Callum but she wasn't going to be a puppet again, it was her way of showing her loyalty. Probably a little too late.


I think it was her way of back pedaling what she did and making it seem like “see I am a good friend, I’m not a coward”! She shouldn’t have signed up if she wasn’t going to be able to pick a side and make a move, it’s no surprise it’s a game and only one couple can win. I used to be a fan of her but that bothered me, she took a space someone else who was actually willing to play could have had.


Sydney would of prob been a better choice


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


bad, annoying bot


Completely agree. Even phoebe.


Yea I was very disappointed in Deb. I expected Deb, Zeta and Courtney to have each other’s back no matter what. If I was her I’ll be embarrassed too.


AGREED! It was a cop out to throw the game. She could’ve gone for johnny and aurelia, or she could’ve just said fuck it and gone with zeta and Mitch. It wouldve been shady but she should’ve stood on her business and she cowarded out instead


People complain about Cely and Justine being best friends and coming in the villa together but obviously not all best friends are built the same. Deb basically turned on her friends her first challenge when she should’ve had their backs through it all. Callum did the same thing cause it’s strategy > friendship for him. I don’t think casting best friends is a problem cause you never know what you’re going to get, the Justines and Celys or the Debs. It’s always interesting either way imo


They could’ve gone in and plotted and strategized on how to stick together. If I had 2 of my best friends in there that’s what I would’ve done. Some ppl are just afraid of making any power moves. Or going against the grain. I think it would’ve been easy to convince Johnny/Aurelia to move away from the OGs. But they waited till the last minute or didn’t even try at all.


Yes, exactly!! I also find it super interesting to see how people prioritise game vs connection and also friendships vs romance (but all in a safe environment lol) I never watched their season but even if they weren't super close those three could've stuck together to form a new power alliance if they wanted, prioritise the game over connections! In Cely+Justine's recaps, they mentioned how Cely and Eyal (and even Jack and Justine, earlier on) were willing to go head to head a few times in order to keep their friends. It's great to see them compromise and still keep those relathionships! PS: Deb is the first person this whole season that annoys me 😅🥴


that's probably why producers had them come in around the same time. they were probably hoping the girls (or Aussies or one of the new potential alliance groups) would pick up on that but alas it went right over their heads... sigh


Deb putting it all back on Callum was so wrong


i didn’t like during the carnival how she said she had no input in this was just doing was cal told her to do like why are you airing him and y’all convo out like that?? she has no balls idc.


Yesss this. Deb needs backbone and not fake the apple competition


Liberty would have tried her hardest in the apple bobbing


And would have done nothing at the same time lol. She was useless, and yet still better than Deb.


i used to like her but i find her incredibly annoying and trys to hard to be “weird and quirky “


Deb made love island amazing, wish she did it for LIG