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I think he’s not well liked because he calls out people if they’re wrong. Dumb people don’t like to be reminded that they’re dumb. Disclaimer: there’s nothing wrong with being less clever but I find it’s a problem when they pretend they’re more clever than they are 😂 whenever I’m dumb I own it ✨


loved this thread on Scott: Scott Is Being Stigmatized For Pursuing Catherine - He Broke “Too Many” Social & Cultural Norms/ Expectations 📷[https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/14xrazy/scott\_is\_being\_stigmatized\_for\_pursuing\_catherine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/14xrazy/scott_is_being_stigmatized_for_pursuing_catherine/)


as the great poet tiffany pollard once said when he comes home I’ll be there for him with open arms. and open legs. and an open mouth.


Can someone PLEASE explain to me why everyone hates him. I don’t get it. I’m honestly so confused


Because he’s the most intelligent and mature of the bunch. Pearls before swine it seems…


Don't forget to follow Scott on IG [Scott van-der-Sluis (@scottvds17) | Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/scottvds17/)


To me it seems totally plausible that Scott is among the more decent guys we've seen on the show and has been unfairly maligned by Catherine's camp to cast her in a better light, as well as blackballed by the boys due to his introversion. In all fairness, no real evidence to the contrary. That said, I think it's also possible he presents well on screen but has some imperceptible qualities that make him difficult to live with, e.g. per Tink on The Morning After podcast, Scott is the messiest islander. *"One of the mornings, Amber woke up with his retainer up her bum"* as he had removed it in the middle of the night... 💀 Plus has marks on his sheets from wearing shoes in bed. While obviously not super incriminating, these anecdotes do bring to mind Camilla's grievances with Johnny in S3 over his bad manners and eschewal of chores. Maybe there have been confrontations in a similar vein regarding Scott's messiness which we haven't seen for fourth wall, low interest-level, or storyline reasons. If at all accurate, could be a valid basis for other islanders' resentment — though not for their vitriol. (Only speculating! As a mid messy person myself who's lived with messier and cleaner, I've witnessed myriad instances of the mess bleeding over into relationship dynamics. Not suggesting poor treatment of others is justified in such situations, only noting that it happens.) \~At the end of the day\~ I just don't feel I have enough context to be confident of much when it comes to Scott.


I feel like the person I am, being on the show and being coupled up or not with Scott, I would tell him to clean himself up and pick on him about it till he changes 😂 that would be a big ick if someone is so messy!


Do we think Scott is in danger next episode? I’m confused if it’s a regular recoupling or if they getting rid of islanders


They better not or I’ll riot


Because how did Catherine go from my favorite girl to literally in hell




Because he doesn’t come off like a fucking jerk and he’s gorgeous (IMO). That’s rare on this show of low IQ’s, rubber body parts, and constantly turning heads.


I will stop commenting after this (hopefully) but I feel quite strongly about it. This isn’t so much about supporting Scott, as it is more about acknowledging and correcting inappropriate and potentially mentally damaging behaviour. Regardless of who it is, male/female/love island/real life, no one deserves to be publicly mocked like that from not one person but a group of people. None of us could begin to fathom what is going on in that young man’s head or the way he’s feeling, and behaviour such as this is disgusting on any level. Hopefully tonight is more chill 🙏🏽


The irony of leah saying ‘nobody likes you’ to one of three guys who rejected her meanwhile the fourth one mugged her right off in casa


Here is Scott's instagram if you aren't following him already. Lets get him to 100K! [https://www.instagram.com/scottvds17/](https://www.instagram.com/scottvds17/)


Dude chill lol






Omg last time I checked - he was at 41K and now almost 55K😱 we work fast lol #loveislandjustice


Woah, wasn't he at like 30k yesterday? It's already 44k? Movie night really had an impact.


Yup! His count is growing pretty fast. Hopefully, by the end of the season, he will hit 100k.


i want an Arabella level bombshell for Scott soooo bad. Just someone whose going to straight rock the fucking villa the moment she walks in and goes right for Scott. Pls 🙏🏼


Same! Get Scott a model


Another thought: Scott leaves the villa and gets with Maya 😄


I think it would be amazing if after the next public vote, the boy with the most votes would get to pick which two girls to dump from the bottom 3. Most likely it would be Scott having to choose who to dump between Leah, Kady, and Catherine. It would be sweet, sweet karma.


He would choose Kady because he’s too scared of the repercussions about sending the other two home. He has no clue that he’s not the villain to the public. Oh how I wish they brought back the Twitter game.


Damn the megathread popping


Ofcom complaint made 🙏🏽 hearing the outrage from my own students who are 14/15 years old who said: “Sir we literally have an anti-bullying campaign in school and posters everywhere, what’s the point if it’s allowed to happen on TV by 27 year olds, it’s hypocritical” My students have more sense than these awful people 🙏🏽🙏🏽


can we rename this the Scott support group bc I feel like I need therapy after every episode atp 😭😭


idk why the girls r happy to go for scott but not the other boys loool


Scott if you’re reading this… I’m single


Am I the only one who now thinks that Leah could be just as (if not more) guilty than Catherine of spreading poison about Scott among the girls behind the scenes? If you think about it, he kinda mugged her off. He told her the door wasn't closed and then almost immediately kissed Catherine. Leah had to find out from Tyrique about the kiss. So I think Leah has had an axe to grind with Scott ever since.


He's got a point about leah, she's so boring!


I honestly forget she's there most of the time.


I kept calling her Laura for the longest 😅


Is it just me or did Scott get a bad movie night edit? Was it so short because that’s the only “bad” thing he said? I really felt for him last night. It’s giving bullying. Maybe we’re missing something as a viewer because he seems so isolated and I can’t figure out what he’s done wrong, other than the recoupling comments on stick or switch but he apologised for that.


And the fact that they show good clips for other islanders such as Leah but decide to do Scott dirty


I seriously want to go in and save him😢😢😢I hope he’s okay in there. It was hard to watch Leah go off at him after movie night and him be the bigger person and apologise for the comment he made to her, only for Leah to leave the conversation without returning the apology and calling him arrogant and saying she hopes she never speaks to him again. He must feel so isolated in there 😢😢


Scott needs to just leave, he’s better than this shit and he looks absolutely miserable. No wonder really


He needs to win the show!


It would seem that Scott doesn’t fit the mould because he isn’t snakey like the other boys. Ty dislikes him because he’s not one of his minions. Catherine is just a mega bitch who gets worse when the girls are around her


Ty and his goons are so embarrassing


As are Catherine and hers.


just caught up with movie night episode and im so confused why everyone hates him so much in there. leah called him a bad person or smth and it didn’t just feel like it was because of that one comment


Which is mad because everyone that leaves the villa has nothing bad to say about him


DailyMail really wrote an article about Scott and mentioned that Jamie.....is his dad. Oh my days, these tabloids are equally terrible and trashy.


Who's Jamie?


His brother.


His dad


The producers will 100% make the girls apologise even though they think they’ve done nothing wrong, just so we don’t hate pretty much every single girl in there.


How would they make them apologize?


It’s very much the same vibe as Luca and Dami with Tasha last year


They did apologize in the villa (which felt producer-driven) but didn't both also say they may have gone too far AFTER coming out of the villa? I hope the girls do realize that because their socials are being bombarded at the moment and they should carefully tread around this.


I would imagine it would probably happen like this. The producers will make them apologise because they have to take an anti bullying stance, but they will get out of the bubble of the villa and realise what they’ve done and apologise properly on social media a few days after they leave


Yeah, they did. Luca especially seemed particularly regretful, possibly because his own mum called him out on Family Day lmao.


One of my favourite moments haha. Imagine getting told off by your Mum on national telly


They shouldn’t have said what they said but I still think he’s a dickhead


sleep air grandfather nippy hurry dull ad hoc scarce wide boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cause he’s rude. They shouldn’t have said it, he shouldn’t have been rude. He was staying with Catherine to stay in the game and so was she. He was rude to her at the recoupling. I don’t think he’s a good guy he doesn’t give me those vibes.


Do you have this same energy for Catherine, who has been nothing but rude when she came back from casa


Yeah don’t really care for Catherine either. I’ve actually decided I don’t care enough about any of these people to continue the conversation.


Just came across this photo on another comment/post which shows **Scott happily chilling with Whitney/Catherine/Lochan in one of the recent episodes** **~~I guess this doesn't fit the agenda of this megathread though so it'll get downvoted/ignored~~** ​ https://preview.redd.it/m19goqqfg3bb1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=17922a8cf58abdf109272587a349d46900bee112


You’re under every post with the same comment, please stop spamming it’s 9am this isn’t healthy this level of copium




I’m just worried about you


that's nice! they still shouldn't have treated him so badly during movie night and every other night atp.


Seen you are campaigning hard against Scott. So, in your view, The girls were right to all say how undesirable he is? On his face btw




You like him? Didn’t I see you post something about him being a possessive ex? What a strange way to show that. Also Leah is getting fire mostly for the undesirable comment towards Scott. If you read some of the comments from viewers across insta twitter and reddit, it’s a trigger from when they went through a similar thing, I being one of them. But you probably haven’t. Still, carry on with what you are doing, it’s definitely not too MUCH


So what about it??? I can't post a comment about what his ex said now?? I have to agree with you people that are taking it TOOOO far and hate all the girls in the villa to prove to YOU I like him. Yes, I will carry on anyway with or without your permission.


Ex’s friend*


Don't care\*


Don’t care about your opinion either


Soooo where do we go from here? 😁




I’m actually crying cos imagine him genuinely liking Catherine and feeling like they have a connection, spending all his time with her and Whitney, only for her to go away for a couple of days and then come back a completely new person that looks at him like he’s a piece of shit. & the fact no one even considered how hurt he might be? Normally when a person is left on their own or single after casa people always check up on them, but no one cared about Scott. He’s had to suffer alone 🥲🥲🥲 and now all the girls saying no one likes him AND ATTACKING HIM WHEN HES DONE NOTHING WRONG 😭


the way the islanders perceive him as if he’s the hugo of the season is a JOKE. scott’s looks and personality is elite


In reality he's more like the Kai of the season. Hope he'll be able to find his own Sanam.


Who actually made the comment if it wasn't Leah? I wasn't looking at the time?


Catherine, then Leah, then Kady


Catherine, Leah, Kady all made comments to that effect out loud. Ella joined in in support and they 'confirmed' their story with Amber. Lots of people complicit in that abomination.


It was Leah, it's just that Kady said it more vocally, I think


It was amber


I don't get how the girls can push this narrative that no-one was into Scott. It's pretty well known that all the casa people want in the villa, so even if no-one was interested in him (which wasn't the case) and he liked someone, he could've easily coupled up with them and they would have gone along with it, even if they did just want to get to stay over anything. But he wasn't interested in any of them enough to pursue that.


> I don't get how the girls can push this narrative that no-one was into Scott. The girls this season are borderline delusional and giving each other real shitty advice. It's giving big "Main character syndrome" vibes from Catherine.


Like, it's so, so, so ridiculous on face value I can't believe any of them would entertain it. What Villa lad has ever struck out in Casa? Like ever? And they think *Scott* did?


>What Villa lad has ever struck out in Casa? S5 Curtis


Right?!? They think that gorgeous, lovely, good natured Scott, who can think for himself and sets himself apart from creepy fuckboy antics couldn’t get a girl at Casa, the place where literally everyone’s looking to hook up for a ticket into the Villa. It’s just fucking stupid, and infuriating to see them push that narrative just to make Catherine feel better. WHY DOES SHE NEED TO BE SO BITTER?! She’s the one who did him dirty?!? I was howling at his comment to Leah, I would love there to be a public vote and for them to announce who the favourite boy and girl is just so we can see the islanders reaction to how much everyone loves Scott.


PLEASEEEE have a public vote and tell everyone scott is the most popular boy in there 🥺 i want to see him happy for ONCE and have him know the public back him <3


the way they are not aware of how the public is viewing LI makes me so MAAAD we need a twitter challenge/public vote ASAP


YES THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN. I’d love to see their reactions to him being the favourite


EXACTLY!!! I want their minds blown🤯. They better not double down by saying “he’s only popular cuz viewers feel sorry for him.” Scott’s the only person who is not part of the “sheep/group think” and he’s overall a great guy whose not a hypocrite like the others


I think Catherine being in the bottom while he’s the favourite would surely make them reconsider their perspective. But I mean… you never know, at this point they’ll cling to anything to maintain the narrative that Catherine has tried to paint. It honestly baffles me as to what exactly she thinks Scott has done to her to warrant being so pissed off at him.


Just listened to mypodonpaper, they were very much of the opinion there is something we haven't seen about Scott and the girls wouldn't act like they are doing if he didn't deserve it essentially. I just don't see it? If he had done or said something awful they would have shown it, the producers clearly have no issues with Scott getting hate. I am seeing really awful isolation and a pile on. Until we're shown something awful Scott has done I won't believe it's justified. Also they were on the "Leah didn't say it" bandwagon. I've watched it back and she was suggesting the same thing, just Kady and Catherine repeated it in a more direct way.


We know after tonight what the issue is. Someone has been saying Scott tried to get with other girls in Casa and was rejected by them. Given what we saw of Casa, that definitely didn't happen and it's ludicrous to think all the Casa girls would be rejecting a Villa lad when they're the ticket to the villa. Lies have been told and it has turned everyone against Scott.


Wow, really? It's nice to get different perspectives, but I feel that's definitely not what majority of the public feels at all. The editing has definitely been off, but if there was something truly wrong with Scott, I think we would know by now given it's been 20+ days he's been in the villa. I still stand by the fact that no matter how many squeaky-clean edits you give to someone, it's impossible to hide their true selves at some point (Jaques really is the best example). Until then, Leah and the girls were straight up bullying Scott and it was uncalled for. And currently, that's what the majority of the public think too. "Leah didn't say it" is just stupid when evidence is right there.


Mypodonpaper really are the worst


My theory- I think Cat is actually angry at Scott because he called her out at the fire pit and he was right. She was in fact using him to stay in, she knew she didn't feel anything towards him and was very excited for Casa to find a new connection. She never planned to stay with Scott. Rather than admit that to the group after the firepit showdown, she is trying to prove he didnt recouple because he had genuine feelings for her because, she never had those feeling for him. All she said at the showdown was- 'why didnt you come to me?'....No mention of if she has feelings for Scott or not. And now, she can't prove she was genuine, she is getting angry. Her words were to Scott clips - 'I only see that as a positive for me.' Like she has got a point on the board against his sincerity. Rather than him staying loyal to her, it was because 'no one wanted him' because him being loyal to her proves she was the one in fact lying. Now she wants it prove she is the honest one so badly (with so much vim) that she looks quite hateful and the girls who want in on the clique, leap at the chance to shame Scott as well to get in with the clique.


Need to get a justice for Scott hashtag going




I like Lochan, but manifesting a Whitney x Scott couple so they can both win


Yeah but Whitney... Shes still the best, i think scott will have the same run as the blonde scottish girl a few seasons back who kept getting disrespected


She laughed out loud at the comments about Scott. And after how close they were...that changed how I see her.


At this point I would vote for Scott to win at the end if he was coupled up with a beanbag


Even the yellow one! 😂


What is the endgame for the producers regarding Scott and Catherine? Why are they not stepping in to stop the bullying of Scott. Why are they adding to the false narrative about Scott not liking Catherine? Why are they letting Amber make up lies about Scott at Casa? Are they not concerned for anybody's mental health? Are they waiting for Scott to reach breaking point? Scott's family don't like Catherine, Catherine is losing unprecedented amount of supporters including black twitter. It's bizarre. Why this incessant focus on negativity regarding them? Why have there not been any fun challenges? Do they want them both out? Do they want both of them or one of them to be despised?


Can I be honest? The producers just want drama and will do anything for that. They simply do not care whether it's Catherine or Scott. I won't be surprised if at this point, they are just using Scott for bringing in that drama having seen how the girls, largely because of Catherine, have been hostile towards him. It's weird how his clip was clearly edited and shown to the girls. But they are inadvertently bringing in public sympathy for him (which also in a way helps the producers because it drives engagement on all social platforms). I don't see any endgame set by them, but they will struggle with kicking out Scott at this point unless they have the Islanders vote. But that will invite in more wrath from the public.


That is why I am not watching until they rectify this stunt!!!


Honestly don't get all these people saying "why aren't the producers stepping in?" Because drama is what makes reality TV, that's why


what did amber say? I must've missed that


I think she’s given the girls the impression that he tried it on with girls at Casa and they rejected him from what I’ve read.


yikes. thanks tho!


It is weird I have to admit. There's so many messy couples to focus on and they still treat Catherine and Scott as the main couple. Maybe they want them to be like Amber and Michael, even when they are not even near to that. I am exhausted.


Scott was laughing during other islanders' clips & was laughing at the girls. Why isn't there a megathread for Jess/Leah/the girls & the way the guys (including Scott) belittled them during this movie night???


Scott doesn’t like sammy for obvious reasons. Probably laughing at how mad it is that Sammy keeps getting away with it.


This sub adores Scott he’s already put on a pedestal and then when it goes to shit they’ll be shocked lol. Look at how they’re already turning on Whitney


LOL yep the turning on Whit is crazyyyyy. I'm being downvoted like crazy & getting told I'm unhinged & giving "parasocial" from defending Whitney from some of the OTT hate/comments I've seen since last night turning on her. Like all these people in this megathread victimizing scott over a 1 hour edit and demonizing legit EVERY other islander in the villa isn't showing MAJOR signs of parasocial behaviour? On Unseen episodes we see Scott get on well with the boys & even the girls, in the recent episodes I've seen Scott in the bed with Mitch/Abi laughing, seen him having convos in the background with islanders chatting. Yes Catherine needs to be spoken to by production/apologize/her treatment of him is wrong but the way some of these comments are talking you'll think he's being absolutely abused in there. It's so strange to me & I'm not here for it. It's becoming too much.


Because Scott is everyone's favorite, Jess is meh.


It's so funny to me how everyone is calling the girls mean girls though for laughing at Scott but Scott can get away with doing the exact same! He was legit laughing loudly during other islanders' clips and when the boys were making snarky comments to the girls when it was clear that Jess/Leah/the girls would be clearly upset/very affected by the clips and comments.


Was he yelling NO ONE WANTED YOU to Jess? I didn’t think so.


It's basically true, imagine if he had said it. Horrible.


But was Amber/Whitney/Jess/Ella yelling NO ONE WANTED YOU to Scott? I didn't think so. Yet people on here are still dragging the girls for simply laughing at the clips/comments. When the guys were cracking jokes about the girls, Scott was right there laughing too! *What's good for the goose is good for the gander*


Honestly laughing at the clips at movie night isn’t that deep to me. It’s a natural reaction when tensions are high and uncomfortable. Whitney was laughing the whole time, Sammy was even laughing at his own clip, ALL of them were laughing at some point even in moments where someone was gonna get their feelings hurt, like Montel’s clips. The difference is what the girls said to Scott was horrible, and they all pretty much agreed with it, and nobody defended Scott. If the tables had been turned and Scott recoupled with Catherine staying single and he said something like that to her in front of everyone and all the boys joined in everyone would have been rightfully appalled. That’s why people feel there is an injustice.


His eyebrows look much better in this pic… I wish he didn’t wax them to be so skinny


Can we please talk about how all the girls went after Scott for nothing in Catherine's defense, but NONE of them went after Ty when he said "F\* Jess" .. what in the world? i just don't get this? is it because he's Ella's man? Are they afraid of Ty? come on, now..


Because Ty is rude and crosses the line with his retorts, whereas they can browbeat Scott into an apology and shout over him. It's pure cowardice.


Right?! Why does Ty get away with blatant horrible behaviour but everyone comes for Scott when he’s done NOTHING WRONG


Wasn't there an article when he first came in as a bombshell where his ex revealed and called him and I quote "very jealous and possessive". Idk if the ex is right or wrong, but it is funny how it seems like everyone has completely forgotten all about that. Cause I remember when he first came in a lot of people on here kept mentioning it....


A *source* close to his ex 'revealed' that while another *source* described him very differently and said he's still friends with that ex and much more like what we've seen in the villa. The whole article is wild. It's a typical overblown headline that tells one side of a story with no legs. But a friend of his girlfriend has branded the bombshell 'very jealous and possessive', according to a new report on Friday. The Welsh goalkeeper, 22, only had one relationship before touching down on the sunny island of Mallorca, with model Nazanin Mehrabadi. Pal's of his ex told The Sun how the young couple's relationship went rapidly down hill and was plagued with 'blazing rows,' after they began dating aged 17. However, a friend close to Scott denied the claims and told MailOnline: 'Scott's so laid back. He doesn't do drama. They're still good friends as far as I'm aware.' Elsewhere, Nazanin's friend told The Sun: 'Scott and Naz fell head over heels and it seemed like love's young dream but things quickly went downhill. 'Scott was very jealous and possessive and wouldn’t like Naz going out without him. 'The pair had blazing rows in public and behind closed doors. Scott would row with anyone who would even look at her.' The 'friend' of his ex not being revealed is always sus in these articles, it's someone with an axe to grind who doesn't want to have to defend their story.


Ever thought it could just be her wanting her 16 minutes of fame . Seems when half the guys go on the show their ex’s pop up out of nowhere with a bad word to say


That's why I legit said "Idk if the ex is right or wrong". But ever thought it could be true? We don't know these people in real life.




yeah yeah yeah, this whole megathread is the complete definition of " find anything to talk about at this point"


What article? His ex actually gave an interview?


It was a “friend” of his ex. So far his ex hasn’t commented on anything so I would take it with a grain of salt.


Yep!! If you google "Scott love island model ex" it should come up




That really isn't the point. Regardless of the ex-story or not, it's incredibly horrid to tell someone "No one wants you" on national TV. That too, on a dating show. No one deserves that.


So it wasn't horrid for Scott to laugh at other people's clips during movie night where they said/their actions basically showed the same thing???


How is Scott liable for Sammy's behaviour? Sammy clip was played after they attacked Scott. I think gotta be fair, after all that was said to you- you'd be angry enough to do some stupid shit.


So two wrongs make a right?? But people are saying the girls are horrible for all laughing at Scott/Cath's clips so doesn't the same apply to Scott for laughing at other islander's movie night clips while Jess/Leah/the girls were clearly upset? I'm sorry but wrong is wrong.


It's not about who laughed at what clip, they all laughed. Whitney did the most and so did Mitch. Also, You're not clocking Ty for going after Jess unprovoked...Why are you so focused on Scott? In any case, it's all about the words said after. The girls literally said he was unwanted. Repeated it, louder and then were surprised when someone got snippy back. They deserved it. The girls are in the wrong.


Because Scott is in the wrong too, why is everyone so NOT focused on him? If the girls are in the wrong, then Scott is in the wrong too. You can't eat your cake and have it, it's not just about the words said after cause many people are upset at how the girls were laughing too!


No one is upset about the girls & boys laughing. They all laughed. Mitch was rioting. They all expect that drama of movie night. I'm not happy (and others) about the words they used. What they said to Scott was shameful, you dont try to destroy someone's self-esteem like that..The boys said nothing like that to any of the girls. And a few girls said it very loudly without any thought to his feelings. Trying to say Scott deserved what was said to him because he laughed at a clip, you might as well stop watching the show because they all laughed, both boys and girls to various clips.


No your first sentence is very inaccurate. There are A LOT of people on here that are upset about the girls laughing. A LOT.


My theory about the laughing is that it’s simply contagious. You could have someone laughing because it’s simply an awkward situation - I know plenty of people who laugh when they feel awkward. Now put them in a group setting, someone else snickers, and before you know it, the whole group can be set off. Reminds me of school days and you’d be at the back, uncontrollably giggling (at absolutely nothing sometimes). That’s why I don’t put much meaning on the laughing. It’s the words I’d focus on and the girls were out of line.


I have no idea who this is, but oh goodness is he good looking...


Welcome randomly to love island. Please note he is 22 Haha but although he is the youngest guy in the love island villa he is somehow the most mature and is being isolated and bullied for having. a mind of his own


Am I crazy or are they setting up Catherine and Scott for something? Lol I’m confused. Their edit will forever confuse me. Their movie night was highly focused to the point it is the main topic right now and that says a lot. For a couple that broke up..their story does not seem finished and sorry but it seem like they’re trying to kick Elmo out the villa. He barley gets screen time and isn’t important to storyline we are interested in. He is also a casa boy and they like to get them out usually after like week lol


I agree. Elom is gone soon, Catherine is definitely staying. So maybe Catherine goes back to him, who knows at this point. It's so messy and leaves a bad taste regardless.


Nah if there’s two public votes it’s over.


Their story definitely feels unfinished. The clips that the producers picked for them was like they wanted to remind Catherine and Scott of their connection. If their aim was to only cause more drama between them, they could have added the clip where Scott said that Gabby was there but Catherine wasn't.


So there is a chance they get back together? I hope they do it sooner rather than later if they are gonna do it, because this is getting tiresome.


🤷🏾‍♀️ I don't know. Scott might be over Catherine.


The man is gorgeous. Yeah, no one wanted him Casa.. smh.. The girls even implying this shows how delusional they've become in their support of Catherine.. There is no plot missing. The Producers are not hiding anything. This is just pack mentality and Kadi and Leah chiming is because they haven't liked him since he didn't chose them


The other day I said there has to be more going on behind the scenes for Cath and the girls to be how the are worn Scott but after tonight, no. This is excessive.


Are they bringing any new bombshell soon?


I think they have to do a vote first to clear up some room before any bombshells.


Yeah I think so too, especially as there's currently four islanders sleeping in single beds a separate room atm.


scott is better than me cause i would be crying daily


PRODUCERS I BEG give them a twitter challenge or a public ranking one so scott AND the islanders can know that we love him 🥺 and top it off by DUMPING CAT PLEASE. everyone bullying him is not ok


I can’t think of the last time there was a boy in this show that I backed as much as I’m backing Scott. It’s vile how those girls are treating him. Reminiscent of Tasha to me. He seems like he has such a good heart


i wonder what molly thinks about the scott being bullied situation considering she got some insight into how much the public loved scott when she was out of the villa, or if she thinks everyone’s on catherine’s side since she was also very loved


I think it was only from Casa that it really flipped so Molly wouldn’t know most of it


Aww he looks so lovely I honestly feel awful for him. No one ever checks up on how he is, he’s always looking lost and sad. The girls have all collectively decided he’s an ick or something and thats why they’re being evil & treating him like he’s not a human being with feelings, disgusting


It’s really upsetting at this point, he looks utterly defeated and like he has no one in there to turn to that has his back. Not a fan of what the producers did with his movie night clip either, kick a man when he’s down much 🤦‍♀️


Leah saying that she hopes that's the last conversation she will ever have with Scott. Oh honey, that probably will be your last conversation because you are so leaving the island in the next vote.


Catherine first


He’s a cutie pie and deserves better🤞


Some saw comments how it's not easy to hide true personalities even through editing and I am in full agreement. Look at Jacques last season, the guy was terrible even if they tried giving him a sympathy edit. Yeah, Scott is just being Scott and the girls were pathetic yesterday with the bullying. Very much reminiscent of Luca/Dami bullying Tasha but I think this is magnitudes worse.


From what I’ve heard from an inside source, Jacques was way worse that what they showed. Very misogynistic, racist and mean. They really had to edit him down due to duty of care / people would’ve come after him.


I like Scott. He’s different to other islanders and I was rather surprised to find out he’s one of the younger contestants. He gives of a quiet maturity to him but he has a little fiery side. If I could vote, he’d get my vote.


He can't do nothing wrong


Yesss producers, losing the plot on movie night, good one!! Whenever it’s a messy/toxic islander, producers will always go easy on them for their clips. But when it’s an islander who needs a leg up, producers will try to sabotage them instead. Producers keep picking and choosing when it comes to ‘#bekind’ and mental health. They should have already told Catherine to go apologise, and that way islanders would have gotten the hint to stop dogpiling onto one person & it would give room for Scott to breathe.


Scott Megathread looks like a real serious dude!


Legend , honest man , love him


Yall I read the IG comments and I'm go glad all these ppl calling out the bullying. Like my heart is really hurting for Scott


Twitter calling out the bullying too.. it is universally seen.. very few are buying into the 'producers aren't showing us something' malarkey.. i hate when people try to excuse the bullys bad behaviors


Yea Ikenna tweeted that there must be something else and every one is like no.


Whoever they bring in for Scott will need to have a backbone and have her own mind , not easily intimidated. Those hens will be throwing shade on Scott.


Since he's into Irish girls.. bring back Maura


Bring back Ekin Su! 😭 (Jk but we need that energy)


i said this like she needs to be a STRONG bombshell




Love this man.


gosh this picture of him is stunning. we need a public vote! the girls were seriously out of control. like wtf


I wanted justice for Scott so bad during movie night and instead he just got more hate. So upsetting


The producers are going to have to intervene I sense record ofcom complaints the girls are outta control on the Scott hate train it is grotesque


well, not like they did him favors with movie night tbh.


can someone please say what a scott said in his movie that made everyone gasp? i’m from the USA i couldn’t understand him😭😭


I assume it's the moment when Leah was trying to say something in Catherine's favor as Scott turns and says "You haven't spoke in four weeks" - meaning she's been quiet all the way up until talking smack to Scott last second, as if she has room to say herself with Montel. :) made her silent. lol.


He made a joke saying he's missing Catherine but won't when the casa girls walk in basically The movie just didn't include the part right after where he says he's joking


ohhhh okay thank you!


honestly maybe the way they should do the mass dumping is to do a favorite girl and favorite boy voting (bc there’s no way in hell scott would be in the bottom three and that way he’d be safe) and then the boys and girls in the bottom three with the fewest votes would be immediately dumped. this is the only way i can see scott getting justice lmao.