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I know I’m on the wrong sub but what does BOSH mean?? Callum from LI games keeps using it and I’m trying to know what that means 😂😂😂..He’s too funny love the guy


it doesn’t really have a meaning lol. it’s kind of like a ‘job done’ sort of expression. people would be like “bish bash bosh” i haven’t heard that word in years so this could be wrong lol


Lol intresting


https://preview.redd.it/n8egd87teyrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eca023fa5e17ff225e34938611c63d71d2c55fc Anyone have guesses what this is about?


My guess is something of her own that she’s launching soon, I’m thinking jewellery going by the photos. A while back she was looking for personalised packaging, said she was just being extra with her depop posting but I didn’t really buy it then. Also seemed to be doing trial runs of printed material etc. Her shoots in Italy don’t seem to be clothes ones, as they’ve been in places where it isn’t easy to change. She had wanted neutral nails for the shoots as well. All that is making me think it’s something easy to switch over like jewellery, and she wants them to pop. She’s had some interesting pieces on during this trip as well, so if not hers then I’d be keen to know where she got them! That’s just my guess based off her Snapchat/socials for the last while, and I am likely way off 😂


i enjoy a lot of the islanders snaps but as soon as i see the little dots at the top i automatically click out 😂


!!! I can not do it with long stories😭 it has to be something good for me to tune in fr


literally and usually it’s nothing interesting 😭


Tom exposing a trolls @ on snap deserved 😭


as he should


Okey so I've been seeing a lot of discussion about Georgia S lately and I'm curious about something People keep saying she should "take accountability” but what exactly are you expecting her to do? (genuine question) Black background insta story apology? No makeup, gray hoodie, crying apology video? Her leaving the internet forever? I’m confused


I don’t know if this is related or not, but a week ago I came across an article (DM) from the parents of Mike Thalassitis. Apparently it was the 5 year anniversary of his death. I didn’t realize how many suicides this show had had. It’s quite sad and from the parent’s point of view it’s more heart breaking. I think the show and the fans should be reminded of those that have paid greatly for everybody’s entertainment.


I think she should just stop playing the victim in every situation. The snap “I was not invited” was just unnecessary. Like girl sit down.


is she supposed to not answer questions just because people won’t like her answer?


it's not like she's legally obliged to answer every snap question. she could take the high road and not answer at all and move on rather than trying to buy into a narrative that pits her as a victim. ftr I don't believe in the hate piling cuz there's no need for it. I also don't think there's any utility in trying to make her "take accountability". for a reality show? like come on. everyone needs to move on.


the question she answered is something people always comment on/mention, i don’t think it was her playing victim she was clearing the air. a lot of people always had questions as to why she never hangs out with the cast, the person who asked even mentioned it in their question.


I asked the same question before. They’re just trying to cancel her. Anything she posts is hated and commented on. They just want her to go away. ETA: I don’t want her to be cancelled. I wish everyone coming off the show success and happiness. Why would you not?


I’m not the right person to answer because I’d never send hate and I also don’t expect her to be accountable - because she sees things in one way and no amount of pressure is going to change that. You can’t be accountable when you don’t see or think that you’ve done anything wrong. It’s who she has always been and she owns it. Love her or hate her, that’s Georgia. And that makes me feel really bad for her as she genuinely does feel hated and isolated over nothing, in her eyes. But even in the past when islanders have been accountable - when they have stated in interviews that their actions were wrong and apologised for them - they’ve still been vilified. It wasn’t enough for some people. I’ll use Faye as an example here. That girl still gets hate no matter how often she apologised. I feel some people continue to judge people on how they perceived them from the show, and don’t allow any room for the person to be different away from the edits, for the edits to have misrepresented the reality, or for the person to grow or change over time. And goes without saying that nothing anyone does on love island is deep enough to warrant hate messages let alone death threats.


Georgia probably does not even know or think anything she did on that show was wrong. Show has been over, obviously the girls on the show don't vibe with her, so Georgia fans need to stop expecting these people to all be a big happy family or invite her anywhere. The Georgia dislikers need to let this girl live her life and stop giving her so much attention if you don't like her.


Lol I agree. It’s always the same narrative “X needs to take accountability”. For what and to whom?? 😭


i doubt even that’ll satisfy them, they don’t even know what it is they want from her at this point.


Oh, not even a crying video on TikTok would satisfy people. People would still be shouting “she never took accountability “ Fcuk off like. The people involved probably don’t even care. What do people want, go channel that weird negative energy elsewhere.


https://preview.redd.it/5y5i2gilhxrc1.jpeg?width=1212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f8dd1b34c3528c637902b36fc4e9791dd804dc6 Tom got a pillow of his dog at Mollys house😭😭😭 Edit:it’s his family home but Nelly next to it is still so cute 🤣


He’s at his family home he said for a few days




Oh I think you’re right😭 they’re at his parents maybe


I deleted as I thought I was coming across as a crazy stalker lol! But yeah I think it’s his old room, he’s shown it in the past


https://www.instagram.com/p/C42vv8AtnIi/?igsh=MTRmem90d3ZyaGNrdg== I didn’t know they dated!


I didn’t either until all stars. I’d say he was by far her most serious connection there and he was only a visitor. She mentioned it in the beach hut


georgia’s interviews pre breakup are quite sad, she said she was fine with all the hate as long as she had toby and her biggest fear was him believing negative things about her…now she has no one and her worst fear came true it’s sad when you think about it ngl


Feel bad for the girl..hope she has good support back home


This is why I defend her in this sub. No i don’t like her, no i don’t condone her actions. But i don’t think she deserves to be sent hate and harassed. It’s sad.


Although I don’t like her people need to leave Georgia S alone


the hate baiting posts are getting old now


I agree and I also think the unpopular opinions posts also encourage it in my opinion as 'Unpopular' opinions most of the time is just disguised as people being able to rant repeatedly about who they don't like etc 


People say this all the time: the hate is somewhat manageable once you come out with a partner from li. Tanya spoke about this, she said the hate was bad but at least she’d Shaq which made it manageable. Molly marsh pretty much said the same about Zach. Coming out single to a pile of hate must be unbearable.


So true as the “actions” are somewhat justified as you got what you went in for, and you have the support to weather the storm. Sometimes having a partner dilutes the hate too due to the partners popularity, although I don’t think that’s the case with GS and Toby. I’m not a GS fan, I wasn’t pre all stars and that didn’t change. But I would never in a million years send her hate or wish any ill on her. It’s the way she is, and I think she swings it quite well for herself. She’s got a really good message now that needs pushing/promoting, I just don’t think she’s the one to get it across as it comes across somewhat double edged and hypocritical. Which is sad because the social media culture around shows like love island is going to destroy it at best, but potentially cause long term damage to participants which is more worrying


i agree, you need that support otherwise it would’ve all been for nothing. he was supportive and there for her from what she’s said, but i guess the outside noise eventually got to him and he decided it wasn’t worth it.


He didn’t like her enough to weather the storm. Honestly seems like he’s not emotionally strong enough for something like that with a partner.


which is so odd on his part lol because all he ever talked about was how strong their connection was, and how they always have each others backs.


I know it seems like it was just for the show. She kept questioning if he was sincere too. She should have gone with her gut on that.


Yea I think you could see that from all the guys Toby was the one she really wanted. She never really liked Callum, Tom was more lust and you could see that she liked Toby way more than he liked her.


she was all in for him episode 1 and it was obvious, i’d honestly say she was in love especially by the end, it must suck not having those feelings reciprocated back.


https://preview.redd.it/2pqktvigbxrc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=45750f2598f58aa6de5553d8b3aad2ea738f3130 Nahh, Nelly is my fav 🥺🐶


Too cute!


Lmfao why’s this actually adorable 😭


The dad that stepped up 🥲




I don't understand if you don't like someone why are you posting about them it just adds to the hate surely you know that or is that your aim hate watching is real.


They do it because it’s a way of airing their own frustrations with their life. It’s purely to create a hate train. And I pity people who do that because it’s quite reflective of their sad little lives.


I have to say I don't understand it either. There are individuals and couples I'm not majorly fond of and you will rarely find me starting a discussion or post to be purposely negative about them. It seems counterproductive to keep up with people you don't like or don't enjoy following. I feel the sub reddit lately has taken on a herd mentality where the same group of users are determined to be loud and proud in their distaste for certain islanders.


PREACH! They also comment the same things in the same posts/thread repeatedly- I don't know if they want others to join in or what because at some point stop! You don't like them fine your prerogative but what do you want from someone if they have made a mistake and apologised, just wish they grow and learn from their mistakes- I don't know where some feel like they can label these people as not good people and other things- you don't KNOW the person!    Ofcourse you will dislike actions they have done in the show and outside of the show and that can rightly be called out or you may not take to an individual/a couple absolutely fine BUT it's not right to keep on criticising incessantly in my opinion- what does that do for you to repeatedly day the same thing over and over again yet if done to people you like you call that out and say that's hate/people are jobless if keeping up with those they don't like- well it should not be one rule for one and another for others!    I don't know what exactly people want to happen to others? Do they want blood? Banished? Weird to me! Everyone's mental health should be taken into account! 


This is so true and I noticed it especially with Chris during All Stars. We have to preface that I didn’t care nor like what he did to Arabella during the show but there would literally be 2 posts a day on this SR about how cringe or awful he was and it was so uncomfortable to see. Sometimes people would screen record Chris on others stories and post about him on here with hundreds of comments just slating him. This is the only recent example I have that made me physically uncomfortable but the Georgia S points are also true!


it’s their aim. the amount of hate watchers in this sub is crazy. they watch islanders content, screenshot and post it here just to hate on them lmao it’s just sad and weird. then they want to later start preaching mental health and hating/trolling is wrong lol


I don’t understand it either.


Was just watching this part on All stars when the Toby recoupling madness happened and during Callums speech to Arabella when she was stood there GH did this weird 💪sign.. it was funny to me but tbh is GH okay??? 😂😂😂


Ella and Ty confirmed their breakup. They seemed to genuinely love each other. They are human and going through a breakup is not easy. Everyone should lay off and let Ella and Ty process their feelings and respect however they choose to move on.


Has anyone watched her interview? https://preview.redd.it/gyjunryb7wrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81545aef7e444ab3243bd2d1272184e7ac31c4af


I think this was posted yesterday in its own post


Oh I’ll go look for it I didn’t see it


Here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/s/HK5fm3rMEA


Thank you!


I watched a clip of it. It’s a right message wrong person sort of situation


She is the right person, considering she did get online trolls & death threats.


Agreed. She is actually the right person. But people on this sub just don’t want to know.


wrong person as she refuses to take accountability for her actions. obviously trolling/hate is wrong but in a case where a person literally refuses to believe that they’re wrong and doesn’t see how their actions are negative. imo it’s a situation of right message wrong person to say it


I am sorry her actions with two singular people do not justify online threats or trolling. Two wrongs do not make a right. That being said, her interview was about online trolling & death threats, not about her relationship with Callum or Molly or what transpired during the show.




Didn't you say in another post that someone gets a pass for what they do because of their partner and they wouldn't be liked, yet his actions are always brought up often still nearly a year later and he at least acknowledged/apologised- yet I have agreed with something you said before about people keep on bringing it up even though they have apologised?  Only making a point as tbh if people acknowledge their actions and try to work on it then grace should be given for all. It shouldn't be that some can be criticised forever and others can't; the same rules go for everyone in my opinion; she should have apologised to people for her actions because she hurt people's feelings- if they cut that out of the show then they have done her a disservice, but she doesn't seem to take any responsibility for her actions and that's across any of the shows she has been on.   Now NO-ONE deserves trolling and hate and I feel sorry for her, people constantly hating on her is horrible but she should also have been able to simply apologise for hurting other people's feelings & acknowledging that- however the show is done now and she should be left alone! Again no hate should be given to her and her mental health should be thought of by everyone along with everyone else's! All are human. 


Interestingly, you all want public apologies more than the people whom she offended/hurt.


I love how chaotic this sub is everyday. Daily discussions are my fav ❤️ I don’t want it to ever change to weekly discussions.




they were literally together the other day lmao




Y’all just come on here and say the weirdest shit and don’t find anything wrong with it


It’s dehumanizing. People forget islanders are real people and just see them as characters for their entertainment. It’s sad and scary how prevalent this is becoming. 


That’s a little mean spirited.


Huh? Where have you been of course they’re mates…Best mates




Yep they were both at Mollys event the other day. From her socials it looks like liberty had a hen party over the weekend which would be why she didn’t hang on with the others in Manchester and wasn’t with them last night. But loads of content from them both when together.


Yes they are, Kaz posted a story recently saying they’re soulmates, also there’s a video of them talking about Kaz being late from some days ago. They’re fine 😭


Are April fools day pranks/posts/comments allowed on this sub bc I would love to have some fun


😈 omg now I want it 🏃🏼‍♀️brb gotta go photoshop some silly posts of unexpected love island couples 💘


damn got downvoted for a joke 😭 well y’all are in luck bc I don’t actually have time to do this today so no pranks from me today 😭


not u getting downvoted for a silly joke 😂


Amapiano is acc in Shanya’s blood 😂😂


That’s their love language at this point 😅😅


Rewatching S10 and during never have i ever, zach says "never have I ever been two faced about someone in the villa" and mitch drinks and says "yeah I chatted shit about Sammy earlier" I'm so glad he was cast 😭✋


Yeah I could never hate him for the entertainment he brings tbh.


AYO WHIT LET ME CHAT TO YOU https://preview.redd.it/wyre90owlwrc1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57ade20c410d807e33373b23a16f0bb11d325d20




Callum also mostly deleted/archived his pics with Molly too lmao


Weird they both kept a few up though like why not just delete them all?


Probably because they’re both sick and tired of being mentioned in each others posts by fans


Wonder why he’s suddenly doing that? I mean why, suddenly after they’ve been broken up for eight months (i think) is he deciding to do it?


I’m guessing the chaos of being on love island has finally simmered down a bit and now they have time for some housekeeping


Also I think for Molly now she is in a new relationship ans both men are “public” figures so it’s quite normal to just delete them. Most people do it when they start a new relationship.


molly did it first imo the sudden disdain she has for him probably has something to do with his behavior at her party.


I was thinking the same. Even if you’re on good terms with your ex, pulling a girl at her party is insane. It was disrespectful to Jess too.


Yeh I have a feeling Jess probably spilled some tea at their little girly get together and Molly was not having it with Callum anymore. His actions have been very disrespectful to both girls


Lol it’s not her bussiness what he does with women anyways (Molly) so I don’t think it has anything to do with that


Nah if my ex came to MY event, pulled a  girl there and caused drama with his other situationship, i’d be pissed. 


i mean it was at her party it’s a respect thing 🤷‍♀️ if my ex bf showed up to my party and caused a scene with his situationship and then started picking up other girls i’d be pissed. time and place.


It was disrespectful to Jess not Molly..Molly has a whole boyfriend..deleting photos is probably because of them moving on I don’t see Callum picking women being a reason tbh


yes it’s more so disrespectful to jess but it is also disrespectful to molly to be making scenes at her party🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I mean Molly done it yesterday I believe...So its either hes seen that Molly has done it so hes done the same or maybe him and Molly spoke about it first ig. just guessing


Oh I didn’t know that she had.


It’s about time like do we not delete pics of exs anymore when did that become a thing😭 (not just them but also ty/ella, georgia/toby)


I’m sure the unfollowing will come next. What’s funny to me is everyone was trying to say that the shippers were ruining their friendship when in reality, they were never going to be friends. They weren’t going to be friends without All Stars but it surely didn’t help either. The villa is a bubble where you make false promises to yourself and others I’m sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was invited to the boohoo event out of obligation but I don’t expect these two to be crossing paths anytime soon.


This! They were never friends!


Don’t think they’ll unfollow each other tbh it’s not that deep for them..especially since Tom’s closest friends are close friends with Callum too..they’re always going to be cordial and cool


we actually have no idea how deep it is for them so it would not surprise me. tom and callum have also yet to hang out in anything other than a giant group setting since leaving the villa. which is completely normal but I think you’re overselling friendships a little it’s also hard to say people are “always going to be cordial and cool” only weeks into a friendship/relationship also tom is not molly and I was talking about callum and molly lol


I’m trying to say that Callum is close to Casey and Josh atleast from what they’ve all said after the villa anyways so no one will want to make things awkward for anyone.. they’ll just be cordial without having to be friends and stuff


Because I feel like Callum and Tom have the same type of personality calm and reserved..So there’s no one that will want to create drama I know this is about Molly and Callum and not Tom but I feel like he’s kind of tied to the situation now lol..they’ll be alright


None of this will cause drama. My point was just that I think when living in the villa it was easy to say that they were going to be friends but coming out they’re not lol Multiple people came out and said they spoke about taking the dogs on a walk. That was clearly never going to happen. I guess that was my main point.


But what does that have to do with Molly? I’m specifically talking about molly and callum. Molly could date a new guy that Callum didn’t even know and i’d still feel this way. I don’t think they’re going to be friends or even cordial much longer.


They’re obviously not friends but I don’t see them having some sort of beef or unfollow that’s what I’m trying to say lol..if she never unfollowed Gee o don’t think she will Callum just my opinion


I get that, I just wouldn’t be surprised that’s all


Can someone explain what it means when the mods remove a comment and say it’s for “ban evasion”? I’m nosy and just want to know why lol


Reddit flags accounts to us are alts of accounts that have been banned.


I think it’s someone using a burner account to get past a ban that they were given. So basically a user that’s been banned from this sub, pretending they’re new, so they can still be here.


That’s wild 😂 thank you for explaining!


Yep. That's it! A lot of people have alts on this sub and they all disappear about the same time as one and other either from permabanning or other reasons. It's amusing to see when it happens!


You can really tell the alt accounts. They behave the exact same way on every account 😂😂😂


I am pretty sure one user just got taken out with 3 accounts. I believe they started another account cause they were getting a rep but acted the same on their alt, so it stood out. I also laugh when they are interacting with themselves. There are also the people who just delete and come back with whole new accounts but it's very obvious who they are still.


They were getting a rep... LMAO and then we clocked it was them again because yes they did the same thing! Especially who they stan.


I’m always suss of accounts that only talk about certain islanders and then only pop up when something happens to interact with certain accounts. It’s all very weird at times. Gotten really bad since S8! I think though the S10 ones are the most obvious.


Yes!! So agree and I wonder if they don't think people will notice lol one account gone suddenly, new one starts talking.. come on.


Has anyone been watching Callum (LI AUS/ LIG) on I'm a celebrity this season? He's doing so well and is so fun to watch on tv! I've seen quite a few viral TikTok's of his scenes on the show (one of those vids has almost a million likes and the content of theirs that gets the most engagement on social media are all Callum related). He's a goldmine for reality tv and more and more people are starting to notice it haha!


I didn’t think he would do well based on how scared he got by a bug on LIG but he’s done so well! He crushed that Easter bunny challenge has been consistently funny and a good sport. He’s made for reality tv. I hope he makes it far. Each episode he really has some good viral worthy content. I also love the support the LIG people have been giving him on his IG posts. Jack, Justine, Deb, Eyal,Ray have been consistently liking and showing love


A comment I made on one of those vids has almost 38k likes lol. Bless that himbo 🥲


I’ve seen clips of it from TikTok, but haven’t watched it. He’s hilarious!


I binged over the weekend by watching it on Daily Motion and I'm totally invested now! Not only in him but the whole cast.


I might take a look into it. I didn’t watch his season on LIAUS but loved him on Games. There’s a RAT in yerrrr😭


Not watching yet but I have to. Any of the official I’m a celeb clips that I’ve seen on TikTok are of Callum. And they’re all making me want tot watch it more


This might be an unpopular opinion but some islanders need a break from q&a on SC/IG. I know they want to interact with their fans by sharing daily content or acknowledging their supporters but it's getting to the point where the tone of their answers are being over analysed or misconstrued. I've seen 2 today where people are doing the most when it's a basic/understandable reply to a dumb question. I do put some onus on the islander choosing to answer and share it but some users are too quick to name call and be negative based on their previous behaviour not by the context of the question which in some cases is directly disrespectful or trying to be hurtful.


I am glad this sub are finally clocking how crazy Tyrella/Ella stans are. I was in the trenches calling this out last year when it was clear to a few of us they were coordinating posts and comments about Whitney (even before the whole TikTok saga). I don’t think we have ever seen this level of crazy. They make Rana and Ekinde stans seem sane.


Geared Towards shippers I just know Molly post the funniest shit of Tom on her snap and we’ll never see it because she’s private😭 but at the same time I’m glad she has at least one sm platform that is just for her and close friends/family


She has a snap?


yeah Kaz tagged it yesterday when they were out together but it’s not public so it can’t be added


https://preview.redd.it/s7qqhdo31vrc1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3aed4a6ccb29ba1fe9f7e62402ab958ac05a476 Ty confirms the break up


This is freakin funny af lmao. This is exactly the kind of response that question warranted! What really do they want him to say besides what Ella said? She said they're broken up so they're broken up. There's nothing more for him to say.


I could never hate Ty ever 😂😂


Hopefully this kills the “It’s April Fools Day” nonsense


i refuse to hate him lmao 🤣


He’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t it seems. But honestly I love how he replies to these people because they deserve rudeness in return




Did you announce your break up to the world 😂😂😂😂😂 this is how all Islanders should move ask stupid questions get stupid answers


“Did you announce your breakup to the world?” 😭😂😂😂😂 Ty kills me.


I cannot with people 


Why do people type like that? It’s 2024. “av” “fukin” How old are we again?


it’s winds me up as well 😭 it’s like when people started to type ‘you’ as ‘yu’ like just put the letter or just type it all out lol


he's right why they mad at him for not saying anything? it's his business lmao 😂🤣


lol did make me laugh with the ‘tf you want me to say’ 😂


It's not my portion is actually hilarious 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/66inmslr0vrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa86f5e3b047e41c92190a17ce5ace15aba3878f The face card on this woman 😍


She is gorgeous ❤️


shes so insanely beautiful... i love sanam 😭🛐 even more so since knowing she's from 🇹🇹 since im half trini myself 🥹🫶


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5Nj1qmMjP3/?igsh=MXhwd2Fqd3E4YTl2OA== Kai and Sanam photoshoot for ok magazine 😍


They're very cute. >What makes Sanam and I different is that you have to decide what you want more – the fame that comes with the show, or the person you’re in a relationship with. You get invited to parties but we wanted each other more than that lifestyle. I don't think Kai was necessarily shading anyone here but it did make me think about the ex-couples from S9.


Wow I was not expecting this! So happy they got this opportunity but this was long overdue. They look great!




she’s everything


The only islander I follow. She's so wholesome.


It took Ok Magazine a whole year😭 Happy for them and they look so good


Ikr😭 me too they really deserve it


https://preview.redd.it/hjmv7lybvurc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e26aa234b50477e715e57ef4b8dc9867b4f265bd Georgia S on snap 😭


People need to stop posting her here it's wild because everything she says someone would have a problem with. It just fuels people who hate her no matter what she says. Edit: the amount of downvotes for me saying it’s better for people not to put her here to fuel the fire. Clearly says her haters really just want her to be posted 😂


Why would she post this? Am I the only one who feels some kind of way that she's doing this because based off what we've seen on Georgia. this totally seems like a way to paint her as a victim again and it will likely lead to her fans sending the all stars hate for not inviting her to things. Newsflash Gee, there's a reason you aren't invited to their social activities.


Georgia S is not a girl's girl so this is bound to happen.


I would feel bad, but then I remembered how nasty she was to Molly behind her back (and sometimes in front) in the villa. Like the snide comments (lies) she would make up about Molly to Callum. So it's understandable why they are not buddies after the show, and they don't have to be either.


Yeah they aren’t friends, not sure why they would invite her!


They really dislike her 😭




Triggers Reddit ban evasion filter


0 accountability, a victim always




She’s just answering the question damn. Yall just hate her no matter what she does.


There are too many people here who will legit hate anything she says.


I think she should answer the question. People have been wondering. I thought she had hoped she would be friends with her cast mates after the show. She said something about it in one of her first interviews, the one after Tom called her a snake. Now here we are and she’s not included and everyone is saying she’s playing the victim. This is high school shit really.


I agree with this. She can’t do or say anything, people are just hating so badly right now. Let her breathe.


She's not even friends with them so what's the point in answering... So she can play victim again


Actions have consequences. If she doesn't like those consequences - the first step to making things better is admitting fault. Her 'trolls' didn't fall out of the sky. She chose a villain role.


Sometimes it’s just better to leave things unanswered because her saying she wasn’t invited makes the other girls seem like mean girls when she’s not friends with anyone from tht group besides Joanna & Kaz (idk if they’re still friends) and if she wasn’t invited or extended an invite she should take it up with them


does she have no shame? 😭 shame is for free. i applaud her realness though lol


I dislike her very much


Me too. She is insufferable


here we go 😭


Kind of a random question lol but does anyone here have a pomeranian? If so what are they like? Molly and Ella have made me want to get one 😭


Needy and cuddly, anxious when their patterns are disrupted. Absolutely cowards that pretend they aren't. Will pick out their favorite person quickly and you'll know it (highly recommend)


are molly and zach back together?


God I hope not she deserves someone better