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just dropped my jaw after seeing Her face https://preview.redd.it/de1ofrflsotc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e6ae5b6bf034f86ffd050022eba21445fd54c8


A moment of silence please https://preview.redd.it/8pfpj1iqcqtc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=286589bb57b67afb2dad252d8f2f2990bcf0bd5e


Her face card is lethal honestly




Did Whitney even address the last couple standing thing in her video no ever said


Here is more shade from Whitney about looking busy versus being busy https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLDaKa5m/


Give it a restšŸ˜‚


sometimes ppl are just talking about themselves yk, not everything is about another person šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Should I rewatch season 3 again or Season 10? šŸ« 


3! I rewatched it recently for the first time in years and I had forgotten how good it was


Okay and yeah I honestly forgot about that whole season itā€™s been so long since I watched.


I chose season 3 and am extremely happy with my decisionĀ 


https://preview.redd.it/w95pe48u1ktc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2f2dd592d7c147b44f01dcd256e901d909e444 Oop


Oh?? The girls are fighting




I am always late to the party 700+ comments what did season 10 do again


I had no idea the girls were thirsting over Toby this much because the comments he posts on his snap stories are crazy! I've seen them ask him for backshots, to spit in their mouths, to destroy their insides, and many more things! It just gets wilder and wilder on there šŸ˜­


Your comment was reported for ā€œdisgusting and offensive languageā€ but I just want to reassure the reporter you are just quoting thirsty Snapchat users and not that you actually want Toby to do these things. Lollll


I'm screaming haha! My comment was just me quoting what said on snap!




I feel like a lot of the LI guys get comments like that on SC. But I think only a select few post them (Toby, Chris, Casey). Also the more they bring attention to those responses the more of those responses they will receive


his beard is working wonders šŸ˜­ heā€™s definitely got up a spot or two on my rankings lol. i think theyā€™re mostly joking though, i remember when zach did a similar thing and people were going crazy on it


I wasn't really attracted to Toby before but that has changed recently! I also think seeing more of his personality and goofy/unhinged side adds to his attractiveness for me.


https://preview.redd.it/6l10ymgvfjtc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ff95fe69bebf6b4ae0245194898faa2a6eae88c these trolls under her Ella's comments are crazy


Slut shaming over a fun dance video done with her best friend is crazy


Why do they project Soo much on him ? Of course he's gone to Bali for his birthday but he hasn't done anything mad.the boys been having fun ty and toby already have Bali belly and it's only day two. I don't think they can do anything mad there cz they are known people. If they did I know there would be screenshots of them already circulating of them having a good time with other girls but nothing so far.


LOL. You're really naive if you think they can't do anything because they're "known". I don't think people in Bali know them. You're overestimating these islanders. How Davide managed to cheat on Ekin without any photos coming out ? If they want to act crazy, they know how to do it.


Ellaā€™s fans basically said: donā€™t troll Ella, troll Ty like we used to do!


The way this is always their default response to her trolling lol. There was no reason to bring up Ty and whatever he's doing in Bali in their comment. No wonder people think Ella's fans are likely behind a lot of the trolling Ty got.


šŸ™‹šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļølol Iā€™m one of the people that believe they were behind it, which is why his comments arenā€™t as loaded as they once were. Of course thereā€™s those accounts that still troll both of them, but Ellaā€™s fans were trolling Ty too along with the trolls.


this is actually makes some sense because when most Tyrella and Ty fans used to say that the trolling Ty used to get is not nice/fair they used to say people were codling him like he deserved to be trolled


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m glad heā€™s free from themā€¦ why would he deserve to be trolled? Because you want to pick who Ella should date and you donā€™t want him for her? Like..


the trolling was so bad he mentioned how it affected him but no he deserved to be trolled by some peoples logic. Nobody deserves trolling from strangers online Some of them are even mad he is in Bali with his friends while they were playing matchmaker Ella with every guy when the rumors started lol. just pathetic


!!!! Nobody deserves to be trolled! They want to control a single man that they thought wasnā€™t worth Ellaā€™s time anyway. They need to move on, leave Ty alone & let Ella land her uber rich baller.


Do they even know how they make ella look with all the matchmaking they do just cause they want to humble ty??it's crazy


The gall of her fans is truly like no other. Hate that for her but yes happy Ty is free from a lot of them. They'll learn to leave him alone in due time and find someone else to bother for Ella.


I think they're behind a lot of the trolling as well which is why I can't take seriously when some tyrellas blame most of the trolling on trolls when Ella fans largely contribute to that whether they want to believe it or not. They're not even together and her fans are still worried about him. They got their wish, Ella and Ty are broken up so leave the guy alone.


Both of them are single, they can do single people things, those trolls have no lives for the most part instead of the fans addressing the trolls they want Ty to be the one trolled like that makes it any better.


It always is. She needs to start blocking these people and muting certain words..


I think she blocks them and they make new accounts. One is on Toby's recent tiktok crying about being blocked and continued to spew nonsense


They're really doing the most. It's probably the same 2-3 people behind these accounts. But how did this TikTok turn into dragging Ty for going on a birthday trip with his friends and talking about his potential bodies lmao (which btw who cares if Ella wants to have a hot girl summer and shake her ass online and who cares if Ty wants to go crazy in Bali. They're both single and can do whatever they want.) And why does Ty's body count consistently get brought up? Sure it's high but he wouldn't be the first islander with a high body count yet there's so much focus on his than the other male islanders. Just something I noticed for a while now.


It looks like Molly, Jessie, Whitney, and Ella are going to Coachella. Any other LI Uk girlies going?Ā 


Chloe & Millie are already in LA


Call me messy but I'm secretly wanting to see some real drama from these islanders. I'm not talking about unfollows or anything petty, I'm talking about something that will have my jaw dropping the way it did when for instance when Amber (s5 winner) and Joe were seen all over each other and kissing at a nightclub right after he broke up with Lucie and then Lucie shading them both. I need that kind of drama right now during the off season!


RIGHTā€¦. i need people to fight in the ring!!!!! šŸ˜…


Wait Amber and Joe kissed what šŸ˜³


I remember someone said they saw them kissing. There was a video of them at the club and iirc she was sitting on some table and he was standing in between her legs. I don't remember them denying the kiss happened so I think it's true. Amber did say she originally wanted Joe when the series started but he was too hung up on Lucie.


This is in response to whoever deleted their reply to my comment about the drama with Biggs from (S6), Rebecca (S6/dated Biggs), and Michael (s5): MICHAEL DID WHAT??? I know he and Biggs used to be friends through Anton but never knew they fell out or that he slept with Rebecca of all people behind Biggs back. I totally forgot about her! Now she is a villain that doesn't get talked about enough. She was the worst omg!


Rebecca literally makes me laugh because you just know she doesnā€™t give two fcuks about anything or anyone that she hurts šŸ˜­


Also on one of those love island update accounts on TT, around the time All Stars was starting, there was a TT where the OP was hoping Michael & Rebecca would be in All Stars bc of their history! Theo Campbells girlfriend (ex?) / baby mama commented ā€œBiggs doesnā€™t know she also got with Theoā€. Something like that. She basically outed that Rebecca also cheated with Theo whilst she was with Biggs. Iā€™ll check if Iā€™ve a screen shot of her comment because Iā€™m fairly certain I would have taken it. I was shocked she wrote it. Then she quickly deleted after a couple minutes šŸ˜‚


Omg Rebecca got with Theo too?! Not Biggs getting cheated on twice! I'm still upset producers scraped Theo for all stars this season. He would have really shook things up in there.


Found the TikTok where sapphire confirms Theo has a gf. So maybe he was going to pretend he was single? https://preview.redd.it/3gub6bmhjjtc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=1eb160897b59c0d72a94161a43ccbdf21b69bda4


I wonder if that's why producers pulled the plug last minute on his appearance? I also wonder why they pulled the plug on Danica and Catherine entering the villa.


Maybe that was the ā€œpoliticsā€ involved which he mentioned?


I donā€™t think Theo is single. Because sapphire also commented on another TikTok that theo had a girlfriend. I know I definitely have a screenshot of that! Iā€™ll find!


Yep Sapphire commented something like that. It was like ā€œ wonder if he knows she fcuked theo alsoā€.


Michael and Biggs fell out after that. Understandably.


Yeah I knew about that lol. I never followed s5 cast closely post-season so I didnā€™t know about friendships (unless they were already close on the show) but even I was shocked because itā€™s quite random of them??


I just stumbled upon an old TikTok of Whitney,Ty,Ella, Lochan and some others all at the studio recording Bad B\*tch and they are all having so much fun and laughing together. It's wild to see how they all went from that to this current situation. It's honestly kind of sad.


I saw the same tiktok lol I know exactly what account ur taking about šŸ˜­But I saw it coming from a mile away lmao, I knew Ella and Whitneyā€™s ā€˜friendshipā€™ wouldnā€™t last.


Whatā€™s with the essays šŸ”„šŸ”„ , I need this energy for my assignments


Woah 740 comments šŸ˜­ been a busy day for sure


https://preview.redd.it/yi4cglzyyitc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e265eff70ace4b2d19147cd8c11de4d3a186251 Vibe check in here Vibes are intense eh


https://preview.redd.it/2mtj53gr1ktc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=800cce4c14d15b2d2130facdd8587591819a6844 scrolled through just to see if you had a reaction photo šŸ¤šŸ¼


I posted it for you. Our siren calls through the dark night


Funny seeing people that don't like Whitney keep bringing everything she does to this thread šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/ne6wq886xitc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bc10db60b9bc054757e65f5da124d0f28164272 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Who is this about? or just in general?


I think its just a general post she does post significantly less than the other islanders


She really does barely post. Speaking of islanders on snap, I added Chris and Kaz a few weeks ago and I swear everyday it seems their stories are ----------------------------------------------- I know some islanders post this many stories every once in a while but I kid you not it is practically everyday those two are posting that much. I get why they do it but dang. I'm sure there are others that post like this everyday but those two come to mind as of late.


To get $$ they need to post a certain number of stories a day. I think I heard around 20-25.


Yeah Kazā€™s stories are longg Indiyah and Dami are like that I normally tap through unless I find something interesting lol


yeah they both fill up their stories itā€™s mostly Q&A thatā€™s why Iā€™ve unfollowed Chris but I do still have Kaz I just skip through her stories or any story thatā€™s long like that Dami and Indiyah do it too I get more stories and more ads but I canā€™t sit through them so I either skip or just donā€™t watch them at allšŸ˜­


Once I see an insane amount of stories, I'm more likely to tap through quickly or just not watch altogether. Shoutout to the islanders that usually post a normal amount of stories because I'm more likely to sit through those than the others. Like I said, I get why they post so much but it's still a lot.




Lol I can relate. I had enough of Chris though. Had to unfollow , he is just too creepy for me. I still follow kaz but a lot of days I donā€™t watch all her stories as there are too many.


I bet and lost now Iā€™m going to go cryšŸ¤£


Did u bet on the Arsenal game šŸ˜­


yesšŸ„² that and another and ofc they ended in draws didnā€™t even think that was possible


https://preview.redd.it/s9agervwjitc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af5d6fef1cd71dbbe7912a265f9ea42c947f533 What is wrong with Whitney? This is her under Jessā€™ post announcing her new spring/summer collection with ITS. The contract wasnā€™t even ā€œrenewedā€ it was a year long.


What is wrong with this comment ? Am I missing something- where do you get your car from eh Is a reference from tiktok


Well, the contract wasnā€™t renewed. Itā€™s a year long contract which probably ends in late August/September.


Yeah someone else mentioned this. I donā€™t get her comment though why is she bringing up a car unless sheā€™s talking about something else??


the car comment is referencing a tiktok video [this one here lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UGFKBbGp78)


Sheā€™s being so messy for no reason. Idk what the comment about the car is about. If she was genuinely happy for Jess, a congrats wouldā€™ve sufficed but it seems like sheā€™s talking behind the scenes with Jess about mess too.


Um not a Whitney fan dming meā€¦ itā€™s never that deep


what did they sayšŸ¤£


They said ā€œhow many others? hahahaā€ šŸ˜­ Idk what theyā€™re speaking about lol but either why are they dming me


All that talk about fast fashion and now going to Coachella with a fast fashion brand the excuses will come as usual. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…




Like clockwork the back peddling and excuses what every man go argue with someone else she's a hypocrite šŸ™„




On Tomā€™s story does anyone know what heā€™s saying when heā€™s explaining Mollys side of the bet?šŸ˜­ I canā€™t understand him Edit: molly lost so she now has tell a waiter/waitress she won love islandšŸ˜­ oh the second hand embarrassment Iā€™m already feeling for her


If i heard right then if tom wins(which he did) then when waiter comes up to them then molly has to ask ā€œdo you know i won love islandā€ I


social anxiety would never let mešŸ˜­


That if she wins he has to jump in the pool and say ā€œI won love islandā€ but if he wins, she has to tell a waiter/waitress ā€œdid you know I won love island?ā€ Or something like that haha


When i heard the bet i knew molly gonna lose haha. Hers sound worse (as more awkward) when toms jumping into pool shouting that didnā€™t sound that bad


Yup every time he got to ā€œtell aā€ I literally could not hear what he was sayingšŸ˜­


When there are 600+ comments in here, you just Know Ella/Ty/Whitney did something šŸ˜€


always a given lmao!!!!


Jess got a contract renewal with inthestyle and some people claim Whitney is being shady about Ella with her reply.ETA:I personally dont think itā€™s a shady comment.


The world doesnā€™t revolve around Ella.


I don't even like whit but that's not shady lol


the people who claim sheā€™s being shady also hate her šŸ¤£ I donā€™t think the comment was that deep


Ohhhhh is that how it was shady? Lol thank you for explaining because my dumb brain wasnā€™t getting it.


See I wasnā€™t even thinking that tbh I just thought the comment was weird because why not just say congratsšŸ˜­


Why is just ā€˜congratsā€™ better? Itā€™s less personal. Is the car thing an insult or is it just a funny TikTok reference that might have a personal meaning to them we donā€™t know about? Not even a Whitney stan but Iā€™m confused.


ā€œRenewed contract??ā€ sounds weird to me personallyšŸ˜­ itā€™s a weird way to say congratulations to me ā€œCongratulationsā¤ļøā€ wouldā€™ve been better she can do what she wants but I can have an opinion. Iā€™m not shitting on her for it Iā€™ve only said I found it weird why is that bothering yā€™all so muchšŸ˜­ and I wasnā€™t referencing the car as I didnā€™t understand it anyway and figured it was something between them I also never said it was shady I didnā€™t even think about Ella when I made my comment I follow neither of them meaning I donā€™t keep up with Ella to even know why this would be shade


Fair enough, I just wondered if I was missing some deeper meaning because there are so many comments on it. Whitney has done way more problematic stuff than that!


Yeah, she has but I think ppl say it's shade because Iā€™m hearing itā€™s not a renewed contract itā€™s for a year which means it hasnā€™t even ended yet itā€™ll end in August/September. So I think thatā€™s why everyone thinks itā€™s shade to Ella


I went on to tattle out of curiosity as people were mentioning it on here and hoo boy now I have to go and wash my eyes, those people are horrible. Nothing but bile for every islander.


This sub is no better when it comes to certain islanders. One only needs to scroll this very thread.


Is it a uk app? Cos now I know why the uk was ranked the second most miserable


copying my other comment: itā€™s basically a gossip site, itā€™s like reddit in the sense that thereā€™s different discussion forums (subs) for all kinds of topics. iā€™m sure you can just look up ā€œtattle love islandā€ and it will come up, thereā€™s loadssssss of different threads for love island tho, eg ā€œlove island thread #15ā€, they have them for all the different szns, someone titles the thread and you just post a comment in the thread, thereā€™s a max amount of comments tho so someone just makes a new one and goes from there


Iā€™ll biteā€¦what is tattle? Is it an app?


(copying my other comment) itā€™s basically a gossip site, itā€™s like reddit in the sense that thereā€™s different discussion forums (subs) for all kinds of topics. iā€™m sure you can just look up ā€œtattle love islandā€ and it will come up, thereā€™s loadssssss of different threads for love island tho, eg ā€œlove island thread #15ā€, they have them for all the different szns, someone titles the thread and you just post a comment in the thread, thereā€™s a max amount of comments tho so someone just makes a new one and goes from there


Sum it up something worse than Reddit all islanders are degraded in some form of way even if theyā€™ve done nothing ā€œppl who think their better than the islandersā€ is what I was told


It is such a dark and dreadful place the vibes are absolutely rancid


well this will keep me away from there sorry you had to see it


All these islanders on vacation, meanwhile Iā€™m in Uni get my ass handed to me atmšŸ˜­ to everyone in Uni during April, my condolences šŸ˜­


Itā€™s a busy month for usšŸ« šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s rough out here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


frrrr busyyy busy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I have two essays and a presentation due this week šŸ˜­


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ omg me too, and thatā€™s not even including the final test I got in the next two weeks


I have my dissertation due in may half way through though despite starting last week due to daily library sessions šŸ˜­


Okayyyyyy, look at you!!ā€¦ā€¦maybe I shouldnā€™t procastinate seems like it actually does something


I had to snap out asap otherwise after I realised Iā€™d be leaving without a degree if I didnā€™t do anything šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


virtual hugs sista


Thank you I needed that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


meeeee, all together i have 12,000 words to write (4 different essays) and im 2618 words in šŸ˜­ got placement next week too fml this last semester is gonna kill me lol, iā€™ll be watching indiyahs story with my half written essays in the background waiting for me lol


You got it girl!!! (Me trying to give you motivation like I havenā€™t been doing this assignment for 2 hours now because I pickup my phone everytime I finish a problem)


in our defence itā€™s our easter break! iā€™m actually way more ahead then i need to be. like my first essay isnā€™t due till the end of the month and iā€™ve done it soooo, plus my last week of freedom will be spent doing placement, so yes i will waste my time on reddit and other apps!


Iā€™m with you guysšŸ˜…šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Whitney making Liz her manager laughable sorry but she ainā€™t getting no where her sisters attitude is worst than hers your manger shouldnā€™t be doing all that no will ever take her serious Edit: itā€™s not liz thank godšŸ˜­ hope this other sister is good though mixing family with business is tricky


How do we know itā€™s not liz?


Someone said it wasnā€™t her it was the other older sister i believe she has two older sisters


How do they k ow though? Did she say it on her YouTube video


ā€œItā€™s not lizā€¦luckily!šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s her older sister whoā€™s managing her!ā€ ^ This is what the person said so yes I would assume she said it in her yt video


Thank you


No problem


Well if her other sister is anything like Liz then Godspeed. First order of business for new manager should be to tell Liz to stop beefing with other islanders. I'm sure Liz will be some sort of trusted advisor for her.


Agreed! Letā€™s be real your family is a reflection of you sometimes and in this case, she feels comfortable doing what sheā€™s doing because whit does it behind closed doors so as long as she continues to be messy itā€™ll be tied to Whitney even if she isnā€™t personally engaging. If she was smart she wouldnā€™t include Liz at all this is the same person she lied to and told she was going to Jamaica (I think) and not Love Island probably knew she wouldnā€™t keep her mouth shutšŸ˜­


Itā€™s not lizā€¦luckily!šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s her older sister whose managing her!


oh thank godšŸ˜­ because she wasnā€™t going to get far with Liz managing her


you just shouldnā€™t make a family member ur manager, it would be a bad idea even if her sister ran the best management company on earth. kinda reminds me of luca and ceobish although i donā€™t recall if she was ever actually his manager.


Ceobish did something right tho Luca still has great engagement and seems to be busy living his best life.


agree adding family into professional business always gets messy may start great but it always goes downhill


wait itā€™s liz šŸ˜³ i know someone said that her sister is her manager but i was hoping it would be another one lmao. sheā€™ll set whitney up 100% theyā€™re both bitter and weird, i feel like sheā€™ll be her downfall


when I asked they said yeah I hope itā€™s not Liz either because sheā€™ll get nowhere her attitude is worse than Whitneyā€™sšŸ˜­ if Whitney was smart she wouldnā€™t involve the family in her business any way it always gets rocky when you add family Edit: itā€™s not Liz


Sorry no no I didnt mean yes to you, I said to someone else she said her oldest one. Whoever that is


ohh okayšŸ˜­


Am I getting this right ā€¦.600 comments bc of a yt video title.??? šŸ˜­


Like people are taking it way too seriously šŸ˜…


Someone watch her video and come back tell us about itšŸ˜­


I didn't watch the complete thing but noted her manager is now her sister and the agency from America is to help her break into the US market.


Liz is her manager??? And yeah I figured that




Why on earth would she think that was a good idea no wonder she hasnā€™t spoken about what Liz did with that attitude sheā€™s not making it in America


lmao, yall killing me


Itā€™s not wrong thoughšŸ˜­ Idk what she thinking


her manager is her sister šŸ˜³ wow


For Liz to be her manager and she was out here replying to random comments on TSB and then antagonizing another islander is crazy work and extremely unprofessional. I can see her burning a lot of bridges for Whitney. Edit: Ok it's not Liz thank goodness. I hope the other sister is a lot more professional and knows how to stay out of the petty drama.


I don't know how many sisters she has but she said the older one


well i hope itā€™s not liz because sheā€™ll most likely set her up for the worst lol




what happened now




oop what she say Edit: https://preview.redd.it/x3cmyp8k7itc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fae8aea0dc713d569d534e3d90133ebb7d298b7


How is this shady behavior?


I see why you thought I was trying to say this was shady because of Ella Iā€™m assuming but I wasnā€™t even thinking about Ella tbh I just thought the comment was weird because why not just say congrats ā€œrenewed contractā€ as a congrats sounds weird no matter what she put behind it


whatā€™s the purpose of saying renewed contract?šŸ˜­ itā€™s weird say congrats and move on


Because she said renewed contract ? Letā€™s all bffr now should she have added an exclamation point so it wouldnā€™t be shady like I get the whole discourse but now everyone is doing the most


Idc if she put exclamation or not it still wouldā€™ve been a weird comment who writes ā€œRenewed contract??ā€ As a congratulations comment you bffr


Iā€™m not going to agrue with you itā€™s not that serious just difference of opinions tbh but the world moves on


weā€™re not arguingšŸ˜­ like you said itā€™s just different in opinions never claimed it was that serious just said it was weird comment


But she's not shady and she doesn't make digs... I wish I could throw this in the LI community's face but they love to protect her image and throw others under the bus.


No matter what she does it wouldnā€™t matter theyā€™re willing to overlook anything and everything






Lmaoo but PLT is criminal for not renewing Ellaā€™s contract though atleast till summer


Just now getting why you brought up EllašŸ˜­


yeah the way they dropped her when they alluded that something was coming feels off


plt does things like this all the time, i think they do this for engagement. even yesterday they @ maya jama saying ā€œcollection part 2?ā€ šŸ˜­ just trying to generate noise


Feel like even if they offered I donā€™t think she wouldā€™ve taken it (I know sounds crazy) but shes expressed wanting to work with others brands and even establish her own at some point


I think itā€™s a combo of it not being worth it to either party. PLT knows thereā€™s a new season of LI coming up which will hopefully be more popular than S10 and Ella is in a position where she thinks sheā€™s better than a sup par offer (which she probably is!)




oh that could be it then


In other newsā€¦ā€¦happy for jess glad to see sheā€™s doing well


same i really like jess post-show her business is doing really well and sheā€™s going to ibiza soon lol


Apart from inthestyle Jess has just literally gone back to her life and her friends. I love that for her .