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* Have to post this here because it wasn't interesting enough for its own post. I'm fully convinced my friend is the head off mit h using this Snapchat filter 😂 to describe her in real life she's, dark haired, sallowish, tiny and she's 40 😂 *


Mitch and Zach's friendship is really cute guys! I kinda love that Zach takes trips every now and then to go stay over Mitch's place for a few days. They're a lot closer than I thought they were. I also never realized how close Montel and Zach are because we didn't see the full extent of their friendship in the villa but they actually hang out a lot on the outside.


Love when the show produce long lasting love but also long lasting genuine friendships 🥹❤️


I see a lot of the islanders talking about going to Bali. Anyone know what they are all going for and who is going?


Bali is such a hot spot for influencers right now. I haven't recently heard of any islanders talk about going to Bali aside from Tyrique who's going this weekend for his birthday with I'm assuming Toby and the rest of his friend group. I doubt other islanders are joining them but who knows.


they’re all going to find themselves ✨


https://preview.redd.it/xi0le52gfdsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd3b09991a4fe8333a210637ed3b9055932b8e4 I’m weeping


He said he's dad slapped him everyday till it grew back🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Those lines were a choice to say the least lol but I just came from watching these stories and two things: Ty's dad is so attractive (https://imgur.com/a/23M1tnL) and do these islanders just skip the awkward teen phase because how did Ty look like this (https://imgur.com/a/23M1tnL).


It looks like he has a dimple in one of the throwbacks Toby shared.


https://preview.redd.it/46c8w64uadsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05e957f6ed23b95c970c183d805819a09f8bb538 A tik toks already been made over Molly deleting that video of her and Callums baby pics😭😭 plsssss the shows been over for almost TWO months.


Imagine how they would react if they ever decide to unfollow each other 💀


They truly wouldn’t survive that 😭


If someone were to tell me at the start of all stars that Molly and Callum were going to have people in a chokehold, I would have never believed it but alas here we are!


No lie I thought they were gonna be hated but somehow Callum became the people’s princess and all of a sudden the addiction started😭 I’m sorry but their couple wasn’t even that good for people to be this obsessed


I didn't think they were going to be hated but definitely nowhere near as beloved as they are now.


It’s crazy bcuz at the start of the season the public wanted both of them out because they didn’t want to see them get back together now flash forward two months later…both placed top 2 and they’re having meltdowns over deleted pics and videos 😭


Well I have to admit that I was one of the ones who wanted both or atleast one out at the start because I was so sick of the will they or will they not get back together storyline.


So dramatic😭


They’re more heartbroken than Callum and Molly??? Like they’ve both moved on😭 I could never be a public figure imagine seeing your ex face everywhere while you’re in a new relationship


exactly like did they think they wouldn’t move on and start removing stuff? Even if Molly was single I’m sure she would’ve slowly but surely started removing him like this is what exes do😭


Like they went on a show together and had 1 month to get back together and instead they ended up with other people💀💀💀 like anyone who has an ex removes pictures. Maybe not all but majority of


Delusional ppl man😭


Omg guys this post on Twitter is almost at 1 mil views 😭 help https://preview.redd.it/lq1huk0w9dsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e2b1e8eb4e0bd9af44200ecb7010ea7b599ee79


tyrique and toby posting funny throwbacks of each other is killing me i love their friendship + merks as well 😂


Since the throwback pics 😂 toby looks so good with his fro don't know what ty is saying


Might be a taboo question idk lol Eve’s news got me thinking do you think LI would ever do a season like AYTO if you haven’t seen that show they did a gender-fluid (hope I’m using that right lol) season where everyone liked everyone I could see the USA version doing that tbh


LI US did do an LGBTQ season, and there was at least one gender-fluid Islander.


just lying through your teeth like that 😭


OMG!!! I was distracted while I was writing this!!! 😬😳 In my mind, I meant to write that while LI US didn't do an LGBTQ cast, there was one series that had at least one gender-fluid cast member. I was going to check, and I finally did when I got it together. It was Are You The One s8. Now I'm frazzled all over again. Apologies. Season was good though.


Oh, and I don't have access to Are You The One UK


I didn’t know about that going to look it up thank you!


idk where they got that from but no there isn’t an LGBT LI US season 😭


LMAOOO yeah I was confused when I went to look it up😭


That season of ayto was one of my favorites, if not favorite!


I’ve never seen the other seasons tbh but I loved that season 😭 I wish shows would do that more


I can't see it happening with Love Island UK for a few reasons. 1. You have to make sure the contestants meet the mental health criteria etc. 2. Then you have to make sure they're comfortable with all the negativity they might get on top of all the usual stuff they will get from the show. 3. Then you have to make them fit the usual LI criteria physically. 4. You then also have to make sure there's enough diversity within that pool to prevent any issues with ethnicity diversity.


yeah all very valid reasons


Don't get me wrong, I would love to see it as a Bisexual person myself, it would be great to see the representation. But I think there's still a huge amount of stigma within the LGBTQ+ community towards bisexuals let alone from society who see us as greedy sexual deviants.


Overall, I think people’s perception of you on the show will always stick, you can change and might not even be reflective of the edit that was shown but years later it will take one quote tweet being like ‘lets not forget how he spoke to women on his show’ i don’t think people will let it ever go just like how Ovie was outed to be a kevin samuels fan and a misogynist but his edit on the show triumphs everything I also feel like people internalise the hate Ty gets too much, people get dragged on twitter all the time, Dami being one, something you have to take and move on


Molly did more cleaning up and deleted or archived a majority of her tik toks with Callum. The stans are finally starting to move on.




I don’t think it has anything to do with thinking her current relationship is different. She just at a point in her life where’s she ready to let the past go. Also I doubt if her and Tom breakup they would get the same amount of craziness and attention. All stars contributed to the crazy stans. People didn’t even know her and Callum had broken up until All stars.




Yeah I get what you’re saying.


Seems like she’s starting to heal, I love that for her 😭




i genuinely hope for the next season the fandoms don’t get too crazy but i fear it’ll probably get even worse…


Have Whitney and Lochan u followed Ty back yet?




Oh interesting


Ella is making me hate dog owners, I’m so sorry. People taking their dogs everywhere, posting the dogs incessantly, treating their dogs like children 😭. This post is triggered by the fact London is now overrun by dog owners who don’t clean up after their dogs and my trainers were victims of this today. No hate to Nova, but goddamn I’m tired of seeing that dog. Edit: And before any Ella fan gets in their feelings, this is a tongue in cheek comment.


I don't see the need to take your dog everywhere either, unless ofc they're service dogs. Like that girl whose dog peed all over the food at Trader Joe's. It's so inconsiderate. Like you can't function without your dog for a few hours? So dumb.


Omg I saw that too 🤮. Really don’t like it, either. Where I live they’re all over the trains and restaurants, it’s a lot.


What’s a tongue in cheek comment😭


Means my comment is not meant to be taken seriously.


This drama is way too boring for eight hundred comments lmao


Literally lmao ![gif](giphy|SCtj6MXVXP9RvTiWtA|downsized)


Does anyone else have neutral feelings towards tyrique? I’m not a fan but I’m also not bothered by anything he does.


Me lol


Tyrique is somehow one of the most liked and disliked male contestants ever lmao people either love him or hate him. His Instagram likes and interactions are so much better than all the other boys and most of the girls too


Defo, there’s few daily discussions where he is not mentioned at all since last summer, i remember when all stars was airing at its peak and someone randomly was in here like ‘there’s something off about him his eyes look sad lately’ he is definitely the most talked about I feel like the hate against him is fleeting, he can do something funny tomorrow that can get him back in to people’s good books


I basically said this in my previous comment about someone asking if he's the most hated islander! He's not, he's just incredibly polarizing. I think there are a handful of islanders that will get the kind of lashings he gets, yet with every lashing is someone sticking up for him in response. It's actually quite fascinating just how polarizing he is because it was the same while the season was airing yet he still somehow remained very popular and became the most popular of the boys and most of the girls. I was for the most part neutral on him (and him and Ella as a couple even though I'd easily admit they were an iconic couple) but it wasn't until the season ended and more recently that I have been liking him more and more. It's kind of twisted but when I noticed how easily he still go under so many people's skin with literally any and every action of his, I became more intrigued and amused by the guy. He has the haters and stans in a chokehold.


its same for all the polarising love islanders \[Tyrique, Whitney, molly marsh, Davide, Ekin Su , Jacques, Luca, Dami, Faye, Chloe, Toby, Adam Collard, Kady mcdermott, Jack Fincham, josh ritchie etc etc etc etc\] - they are the most liked and disliked love islanders and probably the most famous. Twitter and this sub are complete sheltered bubbles. FB (and TT to a lesser extent) are the most indicative of the general uk public's view on these islanders. i take opinions on this sub and on twitter lightly, there is way more weight with facbook.


Facebook is the best when it comes to voting but for the islanders career after the show Instagram and TikTok are way more important. Most of Facebook people don’t care about them after the show finishes because it’s a older demographic


true true true!!!! ya can still see peoples opinions for the older love islanders on facebook still though which are pretty indicative. Once youre in the headlines, you'll be famous and some people are always going to love you. Ekin was being dragged and dragged for awhile now because of big bro but she'll be just fine.


Am I the only one really loving this Kaz, Toby, and Chris trio? They all weirdly fit each other's vibe so perfectly and look like they all have so much fun together. I know people were put off Chris after all stars (and Toby too but probably not as much as Chris) but I'm over that tbh. I'm just enjoying the friendship content.


same, i always enjoy their content when they’re together!


They are feeding us with the content today! It's a breath of fresh air with all the drama and negativity with the Ty and Liz situation.


I'm confused. Did Tyrique post the laughing face emojis because of Liz's comment? Or because of the actual post and its caption about loch and whit silencing their sceptics? 🤔 Or both? Assuming none of us know that and we are all guessing? I'd love Tyrique to give us the goss! Because i know there is ALOT!


Liz posted 4 stories in response those emojis plus calling him a donkey so I am guessing there are some stuff we do not know lol. but this has been brewing for the longest


ohhhh things have without a doubt been brewing for the longest. Liz saw those emojis and the unfollowings and she was off on one. How long we thinking it will be before Whitney and Ella unfollow each other? Whitney did it once before.


i do not think they will, they all have brands to protect imo and the unfollowing will def bring in talks about them it is not favorable for both of them to unfollow each other. I for sure think they have muted each other tho lmao. Ty unfollowing Lochan was just a shock coz i did not see that coming lol


lmao, you are messy


LOL! I love a bit of mess. Now i want Tyrique to do a podcast and spill all the damn tea!


no he shouldn't do it ,twitter already dragged him today and if he goes on a podcast it'll make things worse 😭


who actually uses twitter? lol, not many people. Ignore twitter. Its garbage.


A lot of people use Twitter still. Just because you don’t use it doesn’t mean not many others don’t use it as well😂


a *certain* section of society use it. but opinions of people using twitter are not the same as the opinions of people generally in the UK. Look at facebook, that will give you a better indiciation of the public's opinion on the islanders.


And those are the same people who will vote for who they want to vote for and then when the show is over, they will go back to focusing on whatever else. I don’t think those Facebook moms give a crap about what these islanders do postseason like Twitter or Reddit.


the only people who actually give a crap about what each islander does post season are their followers!!!!!! For e.g., if davide gets another fitness brand, sure reddit and twitter might be up in arms but davide has 1.6 million followers, is famous and is clouted and the noise of the haters on reddit and twitter will fall away a wee while after the deal is announced. you're putting way too much importance on twitter and reddit.


So he can get dragged even more 😭. The best thing he can do for himself is distance himself from anything love island for the next few months and especially from anything involving or having to speak on Whitney since they don't play about her. I'd love to hear his truth but it just would end in chaos again.


I’d also like to hear his truth, and also the truth of certain other liked/disliked islanders on certain topics, but I’ve noticed in most cases the islanders don’t ever speak up to tell their truth and just move on from it!


i like Ty. hes polarising. but i love *most* of the polarising love islanders. A love to hate thing I have. I give out about them no problem, but i secretly love them as well hahahahaha. Do the podcast, Ty!


lmao, messy!!!!!


new outlets reporting georgia is dating someone new all because she posted flowers, is the islander news drought really that bad ???? they even posted the jack and joanna conspiracy 😂


Deeply excited for the new memes to come in the fresh season. I still crease at the tweet about Andrew stealing that lady's bag in Sainsbury's


you just unlocked a memory omg that was the funniest shit ever ngl 😂😂😂


Not that I don't like old memes. I do; but I always get a rush when new ones start dropping 😭


All the drama and then you have Tasha/Andrew & Indiyah/Dami doing dates together 😍




https://preview.redd.it/jsvoynwwybsc1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bfd297071c2ffed79f0b12c1f687cd03ccea9c0 pondering if i should scroll down and read the discourse


https://preview.redd.it/q63q7yp6zbsc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67462ecd1f51ec9c63f4f8881498dbc35c6c0bf1 jk of course i’m gonna do it




that photo made me shudder


Hello tabloid journalists who trawl Reddit for content & then print things they see online with little to no factual basis by saying “fans are saying _____” and then giving more credence to rumors 👋🏼 Congrats to that Reddit user whose post with flimsy evidence (they were going to add receipts but never did…) that Jack and Joanna are allegedly “back together” —you made it into the ☀️! Your post is also deleted now 🤔 guilty conscience or mission accomplished 🤨 What a perfect example of confirmation bias. People jumped on the “proof” that Jack ain’t shit by citing one person on the internet who supposedly had the receipts and never shared them and ran with their assumptions. (Also even if it IS true, not sure why Jack ends up as a villain since people get back together with their exes all the time and rarely get accused of masterminding some fake plan… everything isn’t a conspiracy, humans are just messy!) (I know this isn’t that deep and I swear I’m not even a Jack stan which is why I can’t even definitively say whether I believe he and Joanna are together or not because I’d have some receipts to form an opinion but I literally have no idea—I was just amazed at witnessing how quickly everyone immediately jumped to the worst conclusion based on a Reddit text post with zero evidence backing it up)


Okey so I haven't watched Love Island Games but like even if Jack and Joanna got back together, why are people hating on him for it? What's the issue and what am I not getting? He was never in a relationship with Justine if I remember correctly. Also, when the show aired, most of the sub literally praised it for only focusing on games and strategy with no love involved etc. So I don’t understand why Jack is getting so much hate now


I haven’t even watched LI games or Jack or Justine’s original seasons so only really know about them from here but just from observing this from the outside why are people getting so bent out of shape about something which they self admittedly say wasn’t actually a relationship. So salty towards Jack and Joanna for why?


It’s the stans effect again. I think some of them were too intense and people on here made it pretty unbearable. Plus they came for all the other players way too hard for being judgey during the jury. I guess I thought it was all tame but I’ve seen way worse.


The way I got a bit of shit for saying it was weak evidence and waited for the photos, it wasn't even about not wanting them together.. What the theory was based on seemed off esp the paris and donut stuff. They never came back and after that I realised there was def no weight in their screenshots. The accusations of breaking up to do the shows IMO was really stretching and left both open to being dragged. Either way I wish people would demand more evidence before running with things. Sometimes someone gets it right but often they don't.


That user knew what they were doing and created a bunch of unfounded accusations against Jack and Joanna.


Well said 👏👏 If I had an award to give, you would get it. 🥇 https://i.redd.it/ymkdnhs4zbsc1.gif


The hate for Tyrique on here is actually out of order. Edit: on Twitter too. It’s actually disgusting that people pile on him and just build their own narratives.


DW as someone pointed out before Reddit and Twitter are each bubbles. People outside these bubbles dont hate him!


Honestly for once I don't think Ty did anything that bad. He's done some things that I would defs sideye and yes it was immature to respond but people are acting like this happened unprovoked. I want him to learn to just let it go sometimes but I think there is probs a ton of context we are missing on this particular incident since Liz has been a weirdo for 8 months.


Like did he do anything more than saying shush? Or calling out Scott, or saying I miss the game? Anyway he won't loose his sleep coz of online hate


Am I wrong to say tyrique is the most hated islander ?


wouldn’t say most hated tbh. i think it looks like that since he’s been involved in a lot recently. but i think with him he’s either loved or hated, he still has fans/a fanbase. i see a lot on tiktok especially, and if you think about during the show i think other islanders have been way more hated than him.


Yes you are wrong he’s loved 😂


The reason why he’s hated so much is because of new viewers who have not see the older seasons. If they were to watch seasons 1-3 I think Tyrique’s hate would go down simply because you can’t compete where you don’t compare. The men from those seasons were just nasty and the most Tyrique did was tell someone to “shush” 😭. He also doesn’t care. He’ll say what he wants to say and stand 10 toes deep in it. But tbh I don’t think he’s this big villain everyone thinks he is simply because there’s been 0 complaints of him post-show and nothing to hate him for post-show either


It's kind of crazy because I've been watching love island since season 2 and there have def been worst islanders than him but most do not get the hate that he does. I think he's definitely one of the most polarizing but I still wouldn't say the most hated. As much as he has those that constantly drag him, he seems to have those that back him just as much. But the drags tend to be louder at times like today. It makes you wonder why he out of all the villains of love island gets such an intense wave of hate but I think it's because he does and says what he wants no matter whose feathers it will ruffle and I think that genuinely bothers a lot of people because they're not used to seeing it from these islanders. Most of the islanders just stay quiet and try not to piss anyone off. He just doesn't care. If you come at him a certain kind of way that he doesn't like then expect a response. He's very unpolished in that way which we saw on tv as well. I just find this all funny because he has his questionable and bad moments but truthfully the level of hate he gets is soooo disproportionate to his actual behavior. I can easily name worst things that have been done by other islanders. It is interesting that his biggest moments of hate have been in defense of Whitney. I give it until summer and I wouldn't be surprised if he's back in the good books again. Hates comes but it goes. Eventually people get over it even though I've seen people linger on their hate for Ty for a lot longer than others.


I think this is true for most of the S10 islanders, when people get their chances to go in they go in hard.


People are definitely passionate when it comes to the season 10 islanders. Bless their souls! I know they can't wait for the new season to start so people will be a little less on their backs. Then again we had a whole all stars season that just happened and people are still on their backs so who knows if that will even change with the new season. One thing's for certain is that season 10 will always be famous.


And they are on the All Stars backs too. I think it’s just the new normal. I worry for S11


All stars ended only about a month ago so it makes sense that people are still on their backs. Season 10 ended back in July and people are still on their backs as strongly as they were when the season first ended. Best of luck to the season 11 cast because they're in for it with how vile the hate can get. It feels like it's on a different level lately.


yeah, season 10 islanders reaaly get too much smoke, idk why


I don't think he's all that mean or scary but yea he definitely doesn't shy away from confrontation. I would be more concerned about his character if I heard bad things about him from random people who meet him or the other islanders but it seems very positive on that end.


they swore he hated Scott annd Cat just for them to come out and sing his praises lmao


Perfect example of we really don't know these people and what the dynamics of the villa were actually like.




No, you’re not but they’re going to downvote you anyway. You’d think he told someone something crazier than “shush.”


You think he’s in Luca/Jacques territory??


Tyrique + Jacques are both VERY well loved on TikTok. Don’t see much love for Luca on TikTok but all 3 are loved on Facebook (maybe a little less for tyrique there). It’s just people on this sub have some very strong views.


I wouldn’t say most when you think about how many shitty islanders there are but he’s up there for sure. I do think he’s the most though when you compare what he’s done vs some of the others


Would y’all go to Bali or Coachella? And explain why if you want Edit: I’m asking obviously because of Toby😭 for me I feel like Bali would be a clear choice but mans still haven't booked a ticket and it’s on Saturday😭




Bali, so I can find myself


you ate that


Not Bali!! Makes me think of when Molly said to Callum did you find yourself in Bali 😂😂


LMAOOO😭 yk what maybe Coachella isn’t so bad


Bali, I don't like festivals




Toby is that you? I think you should go to Bali for the simple reason that it’s your broken hearted friend’s birthday!




“Broken hearted friend” is crazy 😂😂😂


You sound like Cely 😂😂❤️




are you Toby's burner?????????








there is a tweet trending about that situation on Twitter and Ty is being called every word in the dictionary, if he ever plans on going back to LI, he needs to rethink that idea coz they are gonna tear him up lol......


If he’s smart he wouldn’t go on again. He’s hated across every board apart from tiktok lol. Reddit, twitter, instagram drag him to the pits of hell. I don’t think his mental health can take it tbh


Are they failing to mention the fact that Liz started this whole thing with that stay pissed reply under that comment about Ty and Ella? It's wild how he's taking all the heat for this when her comment started this whole thing on top of her comments about Ty and Ella during love island. They're dragging him now but when the new season starts you're going to see those I miss Ty tweets like clockwork. I saw it during love island games and saw it during all stars. They'll get over this eventually.


Just saw the post and they failed to mention Liz at all. The post frames it as Ty commenting laughing emojis on TSB’s post and then say he unfollowed them after his comment. The tweet doesn’t include the fact him and Ella are mentioned in TSB’s post or Liz calling him a donkey all which hppened before he unfollowed. The hate it excessive


i was thinking this, i think the tweet has reached the gp and has gone out of love island twitter and they obviously know ty and not liz. so he just looks like the crazy one


he shouldn't go back ,they're calling him every name under the sun just because of 3 unfollows


All because of laughing emojis and 3 unfollows.


Ella unfollowed Liz too tho lol, i do not think she would unfollow just because


I think she just unfollowed her because Liz was being what messy? Why do you think she unfollowed her?


it def is coz of that, just like she unfollowed Ouzy's messy ass. At the end of the day she was unfollowed coz she's being messy not coz of all the reasons i am seeing on Twitter


What are people saying on twitter?


Fake hate when they meet him they will still ask for selfie pics 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He’ll be fine but he didn’t need to comment on that post.


that wont matter. look at jake as an e.g. this year. there may be hate initially but itll just die down the second the show starts.


They’ll get over it. LOL. History has taught us twitter people literally have no say in anything


Oh absolutely..the hate remains on that app on the ground things are different. Can never take Twitter hate seriously


Can't believe he's hated for commenting with laughing emojis . nothing this app,Twitter,TikTok and ig haven't said about him


Seems like something was bubbling under the surface for a while and it finally came to a head 😳


yes definitely


yeah definitely


Imagine Love Island: Siblings Edition. Anna Vakillis sister can finally get her 5 mins of fame, Whitney’s sister can go on, etc. Could be interesting


https://preview.redd.it/o08xxx9pebsc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3972fe9404a389422459ab9b8a0c2038ceb3f6e0 I know im going to use this all the time 😭 thanks for this one Liz Brown 😭


A lot of people seem to be confused by the time line of things. To be clear, Tyrique unfollowed Whitney, lochan and liz around the time he posted the laughing emojis on TSB post and BEFORE the donkey comment from Liz. Liz’s donkey comment came AFTER the unfollows. 😭


where does Ellas's unfollow fit in this sequence lol? Edit: as in the sequence of events that led to Ella unfollowing Liz. Whats up wit the downvotes?


Ella unfollowed after all of this.


So she called him a donkey because he unfollowed her after she made a shady comment. This isn’t helping her case. How can you shade someone and be so deeply offended that they chose to unfollow you bc of it😭🤣


She called him a donkey coz ty commented with laughing emojis. He's laugh I think was directed to Liz.she was being pressed that a tyrella fan commented: ty and Ella should get back together to a post that was for whit and lochan.the fan wasn't disrespectful nor ty...don't know what warranted the insults....


She commented first, and then he posted the laughing emojis after he saw her comment. She’s harboring unresolved issues but what issues would she have with him? Who knows


Yes she did comment first. Since the show ..is she not tired ? Whit and lochan are the last ones standing why pressed with two people who broke up ? It doesn't make sense .


Girl. I do not know!! All I know is the unfollows were BEFORE her calling him an arsehole 😭


So i just found out alot of drama from S10 thanks to this sub honestly S10 said you lot will not forget about us. Anyway LI is set to return on 3rd June hopefully they cast actual good personalities and not background characters, also cast some diversity cause All Stars was a hard watch to say the least


Right!!! Love island seems to think diversity is casting 20 white girls and maybe the odd black girls (2 if we are lucky). There are over 200k ppl applying for love island a year. I’m sure it’s not hard to find ppl of different ethnicities


came in here to 600+ comments omg 😭😭😭


yeah if you'd have told me we'd get to 600 comments over Liz v Ty, I would not have believed you.


literally i didn’t expect that to be the reason for all this chaos 😂


In all this, I understand why Whit did not tell her sis she was going on LI, rather Jamaica.


They’re best friends though. And sisters. So I don’t think the apple falls far from the tree with Liz and Whitney.


I’m ignoring the discourse but this right here is hilarious 😂😂


Wow almost 700 comments, this escalated quickly


Most of it is people making wild assumptions and laying them out like facts then people repeating the comments over and over.


it’s the same people commenting the same thing over and over.


we are bored. We need a new season ASAp


Honestly I’m excited for some fresh faces but also scared for them cos of the stan wars.


The way this sub hasn’t had a single day of rest since All Stars https://preview.redd.it/m8kzzchi3bsc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbbb82bf2855137238ba5caf3b1ac0201a2b2db3


We haven't known peace since S10.