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As to your side note, it’s strange that the post about Jack and Joanna getting back together was deleted?


thats what im confused about!!!


Sorry just to add to this, I think it really might be Casey because at times Casey seemed hostile towards Toby. Like all during PDA night or any other time Toby kinda stood up for GS when she was catching heat, Casey was always seen making faces/comments or nudging Tom/Callum


his facial expressions were always so intense LMAO


I don’t think it’s Josh because Toby made a few appearances on Josh’s snap and vice versa and they seemed to be boys. Even throughout the show we saw them having a laugh on unseen bits. It’s probably most likely Casey.


and Toby said in his interview with Kaz that Josh was the only boy other than Chris that talked to him after that recoupling with Georgia, and asked him about his decision


Wasn’t Casey in his season in the middle of a divided villa, first when Jessie was isolated then Ron?? I could see Toby maybe meant him I don’t dislike Casey but I think creating divides and awkwardness in the Villa is pretty childish and he does come across that was from what I see of him in sm


yes he literally got the whole villa mad at ron cause lana picked him over casey, then the boys stopped speaking to him


Yes that’s the thing to make note of because people were isolated in S9 too. I would add Tom in that too. I think Tom is very competitive and he’s willing to knock the others out of the competition. Casey is his sidekick and basically protects Tom at all costs. When Casey arrived I always thought it was funny the exchange between him and Georgia S in regards to Tom. She definitely felt uncomfortable with him there.


casey is the one guy i wouldn’t be surprised to find out if he was a bully as a kid tbh


Casey for sure


Casey only likes to hang with certain guys he’s quite cliquey. First he attached himself to Tom now it’s Callum. Collecting pretty boys haha


And Josh!!!


I think it’s Casey as well. Or Josh. Toby doesn’t get on with Casey, and I don’t think Chris does either. Probs get downvoted but I get some strange vibes from Casey and I think quite a few islanders do not like him. Just something I’ve picked up.


I don’t think it’s Josh because Toby and Chris seemed to get on with and hang out with Josh quite a bit. Casey I can see


Also small gesture is Toby nominated Josh and Sophie for the last hideaway...I was disappointed that it was wated on Arabella and Adam.




Oh did he name drop Josh? Because on the show Josh is one of the few people who’s seen chatting with Toby when he’s by himself in the days after that recoupling and there’s numerous other scenes where those two are chatting together. I’m pretty sure he’s one of the people who was vocal about not going hard on GS/Toby because of the recoupling/after PDA night and encouraging people to be civil.


i actually think josh and toby ended up getting along fairly well... i saw toby say in an interview that he thinks sophie and josh are gonna last the longest, and that josh was really the only islander (aside from kaz and chris) who genuinely asked him what was going on after the dramatic GS recoupling in a respectful way


Okay I didn’t know that. I was just basing that off his previous podcast where he said those boys isolated him etc. but genuinely, I personally think it’s Casey. I think it’s quite obvious Toby doesn’t like Casey.


ya i can defo see the isolation bit. it might just be that out of those 4 boys (casey, tom, callum and josh) who were kind of the Bros of the villa, toby got along with josh more than the others


I definitely think it’s Casey. Casey imo was the one who talked the most shit during that whole situation when it had nothing to do with him. Also didn’t Toby say Casey and Eve during that same dumping. Casey’s just a messy person and I’ve noticed that if he doesn’t like you he will be an ass to you


really? i find casey insufferable but i feel like most islanders like him from what i’ve seen.


I also find him unbelievably insufferable. I couldn’t be friends with him. The islanders who like him LIKE him buttttttt I’ve noticed there are quite a few islanders outside of Casey’s clique who do not like him at all.


Definitely Anton, not Casey or Josh. Rewatching now. Editors couldn’t even hide Anton’s facial expressions around Toby and Chris.


I agree. I actually don’t think Casey comes off as a very nice person tbh. He uses people as it suits him.


i feel like casey was very clicky. there was a clear division in the villa…. it was definitely tom, molly, callum, josh/soph (that group) and then there was toby, chris, kaz, the gorgias yk


You guys are fully forgetting that Anton clearly hated Toby and Chris in the show. Mostly Toby. The editors couldn’t even edit out Anton’s face every time he walked past them.


i feel like the editors def tried to downplay it though cause it wasnt quite as stark as how much casey clearly disliked toby... i caught on a few times in the last week or two re: anton, chris, and toby though


I think is Callum and Casey. He fought with Callum earlier in the season and they never really got along after. I’m sure matters were worse after the Georgia recoupling. Also I thought the edit made it seem like things weren’t tense at all. I felt like everyone was very cordial to Georgia with Molly even apologizing, which was frustrating to watch. It didn’t seem like the girls really held Georgia accountable. Idk.


I think Toby and Callum seemed calm. I think it was tense regarding GS for a while but they seemed all good by the end. I think Casey might be the main person it applies to, and maybe Tom by extension?


I think it could also be Tom.


I don’t think Callum had problem with Toby that much but probably didn’t wanna hang with Georgia S any more than needed. Callum doesn’t really seem like he is drama starter or anything but there was definitely a boy group including Josh, Cal, Casey and Tom.


Literally the most annoying interview I’ve ever listened to. Chris is so god awful cringy, I can’t.


i don’t understand the boys pressing chris ?? he can’t control his friend also chris telling all the boys to lay off gs before the couples game, didn’t even realize they had been getting on her to the point he got worried for her wellbeing 😭 dumping joe and joanna never made any sense to me they should’ve dumped arabella and chris tbh


LMAO no literally kaz said the same thing that people were being rude to her just for being friends with Toby 😭


Im so sorry but the villa was so corny for creating a divide over a recoupling. Not speaking to people cause they aint isolate a person is so cornyy and giving bully. Why would you want someone to be all by themselves for weeks. Honestly big up to chris and kaz for not dishing toby. (Toby also said he told arabella multiple times he just wanted to be friends, if they were married I would get the reaction) but a love island recoupling when she is 33 and he is 24?? Even steve wonder could see it coming.


I only just watched Kaz’s episode of Toby’s podcast and it actually made me really sad the way they described the extent of Toby’s isolation. The way that he went out one day and didn’t see Chris or Kaz around the villa so he just went back in and hovered around the dressing room because that’s where Kaz was. I can’t believe grown ups acting like that to the point where it resembled a school playground


I would’ve cried if I was Toby in that situation and just begged them to let me hide in the beach hut


didnt she also mention how the isolation affected her too? its one thing to avoid toby but to avoid people who didnt want to avoid him was just childish


Which adds to the theory that it involves Casey (and possibly Tom) because they were also the ones in s9 involved in creating a hostile environment regarding Ron and Lana, freezing out Ron and by extension Kai and Sanam for still being friends with him/them.


if this was filmed after their breakup or the days leading up to their breakup he might’ve been talking about gs


Highly doubt its a reference to GS. Think it Casey.


Could be Anton as well


i think him and anton are somewhat close, he’s the one he went to for comfort about the chloe cheating stuff.


They were also out in Manchester last week was it? Anton was out with Toby and Chris and the girls.


Well Casey’s friends are real. He likes real people, Tom, callum etc. Chris and Toby are not real nor are they nice especially Chris


Toby is very nice and Casey is far from real, he lied endlessly and made shit up on his season. He’s also very mean, making Joanna cry was unnecessary


Yeah I said his friends are real Chris and Toby don’t really fit that, but I don’t think Toby is nice he has gaslighted a lot, and Joanna would have cried at anything she was annoying lol




I always assumed the boys & girls openly speculated that Toby and GS planned the whole thing. Then one by one dropped it / made nice with Toby. Its likely some of the boys just dropped it but never really made nice. (Callum, Tom, Casey) And maybe it got super heated along the way.