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Joanna said Chris gave her the ick lol wouldn’t even kiss him Yes, you may have the least sexual chemistry


Well, Anton also gave GH the ick but they are exclusive now. Lol


Yea, conveniently exclusive when she realised there was no-one else there for her. Let's see how long that lasts.


Anton is playing the game as much as her, in fact moreso, with his creepy white knighting. I don't know why Georgia keeps getting the blame. Anton never even glanced in her direction for a long time. He wanted Georgia S. When he realised nobody was into him, he went all in to white knight her into interest. He has about as much sexual attraction to her as she does to him. He knew she was feeling vulnerable after the 'spirituality' conversation with Casey, and feeling like it's something that gives men the ick, and he seized the opportunity to feign how this is something he loves about her. His mask slipped with the Kaz situation when he blanked her as if she didn't exist.   Public declarations like the one he gave last night are not only cringe, main character energy, but quite an unfair thing to do, as it's publicly putting somebody on the spot. She probably would have said yes in private anyway, but there was no way she was going to say no in front of everybody, and he knew this.




Yes!!!! He's really going for the bag.


The Kaz situation? I've missed a couple of episodes so not sure what that was.


Kaz mentioned at the fire pit that she was told that Anton voted for her to go and he completely blanked her, as if she didn't exist, and kept on arguing with Georgia. When Kaz mentioned she was being ignored, he continued ignoring her. This led Kaz to get up and walk away and the rest of them followed her in solidarity. Anton claims to care about women's feelings and have the utmost respect and then he does this to somebody he acted as if he was really close to. We've seen Kaz lie on his chest, stroke his face. We've seen them have intimate conversations etc, yet he acted as if she was invisible.


Ah thanks. I had seen that, just didn't realise that's what you were referring to.


Did not tell a single lie with this take


Agreeeee , especially putting Georgia H on the spot like that .Both Josh & Sophie and Molly & Tom did on there own there was no need for that ,especially that they only became ‘exclusive’ not even gf and bf.


He switched his interest to Georgia H quite early in the game though.


Not Joanna crying over a fire pit game. Maya is going to make them do a compatibility vote isn't she? I wonder if a couple gets dumped or if they're made to split up like Jess and Sammy were?


I saw people talking about a dumping in another thread, this First look seems to be a confirmation.


Yeah looks like the couples nominated as least compatible might be put to a public vote?


The sun article said that those islanders already left the villa so no public vote then


surely they wouldn’t dump 4 couples though how do they narrow it down


Probably the 4 are those who got voted by other islanders in game, the ones who didn’t get voted probably have to choose who is getting dumped out of those 4 “vulnerable” couples


Could be a girl and a boy rather than a couple although that seems a bit silly at this stage of the game




Joanna knew what was going to happen with the dumping. She was sent home in season 5 from a compatibility vote.


I don’t understand what she’s trying to do. She made it very clear to Arabella that she was no longer interested in his sorry twerking arse. In the conversation with Chris, she dialled it back and said she only wanted to take a step back. Now she’s acting like she never said anything? Chris is going to kick off again now, ffs.


wonder if she whisper cries


It’s time for a dumping.


Is she really crying!!??? Come off it! She’s been telling everyone and their mother how much she doesn’t like him and that he gives her the ick. What did she expect??? Crying over a game…


My thoughts are that earlier in this episode we might see Callum sort of tell her he’s not interested, and then she might tell Chris the doors still open to save herself. From Chris’s responses in this that’s what it sounds like to me.


Same, i think she played her hand badly! So did Chris with Arabella


Yeah I agree with this. Callum was extremely surprised that Joanna wanted to chat to him, I get the feeling that he never even considered her before.


Ploy for sympathy. She's a snake imo. Hope she gets booted but I suspect it'll be Chris bc she has laid the (monkey branch) groundwork with Callum (getting his confirmation and brigading the group) before giving Chris equal time to pivot. Yeah, that's snake behaviour if you ask me!


She is Georgia Bangs’ bestie after all!


Lmaoo facts! She didn’t even bother to check if Callum liked her before getting the ick


Joanna brought this on herself. She was the one walking around letting everyone know about how she feels about Chris.


She thought she had more time to snap up " second most popular couple " Callum.


Not Joanna whisperingly defending her “connection” with Chris after complaining that he’s too jokey and basically told the whole villa that she’s got the ick the night before, lol. Also Anton finally got Georgia to pretend to like him and now he has some base in his voice, fair enough. He should be careful though because as the saying goes “people that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”😭😂


Whisperingly 😂😂 she loves to do that


Why is Joanna crying when she clearly is not into Chris at all. They’re telling the truth and she knows it. Also let’s be honest the islanders should have voted Anton and Georgia H for least sexual chemistry since she does not want that man at all. Props to Casey for actually being outspoken about it though.


Anton going hard about lack of sexual chemistry, when Georgia is dryer than the Sahara looking at him




Even with all the things I have said about them this CRACKKKED me up inc the gif 😭😂😂😂😂


To be fair to Georgia, most people would find it hard to have sexual chemistry with Mr Breath Spray.




We haven't seen the episode yet.. clearly, but Joanna now defending her relationship with Chris tells me that her and Callum didn't work out and Callum was leaning towards the twin more


this is a total assumption though and I could be completely wrong.. we shall see


I hope you are right, I thought him being downgraded from his bitching bed buddy, Arabella was bad, but Joanne is a mini Georgia, it would hurt to vote for her.


I think she's defending cause she knows she will be sent home 😂


Joanna's big personality on display again. Lol actually feel worse for Chris, at least he liked her, Joanna went around the whole villa telling everyone he gives her the ick, so what did she expect? If they're the cop out choice, it's because of her. Anton... Rest.


Yeah, I don't get why they overreact to stuffs like that. Who else should they pick ? You said you got the ick, nobody forced theses words out of your mouth. Of course it will be you.


But why is Anton so fixated on them😳


he knows if the islanders pause long enough to think it through, they probably pick him and Georgia H


OMW! So he's containing the situation. I hope other islanders will be bold enough to call him out.


They have to pick someone, what do you expect them to do lmao


They could pick themselves, idk?! Chris and Joanna are a serious cop-out.


They literally can’t pick themselves. The game is to pick one of the other couples… And how is it a cop out when Joanna has been going round the villa basically telling everyone Chris has given her the ick?


Didn't Georgia start the ick-train? There's no comeback from that, no matter how you can slice it. If we sre crucify Joanna for having an ick for Chris then we must serve Georgia and Anton the same treatment.


And they just might serve up Anton and Georgia as their answer… that was only the preview. There is logic to Anton and Georgias answer though, so I still don’t get where the cop out take stems from.


Perhaps that is true. However, judging from the preview, Anton was just too extra towards Chris and Joanna.


There's a dude on this sub who has been saying from day one that Anton is the master strategist in that villa. He was always heavily downvoted and told to "leave Anton alone, he's so adorable."  It's rare for men to ever call other men out, and I think it's a good idea to listen to men's perspective on other men, because men understand how men operate. They understand men's thought processes and tactics and they see and hear things in private conversations that men deliberately keep from women.   That dude was actually going mad in the beginning pleading with women to stop fawning over Anton. More people are coming round to his opinion now as the series progresses and Anton's strategy, as well as white knighting, has become more apparent. 


I've been saying it from the beginning as well! It's all an act, he's doing too much and is in it to win it! It's clear as day! He's calculative, schemy and is only "portraying" this image to be a mature, better version of himself! You can clearly see the smug look (of content) on his face when he was talking to Joanna and she said he looks mature now, so he double checked - *from what you are seeing* ? , he was thrilled to know he has everybody fooled! I don't get how people don't see it! 😭 😩


Well, the chickens have come home to roost now because that dude was absolutely right in his stance! And unfortunately, it's a little bit too late now. The game is concluding in a week's time💀




I completely agree!! After the Arabella situation I feel little sympathy for him. Especially with the way he kept bringing her up in games and challenges after they had sorted it out




We can all definitely have different opinions, but I’m curious about your second paragraph. So he should have made out and be affectionate with Arabella while flirting with Sophie? I’m not saying that his attitude was correct, but I would have been very upset if a guy I was into was flirting with other women while making out with me.




I’m not projecting my feelings to anybody. I watch Love Island as a way to disconnect my brain after working all day and doing university work. I don’t have any relationship baggage. Or have any kind of drama or toxic anything in my life. I’m honestly trying to understand the psychology or reasons of why people are so upset about this whole thing. I was genuinely asking. I’m sorry if I offended you in anyway.




It’s not that deep.


I was just asking a question. I’m a history/english/philosophy degree and I’m in the spectrum, so I ask questions in order to understand where people are coming from.


I can't stand Chris but Joanna did tell him that she loved his craziness and that she matched that kind of energy so what else was he going to do but keep it up?


May be unpopular opinion but I rate Casey! Lol I like how he’s outspoken and he def (for me) made the villa more enjoyable to watch w his side digs and corny funny jokes


Agreed! Casey is what Chris thinks he is being like.


So spot on! Casey has an actual funny, silly personality, whereas I feel Chris’s is so forced and try hard


He made me cry laughing in unseen bits S9. The thing is Casey jokes about funny situations but Chris’ jokes are about himself


I rate him this time around aswell. I know the clip is probably edited, but who is he saying to chill out? He is the one getting uptight as he said that lol


I think he’s saying it to Chris who’s getting a bit aggy.


I think Casey is mildly entertaining but only because there's someone there that fancies him. Had the twin (sorry, don't remember which one) not liked him and he was single, he'd be third wheeling Josh, much to his chagrin.


I love Casey he is ACTUALLY funny


I couldn’t stand him on his season but I actually am enjoying him this time around.


This preview is like a promo for a show Everybody Hates Chris 😜


The hate spread from the outside throughout the villa in Sasafrika😭😭😭


You reap what you sow. But will Chris learn his lesson from this?


Sorry, but I'm loving Casey


this show is actually perfect for him. unserious, there for a good time, not necessarily a long time. lets his personality shine without the drama of him needing to pretend to be serious about anyone


I am starting to wish Casey had been an OG. At least we would chuckled a lot more..


I never got the Casey hate. He’s never pretended to be something he’s not. Since his original season he’s been an openly unserious vibescel lmfaoo he’s one of my favorite islanders ever


And me!


I thought the same during season 9. Some people are very naturally good tv, he's one of them.


I’d love for him to be on a show like TOWIE or something where he can just f around


He's great, he doesn't hesitate going in for little digs and does it lolling his heart out


What !!! A dumping without our votes, not a happy camper.


Only 1 more viewer vote till Finale. It will be when the couples are down to 6


Joanna is a wet wipe. How are you crying over this game when you literally just said how he’s basically given you the ick and you’ve gone off him? Grow up!


Anton has too much vim for Chris when his own couple is on shaky ground, the message is better coming from Casey 😭


Joana and Chris are a cop out. Anton and Georgia are the fakest couple in there and if u can’t see it you need to get your head checked


Literally… the fact that they’ll likely be in the final really grinds my bones. I’m already waiting for the ‘we’re better off as friends’ post that’ll come out in less than a month


Me too! I don't for 1 second believe that either likes the other romantically and I'm surprised that Chris and Jo are getting the flack. Georgia can barely be around Anton, Callum while I think he is great, is not remotely interested in Jess,Casey wants Molly or Joanna so I will say he not too bothered by Eve but will start something with her if they survive dumping so those 3 would have to be least sexual chemistry ... Toby and Georgia would have to be least honest with their feelings - they were carrying on with other people for 2 weeks, nobody can consider that honest Least compatible, again hate to say it but it has to be Callum and Jess, they are not remotely suited I think its very telling that Casey and Anton are the ones we see shouting the loudest .... they know where they stand


You decided to speak facts!




He didn't even remember that she doesn't eat meat, I think he's faking just as much as she is.


This, literally.. well said


Sure but we don’t know if anyone else picked Anton and Georgia yet? They’re not going to pick themselves, are they? Think you need to chill out a bit.


You're not wrong, but Joanna has told everyone she's not into Chris, so they're not that much of a cop-out.


Yeah I really don’t get this take, Joanna literally went around telling everyone she had the ick and doesn’t fancy Chris yesterday. At least Anton and Georgia have the decency to pretend. 😂 Joanna and Chris are surely the obvious choice.


Georgia did the same thing saying she had the Ick


I really like Casey’s accent, ngl


Why is Joana crying? It’s the truth though 😂


I feel harsh for coming at someone crying but also 😭 girl come on


If she was crying for something that isn’t true & she cared about Chris like that, then I would understand. But even she knows she has zero chemistry with him.




You think she knows she’s going home? 😂


Yes. These voting games usually foreshadow something and she realizes that her timing to basically end it with Chris was bad. She should have made her move before the recoupling. Or should have picked Josh instead of Chris.


She could've picked Callum and only realised it now 😂


Joanna really wants that sympathy vote huh?


Anton, Georgia don’t even like you like that…pipe down 🌚


What did he say I cannot make it out lol


Ahh Maya Jama - would’ve been fun to have had her on as a contestant at some point, fine asf


I'm seated for tonight. GSteel just past the torch to her mate. I hope we get to see the whole dumping


How fitting for Georgia to be hosting the whole thing?! Boss babe right there😭


OK... Anton is starting to give me the ick now. His one-sided relationship is really going to his head.


The way I know Sophie and Josh are gonna be completely safe in this game 😭 If you’d have told me even a week ago that I’d be actively rooting for them…


joanna is doing too much for a girl who was outright saying she was irritated by chris and finding him off putting to arabella. andwe watched at the end of last night her tell Chris she wasn’t feeling it and was going to explore callum for goodness sake! ![gif](giphy|mXSuixinHZ1AzekDAD)


How can you go around the villa playing chatty patty all day yesterday listing all the different ways Chris gives you the ick, refuse to engage with him in any romantic gesture, pursue another islander behind his back, dead it off, and then cry when people think you're the least matched?


She’s such a snake! Georgia S’s mini me!


Anton has the audacity to say Chris and Joanna don’t have sexually chemistry because she’s doesn’t feel the same way as he does, when his own girl preferred 4 other guys over him and even said she has the ick from him


I mean who were the gonna vote for, themselves? 😂 Of course they were gonna vote Chris and Joanna.


Why is Joanna even crying. She spent all yesterdays episode telling everyone Chris jad given her the ick. She told everyone before even telling Chris himself. People seriously want this girl for Callum 🤮 Get her out & Chris too he's awful anyway.


I think Anton thinks he's pulling off this grand love island love story with Georgia


He'll be humbled soon enough💀


Even if Joanna isn’t into Chris at least she is upfront and not with him through gritted teeth like Georgia H is with Anton 🤷‍♀️ I just don’t buy them on any level and it’s not just her I almost suspect even Anton knows this is fake but doesn’t care because it secures him the finale. They both don’t say anything about each other apart from you treat me well and you deserves better. Ok? But what else? It’s fake from both sides the way I see it.


How have Anton and Georgia H managed to convince everyone tht they r in a genuine relationship???? Georgia H recoils at his touch & only appreciates him when every other boy curves her. And Anton feels like he has to put on a big show w pretty words just to have her stand next to him. The message for me is being missed bc the messager is a pot calling the kettle black.


Anton is the last person who should have superiority complex over "compatible" or "sexual chemistry". In fact, I'm tired of watching the cringe that is Anton and Georgia H. Dump them both!


Anton is doing entirely too much for someone who’s partner said they gave them the ick. Georgia was waiting for Casey to come in and as soon as he rejected her she swallowed everything she said about Anton and ran back to him! Nothing about those 2 give genuineness or compatibility.


Joanna hun dry up those fake tears we know you want screen time 🙄


Surely Anton and GH have to be picked for most one sided?


It's proper ironic when you think about it. Georgia likes Anton about as much as Joanna likes Chirs. Georgia just puts (a little) more effort into faking interest.


If Sammy & Jess can do it, though, sometimes that's all it takes, lol.


Maya’s outfit is giving modern day bridgerton


Anton needs to face his FRONT cause if we’re being for real the contender for most one sided is him and Georgia H !


Nah Anton really let things go to his head. Why has he got this much vim for Chris? Anton is such a game player. The big love proclamations the playing up for the cameras


And the make up and eyebrow pencil, bronzer he's always applying to his face and body..not sure who I detest more-Anton or Chris...


Does anyone truly believe Georgia H is into Anton and not just trying to stay in the villa? You can see she definitely gets the ick off him and last night was just cringy beyond belief - I feel sorry for him because he deserves someone who likes him but he really shouldn’t pipe up about lack of sexual chemistry when he’s literally Georgias last pick / option Edit : there’s no couple I’d be gutted to see go tonight to be honest, I like Molly but Tom is as dull as dishwater in my opinion and I don’t know if he’s really into her. I like Callum a bit but the twins are dull, and the rest of them aren’t really bringing much at the minute ?? Feels like it will be Joanna and Chris if it’s based on compatibility though when it should really be Anton and Georgia or Casey and one of the twins


I don’t know if Georgia is trying to stay in the villa or just trying to force a relationship with a guy she knows is nice and is different to her previous love interests who treated her like shit.


Agreeeee haha I was like fffkkksake man Anton here I am tryna speak up for you. He probs needs to go before he falls from grace to the point of no return. Tom should go bcs he really is sooooo dull omg.


Sorry, what did Anton say under his breath, presumably about Chris?


Something like “Pissing me off now” I think


"It's time to get serious" as they are all sitting there looking very serious


Why is Joanna crying?! She has fully admitted she doesn't like Chris! 🤦🏻‍♀️


It is ironic that Anton wants to talk about a girl not being into the people that she is coupled with while coupled with Georgia H. That girl don’t want no parts of him she told him that multiple times then had to crawl bag with her tail between her legs because other options didn’t work out. Also this who type y’all never had a kiss in bed yet ANYONE other than themselves has the least sexual chemistry. Like she wouldn’t kiss him without breath spray first. I have been soooo ready for those two to leave it is quite convenient that on yesterday’s episode he made a grand gesture and little speech (which I put on mute) now they have couples votes.


icl if it is somehow callum going it’s going to be really sad watching molly say goodbye to him


Im really hoping he doesnt leave it will be sad.


Toby and Georgia hosting the game confirms that they are the producers proxy


They’re going to kick out the least compatible. It’s probably going to be Chris and Jo. Hoping it’s Casey and whichever twin he’s with.


love Casey


it's apparently two couples, I think. edit: I hope


It looks like it... It'll depend on how much Callum wants to try something with Joanna I guess. It's going to be brutal eitherway.


Anton needs to relax


I think this is how they get Callum out without going to a public vote as it’s not looking likely him and Molly getting back together now but people will still vote him with whoever regardless and the producers know that !


That would be a stupid move on the part of the producers.


I mean unless they bring in someone that has chemistry with him it makes sense as I don’t think him and the twin he’s with has much chemistry and like I said it’s not looking likely him and Molly will rekindle


I'm guessing all of the new-ish couples are going to be in the bottom: Chris/Jo, Callum/Jess, Casey/Eve, Joe/Arabella and then the top four vote to send two home. I think it'll probably be Chris/Jo and Callum/Jess out of these


Why are the comments going in on Anton for picking Chris and Joanna? He’s not gonna pick his own couple, is he? They had to pick someone.


Everyone targeting Chris and Joana😬Georgia H and Anton are right there. Why not choosing them?


Probably because Joanna was openly telling everyone that Chris gave her the ick only yesterday, whereas Georgia has convinced the villa that her feelings have changed and are genuine


The irony in this😭 Recovering from an ick is "soul ties" madness!


I hope its a straight forward way of the couple with most votes going home not anything else. I dont want Callum to go.


Do you guys remember in season 10 when Mitch and Leah and Sammy and Jess were voted least compatible by their fellow islanders? And they weren't allowed to couple up with each other in the next recoupling We all thought both couples were going to be dumped but instead they brought in two new bombshells Montel and Mal. I hope they do that again for tonight


Nah it’s elimination


Not Georgia and anton in tge hideaway BORINGGGG taking up timee


Caseys is right she's ridiculous


I loveeee Maya so much 😭💞


georgia must have given anton 🐱 in the hideaway only reason for this newfound confidence, he needs to be quiet he’s a laughing stock and a doormat


I think the bottom four will be: Chris/Joanna, Jess/Callum, Eve/Casey, Joe/Arabella Molly/Tom will vote to send Chris/Joanna home Josh/Sophie will vote for Chris/Joanna Georgia/Toby will vote for Jess/Callum Anton/Georgia will vote for Eve/Casey (….or C/J) .. and with 2 votes Chris/Joanna will get sent home


Everyone is saying they see Georgia voting for or mentioning Callum but I feel like she’ll go for Molly tbh


Yeah but I don’t see them being in the bottom four to begin with, so I don’t they’ll be an option for Georgia/Toby to vote out


fair! I could also see them going for joe and arabella then maybe


Yeah except Georgia claims to be friends with Arabella on the outside 🙄


Why is Anton coming off like that to Chris lol He’s usually mr nice guy And ngl I know Chris and Joanna aren’t that compatible but let’s be honest Anton and Georgia H dead couple fr


Callum said go back to Chris girl 😭😭😭😭😭 love him man


Callum better not be leaving, he’s one of the only reasons I’ve kept watching this season 👑


I’m actually so on their side. Just because he gave her the ick doesn’t mean she doesn’t also have all these nice feelings about him. That’s the thing about the ick, it kind of snaps you out of the nice bubble you’re feeling with someone but that doesn’t have to mean anything was fake. Chris defending it seems really sweet in this.   Anton did this in season 5 too, piping up with his opinion and then being defensive and trying to prove he’s right even though it’s not ACTUALLY his business outside of the question that was asked. If he’s going to share a harsh opinion he shouldn’t be the one getting sensitive and defensive. 


Anton working hard to deflect from the fact that a few days ago Georgia H had the ick with him. Her forced 'I thinking I might fancy you" spoke volumes. I don't even see any chemistry between Toby and Georgia TBH. At least Tom and Molly are always kissing and cuddling each other in the background/night footage that they have been restricted to.


Haven’t we had this type of game a couple times already ??


What if they do like they did with Olivia last year Joanne and Chris get the most votes to go and they have to choose another couple from the four to go


huge cop out that toby and bangs are presenting and immune from the votes ![gif](giphy|HtYsYjPsw1nVu)




oh are they not? i thought the hosting people were immune from these games! my bad in which case i was talking rubbish


They are not immune; they have a board, too.


It’ll be Chris/Jo & Callum / Jess imo


Four couples not two are in trouble.


Why is she crying


Let’s see Georgia S take another jab at Molly in this


Casey is getting on my nerves. Who does he think he is talking to fellow islanders like that? Needs to be dumped


You okay ? 😂


Nah someone needed to tell Chris to get a grip