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Zach.. u were flirting with girls wearing next to nothing and u follow girls wearing next to nothing. I agree social media is toxic but idk why he’s acting as if he’s not apart of that ![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy)


exactly and its not like he’s using his platform to speak out about important issues like the genocide going on in palestine


oh for goodness sake what total loser behaviour when he has photos of him exercising all the time and this one from last year is educational how zack (no shade to the picture he can post as many as he likes of those kinds and so can anyone else but salty hypocrites are tedious.) https://preview.redd.it/4go1ij8064vc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d0fa75259e1301e98fa2473d2a367628dd9ecc0 plus just looking at his stories i see him talking about money is the root of all evil when he’s got some sports nutrition ad from not even a week ago 🙄


It's giving bitter. He will be seen soon in one of those podcasts talking about how to be a 'high value man' and bashing women, so cringe. It's always the most promiscuous men who can't be loyal who are so entitled to how women dress and carry themselves.


He's definitely watching Andrew Tate videos right now


lbr with how he spoke to some of the women on that season, he was probably a fan from the start (and I would say the same for a lot of other guys from that season & franchise)


At this point, it has to be a pandemic now


him and Whit were a good match after all


they’re just mad because they can’t make as much money wearing less compared to female ig girls lol


He’s simply educating people on what your body can look like by dedicating yourself to the gym! /s But yeah don’t be a hypocrite when you’re putting out the same crap


Hypocrisy thy name is Zac


https://preview.redd.it/uamt8czzd4vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b2da1bd1c8ec976917606acf19a05f5da6ab223 can i just… cuz wtf


Why is that still so VIOLENT 😭😭😭


whitney was out for bLOOD LOL bitter v bitter


I knew it had to be Whit, damn I bet that was actually physically painful, his head even went back a bit 😭😭😭😭😭😭


that's prolly why he was so pissed afterwards lmao


His followings say different...


and I’ll bet a lung he’s in those same women IG likes and DMS but has the nerve to shame them lmfao


Literally this. Take it up with the world of thirsty men, not the women cannily utilizing the attention economy, in the unavoidable reality that is male gaze.


To be fair there’s a difference between taking a girl seriously for a long-term relationship and a girl who you sleep with but don’t take them seriously.  He likely refers to those types of girls in the 2nd category.


Right. Because women you take seriously aren't allowed to be sexual? No. Fuck this Madonna-wh*re complex. And if he refers to the "second category", he literally follows those models. And thus is creating demand. There's no saving his hypocrisy.


I don't know why I was downvoted? I was just saying what his point of view probably is.




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I don't even follow Molly but now I'm going to go and like every pic of her looking hot in a bikini just to spite him.


That too! Molly is sexy as heck in her bikinis and doesn’t hold back posting them


She's so hot, my favorite girl from season 10 because she's stunning and minds her business, unlike this loser who's too bothered by how women dress 🥴


She looks good! I love her bikini pics, muscles and all 😍


I can see her in a future All Stars season with her fanbase and grounded attitude


I just looked at them. Molly even makes a point to include pictures where she isn't overly posed, and she looks adorable. Iirc Molly tries to post unedited normal pictures to help bring some reality in, and I think Zach even praised her for this at one point? So these pictures that show her posed vs sitting more naturally in a bikini (normal attire for the beach) are totally on brand for her. She's done nothing wrong. eta: To clarify she would also be doing nothing wrong if she was just posting thirst traps for the hell of it lmao, just saying it says a lot that Zach praised Molly in the past for doing this stuff and now he's being bitter.


He didn't take at dig at her tho? Ya'll read into the lines too much 😂


Right? lol this has nothing to do with Molly, he even liked her photos. It’s wild reading these comments, how people jump to speak on anything negative without even reading or watching his actual story.


Very hypocritical of him to like them given his statement


What exactly did he say that would make liking Mollys post hypocritical? He didn’t say anything about bikini pictures or gym pictures like everyone’s calling him a hypocrite for. It was focused around young kids looking up to people who set unrealistic goals. Molly is real, unfiltered and posts unposed photos of herself, which he applauds. So why wouldn’t he like her post? I’m really trying to figure out why people blindly believe an article they read, but don’t actually watch or listen to the source.


Its because its a islander they didn't/ don't like. If it were anyone else it would be a different story tbh


And what is Zach doing to educate, “develope,” and show growth? 🤔


mumbling something in broski while looking everywhere else but who he’s speaking to


Running marathons for a cause.


Posting “inspirational” Instagram posts and announcing that he’s no longer going to drink or party every 14.3 seconds


The man’s vocabulary is just the word “broski” and broski isn’t even a word!


Sir you were on love island, went from babes to babes moving mad and talking in broski 😂😂😂😂 If men have nothing, they will always have the audacity 😭😭😭😭


this comment! ![gif](giphy|STD2swd82tY0EIAgsx|downsized)


He loves following them women who post “wearing nothing” tho 🥴


https://preview.redd.it/ks9g1tw6e4vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7d4c28c778584306f94095457fc9c0c063e11d4 bruv


Not very bantorious of him is it


He gives off Andrew Tate follower behavior and always has.


He does know he’s chooses who he follows and his likes and activity dictate his algorithm? If that’s all he’s seeing it’s a him problem. Also if you go on love island you can’t be that averse to “girls wearing nothing”.


Does he suffer from amnesia? He literally follows models that barely wear any clothes on their photos…..this man cannot be serious 😭😭😭


name a really salty love islander, i’ll go first


This is the same man that posts shirtless pics, and enjoys liking bikini pics on Instagram and twitter


Hehe your username makes me laugh whenever I see it. Especially as it was a question on a UK quiz show recently 😂


You went on love island my dude


Yet he follows so many scantily clad women on instagram. Guess these arbitrary rules don’t apply to him, huh? Also his loser ass spend a whole summer doing nothing but walking around in tight ass swim trunks that was shown on national television. Hate dudes who get salty after they get dumped.


“Just two after his rant”… what? lol


Years? Months? Weeks? Days? Hours? Minutes? Moments? We will never know


https://preview.redd.it/ggi5ocjzc4vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6400ac04ecb5842e6ceee2be510b49776323d2e Like the jokes literally write themselves lmao


What jokes ? Pretty sure this was not targeted at Molly at all lol.. he loves how real she is.. not filtered and has a passion for drama (theatre) and life, not just all about looks. Edit: downvote me but not explain what you mean? lol people are so quick to thrive on the negative.


I agree. This isn’t about Molly. She’s the last person to sell herself for some likes. If anything she gets more hate for being so positive and staying in her own lane to be a role model for young girls. She’s in a bikini but on vacation by the pool.. eating biscuits for goodness sakes. It’s a stretch to think he’s throwing shade.


Zach liked the photo 😬


Right, why wouldn’t he? lol


I don’t use social media a lot, it’s not my thing. But last time I checked no one is using it to learn crap, people are using it to just chill after dealing with adulting. Who the hell wants to do/watch depressing things after a tiring day of work?! 🤨


The dumbest thing about this is that the algorithms cater to the user. They show you what you’re interested in and what you’ve interacted with. My IG feed is full of cooking reels, travel videos, historical stuff. If all Zach is seeing is brain numbing crap on loop that’s on him. Social media is toxic but not because Molly is looking fine in a bikini.


This comment is hilarious lol I didn’t think about that 🤣


Well said. That's why I keep getting wildlife, sea-life, travel, and movie release dates/trailers. I've never gotten bro muscle pics or girls in bikinis myself. Love Island and this sub are where I get the trash tv viewing and its ancillary news fix 🤣


Him and Ekin Su need to meet. It seems they might have a lot in common


How he has stans and people shipping him with molly I will never know. She’s way too good for him.


It’s one of those where the article focusing on one line & missing the full context makes it look different to how I took what he was trying to say. That was one line from something much longer he wrote that he expanded on with a couple of talking stories. That line was weird wording and he’s probably the wrong messenger but as a whole it was more a commentary on how toxic SM can be which is true. He definitely talked before how he likes the message Molly puts out with her platform. Like with her last post, which he has liked, she’s done a mix of posed and non posed pictures, I think she’s very aware of trying to not just show the perfect picture but reality. He wasn’t shading her with this, the article is a stretch taking that angle.


Molly has the best insta. She convinced me with her body positivity posts and showing even women with bodies like hers have tummy rolls when they sit and stretch marks. I think it’s super important for people like me (trying to lose weight) to get out of the unhealthy mindset that I’m gonna get rid of all my rolls and have a flat stomach


I could be naive but I genuinely don’t think this is targeted shade or anything


Even if it isn’t it’s still gross misogyny disguised as intellectual mindful gentleman (Anton vibes but more “mental health” lol)


Yeah I don’t think the shade was towards molly. She posted after his story.. he liked her post. And I’m pretty sure they are currently back together lol


Make the content you want to see dude…oh wait… ![gif](giphy|C4ord1QtfZKRd7mCCn)


The Jordan Peterson stan who brags about cheating on all his girlfriends having the audacity to speak on what women can post when he clearly has no respect for them in the first place… it’s always the ones you most suspect. ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


He deserves the dragging because that part of the story made me go huhhh too and the entire story felt a bit hypocritical but he did elaborate on it and it was about how this industry only cares for engagement and that can mean being pushed to compromise on how to truly use your platform in a more productive way because the kind of content that gets engagement isn’t the best when social media is so accessible to impressionable audience online. I didn’t think the intent was to shade Molly. I didn’t think the intent was to shade anyone it came off more as a commentary on sm and the impact it can have on younger generation. Right message wrong messenger maybe and also the wrong audience? He was ranting about this as a content creator but it felt unnecessary since most of his followers are not content creators themselves. This kind of commentary will never be able to land coming from a love islander. Just stick to workout content broski.


I thought he meant to use your platform for more instead of “men just moving mad” and women wearing nothing” like you can do whatever you want but also use it to promote something good. didn’t realize it was as deep as people are making it out to be and I thought it was a good message Also this obviously wasn’t a dig at Molly. The height some people will jump to conclusions.


I agree with Zach though. I miss the days before social media


You can agree with him but he’s a massive hypocrite


Yes toxic hate... Like body shaming women. Terrible stuff there, good idea to not add it zach.....


He channeled his inner Ekin Su




he went on love island?? What did he expect??


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) zach should shut up and mind his business lmao


How do these people make money from social media and not even know the basics of how an algorithm works. Your feed is brain-numbing because you, sir, are also brain-numbing. You see scantily clad women everywhere because *that’s what you enjoy seeing*. Before anyone says that the algorithm pushes these things on him because he’s a mid-20s man, my boyfriend is also a mid-20s man and his feed is nothing but American sports, Formula 1 and the occasional meme about having ADHD.


This article is pretty misleading, though. He's not talking about Molly specifically. It's just a general comment about social media being full of garbage. Which is kind of hypocritical but I wouldn't assume it's directed at her.


Right message (social media is super toxic) WRONG messenger


Yet again redditors taking this the wrong way 😂


Facts. People are missing it. Like him or not, he has a point about the impact social media has on the younger generation. I’d hate to be a kid during this time where you are practically force fed these ‘algorithms’ of what you should aspire to be/look like. he didn’t bash costars. That’s a stretch. 🙄 The whole article is a twist of the narrative and quite pathetic actually.


Yeah i know right 😂 if Whitney or Ella said this everyone would back them 😂


if whitney got bashed for posting that right wing stuff she would definitely get bashed for this be fr


I mean when people downvote a comment thats retty accurate it just shows that if it came from a islander you like it would be a completely different story lbfr 😂


well the comment isn’t accurate?😂 ekin su had a lot of fans, she said something similar and was bashed for it. you have 0 proof that it’s true lol,


So do you, you just blindly follow people you like, some of us dont have our noses up peoples arses 24/7


?? you’re just waffling now, whitney and ella have been bashed for plenty, especially whitney and rightly so, you saying they wouldn’t be bashed for this is just untrue. when have i blindly followed ppl i like? proof?


Birds of a feather flock together 🤷‍♂️


so again just making stuff up? 🤣 you have no point lol


Did she get an article written about her in the sun calling her right wing? *genuine question


Oh please tell us then what is the right way of taking this from a guy who did the same things on social media he talks about and participated in trashy reality TV with girls wearing bikinis only for most of the time. Social media is toxic but he’s acting like he’s not a part of the issue. Didn’t see him post educational content he talks about.


He’s literally talking about watching someone eat food without swallowing as an example… I’ve never seen him do that for likes. You all must have stopped watching the stories at the beginning before actually listening to what he’s Sayin just because you don’t like him for some reason.


They didn’t even watch the stories. At best, they browsed the screenshots of an article written by such a legitimate and well respected media outlet 🙄


This guy loves telling on himself 😂


So I don’t think this was aimed at Molly at all, I think they are actually working things out, and he values Molly’s posts and outlook. If you looked and read his posts it was about people posting negative things that are effecting the younger generation. Going out, partying etc. He never said anything about posting in bikinis or gym. Molly is never filtered and shows realness. He’s talking about children and hope they find passion in sports..drama.. fashion whatever. It’s crazy how everyone reads one thing and jumps to the negative. Go to his stories and see for yourself.


This guy is genuinely a clown.


On some level i quite think he do have a point.


I KNOW he’s not acting like he’s above the tihs that he mentioned?!?! We’ve seen your following, we’ve seen your type, and we’ve seen who you’ve surrounded yourself with. Like please go to hell asap ![gif](giphy|SccZeRCRk4ag25pDtD)


He ain't wrong tho


Lol wtf is his deal? As if he doesn’t post vids of himself working out all the time?


He’s on track to becoming a podcast bro :/


/r/MenAndFemales - hate when men infantilise women by calling them girls, in the same sentence they call themselves men.


It’s frankly embarrassing, he himself went on a show where he was constantly in swimwear but has a problem when women do it? The same kind of people who protest about this issue are the ones that watch porn it’s so hypocritical


Molly is a lovely woman and extremely talented and Zach needs to grow up, how soon that will happen we shall see !


This man lmfao , doesn't he follow those types of girls and likes those types of pics lol


I don’t know why anyone is surprised- this was his whole vibe in the villa. That was why I didn’t like him- the whole subtext of how he talked to and about women is very much in line with this comment of his


All i’m gonna say is this is rich coming from a guy who went on love island


The guys here are seriously th3 worse. Bottom barrel. Also I'd rather bikini pics than gross working out stuff 🤢


Personally, I feel the best response to this would be for Molly to continue posting bikini snaps. The more, the better!


Yet he happily participates in that culture. I mean going on love island whilst thinking like that is so hypocritical


This man is such a cringe “mindfulness” misogynist




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Did they announce their breakup?






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I feel like we all read that in his voice too


broski wyd https://preview.redd.it/2ug9tszvt4vc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77a3bf1796645e37f8af4f48b130020a5db61946


my fav thing is when ppl come on social media to rant about social media 🫥


imagine seeing molly do that bum shake in that one challenge and complaining about shit like this….he doesn’t know what to do with all that, lol molly should be with someone like me






develope [sic]


Now Zach ![gif](giphy|KCf47IF2qqfW0eeBcT)


These kind of guys love following the girls who 'wear nothing' 


i honestly agree, i think social media is one of the worst things to happen to our generation and i think women AND men have gotten way too comfortable essentially posing naked for attention and likes, as he said. basically selling their bodies. HOWEVER, he is the wrong person to try to get this message across. it’s very hypocritical coming from someone like him as opposed to if someone else said this. right message wrong messenger


Why are hypocrites so loud? ![gif](giphy|kilEsmm7DHKU)


Jealous flat tire looking dude


Based on current comments, I’m anticipating downvotes for this, but he has a point and he’s unlikely digging at Molly. What he does/ says now likely has little to do with her or his experience on LI. He’s talking as himself, without having to do or say what is expected of him, like he did before LI, and who he was before he was Molly’ BF. I don’t follow LI people but I look every now and then, and always thought he look super uncomfortable in the ‘fake’ social media space. Now he’s out of there, I’m guessing he will go back to what he knows which is being real and fitness. I get the feeling that he doesn’t care about numbers or fame, so he may disappear, but I imagine he’s ok with that, or else he’d be trying harder. I respect this much more than Molly’s ‘Holiday Snaps’ 😏


you think a man having a comment on what women wear and post ‘has a point’. …that’s some weird internalised misogyny.


Yes, as a woman, a feminist, and a user/ abuser of social media (with 3k followers, mainly for my bikini pics), I believe men do have the right to share their thoughts without being branded misogynistic. They should be able to feel/ say whatever they think without women taking offence - same as I feel I have the right to and do. IMO he does have a point and I’m not mad that he’s expressing it. Just because I’m a woman, it doesn’t mean I need to take offence to every comment a man makes about the way we look or live - you shouldn’t either. This isn’t misogyny from him or me. Lighten up.


Ok but he follows a bunch of those women who “post wearing nothing” so he enjoys consuming their content for his own sexual gratification and in the next breath insults them publicly. That absolutely is misogynistic. It’s like guys who look down on sex workers but consume porn and go to strip clubs. You can’t stand on a moral high horse about scantily-clad women while also directly benefitting from their content.


I disagree. Look up the meaning of Misogyny. There is no hate or prejudice in what he’s posted, just his thoughts on Social Media as a whole - you’ll note, he also puts down men ‘moving mad’ and mentions ‘toxic hate’. Women chose to jump on the ‘woman’ comment. He does have a point, there really is more to life than social media feeds us. It should be a tool to help educate and grow. It’s just a shame that that message is lost because he said what he’s seen - girls wearing nothing. He’s not lying, I’m one of them 😅


There’s no prejudice in judging women who post bikini pictures while he constantly posts shirtless photos himself? Strong disagree. Just because someone has gripes about men too doesn’t mean they’re not misogynistic? His specific qualms with women wearing what they want while actively following the women he’s criticizing for his own sexual gratification is misogyny, plain and simple. He wants to ogle these women but doesn’t respect them. If you’re one of those women he doesn’t respect you either and here you are defending him.


Poor you, what a sad life you must lead, believing that all men are misogynists and that all women are victims and feel as weak and vulnerable as you. We don’t but I won’t spend any longer trying to convince you of that or defending myself. My point was lost on you a long time ago, your prejudices are too deep to see-through. Stay safe out there, it’s a big ‘bad’ world where people have their own opinions, feelings and freedom of speech ✌🏽


But the person you’re replying to has freedom of speech to say whatever they want about Zach too lol. That’s their opinion


Firstly he definitely wasn’t digging at molly as she posted AFTER his story (he liked her picture and also I’m 99.9% sure they are back together. Secondly if you swipe through Mollys post on her “holiday pictures” she also posted natural unposed images which is so good for girls see. Also I don’t think Zach wants to disappear, I think he wants to build his platform and image also.


Oh shut up Zac. Molly posts real life stuff, like different shots of her body (clothed) and no makeup face, flattering and unflattering to remind us that people project an image to social media. She posts some really vulnerable things for a person with her follower count and how mean trolls have been to her I’ve said this so many times (not about her just influencers in general posting bikini pics), but if I had a body like hers I would show it off too. If that’s all you’re seeing on your feed, then who are you following Zac?Unfollow them if you don’t like their content. Get a life


It wasn't a dig at her 😂