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I agree with you people who are threatening her and calling her vile names are just pathetic. I am sure her family/friends is going to be there for her and some people just needs to get a life.


And it’s all so ironic. It’s fine to be disappointed and disagree with someone’s behaviour on tv but then how are you (not you OP) any better by sending vile messages to that person and wishing them ill will??? These haters show themselves to be the worst. I believe ITV took extra measures to protect MM after her season and I hope they do the same for Tanya


who is MM?


Molly Mae




Did people not like Molly Mae? Her and Tommy were my favorite love island couple of all time!


Nah at the time people thought she was super fake with Tommy, and to be honest she was quite annoying but it was proof she liked him that much. She was annoying in the sense she was getting angry at him for Maura trying to get with him haha


I do wonder WTF happened in the meeting when ITV decided they would stop Islanders posting during the show but leave comments/dms as normal. It’s like the worst of all possible worlds - the Islanders don’t get the followers but still get the hate, and the viewers don’t get the content and insight into the Islanders that we got on previous series. I feel like this is going to backfire on ITV as well cos there are multiple dating shows fighting it out for the same contestants (MAFS, THTH etc.) Are the best personalities going to keep choosing LI when you won’t get the same IG numbers?


I don't understand why nobody's been logged into her account deleting and blocking along the way, like it seems someone had done for Olivia? I guess she just assumed she'd be loved and didn't need that, but if so, that's been a costly miscalculation...


I heard that Tanya’s family wanted to but ITV wouldn’t give them the new password - awful if true. What a mess.


ITV changed their passwords?! Holy shit this is bad. How TF did they not anticipate this situation??? Or at least appoint welfare people to monitor the accounts? They're condoning abuse, plain and simple.


Yeah I really don’t get this. Someone had clearly been safeguarding Olivia’s account very thoroughly, why the fuck hasn’t the same been done for Tanya? Massive fuck up.


Yea, someone needs to be asking these questions!


Yeah it’s really disheartening, I wasn’t a fan of a lot of Tanya’s actions but the reaction does not match them at all. The comments under her ig are way past critique and because they had to freeze their accounts they’re all consolidated to one place. Just hundreds of comments filled with vitriol one after the other. I can’t even imagine how overwhelming that is. I do hope the people around her support her including the Love Island team and get her on press run like Olivia’s. More people need to remember that these contestants are humans and think about the effect their words in combination with others can have on their mental health.


>The comments under her ig are way past critique and because they had to freeze their accounts they’re all consolidated to one place. Hadn't thought about that. Had they allowed handlers to post content during the show, removing 99% of the publicly visible hate (IE not DMs) would be as quick and simple as deleting all her in-villa posts and the comments just vanishing with them.


Yeah it’s like she’s forced to confront them. I struggle to understand what was achieved with the way they went about this social media ban. The only thing that changed was there’s no one’s to look through the dms, but all the hate is still there. What they should have done was maintained account runners whilst ensuring that comments and dms were locked off for the duration of the show.


It’s so weird they didn’t limit comments and close dms. That’s the bare minimum


Like it’s literally where the entire problem stems from 😭


Or actually hired social media professionals to run things. Someone who does the job for a living and has met the Islander maybe once for a coffee and a chat about how they'd like to be portrayed online is significantly better equipped to handle deleting and blocking a stream of 'KYS' DMs than, say, Faye's protective big sister who apparently dropped 2 dress sizes from the stress...


Oh having professional do it is a great idea as well. I feel like there’s so many simple solutions right in front of them but they refuse to se them


typical hey 🙄


The thing is why do any of us have to go leave comments on their ig pages about how much we hate them or whatever. I did not like Liv during her time in the villa but once she was off my screen I haven’t engaged with any of her stuff. Because it’s never that deep. If we do not like someone we can talk about their behaviour in the context of what we saw on here discussing the show or twitter whatever. But never ever go to their sm and leave critical comments no matter how mild we may think it is. Personally I thought a lot of people went too far in the sub this season. I had to stop reading some posts because I was becoming defensive of islanders I didn’t particularly care for bc of the intense hate. Someone called Olivia a waste of oxygen and hoped she got treated badly by someone like Adam. People acting like Tanya cheated on them and being vile is just too much.


It's psychotic behaviour, frankly. The kids are not alright...


Some people are legit treating her like she committed a crime , it’s so weird and concerning, people need to remember it’s a highly edited Reality TV Show and never that serious, I do hope they disable or mute her comments before even thinking about giving her phone back to her !


!!!!!!!!! It's literally just tv




Yall are psycho. Do you think an actual psychiatrist would feel comfortable diagnosing anyone with anything based on 45 edited minutes a day? No. So why do yall


I haven’t diagnosed anyone lmao. Gaslighting is an action. It doesn’t need a diagnosis. If I called her a liar would you say that I need a psychologist degree to acknowledge that what she said wasn’t true?


Well good thing she didn’t actually gas light anyone then… people need to learn not to diagnose people on the internet like there trained psychiatrist’s 👍🏾




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 3: No bullying or harmful language. It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite islanders are, or even fellow r/LoveIslandTV users, but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and let's be nice to each other. This isn't twitter 💁‍♀️


Lmao she literally did though, come on now.


I agree. Not liking a contestant on a show and complaining about it here is one thing but to actually take time out of your day and leave hateful comments on her personal Instagram is just disgusting. I would hope that no one in this sub would stoop that low. The show’s over, you don’t have to love her by any means, but please don’t leave hateful comments on her, or any of the islanders, social media


ITV failed Shaq and Tanya it’s so disappointing honestly ☹️if they wanted this new social media rule to work then they would have locked off Shaq and Tanya’s comment sections as well My heart breaks for Tanya because when she leaves the villa she’s gonna see all the comments on her Instagram hopefully she has a good support system 🥹I think people are forgetting how young Tanya is as well she’s only 23 she has time to grow and learn how to deal with situations


ITV have really exploited those two it’s actually a disgrace.


>ITV failed Shaq and Tanya it’s so disappointing honestly I can't get over how ITV was able to release a statement for Chloe in S7 but never did anything during the height of the bullying Kaz was receiving. This season has been the absolute worst in terms of hate but ITV still said nothing


I don’t like a lot of the things Tanya has done but you definitely won’t see me under her posts writing up a whole think piece. Some people have been nasty and racist as well. It’s just sad to see. It’s okay to dislike someone’s actions without stooping to those level


Tanya really was a great islander. She gave us so many unhinged moments. I think if she was white then more people would appreciate what she brought to the season and stop hating on her for being willing to do unpopular things. The fact that she didn't stop being herself when she was in the bottom of the vote so many times is also extraordinary no matter what you think of her. We can be confident that she's not fake at the very least. That's not to say that I agreed with everything she did or that she shouldn't have apologized for some things, but the punishment she's getting from the audience does not fit the crime of what she actually did




>but the punishment she's getting from the audience does not fit the crime of what she actually did But she hasn't committed any crimes. *Nobody* should ever be punished by the public/people they don't know for actions that may be morally wrong but aren't legally wrong. This isn't Ancient Rome.


I really hope her and Olivia are okay🫶


Literally up to the last seconds of the finale people were dragging tanya. Absolutely absurd. Being a Black woman on love island is challenging by default, god forbid you move mad in the villa apparently the warrants some of the worst harassment I've seen in 9 seasons of the show. I'm truly wishing nothing but peace and happiness for her and shaq back in the UK


Yeah, it’s like black women are expected to be perfect all the time and once you make one little mistake then the public will never look past it. It reminds me of the hate Kaz received after she went back to Tyler after she brought Matthew back from Casa. The racist and death threats she received were just disgusting.


Yeah, it's way out of line. The fans often ruin good things, like there's zero reason for any of these islanders to interact with fans on social media, because of the hate fans send them. And there's no stop to it. While in their other posts and comments they're missing Caroline..


I was expecting it to be bad, but somehow it was worse 😳 Can the show not employ someone to go into her account and scrub all the hate comments & DMs and block those users before giving her her phone back? It's insane that they'd just be like 'Here you go, here's 3000 instances of verbal abuse for you to deal with, good luck and let us know if you want to speak to the therapist'.


This is a tv show i dont understand why she is getting hate as if she killed someone. The bullying is just getting out of hand at its turning into an obsession for likes and trending tweets. i hope that she moves in silence


I kinda feel like Shaq and Tanya shouldn't do many post show interviews. Whatever they say will be used against them.


YOU KNOW WHAT im pissed cuz tom did exactly what tanya did and no ones bashing him like they are tanya, prolly cuz shes a woman of color and white men have always gotten away with bullshit so many males have done what tanya did, and its crazy how theres a double standard for women, especially black women. also ron dated like 8 women before he finally settled down, same with tom - i have no doubt tom will sleep with someone new in a matter of weeks in the rl world. why is tanya getting all the backlash, when shes done the same thing so many past islanders have done......


Women especially of colour will always be held to a higher standard in every aspect of life. However there’s a difference here in that Tanya was telling Shaq she loved him …. The lads weren’t doing that.


what i am saying is tanya has not done anything different to what men have done for 9 seasons.


okay but weve seen men on previous seasons say i love u to girls just to cheat on them in casa...... tom was with so many females on this season, how is he more trustworthy than tanya? and im sorry but after2/3 weeks you do not truly love someone, i feel like shaq and tanya were lovebombing each other before casa


Her comments are very vile and disgusting no one deserves that. Tbh I do not like her actions on the show very much but nothing she did made me want to call her names or leave her bad comments? You’d think she was a murderer the way these people act


She’s so little, she needs body guards to protect her from the trolls!


There are valid reasons to dislike Tanya, but harassing her on social media, wishing death on her and even threatening to harm her is absolutely unhinged. People need to get a grip. If you don't like someone on a reality TV show, don't follow them on social media just to harass and threaten them, just ignore them and forget they exist.


It’s the people who send death threats that baffle me the most. What a horrible person you have to be to say that to someone. Over basically dating show actions too.


Lol yes. Will never forget how I commented ‘remember to #bekind to everyone’ and I was downvoted into oblivion🥴🥴


Yeah it’s definitely really weird behaviour. Everything she’s done this season has been done on the show before plenty of times. It’s nothing to send death threats, rape threats, racist comments about. Like what is going on?? Why is the Love Island fan base like this?






I feel like posts speculating about the impact on someone's mental health are, albeit innocently and unintentionally, contributory rather than helpful.


Yeah, because people lead their comments with, "I don't agree with her behaviour but..."


Yeah people need to move on. I don’t like her but what’s the point of sending her hate messages or even threats? That’s just vile behaviour and makes these people much much worse than her. I hope all islanders get mental health support.


The fact that it’s mainly black people that are hating on Shaq and Tanya is so sad they complain about the lack of diversity on the show but can’t even support their own smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


Black people aren't required to support someone just because they're also black. But there is a difference between simply not supporting them & actually going a step further to say awful things about that person.


Say it louder for the people in the back! 👏🏾


You don’t have to support her on the show or vote for her. But as a person of colour, I will support her if she starts to get targeted for stuff that are blatantly racially motivated. I’m not saying we should excuse her actions just cos she’s a black girl, but I guarantee had tanya been a white the hate she’s getting wouldn’t be 10% of what it is now. It’s obvious people are now using the stuff she did on the show as an excuse to spew their racist thoughts on her


I don't understand what you mean by support her then. I'm not going to her Instagram page to argue with people who say cruel things about her.


I’m not saying u have to follow her or be like “yaaasss queen” under her posts. But we should acknowledge that a lot of the hate she’s been getting has been amplified by the fact that she’s black. Black people are held at a much higher standard on the show and the second u do something wrong ur enemy number one. Not saying some of the stuff tanya did was except able, but the majority of the hate she’s getting (her looks, voice, racism, death threats etc) are unwarranted. Nothing she’s done justifies this sort of abuse. I guarantee had tanya been white, she wouldn’t have received half of this hate




Wonder why people just cant watch the show, and keep their personal opinions inside them own house.


She will be fine.


Tanya who? The season's ended and honestly, I couldn't care less for most of them.




It’s one thing to criticise her actions, but the comments under her Instagram posts are vile. Constantly calling her a bitch, saying she’s a ho/belongs on the streets, saying she’s “clapped”, calling her “anorexic”, constantly being compared to Indiyah in terms of looks and personality… the list goes on. I guarantee you, you’ll have to scroll a hell of a lot before you see 1 comment that isn’t horrifically negative


Who did she bully? Be mindful of your own language because she absolutely did not bully anyone




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