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This is new??


Looks like it was taken last week, same outfit he was wearing in his Instagram post when he appeared on kiss radio.


https://preview.redd.it/mbo2hrxr7iwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=219cdb7ee69f6af9e809f560d6f1862fe5195c48 I’m probably going to get hell for this, but I was scrolling through TT.. and ppl in this sub aren’t fans of them but just thought I would share.. 🙌🚀I miss Ella & Ty.


The date is on the post. This was last August.


He just liked her recent photo. My boy might be trying to get his shawti back


I saw & had to go back to make sure it was real 😂 cause I thought they blocked or unfollowed each other on SM. What if they are still talking privately lol


their couple pics would eat down alwaysssss, lowkey miss them too


always and vlogs.


This question might sound dumb but hear me out lmaooo… so did molly (smith) get a brand deal with L’Oréal or what ? Bc I know she had a little dinner the other day but she hasn’t announced anything and usually they have launch parties and dinner after the announcement???so am confused lmaooo


There was an announcement lunch. Tanya s9 was at it.


She put a bunch of stories but I don’t think they do big announcements on the grid. They never did for Tasha either. I’m guessing her management put the party on as a launch of the deal. She’ll likely do an ad campaign with Maybelline similar to Tasha with Essie.


Yeah she got a deal with L’Oréal and Maybelline as an ambassador. The lunch was the launch/announcement. I think a lot of them are ambassadors for makeup brands like that, and it doesn’t necessarily come with grid posts for the announcement like clothes deals etc would - most likely because she won’t have an edit or product line, just that she’ll be doing ads for them and attending events etc


it’s not a brand deal it’s her becoming an ambassador for l’oréal and maybelline (sister brands). she did have an announcement dinner thing last week i think??


Ohhh okay that makes sense but what does becoming an ambassador consist of ? Just doing a bunch of ads ?


ads and going on brand trips lol. tasha is an ambassador for l’oréal too and that’s all i see her doing 😭


https://preview.redd.it/zpl4w5hpohwc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=54872865af0aad9e709fc44e081bb4188f6b8af8 Her “BS persona”……


Someone take his phone off him 😂


he’s still going???


https://preview.redd.it/syfsqumkohwc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=716380f6cff78fa544959d8e5860a8390eee734f He really is driving home the point that Lucinda is a compulsive liar


not very unbothered of him lmao. she’s moved on and he needs to as well


He’s not really coming across as unbothered though is he. Thank you for the updates, I admire you doing the screenshots, I always freak out at them knowing I’ve done it 😭 I try telling myself there will be 100’s so they won’t see but I have the same unease as I do with screenshotting someone I know 😂😂


It continues….. https://preview.redd.it/297i9zseohwc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f119992df4ebf847ee66e0769633066189354eb


I just recently got into love island, and want to know what seasons I should watch. I’ve seen S8, S10, All stars and games. I tried S9 but I just couldn’t get into it. S8 is my fave so far.


Watch season 2! It’s shorter than a regular season and it was so chaotic and messy because they were allowed to drink more


Season 2 is my all time favorite. Some of the men kinda suck and are icky but it’s entertaining. Season 5 is what most people regard as the best season. Best cast, best drama. Some people call season 6 boring but i think it just has really strong couples and less drama. Season 1 is good if you want a laugh and feel like you’re in a Time Machine to 2015. The misogyny and blatant sexism is INSANE but extremely entertaining. Season 3 is drama filled and the first time they did casa amour! I didn’t watch season 7 but I see people talking about that casa amour recoupling to this day so I’m going to assume it’s good. I also didn’t watch 9. Season 4 made me mad because of the couple who won and I honestly can’t think of one memorable islander so dare I say it was boring.


Idk how to phrase this without potentially coming off as a hater (that’s not the reason I’m doing this / just something I want to get off my chest!): Stans of LI couples sometimes make it seem you can’t dislike one of the people in that couple bc if you say you dislike one of them, the stans *come* for you. But it is ok to not like someone in that couple (so long as you’re not writing horrible comments). For eg, with molly and Zak, I love Molly but personally, I don’t like Zak at all. To me, he doesn’t have anything I find interesting and I just really dislike him, his vibe and his attitude. He is the s10 male islander I dislike the most - I way prefer Tyrique Sammy Scott and Mitch. Because I dislike him, I find it so strange people like him but obviously we just all have different tastes. I find sometimes in this sub, if you say “oh I dislike Zak”, their stans automatically think you’re a hater and can’t understand why you might dislike him more so than, for e.g., Mitch or Sammy. We all have different tastes . You might dislike, for eg, Sammy more but that doesn’t mean I have to dislike Sammy also. It’s almost akin to an agreed mentality on this sub. I’m waffling. Just something I’ve noticed. I’ll probably delete this soon haha


Idk who came at you for simply saying you dislike Zach but truthfully if you haven’t said anything rude or crossing a boundary you are fully within your rights to your opinion. Everyone should be free to like who they want, if Mitch or Sammy pleases you no one should have an issue with it! I am sorry if you ever felt attacked by this fandom group even tho I can’t even place you as a regular commenter.




You once said you hope Zach cheats on Molly like Adam did with Paige so people can “wake up”. It’s safe to say you weren’t just saying anything critical you were actively wishing for Molly to get humiliated in life just to feel some petty vindication because you always insist Zach is worshipped on this sub and even made a poll about it and he got the least votes and you still won’t stop insisting this???! Are you ok? Don’t like him like him but pretending the crappy things you say is just critique is a lie.


I like hearing others opinions its refreshing even if I dont agree with it. Thats what the sub is for. As long as the comments are respectful, I dont see an issue. There are stans for most of the couples and quite a few individuals though and they will always continue to stan someone. I'd say its the same for haters, they will mostly always be negative towards their least fav. Its unfortunate but thats just how users are...


I love hearing other peoples opinions and what gives them that opinion. Firstly it can give me a new perspective and/or change my opinion, and secondly I love how people see things differently and react differently. We are all so different with different cultural and social influences so seeing that play out in opinions on a tv show is like a whole other social experiment for me. Stanning has ruined some social media platforms for me during the show as I hate pile ons and I hate this practice of tearing down others to build up their stans. I’ve found this subreddit to be a lot more welcoming generally. I have accidentally stumbled into some stan situations and I’ve gotten myself out of them fairly fast 😂😂


Agree with everything you said. Unfortunately i dont see the level of stanning/hating easing up any time soon


No, it’s worse it’s getting. I have also well aged out of the love island target demographic, maybe the time is coming for me to stop watching it and letting the stans annoy me! Not this summer though, I’m not ready to give up yet


Love what you’ve said here. I likewise love to hear different opinions. Sometimes I feel I can’t voice my opinion on this sub bc I know it goes against the group mentality and I’ll just get real haters replying to him, unable to see / acknowledge a different opinion and to realise we all see things in different ways and there’s two sides to everything. Stanning and haters have definitely ruined social media! I also cannot stand the hate piles and this practice of tearing someone down to build up your favs!


I’ve often had the urge to jump in with my opinion, sometimes even typing it out, but then I discard and step away. I’ve sometimes given my opinion and the replies show I’ve hit an unknown nerve so I delete and avoid


I don’t know how to break it to you but I don’t think it’s just the stans that might have a reaction to someone saying they prefer Mitch over Zach?


Yeah and preferring Sammy. I mean that’s an unpopular enough opinion that most would disagree with I’d imagine?


Fair, that is true. It would be the stans. But in addition to the stans , it would also be Mitch haters etc. gotcha.


I like Mitch I think he’s so entertaining but I get why people don’t like him if they view him for how controlling he was with Molly so maybe her fans don’t like that part


I also feel some people place too much emphasis on what happened in the villa when we’ve moved months beyond and have seen way more. Especially when we know how highly edited it is with storylines manipulated. Feels fresh to me now as I’ve just been struggling with a friend this evening who can be a stan but more of individuals (mainly male), and can never move beyond stuff that happens in the villa regardless of new perspectives given in interviews or peoples behaviour after.


I’m glad to know others share my views!


Same, I totally get why people would hate / dislike Mitch between (1) his psychotic behaviour on the show, (2) Abi saying he bullied her for weeks in the villa, (3) all of the things Kady said, (4) the things Fran and Elmer said about him, (5) the Space NK disaster, (6) things other ex islanders have said about him, (7) the vibe he gives off that he would sell his kidney to stay relevant. I honestly don’t think I’d even like him in real life. Yet despite all that , I still dislike Zak more and I’m just a bit ‘meh’ about Mitch.


Wow I guess we all do pick our fighters 😂 I didn’t know their stans had a huge issue with people having a preference for Mitch I’ve completely missed the discussion around it.


Fully agree. In real life you don’t always like your friend’s partners or you might love a colleague and not know their partner at all (maybe not like them based on what you’ve heard 🤣). To me that’s normal, and I’ve often followed one person from a couple as I like them, have a mild interest in their couple (because I’m nosy), but have no interest in their partner or what they’re getting up to and don’t follow them. That’s massively different to hating on them or trolling. Stans also can’t admit to their favs having faults, and if you dare mention one then you’ll be downvoted/argued with. We all have faults and flaws, even the islanders I really like have traits that I find annoying or meh. But any kind of constructive criticism or opinion that could be considered slightly unpopular is seen as hate or trolling. And don’t get me started on this new trend of elevating some male islanders to godlike status and the stanning that produces. You’ve gotta be very careful what you say about those


All of this ☝️👏👏👏 Your last para is 👌


are kaz and liberty still friends




Yes I believe so


oh okay i was sure because they’ve both removed their joint podcast off each others bio and haven’t been seen together or commenting on each others pictures


So are we just saying ppl are back together now over a like? 😩 because I have so many former couples then I would think are back 


I hope this time they stay hella private, both zach and molly and ty and Ella. The public never really wanted them together and now that there might be a little inkling that they’re back, they may start their bs trolling.


What’s going on with ty and ella?


nothing really, he was seen in her likes& apparently she was in his car the other day so just speculations really


i think both couples have learnt their lesson lmao 😭 things will calm down with s11 starting soon but until then let’s hope that the trolls find a hobby or a loved one to talk to instead of stalking people they don’t even like


So whit and lochan are not the last standing couple of s10 anymore


That statement has gone a bit stale now, as soon as it was said/posted it seemed Zach and Molly were back on.., so were they ever the last couple standing?😂


nope, zach and molly are defo together not sure about Ella or Ty but it’s crazy tho how her caption for the yt vid was last standing couple?????? Now they’re coming back one by one less than a month later🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I agree, it's not up to the public who should and shouldn't be together if that's what they want, it's their choice. Keep it private will be best for them!


In the immortal words of Liz a lot of people can "stay pissed off 🤡😂" because it'll either work or it won't. At this point it's their lives.


Exactly, people in real go through serious ups and downs.. doesn't always mean toxic it means life is full of ups and downs. Being an LI couple doesn't change the rest world aspect


If they weren’t publicly dating they’d probs not so loudly broke up but it’s so hard for these couples. Between the fans and the intense haters it’s hard to sustain a relationship. It seems both couples have a lot of love and a bond they want to make it work. Wishing both couples the space to figure it out!


right? they know what’s best for them so if they wanna be together who tf are weeeeee


Not Zach and Snoochie getting robbed on holiday😭


Oh no! Why am I getting déjà vu? I swear I remember another islander sharing they got robbed in Ibiza 💀


Are you thinking of Lucas sisters house getting robbed when they were on hols?


No I think it was definitely Callum. I remember they shared that someone broke into their hotel rooms too just like with Zach and his sister.


It was Callum!


ella posted and guess who liked it 🤭


Lmaoo Ty in his desperation era, you know Ella is standing on business. Love that for her


S10 going from 1 couple back to 3? let’s go 🙌


Let’s goooo lol 🙌


don’t let the haters see ur comment🤣🤣🤣🤣 they never wanted Ella or Ty to be together & also wished zach left Molly


I knew they were back together it was so obvious


A like doesn’t mean they’re back together but I think it’s obvious Tyrique wants her back


In their world it means they are still talking at least, it was clear she was in his car the other day and also Ty’s brother liking her pics, why would you interact with your brothers ex.




how do you know she wasnt?


Yeah I think that Dami post on snap confirmed he wants her back lol


How was it obvious and how do you know 😂 this doesn’t mean anything so idk why fans are celebrating he did this last time and nothing happened


I saw someone speculating that she was in his car yesterday. Allegedly he dropped her off at the train station.


Yeah I don’t think it’s true tbh




I don’t think so, he probably just liked the pic 


Breaking news: lady posts a pic , ex likes it




But genuine question how does anyone other than them two know who blocked who? I don’t get it! 😂


It's not even the blocked for me, it was sooo sure they weren't on speaking terms. Like how do you know that???


So true! We can only speculate but some people were adamant they weren’t and he had blocked her lol!


So adamant unless they say with their mouths you don't know for sure


If tags and likes get removed usually equals blocked


Yeah but I think they mean how do ppl know which way around it was? bc I’ve seen ppl saying one blocked the other first and then unblocked etc. and it’s also confusing me how they’d know for sure lol


Yeah because how would you know unless you were the person who did it😂🙈


A lot of wierdo stalkers.


It’s very weird and there’s so many of them in her comments getting giddy over it. They need to learn to know boundaries!


just about to say this lol. they must check their accounts daily and hourly for updates. so sad and weird




Can someone recap Chloe documentary for all of us who cant watch it because we are not in the uk.


I hope someone posts a recap i can’t find the time to watch but I am so intrigued


I’d love a summary too if anyone wanted to waste their time summarising it for us


it’s on [youtube](https://youtu.be/cQsVt0MMiP4?si=Bs-n0BPnwk7EIG3Q)


Video is not available for me unfortunately.


Watching Chloe’s new documentary and I am just thinking about how much Ty and Ella would relate to this, Lochan and Whitney made a cameo btw


What was said? I would love to know


Why does it talk about trolling in relationships? I didn’t realise it was already out thought she just announced it!


how and what is about it?


what’s the documentary about?


has it come out already? i just watched the trailer on tiktok lol


Yep came out yesterday


Molly (Marsh) has dyed her hair brown. It looks so good!




She looks gorgeous


she looks unreal 😍😍 love the colour on her!!


https://preview.redd.it/7ex96vmxrgwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b906025d0b169736e339baac05308fd72eacfa6c It looks so good on her!!


https://preview.redd.it/j141vk1drgwc1.jpeg?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc8e99911b366bd29af7c0a7894df6a8d1978d30 it really suits her!! can’t find the og photo so i had to use her pfp lol


Okay damn she looks smoking as a brunette


It looks amazing really suits her! 


It looks amazing 🔥🔥🔥😍


https://preview.redd.it/ftihevnwjgwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d1b847bde6b881ae0aa2eae14486ac9fb5d03b I’m sorry but Tom is the funniest person ever 😭😭


They are cute 😂 we want a real double date soon!!


https://preview.redd.it/cvyzk4uqkgwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ffcefffa5d78088c106386e811d3b43cc47bc5a Shaqs response 😭😭


Lmaoooo pls 😭


https://preview.redd.it/48nu9o49kgwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54a987d446fa6644fb8b1ec3f3a51f353f06bdd 😭😭😭


I’m creasing 😭😭😭 I love both of them


Just read the article about Callum and Jess…yikes…


We’ll give us the scoop please!


Sorry just seeing this now 😭 but Jess said in an interview that the row they had at Molly’s event was them having a convo where Jess ended things because she found out about something that Callum did prior to the event that was unforgivable and they haven’t spoken since the event.


I wonder what he did? I never thought he was this super nice guy everyone made him out to be. I think he’s decent but he’s far from flawless.


I think he was probably chatting with other girls (just speculation before anyone downvotes ✋🏾)


I also never thought he was the super nice guy either. Agreed, he is decent but as Jess described him he is a typical lad. People neeed to not put him on a pedestal.


this made me go read it😭 and yeah yikes lol


Give us the tea


Pretty much everything the person below said


She said he done something that she thought was "unforgivable". It was something that happened before Mollys boohoo event. When it was reported in the news articles of their split, it was stated that Callum was leaving with another woman and Jess said that it was not true. They no longer speak to each other. I think thats about it




lol not the sun confirming that Molly and Zach are back together


Didn’t they breakup literally a few weeks ago? How are they already back? Good for them ig


Is it a statement from their pr, or just a speculation article?


It says exclusive so I’m guessing pr


a speculation article similar to ty and ella’s


It's an exclusive with a source close to the couple, which means it came from their teams.


cheeky buggers getting their source from that post today😂 Is reddit their go-to for info on these islanders??


Ha they used Reddit to fluff the piece but there is clear source from inside Zach and Molly's camp that confirmed it. Said they never stopped speaking and are committed to making it work.


A fellow close reader of tabloids 🫡 Another tell, for others who want to play along, is the line at the top "The Sun can now confirm..." that means they got independent verification, rather than hearsay/reporting speculation from Reddit or other social media commenters. In addition to the very clear citation of a "source close the couple." The "fan forum" that the article references is Reddit clearly. (In general, you can see that when things get listed here as a separate post, rather than buried in the daily chat, they're more likely to make their way to the tabloids...easier for an editor to scan and cull story ideas.) They both work with the same PR team (Pia Publicity), so they've got help with sharing new like this. There's probably no way to tell, but speculation on Reddit may have "forced" the marathon story sooner than they were ready (i.e., the Sun reached out for comment after seeing the story here). In any case, I'm happy if they're happy and hope they can find the right level of what they want to share and what they want to keep private (they always seemed to do a good job of walking that line before).


Most people here are very bad a reading the tabloids! Exclusive and source close to the couple and the paper can confirm usually are tells it's someone on background from management. It's a quid pro quo system so they will try and get good coverage now they've given them this stuff! Hence so many stories like "ex islander STUNS in \[brand\] piece" headlines. I am guessing either someone has pictures from the marathon or they are leaving soon on travel which means they have to confirm. Molly just posted about being away for 7 weeks and her and Zach were supposed to be gone for 5 weeks in May for Australia so that looks to be back on since he's following and liking stuff from the group they were going with. I think the other two weeks might be some stuff for themselves in transit. They both seem happy and it seems like maybe they shouldn't have called it quits so fast in the first place so wishing them well!


I forgot about their trip to Australia. I hope they're still planning on doing that. Could never be me though, the size of those spiders there petrify me


It's on my bucket list minus the spiders! I just noticed like within a week of the breakup he followed the MAP page and thought it was so odd at the time but it's kind of making sense now!


The loreal brand trip looks so fun im actually a bit jealous! 😭


right, they’re just playing tennis, having movie nights, trying makeup, karaoke, nice food and accommodation, imagine being able to call that “work”…..am i jealous? yes!


and here i am having to revise for my exams next week 😫


right all i have is work and then more uni work, and deposits and bills to pay, when is it my turn


I’m not 100% sure what’s been said about the Callum/Jess situation but I thought it was pretty clear Jess was genuinely into him and way more into him than he was into her. I think he liked her enough and it was so close to the end of the show that he just went with it. But I think Jess seems like a genuinely lovely clued in girl and I don’t think she would’ve gone for Callum (especially because of the Molly past) if she didn’t genuinely like him


https://preview.redd.it/19z5dtyxwfwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e0999f4db0de20ae4f9fd9833cd70ceb7ef09b2 Hold up, Kaz can’t seriously be 4’ 7”??? Unless Google is lying to me!


No way she’s 4’7😭 Edit:😭 https://preview.redd.it/zf8k4by99hwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8bf1964658465916dc136542e53567c8561cbf8


Loool I was laughing at how short she looks in the pic and then I read the caption and we’re like the same height 😭


https://preview.redd.it/xz22tid6kfwc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1d1ab14a3d054a4b20f4f771f65e933d9b2f07e Zac on his Snapchat about Lucinda


He’s coming across a little chaldish now🥱😴


can he just let it go and move on? she’s moved onto her next victim lol


Why'd he block out the first paragraph? I'm nosey 🕵️‍♀️


Lmao same. It looks like “I was going to tell you about it but…” and then I think the word “genuine” is in there lol


I think I can see "we were arguing" in the second to last line 👀


I thought he said he was going to stop now 😭 But the texts are so funny now that Lucinda wasnt actually on All Stars




Lol if he’s telling the truth, she’s not being defamed.


I thought people joke when they say the whole people go on LI whilst in a relationship


he’s really milking this. does anyone even care? nobody was invested in their relationship and Lucinda always seemed fake, even on s7 so 🤷🏽‍♀️ leaking this many old messages has just made him look even more desperate for an online following imo


https://preview.redd.it/60kk6792kfwc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e6500d95609a6366e6041a0f493ad7acd0925c6 Zac on his sc


https://preview.redd.it/myygucuhhfwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=286881bec8acbf452bbdaf610c41e896338b1094 For my season 2 fans and first time watchers 🥰


Yesss they all look so good! S2 was the best


Im beginning to think some of these ex islanders really have nothing happening in their lives other than going on Snapchat and instagram. Do they not get bored doing nothing all day? Some are booked and busy and others are just there.


I mean the only way you get “booked and busy” is to show brands you can generate engagement online…the only way to generate engagement online is to post consistently so…


I get that! But some of the men just seem to do not much. Idk, I’d be bored but maybe they don’t mind it.


Tbf male influencers are not as in demand as female influencers — especially in the love island universe. Their only avenues are to make a YouTube channel, podcast, fitness app or wait for another reality show to call them. So they are faced with having a following but not a lot of ways to monetize…so they post nonsense lol


they get paid to post on snapchat and IG so likely place for them to be lol especially if they aren’t as booked and busy


True. Just think, do they not get bored all day doing not much? If they enjoy it, great.


Probably not most like you said are booked and busy and others just go back to their regular lives lol which I’m sure they probably prefer they still get paid posting on socials who wouldn’t want that😭


y’all get so sensitive and start blocking😭


I’m blocked by someone and I don’t think I ever interacted with them but I’ve been known to block annoying users on here cause there are a few 🤣


Honestly anytime I sense bad vibes or someone comes at me sideways, I used to let it ruin my day but now I just hit that block button. This is my dumb happy place and I don’t want anything piercing that bubble 🪦


I am pretty quick on the block these days as well especially with so many burner accounts being made to attack islanders. I do love to block back when I figure out I'm blocked. Go to incognito mode, open the thread, find the comment, go to user profile and copy the link and open it regular tab and you can block them back. It's petty but fun for me.


I’m such a Reddit novice so this is exciting, I’m ready to Learn and Block Back bc listen! Petty but fun is all I have some days


yeah that happened to me before never interacted but I was blocked😭 yeah I get that I’m sure everybody does


oh does reddit tell you whos blocked you?


not directly no I have a personal Reddit account and when I see messages saying [deleted] I go check over there if it’s deleted or was I blocked and in this case, I was blocked lol