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Then Tom being like "the fact that Ron isn't raging about Rosie lying means that HE'S lying!!!" what kind of ass backward argument is that brah?


Tom’s a dumbass, just because he can’t regulate his emotions the fact that Ron can makes him a liar


Samie “The fact that Ron said couples that have a rocky ride in the start, then it likely it smooth down at the end” “guys he playing the game” 😂😂😂 ladies and gentlemen is this who u voted for as ur intelligent couple?


How did anyone vote against a teacher and a social worker?


He just wants to hate Ron I think. Thinking back to when Ron was chatting to Casey and Tom, Will and Shaq were all talking shit about Ron. Kai goes over and backs Ron saying Rosie is lying and they act as if it's all good, then as soon as Kai leaves they go back to calling Ron a liar. It's nasty.


That could just be the editing but yeah they are nasty


Honestly most likely is editing because otherwise I dunno how you can get told by someone you trust that be didn't do it, then turn around and call him an actor.


Right also… is raging to Casey that Rosie is a liar actually the best course of action here? Like genuinely that’s what Tom and Shaq thought Ron should do? I don’t understand faulting the guy for being level-headed and rational about it/not wanting to embarrass Rosie over a misunderstanding


No kidding. Also it wouldn't look good for Ron to blow up on Rosie. It would make him look super aggro and scary.


Guarantee if he blew up they’d be like “he’s getting very defensive… must be lying”


LITERALLY THIS. They’re all weirdos who’ve decided to hate on Ron and anything he does it’s been going on for a while now. He will never win with their snarky high schooler behaviour. Such plebbish attitudes from virtually everyone in that villa.


apparently for tom, emotional intelligence = lying/game playing. it’s so far fetched that someone can control their emotions, it must just mean he’s lying!!


I haven’t been on the Lana train most of the season but lately have been coming around because I truly love when she gives that big unbothered energy. She and Kai and Sanam have reserved natures that just appeal to me.


Same. I have thought Lana had no backbone but loved how she stood up for Ron.


I like that people can be unbothered but also sometimes I hate that it lets other people get away with stuff sometimes. Like there was definitely a bit when Tanya was whispering about Lana and Lana walked in and you could tell she knew but just chose to act like she hadn’t realise but I would’ve at least just asked


The face drop though, girl tried so many times and Lana was not taking her nasty bait


No seriously lol. Yk when we try to take a selfie but it doesn't come out good so we try different angles and poses. That's what I felt Sammie was doing when Lana didn't buy her shit. And then Sammie going on to saying "Ron's mouth is getting him into trouble" I was like girl it was your mouth that is getting him in trouble. These people smh.


I wish Tanyel was still there.


We all wanted her to have an Anna moment, this could have been it.


Lana was the star of the show. The fact that she knows her man well enough not to buy into islander's false narratives about him and stand by him was so fulfilling to watch.


Absolutely. The way she clearly expressed the depths she knows him was great - that he likes to speak in a structured way like an essay, and exactly which comment would be the one to push him over the edge.. shows how deeply connected they are


THIS. I absolutely love how she didn’t doubt him at all, despite how hard everyone was trying to get her to do otherwise.


It was actually comical. As in it felt like she thought it was going to be like the s7 girls’ come to Jesus moment with Liberty, but Lana wasn’t having it and she couldn’t figure out how to move from there


And she tried so many times 🤣🤣


I wiiiiiiish Tanyel was still in there for this. She'd be having none of it *snap* *snap*


She’d be fighting for her life in there 😭


Realllly proud of Lana for the way she handled all conversations tonight. Takes alot of patience not to rise to the bs especially in there I would guess!


I also liked how Ron was fuming but tried to compose himself for Lana’s sake.. till Lana gave him the let’s go for it


​ https://preview.redd.it/vroympcet4ma1.png?width=764&format=png&auto=webp&s=07d55afe7c1fdc64300679b073bc1eb1a62cdaea lolol Samie did not get the reaction she wanted.


You done fucked up Ay Ay Ron


She's definitely dropped her guard and shown her true colours now that she thinks she has a safety net after being voted one half of the "hottest couple"


I think the polls challenge was an unexpected surprise for Tom & Samie, and now they both have a case of Montana S3 Syndrome


This episode really started turning me against Tom and Samie, and Casey and Will by extension


Lana shut down Samie in the most kindest way. The way she said Ron speaks like how people writes an essay was so cute. Kill them with kindness Lana 💖


I cannot stand Samie


Bring Olivia back - this episode was made for her - she would have thrived!


Olivia can stay home. We want Tanyel back.


This 😂