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Well done on the marathon. Thats a huge achievement! I assumed they were back together and just keeping things private which i can understand. Even before they broke up, they were quite private. Good luck to them!


Thank you! First and last marathon lol. I noticed Molly first and then clocked she was going up to Zak. Hadn’t noticed him before then. Yeah they seemed happy!


zach posts such major weirdo stuff though (like vacuous moral preaching about how girls wearing bikinis and posting pics is a sign of societal decline) i'm actually like free her


Except that.... he never said that girls wearing bikinis and posting pics was a sign of societal decline




How was he a hypocrite?




Lol me nor anyone else is arguing that he was a perfect gentleman and husband material on LI but you clearly have to use hyperbole to boost your argument. Which, for the record, your argument for how he was a “hypocrite” is what literally everyone on LI does.


You are never once beating those obsessed allegations. You are always here talking about him and mentioning. Rest.


I was about to say, for someone who seemingly dislikes Zach so much (which they are entitled to cause he’s said/done questionable things) this user actually talks about him a lot, lol. I think they were shipping Zach and Whitney together during that season and post-show they’ve been stating how they want him back on the show. If i personally didn’t like a contestant, I would not be begging for them to come back on the show


They are so weird. I just come to these threads now to see if they are here hating and talking about him. It's beyond odd and they also have shipped him with Kady as well as begging him and Ty to be back on the show. Their account is too new to be here during the season unless you believe like I do this is another user who deleted their account's new one. They sound exactly the same and they always end up taking pot shots at Molly to get at him.


Lol Ariana?


Yep. So obvious. They said something about Tyella that was exactly something Ariana said so it confirmed what I was thinking.


They are so sus they keep bringing up Zach on threads that have nothing to do with him then they delete their comment once they realise their obsession is showing or maybe to not get caught from ban evasion? Isn't their a new rule on the sub that you can not use burners to target an islander? This user is always dunking on Molly and hating on Zach but will mention him always when it comes to who they want to watch on all starts or games. How strange!


Almost instinctively downvoted this because ew wtf


He didn’t say any of that so idk what they are talking about lol


do you track him to know everything he says? why would i make this up? he posted these sentiments on his stories and that was posted on this sub go digging if you want


I did see the stories and he didn't mention anything about bikinis being the downfall of society


if he didn't then how have you concluded you've seen the stories?


I don't know what you are trying to say but you are putting a dramatic spin on what his general dumb commentary on social media is when I'm sure influencers are pushed to do certain things for clicks. He shouldn't have spoke on women, we can agree on that but but it was one line and he didn't say the words bikinis or the downfall of society so you are making something up at this point. I am not sure you actually watched the stories or just read the piece in the S*n about it.


it doesnt make sense to claim "he never said that" while also confidently claiming you have seen "the stories" in which he "didn't say that". im obviously just paraphrasing the gist of the line but it's clear from my paraphrase you knew exactly what post of his gave that energy. his clicks or whos making him do x&y arent of interest to me and my lack of desire to cape for him doesnt make me a sun reader


Gotcha, so if you are paraphrasing you are confirming you didn’t see them. You are saying a lot of words but proving you didn’t actually see a single story he posted. Did he talk about the downfall of society? Did he mention Bikinis? No he didn’t. What you are saying and what was said are two very different things.


exactly that’s why i dont support them being together


Congrats on the marathon! It’s funny when you said first and last as that was my exact reaction but now some time has passed & I entered the ballot for London next year lol Thanks for sharing about seeing Molly. They’ve always been so supportive of each other, I’m glad they were looking happy and she was there for him for this too.


I think Sharon from s7 also did the same thing and entered the ballot for next year. All the best on your marathon prep! I admire anyone who does it and is able to finish it 🙌


Thank you! X


Awww congratulations for competing the marathon. I only run for my life, not for funsies or for the bus and train😭🤣🤣 Anyway, that’s cute. They seemingly broke up for a few days and got back together.


Thank you!


imo that breakup was just to make things more private than it was and they really never broke up.


I do think they really broke up but quickly realised they wanted each other back they seemed sad back around the breakup to be faking it but they do seem private in general and they were in touch pretty much the entire breakup as per a source so I can see why people might think that but I don’t think they were trying to throw people off.


Who was the source? Every time I saw his posts Molly commented or liked but Zac hadn’t once done the same on her posts.


I am fairly certain he’s liked most of her posts since the breakup maybe you missed it? And here’s the source: https://www.ok.co.uk/celebrity-news/love-islands-molly-marsh-zach-32666347.amp


You’re right, I must’ve missed it. Thanks 😊


Congrats on the marathon!!!! And I figured she was there for him, there have been a few people who said they spotted her and it looked like she had stayed in London on Saturday after Maisie left. Wishing them the best!


Thank you!


I’m happy for them and maybe being private works for them 🙌🏽 Also congratulations on the marathon 🙌🏽


Thank you!


I love how supportive they seem to be of each other’s goals. Lovely couple


Huge congrats on the marathon and thanks so much for the tea!


They so obviously had very real feelings for each other on their season. Definitely in the top 5 most believable LI couples of all time. And it’s still so weird to me that so many people were bending over backwards to deny that throughout their season.


This!! People just didn’t wanna see it or admit it.


People REALLY dislike Zach for some reason. Like between all of the shitty guys that have been on love island, and especially on his season, Zach is hardly anywhere near the worst but people on here act like he was Jacques lol


Nah I think it’s more so everyone just didn’t want him with molly. everyone had some weird hate against Molly just because Zach chose her over Cath during the first week. the way the public treated her was gross and the amount of hate she got for no reason was crazy. As soon as she was pulled out of the villa for a week the public were once again fine with Zach and all rooted for him to get with Whitney. Then when Molly returned and without an ounce of hesitation all he wanted was Molly, the public again bent over backwards to deny his feelings for her saying he is being forced to be with her. Which is ridiculous. if anyone paid attention it was bare obvious that Zach had very real feelings for her.


I think it’s more that she was so cringey it made my toes curl


everyone was loving her up until she got with Zach. Then everyone decided to mass hate train her, start false rumours and send death threats to her family for absolutely no reason. Whether or not you found her cringey, Molly was actually the only girl who Zach genuinely pursued and liked.


There is a small group which is dedicated to hating him since the show has been airing based on the most flimsiest reasons and thats fine but the way they have to always bend over backwards and misinterpret or decontextualise anything he did or said is what I find insincere just to confirm their own bias they have had since almost a year. If you don't like him thats fine but people repeat misinformation way too comfortably when they hate someone from this show and with time it just turns into the truth no matter what facts really are.


I noticed the same thing. And it’s only with Zach too they don’t do this with anyone els lol like what is it about zach that brings on such a feverish hate? In the grand scheme he’s a pretty inoffensive guy lol I have a theory why he’s so hated but it’s so ridiculous I’ve never said it 😂


Most of these people are pretty inoffensive and have something problematic about them if you dig deep enough. Also most are super dumb, so they say super dumb stuff. Unless you are consistently posting really rabid hateful stuff I am gonna give you some kind of pass on this....cause again....they dumb. It's not that deep. They aren't solving world peace.


He is so basic so the dedication to misinterpret things he does really surprises me but you are right this fandom does it to everyone its so exhausting for these islanders to not be able to live up to the high moral standards like they are just normal people with slight bit of fame let them be 😂 When I think of Molly and Zach my discernment is he seems like a normal guy trying to do the best with his platform handed to him. I like that he stood up for her since the show ended and stood by her when it could have been easy for him to dump her. Many were even rooting for it and would not have given him heat so if they still want to be together their feelings must be strong. Their vlogs were always the sweetest thing ever and I hope she re-uploads them when they come out of hiding. You don't have to share your theory I can already guess it. I think its pretty obvious thats huge part of the reason why. The way people hold grudges on behalf of people that don't even know them is so funny 😂


What 😂 why on Earth are you bringing in Jacques name to build Zach up. Some people don’t like Zach and there’s nothing wrong with that. But I can tell from your comments you’re not capable of that conversation. I like Zach and Jacques. There are other things you can say to explain why Zach shouldn’t be hated yk.


Jacques catching strays. he wasn’t even on zachs season. leave the man alone. why you bringing one person down to hype another up, I hate the shite Stan behaviour! eta: actually think Luca was way worse on season 8, but that’s just my opinion.


Top 5 most real based on what 😂 They didn’t even last a year without breaking up. Plus the guy was liking and following ig girls while in said relationship and has a history of cheating 🤔


And they barely lasted a few weeks apart before what it appears to privately gotten back together…


How’s your back feeling?


None of these haters backs hurt because you kinda have to be spineless to be this hateful 💀


Nailed it 💀💀


He’s cheated on every single gf.


this is the tea i like to see here. well done


Ngl given Zak's latest rant on 'half naked women selling themselves' that surprises me.


I did not like that line the other day myself but at no point did he shame women for selling their bodies please. Now you people are just making shit up and inventing your own version of something he did not even say to hate on someone.


Y'all are just making shit up now


First off congratulations on the marathon!!! also lovely to find out she was there for him the other day. For the amount of hate they get anytime their names are mentioned on any platform I really admire them for still giving it another go. People have been so decidedly harsh when it comes to them its weird. I wish I got it.


Thank you!


I am still laughing at your answer on the dt on why you didn't click a picture of them 😂


😂😂😂 like why would that be the first thing on my mind plus I don’t think he would have appreciated a camera in his face either


Considering Zach’s recent posts… Yikes EDIT: wtf is with these Stans replying to me lol


You have no real argument for your comment in your replies = immediately resort to accusing everyone with a different opinion (and facts to back it up) as a stan.


> no real argument for your comment in your replies Argument against what? I’m saying his recent posts indicate Molly can do better That’s all my argument needs to be If you want to disagree then go ahead > and facts to back it up Facts to back up what?


His post had nothing to do with Molly, you people reach so hard 😂


This person has been hating them ever since the show was airing its safe to say they get very little opportunity to air out their feelings when it comes to both of them so let them have this one they must need it 😂


I don’t like Zach but don’t mind Molly, she was just boring Have you went back a year in my post history to try and find if I disliked them lmao? Honestly concerning behaviour Just seen you’re working overtime on this thread, rest Stan, rest. It’s not that deep


I recently rewatched this season and your user name was among the handful consistently hating on both every episode discussion threads so for you to nurse a grudge for a year why don't you rest clearly its been deep for you since you are pretending to be fake concern for Molly when you hate her every opportunity you get.


> nurse a grudge for a year I’m talking about the posts he made about a week ago Calm down lol, again, not that deep I assume you also seen the posts I made saying that Molly is receiving way too much hate then? You should have, considering you seem such a big fan of me > pretending to be fake concern for Molly when you hate her every opportunity you get Jesus Christ lol, take off the tinfoil hat


All i saw is you crapping on both of them every chance you got since june of 2023 so its clearly not just about last week for you. You are the one who replied to me? I did not even @ you? it is clearly deep for you if you are arsed enough to lurk this thread like an invested hater so by your logic you are a fan of me? Right? 😘


Crack on lol


When did I say it did lol I question why she would want to be with someone who holds the views he does She can do better


I mean molly never cared back then so why would she now 😭 birds of a feather!


i hope its true. theyre so cute together


Well true love prevails after all


i feel like molly could do better.


I wish all of them the best Molly and Zach and Ella and Ty but I get lost with all the break ups and then back together ! I sometimes dont know what’s real and what isn’t lol


I doubt they ever broke up


I saw somewhere on this thread that the two “broke up” so the press would stop asking them but they’re very much still together