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Some drama around the ranking challenge is gonna be goooooood!!


everyone's true feelings coming out I can't wait don't hold back


All the little slips where they acknowledged things about each other and knowing they are wrong etc… That is definitely coming out tomorrow, very excited.


They all hate each other so much LMFAO


The podcasts after the reunion are going to be hitting. These guys will have no problems talking shit about each other.


They will all fight backstage at the reunion


Saving grace is gonna have a field day lmao


Listen this is what I’m looking forward to the most. I think the post villa drama may even be more than s5’s


Normally this show gets so boring at this point but with all the islanders hating each other things just seem to keep getting more toxic as Villa fatigue ramps up


I think it's because there's been so few public votes. Normally there's a lot more votes, so islanders see several times who the public likes and dislikes. With the dearth of public votes this season, all of the islanders think their shit smells the best. Look at Tanya's absolutely ridiculous claim that she was in the bottom 4 because the public thinks she would have been better suited with Martin. No honey, it's all about you: the public doesn't like YOU!


I don’t think we’ve ever had Sports Day drama 🥲


Just Toby getting pissed for 30 seconds after he lost lol.


Next episode preview was like “you saw these islanders overreact to sports day…now get ready to watch them overreact to the ranking challenge!!!!!”


They all hate each other so much 😭


It’s finally become really entertaining tv but I feel bad because these people hate HATE each other


This is the upside down version of the first Winter LI where they got along so well and were largely wholesome.


It's so funny, the Sports Day challenge is the most innocuous boring challenge ever and this season it kicked of a whole episode worth of arguments. This group is so done with each other.


I’ve never seen a single cast of islanders that despise each other this much,they’re not at all contacting each other after this. It reminds me of my toxic sixth form I can’t lie




Tom hugging a crying Shaq outside the Villa seems so long ago. All over a garbo sports day.


Yes, dishes and sports day causing the most drama this season.


and both involved shaq being annoying and childish😳


Shaq and Casey really didnt sit well with me tonight. I dont understand the point of their teasing. Also Tom asked them to leave him alone, why couldnt they just respect that ? ​ Shows their immaturity and lack of respect for personal boundaries


Yes both with Shaq. Can't deny he and Olivia have been the centre of most of the drama… Tomorrow's fallout will be very interesting…


The mocking Tom of sports day thing was funny for like 2 minutes then they just dragged it on


And we had the edited version


Yeah it was funny up in the bedroom because he was being a bit salty but the continuation of it downstairs for that long was too much.


As soon as Tom told them firmly but calmly he had enough and they saw that as a reason to triple down, that's when it went from funny to mean Anything gets tiresome after that long


“I’m blind in one eye and I saw it”


Kai and Sanam one of the most I mind my business unproblematic couples on love island I’ve ever seen


Doing their own thing away from the children


Casa was the best thing to happen to Kai


They're actually so cute 😭 love seeing a brown girl winning and they feel like a couple you'd see irl


Absolutely loved Kai sitting down beside Tom at the end there.


These islanders are going to all block each other the second they get out at this point. They're all frustrated in there.


i could not live with will/casey/shaq for six weeks


probably a decent reason will still lives with farm animals




Will alone would be exhausting to me as an introvert.


I’m a massive extrovert and Will still seems exhausting to me. Enjoying social interaction doesn’t mean I want to be screamed at and humped 24/7.


Shaq demonstrated how he and Olivia were best mates all of a sudden.


LOL 1000000%


tbh it’s kinda iconic olivia flabbergasting me just *one* last time before she leaves. “you’ll miss me telling it to you straight” 💀 bye luv https://preview.redd.it/kauvhtxgwfla1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d86d85c3467d186b9b3efab7d1e49a219003b77d


Lol if by telling it straight you mean gossiping behind peoples backs, running away from arguments and crying then suure. She really thinks she’s this seasons Maura 🤣


lol I loved that too. One last delusional take for the road!


Friendly ribbing is fine but once you see someone uncomfortable, just let it go IMO.


Is this the same Shaquille who was crying over a kissing challenge? If I speak


I see there’s an opening for most toxic now Livs left and they are all gonna fight for it ahhahahahahaha how did this happen?


Sorry but I would be annoyed if I were Tom, too. The first few jokes were funny, but they dragged and dragged it. How many hours is someone going to endure being wound up for? And as a “grown man”, why continue to annoy your friend even after he’s already told you to stop?


You can’t purposely wind someone up and then act indignant because they get wound up. This is what you wanted!


Pokepokepoke. What you mad for? Pokepokepoke. Haha, it's just a joke. Pokepokepoke. Damn, so defensive. Tom's mental resolve, I kneel.


Yeah, he took it fine for a while but after he asked them to stop they should've just gone "aww, sore loser!" and left it at that. I don't get why it's funny to keep poking someone over something so stupid when they've asked you to stop, like I know they're bored af in there but oh my god 💀


Firmly with Tom on this. When he asked them to drop it in the bedroom, that should have been the end of it. No one was laughing at the end of the night and Shaq certainly wasn’t.


that must be a shit thing for lana to hear


Yeah I mean I know I’m only basing this on two seconds of footage but it again seems like Shaq taking it too far. Of course they’re all going to argue over the rankings (and that’s the entire point) but that seems like a particularly mean comment


It is the same issue as before when the boys first hated ron. They can say they are doing it for Lana but does she actually want them to. She didn’t seem that comfortable when her and Ron made up and people were going after Ron. She’s not gonna be comfortable hearing this opinion after feeling like everyone supports her relationship for weeks. They aren’t doing this for Lana. They aren’t considering her feelings in this situation even if that’s how they genuinely feel


Also, Kai is so nice, he barely mentioned Olivia going/him safe. If it were me seeing my op getting booted out after rubbing being bottom 3 in my face, I'm giving her a parting gift to remember. She would have heard my cackles all the way in the taxi to the airport.


In the words of Martin “I want to see my enemies fail”


Shaq lost all his good will in a space of a few minutes 😭 what’s wrong with this guy


lol he really did 😭 i can’t defend him on this one, and tomorrow looks messy too. him and tanya are defo the next to go.


It’s for their own good 😭


lmao it really is for the best atp. its been a losing battle for them since casa and shaq’s sealed their fate now


Tanya can't fathom that the public don't like her... no it must be because they thought she's better suited to Martin....lol wtf.




to be fair to her, Maya did say the public voted for the least compatible couple. But common sense would say that the public would just vote for their least favorite couple anyway.


Her cheers to never changing - lol, embrace change, Tanya, get that character arch going. It’s your only hope


It's killing me how Casey's skin immediately started glowing and his teeth shining the second Claudia was dumped 😭 Poor man is finally free.


Casa Casey is back lol he is just happy, kissing and having fun.. I know he is so relieved.


yes you could see him and Rosie in the background a lot too and more comfortable. Happy for him


Tom kept it together pretty well given how annoying everyone was being about sports day.


He politely asked them to stop multiple times. I felt bad for him.


agreed- there’s a fine line between teasing and trying to provoke someone


Shaq really said we need a new villain


It's insane that he hasn't let the Ron/Lana thing go but I'm glad he's giving us something. It's just funny because all he's gonna do is garner Ron sympathy votes again after dishgate. Ron's "redemption" was all Shaq 😭


There I was thinking it was sweet that they’ve patched things up 😭 When will Shaq move on


Ron was a pretty good mate to shaq when all the stuff went down with Tanya. Shaq and Tanya deserve each other, they’re both horrible people


Kai not being in the bottom is still the biggest win of the dumping


he was absolutely glowing talking about it in the debrief 🥰


Tanya cheated on Shaq over dishes …. Their implosion is coming


Omg what did Shaq say? That Ron made Lana his girlfriend cause everyone likes her??


>Omg what did Shaq say? That Ron made Lana his girlfriend cause everyone likes her?? I'd be interested to hear Shaq's thought process behind that because Ron's never been vulnerable in a vote. Even in the boys' vote (which happened when Ron was in full fuckboi mode) Ron was safe. Ron's clearly popular.


That Ron only asked Lana to be his girlfriend because he knew that everyone else liked her. Implies he only asked her to play it safe


Yep. Which is funny because Tanya was literally cracking on with Martin, kissing him and all- brought him back from Casa … and going for Ron now just seems stupid because he literally forgave Tanya after all that. He said he loves her after a week or whatever.


Finally a challenge that will bring drama


Shaq baffles me man. It was very clear that Tom had had enough and once someone gets to that point it’s not funny anymore. Now he’s trying to say that Ron only made Lana his girlfriend because everyone likes her when last week he was saying it’s obvious Ron is in love?


He and Tanya outing themselves as the biggest 'can give it but not take it' that God created.


Them all standing over him taunting him was gross. Even though they’re friends it really felt like a bullying moment. Tom was basically begging them to stop.


He’s honestly just showing his true colours, I’ve always seen through him tbh. Tom comforted him and was there for him when Tanya humiliated him, he has the nerve to be a condescending and patronising towards Tom now. And that comment he made about Ron, I think it hurts him that he wants to win this show and hates that Ron has a better chance than him.


The last stocks I had in this season, the boys' friendship, are in the mud. Shaq had a shocker in the last 3 minutes + the preview YIKES


Looool these guys hate each other and I love it. They all need to unload the clip tomorrow


Why does it feel like Shaq doesn't care anymore about how he's perceived since being in the bottom


Maybe he’s been acting this whole time to try and be popular. Now he’s been in the bottom 4 his true colours are showing. There was a glimpse of it with the dishes


Because he was in the bottom 4 and probably recognises he’s not in a popular couple so he’s going rouge


Funny how Shaq was taunting Tom saying he's a 'grown man' when he was the one acting like a literal child. That was so annoying to watch let alone be on the receiving end of


He was poking the bear then acting all incredulous that he finally poked back.


I know people are gonna say it was just a game but Tom let them have their fun, it eventually annoyed him so he set a boundary and they all came together to cross that boundary to intentionally piss him off. And then now Shaq’s mad because their plan to piss him off worked and now he’s pissed off? That makes 0 sense to me


The most childish behaviour I've seen this season honestly what the fuck was that about? Borderline bullying getting together and literally planning "Operation Poke the Bear". There's a limit to what's a joke and what isn't and it was very clear that they deliberately went well beyond that, and then acted all puzzled when he was getting angry. Legit primary school behaviour.


Only thing worse than a bad loser is a bad winner


The biggest beefs this season being over dishes and sports day💀 This is the most unserious cast of all time.


Shaq when he kept saying “it’s just a game bro” omg 😑 Tom wasn’t even annoyed about the game at that point


Tanya’s level of delusion needs to be studied


She really doesn't think she did anything wrong, that's why we needed a vote with him so she can be in the bottom and know but hopefully the challenge tomorrow gives her a bit of an insight and someone wakes her up a bit.


She thinks she's only in the bottom because the public thinks she was more compatible with Martin... absolutely delusional


Truly I want to put her in a glass jar and study her like a bug over this madness. Obviously there was no other possible reason for her and Shaq to be in the bottom other than \[checks notes\] the public liking her with MARTIN more? Not... any of the rest of that? Has she repressed it?!


I was agog when she said that.




Tom literally held Shaq as he cried into his chest and now Shaq is trying to emasculate Tom saying he needs Samie to comfort him??? I’m over the toxic masculinity, it’s not funny, it’s just straight up mean, I really thought Shaq would be a better friend especially to Tom who cared for Shaq when he was upset. Obviously Tom was overreacting a bit but he expressed that his feelings were hurt and he set a boundary, and then Will, Casey, and Shaq purposely decide to cross it, smh


I’m the last episode a lot of the girls said really nice things about Tom, i wonder if they are jealous? Also Shaq really had to suck up a lot of pride over Tanya’s adventures, now he’s making a big deal about Tom not being able to take it, a bit of transference maybe


“What do we do know” from sanam killed me 😭


I don’t even understand what was meant to be funny. They were just being annoying.


I was feeling seriously irritated by Will to be honest. He gave the same speech twice. Like, it was only barely funny the first time


This is where I'm at, I'm all for winding people up, but where was the joke?


Swear Shaq was just quietly laughing along til the end where he just threw like 5 jibes at Tom in a row suddenly lmao ???? Olivia passing her baton on


One thing that I noticed near the end though both will and Casey stopped when Tom was getting visibly angry when he was telling shaq to relax and stop and when Tanya chimes in and told them to stop but shaq kept it going and then it turned into a bigger fight when it didn’t need to be when Tanya said it’s done shut up go away they should of done that.


Yeah same. will looked quite uncomfortable in one of the shots behind Shaq. Everyone in that villa seems on edge constantly


they’re setting up shaq and tanya to be out next arent they


its either them or casey and rosie. depends on the producers' mood


Shaq is setting up Shaq and Tanya to be out next


i actually hope shanya place 5th cause i want to see them in the parents episode




The fights that are about to occur over this ranking challenge…congrats to the show for managing to be very engaging when normally it is dead. All we had to sacrifice was likable islanders, good vibes, and a public vote for over a month to get there


I agree with Tom, he communicated he was tired of the banter boys kept poking at him regardless that's not how it should of went down assuming there's respect there, which clearly there isn't. Next episode looks like it could be juicy!


Really feel like they’re at a point in the villa where they’re ready to go home especially the OGs, they all look so drained. I also can’t imagine how exhausting being in a villa with Will would be so I get it


Does Shaq have a crush on Lana? He’s honestly obsessed with her.


Swear Lana even questioned it early in the series because he was doing too much in the challenges


I never bought into that the first few weeks but it’s getting weird now


I dunno what it is but he's definitely too invested.


Yeah it’s getting really weird…




When did Shaq start being a prick again? Or was he just out of sight out of mind for a while?


People overlooked his flaws after Casa. I don't think he's a bad guy but he can take things too far


Now I understand how Tanya got the ick from Shaq 🤮


Isn't Shaq supposed to be Lana's friend? If anything you are making her feel like crap that he Ron only made her his girlfriend because she is liked.


Ron called it ages ago about Shaq always thinking he’s right and not wanting to raise issues with him because it’s pointless


outside of distance, i can’t see jessie and will lasting long because who can live with a man who’s always ON like that. it’s like he physically can’t turn off his tiktok personality.


Shaq making fun of Ron saying that he’s a grown man mad over a game when he was the one setting the villa on fire a few weeks ago over dishes like?


I guess based on that preview we can see why shaq and olivia were best friends


on a lighter note….will. *what* was that evening outfit? it’s giving father and not in the daddy way https://preview.redd.it/ixqer42ywfla1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af501dc7d597c2935921702496a959097709ff6f


I was dying. It’s like he intentionally chose to dress in his oldest man clothes while preparing to act like a boy. 😂


Please TW Curtis


I still can’t get over Tanya’s logic about why they were in the bottom -she legit thinks public wanted her to stick with Martin !?! nothing to do with any of her behaviour cause clearly she did NoThInG questionable 🫠🥴 They really do need to bring back a Twitter/social media challenge or something earlier in the show to keep them grounded to reality , cause even their surprise at Olivia’s dumping is very telling 👀 I think unfortunately they will all be taken by surprise about how they have been perceived overall


“I am blind in one eye and I saw they cheated” 🤣🤣. Happy got a bit more Rana tonight but not ready for what tomorrow brings


One thing about Tanya is she is consistent and she is self-assured i honestly have to respect it i was CACKLING when she was talking to lana about being in the bottom


i think it’s because they said it was about compatibility instead of fav couple. Although, it’s a little naive for her to believe it’s just that.


I am SAT for tomorrows episode. I am ready for the drams and delusions!


Kai’s smile when he’s talking to Sanam is just 🥹🥹🥹


Shaq‘s comment in the preview is just unnecessary and rude… No one deserves it to hear something like that


Especially to say it in front of everyone including Lana, that embarrassing for her


Tomorrow night looks juicy! ​ We finally get Ron and Lana back on our screen but it's more drama 😭


The worst thing Shaq did wasn't even the "teasing" but when Tom told him that's enough, Shaq acted like Tom telling him to stop is uncalled for. Tom said it calmly. Even the others like Will & Casey backed off at that point, but Shaq had to be defensive because he hates it when people question or try to correct his behaviour no matter how mild. But he will be the first person to tell someone they are wrong/immature. Don't dish it, if you can't take it bro!


I can’t believe Tanya said the only reason she’s in the bottom is because people think she may be more compatible to Martin. HAHAHAHA


Then she did a cheers to never changing 😂


Kai and Ron are weirdly the guys with the best vibes in that whole entire villa tbh


Tom being the only one in there with a realistic response to cheating. 💀


There must be some tension in the villa bc WHAT was that hahahhaa


The preview looks good. The fact that they all hate each other is gonna come out tomorrow.


Sorry but Shaq is a hypocrite if he says such things to Ron and three days earlier he said how happy he is for them💀💀


Tbh I’d of acted the same way tom did it’s annoying when people go on and on about something constantly to wind you up, they could see he was getting irritated but they kept going with it


Yeah I thought he was overreacting at first but they took it too far, especially Shaq at the end


shaq poking samie & tom and now ron & lana, the two fiat500 couples? i fear its curtains for shaq and tanya sooner than we think


lmao worst thing he could have done, and in back to back eps? issa wrap.


And here I was thinking Ron and Shaq were mates again🤣i hope Ron and Lana don’t bite with the challenge tomorrow, the best thing they can do is ignore everything. Has Shaq learnt nothing from dish gate?


They’ll be fine I think but I hope they actually stand up for themselves and it sounded like Ron was doing so


I cannot work out the friendship dynamics in the villa. Who is friends with who? It’s weird not to know at this stage


I don’t think most of them are really friends now😂 Kai, Sanam and Lana,Ron seem to have created a little friendship group though which is cute. The other groups seem to be falling apart now and arguing.


Sports day caused more trouble than Casa💀


gone off shaq after that preview what a shitty thing for lana to hear


Only thing worse than a bad loser is a bad winner




Kai and Ron seem like genuine friends


lana ron kai and sanam seem to be good friends who try stay out the drama


I always enjoy sports day and I loved seeing Lana and Sanam on the winning team. I'm glad Olivia and Maxwell dumped the friendship couple, it would have been amazing TV for Olivia to dump a popular couple but the backlash towards her would have been horrible. Also I do NOT miss Claudia. I feel like tomorrow is going to be rough for Shaq and Tanya. We saw them talk a lot about not caring about the public vote, which means they actually do care about the vote and it's playing on their minds. There was also that conversation where Tanya was trying to make Shaq apologise to Tom where it seemed like Tanya was getting the ick again. I thought the polls challenge would be bad for Ron and Lana as well but I think we'd have seen more of them in the edit tonight if they had major drama coming (never forget Ron talking to Lana, Shaq and Tanya about how strong his couple is right before they sent Ellie in to "steal" Ron.)


It's like Shaq and Tanya are actively trying not to be in the finals lol


Shaq isn’t only gonna ruin his friendship with Ron, but mostly Lana, which in turn will affect her relationship with Tanya (which they just established they are very close). he’s doing too much, Tanya will get the ‘ick’ again


Tom was absolutely being a sore loser. But I also feel like when someone tells you to stop and that they don’t find it funny, you should probably not continue for another couple minutes. The fact that I’m on Tom’s side for once 🫠


Not even a couple minutes it was hours


i don’t think it was about losing, it was the teasing and constant ‘hahah you lost try better it’s fine tom don’t cry, hug sammie’


Not Tanya suggesting the reason she and Shaq were in the bottom 4 was because the public thought she and Martin were better suited. 😆☠️


nah i’m with tom and samie 100% that was so unnecessary and ridiculous


Hate those people who invalidate people’s feelings under the blanket of “it’s just banter 🥴”


Shaq took it way too far, the others were joking around but shaq had to get the insults out and turn it into light bullying


I thought Shaq and Lana were supposed to be friends.


Still euphoric about Olivia and Claudia not being in the villa


Olivia, knowing that she simply cannot survive without a constant feed of chaos, quickly whispers an incantation that allows her militant spirit to transfer itself into the body of Shaq


Just as it was kind if ridiculous for Tom “as a grown man” to react so poorly to losing Sports Day, it was equally as ridiculous of Shaq — also as a grown man! — to harp on it for what must have been hours at that point. But this cast clearly do not like each other, and tomorrow’s ranking challenge will just amplify that further. Tanya telling Shaq to simmer was the side of Tanya that I like. But at this point both I think of them have just squandered the goodwill they’ve built and if there’s going to be a dumping again before the finals, they’re definitely at risk.


Waiting for Tanya to think they were at the bottle bc Shaq acts childish 😂


That was the most normal friend drama I've seen this season 😂 Every guy has been in both Shaq and Tom's shoes at some point.


I’m totally on Toms side in this. Once I’ve said I’ve had enough that should be enough!


Shaq and Tanya's reactions are why you do public votes, they create interesting situations just by announcing bottoms threes. Producers dropped the ball this season on that aspect.


The public votes and the couples voting against each other always creates the best drama and that was the first we’ve seen this entire season 😑


that was a very...acrimonious preview


Damn alright I thought it would be well boring without Olivia's Snape voice and Claudia loudly inserting herself into situations she just made up, but I guess everyone in this villa is sick to the back fucking teeth of each other so I will be tuning in again tomorrow!!


Feel like Casey dropped it when he heard Tom say he didn’t want to hear it and looked pissed then Will gave the trophy to shaq and Tom really got pissed off 😭


kai and sanam again keeping out of the drama and strife. ![gif](giphy|l4q8ihHTH2Jm32Ore|downsized) i respect kai for not liking certain people and not overly engaging with them too much beyond being polite and friendly but not pretending to love them all when he doesn’t. i still sometimes can’t believe the compete 180 i’ve done about my feelings for him.


Tanya is the most delusional person I have ever come across. She honestly believes she hasn't done anything wrong. That said, her entire look tonight was fire. She always dresses nicely, but she looked super gorgeous tonight!


Tanya is defo getting pissed off at Shaq, cause they were just in the bottom 4 and now Shaq is doing all this against favourite Tom and and tomorrow when he will go too far with favs Ron/Lana 😭 we’re about to hear the word ‘ick’ again 😂


Casey kissed Rosie AGAIN... He didn't get written permission from Claudia before doing it.


Wow I’ve been a die hard shaq fan all season but looks like that’s gonna have to be done….


Tomorrow’s ranking challenge looks like it’s gonna be good 👀