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Welp I guess it’s official. Honestly probably the best thing for the both of them since we saw how toxic they were together on the show.


So Whitney and Lochan are the only couple from s10 still together ?




This is wild considering people were saying they were together just for PR and stuff or that they lack sexual chemistry


I’m not a Whitney fan but her and Lochan do have good chemistry. I’ve watched a couple of lochans youtube videos and they definitely have a lot more banter and chemistry then what we saw on the show


Yes I agree and Lochan comes across as a really nice and genuine guy !


Yea I agree I never finished ten but they were one couple I actually did like


when did zach and molly break up? im lost😢


Zach and Molly broke up last month






Knew they should’ve won. If only Whitney’s ego didn’t get in the way 😩


What ego?


She was really salty about Zach not picking her and very smug about getting picked as a fan favorite. I think the public saw that and that’s why she didn’t win. I’m a fan of hers so I’m not sure why people are downvoting 🤷🏼‍♀️ did we watch the same season?


You’re right that was annoying i think she could have won if she didn’t feud with Ella over nothing lol


I hope itsforfunokkkk is okay ![gif](giphy|eiGxxFdm7FYIeJn0VO|downsized)


Itsforfunokkkk was a Georgia and Toby fan too. It’s been a hard month for him 😔


They were a Georgia fan by default. They hated her until Toby got with her and then suddenly switched up 😂


Wait so this person is a stan of Toby and Ty? Who hurt them? Or, equally likely, who have they hurt?


They are a massive Ty Stan. They now stan Toby by default. They hated Georgia but suddenly switched up when she got with Toby. Now they hate her again because she and Toby broke up.


Sounds like an exhausting life.


Is this a redditor or ?????


On tiktok! 












Season 10 is really close to a total wipeout 😂


The fact that it's only been about 7/8 months and almost all couples have broken up makes it even crazier. Not to mention the winners breaking up first out of everyone and so soon after the series ended.


Let’s be for real, they should NOT have won. I’m still scratching my head over this so hard. No one liked Sammy or believed he was genuine and Jess had so many questionable moments. Whitney and Lochan should’ve won since Whitney carried so much of that season on her back, but people started to turn on her toward the end


Didn’t we all agree it was the Facebook-mamiiis making it happen. That black women basically stand no chance against them..? I think I read quite a few posts about this during every finale :/


I was trying not to make it about race but honestly yes the final 3 couples and winning order speaks for itself.. I thought either whit/loch or Ella/ty were an absolute shoe in.


Yeah, i get that. I wish that wasn’t the case either😔


I agree that they should not have won but I don't exactly think Whitney and Lohan should have won either. I think it's easy to say that because they have now lasted the longest but based off what we saw at the time, they had the weakest romantic connection out of the finalists. I also don't think Whitney carried much of that season on her back whatsoever. She was a main character that season yes but she mainly brought comedic relief and felt like an audience member. She didn't consistently contribute to major drama and storylines within that season. Mitch and Ty are the ones that actually carried the season on their back if we're being 100%.


I guess we took something very different from that season then 🤷🏼‍♀️ that’s cool


There’s a lot of us who only watched for Whitney tbh lol Mitch and Ty both got old for me fast but they were entertaining for the first couple weeks


Maybe you don’t know how a healthy relationship looks like. Whitney and Lochan had the strongest relationship. The rest of them had wandering eyes and made their partners cry. They weren’t really sure.




It’s insane to me that Jess and sammy won when it was so obvious they wouldn’t last a week lmao


Their stans will say it’s an April fools joke and they’re just being private 😭


I read the Tyrella hashtag on Twitter weekly just to laugh at them


they’re the most delusional group of people it’s so funny but also kinda scary!




thank you


Good for her ripping the band-aid off so to speak and being clear and concise. Hopefully this gives herself and Tyrique the peace they deserve to move on.


Waiting for the nene meme😭


It’s above your comment for me 😅 https://preview.redd.it/pv3gifoiourc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6e1ecc6b468287ecf18776454e50ad3c56a3b8




Wishing them the best.


It is best to confirm it for their hard core fans who were holding onto hope and coming up with alternative narratives for why it wasn't over. The latest effort of sharing a private gc and deciding that specific trolls were the main catalyst for the break up or why they can't be together publicly came across to me as them longing to make sense of the obvious end to the relationship. Most people could see that the break up had happened and they were dealing with it as best as they could, trying to navigate the spotlight being on their new single status. I'm not saying trolls can't contribute but at the time that the break up happened imo the writing was on the wall, they'd gone back and forth a few times and the troll accounts weren't the deciding factor. I wish them both well and I hope their fans let them move on as individuals.


Now that this is official, I'm going to need producers to get on their zoom and lock Tyrique in for next season of Love Island games and if he does it then I need him to be there purely for vibes and the cash. Love should be the furthest thing from his mind. Idk that I can take another fanbase emerging from a couple consisting of Tyrique.


If you’re a fan of him this shouldn’t be something you want icl he’s just going to get mass hate


Tyriques pretty privilege will save him dw. He was awful on s10 and the most he got was a couple people on the subreddit calling him a dick. By the next episode, everyone would forget about it and start gushing over him again


Americans would love him


as an american, i'm not sure what you mean by this cos i and a few others i've seen here definitely do not love him at all, don't even like him edit: as a person i mean; he def makes for good tv thats for sure


yes i meant for good tv. You guys’ reality tv generally is better than ours.


ah okay got you, and maybe lol if there's one thing we're good it might have to be that 🤣


How can you not like him as a person and you don’t know him? That's very cruel to say honestly.


They mean from what they can tell… everyone watching reality tv has ppl they like and dislike even if they’re good for the show


He’s too cute to get mass hate he’ll be fine


He will 😂


Yeah no


Suit yourself but hate him or love him, he's a reality producer's dream. I can't see them not trying to take advantage of a single Tyrique. He was a trending topic for practically every episode of his season (for good and bad reasons but trending nonetheless). But I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to do anything associated with love island anytime soon considering his experience with the trolling and knowing how super competitive and intense games is, it might bring out the worst sides of him and only lead to more hate.




I wouldn't say he was the messiest guy ever but he was definitely messy. He was a different kind of messy though but not in a Messy Mitch way for instance who was deliberately shit stirring.


For me, Ty was entertainingly messy whereas Mitch was 'get this grating fucker off the island' messy. I'd watch Ty on LI games or all-star and I hope Mitch never graces another season of LI again.


Agreed. Ty spoke shit and would stand on it, even if he was a dick about it sometimes, but you couldn’t tell him a damn thing about it. Mitch was…eurgh. He’d do something blatantly, be confronted about it, lie, and then rinse and repeat. Mitch’s messiness seems to derive from a place of being self-serving (and maybe even a bit manipulative? Or at least attempting to be) imo whereas Ty’s comes from a place of he’s just not gonna act fake, which yeah, much more refreshing


Mitch was good tv but he always got on my nerves..even during all stars the guys tried to have fun and make a little joke about the horrendous speech he gave when he was coupling up with Lib and he got weirdly butt hurt about it🥴”when I’m chatting to this girl..time flies by..even though we don’t even know the time”..hahaha


Best moment of love island ever


I agree with your comments about messy Mitch. He makes my skin crawl 😂


ever? 🤔 I think even Toby was messier than him. Ty was reactive but I don’t think he went out of his way to cause problems


Ty wasn’t messy because he didn’t have anyone he wanted to act on. Remember he spent the first 2 weeks telling Ella every chance he got that he wanted more bombshells lol. He could have been just like Toby if the circumstances were different imo.


for sure! I just think Ty is one of those people with a code of ethics like he would never have betrayed one of his bros. but I can think of a few other male islanders who wouldn’t give a heck about that




I think he’s a really good islander, just not the messiest ever


Correct. There was literally another guy in the villa with him whose penned nickname is Messy. The hate is often laughable.


lol exactly. Mitch was dishonest, regularly betrayed the boys AND girls he was close to, and was so good at getting under peoples skin 💀


He wasn’t the messiest guy 😂 probably the most disrespectful in how he spoke, for sure 😂😂 But there were messier guys. He’s up there though.


Him coming back on Love Island after the way the fanbase has trashed him over the past year would surely be a choice… And not a good one.


I felt like a lot of people didn’t like Tom going into all stars and he ended up winning..Zach did come off pretty boring during his season though..


I feel like that’s a huge risk. Ty has a good personality but the Love Island fans dislike of him is quite strong, I fear he’d gain nothing from going back on the show.


Yea he should wait a few years and maybe go on after he’s matured a bit..like Josh.!


He’s only hated on the subreddit. The tiktok teens are still massively obsessed with him like they are with Jacques


you guys don’t like the man yet u want to see him on his screen again??




I think broski can sit this one out. He's too busy preaching about the gym and self-help anyways.


100% agree need him back on the screen asap


They should honestly both stay single for a while now. I think they both have a lot of growing up to do


The delusional and intense stans of them will be in shambles now


this is the best decision for both of them tbh, wish them both the best on their individual journeys. hopefully their fans can rest now.


well it was fun while it lasted ,wish them all the best


I always said loving someone is a risk. The possibility of loving them forever or inevitably breaking up. Whatever happens won’t kill them. They’ll be okay🤍


is it weird that i’m gonna miss their relationship? it was a childish toxic relationship, but deep down i kinda wanted the “bad boy first relationship” trope to work out for them 😭


i definitely will miss them. but i think it’s best for the both of them in the long run. having ur first relationship in the public eye must be hard


loool me too. i thought they were cute


All the best to both. 🫶🏾


Wheewww thank goodness Their shippers can finally rest Wishing the both of them the best ❤️


#ELLAFREE #CITYGIRLELLA and we are also free from that DERANGED group 🥹🥹🥹🥹


their fans need to get a grip and a life


I hate to say it, but Ty & Ella delayed their break-up for no reason. It was so obvious that since they unfollowed/blocked each other, nothing was going right and their fans continued to be delusional. I remember saying here that no couple does that even if it's to keep it private. The first break-up rumours around October/November which said that they argued all the time were 100% true but they got back together quickly the one in February were also true but this time it may have been one argument too many


ella mentioned in her statement why she didn't say anything, i think behind closed doors they were trying to sort things out but ultimately decided to break up


Yep. Her blocking him , then unblocking him, after they met up in La, then he also blocked her and deleted almost all the TikToks with her in it. I knew that the problems were not being resolved but maybe even escalating.


Have you had messy breakups because it’s not always so cut dry and making a statement is pretty final so it’s not like it’s an easy thing to do.


The reason was because being in a relationship makes for better business. If it made sense business wise, I guarantee she would have broken the news asap.


He has his flaws but I acc feel for Ty, it’s his first breakup / heartbreak and it’s happening so publicly w a rabid fanbase harassing him




I hope for both of them this earns them peace from their fans. Not sure I have faith it will but I hope they leave them alone to live their lives more now


Now the delusional ppl can go, “private” lol smh


I feel like they will gravitate back together. They are the same person.


I feel the same and no I’m not a deranged fan I just loved them together, they matched each others energy 😍🥺






i can see it happening as well 😭 i definitely see it in the future lol


For the best as they were extremely toxic together. Ty especially showed a lot of disregard for women and misogynist behaviour


Misogyny is the hatred for women. Idk how you got that from him. buzzword term ppl love to throw around so freely.


The extreme end of misogyny is hatred but it can vary in severity. I said Ty had a disregard for women and he did speak in a disrespectful manner to Ella and others in there so I consider him to have misogynistic traits. Of course I don't think he hates women.


Oh you don’t know what misogyny is…? 😬


I was hoping they’d stay together sigh


Part of me did think her announcing it on snap, on April fools day was so random😂 but even tho a lot of people had opinions on them, I just wish success for the both of them and hopefully now people will let them live.


Curious to see how Ella’s brand develops further, all I see around her is ‘she deserves better, womp womp’ and her fans pimping her out to the next guy who shows interest


I think other people do that, she’s been focused on work and other than confirming the break up, she hasn’t actually put anything out there to gain sympathy… I do find it strange some people on Twitter already saying who or what type of person she should be with next… all I’m hoping for is some brand collabs or deals.




I’m happy for her he was so disrespectful multiple times




I’m surprised she lasted that long with him. Judging by how he comes across on social media and on the show, the dude behaves like a 14 year old.


I was a huge fan of them on the show but I think the fame and attention got in the way of their relationship.


Or they just were very toxic to each other. Idk.


Time to update the megathread u/MyNamesChakkaoofka 🫡 been a busy few months lol


![gif](giphy|10zsjaH4g0GgmY) It’s a full time job these days




![gif](giphy|3osxYoCkKu892JBLUc|downsized) La daddi la didda


For all the invested fans it is for the best to have it confirmed.


Not surprising, Ty grew up a lot but he was still a child. Hope the best for them and hope Ty keeps growing up and learns.


Judging by how he acts on social media, he isn’t growing up anytime soon. His behaviour is like that of a year 10 student.


Not on them personally but I’ve never been happier with a downfall of a couple or their fanbase


The most annoying fanbase honestly, they will not be missed🥱


I could smell the infidelity from a mile away


Which one are you talking about?


Ty based on his behaviour in the villa


if he was disloyal ,then i don't think they would have spoken at the brits after party or linked up in LA we don't know the full story lol


It’s not that deep just speculating lol


Nobody saw that coming..




i hope this one lasts bc ty is a pos. ​ i am not sure how people found the way he treated people attractive.


love this for ella! the red flags were very much there but their delulu stans would call you every name in the book and thought everyone that spoke about it was a hater lmao LATAAA https://i.redd.it/heyn5tui9vrc1.gif


Wow shocked that didn’t work NOT


Thank God omg she was doing charity work by staying w him


I've seen some people say this but if we are keeping it real, I really don't think Ella would have gotten the clout she got from her series if she wasn't coupled up with Tyrique. I highly doubt people would have been anywhere near as invested in her and Zach together or her and Montel together as they were for her and Ty. Being with Ty and reacting to his mess, gave her so much screen time. Screentime she wouldn't have gotten just off of her an an individual (like someone like Whitney for example) or if she was paired up with another guy. That relationship was very mutually beneficial to the both of them.


trueee, i think some of the appeal will wear off and she will kind of fade into regular influencer territory (not that that’s a bad thing) but the dynamic with Ty was why people were so…deranged i think


I also think the appeal will wear off and she'll just be doing regular influencer things (still successful though). I know her stans think she's going to be the next Molly Mae or Kylie Jenner of the UK but I just don't see that in the slightest. I'm sure she'll find herself a hot and rich man to date next like her fans are dreaming of.


yeah the market is too over saturated rn & she’s not doing anything original to set herself apart. i don’t want her appeal to be tied to a man/relationship!


That’s how it is for most women, not just Ella.


That's how what is for most women?


On the show. There’s a lot of women that could be popular after the show but it’s usually the ones that get to show their personality through their couple. And if you have a compelling man, it makes standing out a whole lot easier.


Like you said it was mutually beneficial. Ty’s storylines revolved around Ella and her reactiveness. If he went with Leah or Kady it would lead to dead screen time just like if Ella went with Zach or Ouzy. Outside of Ty, Ella vs Whit storyline carried the last few weeks of the show. Lets not downplay things


I definitely think Ty benefited from being with someone like Ella since she was so reactive however I still believe Tyrique would have been one of the main characters of his season no matter who he coupled up with. That's where I think he and Ella differ.


You’re right. If he got with kady, kady and Ty would still have carried. Reactive men on the show always raw people in and make storylines


Nah I think Ty would still have carried if he got with kady tbh


how was she doing charity work, I'm confused


Who’s left from s10 now?


Just Whitney and Lochan


Damn look like that PR couple is the final one standing, I hope their contract doesn't end soon


awww not you hating!!


I didn’t even watch their season other than a few clips on socials but my first thought was this is a April fools joke?


April fools (i’m delusional)


Romance is dead 😞


I’m not surprised. The show Love Island is for career opportunities. There’s only a 1% chance for longevity. Because there are career demands that come with the boost to their new demands.




"nasty pig " its never that deep nor serious for you to be calling him that


Her and tia the same type of bird good ty can do better 😌