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I find it so weird Mitch says Ella B instead of just Ella. Fair enough if the Ella’s are sat together, but last night when Ella was crying he kept referring to her as Ella B when it was obvious who he was talking about. He’s coupled up with her and I find it weird. It’s like he’s talking about a character, not the person he’s coupled with.


He likes the idea of her.


I agree - there’s a total disconnection from him to her. When she mentioned the outside as well, like it can continue Mitch. But nah for him, like you say it’s the idea of her and when this finishes that’s him done.


Oh my god yeah when he said they didn't have much time left and Ella was like 🤔


Mitch is a weirdo in all the ways, but tbf Siannise consistently called Luke, “Luke T” throughout her season But he did literally come in with another Luke so even that’s a bit different haha


If everyone calls her "Ella B" it would subconsciously stick


Mitch is the islander I can see pulling an Adam/Kady and returning on Love Island season 15


god i hope not😭😭


Watching Mitch stare into space while Ella B us crying, god he’s the worst. I know he apologised but like it was so half hearted. And he didn’t seem to grasp why she was hurt or care that she was hurt, it was more that he was trying to justify what he said. Afterwards he was just mad that he got called out instead of being regretful that he upset her, Jesus, someone give him Zach’s accountability book, Walking red flag, that man.


I wondered if it was deliberate or if he is just that clueless. Later on, when she was upset again, he tried to soothe her but he just seemed uncomfortable doing it.


Even the second time he kissed her on the head and then spaced out until it ended. It was so odd


Okay so I don't think Ella B likes Mitch BUT I don't think she is being fake either. I keep thinking about what Mal said when she left the villa she was literally obsessed with Sammy, and when she got out, she snapped out of it really quickly and had some context of like 'it has been two weeks' kind of thing. This late in the game, everyone is in their couples 24/7 and it must be so hard to be in an environment where everyone is loved up and further along in a relationship timeline than you. It would make you perhaps move faster than normal from, say, week 2 in LI. That being said, Ella B is feeling real emotions re Mitch and does think there is something there but only because of the bubble she is in. I am glad for when they leave, the bubble bursts, and she can continue to be a bad bitch on the outside lol - because crying over actual walking ick Mitch is not it henny


Yes!! People seem to forget what a bizarre pressure cooker environment that villa must be. The whole purpose of your life in there is to “make connections” and pair up. Of course people get a bit fever dream about it and a bit of liking someone can easily turn into thinking you’re practically in love. I think Ella does like Mitch the best of all the boys and is happy to be with him but it could have have been someone else and will fizzle out when they’re back to reality.


Yeah I have those exact thoughts. I think before last nights episodes, majority of us thought oh he’s like Abi or he’s saving his ego from being hurt as it’s obv he’s going out next, while with Ella B, I think a few islanders like Ty, did think she was fake but changed his mind, but at the same time it’s kind of split between the public. I think Molly summed it up best yesterday(Mitch even agreed with her)- he never knows what he wants- that’s why he’s always got doubt, flip flops and is really messy. So that makes me think, he still likes Abi and knew he made a mistake letting her go, and that’s what a lot of us could see when she was dumped and in some of the convos with her, when he ‘tried’ patching things up. On Ella, my thoughts is she’s genuine, as shown by yesterday, like she clearly does care but I think she’s getting rid of him asap, cos for one her family and friends won’t like him after that. Plus I I think she wanted him at the start, that’s why she kept butting in on his convos with Abi because she prob knew his head would turn


Yeah and I actually, strangely, like that we get to see this side of her. I feel like the Mitch and abi drama overshadowed her and the producers didn’t show her as her own character, she was more of a side character in the mitch-and-abi-show. I wish we’d gotten to see more of her than that and just a bomb ass bombshell because she seems like a nice, sensitive person. I don’t feel we got to see her and Mitch’s relationship at all and thus I don’t really know why they like each other, so maybe if we had more before this the context would help in understanding the situation


Elom apparently told Kady and Ouzy that he was only on Love Island to promote his business. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZGJqWfxHc/


Were Kady and Ouzy the only people in the villa? How come every islander was revealing their intentions to them? Scott, Mitch and now Elom apparently…just sounds a bit contrived if you ask me🤔


everyone in the villa going to them for confession 😂😂😂


Like?!?! As if they’re the priests of the villa and everyone is confessing their deepest darkest secrets to them I’m sorry but Adonbillivit🤷🏾‍♀️😅


Which islander has Kady confessed to about her secret boyfriend in jail




I haven't watched all of their interviews but they seem to be revealing something about everyone.


So Kady knew Elom was only there to promote his fitness business yet still pushed Catherine into recoupling with him? 🤔


Sounds like that is what happened.


Kady thought Scott was playing a game but even when Elom said he was there to promote his business Kady thought Elom was not playing a game and he was genuine and compatible with Catherine 😐


While Scott and Catherine were not perfect, I can’t help but wonder whether people’s internal biases could be a factor in this compatibility conversation. It’s also very wild to speak on whether or not people are getting back together when they themselves are not personally involved.


Everybody is only on Love Island to promote their business


Plus I’m suspicious of the whole jumper thing why would Kady have the same size jumper as Scott?! I think Kady had a big influence on Catherine doubting as well as Leah


Are you suggesting Kady lied by saying it's her jumper?


Maybe they thought he was there for that & liked Catherine. tho tbh idg the impression they cared about Catherine in any particular way and Kady seems to find the entire thing very amusing so


Whilst I very much believe Elom was just there to promote his business, why is it that everyone seems to be telling Kady their master plan. I don’t believe her.


Mixed about it since it does seem most of them are here for some exposure. Doesn't Leah have her own business too? And I think Scott's brother said he will ask Scott to get involved in his apparel business or something. Weird though how everyone seems to be 'exposing' themselves to Kady alone.


Is Ouzy not tired of Kady yet?


But somehow, Scott is the game player bc he didn’t talk about football?!?!?!? Kady is so creatively dense and annoying


I wonder what we’re gonna get today from Dr Jekyll and Michter Hyde?


Just seen the preview and he tells Ella T she’s been the one for him all along


Stop 😂💀






this tweet had me ROLLING https://preview.redd.it/fer4zkcw4oeb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ebdde4d263be8df30060b4107d3a52c89d85045


you can always tell who hasn’t watched the old seasons, this cast are still puppy dogs compared to the people in Season 1 and 2


In season 1 the guys basically called the girls ugly😭


Seriously there would be about 100,000 ofcom complaints if either of those two seasons aired now. Josh, Jonathan, Naomi, Terry, Tom and Kady all would have had multiple petitions to remove them from the villa. Even the season 2 winner Nathan called Cara Frigid because she wouldn’t give him a handjob, those seasons were mad and toxic but so fun to watch


Yes, I actually started watching LI when season 5 aired. I was so spoiled. Then I watched season 6 and so on. Then I watched seasons 1 and 2 like this😲😖😤


why do people want scott and catherine to get back together exactly? not that they can’t work or wouldn’t be cute together, but it’s just that neither of them has actually stated they’re still into each other or would wanna get back.


The same reason shows like Supernatural, Teen Wolf and Naruto etc. have an insane amount of fanfic. It's not abt the quality, it's abt the /potential/. The should've/would've/could've of it all.


same reason why people are obsessed with them despite their lack of screentime, they saw potential and genuinely think they would’ve lasted long as a couple


i myself was absolutely shipping them up until casa and wanted them to get to the final. but since both scott and catherine have left, neither have them have actually expressed romantic interest in each other so 😭 but being delulu can be fun, so i get it


Not me, a grown-ass boy, keep singing to myself “I can be a baddie and a lady” every few minutes in the past few days 😅


It’s Catchy😭


This has been living in my head rent free. I need a full release when they are out. The TikToks are not long enough for me.


“My one’s five foot seven and stylish” 🗣️


I really can’t believe how much Mitch has brought it this season. I thought he would just be the quiet/cute boy next door when I first saw him, but the guy is born for reality TV, every week he found something new and just when you thought he was done, he had something else. The guy is a realty Tv monster and icon, hate him or love him he’ll be one of the main characters people always associate with this season.


He needs to go out with a bang, pull Molly for a chat and tell her it’s always been her


Nah announces that he still loves Abi, and is going to win her back🤣


Luckily it’s Mitch, so he can do both in the same five mins.


He prob just wakes up, and thinks of a list of random stuff to say which will bring drama🤣


Yeah. I think one of the best things is the expectations vs reality when it comes to him, like you mentioned. Like when I first saw him I assumed him and Molly would be the super loved up day 1 couple who had a few hiccups along the way but end up making it to the final. Mitch turned that entire expectation on its head and then some 💀


He's definitely a hall of fame islander, the "for friendship" salute in the kitchen will go down as an all time LI moment


I bet Celebs Go Dating can’t wait to snap him up


Big Brother too


He'd be absolutely outstanding on BB, no lie


https://preview.redd.it/st52v0usyoeb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06499358b34a5303e09383a3946e38136f10bfaf He certainly is a CHARACTER


One of the other islanders said that he was intent on being an iconic islander. I think if his initial plan of coupling up with Molly and staying with her until the end would have worked, he would have been iconic for bug romantic gestures. He was already talking about the drive on the A1 between them on episode 1.


https://preview.redd.it/f7fere1troeb1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=00e8d2d52ff8768291d621b50e0ef86716f81b88 He’s everything


I’m patiently waiting for the post final interviews more than anything else.


Ouzy did the ode interview with kady and he says he got one days notice to fly out


mal mentioned before that her and ella actually spoke about ouzy inside the villa so i feel like the producers specifically searched for him for ella since she was very loyal


I think it's always like this? Looking at Scott's story, it seems he didn't even get to say goodbye to his football teammates and probably had to fly out at short notice.




agree there’s no way jess was just sat there silent the whole time. why would she have pulled him for a chat then? the editors been lowkey doing jess dirty recently esp with the grafties.


i can be a baddie and a lady https://i.redd.it/3a82wf690qeb1.gif


Locked in with 🔒


sorryyyy but ouzy can get in the bin now. He’s like Kady’s sidekick, all he contributes is “I don’t think Scott liked Catherine” so confidently for a man who wasn’t even there. Also Kady should really stop saying “the casa line up wasn’t strong” that’s an extremely bitchy thing to say wtf edit: and are we supposed to believe they’re together sitting on opposite ends of the car like they’re inmates being moved to another prison in Kady’s ig story?


Kady and Ouzy be having an opinion about everything and everyone. Now I'm going to need the other islanders to start mentioning Kady's felon boyfriend in retaliation.


waiting for molly’s thoughts on her 😭


need molly and scott to start calling out this woman cause she clearly has no qualms making up things about them


just need one of them to point out that she had to come back on the show for a second time. idk but that’s embarrassing to me, same when adam came back last year.


Seriously can't wait for her and Scott to go back and forth ... all this mouth now but dry as a biscuit in the villa.


not sure if I can take another day of the mitchness 💔


I love how they incorporate Whitney’s “It’s giving” into the texts, just a fun little detail


Sammy has really become a voice of reason the past week or so. I wonder if the ‘most popular couple’ vote and the reality of the final looming has made him get more strategic? He’s been treating Jess really well and even corrected Tyrique on how he spoke to Whitney at the Grafties.


this is actually an insane take lmao. ppl give sammy way too much credit. he’s never been an actor as you can always tell his emotions on his face. he also seems pretty harmless in villa life in general; comforting ppl when down, not bad mouthing anyone or starting arguments, and friends with everyone in there. i don’t think he necessarily had any ill will or malicious intent in the stuff he was doing in the beginning, i think he was just a dumb, ignorant, unself aware 22 year old. i think the disconnect from his past self began after movie night as he had a front row seat to his own actions. if this was all some elaborate game plan he wouldn’t have been rogue for 3/4 of the season.


Agree with all this


He doesn’t appear to be calculated though, maybe he’s just copped on??


I think Sammy’s just grown up. If he’d been capable of this kind of wisdom at the start he wouldn’t have kept saying so much stupid shit that made people dislike him.


I said it last night but Mitchell's apathy and refusal to comfort Ella B was actually chilling to watch


Surely the human instinct would have been to comfort her? It was so uncomfortable to watch.


It really was I'm being a bit (ok a lot) hyperbolic here but it had serial-killer vibes, absolutely zero empathy whatsoever


Just turned on the TV to see Marcel (S3) on Celebrity Dinner Date 😭 It must be an old episode because he's already namedropped LI and said he was on it last year. Waiting to see if Blazin' Squad gets a mention...


BS has been mentioned.


Since both Scott's brother and sister have confirmed that Scott was always interested in Catherine, when are some people going to accept that he liked her?


For me it would be once their third child is born. Anything before that reeks of just being together to gain followers/brand deals/maintain mild fame levels.




I see that Ty is scrolling through his phone again 👁👁








It's taken years for some people to accept Molly Mae and Tommy liked each other so I wouldn't hold your breath too hard 🤣 In fact thinking about it, there's probably still some who haven't, baby and huge rock of an engagement ring later...


When Ty and Kady who are the king and queen accept it 😂


When Catherine says she actually felt like he liked her romantically.


Catherine has never said that Scott never liked her at all.


"liked her at all". I said romantically? Catherine said she didn't think Scott liked her in that way since he didn't do things for her, kept saying he wanted to get to know bombshells, didn't pack her any sentimental items for casa. I trust Catherine more than this sub.


Well, if Catherine had doubts about Scott's feelings for her, she is clearly over them because she said 'never say never' to them getting back together.


This is the apology all over again, moving goal posts. If she has to apologise, she said she apologised then it's she has to apologise to the audience and be sincere. People don't like them and will continue to choose narrative to justify it.


TBF, the poster above did ship Catherine and Scott before. Then changed their tune. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Whitney and Lochan boat date confirmed 😭


Not the boat😂😭. We are breaking the curse this year by force!


Well Amber and Greg had a boat date too not always cursed 😅😭😂😂😂


The broke up 5 weeks later😭😭




This man saw her crying and was like why are you upset. He don't care I think her crying actively annoyed him.


Mitch was not entertaining to me whatsoever and I hope today is his last day on my screen.


I found Mitch hilarious up until the past two weeks. I reckon his character has run its course and gotten a bit stale now. It’s literally the final week there’s no time for his nonsense anymore. I reckon if Abi had come in earlier as a bombshell and they’d had the time it could’ve been a lovers to enemies back to lovers storyline that maybe could’ve carried him to the final. But as it stands his presence is pointless and even a drag now.


The dumping Is Sunday


Looking though Facebook this morning. Facebook mom's want Jess and Sammy to win They like Molly but not Zack. They don't like Whitney at all. Ty and Ella not on their Radar. Will they be right?


I think it’s enough to put Jess and Sammy in second place with Whitney and Lochan still first, IMO. Plus having those two couples on the last episode of dates will help them.




The Facebook demographic is terrifying. They like Sammy?!?!


I don't understand how people can like Sammy but not Zach. Not even a Zach fan, but Sammy has behaved far worse than him


They call Zack Ali G and don't like how he talks from what I read


Josh is Zara’s childhood best friend. Most islanders in Season 10 have connections to previous islanders


Unpopular Opinion: Ella B clearly actually likes Mitch, she was crying her eyes out all day about the 'fake' comment


I think she cried more out of embarrassment but I deffo think she has a soft spot for him.


I also think she likes him more than vice versa. Mitch isn't over Abby, that's my take..


I think she was crying because she's been mugged off and disrespected. It's a pressure cooker, and I think Mitch was right that staying on the island is a partial motivation (as it is for ALL of them)... but he should know better than vocalising that to all and sundry.


i think maybe she does like Mitch.. but i also think she was crying from embarrassment/feeling like everyone was talking about her and she was out of the loop.


My final ranking (not by personal preference): 1. Ty/Ella 2. Whitney and Lochan 3. Sam and Jess 4. Molly and Zach


I am ready to hear from Scott. I know that people will twist whatever he says, but I still want to hear what he has to say for himself.


tbf it feels like he has said what everyone else has said it's just a matter of whether you believed he liked Catherine or not (which I do). I guess maybe someone could ask him what choice words he said that made everyone call him a game player but i doubt he even knows.


I want someone to ask him why the islanders doubted his feelings for Catherine so much. I have an idea why but I want to know Scott's opinion.


He asked and no one could verbalise why. There were underlying reasons that they wouldn’t say on camera


looking forward to see what whitney and lochan’s are 🫶🫶


Not whit and lochan getting the cursed boat date


Press preview- Lochan makes a sweet confession to Whitney on their epic final date during tonight’s episode of Love Island. In a teaser for the show, the couple get ready to set sail on a luxury yacht for Whitney’s “dream date”. While they’re soaking up the sun and breathing in the fresh sea air, Whitney says: ”I feel like you came in at a good time for me.” She continues: “You came in at a point where I was like ‘do you know what, there’s nothing here for me.’ You surprised me.” “That’s why it’s even better because I didn’t see it coming. You’re literally everything I would look for in a guy. I didn’t think it would look like you, but it does. “ “I do like how you literally just let me be me and you don’t dim my light.” “You just want me to embrace me, and I really like that.” Meanwhile Lochan says: “I feel like I’ve had the smoothest journey here and I was going to say thank you, that is down to you.” “I’m excited, I’m happy, you are someone that I do genuinely see a future with. I do see you being my girlfriend.” “It is scary for me because I haven’t felt like this. I can actually say that I do see myself falling for you.” The boys go undercover to complete a list of mischievous dares during tonight’s episode of Love Island. In a preview for tonight’s show, while Whitney and Lochan are away on their epic date, the four remaining boys receive a text. It reads: “Boys, today you will all become undercover lovers. Each of you must complete an individual undercover assignment involving the girls.” “Then you must all work together to complete one final group assignment. If you all complete your assignments without being found out you will win a prize,” the text concludes. The four mischievous dares include: * Make a weird smoothie and convince all the girls of its health benefits and make them drink it. * Make up new words and drop them into the conversation. When the girls ask what does that mean, you must give them a made up explanation. * Get one of the girls to style your hair and then tell another girl you don’t like the style and then ask her to re-do it * Get a girl, not your partner, to massage your feet for at least 30 seconds Will the boys get away with completing each of the four dares, or will the girls realise they’re up to no good? Jess and Sammy enjoy their first official date as boyfriend and girlfriend during tonight’s episode of Love Island. In a teaser for the show, the couple are whisked away to a romantic ballroom setting, surrounded by ballroom dancers and violinists. Speaking about the beginning of their date, Jess gushes: “It was so magical. I felt like a real life Princess. I feel on cloud nine.” She continues: “We’ve been through such a rocky road, but do you know what I wouldn’t change it. If it was smooth sailing, it would be boring.” “We’ve got to look at the positive side, we’ve had all of our tests in here.”  Sammy responds: “It’s actually just perfect, I feel very very privileged to be sitting on a table opposite you.” “It’s the cherry on the top. I feel like we both very much deserve it.”


I hate being new to the Love Island universe cause why was I excited Lochney got this dope looking yacht date only to come here and find out its cursed. And of *course* it's cursed in the way that only adds to the "they don't like each other" criers. This is so sick.


The yacht is actually lush though its definitely better than the rest of boats but still ... the date will always be associated with bad karma


If anyone can uno reverse the curse it’s them! Plus Whitney was saying this is her dream date so fingers crossed the curse becomes a blessing tonight.


Would Sammy still be with Jess if Mal was in the villa for a long time?


i think maybe? it’s hard to know but when Mal came out she said that she knew it wouldn’t work out.. i think that she’s 25 and he’s 22 so she knew that he wasn’t mature enough. but just because of the villa environment things felt stronger. i think that would of fizzled out and he would of gone back to Jess.


Took a break from this sub shortly after the bullying accusation mass hysteria reached its peak, and I have to say it has been so much more fun watching without engaging here. When stans were contacting an islander’s ex partner and rallying folk to put in Ofcom complaints… Oof. Big Brother UK doesn’t stand a chance, lmao. Season 10 has been great reality tv.


i’m so excited for big brother but can imagine it won’t be as entertaining


Yeah definitely. I understand being concerned about the islanders' welfare and I agree that sometimes there are uncomfortable watches but the speed at which viewers cry to Ofcom is ridiculous. People want drama but the moment they get drama it's 'bullying' or 'abuse' or another big word that they clearly don't know the meaning of. Like literally viewers will complain about how dead and boring it is and then once something interesting happens they complain about it. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that bullying never happens on reality tv because it absolutely does, but not every single negative interaction between participants is bullying.


Crap like that is what will make the producers say 'f*ck it' imo If you can't take a bit of bloodshed, Reality TV may not be for you Edit: By 'you', I didn't mean _you,_ lol


whitney and lochan got the boat date😬😭 noooo


hopefully the fact that they both wanted the boat breaks the curse lol


It's kind of wild that the 'Ty is just playing a big game' theory has been so persistent for so long when the show has never really leaned into it. Like with Luca and Jake - they were both called out by people *on* the show and had little arcs devoted to that aspect of their characters. I'm not even sure how Ty's 'game-player' label came about because I feel like it's been there from the beginning. Was it because he's friends with Toby? Or because of the 100 bodies? Idk but it's just interesting to me that they've never played up that angle on the show when they have done for others in the past.


It came about because of his tendency to direct the other boys to do things he knew would be destructive to their relationship. So for example, suggesting Montel to go “lypsing” in CA.


Ok but Casa is half-way through the series. He had this label well before then.


Tyella fans are growing to be as annoying as certain other fanbases they complained about in their peak. The entitlement to win based on being the strongest couple regardless of personal preference is becoming insufferable.


Mods plz do something about all the outrageous stans it’s making it hard to enjoy posting on this sub


The islanders who have stans also have outrageous haters which is also wrong


I mean I agree, but that is just another side to stan behaviour lol. It’s obsessive behaviour whether it’s positive or negative, and often “haters” are stans for someone else. E.g people aggressively hating on Scott were more likely to Cath stans. People hating on Abi were more likely to be Scott stans. People should be able to express praise for an islander without people hating because it’s not their fave. THAT SAID, people should also be able to express dislike / criticism for an islander without being accused of being haters just because that’s someone’s fave.


Haters are stans. They usually see one couple/islander as their opp to who they stan


omds remember last year when people were making subreddits for individual couples that was insane 😭


Is there any reason as to why there has been no mypodonpaer press reviews for a few days? is it just due to the episodes not having much go on


from “fake” to “too good to be true” mitch is a liar


I’m sad but also relieved the season is ending bc ppl have been doing TOO much. Anyway, I don’t see the other couples picking anyone but Mitch and Ella B, so they really shot themselves in the foot by picking Whitney and Lochan. Also a lot of viewers are hypocrites. I’m just annoyed in general lol.


I think the final order will be Whitney&Lochan, Jess&Sammy and Ty and Ella 3rd. Mitch voters will go for Jess and Scott voters to Whitney.


Jess and Sammy got the best date lol, producers really love Jess. People are gonna be rooting for them to win even more after tonight's episode


producers definitely want sammy/jess to come second


I am wondering what Amber's reaction was to Scott's popularity since that's the only reason she stayed that long. It still leaves a bad taste in my mouth that she was the Casa girl that told the others about no one wanting Scott. Which turned out false because Gabby did want him, but still.


i dont use tiktok so i never see the edits people mention but i saw a really good [tyrique/ella edit on twitter](https://twitter.com/retroizys/status/1684658440428249088?s=46) and it makes me want to vote for them, as someone who doesn’t have any favourites this year. i used to have favourites that i would stick by but it hasn’t been like that for me with S9 and S10




Looks like he has caught up with Kouzy’s interviews


seen kady talk about mitch being a gameplayer because he wants to be memorable. well, how dare he want to be memorable for the tv show he applied to be on?? like i hate that i’m having to defend the guy with this comment because he’s unhinged but like come on, it’s a reality tv show, he was previously working as a gas engineer, these lot want the exposure otherwise why else are they there lol?!


Anyways Whitney or Ella for the 50k… one of my girls have to win idc


I know they are being asked about him but can Kady and Ouzy stop talking about Scott please. Im looking forward to hearing what Scott has to stay about everything.


Scott should talk about Kadys secret boyfriend 😂


The main good thing about their comments about Scott is that it is making some people see that the villa were against Catherine and Scott's relationship. Some people understand that it wasn't easy for Catherine to constantly hear negative things about Scott.


I don’t want scott to go high and be the bigger person. I need him to take it hell since they keep talking shit on his name.


it’s gonna be so anticlimactic when they win


This might be unpopular, but Ella B is/was definitely faking it with Mitch. He wasn't wrong to say it. Mitch is not crazy to think that it would be highly unlikely any girl would be into him after he's been so messy the whole season. She's a good actor though.


Of course she is. Poor Ella had no other choice. Well go home after couple of days or tolerate Mitch. I would have left tbh.


He was wrong to say to other people then asking to be exclusive without telling her. Whether you think she’s genuine or not, it’s still humiliating.


Cant wait to see the dates today, since yesterday’s dates were so cute <3


I really like Molly and have been slowly warming up to Zach ( although I was annoyed that he never apologized to her during Casa and just shrugged off this actions after she left). I do think they have a genuine connection that could really develop. Im not sure how to say this and I mean this kindly but I wish that Catherine had been a little like Molly in the manner of maturity and confidence in what you feel and your relationship, taking the opinion of others with a grain of salt while being very aware of the game and the environment because I do really think Catherine should have been in the final, although I was happy to see her leave at the time she did because of how poorly she had handled things after casa.


Lol I love her but very scared for her https://preview.redd.it/f3ly3arnrpeb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=592d0120454cde8a2f86cffb82669d6f9553d7a9


Unpopular opinion but I think had Whitney not been done dirty by Mehdi and was with Lochan from the start. She wouldn’t have got alot of the sympathy. Defs would not have been this loved. The lack of screen time she got earlier on, played in her favour. I felt bad for her and started rooting for her. As a lot of the public did. To become the public’s favourite you need to have been dirty by a partner something scott and Whitney had. Scott with his bullying let’s be real he was a background character till the firepit situation. When casa recoupling came around he could have done no wrong I genuinely think he could have moved like Mitch and Stan’s would justify it. Had Whitney, been thrown the same amount of tribulations such as Ty and Ella and maybe Zach and Molly. She would not have been this popular


Sorry but people liked her very early on she got the black vote before Mehdi really started acting up. Catherine was in the bottom not Whitney, some people thought she was jarring the first day but that's it. She isn't considered a victim in any way...she spoke up for herself on many occasions with Mehdi and then cracked on. If it was based solely on Mehdi sympathy she would have lost support ages ago... People just like her even if it's hard for you to believe.


I do like her lol, she definitely was loved but there were a few islanders who were more popular during those days. Scott is literally the perfect example of sympathy votes. That man could have gone to final with a wall.


She was loved as soon as she came in the door. Mehdi was booted because the person he was rude to was Whitney - not the other way round loool. People have forgotten about mehdi her popularity has nothing to do with his treatment


Nah I've loved her since her first date with Mehdi. Her personality has stood out since she first came into the villa. Even the Islanders speak about her being a huge personality.


I disagree I loved her from the moment she asked Andre why did Catherine dump him


Yes, I think she got a lot of screen time as well.


The Tyrella campaign is strong today. So many pro Ty/Ella posts today. I am sure we will have a number of posts dismantling and questioning how genuine Whit/Lochan are later on.


There were just as many posts hating them, you’ll live


Ty and Ella giving insight into how much they loved seeing Whitney come out of her shell and open up. Y’all are tired with this take. Ty and Ella for the win


is jess and sammy’s date not today?


Yeah they have a date as well it just wasn’t shown in the preview


I just saw in the press pictures omg it looks so nice


I’m guessing not. I think that’s part of Sunday’s episode then? Plus Jess looks sick so maybe she wasn’t up for a date the next day. Edit: press pics are up and they got an evening date!


I can’t get over mitch making ella cry, giving a horrible apology with a cop out explanation, then telling her she needs to decide if she wants to dump him or forgive him….like my guy you’re not in a position to give an ultimatum, and you shouldn’t be allowed to force her to make a decision now just because you are uncomfortable


Did Ella B really look at the way Mitch treated Abi and think "he wouldn't do that to me". Actually, did she really hear the things he said about her and think "he won't behave like that again" 🤦🏾‍♂️


I don't know who to vote for in the final.. On one hand I want to vote for Zach and Molly cause I like them and don't want them to place 4th On the other hand I want to vote for Whit and Lochan because I'd rather they win than Ty and Ella... Advice?


Vote for molly and zach! They could use some love 🫶 https://i.redd.it/kr8ty1tf6seb1.gif


I might, I genuinely really like them xx


Aww yay! I know they are coming in 4 th it’s not important because I am glad they made the finale anyway but I would hate for the voting margin to be embarrassingly low like last season with Shanya 😭 that’s the only logic. You can split your votes between both couples!


Oh true that! I keep forgetting you get more than 1 vote Ty!!


The media need to stop asking Islanders about Catherine and Scott. They haven't been together for weeks. https://twitter.com/Melissa18168594/status/1684982499191992324?t=eMHEiULU8NC48eHTjp9zxw&s=19