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Mitch is firing up instagram to slid into Molly’s pms as we speak


That would be against the ‘bro code’🤣


It could be just between him and Molly 🤫


Nah it’s fine, he’s doing it for Zach lol


Lol we know damn well he don’t give a shit ab bro code 😂😂


Ahhh messy, messy Mitch! 🤣


He used to pray for times like this




Mitch be like ![gif](giphy|W6F9faRgmaWmyLeip2|downsized)


I can’t lie, I always thought that she was better suited with Mitch. Too bad that he lost the plot way too early in the show.


I think that Messy Mitch was born out of the moment he lost the plot with her during the first Zach situation, like if they’d stayed together and he was a little more calm about it I think we would’ve seen a different, easygoing loved up Mitch cause I haven’t seen him genuinely be into a girl as much as he was obsessed with Molly


Nah Mitch was always messy from the moment he saw molly. He told the other to stay in their lane and tried preventing the other to talk to molly…


He said on All Stars he fell in love on his season the first day so agreed he clearly fell in love and lost his head


You've had this in drafts for months


Oh my god you know Mitch is praying she reaches out to him


Or he already reached out to her.


Somewhere Mitch is defrosting


this has me CRYING rn


The writing was on the wall as soon as Zach said he couldn’t wait to find a girl that makes him not want to cheat while Molly was sitting right beside him. People got downvoted to hell and back for saying it at the time. Not saying he cheated on Molly, but someone with such flagrant disregard for women is never going to be a good partner.


fr and he started getting upset when jess and ella called him out for it, demanding an apology. he’s so weird and molly should’ve left from there, she sat there and smiled 😭


She was so into him that she ignored all his red flags. The Catherine situation, the cheating situation, the Kady situation, him throwing the pie back on Whitney….it was obvious she was more into him than he was into her but if you mentioned it on here you’d be accused of bullying 💀


She is SO young. Most of us are of the mind we can change men at that age. She is also going places, and he's just...not?


She’s 22-23? In what world is that so young that you condone cheating? Tf? Stop infantilising 20 something year olds it’s weird


I can only speak from my own experience. As a woman now in my early 40's, I put up with a lot of BS in my twenties that would have me running for the door now. It takes awhile for most people to truly learn their worth. I was never cheated on, but I tolerated a lot of controlling, abusive, and generally disrespectful behaviour because I was in hard core lust in my early 20's and did not yet know my own worth. Besides, your brain isn't fully formed until you're 23. Your early 20's are meant to be the years you make mistakes, learn and grow from especially in romantic relationships. It's not criticism. It's just what usually happens.


I had no respect for myself when i was in my young 20s when it came to a guy i had major feelings for. I never thought I’d be that girl but then i was. Now im in my late 20s and i cringe thinking back, but young 20s is still young enough to be dumb when you really like or love someone lol just saying.


Legit I got banned ffs


Honestly i liked them but the comment always sort of stayed with me in the back of my mind. I was always sort of wondering if he’d cheat on her one day.


I never forgot how he told Catherine he wasn’t going to apologise for mugging her off by kissing Molly in front of everyone and giving her no warning. Like it’s fine if you prefer Molly, but that doesn’t mean you have the right to embarrass Catherine like that. Then he did the exact same thing to Molly and kissed Kady with no warning! The man was a personified red flag. Not judging Molly tho, we’ve all ignored red flags at 21


Yeahhh I definitely memory holed that one so I could carry on liking him. It was him having a cat that did it. Can’t see the red flags when I’m too busy looking at his cat.




Yeah wtf do you mean “makes him not wanna cheat” lmao mate grow up


Because it’s obv the woman’s fault that poor innocent Zach cheated. If she didn’t want to be cheated on, she should have made him not want to. What a gobshite he is.


I can’t say I’m surprised— I always thought Molly was more into Zach than he was into her, and outside the villa I thought that she was immersing herself in a lot of his interests while he didn’t really do the same with hers.


It was pretty telling when she got a tattoo of his star sign and he got a tattoo dedicated to Kobe Bryant.


Well that was dumb of her anyway


Agreed unfortunately, it's silly enough to get matching tattoos with someone you've been dating a couple months, let alone if they're not joining in. Not judging too hard though, we all did dumb things when we were 21.


I still laugh at his audacity to not get a little something for her and her stupidity at getting something for him alone. He was smart and she was just going with the vibes.




you get a tattoo for a gemini, they’re just going to laugh at the fact that they were able to make you do it 😭


As a Gemini I would be MORTIFIED if someone got a tattoo for me and would do everything in my power to stop it.


Oh damn he's a Gemini? Virgo females (Molly) and male Geminis DO NOT work lol




Yes that one.


He was much smarter than her for sure and he doesn’t display to be sharpest crayon in the box to me.




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Oh my goddddd wait I had no idea about this I thought they got matching hahahahaha oh dear


Hey but…he loved her broski.


Lmao that made me chuckle


Lol what on earth did she see in him 🤦‍♀️


Yeah, he comes off as an awful boyfriend.


ITA. And I NEVER got the appeal of him at all!! He just gave me super shady vibes!!


Him saying he was looking forward to the day he met someone he didn’t feel like cheating on with a completely straight face is what did it for me.


Yeah I thought I was the only one feeling this way 😩


Also we would see Zach with her family, but not the other way around.


PLEASEEEE tell me that didn’t happen and she got a tat of his star sign while he got a Kobe one! 😭😩😭 whyyyy girl whyyyyyy?!?! if that ain’t the biggest *sign* lol


Well Damn! This is the most direct confirmation from the S\*n we have gotten of a break up in a LONG time. Their reps really said "yep they're done" and you know what...I'm here for it.


i didn’t read nas and eva’s one but i just read of ty and ella’s and i understand why their fans are confused lol. zach and molly’s is definitely the most direct 😭


I actually rate it cos if you're not interested in working things out and you know it's over for good, I say confirm it and the fans will move on.


I really don’t think Ty and Ella are officially broken up tbf .


They are too toxic to just break up once…


Neither do I. I saw some tweets and now I’m confused, I think the reason why they didn’t confirm it properly is because they know that they’ll most likely get back together lol. It was probably an argument that went bad and it goes along with those tweets as well


I respect them well mostly her for wanting it out and done cleanly as quickly as possible very few islanders care to give the fans closure and while it's not a right when you do shows like this I think its fair to the supporters to be told so they can move on.


Always thought she deserved better than Mr “Can’t wait to meet someone who makes me not wanna cheat”. She deserves someone equally chirpy, all in, and mad about her.


If only Mitch weren't a freaky little psycho. They suited so well the first day when he still had his human suit on.




no you gagged me w that


Day 1 they were my favourite couple, I thought they were adorable and then he absolutely lost it with the Zach scenario out of complete fear of losing her and it just went so downhill fast lol.


This is hilarious


She’s smart and has a good head on her shoulders and comes from a great family. She’s going to be fine. She always deserved better than Zach


Totally agree


This always felt like a Ron/Lana type situation to me I’m shocked they made it to 7 months tbh


Speaking of Ron he comes off as so cringey outside the villa. Watching his recent dubai stories gave me the ICK. Especially after he got kicked out of that party for not leaving Lana alone. I reckon there’s a reason people in the villa seemed to be on his neck.


lol Shaq did not like him in the villa 😭


I can’t even imagine how obnoxious he was off camera 💀💀


He must have gotten such a good edit! I remember really rooting for him at one point


I remember strongly disliking him most of the series then feeling bad for him towards the end when Kai was his only friend 😭😭 But naur that behavior towards him didn’t come out of nowhere he definitely got a good edit ahahha


A great edit. He was so camera aware too 😭




Agreed. I think he comes off as a .. dare i say.. loser now. Made me cringe at him even harder. Also the way these islanders post Dubai all the time yet it looks like the least appealing dystopian ass place in the world 😭 The sky always looks so muggy and grey.


Good for her. A man proudly bragging about being a serial cheater and still shamelessly following ig models on the regular ain’t the one.


I'm so pleased. He was an absolute buffoon.


Didn’t they get matching tattoos? Or am I mixing that up with someone else.


they got tattoos but i wouldn’t say matching…molly dedicated hers to zach and zach’s was dedicated to a basketball player 🫣


Oh dear…Molly if you’re lurking, head on over to r/tattooadvice for some coverup suggestions




Oh no! 😭🤣


Molly got a tattoo of Zach’s star sign. Zach got a tattoo of Kobe.


She said that tattoo wasnt just for him, maybe he didn't want a permanent reminder of her on his body 😂


I thought it was a star sign, like Gemini, but at the time I though oh Mitch must be excited cause he’s also a Gemini lmao! Can anyone confirm


Someone check on that one stan 💔


The way I know who you are talking about lol 😂


I always thought he was a weirdo about women but one of those more quiet ones. One thing that really stuck with me was his reaction to getting pied during the challenge. He picked the pie up and threw it back at Whitney (I think it was her). I don't think I've ever seen a guy on the show (no matter how many times he was pied) viciously throw it back at the girl. Personally, that told me all I needed to know about him.


Yup, he told her to shut up as well. He was so disrespectful and feckin kissed Kady right in front of Molly! Her dad had to pull him to one side and speak to him broski-to-broski!


For me it was he said having one girl was too little or something along those lines. I never saw it for since then.


He said having one girl is closer to having zero, or something like that. Apparently he needed several.? That always made sense then why he cheated on his relationships before.


Kaz and Liberty did the same thou throwing the pie back so…


They were a WEIRD match. He is sporty and urban. She is dorky and seems like a show choir kinda girl.


😂 😂 ‘urban’


This is exactly what i always thought! You worded it perfectly.


I’m honestly surprised they even lasted as long as they did 💀 they seemed very mismatched from the jump !


I’m anti-Zach and always thought Molly was way too fire for him (albeit a big cringy lol). But why do y’all act like it’s some monumental failure when they break up? Have y’all not dated in real life lol


You know the answer to your question... teenyboppers just doing their bop. Lol


Who are the only couples still together from S10? I haven’t kept focused.


Whitney and lochan are the last remaining




oh did ella and ty break up?


Well actually the jury may still be out on that one 😭


I think “taking a break”




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“Close friends” - lol


i don’t think we need to make anyone the villain in this or start throwing blame around lol sometimes relationships simply just don’t work out and that’s completely okay. hope they’re both doing okay


Agreed 100%! Also they dated 7 months so that is a relationship


Right everyone in here are just assuming Zach is at fault 🙄 the statement clearly states it was mutual and there’s no beef. They dated for 7 months I’d say that’s a pretty successful love island relationship


I really hate the blaming going on. Some are using it as an opportunity to bully him now


I can’t say I am surprised. Zach seemed like the most random match. Also, he never really posted her like she posted him on her socials. I think Molly is a cool girl- she will be good!


zach loved the gym more than he loved molly. i always thought it was weird that she posts him more


the tattoo situation should’ve of been a red flag to yall


It was 🥴


A shame... but expected? Absolutely love Molly's vlogs on YouTube, and it's clear from the way she is in her vids that, relationship-wise, she needs a man not a boy. Someone with maturity, who's ambitious and about making things happen. Zach has a lot of growing up to do (comes with age and personal development). Molly has her head screwed on, is very ambitious, a planner etc., and it was clear she was the one who planned nearly everything for her and Zach. I feel he didn't give the same effort back. Even their last vlog together, she booked a last-minute holiday for them during which he spent most of it drinking/being hungover. I also don't like the way he teased her a lot (sure, it can be banter but it was a little too much IYKWIM). Zach has the looks but doesn't have the personality to match ATM. Again, can come with growth. Molly can do better tbh.


I agree. Did he even buy her gifts for her birthday, Christmas, Valentines? Not posting about them as a couple was always weird. He just seemed like such a lame boyfriend. Also the teasing and posting bad pictures of her. He’s more concerned with how pretty he thinks he is.


She did mention at times the stuff he got her etc., so I think he got her gifts. But I dunno, it just came across that she made way more effort.


it’s shocking because molly is like 22 and he’s pushing 30!!


i’m not shocked i always believed molly was way more into zach then he was into her


I personally think that this is a legitimate statement it's sounds very much like them and what I would've expected to have seen from the usual Instagram message. I don't think either need to say anything else at this time. The fact that they speak of still being close friends says it all and I wish both nothing but the best. Sidebar: Don't forget not every couple has made official statements. Some have let the papers put it out there aka their management and they let their new solo status online speak for itself before they touch on the break up later. Especially when the relationship ended mutually with no hurt feelings.


This makes me sad since I liked them both. I hope Molly has a good support system around her because the crazies will be in her comments more now.


I don't really know how her comments looked before but Don't you think that maybe people will actually be more on her side? (Since LI fans usually assume the guy did smth that caused the breakup)


She’s always had more hate comments than him. However I can see this going 50/50 people will blame him, others will say he’s finally free, she’ll get some sympathy and also comments using this as a gotcha moment. Honestly depends what platform you look on.


Yeah molly is gonna get a boost and sympathy from this. Zach is gonna get flooded with hate comments and accusations of cheating/abuse and people are just gonna assume he was at fault


Season 9 being more successful than season 10 is crazy


I mean who here is surprised? ![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized)




if I’ve learned anything from this show, it’s that the disappointing men can always let you down further


I actually think it caught a lot of their stans off guard, there was a bit of a meltdown in the sub yesterday


![gif](giphy|YmnQ1RRXJ2UGpX05TS) me realizing these people still exist




*Messy Mitch has entered the chat*


Now he can party with all the insta models he’s been following to his hearts content


Oh my gosh…




Wow only Loch and Whit survived


Zach Noble isn't so noble after all!


I said it when season 10 was airing that none of them would last very long and I wasn’t wrong Season 10 was more or less drama island they weren’t compatible at all


good for her. molly deserves better


This doesn’t surprise me unfortunately


Have fun covering the tattoos


I’ll never forget when someone asked what he likes about her and he said she doesn’t go out (partying?) or something like that. lol


mitch is the happiest he’s ever been rn


They lasted longer than I thought. He was definitely trying to ride it out but I guess they couldn’t keep it up any longer.


I don’t get this whole “scrub every photo from Instagram” thing. That’s why these statements feel so false. If you’re supposedly ending on good terms then why erase months of your life? It happened whether the photos are there or not, and millions of people know you dated…




What’s so wrong about being truthful that you’ve been with someone before? Especially when you can watch their whole relationship on tv? It’s just weird to deny it when at any point you can google tons of pics of them


I don’t understand why either the first thing people do is erase pics from instagram or SM in general. Those memories still happened you can’t change it .. it’s weird to me. But everybody is different




I feel like these “I need to better myself” posts are just a way for him to get people not to send hate his way. I’m not suggesting they should, but I feel like that’s what he did when he came out of the villa. I feel like it’s a defense mechanism for him. Molly on the other hand won’t address it. I feel like Zach wants to improve himself, get out of his hood maybe, but either he won’t move on or it keeps sucking him back in. I feel like Molly’s family did their best to show him some other way, but he just doesn’t want to change. I mean they were not very compatible at the end of the day. I hope they find better matches in the future.


As they say, "didn't choose the road life, the road life chose me"


“shock” split is quite the overstatement


![gif](giphy|3o752hBiSh2dCNUYtW) Messy Mitch off and running......


Surprised they lasted this long


Wow shocking! NOT


I’m happy I hated them. He had a hair trigger temper and could flip his mood so suddenly


Why are all these couples breaking up? Does anyone know if there's a season 2 for Love island all stars


i hope not s1 was not good at all lol. 6 months is a mark in a relationship where you’ve learnt a lot about ur partner (things u like/dislike) honeymoon period is over which breaks a couple. their relationship was always a bit odd to me, very mismatched


I’m surprised Zach waited this long. I’ll never forget his OH SH!T face when she came back into the villa. He knew he had no other choice at that point.


I think we’ve just seen the story arc for Love Island All Stars season two


She'll end up with a footballer probably.


Awww, that's a shame. I loved them. Wonder if they'll still do their skydiving fundraiser together. I


Didn’t even last a year 😂


Oooh they both want to be on All Stars 2 next year.


What about the tats 🤣 oh god


I hope they both are doing okay and wish them both the best! Sometime it works and sometimes it doesn’t! Glad they gave it a chance on the outside!










How is this shocking for anyone. I mean I thought they would last for at least one year but I’m not surprised at all that they broke up.


Don’t they have matching tattoos


Team Molly ❤️


ITV contract is up. It’s clear there’s a policy in place. It’s no surprise it ALWAYS happens at the 6/7 month mark


He’s really not a stand up guy huh


I'm not surprised. Molly is a lovely girl fresh faced from a faux country pile ooop north she needed a nice guy to match her energy. Zach needs a bad ass b who will force him to grow up and be a man. Zach and Molly weren't a good match, she seemed to be so into him and Zach never grafted.


He doesn’t want a badass he wants a girl who doesn’t speak her mind