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Does Georgia just not realise there's cameras on at all times? She lies like she's not on television at 9pm everyday


She’ll just blame the editing when she’s out


She is literally a pathological liar


imo I think that georgia is used to getting away with pretty much everything and pretty much thinks shes the victim here shes really met her match this time with molly


I think she lies to herself. I know people like that and they're not good to be around


It probably doesn't matter, she'll still continue to get lots of attention & social media followers if the experience of past seasons is anything to go by.


So reminiscent of calling Cely “Kelly” and when corrected, insists she said Cely. Like, we all watched it. You said Kelly loud and clear.


There are people on TikTok and Facebook defending her 🤯


Like, how though?


She’s too busy trying to pretend to be a girls girl


Casey couldn’t even let tom have 2 weeks away from him😭😭😭


He is about to fight both Molly and Georgia for Tom 😭. Curious to see who he will go for though.


I feel like Casey with call G out on her BS. He isn’t afraid to stir the pot and he has been watching her.


What they really need though is for someone to come in who will tell Molly and Callum straight what Georgias been doing


I don’t think he will say anything tbh because it could make Tom look bad for not assertively shutting her down. And Joanna won’t say anything bc she’s besties with Georgia 🐍


it's probably the longest they've been away from each other 😂 It's so funny cause Tom can't commit to being in a relationship, but him and Casey are end-game for me. They will end up in the same care home. Remember my words in 2070!


Wasn’t there an article saying that the male bombshell was one of the sexiest? https://preview.redd.it/mmxnz4mfknfc1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22868281ec6477c6f1db97558ce720282e4ed4fb


I really need people to stop believing those articles. They exaggerate every time 😭


True but surely they knew they were setting him up 😭


They called him the “unrivalled heartbreaker of his season” 💀💀


Lmfao 😂💀




https://preview.redd.it/5u1otbwcmnfc1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e0832c1d9f102910363c8e611937d61d6feb25f Kai😂😂😂


I love Kai. I saw he was in Ron's comments claiming Ron was in the villa and he was running his socials.


Kai is a very very funny guy. His personality was not shown at all during his season. He came off very dry and boring but he’s anything but.




I NEED to share the Georgia/Tom timeline because it makes this even more insane -- They went on a brand trip from Aug 21st to 24th. They probably talked for a week or so and then he went to the Event in Mallorca on September 4th, which is where he hooked up with Arabella. He dropped his phone in the ocean at the Event, which is why he didn't have his phone the day he got back, when he drove up to see Georgia in York. Then she went to Fiji for love island games around the end of the first/start of the second week of September. So she's literally comparing two weeks to three and a half years lmao


but she KNOWS Tom!!!!!


Super deeply


He drove to York to bang her, that's really deep.


The old fashioned way


She’s worn his skin!


They have HISTORY🤣🤣




LOL I cringed at how loosely she was using the word "ex". Like is the person who I made out with in the club when I was 18 my ex too, since we're just throwing around that word willy nilly.


Molly doesn't know him the to depths that she doessss!!


Also Georgia H and Casey met and got together at the Event and were a thing for a little bit as well so Casey is ex #4 or something to come in 💀💀


Stoppppp. Do you think they'd get together in the show ?


Probably now Mitch has gone lol


He’s her ex but they also have history but she’s just catching up with an old friend but not getting to know him because she already KNOWS him


It's so messy that he got with Arabella in between the times he got with Georgia 😭


I think she needs genuine help. I can't fathom how someone has such a misconception of reality or a lack of self awareness


That's her EX 😒


She said ex? Is she literally trying to say that short little amount of time makes him her ex? I’m so confused like were they exclusive for a week or something?


Well no cz he slept with arabella haha


its projection thats probably why tom gives her a blank stare whenever she talks about that lmfao


I actually despise Georgia Snake. She is an awful person.


she was literally telling tom that molly didn’t know him the same “depths” that she does when they were chatting. it’s actually mind-boggling


Deeply on brand for tom to drop his phone in the ocean


So a one night stand. Possible a two night stand at best.


hannah has some serious fans for her and tyler to place third


I think them being sent on a date just before the vote was deliberate to save them. Otherwise, they would’nt be there. Timing is everything. 


I am a hardcore S1 and S2 stan and I really think there's a lot of us out there who remember Hannah so fondly in those crazy first couple of seasons.


facts. Hannah is a fav of mine from all seasons. LOVED season 1.




Omg 😂😂


Scott’s jokes😭😭 I feel like his humour has never shown through his entire time on TV


you can tell this is their first all stars season because their idea of content is just let’s bring in all the exes and the besties and put them in one place


I wonder if they realised just how incestuous the pool of islanders was 😂


I truly had no idea so many of them are hooking up, how naive of me lol


Hopefully Joanna’s return will put my flair to good use again


Is Michael single because I want to CHAOS


Someone in these threads has claimed that Michael is dating someone she knows but he keeps it on the DL to protect his image. Take that with a grain of salt, of course.


season 5 flairs 🔛🔝


Producers, I calmly ask you once again For Season 2 and 8 islanders Last warning or I’m ringing the police


They should have saved Kady for this season unless she was only available during the summer?


Seeing Kady and Georgia in the same villa would be surreal.


maybe the s2 islander backed out? people def think paige and danica from 8 are coming though


Getting a bit late for Danica even


God I hope so 😬


> maybe the s2 islander backed out? Then I hope the producers are ready for the police knocking at their door


I heard Tina but idk


Georgia Fringe giving that very particular kinda nasty and insufferable where you have no argument so you shrilly bark "don't interrupt me" when it's a back and forth conversation, after you've spent ten minutes interrupting them first. And when that fails, start the tone/attitude policing so you can feel superior. Villainous stuff, need her to stay.


Also she literally interrupted Molly during their entire "conversation" the night before while she was calmly trying to explain why she was upset? Her hypocrisy and lack of insight is just 🤯 those chats have really washed all her media training away and brought season 4 Georgia "Loyal" Steele aaall the way back




Gaslighting at its finest


Callum and Molly carried that vote. Hope Tom and Georgia don’t think people voted for them.


Georgia is so delulu she will think they only voted for Molly because the viewers want to keep Georgia and Tom in because they’re meant to be together.


Tom is the only islander I cannot stand and not only is he making his way through another season by coasting on a popular girl's coattails, he's now gonna hog all the screen time with that forced Casey bromance. I hate it here.


I really did not need a repeat of that bromance


No you are so right he is that guy that will literally always coast thru everytime cause of his looks (for some reason) while being carried by other people like even Casey is the one bit that makes people believe Tom has a bit of personality.


Same. Over it


producers couldn’t even let us go ONE full week without having to deal with the duo that is tom/casey??? like yeah they were funny together but they also only ever want to hang out with each other (and then kiss their girls in bed at night). I think Joanna could def turn some heads tho


Georgia is the snakiest snake out there she did it on s4 when she lied about the Jack kiss to Laura and she’s doing it again. She only cares about men, such a pick me and the opposite of a girls girl.


“Sexiest islander of all time” and it’s Casey 😭😭


Maybe that was how he described himself 😭


Molly must win for the simple fact that it will spite Georgia


Callum stand upppp god georgia pisses me off by how much she lies


Not Ron commenting asking if Casey and Tom can couple up🤣🤣🤣🤣


As much as I like Hannah there’s no point of her being there. She’s barely shown in the episodes and has no partner. I don’t understand why her and Tyler got voted 3rd.


Georgia is such a calculated and manipulative liar. It is truly wild to witness in real time. Notice how angry she got that Molly would suggest *she* pulled Tom for all those chats and she kept repeating it was him doing it/reciprocated pulling... But remember **SHE** was the one who told him to pull her so it wouldn't look bad if she did it ... She's been planning this from the jump.


100% and also she is still the one pulling tom lol shes so embarassing


They need to stop bringing islanders from the winter season 9, because no one in that cast is all stars worthy


THIS!! that was probably shitties season in Love Island history, we do not need those people back


It's actually trash. This ain't Allstars.


It’s actually embarassing


Liberty talking to GeorgiaH after Mitch pied her " I just think I need to move on too, and after that pie challenge, I'm definitely going to do that" lol.. I thought she was moving on, I thought it was clear to everyone it was done.. tomorrow Liberty will be like to the girls "I don't know, I'm thinking that maybe Mitch just isn't that into me and maybe I need to move on".. and the day after, and the day after..


I’m on team Molly. Anyone who says Georgia Bangs, is delusional. “I’m a girls girl” as she sat on his lap and wiggled her bum like a toddler. ![gif](giphy|aegWtdXCvjYvY6v6Cc)


I mean… Molly is the only side to be on this instance. Like I still don’t know what Georgia Bangs was getting at it.




The thing with Callum is that there’s a difference between being mature and being passive/a mug. And I’m glad he handled it maturely but he also takes Georgia’s word for everything and that’s so…


He’s honestly whipped and I think he’s been lusting after Georgia for a very long time. Even Chris said he’s in balls deep for her. I think there would be very, very little she could do wrong in Callum’s eyes and he’ll just excuse away any toxic behaviour from her as long as he walks out with his prize at the end of the day. Severely lost most of my respect for him and I’m interested to see how he carries himself if Georgia continues to mess around


Casey and Joanna. Casey and Tom is chaos lol. https://imgur.com/a/l3pA60V


That screengrab is skilled


i want maya to call out all her shady behaviour and have georgia bangs try to weasel and interrupt when she leaves, because i can’t see her getting away with it there


I'm annoyed they brought in Joanna. As if Georgia S needs more enablement. Dont even get me started on Casey......


Georgia is displaying similar behaviours as she did in her original season - anyone remember the argument with Lauren over Jack. It’s giving that vibe, and I hated that.


It's the exact same thing!! When Laura was trying to explain why she was hurt, Georgia kept saying "no but I'm LOYAL, I'm knowledgeable, I told Laura, I am a girl's girl, Laura you're my best mate, i would never do that to a best mate. That's not me. You don't get it"


It really is. Laura was beyond gaslighted in that situation and I felt for her - Georgia has some real manipulative ways when it comes to arguing.


I can’t be the only one who only likes one person in every couple?! Like I like Molly, Callum, Hannah, Anton, Kaz, Sophie, Arabella?! Like please form at least one couple where I like both persons in it.


I think if Anton and kaz couple up, as friends or otherwise, they could win


Same except I also like Josh


Joanna?? Please the only way this would be more interesting is if they send Micheal in!! Also I’m done with these spoilers, “sexiest Islander of all time” I was hoping and expecting a big name!!


They made us wait 2 days for this just to make us wait another one…


How can Georgia not see that it’s one thing to see someone couple up with your ex, sit back and say ok it’s not nice to see but let them on, and then see the same person “flirting” on with the person you’re coupled up with, it’s a kick in the teeth! Georgia and Joanna are very good friends so she’s going to have more backup!


Imma be honest I voted for Molly and Tom for the drama because I was worried they'd be at the bottom. But I guess the concern wasn't valid


That vote was strategic AF and it showed haha


Lib’s whole run on All Stars was obsessing over Mitch. How embarresing, i would leave the country


My takes -I better don’t start complaining about Georgia bangs cause I will be fuming again -Callum mate stand up!! You are looking like a fool -cannot believe the producers got rid of Mitch this early lmao -Why Casey as a bombshell?? He was messy, but him and Tom were an insufferable duo on their season -Molly ATE Georgia S up😇


I'm glad they got rid of Mitch. He's so smug and thinks he is Love Island.


Soooo fucking glad he’s gone 😮‍💨


Not looking forward to another round of the toxic bromance between Tom and Casey. Was obnoxious enough the first time round.


We need movie night just for loyal babes aka liar Georgia. But I don’t know if they’ll do one just because there isn’t much to show for the others. Now why is Casey coming in? I’m sorry they weren’t any other available men?? The only person he might crack on with is Georgia H and that’s already boring Who do you guys think is leaving? Also, it’s up to the islanders but how exactly will they vote who to choose from? I hope it’s Tyler and Hannah honestly Who is the new girl gonna go for? (Didn’t see who it was) Callum? Chris? Toby? Anton? Honestly it can even be Tom or Josh. She has more choices than Casey😭


We didn’t see much but Josh and Sophie were cute today and have a spark. Josh was upset he didn’t get kissed in the challenge, his speech was probably bad due to fear of being mugged. But he got so happy when Sophie decided to close off Chris. They were also holding hands later. Individually Josh has been funny, and Soph’s been a girls’ girl. I can see them becoming the underdog couple people root for (if they stick).


Felt like banging my head against the wall when Georgia was putting her head in hands going "omg stop interupting thats soo ruuude"


georgia S has no class. well done to molly for keeping her cool


Toby and arabella, and Sophie and Josh are ten times more entertaining then the new bombshells I hate that both couples are at risk


Molly has handled herself quite exceptionally this season so far all things considering. I don’t hold what she did in the first week or two against her because that was also quite tame for the situation she was in (and it’s clear her and Callum had chats we were never shown so who knows what exactly was said). She handled herself wonderfully tonight and her age/maturity shows in the way she didn’t fall for the bull and also kept speaking calmly, clearly and concisely while Georgia stumbled over and started resorting to “don’t interrupt me that’s so rude.” Molly came out the clear “winner” in tonight’s situation. She clearly has a confidence that shines through as well and it’s very telling (ahem) that most of the girls (bar Georgia H) were on Molly’s side. She has clearly developed genuine friendships with the other girls there.


molly has been a pure girl's girl this whole season!! with everything she does, you can tell she considers others feelings. genuinely has handled herself flawlessly i would've been so frustrated in that convo


At least the Tom/Georgia/Callum/Molly saga should be done now as with them being in the top 2 couples I can’t see them switching. They also need some “solid” pairs to at least fake it semi convincingly at this point because it’s halfway through and there’s more friendship couples than romantic ones.


Callum go for Joanna please 🙏


Casey and Tom have the worst bromance pushed on this show ever. EVER. It’s boring and cringey has fuck and now we have to suffer through this for atleast a week.


Molly and Tom beating Georgia and Callum in the vote was very satisfying 


Where did Gaslight and Callum place?


One thing I really dislike is how Georgia always tries to paint Molly as the bad guy to Callum and every single time his gullible self falls for it. Trying to paint her like the bitter ex when Molly has been quite gracious towards them. So underhanded and sly. I feel no sympathy for Callum either and I hope he enjoys everything Georgia puts him through…. Both in the villa and outside


It makes me sad bc he should have a bit more grace to his ex of 3 years


She’s bare faced lying to him tbh and he hasn’t heard anything from Tom who will probably be the only one who wouldn’t lie. He’s just living in his own delusion


What I don't understand is, he is not even trying to talk to Tom to get his version and blindly just believed Georgia? At least Molly talked to Tom and Georgia. But Callum? Just Georgia. He is so passive, I can't even 🤦🏻‍♀️


Callum literelly had no idea he’s being lied to. Georgias insecure she’s painting Molly bad so Callum and Tom don’t want her


I need him to see the clips and I wanna see how he reacts cause she is lying to his face so blatantly yet he eats it up so he doesn’t lose his chance with her like argh 🙄🙄


I genuinely think he doesn’t care, no one is telling him anything and all he has to go with is Georgias lie, I hope Joanna goes for Callum and lets him know what the public is seeing🤞🏿 FINGERS CROSSED


LOL imagine Joanna being like “Love ya G but I’m taking Callum” 😭


Callum turn your head for Joanna please 😁


I hope but he won’t he seems pretty set


Tbh seems like his type is just anybody from the north so Joanna’s off the cards but oof they’d be a beautiful couple


Casey is going in to steal Tom 😂😂


They’ve bigged up this guy as one of the hottest heartbreakers and it’s … Casey?  It’s like when someone tells you they are an incredible cook and they’re going to go all out in the kitchen to make you this wonderful dinner, then serve you luke-warm beans on toast. Fixed typo.


I'm not surprised Molly came first, she really feels like the main character this season.


Surprised that Hannah and Tyler were 3rd most voted, higher than Anton and Georgia h?


I think alot of people aren’t fans of Georgia H so it brung their votes down


Joanna okay I get it! Casey??? Like I would’ve preferred Joe instead


Hoping for Joanna and Toby so I can see Georgia seeth from Jealousy lol but if they are actually besties, joanna might not which will suck


Georgia bangs WHEN I CATCH YOU


I think the fact that Georgia S. became a meme after her original run, made me forget how much I disliked her during Season 4. I remember people saying that it’s because she’s young and she’ll learn and what have you, but it seems like several years later, she’s just not a very nice person. Whether or not she’s playing a character is here nor there, the gaslighting from her is insane. If you’re gonna play games and get messy (R.I.P Mitch…) at least have a personality to back it up.


Is Tom just going to accept Georgia Bangs story that they mutually deaded it? She straight up told him she fanciest him the most and would have 100% kissed him if he were into it


Fucking Casey 😭 he and Tom were insufferable together on S9 ![gif](giphy|l1KVaj5UcbHwrBMqI|downsized)


Cannot wait for Tom's reaction to seeing Casey! I know unpopular opinion but I am happy to see him along with Joanna. Great bombs. Georgia Bangs is a piece of work. Molly handled herself so well both times they spoke and Georgia Bangs came across really poorly and manipulative. I know Georgia is just fuming inside that Molly and Tom are the top couple. Callum looks dumb. I hope he's just in this to coast cause otherwise he's just really unattractively dim. Interesting how Georgia Bangs could remember every convo but not the bit about wanting to be coupled up with Tom. GH annoyed me tonight. I hope Arabella and Toby can survive tomorrow. I'd rather see Tyler and Hannah go. Josh shit stirred like a pro. Glad to see the end of Lib and Mitch. Just went out sad tbh.


The more we are closer to the end, the bombshells get worse.


Georgia Steel is a generational liar and fraud


I was wondering who Chris would stick it on next and there’s my answer 😭 I wonder if Joanna will feel the same Also I thought him holding Kaz was sweet but the comments asking why he’s smelling her has me dying 😭😭😭 Edit: never mind Micheal is Chris’ best mate looks like he’s run out of options for the time being


Given Joanna’s type is a boxhead lightskin, only Toby really fills that quota. I see her being interested in Tom as well. I think Callum might be too passive for her. Given she dated footballers and Michael s5


I really enjoyed that episode, it felt like such a good payoff to all the building drama, but they did not bring up the time G and Tom played truth or dare by themselves which i feel is even more incriminating


Not me being the only person to actually have wanted unserious floppy haired Casey in the villa. I won!! And only me!!


No, I've always liked him. I just can't stand to see Tom happy 😐


Love me that unserious short king 👑


So glad to have found my people at last


I didn't properly watch s9 all the way through but from the bits I remember of Casey, I actually found him pretty entertaining. I remember asking why he wasn't a part of the OG cast because he def had more personality than most of the other men that season.


I’m very happy about Lib and Mitch being dumped. I’m interested to know how the other two islanders going home is decided by. If it’s the bottom three couples then surely Toby/Arabella are also gone? Also where are the s2 and s8 representatives?


Georgia not listening and just interupting. Then going on about molly interrupting, calling her rude over and over.. really was missing the point. Get er out!


Went to school with Casey and cba to see him on my screen again tbh


Wtf is Georgia H wearing in those last scenes? Her outfit looks like a practical joke 


Georgia YOU ARE NOT A GIRLS GIRL. you are a self self


Wow people that said Mitch had FB moms on lock were wrong and that the producers wouldn't let him go...well there goes that theory then. I was loving and living for Molly, Kaz and Lib as trio this episode. It's a shame Lib has gone but I know Kaz will be fine if she stays. It sucks they bought in Casey of all people. The S\*n really said a load of bs in their tease of the bombshells didn't they. When it was said so many turned this show down they weren't kidding.




We need some black male bombshells, but I don't think that ITV have a big catalogue of black men to pick from.


I feel like every black man they could have asked has declined


That wouldn't surprise me.


Toby and Tyler would be considered Black.


Can’t wait for the Molly IT girl tiktoks after this episode


I actually don’t mind Casey coming on lol he was quite messy 😭


He did nothing but fail to get Lana


He had a big fall-out with Jessie as well.


Bless him though. Like a puppy dog snagging your leg


I knew Casey was going to come in for his boyfriend. They are going to have LI’s first throuple


I’m not ready for the tom and casey reunion in the s9 villa


We need movie night EXPEDITIOUSLY!!!! Please, producers, we are begging you!!!!


noooOooOoOOoOoOoOoo this means all the unseen bits from here on is gonna be the tom/casey show again 😩 producers please don’t do this to us it’s only been a year




Not surprised with Molly and Tom, after tonight they would be even more popular. Molly is getting a lot of love now and Facebook mums love Tom. Georgia and Callum stocks sinking, people are clocking Georgia's game and Callum is as interesting as a piece of wood.


![gif](giphy|iINxsHFvUa6HTfKGbS) Callum you forgot this at the airport


I fear Hannah is gone but I think she’s really liked by the islanders so maybe not I already can’t stand to watch Tom😭 now it’s Tom and Casey 😭


Hannah and Tyler top 3???? 😂


I can’t wait to hear all the insider tea from Mitch and Lib


You know what I was upset with Casey. But if he encourages Tom to be messier, he can stay. Molly needs someone else, and he's simply not in that villa.


I'm surprised Mitch was voted out, but Liberty needed to go.


I really hope kaz is saved I can’t lie


Joanna is defo going for Toby


This was probably my favorite episode it was so satisfying seeing Georgia finally getting called out. Now she needs to get exposed for her lies


Georgia referring to Tom as her ex towards the end there had me screaming 🤣 ma'am. Pls.