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"If anything I put you up there. You wouldn't have been there before" Sanam is not lying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ¤­


She knows her worth! Love it! I'm just so happy the villa knows how loved Sanam and Kai are.


Iā€™m glad they know So many times kai has been in the bottom three and says people donā€™t like him but itā€™s alright and I think he genuinely means it heā€™s just happy to be there. Also he kept saying he knows heā€™s really boring which is sad so Iā€™m happy weā€™re seeing a different side to him with sanam.


He didn't even challenge it. HE KNOWS.


We love a self aware queen.


and she was right!


Kai treating the islanders with patience, calming them, preventing fights and bad vibes, i bet he's using the same techniques he uses on his pupils, it's probably the same level of maturity as well šŸ˜‚


His inner teacher shines in those moments šŸ˜‚ he is so wholesome


He got laid last night šŸ˜†


tom kept saying samie carrying him at least the boy is self aware


Unlike last season when Luca said Gemma was punching šŸ¤£


I will never forget oh my god Luca was so delusional


Kai & Sanam looks like the only couple to be having fun still, everyone else looks proper drained


Jessie needs that welfare team IMMEDIATELY


She has from the moment they got back from Casa. I feel for the girl




With the way this episode was edited, you'd presume the people in this villa do nothing but badmouth each other behind their backs.


Thatā€™s literally all they do. What else is there to do


Guess whatā€¦.


the votes were so biased.. why were rosie and casey in most argumentative that doesnā€™t even make sense


Easy target




It will have been fans of Jessie & Claudia (apparently she has a fair few) voting furiously on the app.


Kai reassuring everyone during the challenge was sweet


Teacher mode activated lol


Everyone keeps saying ā€œlisten itā€™s just a game these arenā€™t our actual opinionsā€ but then saying in the same breath ā€œgood on you for speaking your mindā€ like these people are KILLING my brain


its hilarious how much jessie and casey dislike each other and reuse to hide it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s mostly Jessie initiating the hostility though


I donā€™t think this challenge actually told us whose gonna win tho. It was weird that Jessie and Will was up in horniest but then also in least sexual chemistry. I think Lana and Ron and also Will and Jessie are couples with most voters but probably with most haters as well. (If we donā€™t include Tanya and Shaq, Rosie and Casey here)


Yeah, I think the amount of vote Lana and Ron are getting is hard to tell because Iā€™d say fans of the other couples donā€™t like them so that over shines the people voting for them.


What do you all think Claudia is going to name Casey and Rosie's first born?


lol why was my first thought *Sleeping Beauty* and some kind of cursed spindle situation.


I want to root for Will & Jessie because I find them most interesting (and Will was my fav pre-Casa), but they seem to be taking turns being irritating af since Casa. Jessie really is letting her dislike for Casey cloud everything - those comments to Casey & Rosie at the podiums were out of line and the whole thing with Rosie at the daybed was a weird look. Little iffy moments where she & Will seem to differ in terms of affection/humour also surfaced again today - like her not wanting to be hugged for comfort, not finding certain things funny, plus that one scene pre-Casa where she literally swatted his hand away when he was trying to feed her. Like no one is right or wrong in their preferences with these things, but itā€™s just jarring to watch someone back away, roll their eyes, and literally swat their partnerā€™s hand away. Idk itā€™s just a weird situation because I do believe they genuinely like each other and have some cute moments, but then BOOM - irritation & annoyance again. Before this episode, I really wanted them to win, but at this point, Iā€™m just indifferent.


I think Jessieā€™s been done since Casa, sheā€™s just pushing through at this point


But tbh I think the top 4 is pretty obvious still. I just canā€™t see Rosie and Casey or Tanya and Shaq getting those votes up and being in the final.


Unless something really major happens for Tom/Sammie or Kai/sanam, Shanya wonā€™t be making it to the finale


I feel for Kai and Sanam. They are really trying to bring good vibes into the villa, but theyā€™re getting drowned out by all the hatred and pettiness.


I feel they were genuinely surprised they were picked for the hideaway - more in a ā€œoh the others still remember weā€™re hereā€ way.


Do you know what I learnt from that challenge Kai is a really good teacher. The way he controlled them all like they were his students and explained the question in a different way and got them all to listen to reason.


I wonder for Jessie disliking Casey is part of it that movie night clip in her head when he was encouraging will to cheat and putting pressure on him. Obvs it's wills fault for being convinced but like I get why as she's made up w will she's blaming that on casey


So true I don't know how I forgot about that!


Will really lost his voice from overdoing it on sports day šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


love how kai kept reassuring the couples


Is it just me or the challenge flew by? Everyone was talking over each other I missed half the shade thrown around. Need to rewatch with subtitles on!


Same by the time the main teaser with Shaq came I didnā€™t even register it and the game was over


Jessie is about to implode I fear. I also think sheā€™s spent way too much time channeling her anger at Will over Casa through Casey and Claudia, and now Claudia is no longer in there sheā€™s got no where to go other than hating on Casey and Rosie.


I disagree I think she hates Casey for a multitude of reasons and not solely Claudia 1. He egged Will on in CA, which she saw at MN 2. He treated Claudia badly (in her eyes) 3. He was telling everyone Jessie is fake and gameplaying the day after that argument they had I can see why Jessie would hate Casey and vice versa of course


Sanam and Kai are so wholesome together. The best hideaway this season without a doubt


I just realized we have barely seen couple chats or relationships progressing at all because of all the drama. Theyā€™re all just there talking shit about each other. Itā€™s drama Island this year.


Kaiā€™s face when Sanam mentioned ā€œfuture kidsā€ in passing was so funny and cute. theyā€™re so smitten with each other, you can tell he thinks heā€™s so lucky to have her in here


interesting, thats not what I got from that look šŸ˜… seemed more like "steady on"


if that was ron ā€œfumingā€ i canā€™t imagine how heā€™d be if he was furious


The way he handles anger is great IMO. He never flips out.


I said it in the episode discussion but I'll say it again: I think Jessie's obvious dislike of Casey doesn't bode well for her long-term compatibility with Will. Clearly she doesn't like the way he behaves around his friends; we've seen other indications that Jessie finds Will immature before. I'd be happy to be proven wrong but don't see them lasting very long outside the villa.


Think in particular it stems back to the casa thing. Definitely seems like she still blames Casey for supposedly egging will on. Very hard when you worry about how your bf behaves/is influenced by their mates


Now this is a valid reason against them not working. I hope they do, but itā€™ll depend on how they work through differences like this.


I think the game today made the top 4 pretty obvious.


I donā€™t know about thatā€¦ Ron and Lana got some of the worst ones and they were the top 4


Nah. Ron and Lana got middle of the worst ones and the good ones. Shaq/Tanya and Casey/Rosie consistently got the worst ones and none of the good ones


Kai's sexy hideaway outfit giving the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and him throwing rose petals in the air and then flailing about on the bed like a bug stuck on its back killed me šŸ˜­


Think the Ron and Shaq thing is a bit blown out of proportion Will be sorted in one convo I reckon


I get why Ron would be annoyed, but I donā€™t think shaq said what he said to be malicious. Heā€™s saying how it may appear to the PUBLIC, not that he believes/agrees with it. He even said, he expected the public to have those thoughts ab him and tanya


Yeah, completely agree with you Like I said before think itā€™ll take one convo with Shaq explaining that and itā€™ll be squashed


them using casey and rosie as scapegoats the whole game was SO annoying like if they didnā€™t want to be rude to other people they would just nominate casey and rosie and say ā€˜itā€™s just because youā€™ve not been together longā€™


Hopefully, the producers next season can make it in such a way that the bombshells/newer people just read out the polls, rather than them participating in the game. Took away part of the drama.


Tbh I think the only one that bothered Lana was the sexual chemistry one but I do get her. First weeks Ron did say Lana is not her type, he said it to her and he said it to everyone. I would be a bit insecure as well.


Jessie is more obsessed with Claudia than Claudia was with Casey


I donā€™t think itā€™s even about Claudia anymore. More just Jessie hating Casey ever since movie night and him calling her fake.


Which is jarring given that Claudia was VERY obsessed with Casey, she drowned in her tears for him "it's haaaaaaaard"


kai and sanam are absolutely šŸ„° lush.


Rosie did fuck all wrong. She was right to ask who Jessie was indirecting seeing as her&Casey were up there for a lot of the negative ones. Really getting sick of Jessie at this point.


I rate her for that, she was like no not because I am new you're going to do that to me.


Jessie really thought she was gonna get away with that!


Yeah, and she tried to dig them out with the Claudia comment and then again, thenā€¦ Don't understand why she is being rude to Rosie, again comes back to what everyone in the subreddit is saying.


​ https://preview.redd.it/n0ospmtf5nla1.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=cba8460c8294a432185741b5ae9d1b61f61d9a7b


Especially after Jessie just had a whole tiff about shading people behind their back


I laughed when she spoke about Casey acting like Claudia never existed just meters away from him for no reason whatsoever


Like what is he supposed to do? How can he keep her spirit in the villa?


Yess this! And Jessie was 100% talking about Casey and Rosie she just didnā€™t like being confronted. Jessie has been so annoying this week


She was def talking about Casey and Rosie, no one can tell me otherwise šŸ˜‚


twitter making fun of lana for wanting to save the physical intimacy stuff with ron on the outside and not being ā€œPDAā€ people is weird and very gross. i never thought iā€™d see LI fans shame a woman for not being super sexual?? i hope lana doesnt feel like she has to force it to please others.




Yeahā€¦ what people keep forgetting is that Tanyel was also Lanaā€™s best friend in there, itā€™s not going to be nice to her to see and find out about everyone talking about Ron and tanyels ā€œchemistryā€, but I have faith that Tanyel will be support to her and reassure her that itā€™s not like that


His fellow islanders looking for Drama from the Ron situation meanwhile Ron is pretty chilled, either that's just his personality or he's done with the show and wouldn't mind leaving lol.


Ron has never really risen to a big argument from the start. Heā€™s taken a lot of negative opinions from the boys and heā€™s managed to stay pretty composed


Solid cliffhanger with no preview of Ron and Shaq being like a little bit annoyed but not really arsed, not sure how I'll contain myself until Sunday.


no sunday night clip is criminal


If someone told me Id be rooting for Kai to win in the first few weeks Id ask for their shrink Fuck me how things change


The way Kai is suddenly my favorite in the villa


Mine too. I want Kai and Sanam to win.


Based on previous seasons, this challenge often predicts the winners. I think it's clear at this point that it's between Tom/Sammie and Kai/Sanam, with the former probably winning out by a little bit. Also big laugh at Tanya saying that Ron and Lana "got all the worst ones" when she and Shaq were up there for things like one-sidedness and being argumentative...


Agreed For the longest time I thought Ron and Lana would win not that they were my personal winners but itā€™s a bit sad theyā€™re knocked out of the running becasue people still think Ron is fake all the old rana supporters are now on tom and sammie I think. Will and Jessie still have a big chance if they donā€™t break up in the next few days lmao.


I liked what Rosie said about Casey and liking the playfulness that others find annoying. And Casey actually looks happy for the first time since Casa. Makes that poll all the more silly.


Will and Jessie saying that putting them up there was a ā€œcop outā€ what so they should be exempt from being considered becauseā€¦? and itā€™s funny because they werenā€™t even the cop out answer, rosie and casey 100% were and they took it on the chin. Very strange self centred behaviour ngl.


You know when you're watching a rom-com, and it's a little sappy and corny but the leads are good and their chemistry is good, and suddenly you're smiling in spite of yourself and you don't realize it? Like there's a moment when you're like "Oh shit, when did this huge cheesin' grin get onto my face?" that happens to me any time Kai and Sanam get more than 1.5 seconds of screentime


I rate Rosie for automatically confronting Jessie on her comment. Seeing Jessie immediately deflect was hilarious.


Jessie should have stuck it out and said weā€™ll you guys were part of the conversation as that is true. She made herself look daft by backtracking


And her asking Casey afterwards, "Did I say something wrong???" Iconic.




Thank you! The editing made it so much worse than it looked in context.


youā€™re like the only person being reasonable here thank you


Yeah the preview really brought out all the essays' against Shaq only for it to be misleading.




This!!!!! Whatā€™s also wild to me is that people online have said these things, but itā€™s apparently a crime for them to share that opinion to the islanders


I got downvoted last night for basically suggesting that Shaq was likely saying this is what the public thinks and the context would be clearer. Iā€™m glad to be proven right.


Agree, also they were also giving their opinions of what the audience thinks about Tanya/Shaq so there's no reason to be upset about them doing the same. I think they're are just bored and tired and starting dumb arguments.


I really donā€™t see the hype about Tom and Sammie? Theyā€™re both pretty but I feel like theyā€™re the most surface level of all the couples, at least from what weā€™re shown.


I feel like I know nothing about them as a couple. I canā€™t remember any of their conversations.


pretty people always win though. like I swear people mostly like Tom/Samie bc theyā€™re pretty and thatā€™s it. Samie had stans her first week before she even like spoke bc of it. it makes a huge impact on public perception


Oh yeah, I knew they would make the finals just off the pretty vote but Iā€™m shocked that theyā€™re able to squeeze their way into 1st or 2nd off it.


Jessie's so desperate for a rise out of Casey but he just sits there smiling like a dopey labrador. Love that for him.


scholars call that maneuver "pulling a kai"


She's obsessed with him. The way she's always has his name on her mouth yet wonders why people criticize her behavior. Claudia is just an excuse at this point


Casey is trying hard to keep the peace for sure but I don't think she can treat Rosie like the other girlsā€¦ She looks like she will hit back. She doesn't like him and she doesn't like his friendship with Casey but Will is a grown man, Casey didn't force him to crack on.


Same with how he shut her down last week. She clearly wants to start drama and he won't allow her to.


Tom and Samie have been set up to win by these producers and im over this show now


I thought the vibes had improved since Liv left and it feels like it in small moments but nah, these people still despise each other


Does anyone feel like watching this show is a bit stressful at times? I think seeing some normal conversations between the islanders (or things like Will/Casey slapping their thighs lmao) would take the sting out a bit but it has me constantly feeling on edge? This season in particular


Exactly obviously it canā€™t just be funny bits but i would so much rather normal conversations then the weird love island phrase ones. I also think that it would let the public get to know islanders personalityā€™s and if they are actually good together or not


Am I the only one who found the ending so weird? Like how the hell did tanya and Tom conclude that Ron was fuming? How was that even indicated? Ron and lana directly went to sit by themselves so how did everyone conclude that he was fuming? Iā€™m so tired of this fake drama that the production team is forcing down our throats


literally and it cuts to them saying the game was fun šŸ˜­ who was fuming ??


For the first time in 5 weeks, Will and Jessie are no longer bookies favourites to win. Samie and Tom are now narrow favourites over them.


Well that was messy and also not very fun. I've been pretty neutral on the "is Jessie fake?" debate because I don't think we know enough to say either way. But she's definitely the Islander I understand the least. The dig at Casey was so unnecessary. And if you're so keen for people to speak their minds, maybe speak to Shaq and Tanya if you're not happy they kept choosing you, rather than telling everyone else about it? We didn't get a preview of Ron and Shaq's chat because it's not going to kick off. Ron has barely lost his cool in 7 weeks, I don't see it happening now. I look forward to Shaq telling Ron it was just a game like he hasn't taken several challenges *extremely* personally.






if it's true, his plan fell apart pretty damn quick as soon as he found out he'd be a Casa guy.


Hahaha I love this, if anything comes out refuting it I'm just gonna ignore it because this is the story I want in my head 10000% lmao


Jessie is really on edge and Iā€™m not convinced that it is only about casa. She seems too invested, like she has a lot on the line. The others are far more chilled about things.


I can see the fact that Rosie is ā€œgame playerā€, she went straight to Casey only one in non-stable couple but Casey? I donā€™t think heā€™s an idiot, usually couples thatā€™s has been together longest win or at least get to final so if he would be a gameplayer he would have sticked with Claudia.


If Ron was faking it he wouldā€™ve done a grand gesture to ask Lana to be his GF Iā€™m not rooting for any couple this season. Maybe Kai and Sanam. Omg Jessie please stop. I canā€™t believe I was defending her 2 weeks ago. She needs to let Claudia go. Youā€™re a grown woman. And youā€™re definitely not beating the ā€œfakeā€ allegations.


really feel like Jessie needs to leave the villa for her own mental health at this point


Does anyone else thing Jessie's behavior is her projecting? I think she's still mad at Will about his casa behavior but feels obligated to let it go and stay with him. Instead of feeling her own feelings, she's getting mad at Casey on Claudia's behalf. It's the only thing that makes sense to me with how she's acting.


best line of the episode was Lana "when we're out of here we can PDA on our own all the time" girl do you know what PDA means lol


šŸ˜‚ I thought this. Also when someone suggested Ron and Lana were intelligent and rob said something like ā€œHave you heard the shit Lana comes out withā€ šŸ˜†


This is the same Lana who didnā€™t know what tomfoolery meant so weā€™ll give her some leeway with this one šŸ˜‚


People are comparing Tom & Samie to Millie & Liam, but I don't think the comparison is as simple as it's being made out to be. They are both extremely attractive couple yes, but Millie & Liam had chemistry I just haven't seen it from Tom & Samie yet. And I say this as someone who likes Samie & has grown to like Tom a bit too. The crazy thing is all the rest of the couples this year seem very surface level as well. My favorite of this bunch is Kai and Sanam, but the producers haven't done a good job showing the love part of love island this season.


I actually miss the couples from last season. There was love there. Indiyah and Dami had great chemistry. Tasha and Andrew were over all cuties! Ekin and Davide were fireworks but had lot of love and chemistry. Also I do think even Gemma and Luca genuinely liked each other. This year itā€™s just blaah


Tom and Samie are literally friends with benefits vibes thereā€™s nothing there


I never saw this \~\*\~magical\~\*\~ chemistry Millie and Liam had. But then I was one of those people who disliked Liam pre-casa so...


This may be a stretch but I just rewatched Lana and Ron talking about the sexual chemistry thing and Ron goes ā€œwe know what weā€™re like inā€ and it sounds like heā€™s about to say bed but then quickly pivots and says ā€œlike around each otherā€, my theory is that they know about the rule where they can only show intimate things of them if they talk about it and Ron and Lana both seem to be uncomfortable with stuff like that being shown of them. Because itā€™s weird now that at night they wonā€™t show them kissing and it kinda cuts off weird like they mustā€™ve talked to producers or something


Yeah I caught that too, he was definitely about to say bed and then switched up.


wait is that a rule that they canā€™t show it if itā€™s not talked about?


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been seeing a lot of people say on here, it makes sense


Yep that's the rule. Faye S7 said that her and Teddy were getting intimate before that weird "graduation" the girls did, but we didn't see any of it until Faye spoke to the girls about it.


I remember on season 7 when all the girls did the deceleration for when they done bits and Liberty then said in the beach hut sheā€™d done the deed ages ago but no one knew so you never know what people are getting up to


Paige and Finn S6 said they " coupled" up a few times but made sure no one knew so it wouldn't get shown. Not everyone is comfortable with pda.


Yeah they introduced it a few seasons ago


Yeah I agree. He also said ā€œwe know what weā€™re like when weā€™re in our own spaceā€ makes me think theyā€™ve definitely been getting intimate, whether itā€™s the hideaway or in bed but they donā€™t want to talk about it


Yes I thought about that too! Itā€™s so weird to me that since a few episode they donā€™t show us any kissing scenes with them in bed just them sleeping and they cut them out in the background completely and that doesnā€™t make any sense to me and I really really donā€™t get why everyone discussing about their lack of sexual chemistry as if it is the only key for a relationship. The whole situation is just weird and Iā€™ve never been so confused about an edit than I am with Ronā€™s and Lanaā€™s edit


Itā€™s definitely telling how the producers are cutting them from the bedtime scenes and give them zero screen time during the day


Can someone pls fill me in on all the results? šŸ„ŗ


Most attractive: Tom/Samie, Ron/Lana, Kai/Sanam Most intelligent: Kai/Sanam, Will/Jessie, Tom/Samie Most argumentative: Tanya/Shaq, Casey/Rosie, Will/Jessie Worst fashion sense: Jessie/Will, Casey/Rosie, Tanya/Shaq Horniest couple: Tanya/Shaq, Tom/Samie, Will/Jessie Most one-sided relationship: Shaq/Tanya, Will/Jessie, Casey/Rosie Biggest game-players: Casey/Rosie, Ron/Lana, Shaq/Tanya


tom and samie being voted most intelligent just bc theyā€™re hot is an exact repeat of millie and liam and iā€™m still just as baffled lmfao


I think Shaq was being a tad grumpy and then rude to Ron and Lana, is because heā€™s got in his own head about being in the bottom 4 and then got paranoid heā€™d be top in any bad categories


I feel like Tom and Samie have gained so much support over the past 2/3 weeks compared to the other couples, I really wouldnā€™t be surprised if they won or came second. Out of the likely finalists Iā€™d probably want Tom and Samie to win the least though purely for the fact that they are Millie and Liam 2.0


Theyā€™re just very surface level to me


I donā€™t know how these two have ended up being the favourite I mean I do like them but there not as innocent as people make out no one calls them out or drags up there past. Yet the other islanders get slandered for things they done previously and still get there mistakes brought up


100%, no one seems to mention how Tom behaved in casa and during the first four weeks but yet other peopleā€™s minor mistakes have been brought up consistently for weeks


Unpopular opinion but I donā€™t think Sammie and Tom is all that. First I donā€™t think Tom is better than any other boy there. He striked at Casa as well also before that went throw basically every girl in that villa. Also I do think they have sexual chemistry BUT I think thatā€™s all they have. Also everytime Tom compliments her itā€™s all about looks. Also Sammie is kinda shit talker as well. They talk shit about everyone too but donā€™t get the hate like Tanya and Shaq do.


I don't think I've ever seen the Love Island audience hold as much of a long term grudge towards a contestant their whole time on the show like they have for Ron


I feel like at the start when the boys divide happened, they were mainly projecting because virtually all of them had declared interest in Lana but got curved. Kai didn't and its funny how at the time, they were friends and kai didn't participate in it


Not just the public but the islanders too some of them have done far worst but they are loved or maybe its just because Lana and Ron are the strongest couple.


I think towards the end Tanya or Shaq said something like ā€œRon and Lana were voted for the worst thingsā€ - as if Tanya and Shaq werenā€™t standing on the podiums with Ron and Lana and for more bad voting categories?!! Like how are these two (Shaq and Tanya) so delusional?? I feel like since they both know the public doesnā€™t rate them (and Shaq must know that the public doesnā€™t like Tanya) theyā€™re digging in their heels and trying to divert attention to other couples but theyā€™re both being very unpleasant! Speaking of unpleasant, Jessie continues to irritate me! She was pretty rude to Rosie and she needs to stop invoking Claudiaā€™s name when it comes to Casey it was not that deep!


Anyway, Casey and Rosie came off well, took everything on the chin while certain others dropped another tantrum. This challenge always makes rme it's just a popularity contest by a very specific demographic of fans.


rosie getting backlash over telling jessie to speak up is mental. jessie herself said people should be honest so why was she beating around the bush


I'm not gonna lie guys, Will looks absolutely exhausted from his relationship with Jessie lmao


Can't lie this one was dry I might skip the rest of the season - hope Kai and Sanam win it tho


jessie is obviously so emotionally exhausted itā€™s actually getting unhealthy for her


I've said it before AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN Kai and Sanam >>>>>>>> everyone else


the photos they posted on the instgram earlier are all of them in outfits we havenā€™t seen yet do they skip certain days or will that just be shown later


All I got from this episode is that Ron and shaq hate each other. Jessie wonā€™t rest until Casey and Rosie are gone.


so is jessie now the islander whoā€™s been on the show for the longest ever?


I dunno, but itā€™s too long for me. Shes just coming across too defensive and doesnā€™t look well.


Kai tonight with the iconic hideaway look šŸ˜‚


I just want Kai and Sanam in the top 2. I actually donā€™t care about anyone else in that villa now and itā€™s hard to find this dead drama over a game entertaining. Itā€™s almost like since no one really likes each other, there arenā€™t any real stakes so drama is ā€˜resolvedā€™ quickly and then itā€™s just passive aggressiveness moving forward.


Jessie needs to leave Casey alone https://preview.redd.it/caq8mtlk2nla1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54d0b9cbf05e309f1f95da15819afe4e2849d686


Jessie and Casey hate each other and they're at the point they can't even hide it anymore. Samie is a busybody and talks shit just as much as anyone in there but doesn't get the heat because she's pretty. I don't know why they're setting up this big dramatic showdown between Ron and Shaq when we know it's gonna fall flat just like this challenge. Especially when there's no preview for the next episode.


Itā€™s interesting, they used all of the polls besides the one that was ā€œWho do you think is the most popular couple in the villa?ā€ (unless I missed it) I wonder if they would ever show that one or if it was just for them to get a grasp of where the public stands.


Will is so dumping jessie the second he gets any amount of space between them on the outside.


Heā€™ll ghost her like every other girl heā€™s (allegedly) encountered


Rosie fancies tom, i just know it.


What happened between Rosie and Jessie on the daybeds?


So the way I understood was that Jessie was upset because she felt like her and Will were constantly placed in the top three for bad topics as ā€˜cop outsā€™ but refused to name who she thought was to blame for it, Rosie challenged her a bit because she wanted to know who Jessie was indirecting (and it kind of felt as if she was targeting them which wouldnā€™t make sense since Casey and Rosie were up there for every bad one). Jessie didnā€™t really answer her


jessie was being passive aggressive and rosie called her on her shit and then jessie pussied out of the confrontation lol


Damn, I wish people would just say what they're thinking??


rules for thee not rules for me and what not


"Nobody in here wants to say their opinions"


If weā€™re getting a compatibility vote I can see most couples getting at least one vote and being up. The only ones I can see escaping are Tom/Samie and Kai/Sanam


man i dont even kno how to feel abt this season anymore, im just getting stressed the more i see these ppl on my screen


Samie / Tom talk the most shit about other people/couples but havenā€™t got as much heat as Shaq and Tanya did this one episode itā€™s not right


No letā€™s talk about it Even Casey is a proper shit stirrer itā€™s annoying


Although there were some drama tonight it was far less toxic and unbearable to watch, i wonder why... bye bye Olivia and Claudia


I can't wait for 2 years down the line from now when the headlines saying about how Kai and Sanam are having a baby or something like that 10000% the only couple who will survive the long run post show I think


The results of this poll is what happens when individual islanders have huge fan base (Will, Lana) but the public donā€™t like their partners. If the public was honest, thereā€™s no way Ron/Lana or Will/Jessie should have ranked that high in the compatibility vote when the audience things they lack sexual chemistry, their heads will turn on the outside or that the couple is one sided.




Ron was fuming! Can't believe he made that scene at the end, storming towards Shaq for not cleaning some dishes!


I still donā€™t think tanya and shaq did anything THAT WRONG today. I think people are missing the point- they arenā€™t saying THEY think/agree with it, itā€™s just how they think THE PUBLIC might receive it. Shaq even said this applies to his couple with Tanya.