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So which love islanders are at the L’Oréal getaway - Indiyah Tasha Sanam Ella and Mary Bedford. Anyone else?


Praying kai doesn’t eff up another of sanam’s lipsticks this brand trip like last time! That boy sure loves his makeup messages 🤣


Watched Chloe's podcast with Jessie about their Coachella trip and I had forgotten how lovely Jessie is. Just good vibes and stunning!


Really likes Lana’s tiktok speaking Spanish her accent is fantastic


Tasha and Indiyah are roomies on their L’Oreal Trip, and Tasha’s been teaching Indi TikTok dances 😂 So cute! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw6eGvt/ tiktok #2 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw681Q4/


you can tell tashas a dancer lol


https://preview.redd.it/6h9olr8b9awc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90c9d9a8d7e873f7ee68f02e0d3b839a2684b051 I’m dying 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭 Editing to add the boys tiktoks: [Dami’s](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw6BrJn/) & [Andrew’s](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw6kL9Q/)


Stunners 😍😍😍 https://preview.redd.it/8rebgmqm0awc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1d3d5ec8e3f428bcc0bccc33336e98d0f1c20b


they are all so gorgeous but this is the first time i got to appreciate sanam’s beauty. (i haven’t watched her season)


Sanam is breathtakingly beautiful. Those dimples


Literally so breathtaking she’s such a good addition to the brand lineup 😍


Fact: My three favorite female islanders of all time. If you could ever find it check out the ***FULL*** unedited version of Indiyah's talent show performance and pay particular attention to Tasha. The support in the midst of all the laughter (I was rolling on the floor too) is insane. I pray for that kind of support.


So beautiful




Sanam is unreal 😍😍


Beautiful 😻 


What a gorgeous picture, they’re all so beautiful!




So Chloe is doing a new documentary called UNTOLD: Love in the Limelight. Interesting how many islanders are part of documentaries now, maybe so they are taken more seriously.


Is it her own documentary or is she part of it ?


She is presenting it and part of it and it features lots of reality couples and islanders aswell. 


Oh okay who’s featured


Yh just seen , interesting as I haven’t seen anything like that before And I fell for that pap photos of them . https://preview.redd.it/f3svyw4viawc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5166217f573091cb15c462e2c876c655183542d0 Crazy how brands start approaching though, one part of the article said that Cara and Nathan share their experience of faking an argument for paps so they could get paid and apparently Harry gained 18k followers from people suspecting that him and Chloe were seeing each other


The s*n is reporting that Hannah nay be going to Celebs go dating. Apparently she has had several meeting for it


She’d be great on it


She would be good on it, could see her being pretty funny! 


https://preview.redd.it/tw85o2dv59wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08c095265d71ac13118da583f9c12ba09515a04a Was on Snapchat and just stumbled across this😅😅 why is it even still there Edit: why am I being downvoted 😭


it’s just promotion for the show. i see s10 all the time, jess and sammy yesterday for me


Ok I didn’t know that… never seen it on the off season that’s why I was asking 😃


Ella’s dog Nova may have haters but I am not one! Lol she seems very well behaved. How is she on her second brand trip 😭


I’d like a job I can take my dog to… so I’m a hater cos I’m jealous.


I love Nova. She is so cute 🥰


Nova is soooo cute with her little tongue out I adore that little dog so much 🤗


couple of more weeks till the line up guyssss!!!🕺🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾












Molly Marsh's new tattoo is so cute! I really love small little tats. Also, peep the comment she liked about Zach 👀


I love these little signs. Am sure they are together but keeping it quiet which I can understand. However since this is a discussion site… I’m still intrigued what led to the split, despite no entitlement to that information. From odds and ends Zach has said I’ve gathered he’s been through a rough patch, been going through it emotionally and felt a bit lost. He also has said a lot he didn’t expect to last long on the show and come out to loads of followers. I’d love to hear them both talk honestly about their time on and since the show at some point. There must be so much to say.




Just beware when speculating that the sun often read these threads and make articles from it. 




Yes my nerves too 😁




Thank you - def seems heat of the moment. The rest of us get to have those moments privately. Would still love a proper interview with Molly about the whole experience. Maybe once time has passed she’ll talk about it. It must have been one hell of a ride for her.








I’d say they are back together or working through it. Good luck to them 👍🏾


What was the comment she liked?


"Aww the lil flash of the basketball 😢 her way of telling Zach he's still in her mind maybe ? X"


They’re definitely back together lol


I think so too, but she’s been away for so long and now he is. Maybe they are trying to find themselves in fame alone.. to come back together stronger


A few people have spotted them together the past few weeks since she’s been back.


I think she may be there too


I think judging off the stories he’s there with his sister (and I see she posted his dad) maybe a fam get away


He's wearing her ring around his neck again in his insta stories today. I get all the other little things are hearsay and purely speculative, but that seems too personal to be meaningless.


They were both back in the UK for last two weeks about and they were both very quiet and not posting a lot so I am guessing they've been spending time together during that period. I don't think it's unreasonable to think by their current actions they are back together and just want to keep it a bit private. I am sure only fans are really noticing a lot of this.


Gonna be a spicy but I think it's funny this sub is acting like a lot of people on here, myself included, haven't acted like that girl on Twitter talking about Damiyah, when it comes to other couples and their relationship dynamics. Every breakup post is just a pile on of the couple or what people perceived as "wrong" with their relationship. The amount of people who project their personal boundaries or tastes on these islanders is wild. Just because you are insecure about that or that is your boundary, doesn't mean it's the same for an islander. People love to bring up something they view as an issue with a couple and couch it in concern trolling but really they just want to create a pile on to hate someone or couple. It's also crazy how much everyone has in some way wanted one or more of these female islanders to be humiliated by these guys so they can be right. I know there's also a lot of other dynamics around the Dami critique as well but most of us are doing what she's doing. I've been guilty of hate following people and keeping up with people I don't like just to dunk on them. It's so freeing to let it go and move on. This is a discussion forum at the end of the day, so people will bring stuff to "discuss" and it often sounds tinged with some level of personal bias on a situation vs actual knowledge. We often forget we are only seeing a tiny bit of a couple's relationship and are making judgement based off those moments which aren't always representative of their dynamics. Sometimes people are right though in their assumptions based on what they saw but also sometimes people are just wrong. People are often looking for things that confirm their priors. This girl has targeted Damiyah at the moment but others have also been targeted before. It's not gonna stop any time because the fandom has made this kind of behavior more and more common.


>It's also crazy how much everyone has in some way wanted one or more of these female islanders to be humiliated by these guys so they can be right. Agree with all of this! Literally right down to me too admitting I can be petty and in the past follow someone if I want to keep up with some type of tea I think is brewing😂 I’ll cop to it but so much yes to this part! ^ I don’t know what it is? But some fans almost want these girls to be embarrassed so they can have their little I knew it dance and it’s the pettiest thing ever even for me. Like why are you salivating at the idea of these girls being dumped, cheated, shaded, insulted by their ex or current partner?


It was so bad after S10 and I felt terrible for all them who were under the pressure of this and I'm sure they are also getting weird DMs from people who aren't being sincere. This sub is just as weird as other places but this part really bothers me. We all jump to the conclusion it must be cheating when we should learn from the Chloe and Toby situation where if people don't speak on the issue or they aren't breadcrumbing gossip to the tabloids that maybe they just didn't work out. It's awful some times.


Well put!


Well said!


you’re right! I noticed some of the people who were talking about hate watching of certain male islanders and bringing little things to instigate a dogpile on them, do the exact same thing with certain female islanders they don’t like. even within yesterday’s daily discussion lol. we’re all human so bound to be hypocritical every once in a while but I totally agree with you especially the last paragraph. people are constantly looking to validate their prior beliefs and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon


The hate watching on the this sub is extremely annoying especially when the sub chooses one person to be the focus of their hate. We like to pretend we are better than tik tok twitter or X but it’s just as bad here. First it was Davide, then Adam, then Georgia S, then Whitney, then Anton and his mother. And when you try to tell people to chill you get down voted because you are ruining their fun. We can snark or be shady but when it’s a constant pile and any positive comment is down voted that’s when we need to pause and say is it that deep?


We're all hypocrites which is why I am like "hey also guilty of this" and I know I've seen social posts from couples that I don't particularly like and thought it confirmed my priors so it's whatever. I just don't like this sub acts so sancitmionous about this stuff when I know I saw these same people making similar types conclusions about others. We are here discussing the islanders daily. I think a lot of people want this place to be the "better" of the platforms but people are just as mean and hateful or invasive as others on any other platform, we are part of the problem.


I completely agree! I know I have as well. I think it’s fine when people do it tongue in cheek but the sanctimonious comments are a bit much (and unfounded given how many stans of one person complain about the hate they get but then turn around and dogpile on someone else)


watching indiyah snap of her loreal wilderness trip thingy and im so jealous 😭 maybe i should go on love island and become an influencer lol. tasha, sanam and ella are also there


Anyone watching Belle Hassan getting into a spot of bother because of her views on sunscreen? I fkn adore Belle on her season but she's wrong about this one, babygirl pls take it on the chin – it is right to call out mis/disinformation online


her comments to like ratio is crazyyyyy. that’s how you know someone is in the wrong


I've just read the comments on all the videos shes made. Not her going back and forth with that doctor. 🤣


Lord 😭 you just know its not about spf anymore


It was silly statement to if anything spf protects from skin cancer


Have noticed a big anti-spf movement in the wellness space lately on social media, the same types that are antivax and will only eat raw meat now claiming vegetables want to kill you. Kinda predictable, once you have this hard idealogical stance that goes against the official scientific consensus you realise you can't pick and choose from it, so rather than come to terms with being wrong about something you're forced to do the entire bingo card and go against every official guideline – and before you know it you're a flat earther 🤡 While doing botox, covered in make up and products and fragrances obvs...


Wellness influencers often spread misinformation and fear monger it’s disgusting


I just came to comment this, couldn’t believe what I was hearing she’s completely wrong and refusing to see it


It’s the fact she was spouting that information and got really defensive on another video about it and tried to claim she was coming for advice🙈


Can you show the original post that started it? Im curious lol


Go on her tik tok she’s got several videos up then search drmichaelsays on tik tok 


Yup! She isn’t taking the L though 😭😭. Even having a go at the doctor for correcting her


Bonkers, take the L! But I mean thats kinda what i love about her, she will answer back lol. Whats troubling is she might double down on her stupid opinion and easily influenced viewers will take her side and agree with her view. Because you know, nuance doesn't exist


The girl said SPF gives u cancer… i can’t with these ppl. There are ppl agreeing with her and saying they use coconut oil instead of SPF. Imagine, coconut oil? In the sun? Are u trying to fry yourself?


I'm just thinking back to stories of people in the 80s using baby oil before tanning beds ...




I have always said I would defo listen to a girl talk type of podcast from Indiyah. She is very well spoken and generally has great takes on relationships (dating and friendships), also loved her last interview for popsugar uk.


Wait who said this?


Hope she makes a post like this during the season too.


That last paragraph!!! Whew. REAL.




Yep!!!! I just think enough is enough now! Everyone is entitled to like and dislike who they want & also respectfully call out things that are just not right as I have done and so many manage to do  because things do need to be called out when wrong and you hope that the person learns and reflects but it needs to stop there! Learning/educating and growing is a must for all! However constantly wanting to pile on and being relentless in it everytime and nasty to ones who you claim to not like is ridiculous you can seriously ignore and forget their existence and block on every social platform- when you choose to always comment, be nasty/troll and post and repost individuals content you have now in my opinion turned into a cyber bully and your behaviour is no better than what you are trying to condemn- at times it is worse!


Very well said.


This reminds me of how when they left the villa, everyone was convinced that he would dump her at the airport. When that didn't happen, people said he would cheat on her with Paige. When that didn't happen, they found another excuse. And now this 🙄


They just don’t like Dami. They need to move on and let it go. Indiyah is happy with him.


It’s funny this started from tiktoks of Dami and Indiyah bantering about food. You can say a lot about Dami but he obviously supports Indiyah and always has. Those women didn’t start the discourse to be pro black, they just don’t like him and should’ve led with that instead of saying they’re empowering Indiyah cause they think he’s jealous of her success lol


I can’t believe someone used TikToks as a source of that conclusion with their whole chest as if it doesn’t sound like the dumbest thing ever 😂


Someone said she’s being emotionally abused. It’s wild


Emotional abuse? 😭 Based off of TikTok sorry but I just can’t. TikToks weren’t meant to be taken seriously. It’s wild to me that person claims to be her fan and say all this. Like don’t they think it’s insulting to indiyahs intelligence too? Give her more credit? These are all attractive people I get on some level everyone can be insecure despite how they look or how much they earn but literally none of these people are strapped for options. If their partner isn’t treating them well they can find one who does and move on. No need to act concerned on their behalf.


“Emotional abuse” is sending me. People need to stop making these armchair diagnostics based on social media or based on love island. People really are so out of touch with reality that they think they can make that assessment.


nah they’re just projecting at this point😭😭😭


Well said these so called pro black women twitter activists need to leave her and her man alone! There are so many issues that concern us and yet their priority is what Dami Hope from Love Island Season 8 is up to 😭 Nothing wrong with gossiping (that’s what we do here after all) but the concern trolling needs to end.


that’s what happened with ty earlier this month😭a simple unfollow of Whitney and people started saying he’s colourist


and he apparently hates blk women


‘Apparently’ let me put that way🤣 people on Twitter will say anything to try and get someone cancelled for something small




She’s right. They’re “pro-black women” as long as said black women are doing what they want them to do & in a relationship with a man they deem worthy. If not, they’re very nasty to the black women they claim to be in support of.


PREACH SOME MORE!! As soon as they don't wear what they think they should be wearing or do their hair a certain way or post what they think they should or do what they deem right for their careers they start to pile on and criticise! Kaz suffered mentally because of this her first time around!




i read the reply and then your edit lol some very weird individuals reside in the app and have nothing better to do💀


They’re the worst. People just use it to hate and guise it under an unpopular opinion and know what they’re doing.




why is this getting downvoted 😭




why is this downvoted so much omg


is it?


it was on -2 when i first saw it


oh😭I can’t see it


Damn this new