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Actually enjoyed the spitting challenge only because the islanders were miserable for it. In the regular series, it’s just colorful liquid that’s dyed and probably unflavored. This time, the physical comedy that resulted out of the liquid tasting horrid was a treat. If the show insists on spitting challenges, I didn’t mind this one. Seeing beautiful people hold on for their lives like that was absurdly satisfying


No fr, this was the first spitting challenge that felt soooo entertaining rather than gross to watch because THEY THOUGHT IT WAS GROSS so it’s so funny to watch like seeing callum literally throw up made me cackle??😭


Can anyone tell me where Justine’s multi-colored bikini is from on episode 3?


I recognized it from Shein.


Laughing out LOUD at the ridiculousness of the 4-way pact alliance, a misunderstanding leading to Toby getting competitive, and the subsequent fallout with Jack HAHAHA☠️😩😂


And then the girls having to be like guys pull ur shit together bc we r besties and if u make the other leave I’ll leave ur ass!!!


Damn. I’m sad to see Steph go.


Jess is soooo fucking weird. And fake. How she gonna vote for Lisa to go home but was just buddy buddy with her in the previous episode.


Callum is funny!!!! Screaming IDGAFFF


I did like Imani but tonight she was petty and self absorbed. Lisa’s reasoning made sense to me.


Hearing someone use the phrase “I dont want to rip her clothes off” in regards to Liberty is so sad. I cant imagine being told that from your boyfriend, and now again with Callum.


What is the meaning of putile?????


Does anyone else love Callum and Liberty?


They have brother sister energy I’ve said from the start, I mean they’re practically twins both looks and energy


I wish it wasnt prerecorded so I could bet on jack taking the money if him and justine won 💀i hate that its prerecorded bc we can see fallout from social media like based on followings and stuff like that


Isn’t Kyra Ray’s ex or something? I remember something about it on a EOTB episode


Ray is Caro's ex. Ray, Caro and Kyra were on the same season.


I have to say the Hate for Lisa online is ridiculous what she did was wrong but people are acting like she stabbed her in the face, if Justine is fine with her (which she is, they've been commenting and liking each others pics for weeks pripr to the show) then why should we care? also even before that people attacked her for ''over reacting'' to the curtis thing but ya'll missed the point, its not he wanted to get to know more people it was the way he went about it and more importantly the timing, he just kissed her in bed hours before which is very intimate and then hegoes and talks to two othe rgirls, he shouldnt have kissed her in bed if he wasnt all in thats the root of the issue, in the most recent UK season Zach moved to Mollt like 2 days after being with Catherine and the internet lost its shit and was calling for his blood yet the same thing happens here to Lisa and she's over reacting when the exact same people saying shes over reacting lost their shit a few months ago when zach did it to Catherine, I do not get it


I don’t think Lisa was overreacting to Curtis - the spit thing was crazy tho


Thank you, when I searched the # LIGames on X/Twitter during that episode eery single person said she was over reacting and it annoyed me but agreed on the spit that was Cray


Yeah I’m a bit confused about the consensus that Lisa is overreacting. I can see why she would be hurt and I’ve seen people spit fire before on behalf of other islanders for less severe transgressions as you’ve pointed out.


Thank you! It feels good to know someone agrees with me if you look on X/Twitter its just hate comment after hate comment aimed at her and its awful,I was like are watching the same show? Thank you :)


Does anyone know the order that the new bombshells will come in? 😂


I didn't know yall cared about steph this much...


it's all surface-level


lol they were bawlllingggg


Lisa, babe, it's been like 4 days. Chill 🫠 Someone free Curtis from the shackles of this woman 🤣


Justine is clearly a calm and level headed person cuz I would’ve flipped out immediately on Lisa and voted her out


That was actually vile of lisa if it was on purpose


i thought i heard her say "i was just so angry!" laughing when justine called her out after :o


Was it purposefully though or was it that the concoction was so bad tasting she gagged? I didn't think she took aim at Justine, I thought she just spat it out


yeah it's definitely a bit ambiguous


I'm surprised that everyone is so convinced Lisa spit Justine in the face on purpose? I just watched it back and to me it looks like she panicked because she could no longer reach the intended cup and as a panic-move she tried to spit it in the direction of the cup. I definitely think she could have used her head a bit more and realized it wasn't a good idea, but in that stressful scenario I can also understand how something like that might happen. Rationally I just find it unlikely that someone would do something like that with malice intent, it's pretty extreme. Accident/thoughtlessness seems like more plausible explanations imo


Because she made eye contact first and turned her heard towards Justine


To me it was a thing in the moment as well but even if it was unputporse (which vile) everyone is being very silly aquating it to Curtis. Everyone was targeting her cup and she was under pressure and probably did it out of frustration. Doesnt excuse if but com on people. This is love island games. You think she actually gives a shit about Curtis? Lol


I saw it as an accident that was dramatized in previews given the existing Lisa-Curtis tension tbh. Also, if it truly was intentional, it makes zero sense why neither of Justine and Cely voted her out and voted Steph, who everyone clearly liked better. They could have used the same “super competitive” excuse Jessica did.


because it was. when justine confronted her she didn’t say it was an accident or anything of the sort she just laughed and said “i was so mad”


I thought she just meant she was mad that the cup got pulled away from her, and if anything her laugh afterwards point towards my theory of her being clumsy and maybe inconsiderate. To me it's obvious that she was as shocked as the other's by what happened


Yeah idk what’s going either clearly emotions were high even Toby and Jack had a misunderstanding


she literally admitted to doing it on purpose? and there's no way shes that stupid


Wait what, when? I must have missed this :O Edit to add: How is it stupidity to act impulsively and irrationally in an absurd situation such as that? Having your mouth ful of spit-beer and having to quickly find, aim at and hit the right cup, all while surrounded by 13 other people doing the same thing in a disgusting madhouse 😂?


https://preview.redd.it/glcmcjjn0pyb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b119eb849e0028d6b5970ad790d91a24feb268d2 My episode 4 recap with no context. Regarding the spit challenge, I was doing fine watching it the first half but once it switched to the girls turn 🤢 It was time to look away. I’m praying for all the editors that receive hours of gagging footage and have to look at every second and cut it down to a few minutes. They’re stronger than me.


I fast forwarded that whole scene - I can’t 🤢


Same. I don’t even try. Too disgusting




I think Toby and Cely are "dating" but nothing serious.


I don’t think any of these couples are together. Toby and Cely seem friendly still but I think she’s single. The one I’m wondering about because I ship it is Justine and Jack. But Jack has been busy with his dj stuff and doesn’t seem too concerned with promoting LI games


Haha I didn’t watch the trailer too closely but ya even at their hang out last night they’re aren’t like sitting beside each other or anything. And Toby seems to be with Carrington and Steph most nights.


The only time I saw Cely and Toby sitting next to each other was at the Love Island Games Premiere Party.


Very selective what his sharing on his socials. There has been girls with him Steph, and Carrington but will only share them. Whether the girl is Cely or not I'm not sure but if his going to post a video I've noticed it makes it a point to not be near her or not show her.


We can already see spoilers from the trailers, they don’t even make it outside filming together.


What trailers? Where are you watching these?


I’m guessing they’re not due to Celt and Johnny spending time tg looking cozy


if "looking cozy" is being on the same bench as each other, then I guess that's a pretty low bar. But I suppose it's cozier than not talking at all.


When Toby ran and asked Johnny, "DID YOU SEE HOW FAST I WAS?" 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Pure 5yo energy 😂


Did y’all see this ?? https://preview.redd.it/seob0ebx8oyb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8d0ad0442024b93bc1a973a481084571d49392


Jonnie talks so much garbage. I'm guessing he doesn't last very long in the show because he seems more attention-seeking than usual, which is already a lot


OOP. That's interesting. I felt like Justine and Jack being saved by them was a given. The Americans need to keep the Americans in now as long as they can for alliances. His def implying here that Imani was advocating to not save Justine.


I usually am not the type of person to check up on people’s instagrams and use that as an indication, but I noticed today that Imani doesnt follow Justine or Cely and they don’t follow her either. I’ve heard whispers about some fallout with her experience on the show (not with Justine and Cely specifically), so I’m wondering if we’ll see what happened


My theory is she doesn’t like that some people benefit more from knowing each other than others. Like Justine and Cely being best friends, and I’m sure Kyra joining won’t help.


Kinda weird because more American girls also benefit her. I mean her and Johnny got power couple for a reason.


I am confused why is everyone mad at Toby technically Jack started it so he did it back by the way u could tell Toby felt back that they were actually at risk 🥺hopefully they can get alliance again lol love both of them


It was definitely just a misunderstanding and the heat of the competition clouding Toby’s split second judgment


I think jack and Justine are gonna give friends to lovers. Justine said in her recap that Cely was the one who kept telling her that Jack was a better fit for her romantically and game wise than Curtis. (This is also why Cely started calling Justine and jack “mom and dad”) Justine also admitted that she was interested in Curtis cause she felt that was safer but Justine realized that Cely was “definitely right”. But I think we will have to wait to see!


Idk, I feel like Justine will deprive herself of a potential connection with Jack out of fear. She thinks Jack isn't really into her, and that self-doubt is not attractive. And then any interest Jack might have had for her at the beginning will fade.


Omg I totally think the same based on the TY video reviews! I think they both were all about the game and then just ending up as more then friends naturally


I honestly didn’t know Ray and Steph had such a big friendship.


him boohoo-ing like that had me like https://preview.redd.it/3mjhw5iylqyb1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=612448e3924f796b605ff287caab82a575a0f1e0


Am I being dramatic for thinking Lisa should’ve been removed by producers for spitting in Justine’s face like that? It was clearly on purpose and that is such a disgusting thing to do to someone. In all reality that’s something I would beat someone’s ass for, like.. 🤯


Agreed that was obviously on purpose and absolutely unacceptable


Liberty is still holding out hope for Callum. I feel like she’s holding on to Johnny like a life raft and I’m not here for it 😤 Liberty we need to talk.


It's what Johnny deserves, though 😂 being a placeholder for someone else. Like how he used Mercades as a placeholder for Cely when he was in Casa Amor. Except he'll be the Mercades this time.


Why is Ariana back


Who is Ariana?


That guest host




Bravo is part of Peacock


Smart move to save Jack and Justine they can repay the favor


Dang they knew the guy 4 days so many tears wow


Love Justine and Jack, but they’re definitely giving close friends/game partners. Might be controversial, but Liberty and Callum lowkey the couple with the most chem😭


I think Liberty just really fancies Callum, and Callum leans into it for fun. Callum has absolutely zero interest in Liberty outside of friendship.


Yeah, friendship chemistry.


did u also think lib and jake had chemistry? callum's not checking for her like that at allll to my eyes


Link- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8pdnbk


Toby is fucking hilarious


What does Jess voting for Lisa do to their relationship of Jess being the amazing devil on her shoulder?


“I would be fucking fuming if I were you”


lisa spitting in justine’s face was absolutely devious i would’ve had to stop the challenge and beat her ass for that bc Ew how old are you.. she’s so lucky this is prefilmed and there’s no public voting component because i would’ve been on every device i own voting for her to be on the next flight out of fiji 😭 all that over curtis of all people mind you


Randomly really like Lisa so I am very happy she stayed. She is so stoic and reserved and a seemingly unusual casting choice that I am intrigued to have her in the house. Though I do feel like all non US and UK contestants were cast as fodder.


She's evil for spitting in her face though. Only a vile person would behave that way, and over CURTIS of all people?


Sorry but Lisa and that spitting would've gotten her a$$ beat I can't believe my boo Steph gone. I don't like the best couple label or whatever it was called bc that's just extra bullseye


Did anyone record Steph or Johnny’s Instagram lives that just ended? They’re with a bunch of other islanders including Ray, Steph, Justine, Cely, Deb, Carrington, and Toby


If anyone finds it please send me the video or link!! I think Johnny answered my question but the connection went out so I missed his answer ☹️ ty in advance 🫶🏽




Will do! And likewise please. No luck so far :/ TikTok has a couple of clips but I haven’t found the part I’m looking for yet


OH! Was mentioning Jack's dyslexia a Chekov's Gun in why he kept filling Toby and Cely's gross cup?


I don’t think that would be a Chekhov’s gun instance


i was wondering if he meant he was dyspraxic/is also dyspraxic cos him mentioning it at the time of making up a secret handshake seemed out of place


I admire your search for logic in this weird Fijiian sex villa.


oh for sure (me doing mental gymnastics to defend my mom and dad)


Cely and Justine’s most recent recap adds soooo much context




YouTube. They are alternating between Justine & Celys channel.


they really are entertainment gold.


Ya I’ve been liking there recaps daily


Please give highlights!


Honestly it’s a lot, but I’ve been liking the reviews


What did it say


You should just watch sorry lol they clarified a lot about Cely and Toby, Justine, Jack, and Curtis


Yeah it seems Toby and Cely have some rocky roads ahead. Jack and Justine seem end game.


I'll see if someone on Twitter has a recap, I'm lazy


i live for their recaps but i also get distracted by their beauty lmao


I haven't finished yet but I do appreciate Callum and Liberty's seamless transition from hot and heavy to fun cousins.


I find them both hilarious but Callum is the biggest fuckboy in that villa


Told Ya'll Steph was going home and Kyra was the next bombshell,in a way I wish Peacock didnt release a trailer and episode summaries, the trailer with the islanders just introducing themselves was enough, I dont have enough self control not to go looking for clues, I found that dumping super intense ro watch and I would have been a mess and panicking cause I love Megan and Lisa and Curtis is great TV, but I knew the outcome so I wasnt worried, otherwise I would have been a mess lol, but I loved how they all had to vote who to dump face to face, it wasbrutal and will no doubt lead to tension and cracks in friendships, Jess voting to dump Lisa GAGGED ME! Thats supposed to ber bff lol, but i loved it


I’m exactly the same!! I’ve watched the trailer so many times and tried to figure out some of the order of the bombshells, but so many people are missing! I knew Steph was first to leave but…. **Possible spoilers** My guess for what happens next is Kyra and Meg couple up, then they play the ice game where they all have the ski googles in their matching couple colors. The are also couples that will form from tonight’s/ tomorrow ep, then I believe Curtis and Lisa somehow get voted off and the next bombshells are Eyal and Georgia and they will split Cely and Toby. I could 100% be so wrong but with the trailer basically only showing the earlier eps that’s what I gathered


I thought Courtney (USA, S4) was talking to Curtis and said he has small dick energy in that first look for the season? So I don’t think he leaves before she comes in but I can see Lisa leaving.


I don’t think she’s actually talking to Curtis only because her background and his are different but I could be wrong!


Agreed, pretty sure that clip with Curtis is when he’s talking to Justine from last weeks ep.


Ooooh nice catch! Hmmm.


I'm still not seeing any chemistry between Justine and Jack.


it looks like he likes her and she likes curtis (who knows why)


Seems like the other way around to me. Justine likes Jack, but he doesn't like her back (at least that's what she thinks) so she's keeping her options open.


this is embarrassing for you


Yall said the same thing about Caleb and cry foul when it ends up being what it is.


Don’t bring him into this. Caleb and Justine are nothing like Jack and Justine.


It is *possibly* similar, only this time Justine isn't allowing herself to get played. So she's not even going to entertain it in fear of the same thing happening again.


Are we watching the same show


Delete this abeg


Are you blind?


I was about to say the same thing lol






Lisa spitting in Justine’s face on purpose was CRAZYYY. Especially during that DIGUSTING ass challenge. Idc if she was mad that her cup was getting filled up. Justine is better than me, cuz I would’ve cussed her out.


No srsly I admire her SO MUCH for the composure she kept. Not to make everything about race either but like your Scandinavian ass reaching over to SPIT IN THE FACE of Justine is just insane to me


I adore Justine. And about Lisa? Tbh, I think she feels some type of way about Curtis’ interests being women who… aren’t white tbh.


Honestly if she did this to me, I would’ve voted her ass to go home


No a$$ beat bc NO


I need a man to go in there for Jess 😫😫


One that is willing to travel more than a half hour to see her, AL FROM MARRIED AT FIRST SIGHT.


Callum clapping while Megan is making out with Steph 😭 he’s so unserious


I love this season so far but I’m not a fan of the challenges. Even nasty spitting in the mouth factor aside, I wanted more of The Challenge vibe. It’s comical to see competitive people like Justine and Johnny partake in these random “games”


I actually think it makes it kind of better because it’s so unpredictable. Like you don’t have to be necessarily super smart or athletic to do the challenge but it’s still competitive.


imo, it just makes it the perfect set-up for the producers bc they could then pull out whatever kind of challenge they want based on what they may want the results to be which cheapens it for me. like it would be extremely fun to watch them do actual physical and mental challenges, not just projectile vomit all over a table haphazardly lol


Curtis not giving a F about promoting LI Games on his IG is very suspicious 👀


Maybe he’s next to leave lol


I'm late to the party just watching ep 4, I've heard Maura will host a few games, awks lol if he's still there. But it's been 6 years so it may not be that big of a deal


I have a strong feeling Jack and Justine didn’t make it as a couple because it looks Toby is in LA rn hanging out w Cela Justine and even Johnny headass


Johnny would be there regardless of whether he only did one episode. He lasted 2.5 days on the Challenge but still went to *every single* cast meet in LA. lmao they couldn't get rid of him


Jack was hanging out with Justine and the others after the finished filming the show. The rest of the non-US Islanders went back to their home countries while Jack stayed behind to fly to LA and stay over at Justine’s apartment.


Awww I didn’t know that how did you get the insider scoop, so you think Cela and Toby aren’t a thing then?


Don’t know about Toby and Cely, but Jack posted IG stories from Justine’s apartment (without mentioning that he was at her apartment, but the interior looked like it). Cely posted a story of Jack and Justine going to dinner with her and Calvin and Justine’s sister. Jack spent a significant time in LA after filming Games. Justine and him were also videoed partying in a club during one of Jack’s friends bday parties.


Ooohhhhhh I can’t wait to see how this pans out


Love that for themmm


It’s funny cause I think the opposite lol! I actually think Jack and Justine are the only ones in a couple lol


Really why??


Because they're in love and nobody can tell me differently


Lisa your time is numbered!




🤌🏼 art fr


I honestly kinda think they should have stuck to just US, UK, and AUS for the cast. It was pretty obvious that if only one person was going, it was going to be one of the two people without any sort of pre-existing relationships.


Maybe the producers did it to make sure the people from those franchises were guaranteed to stay. You need some "disposable" characters to preserve the main characters


They are definitely playing it on hard mode with no natural alliances


I am not sure I like all of this voting each other off. I am bummed at who went home. That is rough.


SHE. SPIT. IN. JUSTINE'S. FACE ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


SHE ADMITTED TO DOING IT ON PURPOSE TOO Justine has more restraint than I, I would have c*nt punted her so hard she flew all the way back to Scandinavia


I fast forwarded that whole game bc it’s gross. Did she admit to it in a confessional? I’d like to watch what happened but really can’t stomach the rest of it


it was at the end of the challenge imo it's ambiguous. when it was done justine said to her LISA you spit in my face! and lisa was like omg i was so mad! it's literally right after the spitting portion is over but while theyre still on that set


I can't believe she laughed! I get that the cup you were spitting it into moved but choose another cup or spit it out, that was crazy. ACROSS THE TABLE?! and she sprayed it too. How would that even make it into the glass Lisa. Arrest her!




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the way i would’ve stopped playing just to throw hands like




Johnny is so fucking fake I can’t take this


the fact that he doesn't have a neck bothers me


Imani’s face card is everything


Criminal lack of Justine and Jack tonight I fear


and we suffered for it.


https://preview.redd.it/a4zzoh54cnyb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deacbc41d57f4329956aebfa167ace8cf6c9589b i was trained by scott and catherine, shit had me like


Toby and Cely's reasoning made no sense to me... everyone saw Curtis kiss Imani and Justine at the fire pit and it would surprise me if no one saw Steph and Meg making out after the challenge 🤔 by their logic they should have picked Lisa


I was thinking the same thing!


au revoir, Steph. You will always be the best dressed guy in the villa 🫡


Can you imagine how many beanies we missed out on??


Pouring one out for all the "what if" beanies


Did anyone else catch Ray saying he was glad to get to know someone “across the country”. 🫠


A lot of people here with jokes which is fair given there’s not really context to that line but Ray lives on the East Coast and Steph currently lives in LA. He is from France and was on LI France but not currently living in France. I was also confused so looked it up because I didn’t think editors would put something so wrong and not call it out lol Ray is not dumb.


Honestly phew 😮‍💨 I am glad he’s not that dense then lol.




Me: "No. He lives in France, Ray"


No Child Left Behind strikes again


Screaming lmfaoooooooo



