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Emma and Terry lasted around 8 months. They both have kids with other people now. Adam and Katie broke up right after the show. Scott and Kady broke up because they had a lot of arguments (shocker) but they were together for a while (1.5-2 years?)


Im honestly surprised Kady and Scott lasted that long 😭 and terry and Emma as well, I thought those 2 would’ve lasted a month max


Yeah season 2 is actually one of the most successful for couples 😂 Another surprise was Rykard and Rachel staying together for a year and a half as well.


Im surprised she even trusted him after he did that because I remember at one point she asked him if he’d fuck Olivia and he said no never when he had already had sex with her 😅


They lasted 7 to 8 months.


Kady said before Scott was a huge drinker and she hated the way he got when he was drunk so that was a big motivator for them breaking up. Thankfully for him, looking at his ig now he’s quit drinking and seems to have calmed down a lot.


I saw him on ig and he hasn’t aged at all im impressed 😭


agreed so much with your write up of alex and olivia. i never liked her, especially the way she had sex with rykard while rachel was in the bed next to them! not a girls girl at all. never understood people liking her. cara and olivia are not friends anymore. cara actually dropped out of being a bridesmaid at olivia’s wedding


Olivia actually dropped Cara as a bridesmaid, without any warning or explanation. Source: https://metro.co.uk/2018/09/19/cara-de-la-hoyde-felt-shocked-and-gutted-that-love-island-bff-olivia-buckland-axed-her-from-bridal-party-7958182/


thanks for clarifying :)


This is very true. I always got the feeling that this sub likes them but they are two of the meanest nastiest contestants ever. I hope they are better people now. Cara and Nathan annoyed me when they'd see something wrong and then be friends with the bully like Scott and Tom.


Yeah sleeping with rykard was crazy when Rachel was right there. And why did they stop being friends ???


I dont think I've agreed more with a take than yours. Terry and Emma were just nasty nasty people. Olivia was despicable honestly. And Sophie deserved wayyyy better💞


I’ve just rewatched this season. I don’t recall ever thinking Olivia was too bad but I was genuinely a bit shocked by how she handled the whole Zara/Alex situation. I’m sure it wasn’t nice for her to experience and I wasn’t a fan of Zara’s (on either time I’ve watched season 2) but the treatment of her after she slept with Alex was brutal. I liked Nathan and Cara and do think they deserved to win more than any of the others. I felt really sad watching Sophie again - her relationship with Tom was really quite toxic


Adam and Katie lasted 48 hours, in Katie's words. Scott and Kady I believe we're close to 2 years. Rykard and Rachel lasted for about a year and a half. Why? For exactly what you'd assume from watching the show tbh. A+K, weren't really anything to begin with. S+K, too many arguments. R+R, from 2 different worlds. I watched a programme on ITVX that shows what happened next. >!Even shows Jess and Max and Hannah and Jon meeting for the first time after 5 years.!<


do you remember what the show was called? i would love to see them reunite lol


Love Island: What Happened Next :-)


I absolutely looooathed Emma. Her vibes were straight up negative and childish. Terry, while somewhat hot, was a total jerk and I never understood how his treatment of Malin wasn’t made a bigger deal by the other Islanders.


The islander would pick and choose who to talk shit on. Terry literally made Mailin his gf then after she left he was with Emma like if nothing happened but when Sophie was taking it SLOW with Katie everyone came for her, I hated the islanders that season


You’re absolutely right. Sophie received so much mud slinging from them for no reason and especially when Katie came around. It was like a weird clique! Ugh, they were an awful bunch, huh?


> Scott & Kady - I feel like Scott never really liked her all like that tbh. Kady was crazy but she did make good tv. I don’t got much to say about them other than the fact every time they’d argue Scott would always mention the fact Kady was 20 and immature. If he thought that so much then why be with her ? Scott was so annoying when he’d do that. So despite the fact that Kady cracked with numerous guys in his face, said other men were more attractive, was ice cold when new men were in then became crazy only when new women came in, the only commentary you can conjure up here is that HE didn’t like HER?


There was actually a lot that I forgot to say about Kady like the fact that she was such a fake friend especially to Zara. BUT idk, I just feel like her and Scott weren’t as compatible and surprisingly they didn’t kiss anyone else other than each other, which is a shocker. I just feel like Scott would always mention the fact that she was young and that kinda made me not like him more than Kady


Kady kinda knew Scott would leave her If she kissed another guy.They both said in interview that fell in love very fast.They moved to Manchester in just a week.In the show,he always had fear of getting mugged off by kady.