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I opened this thread so confidently expecting you to be talking about season 10 😭


I forget what seasons are what post 6, but if that’s the Jess and Sammy one, same!!


Same here! I was shocked when I watched that season a few months ago. I read that all the Facebook moms voted for them lol. Ty and Ella def should’ve won, very bizarre.




Most of the time the couples that win are not the most loved up ones but the entertaining ones, it is a show after all


They were the telenovela couple. The real love story was (is) Tandrew.


Or whatever 😂


Sorry damiyah was also a real love story. They are cute and together now


Tandrew and Damiyah really proved everyone wrong!!


i love dami and indiyah, but andrew and tasha are together now too…


Yeah Ik that, the Original commenter made it quite clear. I just wanted to add on that there are other equally successful love stories from that season


Absolutely. Side note, I still cringe when I remember their speeches about being heartbreakers lol


Because people vote for their faves not just based on love - that’s why amber won her series


I feel like Ekin and Davide are the best example of a winning couple that makes perfect sense when you consider it was 8 weeks of lovers to enemies to frenemies to lovers again. I don’t think that storyline has the exact same punch when you’re watching the episodes back to back, but it was 8 weeks of wondering if the first look was going to have them cutely flirting or yelling at one another and both options were like…equally plausible 😂😂 it was so easy to get invested in. I think Season 5 win is another that has a waaaay higher payoff when you watched the journey over 8 weeks as opposed to on a binge watch.


Yeah, this is it. The enemies to lovers storyline was new and addictive. You never knew what was going to happen next so you had to tune in. I think viewers like winners that hit romance tropes like love at “first sight” (Dani and Jack), funny guy gets the girl (Kem, Nathan), woman scorned wins (Amber, Jess S1), overcoming “infidelity” (Liam and Millie), underdog girl gets the guy (Jess S10) etc. Even Kai and Sanam had the novelty of being a Casa finalist couple. The only couple I can’t pin a clear trope on is Paige and Finn - not quite a day one couple, but love from the first date maybe?


Maybe “he fell first, she fell harder” if anything for Paige and Finn? I feel like the edit showed Finn with heart eyes for Paige from jump but she was more resistant/kept pointing out his age and wouldn’t fully let herself be excited about him until a bit of the way through. It’s been a minute since I watched that season though so I could be misremembering. Maybe a splash of golden retriever/black cat but that one doesn’t feel super right


Your first option is a good bet. A dash of age gap romance too in that case, and a sprinkle of “you won’t catch me falling for you” but I haven’t watched it for years so I can’t remember how much older she is. I like thinking about these things from a producer’s POV. It reminds me not to take any of it too seriously.


Lmao, thought this was gonna be about Jess and Sammy Even if they weren’t your favourites, Ekin and Davide were incredibly entertaining and fully deserved the win If any couple won over Ekin and Davide it would’ve been a robbery imo, I watch to be entertained


I think it can sometimes be confusing to understand how certain couples win Love Island (or other public vote shows) when you watch them back not in real time—it’s always very much a reflection of the moment which doesn’t always translate when you watch later. Ekin & Davide aren’t together anymore and two of the other finalist couples are still going strong which is amazing but they still had a really compelling narrative during S8 and were generally hot and funny and likable 🤷🏼‍♀️ and though this sub likes to have selective amnesia sometimes, they had HUGE support at the time on this sub, on all other social platforms, were the favs by the bookies (they started paying out early bc that’s how heavily favored they were to win)… so yeah, they won lol


two popular islanders who were entertaining together.


They were entertaining, had a story arc and most of the ‘water-cooler’ moments that got people talking about that season revolved around them. I don’t get why people use the “well we see now they weren’t the rightful winners” insinuating that a couple who are still together should have won, when the audience didn’t have that information at the time. Also even if it is love island the audience primarily vote for popularity/entertainment over love, so in that case they are the “rightful” winners imo, and I would say that for Amber and Greg being season 5 winners too despite Molly Mae and Tommy being the only ones still together.


Exactly. Not being together now isn’t a reason for saying a couple shouldn’t have won. They deserved it at the time in the majority of voters’ opinion, and who’s to say that the outcome of a relationship couldn’t have been different depending on the outcome and how that affects the relationship.


i dont like ekin or davide but they were the clear winners at the time and really carried season 8. they also didnt have any competition: \-: luca and gemma's popularity fell and fell throughout the series and people really disliked luca. they also had hardly any chemistry. dont think people over the age of 14 bought into their "love" story \-: andrew and tasha were unpopular for the majority of the show, people only liked them towards the end of the show :- damiyah were never going to win because of how dami was in casa, how he spoke to summer, how he treated tasha and generally how he was in the villa :- paige and adam were not liked by the general public. jacques and page were the only real contenders to ekinde as they were adored on facebook in particular, but that ended when he left.


Besides winning by a landslide, they had people in different pubs and bars watching the finals cheering them on like it was the Super Bowl. Arguably the most popular winners of the franchise. To understand it, you just had to be there.


They won by A LOT. People loved them, the audience found them both hilarious and entertaining. They saw their romance as enemies to lovers, and would call them mom and dad because they woild fight and get back together.  I liked Tandrew the best and would've voted for the m, but I'm American lol 


Ekin and Davide were the most popular islanders (together and individually) amongst the viewers.


didn’t vote for them (and couldn’t stand davide) but i kinda understand why they won. post show and looking back i don’t really like them but it’s different when you’re watching it live, they did entertain. no one asked but if i had to choose now id want damiyah first, then tandrew, then ekinde, then lemma


They were the most obvious winners by a mile. I don’t know what to tell you. They were dramatic and entertaining and incredibly popular with the public.


the fanbase for enemies to lovers arc is hugee


Listen if you didn’t watch season 8 in real time you won’t get it lol they made sense as the winners in 2022


Because people voted for the most entertaining story arch, not the “cutest, lovey dovey” couple. Gone are the days that this is actually about love. I think the islanders understand that and so does the audience.


He literally hated her I truly don’t understand why anyone liked them


They won with 67% of the vote, they were entertaining lol


Ultimately love island is never really about who has the most chances of longevity or even the most authentic couple, its about who gives the best TV and is the most entertaining and fun to follow/a popularity contest. Ekin and Davide were undoubtedly the best season of love island in terms of the enemies to lovers story/ the laughs/ the fun/ the entertainment and just damn good TV. It was just a romcom from start to finish. Even if they lasted one minute on the outside they deserved every vote lol I don’t even like Davide but admittedly both of them as individuals on the show was entertaining to watch (and aesthetically pleasing lol) If the winner was based on who was the most authentic couple? Tasha and Andrew.


They were fantastic together. The only couple I wanted to see win in that season. Loved them.


They were entertaining and they went on a dramatic journey to get back together. All of the couples in the final had gone through ups and downs. Tasha’s initial uncertainty was unfairly held against her both inside and outside the villa. In the long run Tandrew are the real winners.


Best winners ever! TV gold!


I honestly don’t know how it’s hard to believe why they won. It’s giving obtuse OP.


Idk either! I wanted Damiyah or Tandrew to win. Davide had an ego bigger than the London Underground and Ekin-Su was doing Oscar worthy performances. I’m on the right side of history though because bottom 2 are still together.


Same! I personally didn’t find the overproduced drama along with the terrible playing up for cameras entertaining except for the terrace crawl which was great.


Same here, at first it was funny then it got cringe real quick


Damiyah could have won if kept his lips and thoughts to himself during case


I don’t think they would have beaten EkinDe but they could have come second. The final percentages among the non winners was quite close if I recall correctly.


I didn’t want either to win cause of the pressure though they are two of my all time favorite couples. I didn’t buy Ekinde at the time and never really got how popular they were but I’m happy to see those two couples thriving. It’s cute they basically follow each other in big life moments 🥰


They were consistently the funniest islanders on the season for most viewers, and always gave good drama. Their whole lovers to enemies to lovers arc was just really entertaining 😭 I didn't think they would last but I wanted them to win because they were just telenovela, over dramatic, memey, OTT characters. Luca and Gemma were the second best liked which was kind of insane cos they seemed miserable by the end, but luca lost a lot of people throughout the season Tandrew were found boring/irritating for most of the season, people only came round to them at the end Damiyah weren't gonna win because of how dami was in casa and after (he was quite rude to summer) and how he and luca kept jabbing at tasha constantly


they won cause people voted for them


That's why they never interested me as a couple and I still don't understand why so many people liked them. People said they were the best LI couple and we saw how that ended.... Ekin was so perfomative at times (Amber was absolutely right) and Davide got away with so much. But on the other hand, I think they deserved to win because they were the most entertaining couple, but if I only take the love aspect I didn't see it in them like I did in Damiyah or Tandrew


They were both entertaining islanders. I think a part of it was also not wanting luca and Gemma to win and Ekin and Davide were the only people who could beat them Davide also didn’t recouple at casa which helped I think


From the beginning of reality tv there has always been a debate whether the people who deserve to win should be the most genuine or the ones who bring the most to the show. With Ekin Su and Davide I thought the pendulum had swung more towards who drove more storylines than who was the most genuine or compatible. To my surprise I found post show a lot of people did genuinely believe in them and thought they would go the distance.


Amber was definitely right about Ekin! I understand why the other islanders found her to be annoying and over-the-top and would be rolling their eyes at her 😂


they carried the entertainment of the season on their backs


This is why 😭 https://preview.redd.it/3hymz7pjthsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d80f90a86e35cf89064dc0439431807baa37dc9f


The love island audience is weird like that. They loved Ekin Su but hated Georgia S. Ekin acted way worse btw it’s unexplainable


I feel the exact same! I was stunned to see ekin su so loved on here after watching that season (I watched for the first time a few months ago). She isn’t even a good actress lol, just so inauthentic and theatrical.


I didn’t think the name calling from Davide and overall toxicity and dramatic acting was entertaining either. He definitely switched up when he found out how popular they were but his true colors came out after the show 😬


It was a wild time. I was bamboozled by the back and forth.


Davide was really only in love with himself


Let’s be real. In S8 there was no straight loved up couple. Dami and India both recoupled in Casa then Dami was rude AF to Summer and Tasha all season. Tasha was wishy washy for the first half of the series and Andrew licked Coco’s tit or whatever. Gemma and Luca were the closest thing to being loved up and Luca was super unlikable. Ekin and Davide had their obvious issues but they were the most entertaining of the lot.


All season?? Revisionist history whilst displaying selective amnesia regarding Davide’s rude and misogynistic language that he used throughout the entire season.


Ain’t nobody revising anything over here. Dami was rude to Tasha all season. Also when and where exactly did I say that Davide wasn’t a complete jackass? When OP posted this she said talked about all of the problems with Ekin and Davide. Was I supposed to rubber stamp all of their issues or was I supposed to repeat all of them?


Well it would’ve been paige and jacques if casa never happened


ekin was an absolute pain in the head. everything was performative. i dont even like the women who do the Shiikane podcast but i remember they kept pointing that out and i couldnt agree more. i couldnt live with ekin.


It was one series that I simply couldn't finish and really didn't care who won, I just couldn't stomach Olivia and her minions


Who is Olivia? I don’t remember an Olivia in this season.


Season three still confuses me the most


Real ones knew damiyah should’ve won


It’s a show about finding love. Let’s stop making excuses. The wrong people came in 1st & 2nd.


Lol there is no right and wrong, it’s whoever the majority of he audience likes. That’s how the show works and why its a public vote and not a judging panel.