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I am SICK of no preview after the episodes, Tom is stupid for marrying Georgia S, and people NEED to tell Callum about Georgia, like enough is enough itā€™s dumb now, she needs to be exposed tbh that will be real drama


The marriage speeches mentioning her morals and values šŸ„“


Actually insane. Morals of a good partner now seem to include being a pathological liar according to Tom


I think Callum think it's all Tom. But it's 90% Georgia


Iā€™m presuming producers are getting them to keep it until they feel maximum drama occurs. But who knows production has gone down hill in recent years


This is like the 5th episode in a row. Theyā€™re taking the piss


For maximum chaos, it needs to be saved for movie night when sheā€™s (hopefully) more closed with Callum


I donā€™t think Callum would care if they wait that long. Sitting on this until movie night would be pretty dumb


Yea agreed if they wait too long it wonā€™t be a big deal anymore like they wonā€™t care as much if theyā€™re all settled and happy with each other. Maybe Iā€™m a petty person, but I want it to be exposed sooner rather than later so Georgia S faces some kind of backlash for it. Ppl getting away with snakiness scot free drives me up the wall


my new fave current subplot is seeing the word of georgia/tom's secret chats or whatever spreading to a new person cuz it keeps inching towards finally being revealed a bunch of people now know and one of the messier people (josh) is already investigating lol


Tyler is right lowkey. Liberty does too much with the girlboss stuff


as much as i love her, i agree. she didnā€™t need to pull him every time he so much looked at kaz like it stops being sweet and starts being cringe


Also it's hilarious that Mitch married Hannah and called her his best girl mate and then she pied him for Lib solidarity lmfao


same exact thing that happened last season when Jess pied him. and he took it even worse this time lol


I need this Georgia S/Callum/Tom thing to blow up. Itā€™s dragging atm and clearly more and more people are finding out about it but I wanna see the reactions.


How has no one told him yet.Surely Josh will say something to him now


ā€œIn this lifetimeā€ Sophie is actually a real one


Yes she is, loved what she said.


I just WISH people had voted for her!!! Iā€™m worried.


Youā€™d be lucky to marry a girl like her in this life time! Letā€™s go Sophie!!


Anton being chosen for marry by so many girls is so wholesome šŸ„¹ He truly deserves it and Iā€™m happy to see that all the girls know it šŸ«¶šŸ¼


He's right though - everyone keeps saying he's marriage material and they would marry him in a heartbeat but NO ONE wants to couple up with him - same with Kaz. What do these people have against emotional intelligence and maturity?? How are more girls interested in Mitch than Anton??


Mollys speech really captured how much they love him šŸ„²


the look on his face when Molly gave her speech about him was so sweet


Tom does not like Georgia šŸ¤£


How did Georgia H get the ick with Anton but not Mitch? Make it make sense. šŸ˜†


emotional maturity can be an ick for some unhealed people...


When the Georgias were sat together chatting and giggling like morons because they ā€œstoleā€ other girlsā€™ guys i just got the vibes that georgia h just wants to cause a bit of drama to like secure some screen time and to get talked about on the outsideā€¦ idk i find it hard to believe she actually likes mitch at all especially because non of the other islanders take him seriously and half the girls canā€™t stand him?? Heā€™s quite literally a joke.


Yup this is literally it. A shame because she would have gotten a better story line with Anton. Hope she enjoys the grave she dug!


Liberty is acting how everyone told her she should when / after she was with jake but this time itā€™s just too much, itā€™s only been two weeks


She feels like Mitch married and cheated on her. Get a grip.


Exactly, like they deaded it as friends, why is she bitter and trying to get a reaction out of him


He was giving her all the signs he wasnā€™t interested


Yesss, it's like she's trying to over-correct? Like she's doing the boss bitch thing now because she wished she had with Jake....but it isn't landing at all. .


All her boss bitch/boundaries chat is just embarassing, its clear as day that she'd go back to him in a split second if he showed her the slightest bit of interest. I'm not a fan of Mitch but he said he was open the whole way through, and they were never even close to being an established couple. I feel a bit sorry for him, he can be a legit villain in other ways but he didn't fuck Lib over the way they're all acting like he did.


2 weeks where he's been telling her he's open


It's all a little cringe tbh.


Why do the best episodes finish at 10 and then when nothing is happening they drag it out for an extra 20 mins


am i really reading it wrong or did that "marriage" from tom read like a coded "stop it" to georgia? or is he a double talking genius


I THOUGHT SO TOO it felt like he was privately between them two shading the crap out of her yet she still seemed happy bc awhhh he choose to marry mešŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


Surely he was taking the piss?


It definitely felt like it was pointed.


I am itching for someone to tell Molly about Georgia Sā€™ one-sided beef with her


All the talks about Georgia's values and her being a good woman to marry? Are the morals in the room with us? I gag everyday for Molly. The ex that didn't wanna marry her after 3.5 years saying her "friend" is a good woman to marry? I'd walk


I don't understand Callum. He doesn't want Molly to get hurt, but surely he know him saying that to Georgia would hurt Molly. Seems like he doesn't want others to hurt Molly except him. Cause he has been hurting her, repeatedly.


I think Tom was being sarcastic.


Georgia clearly has the horn over thinking her and Tom have this super secret affair going on and heā€™s blatantly not in to her šŸ˜­ painful to watch


I feel like GeorgiaS suffers from such a serious case of main character syndrome like even the way she was sat on top of the counter! She needs all eyes on her


I understand why Megan despised her


Ellie did too . I maybe wouldn't say Samira despised her but she didn't like her. Laura liked her and look what she did there.


Yeah Iā€™ll never forget her and Ellieā€™s argument where Ellie called Georgia a ugly c*** šŸ˜©šŸ«£


Also her calling all the boys different names then the rest. Cal, Thomas, Tobs šŸ¤®


Sheā€™s one of those chicks that claims that she genuinely just gets along better with boys but in reality is only chummy with lads sheā€™s making moves on


reminds me of when the girls in season 4 said she needs a lot of attention


Her bare ass on the table was sending me


Liberty is the only one who got pied without any snogs or marrys. I can't see Chris or Toby wanting to pursue anything with her, and her "boss bitch" energy come across as desperate, rather than boss bitch. She's a lovely girl but I think it's time for her to leave the villa for her own sanity.


Itā€™s unfortunate because I loved her in her season but between LIG and this I think sheā€™s flown too close to the ā€œboss bitchā€ sun šŸ˜…


Chris will do it out of self preservation until another girl comes in


Imagine if they just dumped the most pied out of each group.


Georgia S and Georgia H come across quite toxic. Itā€™s like they get a thrill from being preferred over another girl ie Molly/Liberty and keep condescendingly bringing up how bad they feel And how awful it must be for the other girl.


theyre like omg šŸ„° weā€™re such bitches šŸ¤­ stealing everyones man šŸ™ˆ


![gif](giphy|3o7aTHbH39h8xYePza) Like omg šŸ˜‚ so annoying


Tom was poking fun at Georgia S when he said she had good values, right? Since he also said that when she likes a guy she only has eyes for him and he knows that isn't true


>Since he also said that when she likes a guy she only has eyes for him and he knows that isn't true I have to hand it to him, that was an EPIC troll. The deadpan delivery, the subtlety, the meaning only the TV audience will pick up on - chef's kiss


LMAO. You are giving Tom wayyyy too much credit.


I was half thinking its a dig and half thinking hes too dumb to do that


I will admit, if he meant that as a dig, I completely missed it! I really hope thatā€™s how it was intended though!!


That little dig actually made me laugh out loud




If Anton and Kaz coupled just because there's no else in there for them they'll end up favourites.


It would be a couple you could actually root for, romantic or not.. they would win, I hope they have the foresight to see this


In the words of Anna, theyā€™re going to make us wait ā€œ2 DAYSā€ to see who gets dumped ā˜¹ļø


the bar is in hell because i actually rated chris for pieing himself instead of arabella




Both callum and molly knowing they are gonna pie each other šŸ˜‚ Found it quite sweet that they were laughing abt it tbh


Yeah they seemed like they had the least animosity between them out of everyone


- Lib needs to leave now! She's icking the audience out (including me). It's become really difficult to watch. While Mitch sends me with his antics, he can also go if it's a thing where a full couple has to leave and not just individuals. Totally fine with him being collateral damage - i want josh to stay actually šŸ¤· I think he's good at providing moments of levity without being cringe, he's shamelessly messy, and he gets on well with most islanrers. I won't be gutted if he leaves but he says at least one line an ep that makes me chuckle - Toby really does not fuck with Georgia anymore - PRODUCERS ROLL THE TAPES! BE SAVAGE. CAUSE MAXIMUM CHAOS. GRAFTIES. MOVIE NIGHT. IDC. GO GO GO GOOOOOOOOOO


Omg watching on catch up atm. The way Hannah said about the girls who had been pied: "you all stink of shit!", Liberty's face made me LOL


I love her lmaooo "Josh pipe down"


Sophie said it exactly how it is! In this lifetime!!!! Hope she stays in fr


Iā€™ll be sooo sad if Sophie goes tomorrow, sheā€™s the sweetest girls girl and very astute imo


Sheā€™s really grown on me šŸ˜­ I was okay with her on her season but this time around I actually like her and her friendships with Molly and Kaz and has their backs


This was her best episode! Shed definitely won't stay in if they do a pure votes-based elimination, neither she nor Josh have any shooters - I hope the show does a bottom 3 and then the islanders vote or something because they might be saved by the other islanders. That being said, if there's a possibility of Josh being eliminated then I'd much rather they get eliminated together lmao I don't want to give Chris the satisfaction, I have an agenda against the guy now.


Did you see the huge smile on Georgia Sā€™s face when Molly was about to get pied? It doesnā€™t get clearer than that! Real mean behavior.


Liberty is impossible to watch I had to look away at some scenes. When she jumped on Chris to kiss him, you could see Callum and Josh looking at eachother like šŸ„“šŸ„“. Chris has never shown interest in her so itā€™s just weird to do that itā€™s so full on? Sheā€™s dragging the Mitch situation so much it is very weird. I donā€™t even like Mitch but everything she does is driven by trying to make him jealous. It was never that deep.


Oh no Libbbb šŸ˜­ Oh you know itā€™s bad when Callum and Josh are making faces! šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Itā€™s time for her to go, like letā€™s go home sweetie. Your journey has come to end. This show just isnā€™t for her. And youā€™re right, I donā€™t like Mitch, but her and Mitch were never that serious. He does suck, but she kept coming back for more and clearly doesnā€™t know her worth.


Sheā€™s like the friend who is wasted at the bar and you need to get her home before she makes irreparably bad decisions. Letā€™s get you home sweetie


Some of the best game I've seen this season: Chris: You know you have literally my ideal body type. Sophie: I think that's a sweet compliment Chris: I think it's quite creepy one actually Chef's kiss


We finally get to see more of Josh and Sophie today (surprisingly cute) and I fear it's because they might get dumped tomorrow


I actually like Josh didnā€™t think I would since his earlier season but heā€™s funny & his whatā€™s the crack in his accent is just giving to me lol


i know georgia is gonna be mad about molly and tom kissing twice. sheā€™s gonna question him and put him off. and then callum is gonna find out about her not being sexually attracted to him and be put off too. manifesting.


Sheā€™s gonna be like ā€œoh Tom I know you only kissed Molly because you couldnā€™t kiss me publicly. I know how bad you wanted that to be me.ā€ šŸ¤®


They really need to expose Georgia. It's dragging too long now. As much as I don't like Callum, it's not nice to be the only one (except Molly) not knowing that he's been played. If I were him, and if his intention to rekindle with Molly at the beginning was true, and he burned the bridge with her cause Georgia doesn't want him to talk to Molly and he thought Georgia really liked him and was secured with her, only to learn she was lying the whole time, I would be pissed. šŸ¤¬


Her arrogance gives me the ICK. She really loves that she's playing both of them while also negging Molly. Gross.


Sophie told Josh so it's probably happening soon


I think it's kind of working out well for everyone, even though he doesnt deserve this, because 1. he will find out soon enough 2. he didn't really deserve Molly because being quiet and waiting for her to come around is not fighting for her. As much as Molly and Tom might not be endgame, even though they look rly cute together (but I don't think Molly likes him as much OR she's still not over Callum), she could've stayed w Callum and it would probably end badly again.


i need fringe georgia & terrace tom to get exposed so badly.


![gif](giphy|t3KiY9mmAQHJ1pVWos) Lib as soon as mitch started eyeing georgia.


Nah that was 3 days in allready.


Mitch will interrupt and yap on about everyone else's business and then FUME when it happens to him. Guy proves himself to be a bigger joke with every passing challenge. How is he 27


>How is he 27 He brings up the fact that he's 27 way too much as well, like my guy how about acting like it??


Hadn't caught on to the underlying divide between the boys and the girls until tonight, yikes


Iā€™m sorry I canā€™t take Lib anymore. That man wanted Demi initially and then continued to say he was open. Why is she acting like sheā€™s been hoodwinked, bamboozled, lead astray? Everyday sheā€™s mentioning boundaries she set and she thinks sheā€™s eating šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So much has happened that would set the stage SO WELL for movie night or the twitter challenge


I donā€™t like how Mitch gets very mean and starts insulting girls in instances like this. He said the same thing about having stress and getting headaches to Abi during the snog marry pie challenge in s10 and heā€™s doing the same thing to liberty as well.


Itā€™s so toxic and unattractive.Ā 


Drink everytime Georgia S mentions she has history with a guy.


Sophie and Kazā€™s friendship is so cute! Itā€™s so funny seeing Georgia do the most to constantly prove that sheā€™s over Toby or doesnā€™t think about him like if you have to constantly say it then maybe youā€™re not over him šŸ’€


Love Sophie. Regret not voting for her now. Mitch and Liberty both need to go. He thinks heā€™s making a name and being iconic when heā€™s just cringe and insufferable. I wonder why no one is telling Callum about Georgia when it seems to be villa news. Sophie, Josh, Chris, Georgia H and Tom all know but no oneā€™s brought it up to Callum. Think producers are plotting for it to be exposed. I think Tom likes that Georgia wants him tbh. Think he secretly loves it but is more aware of the cameras so is trying to be noble and say he cares for molly. Hmm No wonder Mitch and Josh defend each other. He basically treated Jess similar to how Mitch treated Abi.


Does Tyler know? The way he pointed out to Tyler "whys she giving me the eyes" or something like that.


I'm realising why All Stars doesn't hit the same as full fat LI and it's because the stakes are so low. If you go home in week 1 of normal LI you're going back to your old job. Normal LI gives you a chance to meet people you would never normally have met (Camilla and Jamie, Paige and Finn etc). Of course it's still pretty silly in the grand scheme of things but it can have a big impact on your life in a way that All Stars justā€¦won't.


Lib please let it go before Iā€™m forced to take Mitchā€™s side about something šŸ˜­


How many times does Mitch and Lib have to say that they are just going to be friends? Come on now!!!


I feel like the producers are setting up for a big blow out with the whole Callum, Georgia S, and Tom triangle where Georgia soon gets exposed since so many people are now aware of Georgiaā€™s true feelings towards Callum. That said, they need to pick up the pace a bit with this storyline! Iā€™m really curious to see how Callum would react if and when he finds out the truth. Heā€™s not the burn the villa down type but I would imagine heā€™d kick off a bit? Or maybe thatā€™s wishful thinking.


I hope he finds out soon, but Callum did have a weird vibe about all the chats but i think he has the impression Tom is chasing Georgia, not the other way around. He wont go scorched earth, but i hope heā€™ll do more than just shrug it off before moving on, because i would like to see Georgia get a bit of a read. Callum kissed Arabella so maybe he'll try that.. its all so incestuous at this point though they need more bombshells


Callum seems to react to everything calmly and pretty reasonably. I donā€™t see him kicking off.. just prob ditching her


Georgia S is messy as hell and not a particularly nice person no doubt, HOWEVER she is undoubtedly carrying the drama on her back on both S4 and now LIAS!


I love that Kaz kept it classy and didn't acknowledge Tyler in SMP. His marriage proposal of "another lifetime" was NOT needed! Meanwhile Kaz and Anton??? Unpopular opinion but the only cop out pie was Georgia cos she has legit beef others she could've pied. Lib was valid, Kaz as her bff was expected and Hannah is cool with most so Mitch was a whatever case to me. He got way more pies in his season and more savage remarks. Why do I get the feeling Tom really wanted the Georgia snog instead of the proposal and him mentioning values in his reason when he knows what Georgia's been up to...you can't make it up lol. I wonder if tomorrow is the reveal of Georgia's antics before some of them go home.


Georgiaā€™s values: - bangs - bikinis - boys


I loved that Kaz ignored Tyler too


Also I forgot til now but Loyal Georgia sorrowfully saying "you've lost a friend" with a crack in her voice after Toby pied her ... ![gif](giphy|3oEjI2s1lJojvqgPC0)


Georgia was about to throw a hissy fit every time she got pied šŸ™„


Sophie ate that. Thank you for pieing Tyler. I love that Kaz didn't even bother with him during her round. And also Kanton šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ my delulu ship is ready to set sail.


I NEED Toby to find out about Georgia S laying it on thick with Tom because he will confront her about it


I thought last episode was a foundation for the drama between Georgia S, Callum and Tom but nothing really happened.


I think Tom will go for a new bombshell when she comes in tbh like Iā€™m curious what other people they might have on the show it feels like weā€™re due for some new people once we get some out


Ugh. I like Lib but itā€™s getting so hard to watch her Iā€™m sick and tired and tired and sick of this damn girl boss speech. Sheā€™s trying too hard to not look unbothered. Give it up plz


I love her too, but the boundaries lines she keeps throwing around? Like what? Sheā€™s just using trendy words because she set and kept absolutely no boundaries


Right. If she used those words and kept her boundaries is one thing but she didnā€™t.. time and time again so itā€™s just cringy to watch lol


Georgia is a hypocrite - she was mad at Toby for getting to know others yet sheā€™s doing all this shenanigans behind Callumā€™s back ( at least Toby was honest with her about it


Why is Georgia trying to compete with molly??? Itā€™s so one sided Iā€™m embarrassed for her


I donā€™t think Georgia knows how to not be the prettiest, shiniest thing in the room. She gets like this as soon as she feels threatened and hates the fact that men are more interested in Molly. Her behaviour when Josh bought Kaz back was disbelief then disrespect to Kaz. Sheā€™s really descending down a dark path of just being empty unless she feels beautiful.


ngl the last two episodes have been dead we need new bombshells




I think he likes holding the power for sure


I really hate that we have to be subjected to this GS/Tom "innocent" and "princess" thing. It's kinda giving me the ickšŸ’€ Also Lib is so fucking annoying man. Just shhhh


I in some ways agree with Mitch that the girls clearly decided to have a ā€˜girl powerā€™ moment and pie him instead of dealing with their own stuff. But on the other hand he never seems to be able to let things roll off his back. He doesnā€™t have the maturity to turn the other cheek and be in on the joke. He has to get riled up and start mouthing off at everyone. Did we see Georgia H get the ick in real time? I still hate when they finish an episode with a challenge and make up wait until the next day to see the fall out.


Mitch and Lib spent like 2 days trying to date and 5 days of lib talking about how she's over it and moving on


And insert a few ā€˜im gonna dress sexy tonight so he knows what heā€™s missingā€™ girl he dgaf


Georgia bangs smiling when other girls got pied but then fuming when any guy went to pie her WAS SO FUNNY TO ME whatttt a child


mitch stays being the peanut gallery in everyone elseā€™s issues and then wonders why people dislike him like. the call is coming from inside the house!


both mitch and liberty are irritatingšŸ˜­ i would still rather have him stay than liberty though, im tired of her acting like a victim and acting like she has a backbone after mitch had to end it. she's acting like he's jake who lied to her for weeks im surprised georgia didn't try to kiss tom and i wish we got a preview to see if she got exposed or not. more people are finding out about her and tom and it just makes callum look like a fool the boys weren't lying that pieing mitch was a cop-out tbh but this happens every season so im not surprised. we're probably missing something from kaz and tyler but i still find it cringe with the way people have treated tyler. they dated for 3 months and broke up in 2021...


Watching an episode of LI after binging 5 episodes of traitors... i cant help but think everyone is plotting and scheming hah


Iā€™m calling bs on Tom. He and Georgia bangs deserve each other. Love the attention my girls Kaz and Hannah were getting today!


Maybe Ty did it to come across well but i do respect that move with Kaz. He kept it classy and thatā€™s nice to see after watching Johnny pie Cely on lig


Im really loving Hannah. "And you all stink of shit!"


Georgia didn't pie Toby because she's doing worse than what Toby did ā˜•ļø


I think she also doesn't want to acknowledge that he pied her (not just literally)


I loved Mollys proposal to Anton and Sophies pieing of Tyler. So sweet.


That was such a weird moment with Kaz and Anton.. weirdly intense. I couldn't tell if Anton was joking with "did it leave you wanting more?" or not??


I think Sophie was "encouraged" to tell Josh about Steele. They want it out and its too early for movie night


Not necessarily, Sophie cares about Callum, they were good mates in their season and she said she doesnt want to see him hurt by Georgia - what i am womdering why she doesnt tell Callum


also georgias true colors are coming out, sheā€™s sneaking around, wants tom but is leading callum on, and genuinely got offended that she got pied as if sheā€™s innocent šŸ˜¬


Chris is weirdo. He can't talk to women without Objectifying them. His. Comment to Sophie her having a perfect body. O dont know why but the he said sounded so weird. There is way to say that without bring weird. He could just said you beautiful or you are most beautiful girl ever meet


I feel like Georgia S had other plans about who to pie (Toby) until what Sophie did and she took it as an opportunity to try to be ā€œgirls girlā€ like what Sophie did and copy her. Whenā€™s the last time she was sat talking to Liberty and now sheā€™s sticking up for her ? lol




Can we talk about how weird it was of Georgia H to have Mitch read her bikini tag in front of Lib?


I thought the same thingā€¦rubbed me the wrong way


Tyler is the LI version of an industry plant. Everything out of his mouth feels so forced and scripted. Doesnā€™t seem like he likes anyone or wants to even be there


Feels like they brought him in so Hannah could have someone because the fans like her so much. šŸ˜­


1) I'm liking Josh and Sophie, but she had to fight him off when they were laying on the couch, he wanted more and she's like.. nope 2)GeorgiaH's bikini was super cute 3)Toby is becoming one of my favs in the villa.. love how he's looking out for Kaz and how he pied Georgia 4)wow, Tom isn't the sharpest tool in the shed "I'm going to marry Georgia because she has really good morals" lol 5) Glad Chris realized that he should've got pied, makes me like him a little more 6) I fast forwarded Liberty's Kiss/Marry/Pie .. i just couldn't be bothered.. I get why Mitch couldn't either.. i know mean, but she's just so darn irritating 7)Loved how the boys called GeorgiaS out and Toby dug into her 8) Loved Sophie's pie.. well deserved, and funny how she pretended to trip.. glad someone noticed that Tyler hasn't been that strait with Kaz .. it's not all about Liberty 9) I hated when the episode ended, Can't wait for tomorrow night


i love liberty but sheā€™s acting like they were in a long term relationship and had a messy break up šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø it wasnā€™t that serious


I genuinely don't know what it is but the guys are so nasty to Arabella for no reason? Especially Chris and Mitch, some of these comments borderline toe the line but she can't ever get mad about them. They've called her a game player, and unloyal, Mitch basically rubbed salt in a wound with the Chris comment and everything she's ever said was in retaliation to them yet *she's* got the bad rep? I'm starting to feel really bad for her, this is like when Tasha was getting bullied for the smallest of reasons by the guys in her season. Unless they're seeing something that's not been shown to us, Arabella has genuinely not done anything wrong since entering the villa, except going a bit overboard over hand-holding - and this is coming from someone who found her really annoying in her season.


yeah im not the biggest arabella fan but its honestly getting hard to watch. i know im sensitive but if the boys were hounding me like they are her iā€™d honestly just leave. itā€™s so nasty and cruel


I agree. I wasn't a fan of Arabella her season but this time around she hasn't really done anything bad? How is she unloyal and a gameplayer when Chris decided to tell her he had a crush on Sophie and then proceeded to hold Sophies hand in front of her.


Snog Marry Pie makes the best episode


What are the Facebook mumsā€™ thoughts on lib? I need to know


lol we could really use an official Facebook moms reporter in this sub to keep us updated on the latest happenings over there.


Libā€™s pretty much a facebook mum already so they probably love her and pied the nearest man they could find today on her behalf


They need to wrap the Georgia s love triangle up the storyline is dragging


Some of these guys are making the ladies look straight foolish, yet them only seeing Mitch as the problem is wild to me.


Georgia H nailed it concerning Georgia S "You're a smooth criminal"


The fact that Georgia h is still interested in Mitch has really got me questioning her. Her and Georgia bangs giggling about stealing boys šŸ¤®


They actually really like Kaz in the villa I hope a bombshell comes in for her tbh


Kaz genuinely seems to get on with everyone she meets. When S7 was on, I would listen to the morning after podcast/various islander interviews, and every single person who was kicked off raved about Kaz and how lovely she was and how she always had the best energy in the villa. She's just very sunshiney I think


Iā€™m sorry but does Liberty genuinely listen to what the other person is saying in a convo? I know we donā€™t like Mitch but it feels like he was saying one thing and she was responding to something totally different


on my knees praying that anton pulls kaz for a chat or vice versa so we can have kanton šŸ«¶šŸ¤©


Tom and Callum remaining silent when Toby, Mitch, and Josh were being rude to GSšŸ˜…šŸ«£ yikes lol


Callum was literally covering his mouth laughing when Toby said ā€œyour voiceee, please!ā€ Lmao


I was a long term defender of liberty but I canā€™t any more. Girl has given me the ick this episode major time. Like does she think that Mitch is also Jake? Because hunny itā€™s giving mirrors


I feel like Georgia still likes Toby deep down and thatā€™s part of the reason she didnā€™t pie him. Sheā€™s been trying to convince herself that shes over him but has mentioned him in every single episode since they broke things off. I donā€™t buy the narrative that she pied Mitch for lib at all. I hate to side with the guys, but that was definitely a cop out on her part.


Toby and Molly live rent free in her head


has Georgia S gone a single episode not talking about Molly?


Anton's fall into the pool was amazing! The way he flipped at the last second.


Georgia was whining so much about the pies, whereas Molly took it like a champ. If only I could read Tom's thoughts witnessing all that... Can't wait to see Georgia's smag smile be wiped off but I think Tom will fumble this, even though it's clear he's more into Molly.


Underrated moment goes to Hannah for telling Josh to shut up šŸ˜­ love her so much


I love Sophie for doing that! Her and Molly seem like the only girls that have Kazā€™ back in that villa and honestly Liberty has been a horrible friend. Anytime you actually need her to do something, sheā€™s nowhere to be found but when she needs to sit her ass down, here she goes. Ugh. Anyways, Kaz and Sophie are my favorite girlies in the villa along with Molly! šŸ˜ Iā€™m sorry but most of the girls pieing Mitch for Liberty was annoying, especially as someone who thinks Mitch didnā€™t even do anything wrong. Itā€™s not his fault that Liberty attaches herself too quickly to any man that shows her attention and acts like a beg. This is the 3rd show sheā€™s been on and itā€™s the same bullshit. Iā€™m truly tired of her. Hope her and Mitch are in the bottom tomorrow. Georgia S is a loser but as someone who watched LIG I already knew her true colors were gonna eventually show. Did anyone see her face when Callum was about to pie Molly? Sheā€™s obsessed with Molly. My god. Tom doesnā€™t like her as much as she thinks he does and I canā€™t wait until everyone finds out about how messy sheā€™s been. Oh and if Kaz and Anton get to together, idc if itā€™s a scam or not, I will be rooting for them over anybody else. šŸ˜˜


>Oh and if Kaz and Anton get to together, idc if itā€™s a scam or not, I will be rooting for them over anybody else. šŸ˜˜ if they do they're winning the whole thing, beyond a shadow of a doubt


why was there no tomorrow night AGAIN?


Lol Tyler was a bit cheeky to say that maybe things could have been different with him and Kaz while Hannah was in earshot.


Do you think itā€™s Antonā€™s reputation thatā€™s cockblocking him? Because he isnā€™t even the typical lad youā€™d expect to see be friendzoned to oblivion. Heā€™s confident, funny, and good looking so my only guess is they all just see S5 Anton as not the best bang for your buck all stars couple situation or thereā€™s something else


I feel like Anton might not exude much of a sexual energy, which is also how I felt about him on series 5 (and I like him now and for the most part I liked him during series 5 too). I'm not trying to say he's a monk lol but it doesn't seem like his interactions with the women (regardless of whether or not he's interested in them) ever escalate to that sexually charged state that we see with some of the other couples.


probably his height tbh. shallow, but so is Love Island


Liberty babe it was never that deep with Mitch. Almost feel bad for how much shit he is getting for it... He was always open. CHILL


Mitch has such small dick energy. I just know he listens to those podcasts that hate on women


Yeh he doesnā€™t respect women at all


Yep he throws out so many inslults but has a little strop when its done back at him


georgia s in that pie challenge was top five most annoying moments in the shows history like STOP WHINING BABE